Kryon Challenges Lightworkers to Use More Advanced Forms of Communication With Spirit

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greetings dear ones i'm crime of magnetic service [Music] again my partner steps aside and it feels like that to him and he's gotten used to it but he's not going to get used to what i'm going to do tonight i'm going to use him as an example a premise that we're going to talk about regarding the human being's ability to talk to themselves in a way that is not linear and so i want you to clear your minds as we begin this particular channeling and as i look at you for a moment in a way you don't expect there was a time i didn't think this might happen that sounds funny coming from the other side of the veil is it not all of those lifetimes that you've lived and all that you've been through all the things that you've suffered from at the last possible moment in this lifetime it gets turned around [Music] i think we've said this before this was a surprise a surprise that the consciousness of humanity could could turn so quickly that it would happen during the precession of the equinox ramp up the 18 years we didn't expect it we want to tell you something even before we begin the information and that is this it is so new for you that the adjustment into the new energy becomes a rough time how we know it you can't go from an old energy to a new one without the transition you can't see flip a switch and say well it's okay now and so there is an adjustment in all parts of you and the old soul is the one who feels it first and so the discussion in this channeling in this evening those who can hear my voice [Music] is about the mystery [Music] the mystery of opening the door a door that is that is there so strongly separating you from the corporeal self to the innate so let's back up a minute and let's go slow my partner dear ones we have given information about the nine energies of the human being and three of them are in one group three of them in another and three in another you see the threes everywhere there is the human group there is the soul group there is the support group we want to talk about the one group tonight which is the human group and the three energies we have talked about is human consciousness something called the higher self and a very mysterious one called innate now last evening we gave a full disclosure of what innate is [Music] we gave information that was beyond anything we have given before we've even given it a name innate is the second brain well the first brain is the one that you use in 3d and that brain has synapse it has memory it has logic it is wired for survival innate is another brain that is not logical it is conceptual it is not linear it is dynamically quantum always changing always working in a way that you're not used to and to your perception you stand in your three-dimensional corporeal body and you ask the question dear cryo how can i thou get through to myself how can i talk to my cells you've talked about all these things mining the akash the bridge to the innate the smart body versus the logical body all of these things and i stand at a door i cannot penetrate and you'll be right you'll be right [Music] and now it's time to penetrate it and so we start the discussion what it's like what's what's needed and i'm going to use my partner as an example and he's not going to like it but i'm going to show you what happened to him and what he experienced because he had to go through the door now right away you picture a door that will not open if you could open it you'd be in touch with your intelligent cellular self the innate the one you muscle test to the one that knows what you're allergic to the one that knows how you should eat or not eat the one that knows everything that's going on in your body even if you don't we mentioned last night you could have a raging disease in your body and your brain won't tell you you'll just cruise along as if nothing has happened and your brain will only respond with the pain the innate that is your intelligent body the second brain the conceptual one knows the instant the disease is there isn't it odd that you have to muscle test to ask your body about what you're allergic to perhaps and your brain won't know don't that there is a a shared intelligence in your body but in 3d with your dna working the way it is right now you are only using the three-dimensional part the analytical the intellect you're using that which computes and sees stores and has the memory it's the survival brain that you're using and it's been good enough till now that's what we want to discuss [Music] what are you supposed to do what's the difference between them let's look at that first the goal is to open the door you know that it's not easy when the entire box of your survival and everything you've ever known doesn't include it doesn't even know about it it's mysterious how do you do it let us examine the difference between what we would call the two brains the one you're used to we will say is the intellectual brain the one that's got you to the place where you are the one that you can think anything you want to the one that is scientific the one that explores the universe with your imagination all of those things but there's something we can't do it cannot get into the conceptual multi-dimensional part of your dna [Music] there is no connection between the human synaptical three-dimensional brain and innate there just isn't that's why you doubt even the things that i might be saying now but you know there's a smart body you muscle test it to find out how do you put them together the answer is you don't you acknowledge that there's two and you acknowledge that one is very different than the other the intellectual will not be able to think its way through this for there is no connection there's no bridge yet between what we would call the two brains so there will be those who would leave the room trying to think their way through this puzzle and it isn't going to work so let's talk about the other brain this other brain of yours represented mostly by the innate intelligent of your body and the higher self together is totally and completely conceptual there are no linear moving parts how do you talk to that how do you work with that [Music] so i'm going to give you some concepts i'm going to tell you how my partner did it and what he found out and a couple of things that he that he had to do [Music] in order to to get to where he is now [Music] it's interesting that you see a door that you can't open dear ones it's really interesting [Music] the first thing i want you to do is to eliminate the door it's not there not really the door seems to be there because your linear brain cannot think about it so it's a barrier it doesn't know what to do it's a barrier so it becomes a door it's not the first step is to eliminate the concept of the door if the door is missing everything you want all the communication that you would like the concepts of the higher self the love of god all of the things that you desire to touch and feel and be let them show as though there were no door that's the first step the innate and the higher self use the tool that is quantum in your body that is least understood intuition it is a muscle that we are asking you to start to exercise and use intuition some of you already know how to use it in marginal ways but it is elusive in that it comes and goes quickly and so what we say to you because it does that is trust first intuitive thought and honor the fact that the first intuitive thought is often the highest communication innate has to you first intuitive thought now i want you to understand the concept we're about to present your higher self is connected to the whole the whole of humanity all of the souls on the planet there is a connection there is a connection of the higher self through the pineal into the other side of the veil it is part of the whole therefore it sees on a far grander scale than you possibly can [Music] in a linear way it's perched above you looking at everything around you things you cannot see it is responsible for helping you with synchronicity it pushes and pulls think for a moment there are those here who only at the last moment had an intuitive flash to come you know what that's like don't you and now you sit in the chair and now you know why you needed to be here you needed to hear the things that were presented in the way they were presented that's intuition at its best and you honored it even some of you didn't plan on coming to the meeting came anyway because someone else had the intuition to invite you it's the same this is spirit at its best working with the human at its best with a conceptual way no voices out of the sky no writing on the wall it comes into your brain as intuitive thought that's conceptual so it does not linearize itself ever and so it comes as a flash and it's gone second step learn to recognize intuitive thought learn to hold it longer if you can to stop and analyze what it was if you can because you must take the conceptual intuitive part of your body which is the innate brain and work with it with the intellectual brain and in order to do that you've got to cognize it you got to see for what it is and understand it it's not easy it's not easy now some of you have already done it and you know and we talked about this last night and not in a comedic way you've discovered you can use it in the guise of the parking angel and honestly between you and i you're good at it you really are you live in an area where you need it and you're good at it and you involve this seeming outside source to find you a parking place because you cannot see the whole lot and you trust it and you'll turn left and you'll turn right until the space opens up and you feel that you have used an energy that is beyond yourself which you then call the parking angel but you also understand at the intuitive level do you not that you just used your own intuition assigning it to an angel makes you feel better and you know that's accurate this is what we're talking about so you do it on a on a level that is fun but requires that you listen and you do it in real time nobody tells you in advance where the space is going to be you do it in real time and you're you're so good at it you'll do it again and again and again and you'll become even better at it this is first intuitive thought can you do it with your cellular structure can you talk to it in a way my partner had to he's had to do a number of things in his life that required that he learned intuitive thought and how to linearize the things in his life i want to show you just one perhaps two at this time [Music] and how it was presented to him on what he did with it when crying first came into his life and i was there he didn't like it he didn't like it because we used the innate to talk to him [Music] and the only way we could get his attention was through emotion because there's no intellectualizing the love of god when he sat in the chair for the first time he wept and he didn't know why he felt it he felt he had a whole body experience he didn't know why and his intellect got angry and the anger was because he wasn't prepared for emotion when he didn't authorize it and the intellect then got in the way because the emotion was something that he didn't expect or authorize or even want at the moment but it came freely to him we got his attention through his emotional self that's the innate at its best and so right away you see the mechanics of how this works not through thought but through concepts through emotions through intuition how do you talk to yourselves and if you could what are you going to say let's discuss my partner we're going to give you two examples [Music] i told my partner early on i said if you want to you don't have to grow old as fast and i want you to teach it and so here we sit teaching it and he said to me how and i said you got to talk to yourselves and he says how that's the question you're asking too right now how you can open that door there is no door so now what's next and i told him if you start asking spirit is going to give you intuitive flashes that are answers to what you're asking for and you're going to have to watch for the concepts and he started getting them he didn't know what to do with it it's the first time we've told the story he's uncomfortable because he didn't want he wants story told it's too simplistic it's it shows his weakness we gave him the picture of a telephone over and over over and over picture of a telephone i didn't know what to do with it you know what he did he started picking up telephones and listening [Music] how linear and then he realized it's an internal telephone i'm going to talk to myself i've got to learn to pick up the internal telephone and so he started visualizing picking up the phone and listening and he got good at it but every time he picked it up there wasn't anything there and he would listen and he would listen and he would say to me in meditation i did everything i can think of now i understand it's a a conceptual telephone and i'm listening and am i hearing anything at all we couldn't give him any answers got to do it for yourself you gotta figure it out pictures of a telephone more and more and then he got it i can't talk to myself by listening to anything and the next time he picked up the internal telephone and visualized it he spoke in the phone and he said dear cellular structure are you listening and the response he got immediately was chills and emotion and if i could give you what truly happened all the cells of his body were cheering and said it's about time we heard from the boss and then i started telling him i said listen your cellular structure ages automatically without your involvement with a rhythm that has even been described by biologists it has to do with the moon and it's built in and it wouldn't matter if you were in a coma it just does what it does automatically it's on autopilot you can intercept that auto pilot anytime you want to by picking up the phone and telling them what you want them to do that is not autopilot i hope you understand this he got the concept he started speaking in the phone what is he going to tell cellular structure that's conceptual and not linear but he figured out that following the moon cycle and aging and reproducing the cellulars split is a linear process so he told his cells to start counting every other day that's the concept to cut the aging down to half of what it was designed for he started doing that five years ago and now he sits before you having aged two years having more energy than he's ever had in his life because he used the telephone is that too simple for you no linear instructions the concept there is no door figure it out it wants to talk to you in concepts and intuitive flashes and thoughts and it's going to give you pictures and with the pictures you're going to have to figure out how the communication is going to work not all of you will get a telephone some of you are designed to talk to your innate directly your akash has done it before old soul because you're shamanic and you've been doing it for years you just forgot some of you are going to do it through sound and color some of you already are some of you are going to use energy to speak to your own body through processes you've learned that my partner never learned has no idea about he needed a telephone he's an engineer [Music] i'll tell you the second one it's just as bizarre dear ones what diet will make you enlightened [Music] well there's a lot of books about it and they all claim the same thing you do this one you'll be enlightened others have said your body was never meant to eat this way you should eat this way and it will cleanse you in a way that spirit will honor yourselves differently you're doing it wrong there's as many stories as there are books i gave you the information it's it's in the last books transmission which my partner calls book 12. it's there i'll give it to you again and i gave it to my partner and i gave it to him two years ago i said if you're going to use the telephone and if you're going to talk to yourselves about about not aging as fast you're not going to have any luck if you're as heavy as you are you have to take some weight off he didn't like that either you mean an order to youth i'm going to have to have to have less weight yes it comes with the territory it's going to enhance what the body is trying to do you can't tell the body to do one thing and then float off and then do the opposite you're going to have to lose weight he asked how much and there was no number because that's linear enough he had no concept he said how and i said innate will tell you you see i don't have the answer for his body his body has the answer for his body do you know this i'll just give it to you straight dear ones your akash old soul has got hundreds of lifetimes and in many of them you are exactly the right health you are eating exactly the right food for your cellular remembrance and for that which you need today [Music] and for many of you it's not eating like in america it would be like eating as you did in the past that enhanced your growth that's what the cells want my partner found out we gave him a picture this is the first time we told you this he's not happy about this one either the picture was of a menu [Music] like you would have in a restaurant all folded lovely that's what we gave him over and over so what he tried to do in all linearity was open the menu i mean after all you're given a menu what do you do with it you open it of course he couldn't because it's just in his imagination it's just in his intuition how do you open an intuitive thought of a menu you can't so what's it mean he didn't know he had no idea then he started thinking about it and then he got it i told you that i thought that innate can talk to you in very interesting ways you can muscle test it it's responsible for the chills of discernment those of you right now some of you are feeling the fact that this is true perhaps it's even for you feel the chills your innate is jumping up and down and saying listen listen listen listen and you feel the chills in your body that is innate doing its job for you he got it the next time he went to a restaurant he opened the menu ran his finger down the choices and listened for the chills didn't tell anybody he was doing it either he got him he didn't necessarily like him but he got him because he wanted so bad to have the chills over donut baked potato and bread and instead he got soup and salad the meat of his choice if he chose not much of it that was it and here's what happened and i want to tell you because this dear ones again your cellular structure wants this you're not forcing something it wants this he started eating the things that he felt the chills for over and over and over he still does to this day and what eventually happened over time was not only did the weight come down 26 pounds of it but what happened next was he found he didn't need the chills anymore he knew what to eat because his body craved it and it didn't want the donut and he didn't want the baked potato and it didn't want the bread and to this day he pushes them away he pushes them away not because he's a good boy because he knows his diet because his cellular structure just flat out doesn't want him that's the promise doesn't get much better than that doesn't it you are retraining your cellular structure to eat in the best way that your akash remembers your best health then he asked me can you tell me kryon what my innate gave me that worked so well where was i and i said to him right back to the beginning when you were a runner in lemuria you didn't have a whole lot of meat you had some you had a whole lot of vegetation and beautiful soups you're eating like a lemurian and enjoying it yet again and he smiled because he knew i was right it worked concepts intuition and you never could intellectualize that ever the door that used to be there in his life is starting to crumble he's going to work on some other concepts as well and they will come slowly and they'll be puzzles but dear human being this is the answer use the second brain sit in meditation and have the audacity to speak out loud to your cellular structure and through your ears it's gonna hear you through your vibrations of intent it's going to hear you give intuition back to it through human consciousness of love and compassion love yourself and your cellular structure will cooperate more than ever it's a new way of being human it starts to talk to the parts that you never even thought you had that will change you and the disease that might be in you right now will withdraw and run the other way because it's not in the program of the love of god problems you have they can't survive in a new kind of human body your wisdom factor will go up the consciousness that you have will see the earth differently all of these things are related to removing the door and becoming who you came to be it's not too soon for these things they're hard they're not linear they're not what you expect and all of you as old souls can do it every single one it just depends on how much you want it some of you will choose not to in this lifetime and it will become easier the next time around the kids some of them being born right now are into this they know it they're listening they're conceptual they're using intuitive thought to guide their lives much to the adults consternation because the adults want them to be linear do what they did go where they should and the children are not doing it right now in the middle east right now there are children who are refusing to be standard israelis or standard iranians or standard palestinians and instead they have chosen a new lifestyle of being the new human on earth that rejects war and hatred and history that means nothing to a new earth that will have no war that's what's going on and you're going to see it maybe even in your lifetime can you see why we're excited about these things we've gone far enough it's time to leave i challenge you to take these things and work with them there's no structure how do you feel about and it's how about how about instructions without structure let the structure be something you intuit [Music] it will be perfect for you perfect for you also and so it is you
Channel: XÓM TV
Views: 18,311
Rating: 4.9194398 out of 5
Id: 0mS6CiZfrVU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 57sec (2217 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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