KRITA AI DIFFUSION: How Install Krita AI Diffusion plugin in Mac

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so in this video we're going to look at how we can add the CR AI diffusion now CR is a professional pre and open source uh painting program so if you're CR user and you might already notice that the uh with the AI CR now have a plug-in called the CR AI diffusion so to get the CR AI diffusion in the link below you can click and it's lending you on the GitHub page here so here in the GitHub page uh all you need to do is uh download from here and then installation once you go to the installation you can see the installation for uh Windows is very simple here you can go there but with this example we're going to look at how uh we can add these uh plugins into a MEC and uh the plugin once you download it uh make sure to unzip it and then once you unzip it uh uh you can install CR and launch CR so make sure to update your CR to p. 2.1 which will enable you to use the uh CR AI defusion plug-in so once you're here the first thing uh to install that once you unzip your file come to the settings and you have the manage resources so once you click on the manage resources you on this little popup uh uh box here the floating window here and then uh you can see you have the open resource folder so in the open resource folder once you click that it's open up all the resource folder here I look the look for the folder which called the pi or python CR py CR so open that one and make sure to copy the two files inside the GIF and zip folder into this location so that's all you need to do once you have that you can simply close this and also close this now that you have that make sure to go to CR and then preference so once you click on the preferences here now you have this uh menu here under the configure of CR so you go down to python plug-in manager once you click on the python plug-in manager now you can see here uh once you put it in the folder AI image diffusion so that's the one that uh you need to enable it so once you enable that you can click okay and then come to the settings and then you can see the Dockers now since the Dockers uh inactive because we have not created a new image so we're going to create that right here so click on create new image and then you can type type in uh the width and the height or go with the default and then uh create your image so you can zoom in and out using the middle Mouse Buton so once you have that come to the uh settings here and then you can see the doas so here I have already activated mine so you just simply activate that and it will appear here so in the settings doas and then AI emit generator so it will be right here but first once you installed it you uh go to the preference and you activate it make sure to quit CR and um open up again so once you do that you can see from the settings here doas and you have the AI image generator so it's right here so you can just type in your uh image here now once you have that uh you can see here uh it's saying that it's not connected to the server so all you have to do is click this and you select the options to download it now if you want to download all this it's about 10 gig less than 10 gig but you can do selection if you know what you are doing now you can see here uh you have different digital art now once that you can see here you have the Cinematic po PTO you have the digital art you have the digital artwork A cinematic PTO and XL here so you can select any of this and then you type in your um promp here to generate your image then you can use the strength here you can also add something from here the layers background or whatever you want to put it right here and then in the image you want to Scrabble you want to line these are the ones that being installed if you don't install all of this you won't see it but here I installed all of them here now uh once you have that you can simply click on generate it takes uh a while because of I'm using CPU not GPU it's good to use a GPU power so you'll be able to um generate pasta now there you go that's how we can install or add the CR AI diffusion plugins into Mech thank you for watching
Channel: Eses infor Learning
Views: 852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kriata AI diffusion, how to install mac IMac, M1, M2, M3, Artificial inteligence, AI, Krita, OpenSource software
Id: QMEIiIe_hhM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 21sec (321 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2023
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