⚡️ NATO Will Secure The Western Ukraine⚠️ Niu-York Is About To Fall. Military Summary For 2024.07.10

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hello my dear friends you're in the military of Summer Channel and this short video we're going to discuss the most important events that took place during the previous night of the local time we have a lots of very interesting updates so let's start and first we're going to talk about the United States of America about Washington White House announced this Thursday the meeting between the president of United States of America Joe Biden and president of Ukraine zansi obviously these two persons will talk about Ukraine about conflict with Russia and about ways and the steps how the Western countries and the NATO countries can reinforce and increase the power of Ukraine and according to information we have the native countries have already agreed to support and to provide additional Patriot systems additional air defense systems to Ukraine with a purpose to create a nfly Zone over wol and over the western part of Ukraine so this is very important step because obviously the Western countries needs to improve their logistic they need to send 16s on the territory of Ukraine but currently they can't do this because the Russians are bombing the territory of Ukraine nonstop with un further more without any resistance from the Ukrainian side so once again the United countries first of all wants to create no fly zone for uh the possibility to redeploy f16s to the western part of Ukraine the second thing the Western count and NATO countries wants to move production of weapon and munition to the western part of Ukraine and obviously if uh n countries ever wants to be sure that at least half of Ukraine should stay in NATO and and the European Union protection NATO protection they need to start be doing these small Steps From the western part of Ukraine towards Neo River and maybe even further in the Eastern Direction and as for the Russians today for example we got additional updates about fire anomalies and results of Russian strikes uh we got at least four or even more geolocations confirming lots of fire anomalies in the Central and the southern part of Ukraine this is the first fire anomaly in palava area this is the second one a little bit to the South few more fire anomalies were spotted in the vicinity of Nicol in the vicinity of nikol Airfield in this for example photo we can see the difference before and after the Russian missile strike and the sources reported that the Russians managed to destroy air defense system but we still haven't receiv any gations or video confirming this just some uh changes on the satellite image in this for example short video we can see the difference between a Russian attack and after in some industrial Zone in the city by the name of nepro so we see that ukrainians have no air defense Ukraine has no air defense at all or those air defense systems they have is not enough to cover and protect the entire territory and now the main talks and the main discussions during the NATO Summit is not the talks about about joining NATO or European Union but first of all of course to send as many as possible air defense systems that NATO countries have as for the Russians we got also very interesting report uh that today according to information we have the prime minister of India Modi arrived with a um let's say visit to Russia they had a very interesting conversation with Putin and according to official information we have uh the it is becoming increasingly ult for Washington to isolate Vladimir Putin was written by blumberg while NATO leaders gathers in the US capital in the hope of presenting an United from against Russia Indian Prime Minister narenda Modi hugs Putin in Moscow we have already received some reaction from the United States of America they for example they are very upset with this meeting us criticize India and is concerned about strengthening the its ties with Russia so this is of course official statement official information uh but I decided to use this piece of news today in this update because for example some sources who says that they are very related to the situation of between Russia and India relations reported that the main purpose why Modi arrived in Russia to start negotiation with Russian is that the things that India can't pay Russia for oil they bought during since the beginning of the special military operation according to information we have India is the biggest buyer of Russian oil and Russian let's say things and products of oil production and due to the sanctions and due to the difficulties India can't pay Russia because United States of America warned India that if they pay they're going to get sanctions they're going to get under the sanctions list as well so the thing is that India buys Russia oil for very very low price So currently India's deaths deps is around 40 billion 40 billions but if India were buying Russian oil according to the real prices let's say that Western countes are selling oil to each other India would have a depth of around 140 billions so of course this is a very good situation for India to grow to get better situation conditions so of course this is the reason myi arrived to Moscow to ask Putin not to stop the deal that India will find the solution how to pay Moscow uh its money and because Putin also say that he sell oil for a very low price but he doesn't get anything from India so this is according to some sources who are very related to the situation is the main reason why Modi arrived in Russia just to discuss and to ask Putin not to stop Russia to sell oil for very low price to India itself now let's move to the situation on the ground we have lots of very interesting updates and first we're going to talk about har Direction the Russians reported that during the previous 24 hours for the first time since the battle for lip sea and this area deanans used a drone swarm tactics the Russians are saying that during the previous few days the ukrainians used the biggest number of drones ever in this direction and probably these tactics gave some results to ukrainians because as you if you remember the ukrainians managed to at least improve and to restore control over around 40% of the village of GL B and furthermore the ukrainians establish complete fire and fpv drone control over the main Supply RADS that goes to the same Village so let's wait for additional updates now let's move to volchansk direction we have additional changes on the map as you can see the Ukrainian sources published the video more precisely the forces of 82nd Brigade of armed forces of Ukraine published the video of how they were fpv droning the Russians in this part of V Chans and based on this video we have adjusted the map and return this territory under complete Russian control if you remember a few weeks ago there were posts from different neutral mappers about Ukraine control over this territory but as you can see this stat information didn't find its confirmation on the ground and with G locations now let's talk about probably the most important updates about the situation along W River to the south of ofans aggregating plant more and more sources more and more pro-russian sources confirm information that the Russians did manage to cross V River and that the Russians are trying to dig in deeper in this part of vchan of course this is one of the most important update one of the most important piece of news of course we need more details more gations and more information for more reliable sources about the changes on the map but once again if this information is correct we see that the Russians are trying to change the game in of Chans and while the ukrainians were trying to Counterattack the Russians in this area in the northern part or to unblock their the main Supply Road the Russians managed to conduct a very successful probably unexpected operation and now are trying to expand their positions in the southern part of of Chans on the other hand the Russians also published another video of how the of results of conducting operation of the results of reconnaissance operation along wer River uh in The Villages like Bova uh aov Zina and the this video for example we can see that the Russians managed to discover another engineering equipment along W river that ukrainians were trying to use to create a bridge and as a result of L strike that um vehicle was destroyed so we see the crans continue building or attempts to build Bridges with the purpose to concentrate more forces on the Russian side of V River now let's move further in kopin's direction we have additional updates from sinova pav of area the Russians as a result of offensive operation managed to improve their positions according to Pro Ukrainian mappers yet we haven't received any details or videos or gations confirming neither this progress of Armed Force of Russian Federation nor of this but summarizing everything we see that the Russians are in a active offensive operation with the purpose to get as close as possible to Petra pavlovka as for Pana the Russian sources reported that there is a real operational crisis in among the Ukrainian soldiers and forces we have reports that some Ukrainian soldiers have and forces uh and units have already abandoned their positions in panovka and moved in direction of vull river we don't know for sure about brigades what brigades decided to do this or how many forces have left their positions and move to as don't know yet but most likely if it's true if this information is correct that means that the Russians and the Minister of Defense of Russian Federation sooner or later will confirm Russian control over this territory or additional control now let's move to chavar direction we haven't received almost anything from this area the clashes there are very heavy clashes the Russians conducting reconnaissance operation the central part trying to get as many as possible uh liquid targets and to destroy them very interesting details and reports are coming from New York today we got report that Russians managed to significantly improve their positions inside of Petrova Gora at least this information was confirmed by Pro Ukrainian mappers deep State we don't know for sure whether the Russians managed to do this and where exactly the real Russian positions but obviously we see that the progress of the Armed Force Russian Federation is significant and the clashes are taking place for petora and the most important is that the Russians almost without any resistance managed to establish complete control over high-rise area of the small block which is very important now let's move further in the western ofd direction we have some changes underground according to Pro Ukrainian mappers the Russians managed to improve their positions further in direction of wolsh and basically to cut main Supply the main Supply road that ukrainians were using to support the rest of the garone inside of yka with vcha as for Nas of Capa there are very heavy clashes mainly for the main stronghold that located in the North northeastern part of the town uh the Russians still haven't managed to establish complete control over this territory but it's just a matter of time now let's talk about carova today we got the first CH locations and first video confirmations of how the Russians established complete control over the main Supply RADS that Ukraine is still use to support their forces in the northern caravas so just on this video we can see the uh this small pass the small pass between what V and car ofka reserver this is the territory and the video shown the fly of the Russian drone and how the Russians were attacking the vehicles positions of ukrainians in this territory so of course due to this complete control of the main Supply roads it's also just a matter of time when the ukrainians will decide to B better their positions from this area as well so let's wait few more days and this battle will be finished obviously as for the South Dan direction as we discussed in the previous ofd days the Russians managed to physically C the r524 currently just with the forces of sabotage groups and during the previous few days the Russians conducted another massive attack a massive assault attempt with significant number of armored vehicles and tanks the video was published by the 79 Brigade and according to this video the Russians suffer significant loss at least among the uh material part among the assets we don't have let's say videos of how the canans were destroying Russian infantry just armed vehicles that most lik was abandoned during that attack so a lots of destroyed vehicles and according to geolocations according to the coordinates we can make a conclusion that the Russians were trying to attack the uh eastern part of Constantino with the purpose to answer this territory and to establish more or less reliable foothold in the borders of the Town itself so this is the first defense belt and if the Russians are able to capture then it's going to be the beginning uh of the battle for the main logistic Hub and after after the battle for Constantin everything should become a little bit faster than it is right now as for hon direction as for zapari we haven't received anything and another important update that I would like to discuss with to finish the video is the information that we got from Saudi Arabia Saudis warn G7 against Russia's seizure with death cell threat this is very important information because we see that regarding the fact that the Western countries in the European Union are trying to isolate Russia they can't do this because there are too many countries too many people who has common interests with Russia we have India we have China we have Saudi Arabia we have a lots of countries and we see that all these problems that Western countries in European Union Tred to create Russia makes all these countries to unite and to fight and to stand all together and that's it for the short video military summary Channel reminds we condemn any violence in the world thank you for your watching subscribe to my channel put your likes sh my patreon and have a good day bye-bye
Channel: Military Summary
Views: 121,892
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Keywords: war, war in ukraine, war in ukraine 2023, military map, map, map summary, map analysis, military map analysis, civil war, ukraine vs russia, russian war, conflict, war conflict, analysis map military, military summary, Bakhmut, Avdiivka, Uhledar, Vuhledar, Marinka
Id: RovgNH5UpMI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 10 2024
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