KRITA AI Diffusion FREE, and Better than Adobes Gen Fill

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hello and welcome to stream tabulous today I want to talk about a program like paint shop Pro and Photoshop this program is absolutely free it is called Critter and what makes it fantastic other than the fact that it's free is it's very powerful and it has the ability to add on a plugin which is exactly like well not exactly but it's like adobe's AI generative fill and it's actually better it is more powerful you can configure it more and it has far more tools so I want to talk about that right after the [Music] intro welcome back so what makes it f fantastic is it's absolutely free everything about it is free uh it is very powerful the only real catch is it needs to run off your own Hardware uh rather than a cloud but what makes that good in my opinion is you know that your work isn't going to get stolen or there's not going to be a copyright breach where um or where you know hackers have hacked into Adobe and somehow got a hold of your uh work um which is a huge risk and it's one of those things that people should be concerned of now is it expensive when it comes to the hardware in my opinion no uh this way for a cheap Adobe account to get only 100 credits of J to fill it's about the $30 Mark and when you look at that over 12 months it's almost $400 now you can run this better than what I'm going to be showing you today on something like a 3060 graphics card with 12 gig of RAM um on the graphics card to vram and you can pick those cards up for around about $400 Mark which is only uh a little bit more expensive than onee subscription to Adobe and with that you've got constant Generations you're not limited to only 100 Generations uh I tried out Adobe and paid for subscription forum and I ran out of the generative credits in a few hours because uh it was rendering white screens because in my opinion it was still beta um every render that it did that I wasn't using I was getting charged the credit for and there was a lot of useless um renders in it uh it was very buggy in my opinion and you know overall it was just a bad experience and I ended up using stable diffusion and it's good but it's nice to have a interface which is like Adobe and that interface makes it um really good with Critter you have that exact same style of interface you certainly have that power you have more power and it's absolutely free which makes it absolutely amazing so um yeah I mean Vision FX for paint shop Pro uses stable diffusion um it's the same with Adobe Photoshop it does use stable diffusion I've gone through it and I've done some tests for it myself and I have found the same results using stable diffusion doing in painting as I got with Adobe it was only the interface that made it more appealing so we'll get over and we'll take a look at crit and I hope I'm pronouncing it correctly so it's Critter and this is it here and we'll just come down to the website for it so this is the website and it is completely free uh it's completely open source it's written with python code which has actually made it really fast and it's just insanely powerful um they do have a version for Android tablets as well but that doesn't have the um capability the AI on it but if you've got a pen for a tablet it is fantastic on tablet because it gives you all the power of uh Photoshop and paint shop Pro on your tablet and specifically on a on Android uh it's something that there's no real programs that give you um these sorts of tools I tried it on my tablet but unfortunately my tablet is very old so um it was a little bit of a slow experience so you can come over and you've got the download for the uh Windows version uh I mean straight off here it's where I downloaded it uh but you've got Linux and other versions that you can actually download including Mac OS um can you run the AI on Mac OS you can but it is uh a little bit more involved to actually do because you need to download something called um uh confy a UI and and uh make it interface with that so but we'll just show you the um the add-on here and I'll put this in the all this in the links um below so in the description you come down and this is the add-on for uh crit CR CR CR CR CR so we'll come down and we'll just take a look here so you've got the video here and this is actually like it shows you what it can do and I'll be showing you some of that today and like I said if you've got a more higher end GPU than what I'm actually running um these renders are very very fast and it's I mean it's absolutely amazing this is the same as generative fill you've got the generative expand on it you've got the content fill on it um it's absolutely insane so we'll come down and we'll come down to the installation so it's as simple as downloading this little plugin here and then adding it to your um directory of your app data now we will talk about that quickly I'll show you where it goes okay so here we are in my um personal directory so you'll find that on your C drive under users and then the name of U whatever you created your account when you set it up you might not see app data to get access to that you want to click View at the top once that's up you want to click on options you want to click change folder and search options want to come across to view and instead of do not show files hidden files and folders and drives you want to click show uh files folders and drives and then you want to apply and press okay once that's done we can come into our app data and you'll actually see your roaming which is where you want to go in once we're in our roaming file we want to come down to the crer folder and then we want to come into this one here which is the python py crer and then from there you want to extract that um folder that you downloaded so you want to extract contents of this ZIP file into that folder which will look like this once you've actually dropped it in from there we can actually launch and run the crer so here it is here and I've got it running and there there's a couple of things that you want to do you want to once you've got that plug-in in you want to go to configure you want to come down to the python plug-in manager and you want to tick the AI image diffusion now if you've installed um kryer and you couldn't find that app data folder you do need to run it for the first time for that folder to be created after you've done that you'll have the folder appear in the app data roaming and then you can drop your plug-in in and then bring you back to this so once you've done that you want to come over to Dockers and you want to turn your Docker on that will only appear when you're actually in an image so if we come into the image if you're wondering why it's not there you need to be in a in a either a new or an opened image and you'll be able to apply that once that's applied you actually get this down here and you'll have the settings option when you come into here under the connections you'll be ticking local server managed by crit crer and it's going to install comy UI which is one of the fastest and best stable diffusion um interfaces out there to actually take uh advantage of the stable diffusion AI now it will require about 25 26 uh gab of your hard drive space and it will go through when you click that and you click install it will go through and install all these so I'll just show you some images here okay so you can see when you first launch it you're not actually going to have it actually running this is how it's going to come up because it's not installed so you need to go to the configure there once you've done that you'll click on this and you'll in Click install and it will automatically install it to the uh directory which I just showed you and it will take a while it will install python it will install confy UI uh it'll install the custom nodes and it will install models that you tick as well so you can come through and tick what you want to install if you don't have particularly high-end system you can um disable the Exel models you have three to choose from here that's an XL model as well uh and then you have the two 1.5 um standard stable diffusion models and then we have all our control Nets I would install all of those which I personally did and then once that's done it will come up like that and it will just should start running if it doesn't you just hit run now come back over to here you'll have the ability to select what you're running on so if you're just running off your CPU which will be slower you can do that in my case I am using that Nvidia GPU it's the same with performances you can come down here and you can click on your GPU I did find I got a little bit faster speed to putting it on the um 6 GB I don't know why this is an 8 um GB card and I did put up how much memory that it can actually use to uh store its renders and then from there you just have some things like um you can custom make your files uh I'm having some problems with some of these which is probably a good ERA to have because I'll be able to actually teach you uh in another video how to add your own models and you can add your own models very easily and I'll just show you quickly when we come back across to this um app data file and it's installed it should look something like this and if we open up server comy UI and then models you'll have checkpoints uh in some stable diffusions that I've talked about in the past like easy diffusion that would be a stable diffusion folder that you drop it in in this one it is checkpoints and you can drop your um civd AI models into here to customize it which makes it very powerful so we'll come back across to here so you can easily add and delete models for it just close this off now we have this image open here and I'm going to show you uh what the real time render can actually do and why it's good so this would be classified as a line art so we can come up here to the switch between um the type of workspaces for the AI generative fill we can come down to a live mode uh this is one that I've done earlier so we'll just disregard that one now what we want to do is click a control layer once that's done you'll have the option to actually if you have more layers click the layer that you want to work on if it's an image you can select image but you have all these which is what makes it really powerful so we can do a scribble and draw something on the screen roughly we have line art which is what I'm going to use right now so if we click line art we crank the strength all the way up we're going to press this little play here which is going to put it into live mode and then we can put in a orange cat in red flower and red flower garden now you can see here it's already going through and it's doing that render okay uh we can move that and we can just do little changes to it uh we we can change this to a white cat or a gray cat and we can keep going until we're actually happy with what we're actually getting so put yellow flowers now they will take a moment um the faster your system uh as for the graphics card that you're running the faster these renders will actually be this is running on a old 1070 system um GTX 1070 now you can see there that it was red before it went through so it's taken a little while to catch up if you're running something like a 30 60 they're almost instantaneous there's about a 3 4 second um delay between the actual renders um you can see that that's pretty quick for this so we can put try wiped gray cat and see what that does I'm not sure yet on how the prompt weights actually work for this for the way they join so we can see there's a change there but um slightly different we put try green eyes and we got our whitish gray cat just like that we can very very quickly edit our photo and um change aspects of it and once we're actually happy with it so we're not quite getting our green eyes here I'm not sure how to do the weight strengths on those yet we come up to here and it says copy um the current result to a image as a new layer so we can do that and then we have our image here and then from here we can easily create color layers and color in manually so that makes this program extremely powerful it's something that uh Adobe cannot do now close this off come down to this this is a sketch that I have um done um of course with a bugged arm and the muscle condition where I get um hand trimmers I generally do use a uh a tablet or the phone and a rubber nib stylist to do the sketches so doing it on the PC is absolute mess and took me way longer than it should so I've put a basic sketch in here or um drawing so we'll come back across to live I've changed it to a 1.5 model I want to put that strength up again we want to click add a control layer which will make sure that we're on our layer here which is this layer here and we can hold over top of that and we can see that and then we want to change from image to scribble because that's what that is we're going to press the play button which is going to start the live Ai and I'm going to put in here girl on beach sun setting you see here um it's rendered one based on the some of the image so it's used that as a rock and it's used sort of Cliff face and it's put the image in here um before I managed to get my prompt now that I've got my prompt in we can see that it's starting to render the image better now we can come through and we can actually edit oh so we're going to lose a bit there we'll go to a white and we'll paint that out so we'll just go back just select white come up to our brush just paint that out and hopefully get rid of these artifacts here and we can put put iseland and see if we get an island in the background uh we can put blonde hair blonde hair go on beach now you can see here that it's caught up with the changes that I've done and it has removed the artifacts here now it is still running in the background and there we go we now have an island in the background of the trees and we have our blonde hair and we can click on this and bring our image in to here and that's just from scribbling and you can live scribble so we can come back to this and if we wanted to we could come down come up to here on a decent size and maybe try to draw some sort of horrible looking little boat in that that kind of looks like a boat to me some lines on it to indicate maybe wood and we'll see what that does we'll put boat in the image and we'll give that a moment to render and we'll see what we actually get there there we go now we've got a little boat in the image so it's it's a lot more powerful than Adobe and we can now stop this we can merge all our layers together and I don't know know how to merge them all so we'll just merge down this way merge merge merge we have our final layer there uh I can now remove that I'll now go back to generate which brings me back to the base and now from here I can work on this further if I wanted to okay I had to hit stop recording and start recording again and the reason for that is on my generation I ran out of memory due to the fact that I'm actually using OBS at the same time to record so what I'm going to do is walk you through the steps I'll have to stop recording close down OBS hit the generate button and we'll go through it from there do need to upgrade this graphics card so we're going to expand the edge of our image like this and what we're going to do is we're going to come down and we're going to create that control layer again and we're going to leave it on image and that's going to tell us that we're using this image to do do the render we going to change it down to digital artwork a SD 1.5 rather than Excel model so it's a little bit faster and then we're going to select the region that we want to do our generative AI expand and then we're going to hit generate um it's as easy as that so I will stop recording hit generate and we'll come back and we'll have a look at the result okay so we're back and that was actually really quick um once I wasn't um affecting my graphics card by using my uh GP to actually encode the video whilst I'm recording now we can see here that we've got some generations we do have a little bit of a seamline there um don't always get that I've done them heaps of them before without having these issues of the seam line so I'm not too sure what's uh happening there um even with Adobe you do get a currently um occasional generation of like a random person and I also tried a different model to what I originally used which is the um Excel then you can see that is very different so we can come through and we can pick and render as many times as we want we can render by putting some description in if you want to um so once you've got your selection there we can just deselect we have our layer we can unlock it so we can edit it and then we can actually come across cross to something like the brush tool and this is a padding from the original so if we come up to erase we'll see that padding there so we can come through and we can drop the opacity down and we can actually just blend that [Music] in and then we can use something like a smudge tool and we can just clean that up very easily you can see that's quite beautiful bit there sometimes it's better to make your layer a little bit more transparent so you can actually uh see your under layer but um I'm just winging this so you can do it like that now if you wanted to you can continue working on that so we can merge our layer down and we could just maybe select this region here and we can hit generate and see what that actually looks like so we'll do that quickly okay so our generation's done which is down here so we click that and see what it looks like and there we go so we'll just deselect and that is way better for the blending of the actual area and again we can unlock our layer we can just simply come down to the brush we're still on eraser and we can just make sure that original hand is sort of back in the image just like that bring the opacity up there we go just like that so it's as powerful as adobe's generator feel and adding different models to it you get better results than what I'm getting here which is um saying something that is something you can't do with Adobe you can't actually um put different models in to get different results and different art effects and that's a problem when it um with Adobe because if you have a particular art style and you want to use generative field to edit your art style it is better trying to find a model which has a similar art style to what you're actually using so your correction are done correctly so I mean it is powerful and the only thing that um I can say is if you are having issues when it comes to um doing something like a live render make sure that your created file size is a smaller file size not a large file size so you know maybe start out at something like 624 by 624 624 by 800 and work your way up and you'll see how those times change because of the larger the image obviously the more time it's actually going to take um I did find that I have opened up a larger photo and I've just worked on basically in painting and fixing areas like I've just done there where I've selected it and I've not really had a problem uh it works very much like uh Adobe which is um it's insane considering it's free and considering I'm running this right now off a very old system with just a 1070 in it and I'm not getting any issues uh the live preview as I said on a 3060 um I have a 3060 in the lounge room um which I watch Netflix and all that off of and that renders very quickly in real time and that is only a 8 gig card as well this is an 8 gig card but uh I've seen the demonstrations of this with 12 gig cards and it's insane it's a blink of the eye and your real time renderers done so I'd be putting money into upgrading Hardware um maybe I can try to sell some artwork or something like that and save my pennies uh yeah that's something I definitely want to do uh so I can make the uh streaming is a bit faster and a bit easier so there it is uh completely free uh I mean I don't know what to say about it I mean it's insane this program is absolutely unbelievable um certainly worth downloading and worth trying it been completely free if you've got the hard drive space and you're just not sure if your GPU or CPU are going to be able to handle it you know try it out anyway um when I first ran it and I had it on a large file I did run into some slight issues with um with that render not coming up and I was waiting forever and I'm like well it's broken and then I realized well I was running large files trying to do in paint from very large files and then it occurred to me to lower them so yeah I mean it is absolutely insane uh it is completely 100% free it is open source um stable diffusion is open source uh so considering you know you'd think Adobe would be charging a little bit less um I would assume that they'd make their money back very quickly for the um research and development of writing their plug-in interface to use stable diffusion it doesn't have to be as expensive as what it is you can see here that this Open Source One and the chap that made the um Plugin or the person that made the plugin it's exceptional and better than Adobe and and 100% free and don't forget of course to like subscribe and get the Bell on share this video uh get the word out there that if you don't have the money to get a Adobe subscription which is rather high priced then you can um use this completely free uh if you have a gaming computer and you do do some games or gaming laptop then the likelihood is you can run this and you can install it now and try and see what your experience is to it and of course I'll see you in the next stream tabulous video thank you for watching my video and sticking around to the end if you like my videos it really help me out if you could like And subscribe it helps the YouTube algorithm to push my videos out there to more viewers which in turn helps me and helps everyone so thank you for watching my video and hanging around to the end and I will see you in the next video
Channel: Streamtabulous
Views: 19,469
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Android, photos, restore, art, Android photos, old photos, photo Restoration, fun, entertainment, Android apps
Id: FiKR_TrMioI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 3sec (1803 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2023
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