Kristy Glass Knits: Pom Pom Magazine

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[Music] last year at Rhinebeck and we've kept in touch like here and there and I've seen each other and I'm so happy they're here to do a quick interview what happened is very good please introduce yourself I'm Lydia one of the pom-pom girls I'm Megan I am so how'd you guys meet we met at an antique store working at any store yeah in London yeah so why were you in London because I can tell you're the native people sometimes Americans used to think that I had a nice yeah which I kind of did but now I've been back yeah not even yeah now that I've been living in the u.s. again for like 3 years it's totally gone but you were both reading it yeah which store blue blue yeah I thought my bucket list oh yeah very nice shop okay so how did you go from Luke to pom-pom girls tell me the story well we were both working there and yeah both really into it meeting as we still are yeah are we just from working there we kind of discovered that there but both of us were already into kind of independent magazines at the time yeah like name one like Frankie do you know thank you it's an Australian like women's magazine but it's so different to like Cosmo one was more than a general yeah see yeah it's not it's not a craft magazine it's just let go you know interesting writing some fashion so yeah yeah but just like it really spoke to us yeah and I used to just go to sort of there's quite a lot of lovely independent book shops in London you go and I don't even remember the names of some of the magazines because often they would just make a few copies of it you know that was all quite but basically there was this kind of scene of people making sort of lovely publications that were you into yeah on that really lovely paper and obviously loads of carrot gone into them and we just at that point we didn't find a meeting or craft magazine that we that we felt that reflective that yeah you are looking for it yeah we don't find it yeah so you have to make yeah well I guess I want to rewind a little bit so I meant to ask how did you end up in the yarn store so what were your individual sort of ground stories and then I'll go back to my thumb uh well I didn't study anything to do with making things out of wool or fabric I would study linguistics in Manchester and I came to London because after you've lived in Manchester that was like the logical thing next so big city because what is Manchester like the second but yesterday after know about biggest but it might be like this in England yeah I don't think the owner might be oh it's definitely the SEC it's exciting to culturally biggest attention or you know in terms of like gigs and galleries and things like that but yeah I could have just went to London to inquire fortune yeah I've got a job at loop but actually I mean I was really internetting and that's why but also I went to university with oops owner sorry and she I bet yeah it hadn't occurred to me she was if I you should see that anyway so I ended up working at loop and I really loved it did you who died in it my mum did but I had retaught myself I was at University yeah because you have to kind of like lock in those like big remembrance that's from your youth yeah I think yeah they're this I've gone home in the summer and it was raining in Wales as it does and I teach myself to knit mm-hmm so yeah so you certainly can't loop yeah and but you had been to University yep so it's not that common to go to upper education and then work at a yarn store would that path about well it was mostly because I wanted to do I knew I wanted to go away which I did that one of my three years sort of in between when I first started working at Lupin one we did start pom-pom I wanted to do a PhD yeah I was just because I just finished my master's degree I think I wanted to do something a bit different and have a little bit of kind of space to do my own thing make things and just yeah because I've just been working really hard for four years solid Soper seemed like a nice yes cause intend to do yeah and it turned out that that was one of the reasons that pom-pom kind of got going because both of us were not queer in the same exactly it's kind of in-between phase when you're working not full-time and the free time that you have is actual free time that's where you were and setup how you got to the intersection I should have started there so yeah well I went to London in the first place um I could study abroad thing and then I met my husband and so I stayed for ten years it's English um he has a British passport because his parents are Scottish he was born in Australia cool so he has an accent he has an Australian sweet sort of I mean yeah he left Australia he was fourteen but yeah okay so you met him there so you stay for ten years I did and sort of halfway through that point because away I met yeah yeah yeah and I just finished a master's degree what was your English like writing gender and culture kind of thing and I wrote my dissertation on Wow yeah knitting in women's literature yeah so give us a few examples of that oh well it was like mostly about Virginia Woolf okay did she write a lot about knitting she was an inner and and her book to the lighthouse it's like if you look for it it's like the whole book club oh yeah I don't ask me to read the dissertation like anybody watching this because it's problem I like can't look at it oh yeah oh yeah terrible now yeah one also just all that I mean the dissertation just I only think of the word like pain people talk about it you know that word is like a bad word is like no it was it was good but I think that I wrote it a long time ago yeah and I would write it completely different yeah so we're gonna loop and so yeah why were you drawn to this dissertation in this year in story what have you been in in your whole life no I like to know when I was 16 from my boyfriend's mom and she was very cool for my birthday she bought me like a sweaters worth of yarn and like I mean it is which I wanted to do but she was like maybe you sit there and yes so she was a great teacher um I sent her some coffee it's at home home and she was so happy yeah yeah she had like the beginning of your paper chain yeah I totally would have kept her and like not the boyfriend right that's great yeah but yeah she's amazing and yeah and so I know all through college I like beer cozies and for what you needed and yeah and then like you know knitting blog starting to happen and probably what was that - that's a definitely hug there was a knitting Society at Manchester yeah did they put take me on to Rupp Arena yeah so it was like six seven it was all this time when like you know like the internet was really making it in like thanks yeah there was stitch in London looks just like a huge group like we would take over like an entire bar kind of thing and that was really fun so I used to go to that and so yeah I was just really into it and then yeah I started working at and actually found the job listing on our lorry oh wow yeah that is cool yeah and and then yeah I mean the shop is so beautiful in the colors like you just like stand there and you're like yeah do so much and so you know like working at a shop like Luke can be creative but it is still working at a shop so we had this like gap in our yeah in our like creative world where we needed to be doing like a project so I guess or just working in a place where there's lots of people making things and you just end up standing around talking about colors and yarns and probably getting what you want to make and it just created space yeah and like we didn't realize it at the time but it was like the best market research it's like we knew what we wanted it better well yeah because there was no you know like not ill intention but like yeah yeah we didn't realize we're doing yeah the whole process was really organic yeah I mean my gonna come from a place where we were the customer that we yeah I mean that's why we made it yeah my reverse had gone I mean it's obviously totally fine to decide to make magazine and do that as you know you're like Scott without having been how we'd started but it turned out that our so prior experiences had actually you know pedis yeah reasonably well we had like almost by accident and so neither of us did do those PhDs your PhD yeah a magazine making away from the store was it kind of it was gradual yeah yeah it took a while it took a good yeah which was which was fine we were busy yeah it was pretty constant yeah you work all the time you know just the two of you or did you have a team right away it was pretty much just the two of us my husband's a graphic designer so he did the layout back then we had a friend who did the recipes yeah still does that juju yeah yeah and they're still in London at this point yes yeah I guess it was in our second third year but I left yeah and how did that affect the business it was terrifying and like sad and all the things but now I distribute the magazine from the US no it just handy yeah so we have like a much bigger readership anyone yeah yeah yeah and I maybe that would have happened anyway but yeah definitely helped yeah what was the month and year of the first issue 120 million below so in five years tell me about the growth and the change of your business because you just had your five year celebration yeah my gosh I was wanting to be there so much really I really trying to stay away from like they're missing out on Instagram that I was like yes I want to be on the train so how does it changed from that first it's so different so different you have a staff yeah seriously people aside from us that work full-time yeah and then we have two interns and I can't even call them in turn no yeah I mean they're they're amazing yeah they like shouldn't teach a class on how to be interns as well the previews having happened so Nucky's she was she could have yeah and what about the photography in the magazine do you switch out photographers a little better person yeah which we do a bit of both because on the one hand you know when you're working with somebody and you kind of get each other and know that you're gonna get yeah and it's like yeah it's kind of like getting the gang back together the makeup artists you use and photographer but that obviously I mean photographers you know they have their style and they don't they're kind of community ins in some way so I obviously they should to be able to like how to bring their style into your vision and so in that way it's kind of fun to switch up sometimes again new perspectives yeah but you always have to go through the like is there not knitting people it's like dating you know to be like so you need to get to close-up of the stitches actually if they're not it oh yeah so it's you know you've gotta kind of time so you guys want to set creative directing that aren't directing that yeah yeah yeah I know anything cuz I there's one client I have right now that it tends to be the same team because we know it works yeah they always call me and my job and someone so you need that job so I totally get that but I would also see why you want to freshen it up yes yeah well they're pending on the mood of the totally she was actually so far winter she which is coming out in November we used a new photographer for the first time and she was correct she was ready yeah I'm high style really really well with I just it's like basically your shawl and if she must dream yeah I just was interviewing Jen who she was your cover shot of the one before the anniversary issue it was she goes by Shady straw on Ravelry so it's like this like maybe a spring so it's a shawl and then a oh yeah yeah yeah yeah it should be strongly said him yes yeah and she was so thrilled so how does it work because she didn't she didn't know she's need on the cover yeah so how does that process work with we have an idea of what we want on the cover ahead of time but like on that photo shoot day you just don't know what you're gonna get and so I mean we have to do things like say the photographer you have to like shoot far enough back so there's space over there he'll shot yeah yeah so we say okay this is an outfit where we think we might want to go to cover make sure you get one with the space for text and all I got okay yes okay mm-hmm so everyone gets a cover try maybe on their on their or most yeah yeah I'm gonna it depends what it is I mean we're probably not going to put miss songs yeah yeah all the Superman but but I did see a photo reference recently remember I put it up where like I can't say it no one who did this job for a shoe company and they make sample shoes in not my size I can't remember it's things that Earnshaw's and I had to be on the cover with these shoes but they didn't fit my feet like at all it wasn't even like I could squeeze in it was like full-out Rosella and Cinderella would not even go my nail so we ended up doing this cover shot of me holding the shoe like well everyone knows samples yeah and most you know people who are in the modeling industry I'm not a fashion model but I do do modeling are a certain height and that always means a certain size but yeah in the UK this is like a total aside I know that the sample sizes are 4 which is much smaller than mine and that's just shoes on so snappy a shoe model you have to have those sized feet it's a great tool people not so much no but maybe there's you give it like next to me you're not really faisal so you can take my jacket of yoga pose oh yeah it's gonna be like there are some very very good socks though in the next this year go up the ice cream couldn't fit on the cover really yeah I think sometimes it surprises us what we you know what ends up yeah you think yes and then and time of it out if you're looking at all of them and just something speaks you I think normally once we've seen the photography they'll be like four or five images that we think that could work so then when you talk to the layout designers and are like these the ones we want you to try and nothing works on it yeah and then sometime then often they've got a few that they want to try yeah and then between those which is interesting because they're not knitters the one working with recently and so to see what they think looks cool because you know there's like a different like knitters style fashion like things that are in style for knitters you know but um but yeah it's interesting to see what they yeah and they're a couple so that husband-and-wife team was that do the design so it's also interesting to get like guys perspective yeah well I just love all of them good okay now let's talk about the podcast when did you start the try together uh I think it's like three or four years ago a long time ago Sam it's sort of suddenly hosts it seems like something that we did like way after we started but actually you know is that first year of nineteen was like yeah so it was just again so Sophie who now does work for us full-time and she kind of she's always been oh wow yeah since the very beginning and she worked at Luke as well and just being so food always be making city jokes all day and someone was like you know should have a podcast and I was like we made one and there was a similarly kind of organic process in either of us it was just a fun project wasn't yeah it was just like something fun to do my housemate and would like a really close friend of mine Eli he does likes or Sam Starr for music production and I was living with him at the time and I he was like yeah it's also a fun project great and he got involved in oh now he's like does it sound like paternity leave now yeah so yes it I'm Nydia anybody who was a pom fest will remember Eli because he was the kind of master of ceremony for the evening he also has been on the podcast once or twice reading horror stories for example he has quite a theatrical voice wow there are stories the queen of yeah and yeah so we got lucky you know we just asked a few people if they wanted to be interviewed on the podcast and people seem to like it so we carried on doing it basically similarly to the magazine yeah and I mean I love listening to it because I'm I'm not host because like Lydia in Sofia London and like when I think everybody else actually probably feels that way too so it's like once a week once a month once a month sometimes we have like one special short residence time I was Lucy I want someone to collect all of them because there's so many no like having like a baby book like all of our knitting Punk well you could look at the list of stock is so pom-pom because the Garn stories are these number one exactly number one so it is already collected from human can you get it done iTunes or on your website it's pretty easy to find yeah you can get on the podcast apps do those on the website at SoundCloud you've never been no I have yeah but yeah why don't you do it you just have to do it like a phone call cell or you wait till you're in person I don't think I've done phone calls like sometimes if I'm with somebody interesting all old yeah oh I see an instruction in yeah or sometimes we're together yeah how often do you go back well both but before I had my baby I I moved I went back to London like five times in two years Wow yeah you know so yeah there was a lot of traveling yeah yeah before we used to try to do spring and summer in Austin mmm shoots and then we'd turn fall and winter yeah London what do you know well it's kind of all over the place because yeah I like I'm already like hyperventilating having left my 15 month old at home for my day so Mike yeah but I went to London this past summer and propulsion sign by the way yeah she's not thinking about you soon as it's really happy kids like your Cheerios on her shelf yeah she's good yes she's got that she's got that nice bike it's fine and her bunny like she look about that while our that yeah I mean she loves her bunny most of any one of the ones I've got it she has a 15 month or fifteen year old but yeah she and my husband both came to London and we went to see his parents in Scotland and stuff but we shot Bristol's yeah so we did the one book I thought TNA with the fancy girls yes well you got that one first yeah I mean that was our well I don't use no interpretations we've done in loads of yeah pokey and Mara really do almost it'll work on that and we just we appreciate it yeah you have magazines and then Nigel like this publishing arms you're not like Soho he embarrasses business so they've had talked about I'm unfamiliar with these what it is what we're hooking in Vera do publish so they do they collaborate severe eval Maki and then hope you look at Ali collaborate a collection called interpretation because they're like the cutest best friend couple of all time this is true and the two of them yeah yeah yeah and he's in Argentina and Barisan Finland and then they get together once a year and they shoot this collection together and oh he came to me was like books and I was like yeah so like we're so lucky because we printed like Hokies first book ever and Bristol's was first book cover and the girls from fancy tigers first book ever and I'm like how do these people not have books before like it's crazy because same reason there wasn't pop amazing we're looking for it we can't find yes our first book was called take heart and it was Fiona Alice or Fiona Blanchard's who had been working with us she does and designed to pom pom we always really really loved her the most incredible submission yeah so our interns could teach entering classes you want to teach submitting to knitting magazine classes something I've got to be a skill yeah and she you gotta get some crazy stuff hand its you headshots you like what these people think that's a range there yeah there's definitely ones that stand out from people who spent a lot of time making it look pop ah yeah I'm gonna bring everything yeah I have such specific like his you know from issue to issue everything is pom-pom but we have very specific briefs anybody is watching in a tip on submitting to a magazine like our brief was about stamps international stamps for our next spring issue and so we asked people to to like choose a stamp and then show how the design that they were submitting like I know some people just hadn't read the brief so you know and they want you know obvious thing to do yeah so that's the main thing that helps write your name at the top [Applause] obviously designs aren't always specifically created for the thing they go to like we all signed them we know that sometimes that you know often things get submitted so ordered like that's fine but just think about the way in which it does work within the context of this particular publication and this season that markets going yeah yeah I like the color palette you know you don't have to knit your swatch in that kind of palette necessary it does help so make miss your PDF like a little bit yeah just you know just give us a hand you know thank you make us gonna be investing well so you know to know that somebody's invested in it and that they're gonna be as committed to making the pcs for us as they were - yeah and think about if you see one that's particularly committed and impressive maybe it's not a fit this time but yeah I mean with Fiona to make she you know had worked with us done designed to this and then she ended me actually interned with us in London for a while she's Canadian but she had come to London yeah so then we asked her to do a book of accessories I came out really beautifully in Ted so that was the first one and it's been quite a few since then with interpretations Walter knee well Jenni with fancy fancy tiger and and low yeah yeah yeah oh they were all in it right yeah that was the time I stormed your business yeah reminding Lydia about it I was like [Music] like for a second it was fun okay so what are you wearing I'm wearing Palmetto from issue 22 obsessed I just finished it and look I did sticking yeah and the ribbons oh I'm wiring so this is also from issue 22 and this is well I'm gonna try and say the word edit Belinda yeah nice and yeah also finished last night I think there's some loose ends these are a Rhinebeck space I'm just literally finish what I set in the sea I said goodbye ends on but I have them like steamed it or anything expensive yeah it show us is still a little bit there's a lot of Rhinebeck so does it look like that I just finished another car on the real yeah and I'm disappointed in the weather but I think it might be okay for a few hours - I think cardigan yeah that sugar air I decided to switch to a skirts okay at least have ventilation from under yeah yeah I would probably gonna be wearing chest yeah okay so I have 9 questions that I am never in turbulence okay and we can answer at the same time they're really easy knit or crochet this is knit we or spin we've we've cashmere around back cashmere just because sometimes the alpaca just pokes me right now yeah but I like alpacas maybe also help act because the border mill Bobby then is so that I can Scottish they make the most beautiful placket wheat and I used to yeah so they change your mind color an angel come on a sweater or socks sweater so that's a bulkier fingering and favorite place to knit in public that's a good where the bus when I usually yeah buses are good yeah I do like that top yeah favorite project of all time the one that I just finished I don't know what is my all-time favorite it might still be quadrillion how do you think I decide oh I use thank you yeah we both do but now we have no time I'm gonna add another specific question for you guys what's your favorite pom-pom issue oh you can't ask us to choose for my children so it was issue 6 I think for both that we just love that one so it's so beautiful okay but there's well there's student to be 23 of them yeah it's like maybe in terms of I think issue 19 which was winter last year that one I really enjoyed the concept behind it and the way it all came together I love the designs as well I mean it's quiet I imagine I know but where does that idea first come from when you're starting an issue yeah so like one of us has like an initial like idea we see something yeah start a like a secret Pinterest report and that invites sort of invite the other way yeah yeah and then yeah traditionally we both just started adding like loads stuff and then we like pair of that recently we've been doing like one of us does one issue which is worked quite nice yeah and now I think also like you know we we've always been quite palette specific I think the more issues we've made the more things have evolved because just you can't just keep doing that just general autumn colors that were you know it has to start like winter purple exactly yeah so things have started sort of shifting in that way but you had all comes normally to a mood board and we have different styles but like we can both wear the same thing and make it look really different on both of us so we generally like the same things yeah sometimes you know there like that's a Venn diagram yes a little bit on the edge semester like what and your humble enough to take that what and we can we move some of your pretty honest with each other and also like but you know one of us might say feeling one like I don't like that yeah it's not not going in the magazine that's like edges where you will be like that just I'm sorry it's do fun but yeah you know though if there are certain things that I would wear that Megan would probably think completely ridiculous rightly so potentially I think that the fact that we don't have the exact same taste it's great better yeah there's a strength you know last question what Sonny does now I am missing I'm like an issue 22 I'm making the over check Carol which is from issue 22 is all which is autumn 2017 to be clear and it's a double net Cal with a kind of really graphic so cool check designer I'm making it and actually these kind of colors like a pinky mustard really like a pink hair mustard that hasn't changed from the beginning yeah yeah you look particularly pom-pom tip I know she's wearing brown yeah I did say I do it but stand up yeah that's true and she did make this turn I'm not worried this is pom-pom to yes yes this time I think we got the yeah no son you have three things three things that are like current mm-hm I have lots of things on but I'm also knitting another sweater from a she 22 : d ASIS how did you say I was saying diocese but I think the ISIS times my son it's on the cover of it she starts a good D it's on the cosmos moody and I'm making it in like purples and browns so pretty oh yeah and then I'm knitting a hat from the issues that that's about to come out in two shades of purple and then I'm doing some socks that are also purple and viola aren't you know violent oh my gosh I think my China and that's our next work project like a book about her yard and hard life yeah I'm so happy you're here thank you so much for being here I really thank you for having a little um you need to kill my god no we're here oh I wish I was five years and issue 22 issues and a huge staff of people better [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: kristyglassknits
Views: 13,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fiber arts, knitting with kristy glass, kristyglassknits, beginning knitting, knitting lessons, knitting, purling, yarn, knitting 101, how to knit, how to purl, learn to knit, pom pom magazine
Id: npqFvomkwWI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 14sec (1934 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2018
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