🐙 Lunch & Learn: Rating The BEST AI Courses

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let us see if I can make this work okay it's definitely not the best but can we make it work maybe [Music] hello floor right now in one [Music] sec some of you and stuff in China you have to bypass the great firewall which is why it takes yeah we're good yeah so that is why it takes a while for it to load um yes thank you for being patient with me how's everyone doing supposed to supposed to be the best I mean don't get me wrong it's fine it's just that when you're trying to go on YouTube which is a blocked website then you have to like bypass the firewall um and then you I actually have to use like two different vpns to do it anyways long story long story uh how's it everyone doing it's been a while since I've met you guys Happy New Year to everybody hope it's going good it's been a week of the New Year's so hope it's been a good start oh no it's buffering let's start all right let's start without further Ado let's start okay so here's my kind of Spiel so AI as we know is just it's just all the rage these days and it's for good reason because you're so many cool applications right but it's actually a very confusing term because it's not a single thing like saying you want to learn AI it's kind of like someone saying yes I would like to learn healthc care so it's it's so generic um it's like super super generic what that what that even means so like humans it's okay so like let's actually so in this video we're going to be reviewing the best AI courses so first but first we need to Define what AI is so this is chat gpt's definition of itself AI or artificial intelligence is a broad term that refers to machines mimicking cognitive functions associated with the human mind like learning and problem solving you can see how generic that is right like humans themselves are extremely complicated beings um so trying to use machines or computers to mimic human cognitive function is also a very complicated very complicated thing which involves a lot of different fields like coding fundamental mathematics statistics machine learning deep learning NLP like etc etc so I'm going to in this video not video sorry in this live stream I'm going to be reviewing the courses that teach you the fundamentals of AI so it's kind of like bio 101 and bio12 um the equivalent of healthcare so that it gives you the foundations for more advanced specializations and then I also specifically focus on how to build like cool things with generative AI models like large language models like gbd4 and chbt um and things like text to pictures like Del or text to videos so that's going to be the focus of the courses will'll be rating today let me just check are we okay did was I talking into the void hello was that okay can you guys hear me okay I hope you can hear me I hope that wasn't into the void okay does that make sense to everybody like why it is that like when people say oh like I want to learn AI it's actually like pretty difficult to pinpoint what that exactly means okay so the criteria I'll be using to rate these courses is first the level of difficulty um which is the intermediate is a beginner what the prerequisites are second is completeness like how complete is it in covering the foundations uh where whatever yeah how complete it is in covering the foundations of learning artificial intelligence practicality so how practical is the things that you're learning is it very theoretical or is it uh like a focused on being able to actually use it and number four I call it like not boringness um does it have like communities the helps uh like help and support is the lecture a good lecture like these factors that make the course not boring and you more likely to actually get through with it I'll also be showing the prices of the courses as well any thoughts volume went down okay should I repeat myself okay I'm going to repeat myself real quick is that better um okay okay so what I was saying is I'm going to evaluate things on the level of difficulty which is into intermediate beginner prerequisites number two is completeness how good is it covering the fundamentals of learning AI uh three is practicality is it something that you can actually use as opposed to being very theoretical and number four generic and number four is like not boringness in general so does it have communities are is there help is there support is a lecture a good lecture things that will allow you to actually want to continue learning as opposed to giving up and I'll also show the prices of the courses yeah was that okay stop you're making me blush okay um as per usual like intervene at any point like anybody that wants to if you have any comments and things like that just let me know um and then I'll answer those questions I might be rushing a little bit today because there's a lot of things that I want to cover today like a lot of different courses that I like to cover um but please leave them here and then in the end I'll also just like answer any questions as well Okay cool so the first course is Harvard cs50's artificial intelligence with python um I'm actually just going to share my screen so I can show you guys that particular course so let's see here oh that was not good I accidentally deleted okay no here we go Okay cool so let me see so this is Harvard's cs50 course so let me just share my screen here oh no that's my face it's my face over here and I will do screen [Music] sharing which is not that um application [Music] capture that is not correct either okay whatever window capture not system processes Channeler nope not that either uh okay CS 50s courses okay cool yeah so so just adjust that okay all right can you guys see yeah okay cool um this is Harvard's cs50's introduction to artificial intelligence with python uh in this course so it's a introductory course on AI it's 7 weeks long so 10 to 30 hours if you're working at 10 to 30 hours per week self-pace and it is free so it does say optional upgrade available so you can get an optional upgrade where you can get a certificate with the course if you want to but you can audit the course completely for free and you can like actually submit the assignments and get it graded and stuff as well and be part of everything else so it's really just a certificate um that you can get if you pay for it so I want to show you guys the syllabus um what you'll learn so it'll go through a lot of search algorithms and then it does a really good job at yeah it actually does a really good job um at giving an overview of how AI Works how information is stored and specifically how machine learning what machine learning is and what's popular these days like neur networks and natural language processing it's a very programmatic course which means um the approach to it is not very theoretical and you'll be doing a lot of projects throughout as well which you can immediately grade and then there's going to be quizzes throughout the course as well so I actually want to show you a little bit of what the course looks like so it's taught by David and Brian who are both in Harvard so I've already enrolled in this course let that buffer a bit okay [Music] so yeah you can get like a verified certificate for $254 15 cents which I personally think is not very worth it just to get a certificate generally because certificates they don't really do that much for you anyway um nobody's going to be like wow you have a certificate from an online you have an online certificate I'm going to give you a job like it's usually not super helpful um although it's very useful for learning so what I wanted to show you was kind of like the style of teaching um Brian the one the guy who's teaching this course he is really he's really good and I will show you what I mean by that now instead of Arrow from A to B we also have an arrow from B to a meaning we can go in both directions and this is true in something like the 15 puzzle where when I slide a tile to the right I could then slide a tile okay so can you guys see his style of teaching is like super Visual and he's just a really really good instructor um yeah really really like the way that he teaches um he also gives a lot of examples and he actually codes throughout as well so you're able to see everything he's talking about um I would say level of difficulty I would rate it three out of five it's not super math heavy um and it's yeah it is uh you do have a requirement of having to know python um which is okay I'll give you guys a recommendation for this in a bit um but he doesn't water anything down so even though what he's teaching is actually pretty in depth and it's very it could be very complex he's able to explain it a way that is really simple so everything that you're learning it's not he's not really skimping on anything completeness I would rate it three out of five um because it's so specific to a programmatic approach it doesn't do as much on the math side for example um and it doesn't it's only like an hour I think it's like an hour 11 hours something like that so it's a full semester's worth but it's definitely not as complete in terms of all the things that are related to artificial intelligence um I think it's an absolutely really great start though practicality I would rate four out of five has practical projects after each week and there's quizzes but you don't really have like a Capstone project or anything like that where you would really build something for your portfolio not boringness I would rate a 4.5 out of five he's a really great lecturer there's also a community that's available both on YouTube as well as um the edx itself so let me see if there's any comments or thoughts or questions I'm in the middle of a SFI this looks like a good course already K cs50 right um are we talking implementing existing platforms before developing our own so in this case we're learning about the fundamentals of AI which you can use to go and develop your own AI platforms if you want to okay all right so as as I as I said earlier it is okay it is okay if you do not have Proficiency in Python so there's also this very famous cord called course called the cs50 course it's the OG course um on computer science I don't even need to give a rating for it because it's just genuinely really really good um and I'll show you a little bit of that as well so it's again available on both the edx as well as YouTube so if you actually see if you see this um edx thing it actually joins these two together so courses in this program which is the professional certificate computer science for artificial intelligence you can start with introduction to computer science first if you don't have um a good python background this is pretty much your first year uh computer science course at Harvard and it covers everything that you need that you need in order to do pretty much anything afterwards is just a really good introduction course so it this will this will take you 12 weeks as 6 to 18 hours per week so I personally would budget around like 5 months or so um in order to do this personally uh just because you know there's going to be breaks in between again it's self-pace and it's free optional upgrade for DC certificate if you want the certificate um oh and it has a bunch of Awards as well so very good course let's show y'all a little bit of the course itself okay for example maybe let's look at data structures under data structures under data structures right now we will be looking at lectures okay literally call it TMP for short which is a common convention temp I'm going to set that equal to the amount of space that I actually do now want so I'm going to say four times the size of an INT so technically it'll give me 16 but space for four integers this time and yeah so again his teaching style is just really good he's able to show you how to code as well so just really really good introduction course if you don't have a good coding background all right so that's the first kind of thing that we're putting together um so here yeah so that's kind of like the combination I guess the first certificate for introduction to artificial intelligence after you take both of these courses or especially the uh course for computer science for artificial intelligence you're able to build a lot of things at this point you have a good understanding of what's Happening you can build applications and you can also go deeper into more mathematical Concepts if you want and learn about more advanced topics like maybe like computer vision if you're interested oh and SEC by the way I also just want to make a point after I review all of these courses individually I'm also going to share my recommendations of courses and course pairings depending on what your goal is for learning AI a little bit later after I go through this okay so next course I'm I want to cover is called Deep learning for everyone AI for everyone sorry it's called AI for everyone just see if there's any comments right now okay so this is on deeplearning.ai so I'll switch over over here it's on corsera um 1.48 million people have enrolled really good ratings so the experience is beginner level you really don't need to know anything this is a non-technical course takes approximately 7 hours to complete at 3 weeks at 2 hours a week this is actually a pretty good estimate because it's just not a technical course and flexible as well so let's look at the modules modules like what is AI um building AI projects building AI in your company and AI in society so it's actually a really high level overview and then I'm going to show show you guys what one of the courses looks like so week two introduction for example welcome back last week you learned about the basics of AI and machine learning technology but how do you use this technology in a project either if you want to do a project in your proverbial garage or yeah this is ening if you haven't heard of him he's like the OG instructor in artificial intelligence so you're definitely in good hands if you learn this course um he's also really good at making sure that it's not actually super technical so if you're interested in something that's more of an introduction to artificial intelligence High Lev overview definitely would recommend taking this course it also does a pretty well I would say it does a pretty well balanced job of not going too deep but also giving you enough to give you a flavor of what AI is and the things that you can build with it um so this one is completely free and I kind of want to show you like one of the course like kind of one of the proper videos themselves that gets an email like this to to right two days late so was give it to my needs for her birthday can I return it if what you want is an AI system that looks at this and decides this is a refund request so let me route it to my refund department then I would say you have a good chance building an AI system to do that yep so you can see that he's able to explain machine learning the way it works without actually diving into the code of it okay so in terms of level of difficulty I would rank this course one out of five it's really not a hard course it doesn't take that long complain as I would say like 1.5 out of five it's such a high Lev overview that it just simply doesn't really dive deep into any of this it's just yeah like 1.5 to two out of five practicality I would also say like two out of five good overview kind of if you're on the management level and you want to tell people like oh like this is something that we can Implement into our app I think that is helpful um but it doesn't really give you enough for you to actually go and Implement anything uh you either do it yourself or you're going to go H some engineers in order to implement it into your product not boringness I would rate that like 3.5 out of five andine is a great instructor um the part that I think it could be a little bit boring is just the fact that there's not really that much engagement so it's mostly just going to be you watching videos and trying to remember the things that um Andrew is talking about Good Community Support though like all corser courses and deeplearning.ai courses um yeah let me see if there's anybody that has any questions or thoughts or concerns no this is not the end this is actually the beginning cs50 has a great intro to flask cs50 is good okay hello behind the mark hello I've been confused about what different areas of study were are available under AI what their real world application or job titles would be does this overview course help explain those things yes so as a non-technical course it does give a really good introduction as to what AI is what's underneath different areas of study and what their applications are um if you want to dive a little bit deeper I would recommend another course it's definitely I understand that cuz AI again it's like a very generic terminology so it could be um there's coding like even machine learning and data driven stuff it's only a small component what artificial intelligence is there's also things like other ways of like search algorithms and other automation techniques that are not specifically machine learning um so lots and lots of different things that are under the umbrella of AI so going through a course and having a high level understanding and then choosing which area of AI you're interested in that would be good what are the best so that's why I'm reviewing all of the courses it's hard to say like this is the best ever AI course because it depends on what it is that you're interested in doing so after I review each of these courses I'm going to kind of give my recommendation for what I think you should do and what course pairings you should do based upon what your goal is so yeah all right I'm going to go on to the next course which is one of my favorite courses I recommend this course to literally every single person because it's just such a well done course oh my God my leg is going numb fun fact nobody asked me for did you know that the reason um Japanese people sit on their legs in a way that makes your um legs numb is because during the periods where there's sammurai they wanted to make sure that they numb the legs of the Samurai so it's harder to go and assassinate people with numb legs that was complete did you know that uh okay so this is chvt prompt engineering for developers I absolutely love this course recommend it to everybody that's out there um so this does require some coding so python is going to be required I'm going to show you a little bit of what it looks like um it's also completely free course beginner to advance it's just it's just really great it's only 1 hour long and it's going to be Isa and Andrew um and it's free for limited time so at least as of right now on January 7th 2024 it is free okay what you're going to be learning is how to use chat gbt specifically like using their API in order to summarize stuff infer transforming and expanding and it teaches you how to use prompt engineering specifically programmatically so not just through the interface of Chach PT but how do you actually go deeper access GPD 3.5 GPD 4 and use that power which is a lot more powerful than just going through the UI um okay so this is what it looks like let's just go to one of these things so Jupiter notebook it always shows you all the information um that's going to be there so you can play around directly in the browser which is absolutely great this is what the course sounds like and there's just a large volume of reviews having a tool to summarize the lengthy reviews could give you a way to very quickly glance over more reviews to get a better sense of yeah so this is what it looks like they go through um everything that's displayed over here so the Jupiter notebook and it explains like what's happening at each step so super super practical I would say this is a great quick start guide for people with a bit of programming experience and you just want to get started super quick by using artificial intelligence um and using the apis so if you already know if you're already like a software engineer you already know how to code and you're like I just want to get started and build things uh then this is a great great course so level of difficulty I would rank it two out of five cuz it's really easy to get started also it's like a 1 hour long course and you just learned so much about it uh completeness it's like one out of five cuz obviously it's not a super complete course it's just quick start guide for getting started practicality five out of five everything that he codes there you can essentially copy paste that make some tweaks if you need to and then build it into your own application not boringness I would rate that five out of five as well because it's just so interactive everything that the instructors are talking about you can immediately try out right next to it any questions thoughts concerns is there any course that uses free large language models free or open source language large language models so yes there are I would say the courses themselves are honestly not as good um Google does have some but I've actually looked into them and IBM Watson does have some as well but truthfully speaking the best large language model the the best courses that teach you about how to use large language models is definitely open AI so I I would recommend you could just start off by using open AI API in order to test it out um but they're honestly pretty similar to each other so once you figure that out going and learning about large language models like free ones or open source ones it's very very similar to each other they told me I sat like a girl in Japan because I could not cross legs on the floor you couldn't jump up and assassinate the emperor yep fun fact got numb your legs um so that you can't just go the size of style so you can't assassinate the emperor King Tina learned several beginner courses but I feel like I'm still not capable to be a professional data scientist rule any tips to advance to in for to in immediate or even advanced level for job application um just go I always say like if you want to find a job in something just go and get the go and get the work experience before you get a job counterintuitive in some ways but what I mean by this is for example you could do some freelance projects for people you can just be like hey I'm going to do this for you for free and why would they say no to that and that's going to be an actual experience then you put on your portfolio and it's going to be a real job which then helps you get an actual job that pays you where you can Kickstart doing more freelance projects learning a bunch of courses like over and over again or a bunch of courses like one after another you're always going to be at a point of feeling like you know things but you're not sure about how to apply it in real life the best way of learning how to apply things in real life is to apply it in real life that would be my advice um how about weight and bias so those are covered in the previous two courses that I talked about and this course is really just a quick start guide uh does not go into any of the details about how any of this works just how to use it um will you ever share your skincare routine love your skin sure I'll share it after we we go through the courses I remember that gener AI large language model course and CER uses open source large yes I did see that one as well so yes it does use the open source ones truthfully I just feel like the aprs are generally not like they're it's like not as flushed out as the open AI one but thank you for that um if we have time let's go over that as well so uh deep learning.ai they have as I was saying previously they do have this short course in addition to that I love deep learning.ai because it has a lot of other short courses that you can do if you already have a little bit of coding background and you want to get started quickly so Advanced retrieval for AI with chroma um all of them are really short I think this one was like like an hour as well Building Systems which chbt API this as well in collaboration with open AI um it's a really quick start guide and then Lang chain for large language model application development quick start guide um chat with your data fine-tuning large language models this is absolutely this one is really really good as well large language model semantic search and etc etc etc so it has all of these things um that are there which I really recommend getting started and by the way if you are interested in actually getting like all the list of courses that I'm going through today there is a um completely free email mailing list which you know I'm just going to share it over here you can sign up um that's I'll be sharing like resources there and then also letting you know what the live stream is going to be about for next week so if you want you can sign up here and then it'll also give you like a calendar it'll give you a calendar um if you want to just addit your calendar for whenever your live streams are anyways um in addition to these short courses they also have specializations too so after you do some with these Quickstar guys maybe you're like okay I really want to like dive deep into something I want to gain like foundational knowledge about it so they have things like machine learning specialization mathematics for machine learning and data science AI for everyone AI for good generative AI for everyone and then it has like intermediate courses as well and advanced courses too so really really great resource so the next course that I want to cover is going to be a deep learning specialization um so let me actually find that too many tabs okay okay where is the Deep learning specialization I think AI for good oh yeah here deep learning specialization really good course so this is join 1 million plus Learners and # be a deep learner uh with the Deep learning specialization foundational online program for machine learning oops I was not sharing my screen yeah so Join one 1 million plus Learners with #t bead deep learner with the Deep learning specialization foundational online program um by aning as well so deep learning specialization it has modules that allow for self-paced learning introduces practical techniques so you do get to build a lot of things here very strong Community cu the course has been around for a while and he keeps updating it as well so any questions that you have you can probably search up pretty easily within the course uh breaks down foundational Concepts easy to understand um and it has really really high ratings which I definitely think is well Justified after going through some of those courses so um five courses 2 to 6 months intermediate level so all the skills that you will gain um the things that you will learn here neuron networks and deep learning improving deep neuron Network so hyperparameter tuning regularization and optimization so this is where you understand how it is that you can tweak deep neuron networks in order to do things that you want it to do and how it is that you uh and actually go through tweaking it yourself this is a really good course because course three is about structuring um it's kind of like not really metal learning but you can like learn about how to build these things and then you're like how do I actually do a project and then you like not know how to do a project again what's great is that he actually structures like this is how you approach building a machine learning project like is there like a staging uh prod stage how do you split data things like that which is very practical advice for how to build things and then they go into convolutional neuron networks and then looking at sequence models like for example models like large language models as well as like text to image text to video things like that um I want to show you guys a little bit of this too how do I go to the enrolled courses if I'm already enrolled I don't know okay cool so let's look at this course for example how do I actually go into it oh okay just [Music] ignore [Music] okay cleaning up incorrectly labeled data for example the data for your supervised learning problem comprises input X and output label Y what if you I would say there's 9.4% worth of error that you could focus on fixing whereas you know the errors due to incorrect labels is a relatively small fraction of yeah so there's a sample of the teaching style slides a lot of drawing um he's just very good at explaining things as well okay um um oh the quote that I love uh the most from this course is angre saying that deep learning is the new electricity so he's saying that it's such a foundational technology so learning about deep learning is definitely worth spending the effort um in learning things round up maybe after you play around with it and you actually commit but it's definitely worth learning um cuz it's just going to power everything and there's just going to be more and more integration of that and more and more opportunities for deep learning so in terms of like job and career stuff uh definitely the demand of it is going to keep increasing and in specific Industries like understanding and learning about deep learning and being able to apply that uh can be a very lucrative career and also uh allow you to be able to accelerate a field significantly just by being able to understand deep learning so yeah I think it's a really great course um because it goes deep into deep learning and it teaches you how to apply deep learning into applications um so it's a very good balance goes deep enough and teaches you the concepts enough but it also has applications that you can use so I would say this is intermediate level um recommendation is to have programming experience in Python you also need some linear algebra machine learning Concepts which I'll recommend some courses a little bit later if you don't have those um if you don't have that background so don't worry about it level of difficulty I rate a four out of five it's definitely more difficult than the previous few courses because it does go more into the details and the needy greedies completeness I would rate that four out of five as well uh really great foundational fundamental things and if you do have programming linear algebra machine learning Concepts it does a really good job at explaining things um surrounding that topic practicality 4.5 out of 5 if you manage to get through this course and actually do the projects very very practical and you'll be able to work on projects and Industry not braing this I would rate it three out of five just because I think it's a great lecture and there's definitely a community of people that are there the boringness I think it could just be it's a little bit theoretical and as I showed earlier in the uh when he was going through the slides a lot of it is just like going through slides and explaining things and drawing stuff which is which is not as entertaining as doing things yourself alongside like we saw in the previous courses um yeah any comments or thoughts before I go into the next course oh yeah let me pin the sign up as well why can I not pin my own comment let me try again why can't I pin it this is very weird what I can't pin myself okay whatever well you can go and sign up there if you want to get the stuff on the mailing list uh just tune in so sorry this is off do you have any recommendations learn and practice Cal inference experimentation yeah so those things are going to be in those other courses also I would recommend um you can look at more data science specific courses which they also have on deeplearning.ai as well as course s those things are kind of more traditional data science skare routine please right after I go through the courses I promise so any comments or thoughts uh fine tuning large language models is very good I agree really really good um has tons of useful libraries and it's not that inefficient what are we talking about given the complexity of AI I would not think python would be the program programming language best suited for it due to its inefficiency I think if you're going to go super deep and on like the research level and on things that are very very AI heavy I would agree with that statement but python is the easiest language to use and it's the most supported language for using these apis that are there so I think starting with python is the easiest option and learning python is also the easiest programming language to learn so that's kind of my argument for why python uh AI Jason has a great tutorial on different open yes AI Json is amazing if you haven't checked him out YouTube you should definitely check him out he's actually build things tutorials from scratch so really really good okay cool um oh yeah I forgot to mention so this course is paid for so it does cost $42 per month um but it's kind of like learn as fast as you can so if you can finish the course faster then you can pay less and you do get like CER is what I would say like it's it's such good return on investment it's absolutely worth it even if you end up paying like if I ended up paying $500 for it I would have still thought it was worth it um okay let's go through the last course that I have here and again it's not like there's not other amazing courses out there I just chose the ones that I think has a diverse approach like there's different things for different people and I know for a fact like after going through them myself that they're really really good courses so the last course that I want to show you guys is here the IBM AI engineering professional certificate okay so this is a full-on fast certificate program launch your career as an AI engineer so Rebrand yourself into an AI engineer learn how to provide business insid from big data using machine learning and deep learning techniques um it's a professional certificate with six courses 4.5 reading which is pretty good 5,000 something reviews intermediate level I do not agree with no previous experience necessary if you don't know python um and you don't know like some fundamentals of linear algebra uh and statistics I think you're going to struggle with this course so I don't I don't agree with this and I'll show you a little bit why I think that um but yeah 2 months at 10 hours per week week I would probably budget like 4 months you know you're not going to do 10 hours a week probably every single week flexible schedule and you can earn a degree credit as well um professional certificate so first one is machine learning with python course so great course a lot of ratings and it goes through all the different machine learning algorithms very programmatic using Python and then it goes into deep learning specifically in neuron Network the kiras so also goes through all of these different things over here and it teaches you how to build it teaches you how to um use these different models as well um introduction to computer vision and image processing for people who are interested in this you actually build an image classifier using supervised learning techniques deep neuron networks with pytorch again very very practical deep uh building deep learning mod of tensor flow very very practical as well and what's really great about this is that it actually does have a AI Capstone project where you'll be be solving a real problem and then executing the full funnel so a lot of the other courses previously actually all of the other courses previously they don't really go through like the actual full funnel in industry anding is amazing of course um but he is an academic in nature uh so the way that he approaches things like teaching you fundamental stuff like teaching you how things work and then demonstrating that illustrating that with code but he doesn't really go through how it is implemented in Industry where there's a lot more um complexities and there's a lot more about how do you actually deploy it how do you manage the model after you deploy it so yeah those complexities um how do you manage the model how do you deploy it how do you use specific types of data that you see in Industry this course goes through that and it takes into account the implementation in the industry throughout the entire course and especially in the Capstone project okay I want to show you guys one of these courses so you can have an idea of what it looks like um oops let's just do like oops let's do this one introduction to deep learning and neuron netw Works intermediate levels 8 hours so it does the normal corsera stuff um click click click okay cool it's like pick a week week three for example regression models let's do that sure in this video we will start learning how to use the Caris library to build deep learning models samples of concrete based on the volumes of the different materials that were used to make them so the first concrete sample has five so yeah that's the style of D video and it's pretty similar in style say for the courses that are there some of them uh have different instructors so they're slight different but a lot of them are slide based oh no was did people hear me say that let me just repeat that just in case my internet speed went down yeah so this is the style um a lot of it is going to be just slides and then talking and then some coding as well um the way that I would rate this course level of difficulty I say it's like 4.5 out of five they definitely actually get you to do a lot of things like a lot of practical stuff as well and they don't skimp on the information completeness I would say 4.5 out of five as well it takes a lot longer than other ones and it's definitely a commitment the reason for that is because it's also a lot more complete than the other courses out there practicality five out of five especially with a capsum project in addition to all of the quizzes and all of the mini projects that you're doing super practical if you have if you manage to actually get through this entire certificate you are absolutely ready to go and start becoming an AI engineer either either I would probably recommend like just going off and starting like freelancing projects you're absolutely able to do that or if you want you can transition into an AI engineer as well not boringness I going to rate this course two out of five of not boringness so they have like the usual corsera uh communities and stuff I'm going be honest with you out of all the courses that we went through today I think the lecturing style is the most boring I don't know like I think it's just something about not really knowing who you're instructor is like not seeing their face that often um the voice is also like pretty robotic information is great don't like definitely for sure um not not saying it's not good it's just that feels a little bit dry going to this course is is what I would call it it feels like this person could be um a good lecturer but maybe they just feel kind of awkward on camera which I get as well so a little bit robotic all right I want to see if people have any comments thoughts thoughts comments concerns I would dose off in the middle of this course yeah that's what I was saying like if you actually get through that was my like kind of precursor if you manag to get through this course then it would be great um is everything on corser $42 per month I guess is ch where is it just for the other class this one is oh yeah sorry I forgot to mention this one is also $42 per month it's not always some of them are $42 per month like the Deep learning one and this certificate one but some of them you can also audit for free um it kind of just depends on which course that you're taking uh okay yeah the $42 per month one is the Deep learning course and the certificate problem they're certificate program they're both $42 per month the I completed the first course of the specialization it felt like a college course it was comprehensive quizzes are great yes I absolutely agree with that and Engineering is like just a really good um teacher it would have it would be an honor to attend one of his lectures in person um I don't like robotic voices in courses I don't like robotic cour voices in courses hello Yaya it's been a while how are you doing Andrew is perfect in 1.75 speed yeah he does talk very slow but don't you feel like his voice is very soothing he's like now we shall learn about building neuron networks neuron networks are very interesting I I think it's like a very calming voice which can be both a good thing and a bad thing because it makes me like sleepy but I also feel very calm um yeah so okay cool so I hope that was helpful for you guys like please give me me some feedback like was that a helpful overview um now I'm going to go through some of the courses that I said that you should take in supplement uh if you don't have a certain background and stuff and then as promised I'll also go through my recommendation as a summary what learning paths to take based upon what you need and what course pairings that you should do depending on what it is that you need as well so for the python machine learning um for python so some of the courses require python some of them require some level of understanding machine learning some of them require more more like math for machine learning some of them require linear algebra um and some statistics so luckily luckily totally unintentional just kidding it's pretty intentional um I do have a video where I go through like how to learn AI um kind of I called it the concentric Circle where the renegon method for my Naruto fans because it kind of talks about like how to use it and then more and more details about it so I do link the courses that I found um which let me open okay one sec okay this over here is the course how to finally learn Ai and not give up this time so this is the course over here and if you go below there um I link a bunch of resources that are here so free cam for python there's a python book If you prefer book stuff are you able to see what I'm talking about I hope so yeah book stuff if you want uh introduction to AI prompt engineering Josh starmer is absolutely great for math stuff so if you're going to brush up on things really really recommend Josh starmer um he's very not boring U math for machine learning if you want to be more specific there's a statistics course um also brilliant uh is a really good resource um in which they have a really great neuron networks course they also have really good intermediate data learn data deep learning what I love the most about brilliant courses the best uh okay what I like the best from brilliant courses is their math stuff like they mucha statistics things like that because it's a very engaging platform um it's not video based it's actually you going through and fiddling things with yourself and like little animations popping up and the dopamine reward system so brilliant is a really good approach especially for um topics that are kind of boring yeah so these are the courses I would recommend that you brush up on um if you need to okay now in sum of everything so after going through all of the courses I kind of like think about it in terms of your people who are coming in like some people coming in are kind of like oh um I'm interested in artificial intelligence I'm not super technical we're like not technical at all I just want to have like an understanding of it before I fully commit so it's like mild commitment uh that's when I would recommend the Deep learning for sorry he's saying deep learning for everyone it's AI for everyone course cuz it's non-technical it does a well balanced job of telling you what it can be used for why it's useful how it's being applied and it's a pretty short course and it's really really easy um low commitment kind of course now for people who just want to like do a quick start guide I would recommend prompt engineering for developers um is a really good course just to get started but as you kind of learn more about once you start like working on um AI projects uh you probably want to jump into either the AI engineer course the professional certificate for AI engineer or the Deep learning specialization course if you want to be more practical uh I would say the professional certificate AI engineer is going to be more practical and if you can stomach this slightly robotic and boring voice um if you want a more like academic approach or like more understanding what's happening then deep learning specialization is what I would recommend going into afterwards um for anybody that just wants to like quick start guide anything and just use things really quickly really recommend checking out the short courses about from deeplearning.ai it's just really really fast for you to get started on whatever it is that you're trying to build um if you're someone who is a beginner in coding and in artificial intelligence but you want to go a little bit deeper than just the non-technical stuff what I would recommend that you do is the Harvard CS 50s course you can do jumping straight into artificial intelligence with python course or you can do the uh Duo of cs50's computer science introduction to computer science course and the artificial intelligence python course afterwards this is like a good balance because it does start from the very very beginning and it does go deep enough so that you're able to understand the concepts and you're able to use it efficiently although after that you might find that it's not um as comprehensive on the map math things on the math things so you might want to jump into the math or skim through one of the other courses about uh deep learning specialization or the certificate program for AI engineer all right what do you guys think any thoughts concerns questions what should a perspective freelancer focus on great question if uh I would say doing the AI engineer specialization is what I would focus on um depending on your attention span that's what I would say if you just want to like start building and you have an engineering background Computer Science Background I would just jump straight into this uh into the short courses starting with the chat GPT sorry the prompt engineering for the open AI stuff uh and then some of the other short courses and then using the large language models the open source ones and then starting from there and then uh going maybe then into the certificate program if you actually have a good attention span then I would say going directly into the AI engineer certificate programs that that's super practical and you have a capsul project um better than the other ones specifically for that well hello doc thank you I just completed a fourth course from brilliant which one is the fourth course again sorry I don't know which fourth course it is is it is it the stats one like the fundamentals of statistics and math things well you can't really go around with brilliant courses they may not have the most comprehensive catalog uh of courses and they're not as like practical in terms of being able to apply everything directly as fast as possible into building real life projects but from a learning perspective and if you have like attention span problems like I do brilliant is really really good at making sure that you actually learn the things that's why I personally like brilliant so much very helpful and I've joined a Mist yay awesome so you'll be getting those notifications at the calendar as well when you join a mailing list um so that you know when the events are I usually try to like stick to one time but since I'm in China I get a little bit you know all over the place sometimes so uh do I need to study data structures algorithm to be able to get a job the answer to that is probably yes if you want to do something that's AI related did so yes yes how much like machine learning College awesome fundamentals All the Rage these days really would recommend how long do short courses take uh the short courses usually take like an hour to two hours is from what I can tell thoughts on a kagle learn courses I don't know if you heard that was loud a cago learn courses okay truthfully I didn't look so much into the cowo courses so I'm not sure if anybody else has any comments about the CLE courses please do let me know what your thoughts are uh oh the new netor course yeah wasn't it okay for the brilliant course of neuron networks isn't that great it had like little pictures of like the little neurons and stuff I thought it was entertaining kagle is a very good research for Learning and leveling up through their ml competition okay awesome thank you Conrad uh my longterm goal is to get revenge on all the firms who have not hired me oh my God whenever I walk around sometimes and then I see like a um and I see somewhere it's like Black Rock and like you rejected me like American Express you rejected me uh do any of the courses you know delve into Linux based models to create custom kernels no no no no they do not I would say some of the other certificate programs that are lower level programming um or on the op side would give you a better approach to do this um freelancer is mainly being your own boss is not difficult to get that job I would agree might want to adjust camera a bit your face is a bit glossy should I talk about okay you know what good idea let me talk about my skin care routine see that's the problem CU like my skin just looks too oily sometimes on camera and then people talk about your face is brighter than my future like I know so I don't know what look it is I'm going for um honestly my face has kind of always been like this like I I would try to like make it not oily but I also gave up on that but for some reason if you're like interested in having more glowy skin is the nice word what I usually do is um I use a lot of crave beauty products which I think are very good and they're very affordable as well so a great barrier relief um I also use like mostly Korean Brands uh I think there was a a more Pacific I forgot what that's called like the skin toner I use that as a base um what else do I use when it's really dry I would use vanet cream so also like big tubs of vanet cream I use retinol twice a week at night and an eye cream eye cream is usually just whatever random eye cream that I can find that is relatively cheap or on sale yeah that's my that's my um face things um best love course and you to me um also udemy is one that I didn't check out that much as well cuz I think the corsera certificates are generally better than the udemy corses hot take hot take okay I did look at some of the udem courses but I just feel like generally the quality is better on corsera plus it's cheaper um or you can take it for free yeah although if anybody else has any thoughts about UD toate courses please not saying that they're bad I just haven't looked into them that much what kind of re there's like this French brand that has a really really gentle retinol um need a skare need wait you know what let me just go grab it I don't know what it's called let me go grab it suddenly the viewer count went up when I'm talking about my skincare fascinating okay okay so this is I would say like this oh L sorry not a more Pacific this laned I feel like a Beauty bloger look at my laned cream skin serap peptide very good as a toner um great Beauty great grayber relief one of my favorites as well I say this is like my thing that makes my skin Not freak out the most um random I eye cream from fresh black tea age delay eye concentrate this is the retinol I use a313 that's because I have rosacea so I can't use a stronger retinol um this one is really really gentle so it's one of the only ones that my skin will tolerate and another one that I really like is the Peter Thomas rooth honic cloud hydrel eye patches this one is I really like that especially when it's dry and I feel like my I have like very bad eye bags um so whenever I feel like I need some hydration I would use this eye mask as well that's pretty much it I I sometimes do like a face mask I would say maybe like once a week or once every two weeks and they're usually just like whatever I find as long as they're non-scented and hydrating okay cool # beauty blogger now I'm just like wow why does the view count increase when I talk about non-educational stuff like why do I bother making educational content where I can just damn it guys okay I hope that was helpful um if you guys have any feedback please do let me know I'm going bounce very soon um do you guys think that was a helpful Course Review any other comments or thoughts anything can improve on I'm a wait for like a couple minutes Brandon which course is in your opinion focus on ethical use AI for everyone is the course that focuses on ethical use um oh if you want to talk about like more technical ethical usage I feel like I think there might be a specialization somewhere in corsera or maybe on UD to me that goes specifically into how to use things and ethically unfortunately I don't believe that there's a lot of courses that touch on how to be ethical from a technical perspective you know how there's always like an obligatory um oh you should be careful about what you do SE just like obligatory but it doesn't really go into that much detail uh for these certificate and courses can you suggest me a fastest and comprehensive realat to be an EML as freelancer I was say check out my video that I just my most recent video about uh how to AI stuff it's very practical cuz I I get bored easily so everything I do is pretty practical and just about how to get a job as fast as possible because that gives me accountability because I can't just randomly quit my job because I wouldn't have any money so that's kind of like my brain approach is always like learn enough of things in order to get a job which makes me not want to quit because job gives me money and I feel the idea of having to talk to someone about quitting makes me uncomfortable so and I don't quit that's that's just just like my approach to things um I feel udem course tend to be more practical and less academic interesting okay I feel like udem coures just the quality of it varies a lot to be honest that's what I would personally say work routine next time okay next time hay routine next time okay uh retinol a31 that surely is not available in Europe no no no Ricardo I think it's actually a French brand yeah it's it it is Avail it is a European brand um yeah it's I'm not going to try to pronounce this but it's from France and it was actually pretty expensive having to get it from Europe [Music] um okay let me see if anybody has any feedback can we view them on YouTube you mean the live stream or the courses dcs51 uh is on YouTube the rest of them are not can you see previous live lunch and learn you site in your sub stag yeah you can they're all in the same playlist very helpful already saved later since I jumped in late thanks for answering both questions thank you for joining um how do you make the courses help you reach career goals yeah as I said earlier just focus on learning things and then trying to get a job afterwards because then you can't like that's the easiest way to achieve career goals is by starting the career itself most of my connections are in healthcare how do I ensure that as a freelancer I can handle their data in an ethical way that is an excellent excellent question um I can't say that I have that much information about it and I haven't really looked at courses and I don't remember any of them at the top of my head um yeah I'm afraid I don't know I'm not going to pretend that I know on that one I would assume that it has lots depending on their policy and how data is being used so I can see that being like very very specific um I do think like see exactly what I mean by there's a lot of opportunities though in like healthcare and a lot of the these different fields because the application of AI in those different fields is there's like so many applications but I really need someone who's more domain specific right like if you already have some background in healthcare what that's supposed to mean you figuring out how to apply AI in healthcare can have so many opportunities and you can have you can just do like so many you have like you're just able to advance that field so much if you figure it out [Music] um BR Detroit no it's called like a313 it literally says France yeah I don't know it literally says France it's always shiny I told you guys what I put okay cool all right um thank you all so much for joining and it's always it's always really fun doing these live streams I'll see you guys next week okay goodbye see you
Channel: Tina Huang
Views: 10,161
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: XKpjZOvmAG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 57sec (4137 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2024
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