Hans Wilhelm Life Explained: How to END Reincarnation | CLEAR ALL KARMA + RELEASE ALL SOUL'S BURDENS

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effort and growth does not go together when we want to grow here on the spiritual path we must expect some discomfort it is important for our soul to experience pain and suffering that we may have given someone else in a previous or even in this lifetime whether you believe in reincarnation or not it doesn't matter the one thing is very clear is if you live by the Golden Rule if we are become loving love would come back to us but over time we have acted against this law of life and thus created what we call Karma or Soul burden Divinity gave us an opportunity to Incarnate for a very short time where there is still something unloving here which needs to be cleared up we can incarnate together and we can play out our act to purify our soul we are given continuously the opportunity to return to love clear our Karma all [Music] yeah welcome back to the inspired Evolution and we have with us again again Hans Wilhelm Hans welcome back to the show it's an honor and a pleasure to be with you again and speak with you so I'm really looking forward to some exciting exchange oh my God for those that are tuning in for the second time like you guys already know what you're in for the last episode with Hans was nothing short of incredible for those that are tuning into hands for the first time give me two secs I'll just quickly do the honors although it's very difficult to encapsulate what Hans brings to the conversation in a bit of a bio he is the author and illustrator of 200 books for all different sorts of Agents and he actually makes short videos online um how do I describe them they're on the spiritual laws of the universe they cover so much different ground it's all about spirituality and I think the thing that I love about the most is how simple they are to digest last time we were here I left hands with the term that it's a snackable snackable content and he loves that phrase but it really is like massive spiritual Concepts into these real bite-sized snackable Fun Size bars that you can you can digest in four to five minutes and at the heart of it Hans has been creating those videos for himself ultimately and then shared that on into the world for other people to be able to just share in Revel in as well and I think it speaks to just the Simplicity and the Elegance like one of my favorite quotes is if you can't explain it to a 10 year old you don't really know it and when I'm listening to hans's videos and I'm watching him it's like I they're just so digestible they're just so digestible so Hans thank you so much for what you create in the world and thank you so much for being here with us again thank you I wanted to dive straight in and we danced around around a lot of themes in our last conversation and for those that are tuning in part of me if I'm referencing that conversation but the conversation was quite deep so you will find me doing that time and time again in this episode hopefully you can follow along regardless um but the the thing in there that I wanted to sort of zoom out on and look at potentially fundamental Cornerstone if it is or if it isn't of how you may be perceiving life what does the school of life mean what does school of life mean to you and what is that the school of life I would call only our Earthly temporary little short visit that's that's the Amazing Earth school as I call it in one of my videos the school of life I think once we have really passed our education of getting back again to our the absolute reality there is no real schooling as such that it's just existing there it's just Bliss there is just co-creating and taking care of creation that is what what the spirit beings which you and I and everybody else has once been and then we left the spiritual the absolute reality and we have what the Bible calls the fall and now we are here to return back home again and for that we are given a short time here on planet Earth and I call it a school basically because it is here to purify our soil to make amends to heal our all the negativity that we have caused in past lifetimes and also throughout the Drone from down from the absolute reality to the temporary reality in which we are right now is this an answer you were looking for was it too far away no no it's it's perfect it's exactly what I was hoping that we could sort of understand and start to pick from because I think it gives us a bit of a Cornerstone to then sort of build or a foundation block to sort of build our Awareness on what life on here on Earth is about um and so when you're putting it in that terms We There are lessons to that are that are to be learned while we're here and you said negativity to be cleared up which I think is a um is an interesting perspective and we'll dive deeper into that where how do we know what we're here to learn and is it for us to know what we're here to learn or is it like for us to just go along and learn the lessons as we go the learning pieces where do they get installed how do they get determined and yeah how do we lean into that whenever we are made out of love so to speak of unconditional unlimited Selfless Love this is our true Essence we can also call it light ether but over time we have we have acted against this law of light and thus created what we call Karma or Soul burden we have burdened ourselves and it's to return back to the light like the prodigal Sun we have to undo these burdens and it happens in the purification spheres which are just outside of the absolute reality but it takes a long long time there the reason is that we are surrounded by The Law of Attraction by like-minded soul and when you are surrounded by 100 people who think like you talk like you and so on it you never hear any different viewpoints that's very difficult to progress and even make different choices so Divinity gave us an opportunity to Incarnate for a very short time thirty thousand days eight hundred thousand hours which is nothing to come here to planet Earth and be born in a physical body and planet Earth is different because planet Earth allows Souls from all different vibrations on different levels of consciousness to come together so when we are living here planet Earth your neighbor your aunt your uncle your colleague they're all different vibrations there are none of them are the same vibration they may be politically and religious on the same vibration by the church where you're going to but basically everybody has different viewpoints and different ideals and this is suddenly where we can learn a lot that's one reason the other reason is also that we are suddenly coming here together with Souls with whom we have to sort out still Karma either from their side or from our side where there is still something unloving here which it needs to be cleared up and we can't do this really in the purifications first because that soul may be on a different kind of vibration and we may never meet there but here on planet Earth we can incarnate together and we can play out our act to purify our our soul basically and undo by by undoing the karma by forgiving by loving and making amends yeah it's really interesting to hear you share that because a part of well part of me is not afraid of karma but a part of me I guess understands Karma to be something that I'm generating through my human life rather than something that I'm unwinding in my human life as you put it and there's a very different awareness perspective between those two perspectives it's a very different awareness between those two different perspectives um can you elaborate on that further because I think the general mainstream awareness of karma is actually that what is is the one that I've been harboring up until this point right which is we are accumulating Karma as we're alive um and you're offering life as an opportunity to well you're offering yeah you definitely can create more karma if we are selfish it's basically anything when we think speak act against the law of love we basically create a lower vibration which is Karma and that karma is stored in many places in our soul in our physical body in the genes as well as in the akashic record that surrounds the planet Earth in my by the way in my little videos I usually show very clearly how this works here uh the karma of somebody does something bad that it's stored in the akashic records and then and it is also stored in the planets of purification and here are the planets when they move to a certain way and come together or are they full they download that Karma back to us and that is daily energies so whenever we are today suddenly we get a phone call upsets us suddenly somebody says something bad suddenly somebody cuts us off in traffic suddenly we feel very low of energy these are we call a daily Learning Blocks which are coming to us and one after the other so we don't have to know whatever happened we are given continuously the opportunity to return to love and all these situations which we Face through our life some call it fate if it's a real heavy sound of thing but the Fate is nothing else in karma that we have once uploaded and just comes back to us because now we are ready to face it because now our soul is strong enough and ready all everything is set up wonderfully that we can now either make amends we can ask for forgiveness we can purify we can clarify we can clear our Karma so our day from morning to evening consists of building blocks of karma that is coming back to us strictly speaking we are living on our whole life is on a rewind all our karmas slowly rewinds and comes back to us so that we are here during that 30 000 days can clear up as much as possible bright is it just me and the risk of sound like a victim it sounds it feels difficult I would say um in a capitalistic Society to be always operating from Love now is that my own limitation is that my own perspective I definitely don't want to damn capitalism I think it's gotten some amazing things for human society as it is but I think also the fundamental tenet of consume consume consume is very different to love love love um yeah can you speak to that a little bit in terms of Europe I think capitalism like wealth like money like everything now it's neutral the question is how big is my attachment to it I can use a capitalistic way to sell my my goods my the roads are the the bread which I made today and use and get the cash back this is absolutely acceptable way but I can also misuse capitalism I can also be corrupt and hurt people so capitalism so capitalism and money and everything is basically neutral but the way how we use it for selfish or for for the well-being of all that is up to us and these choices we have we're in every kind of organizational Arabic kind of system um so we're starting to step a little bit and we've mentioned a few things now where the spiritual law of projection comes into play a little bit um even whether it's the models that we have to run our society um or even if it's in our relationships with each other um the spiritual projection and the fact that everything is a mirror in this school can you expand on the spiritual oral projection and yeah how everything is an opportunity for us to pick up um a lesson and it's projecting something back to us because you mentioned even the planets are doing this at a time for us if we really reflect and look back in yeah the outside world which we don't even know whether it exists quite strictly speaking I see you I see my computer Amy but the picture I see is actually transformed through my eyes and it's recreated in my head I don't see the outside word nobody sees the outside world we only see a picture that is recreated in our head somehow so that's that's the one thing which we can ask but basically the teaching is that he and the in the three-dimensional temporary word the outside world is nothing but our mirror it's a mirage and if we want to have like looking in a mirror if the pace looks at if you look Grim or depressed and so on if we want to cheer that person up with nobody else in ourselves we have to first smile and then the mirror image Smiles as well and the play and whenever we see people who are doing anything that gives us a emotional charge that is a mirroring effect something in us that is not yet loved so we as I said we get the phone call which upsets us we get a letter which gets our email it gets us upsets us anybody the noise from the neighbor upsets us whatever gives us a negative emotional charge is a clear message to our conscious subconscious and spirit conscious this is a moment and time to clear it up there's something in you which is more or less identical it is a law of projection I made a video on this one it sounds incredible um to say poorly but virtually everything that gives us upsets Us in the outside world is in us and I've struggled with it initially I says oh this can't be true it's so on and many ways of this look somebody a friend of mine was an alcoholic and so I really was annoyed with it because I was always afraid of something accidentally drunk so I said to myself I can handle I call I'm definitely one one of the few vices I don't have so why is that so and then after really going deeply inside was basically that his alcoholism made him very happy and Chelsea was the best friend everybody loved him when he was drunks you know and I was basically envious because he was the center of every party and I was with my German Grim kind of that was a very different kind of approach so I realized it was just making me aware that I should loosen up as well and not so so so an envious so this the problem was not in him the problem was totally in me it wasn't even and it wasn't even listen for him because he was dealing quite nicely with it it was just in my head and this applies to everything whenever we see somebody particularly in politics if we see some politician who does awful things how can he do this how she do this and so on ask ourselves what are they doing exactly what upsets me and find out three times where I did the very same thing and if we are really honest we have done the same thing we have lied We Have Cheated we have what other do politicians do there we pride whatever it is we have done all these things so they are just only an extreme mirror image of ourselves and so is everybody around us so it's a great gift to be here on planet Earth and be able to see all the mirrors around me it's intimidating on some level to think about the mirror being in absolutely everything and I love that that simple Mystic distillation that actually life seems to be happening outside of you but it's all being processed by your cortex it's you know it just and you're looking at it it's how do we know the balance between what to take as a sign and a trigger to work on and what is Just Happening in the background or would you say it's all a part of our internal subconscious or our internal process being reflected out in the world how do you run the the delineation between oh yeah that's let's just say that's just someone walking the baby or that is actually you know oh someone walking the baby oh that's right you know kids are on the way or something like that for someone so yeah how do you not make a story about everything else that there are no accidents everything is carefully orchestrated prayer prior our life and we've agreed to it and then incarnated for us for our nothing happens to us everything happens for us Byron Katie's famous words and so the situation if the situation gives you an emotional charge let's say a negative emotional charge that is not an accident it may look like an accident totally unsurprised but it is not it is this moment at the moment where we have the opportunity to clear it up the whole life here on Earth is self-recognition we have to recognize of who we are and where our weaknesses are our Tendencies are and where we are sort of still not acting as much as possible from the level of love and it's a long way I'm stood I like to mention at this instant here because I talk about anybody have the impression that I in any way have achieved all these things and I'm talking into this because these are lessons given to us for 50 years through Gabriella a woman in Germany whom nobody can you can't find it on the internet but her books are out and her books are the ones which are the basis of my understanding I've walked on many different paths before as I've mentioned in my previous interview but for the last 40 years I really stuck to this one because it is the clearest and the most direct part I've ever found and the beauty of it of course is that you don't have to join anything you don't have to pay anything it is a total free one the path is between you and God and nobody else so it's no institution and there are no teachers and that's why I say that because I'm not a teacher I'm a student as you mentioned earlier as well I'm a student and I share what I discovered largely out of my own excitement because I also found that what I read and what I tried out works and has changed my life that is my Criterion whether or not it's right no other people may have different experiences but my experience has been just amazing since I discovered this path so clear so easy to understand and if you see my videos and you have done it then of course you is God is simple as this Divine simplicity and it's just a simple way God has no secrets from his children only religions do that oh you have to study this and study this and then we got here no God is in you and whatever you need to hear and everything to immediately directly connected the kingdom of God is in us so everything we need to know is in us the essence of everything of everyone every human being every animal in any plant is in us so we do have the connection to the outside world even through this simple kind of fact how did you come across Gabrielle's work oh I was dragged to an evening by by a friend of mine and it says oh this is interesting and then they went to air over bigger than and I stuck with it because as I said I had all these paths before at Edgar Casey would have started to have some Miracles and so on but none of them made me stay longer and because some of them are too difficult uh some are too complicated some of them I didn't agree with and suddenly I found this path where all these things which I found valuable came together in a very clear direct language there's no you there is no misinterpretation possible because the words are very straightforward you think there is religion is in place presented as an opportunity for an individual to connect to God what I'm hearing from you is religion is also inserting itself between the individual and God why do you think religion attempts to insert itself between the individual and God is it to attempt to forge a connection and then man muddles it up uh yeah your thoughts on yeah well I made a video on this quote the religions dilemma basically it says originally all the wise people there were people who could communicate with God directly in all cultures but then someone else took over and be in charge and so on so this when the priests came when the rabbis come and so on and they the energy and the connection which we everybody had with God suddenly had to go via the priest and via the rabbi and Via and everybody else so the institution because it was nothing else in a power play it's not either the power was handed from God over to the people who interpreted the word of God so you could no longer listen to God because you had to ask your priest what happens before birth and what happens after I die and most priests in our Christians should have no idea on that one but um that's why they put themselves in these are power construction they're money making structures all of them and they are totally uh masculine and really put down the women I I have a video occurs who runs this world and it shows how purposely the male of the first centuries have taken over and pushed the woman aside and I'll create an amazing imbalance and I understand that some people go to church find Comfort their company and their loneliness I'm not knocking it down but always think no that God is in you and it's not with the priest and it's not with a rabbi with anybody else who thinks he is The Interpreter of God point to reflect on the fact that it's so male oriented and driven in many instances touchwood there are a few faces that aren't that way um but most of yeah there's well there's a lot of that do you think that's why people are starting to now as there is more of a I would say this Awakening that we're a part of now is more feminine in its nature I'm not sure if you would agree maybe you can speak to that if you do if you don't um and then also do you think that is why um spirituality is somewhat being uncoupled from religion once again and people are finding themselves to be spiritual but not necessarily religious yeah because a religion very often don't have as I mentioned earlier the Christian religion if you read the Bible and if you go to church Catholic Lutheran or whatever you will find out that they have very vague definition of where we come from and where we are going they are not clear on that one because they have taken out purposely the teaching of reincarnation which Christ taught enough a video on that one so you take out reincarnation and suddenly you just are not getting the right answers spirituality usually includes reincarnation and suddenly everything makes sense why your neighbor is Rich or poor why you have got this problem why someone else is sick somebody else is healthy everything is suddenly explained through reincarnation but you don't fight this in the Christian teaching in the Muslim teaching and in many of the Jewish teaching either of course there are some of course that the Jewish believes Hebrew believes include Korean Carnation but most of them the more popular ones don't so therefore many people are lost with these important answers why am I here what I have to do and where I'm going and many spiritual paths give a better answer to that unheating if we've got the like what is the ultimate what is the ultimate intention to stop reincarnating um so that yeah okay cool that was an interesting Insight um and so then why do we keep doing it but intentions let's do it at the beginning when you said well I make the decision some are good or some are bad when we really um create a new Karma negative comma then we of course do not use this time productively and can become more burdened than we were prior our lives so each time we load ourselves with negative with selfishness or unloving thoughts words and actions and that of course has an effect now the idea is not to reincarnate over and over again the real idea is only maybe once maybe twice but many of us a hundred times a thousand times we have been here some sorts are so attached to the human life that they intentionally come and incarnate again but the idea is also here for we have to be aware that because of the Earth changes which are now coming at more and more the world will be have very difficult times many stores realize that this is an amazing time of purification of their soul because we don't we do need these intense lessons to purify our souls so they try to implement that's why we have this incredible increase on population number I've got a video on that one why the increase of population we were 1.5 billion at the beginning of last century and suddenly we're on 8 billion inhabitants the reason is because all these souls are realized this is a very unique time I want to be here when the Earth is going into another dimension right so there's an incredible opportunity at this particular point in time is what you're saying for us to purify our Karma specifically um and also like hence purify our soul is that have I said have I gathered it correctly absolutely yeah yeah because here is the opportunity to come together with all these swords which whom I still have karmic connections I can't as I said earlier they do that in the spirit in the purification sphere so this is a unique opportunity and everybody who is here has agreed to it now a lot of people don't want their life they want to end their life but everybody has made a decision to Incarnate nobody is forced here against their will to come here to planet Earth and prior our arrival we are shown more or less what we made might expect what karmic lessons we may have to learn loving giving overcoming things so we know there will be difficult challenging times prior birth and we have agreed to it and right now we are here but the veil of forgetfulness doesn't allow us to remember these promises and these insights and neither will we remember our previous lifetimes that is just by the law of Grace in action because if we would remember our past lifetimes and all the horrible stuff we have done there we couldn't act today we would be so intimidated by our own wrongdoing but therefore it's a blessing that we don't remember all our negative things we have done in the past because I wasn't missions today was about remembrance because a lot of your work is uh yeah it invites us to remember um who we are and where we come from and I love that you've distilled directional you know there's it's intentional that you don't remember so much because then you can actually take action execute but doesn't there in lie some or is that part of the school and the in the education process and potentially the Purity or the purifying of the Soul because if you don't know that you're being tested for a large part of your life until you start to come into spiritual awareness and then you start to live a more I don't want to maybe Pious life or more aligned or a life built more around love let's call it that um yeah does it really demonstrate your true intentions and events you can be I don't know assessed assessed is a weird word um on that do you get where I'm going with my line of questioning or am I completely off the market I mean where do we everybody comes from a culture whether it's one major law it's the Golden Rule do unto others as you want them to unto you unto not unto others what you don't want them do to you that Golden Rule is in every culture everybody grows up that is basically our our our how to survive kind of rule here on Earth and we all know that and we also know that it works we have had enough opportunities to find that out for ourselves so we can waste our time become very egoistic and selfish and ignore that rule and hurt everybody because we only live once so I get the biggest piece of the pie and that's okay but we will learn from that eventually and everybody will learn in their own time and everybody will return back to the absolute reality whenever they are ready so there is no real pushing because everybody has their own timetable and everybody has their own lessons some people must make many more mistakes before they turn around it's the same story with an alcoholic I mean you can if I'm drinks too much you can say look stop it it's not good but sometimes the person has to go really rock bottomed before he says no longer and now I turn around and will no longer drink so the hitting rock bottom may be important for some sorts it may happen in this lifetime and next lifetime but eventually there will be the turnaround eventually the prodigal son will remember to come home and will be embraced by the father when he returns home frequency around well a massive link to cross-consciousness and forgiveness and mercy and as you're talking about the opportunity that is you know the population growth and the amount of souls that are here now is that somewhat connected to those two things somewhat connected because there is such a predominance of the Christian face faith on the planet at the moment and you said it's an opportunity for souls to be purified while they're here and that's why so many cells are listening to be here does that have something to do with um the mercy and the Forgiveness of Christ affords us where everything is Mercy just the fact that you and I could incarnate here on planet Earth is Mercy the fact that if we repent our wrongdoing um are forgiven our soul our karma is taken away and we make amends and no longer do the negativity everything is based on mercy and love I mean the whole existence is Mercy and love and but we may not see it that way because we focus too much on the negativity but the negativity is our challenge like in the school of of life that is when you go to a college to an Ivy League College they are very tough very difficult but they're more difficult they are the more we grow so comfort and growth does not go together when we want to grow here on the spiritual path we must expect some discomfort it is important for our soul to experience the pain and suffering that we may have given someone else in a previous or even in this lifetime it only comes back to us everything comes back to us I'm trying to think about how to weave in the next question whilst trying to keep it concise the the Golden Rule you mentioned a little bit earlier that do unto others as we do unto ourselves opened up this whole um question around there are some people that are perceivably going belligerently against that there are some rulers dictators that do not seem to have everyone's best interests at heart they're on their own spiritual journey then is what I'm hearing from you um but uh they aware before they come in the amount of karma that they're going to induce because of that and are they is some part of their soul actually okay taking that on like yeah that seems really hard to reconcile for the average person um yeah yeah I would say they they do create a negative Karma they may be aware of it or not prior the Incarnation I don't know but there are two things important for us to realize firstly is whatever person like Hitler Mussolini or any other of these extreme guys who did in their view they were doing the right thing now not in the spiritual sense not the not in the love sense not on the growth of the planet but in their view they were convinced that going this way was exactly the right thing so everybody who does something negative thinks they are doing the right thing and that's very difficult of course for that soul to realize well this probably was against the law of love it was not for the well-being everybody else so they sometimes have to come back and experience the pain themselves on their body I think that's very important to realize when we see somebody who does awful stuff in their perspective they're doing the right thing they may do just for themselves for power hungry whatever a book or they have a political agenda whatever it may be but they in and this implies also to everybody else around us every brother every sister every colleague and so on at that moment everybody is doing the best they can and this also applies to ourselves when we for instance five years ago hit our brother and sister do something awful we at that time did the best we could because at that time we didn't had the spiritual awareness that our negative action would have such consequences we all do our best at any given time because we may be weak we may be tempted whatever the reason is but we all do our best and when we understand that then it's also much easier to forgive ourselves not to do it again but to understand I simply wasn't stronger enough I simply didn't see that the connection here I didn't see the overall you I didn't know what how it affected other people and because we grow the mistakes we did in the past like slavery and so on are no longer at the moment of interest in our society here so if slavery at one time here in America was an absolutely accepted thing everybody did it everybody thought it was okay most people should say there are exceptions the slaves really didn't think so but white people thought that was okay because the Bible said very clearly that all the fathers of the Bible had said so therefore we can have slaves as well they Justified it very clearly the same way as South Africa Justified the apartheid because of this the Bible so they definitely thought they were doing the right thing at that time later on when they growed and when they matured and when Society matured we realized this was not a good thing so Our intention doesn't necessarily absolve us of our Karma because as we're or does it because as we're as we're kids and we you know hit each other um Our intention it's the best we know and what we it's the best we know uh we're doing the best we can with what we know is what we've just gathered um and yet if we are doing the best we can with what we know um we do run the slippery risk of not being not necessarily operating from love still and that can still accumulate negative Karma and the reason I ask that question is because I think a lot of people feel well if my intentions are good then God knows and therefore you know my karmic slate is somewhat clean um but if your actions don't necessarily reconcile with love or Mercy is that kind of what I'm gathering that potentially you are still accumulating Karma despite your intentions yeah the attentions can be too legalistic I wanted something you I wanted more money than you that was my egoistic intention so if it's if it comes from the ego that intention surely is not helpful but if our attention comes from our higher being and so and then surely it's a very different kind of reaction the intention of everything about what we do is probably the most important point but if you go and feel somebody in in war somebody tells you you have to do that you don't want to do it but you are a soldier and you have no options so you kill somebody that's very different then you go home and sort of poison your grandmother consciously so there is there's a difference the intention is the point which where everything decides on but Our intention can also be very selfish yeah we have to see that it comes some love for the well-being of all from our Selfless Love should be our attention intention be but we haven't been there from the beginning years ago we all have done major mistakes so it's that I I believe instead of running around too guilty and so I'm no good no good no it doesn't let's face it this is where I was right now I have got the strengths and understanding that this is not good and I ask for forgiveness from those who have hurt I try to make amends to where I can and of course I Repent these mistakes the repentance is very important in this process of self-recognition because it's an energy and that energy goes into our body when we repent that we have hurt somebody and understand it and we take on this hurt that we have given someone else this is loaded in our soul and this is also eventually helps us in a renewable reincarnation and it becomes a memory it says don't do this again you have done it previously and suddenly we were no longer doing it so that repenting is a very helpful tool for later acting no longer against the law of love the repentance allows you to almost encode it into your into your felt sense into your DNA into your body so that you have that felt sense awareness to not act out in that way again which is yeah supportive repentance yeah the idea that um there are moments throughout our day where things are popping in and their signs from the universe that we're on the right path or on the wrong path synchronicity's hands where do they come from what are they about your awareness on synchronicities uh I haven't proven it much thought and I don't want to Waffle here yeah everything is carefully orchestrated and even if we suddenly have these inside sources oh I've done this before and then suddenly I got this offer money and I don't do and need money to pay somewhere yes there's synchronicity that can help us and can guide us through um it probably depends on each case but I think I'll leave it there synchronicity is like everything else there is no coincidence it's not an accident if there is synchronicity in our life and we discovered it it has a purpose so I can only say that and you mentioned for a few times in your videos I've obviously watched you before but you've done a few interviews where you've mentioned before but not um described it I imagine it's a little bit to explain and maybe difficult without visual aids but could you try for those that are listening in what is the fall that you refer to um yeah what is it for at the beginning of creation um that we were all Spirit perfect spirit being in the image of God so to speak and which is basically also living by the will of God which is love loving being and that was part of the ever extending infinity or creation of God so we were sort of um Spirit beings who helped in the taking care of service the lower life forms and trying to also to help in every way and to make this whole creation more lovable or nicer this was our natural being it's the will of Lord but there was some souls and it is a little it's a um sorry of course we we speak about satana who later became Satan who just for for some reason which I don't want to go in here because it's it's a story you can see it on my video about the fall and who then thought no I want to create my own creation I wanted to be not I wanted to be omnipresent like God is omnipresent and therefore I need omnibalism she had a lot of followers and there are near billions of billions of Souls and she left the original absolute reality to create her own creation and to do that the deal was to undo God's creation and then out of when it was all to the lowest uh substance then create a new creation and I say this because we here on the temporary reality have a lot of Destruction and everything we see destruction whether we look at the picture of Ukraine and so on these are all negative forces created a destruction there is no destruction in the absolute reality there's only in slow evolving but not a destruction like we have here we have here the it's a world of contrast the world of time and space and the world of course in effect that is here the temporary reality so we see a lot of Destruction and the destruction is often initiated by negative forces which are souls which have fallen so low that they need the energy from us and other negativity we call it Loose energy to to live to substitute to have a sustenance so all these destructive things which happen on our planet are actually very often initiated are guided and forced by negative forces which are sold from the astral worlds it's a very complicated it's a very big picture which I'm drawing there and yeah no it's I've got videos on virtually all of these subjects if you look at them and they are going when I Illustrated when you see them visually they make more sense but whether you believe in reincarnation or not it doesn't matter the one thing is very clear is if you live by the Golden Rule if we are become loving love will come back to us I think it's really awesome we speak about positive Karma some people call it positive every good good thing I do not see positive Karma the moment I'm doing something loving I'm honest and Truth to myself is that because I am basically love so basically I'm radiating who I truly am and that of course like attracts like brings other positive stuff back into my life so I do not believe in positive Karma I believe when I do something loving or think loving or act loving or speak loving then I raise my vibration to a much different kind of vibration and then on the same frequency like attracts like a law of attraction it the things which I need or have to see or hear come to me you've also referenced some of your videos that there are positive beings that are here to support us allies um guides that we're connected to um oh I want to say most of us that's a massive assumption Hamrick but most of us may not know how to connect or even know that these guides are around can you describe these beings these guides and potentially how we may be able to connect with them or are we always connected yeah please um questions for you no this is my understanding that we all have a guardian Spirit at least one sum of two who are usually with us most of the time that are really connected to us and whenever we are in a situation where we need this help or guidance where immediately there to guide us through our intuition through our solar plexus through feelings guiding so just don't do this don't go there or do this Etc so they're very subtle we have to really be very careful they do not speak with words to us but they do speak with vibrations in my video Spirit Guardian Spirits you can see how this works so we all have this inner guidance of somebody who is by our side who helps us in difficult situations they are not telling us what to do they only say this is not good this is not really why you came to this planet Earth I would not do this but it's up to it's your choice nobody has the right to interfere with anybody's Free Will neither do these Angelic beings they cannot do this God does not interfere with our free will um and so neither do the Angels so that is of course our Guardian Spirit then of course there are other Angelic beings in in many forms and most importantly for me is Christ who is also present in us because as I said earlier the kingdom of God is in us and then there is also the god energy and in us as well so I personally would rather connect with Christ or God I go right to the top always why goes to someone else when you can communicate with the top and and whatever bothers me I can discuss it with them and find the answer which I usually that come very calmly in a way that I yeah that I can act upon it so we are never ever alone this is I think the key element so loneliness is unfortunately everywhere but probably the biggest problem of people but we are never alone unfortunately the the Spirit guides can't do much to really shake us awake and says look at this life does that when we have a blow of Faith sometimes say boom well suddenly we lose our job our partner gets very sick that's a wake-up call that is self-created from our karma coming back to us that does not come from our Guardian Spirit but the guardian spirit is there in case there is an accident a car coming too close to us and it's not our time to leave they can sometimes intervene here because our life is not supposed to end at this moment and they also can guide us to uh like with with the inspiration uh in which we do get the feelings The Sensation that we get in certain situations yeah in and around all of that you shared about the school of um the other life school today how much of it is then pre-ordered the lessons that we come we kind of know that we're coming to sign up for all of this and we've got allies and we've got potential distractions along the way but they're all informing us about our path um and here to enrich us fundamentally and help us our soul on its journey and hopefully we're clearing Karma rather than accumulating more um but how much of um I guess the question is your awareness of how much of it is fate and how much of it is free will it's both it's both and it's done totally by us everything that happens uh to us for us is created by us as said earlier it's karma coming back to us that is our free the karma we have created out of Free Will misuse the Free Will against love and it eventually comes back to us so the situation I find myself in is totally self-created I am never a victim which is very difficult for people to believe in anybody who questions that may want to watch my video that we are know about victimhood we are never really a victim now it looks like a victim you understand if a person is beaten by someone else and our but it's important for us is not to judge the situation from Victor about our interactions when we see somebody having being misused abused by another person is is pure love help and assistance if we can in whatever fashion we are not here to judge in any form but the situation is know a coincident it is sometimes a turnaround of actors somebody who has hurt the other person just suddenly turns around there are many reasons why suddenly a person finds himself or herself in a what we call victimized kind of position but in truth the victim right does not it can also be which is also interesting that is so purposely incarnates in a very difficult environment so it can so it can learn and grow certain qualities like compassion like understanding by being forced by a negative people I can develop things which I cannot develop when I'm totally surrounded by loving and loving Souls so we sometimes put ourselves into difficult situations so that we can become more compassionate and more loving but in no cases ever a victimhood it does not mean to stop it or to remove ourselves from the situation when we are so and to find any form of healing and then you have to stop it but it is a very different thing we cannot run around and sit on our self-pity party all the time because it is self-pity is one of the biggest uh destructive forces we can do on ourselves we can run we can get ourselves totally spiral ourselves down into a very negative for me kind of attitude and it's tough to get out of that one um it's a almost like a a trap and uh yeah like you said very difficult to get out of it once it's almost like the energy of it feeds itself um I've noticed yeah yeah yeah for those that potentially are stuck there I often lean in on gratitude as a bit of an antidote and I know in our last episode we talked a little bit about quite a bit about this but yeah um is that your favorite antidote for victimhood as well or what would you suggest gratitude is the the best and easiest tool for everything I mean that's a victim I mean the moment I feel a little bit lousy a little bit lower it doesn't need to be a victim what I said thank God I do have a computer thank God I do have a share and thank God whatever I have a partner whatever all the what all the things we can count suddenly of all these things because there are million people who have nothing think about the the migrants who have got millions of my groups are walking around this planet they have absolutely nothing and here I've sit around total abundance and I I must give it credit and appreciate it and I must learn to the moment we put ourselves into a grateful state of mind everything shifts in our vibration and that's why you are right when we are in self-pity if we find Five Points here why we should be grateful for it or as Byron Katie would say find Five Points why the situation you were in right now actually serves you this is virtually everything serves us in a way every situation is there to serve us and when we see that not from a victim mind but for some somebody who has been given an amazing opportunity to grow it may be a different kind of attitude we can create in ourselves and to solve the situation yeah fine it's such an incredible gift I created a little meditation on YouTube for gratitude and it's you know three things you're grateful for about your day three things you're grateful for about your work three things you're grateful for about yourself and three people because I remember the last time we discussed this you said be grateful for the people around you it's really really a unique gift and so created that meditation goes for like seven minutes but you walk in and you walk out completely different people I find everything will die it's like someone else comes to sit on the yoga mat and someone else leaves and that it's just like it's just completely different person every time um oh Hans I want to extend my gratitude to you but before I do that um for those that want to feel into more around what you're saying I will put a link to each of the videos that have brought up in chronological order into the show notes below because we have pulled at the threads of things but there's a whole videos that you've created which again snackable wisdom like you know super insightful yet super digestible um and for those that are curious to check out more around Hans those videos are in the show notes below if you're listening to this now um what's the best way for people to explore more would you recommend them checking out the YouTube channel is that the is it okay on what I didn't hear it can you find out more about you if they're enjoying this conversation no no but if they want to they're welcome to go to my website of Life experience.com or on my video channel on the Huntsville and where all these videos are and they're all for free there's nothing you could join ever and or you also go to the publisher in the on my website life explain.com I have a special page on book recommendations these are all the books I use for my videos so you go on the book recommendation page and you see all the books which I've used which are not my book these are books by Gabriela and if you're interested you click on it and you can read up whether this is right for you or not so it's all there it's all available I just offer these opportunities for people to explore it themselves and it's all them it's and I'm happy to share that and anybody who has got any questions can send an email to me on my website as well so I can I'll usually when I've got the time I answered and that's it but the answers we are looking for are all in us and this is what the path is it teaches us to rely on our inner guidance Hans thank you so much again for continuously helping us remember and bringing us back to our inner guidance again and again and again it is like every time I have these conversations with you I'm reminded that The Human Experience is like a two-sided coin and that most the time we spend looking at one side of the coin and there is a whole nother reality that's completely happening at the same time there's a whole spiritual Dimension mystical Dimension that is in effect and is actually you know a big part of um yeah the light I would say in some ways you know and we're sort of kept in the dark and we're kept in the dark for reasons that you've shared here today and you know it's for a positive reason as well ultimately uh or for a reason ultimately and yeah it just the clarity that I leave our conversations with is is profound so I just yeah thank you so much Hans thank you I'm rich and thank you for your wonderful questions and best wishes to all your listeners and I think the only way love is the only way forward inspired Evolution tribe and audience you have listened all the way through to the end of another episode look at how inspired you are to evolve wow it is super humbling to receive your presence in this way and on behalf of Hans and myself we are wishing you all the best always and yeah just it is our honor to be walking you by your side home oh thank you so much for watching this video all the way to its end obviously you absolutely love this podcast and I want to thank you so much for watching this all the way through here is another video that's perfectly curated just for you to watch as the next best video to keep your inspiration flowing to keep you evolving to keep you check it out
Channel: Amrit Sandhu 🙏🏻
Views: 85,944
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Keywords: reincarnation, spirituality, law of attraction, purpose of life, deepak chopra, spiritual laws, spirit guide, a course in miracles, law of attraction solutions, spiritual awakening movies, spiritual awakening documentary, spiritual awakening signs, spiritual awakening, spiritual awakening stages, spirit guide sleep meditation
Id: x1bn857dRlA
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Length: 55min 36sec (3336 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2023
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