Kristy Glass Knits: Skeindeer Knits

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[Music] please introduce yourself this time laryngitis oh yeah I am Mellie this is not usually my voice my voice for today I go as wonder or my a Indian on the internet so s gained upon the skater next podcast and history and the skating hit script why are you called thick skin da that's the most adorable name I don't know he's just seem to catch you because I worked like reindeer it's so perfect now where are you from I'm Norway you're my second Norwegian great was the fall I guess my yeah my second because um our name of our name Carla bioregion and Carlos is really isn't hey but there we don't use colors yeah he should be counted as I look at Jen right so this is so exciting but you don't live in Norway right now now we've been living in London UK for the past six years and why are you there instead of Norway I'll just start that's a good story I decided to be able to learn it on a whim cuz I don't make it the University in downtown and just need a change so I applied within like a couple weeks before actually moved to University and UK I was like I'm gonna do a year under the year not the first year of her bachelor's degrees I thought almost I finished a bachelor's degree and I was finishing the master's degree as I've got more known experts are talking to this left shortly University what I do for my masters could receive interested in topics knows like a kid UHT and you can be able to see the way sometimes like your kid or that it's that I'm doing a PhD what is your PhD in psychology psychology there's like very dry decision making stuff I know that thing I think really cool like crispy parts just the regular population how we decide things okay so but but the crazy people you love the purple - right because I'm one else none rest okay so talk about the Knitting what when did you learn to knit how did you become an internet sensation and then we'll talk about your show and tell Wow I'm Norwegian so it's kind of all around is that like a thing like you learned to read and yeah so I mean I didn't learn it in test at school but we always exposed to yarn and so it's like when someone doesn't D stashing your way then everybody's like here should give it to a kindergarten so again I got to play with yarn you don't knit where you'd make pom-poms and you do little weaving you have it looms and then I could be like thinking of Christmas it's like you turn and yeah from the crochet which is like finishing with your fingers don't do five stitches only then at school that he just got her headband was like this long and yellow yarn like wait a bit needle drop stitches and me awful but I get that a so the house make another hat and I came to my cousin who's like I told her going because it's just well enough error but Russia's eighteen says well and then now does make a hat again when I was about 14 15 so in high school yeah so they kept like asking like introducing in maybe two three times during our school years yeah that's like swimming with me yeah we learned to swim it yes at the fourth grade and then freshman year yeah why couldn't it have been knit in it that's so cool so it's just a Norwegian standard thing yeah but most people don't keep a system either denied to be honest I think that began when I was 19 I want to say that that's when I started knitting like I need a stitch before though but I didn't know like say to cast on because like when you made the Hat when I was 14 my arts and crafts each chair has tried to teach me the longtail cast on and it's we do not usually like hot and it was I came to demonstrate for me and I was like tried to replicate I can't do it he kept trying to and I just couldn't remember and he just threw the Knitting on the table in range or left room so I didn't know what to cast him until it was maybe 20 and that was about yeah you you know that right yeah mister PhD in psychology you better know that was about him not you you know how big authors to have an English teacher said you will never get it right to you know any thoughts of my story yeah you felt like that was what he was saying to you like I'm never gonna get this story you know but then it became a lifestyle for you yeah so talk about that well I think that even all right picked up when I lived at this remote school when I was like a 1920 I knew back to Motown I did you know dictating at all because I was like I better study Jesus yeah London Peter Cushing identify postpone it to but then I said leader here at London I started missing you know something yeah yeah so I had a friend that you me Marius whatever sounds like those like a staple in your wardrobe what does it go and Maria sweat time area it's like you spell it [Music] okay yeah that's what I thought I was here okay that lame is character Marius okay so I think every special is something we don't find on my tomatoes like I can't be too hard I want to make that too but I never was don't assess yeah and so not only were you determined to just make a sweater you all turn it into a dress that's amazing that's how you probably knew was that very empowering for you I think so I don't know if I consider that was like my first kind of properties of color hockey and there's amazing it's all right like it's not perfect like could I make better younger sister nice kid I carried like I can't went into the trap that I love than you knew me color what it is - but I like oh my color one is too tight because I saw such a short yeah I was like oh I need to look knit looser it doesn't make any tissue look that just makes the to lose yeah so it kind of has this it's wearable yeah yes amazing okay so then when did it become sort of more of a lifestyle for you was it still in college or yeah because you're still doing a PhD yasss public the second year in my my master's degree so in my third year I was anymore because I was writing my PhD but but so so I don't know cardiac well writing you know just like I named it my I'm never gonna get this PhD because I'm gonna see this cardigan cardigan yeah pleated both yeah and so many not to take a break this thing yes your whole thing and now we're done before years each coming up what's here now let's go down three years ago and it is to become way more I think I do don't HD yeah it's like 50/50 right now anything I mean yes but worse okay so talk about like Ravelry and starting out in earnest I mean I don't run a business in London and I was a bit like well where it's like the other countries equivalent what we haven't already know where that color watch a purse was their staple and I didn't see in traditions which is fun if you probably already know how and you sorted by like trending or right now I think it's called music color which looks then everywhere like athletes the area's come it's the right to the Republic yes having a moment rain earlier so I just talked to like I've been around since like posting my project started being an active nature cause it's a sign and that was basically just a year ago yeah it was your first design it was I have that right here this is the seventh make they had to see patches as well so there's your very first one this is so beautiful and so Norwegian right yeah so you're not trans they called Sallu mittens because they're from the nation of Serbia which is about an hour drive tomorrow they're like yeah your default mittens if you're gonna go out skating or anything oh thanks they're so good so you designed mittens yes my and what was the response like it depends on how quick I was kind of because I just made these because I was asked to do it color a class in Norwegian it in in London that sounds like a part of it because I can't just take any other version this pattern so I developed this world and Jews in the class and I run across this because I have people across my talk about the classes there yeah people like but I'm about to I can't just new classes Vatican yeah so I got far enough put it out there and I don't remember it was this time this side of Christmas at Emory pasti oh yeah they're very successful like each other go for it yeah so how many people did the nail on I don't remember it was actually more than I was expecting it was a lot yeah finds a small one and I'm doing the second one with just Mormons yes so now don't you have a name for like MIT ihnen so long or do you like a name for your mittens either side with makeup yeah yeah yeah talk about the mitten Club yes so well I had these mittens and I did the nice blonde for them earlier this year and this 20:18 and someone made these like two three four times and I was like gosh I was just like I want to give them work to work I'm like is there just replicating these in all times they can make from several charts no I can't give them so many other things so much more variety yeah and so that's why I started it's a black baby Marcus down then charted lots of witness in Excel she's a millennial who knows how to use Excel me I get my graphic so you started yeah and so then I was like kind of thinking I was like okay Mila bundle plus not pointing release the button of the song because it's son ordinates and so I kind of held up to it until autumn and I was like whatever make love where it gets its monthly mm-hmm time enough Christmas because people need Christmas present then we will be in the mood when it's that time of years and I kind of try to find it I only I looked in my own mind to why is that I know for us to get idea or not and there there wasn't literally until I launched the kind of publication now in August my response and it was massive so how does it work you jealous yeah yeah these were already included because they were already out and put through the bundle and I mean I gave this couple people already bought it's they didn't actually I but I suppose that was sorted and then otherwise that one though was empty about the first of September December I had brought some of them here you get one each month yeah yeah so this is this is their November minutes what did you come they are called oh yeah so flora who don't they look like a little flower and I look how the back has the color work also and the thumb I mean the whole thing is just beautiful so reminds me of China I know that blue China it's the era oh my goodness already okay and then I am a being a particular with these minutes cuz like traditionally only mag get the color of cups women get either lace cuffs or red cuffs I don't like it oh yeah we're changing it changing it regular buttons okay then I didn't bring the September 2nd or they have to admit this but I have to December it me this is the nos Fitness coming out and they are called Kendall and they are my favorites let's say before us now when you do this release when you do the releases adjust the pattern or I thought were yarn to it's just a passion I give I really like thorough guidance in the yard choice was a lot of people pletely I'm familiar with this you're on there are nobody nowhere and yeah so I used on the rusty woolen spun yarn these types of course projects and in a frontal actually this is one of the most perfect yawns but doesn't have your trio physical tools is equivalent five-month fun in London to though we do know it's just my favorite is theater for sticky guard which it's to be piloting yarn mm-hm because they don't use yarn weights in Norway don't use the DK our fingering it's a truss system you have normal yarn which is kind of DQ - where's head and then we have thin yarn which is kind of supported your fingering and thinner okay and that's the chart stuff right but and then we use plies thanks yeah it's very ambiguous yeah and so if someone in it local yarn shop in America I mean I have worldwide people watch yeah but let's say they're in America and they want to get you called it rustic yeah so what's all fun right now fun is fun honey honey well it's woolen spot and they're two different it's primarily two different ways of spinning young I don't but still but in general we do i limited to cutting noise just worst it's bone the fibers have in common parallel and that makes them very smooth it's severity of course if your wants to be this way and the other thing is although it's fun which is what you will see more in say shutdown arms and we do notes and mother counts and that's when the flavors are kind of put me in every time actually so not in compare alone and it makes them in court it's so much more air into their lean it's much later they also get that bite that helps when you do color because it fills in every gap that yeah again is you're working new colors and you want it to look like you just worked once trying out this after this jet color when you did it and it kind of have to get that effect and you get what I like to call a holistic fabric yeah it just looks like one yeah it feels like one fabric and like you can't even tell the difference that is so interesting you know that when I was doing my nano chicks Juancho I did it with this core mole in from a farm and I I feel you like something about the bite I haven't heard that term before it's still important color work and then when I think my son said highway was just like it was like a BFF silk cashmere and it was more challenging because of the lack of bite yeah so speaking of that your yeah I thought so much before you you brought me something yeah okay two skeins let me yes yeah what okay this is this like a stapler like no we didn't I think it's the walk line version of what I've used for these can I make a pair minutes with this yeah right look I love presents oh so you haven't even baby Mudkip patent comes in two categories as either DK fingering and these will probably work for the fingering something right what's up lady it's kinda I keep saying sport figure it cuz like I said we don't use the weight system yeah so they sis like so it can use up the other wonderful thing about will no spun yarn is that you can forget about weights then go from and very loose to the very type cage it's all sticky and fill up the cup set on yeah it fills up the gap thank you now you have a new pattern that just came out yeah this is I'm merging so what's that oh my goodness thumps yet because I do these are no these have the lace of the cuff though who would you consider the lace or not yeah this is what makes this so difficult I wanna go with the feminine version I like this - I like both you are so talented and look at the back they have a little late winter the snow yeah I was developing its last time I was sick just like just a couple weeks ago just said no because I'm sick again and I just thought darling just me just my sauce just waiting it time one was better again oh and so I came up with as mitten mr. Potter I was coming out and there's a Christmas party and I was like a low on Christmas rentals not mystery that's when the deer business came in so that's why you both yeah but the mystery pattern it's lovely not the mystery the mystery already done it out of here oh you don't have a failure you can if this video goes up pop - mr. make this let me just put a picture I think I put a picture to picture okay cool and then are these also step hockey's president boots hey what is this stamp or PSL gets my spot today oh that's it yeah got it it's a bit early because I'm made to write some mittens some you know can make the other two outs now so they're for me - this is good I love I didn't see that I heart look how cute that is this is like so artistic I love it oh and there's like a happy baby talk to you oh my goodness you're so talented so they're coming to RIT snow that was the one with the PSL oh there's the one would just like because cinnamon swirl sitting on the side give me either and this just says coffee being a sincere heart so I can she saw cheese he won't be I love it I love this I guess we're on moments my estimates which I always bring with me because I was wear them now are you gonna be designing a whole new group for 2018 I want to the news should we would like to do it alone we're just like talking with a guest look if we're gonna do it the same way or like make them different ways yeah oh the beginning is just the beginning it is so amazing okay now talk about your podcast when people visit your podcast what can they find that's bubbling an opinion nothing how often do most I have usually dummy on a weekly basis but possibly late it's been the mix I don't never anything you know I used to week that's not what I'm still doing yet very much there's not omit when I have time and is it mostly about knitting yeah it's all about aging I don't do anything else like a cop so I can't spin more just that you're an identical design okay let's show your flee because I joined that how can you be a black bag so me and Christine did let me alone and I joined it but then I had to then I had to stop do you mind look how far I got but you know why I had to stop I think I'm doing something wrong and since you're the leader of the Cal I should ask you okay okay so to speak but I started my color work like right after that yeah is that bad I don't know I could I don't know what I said but I just watching the middle of the snake this didn't ever have to live in any of the arrows you just come off the middle of this deep yeah it's all right in the middle of those to ever suggest that's we're used to dinner and then you can just have all the ends hang out there and just cook about when you're speaking no no everything else your blue moment cuz I would think of it unafraid but you must do I'm gonna do something before it's deep no we chained or something without y'all you don't need to do anything you just bring this this round I mean you can do give it a wash to set it up if you want you don't have to I do the crochet edge just because it's pretty and that's really the only effect that crochet kind of thing that you're doing on here yeah it does it's nice and decorative makes it gonna fold in on itself mhm but you just make it more secure what makes the security quality of the arm yeah well it's a Chinese they can wooly and how's that bite yeah it doesn't go anywhere I'm doing the Jameson yeah and if it makes us perfect yeah like I got really nervous for smalls to get sided this watch smells like brutal with this foretells I've tried to untangle the net just in the more you worry unless like this to tackle okay so if I leave this here and I do even my ends doesn't matter which direction I leave them in like should I leave them in over there so it's not in the sneak or does it matter I can't I having a hard time with even you it just doesn't matter no I mean do you agree she was like you can do it alongside the colors I thought either way it's fine if I keep going yeah shouldn't Prague this I mean you can fit this one back just to start knitting from there when that color from the middle of the steep okay so wait like I should finish this color and then start over like how do I begin I've ever lost things get to skipped over and go back to the end of the station you can start it there okay what you're saying right there but might want to even yesterday huh outside speak I also even know how to stop the color of the middle really okay yeah I'm so nervous this is so much we need as time if unless you enjoy babies help you might but I'm excited for my flee once I do it yeah if you look for you okay thank you for that little lesson look at this so how did the knit along go it went up yeah I was really impressed people tried a little thing stores candle just cut out the idea yeah oh my gosh you're such a good knitter you're such a talented knitter it's beautiful I love how you're Serena so how did you connect with Kristen United in brown so either way office well we were just gonna accidentally stuck together Kayleigh grace of bubbles traveling yawns podcast fit up I just caught okay yeah no really it took the world was just like and you decided to do the Calla together no no no we just met there and it was when you go back home to the Okinawa to London and just for me I guess for my podcast because we had Matt and then talking in that way and then she'd watch space or where I went through everything in my knitting queue or LRE that's penny what I wanted to make it talked about what Jana had for each and she just like picked up the three coins like I knew that I were like well I should really not this has been on my queue for years so we do a cow we can do this oh that she agreed well I love how that turned out yeah oh that's a good inspiration for other people go through your cube yeah and then whoever like picks out an inspiration that can like push it forward I love that idea what about that talk about that piece this is by the same designer so that's all Nina from Oslo alright she goes from Depp in Agudio linear lady and she decided this showing that she asked me to Testament and it is tough now to show that we lost and I was so sure about that tweet skeptic before and I love that it is so cool why are you telling me why you were skeptical because you're not alone and it had the reputation of breaking and I think that was just a few bad batch of specifics that like everything I've heard from before that period of time and after it's been fine and now I love it because they managed to cram in so many need to poke around in this town and it's so light and there's something about the turkey should be and that's kind of the reason I stopped by New York cuz I love American breeds she liked the talking the Korowai de ella yeah all those I've made to Brooklyn tweed sweaters and I agree that there was some breakage yeah but I ain't blamed it on my tension I'm like I must be really angry right now you know what I didn't very very very tight yeah and I didn't break this we asked for this yeah the other thing went swimming and ends a little bit crazy yeah but I figured it out and I have no complaints I love the finished garment alone and making a third Brooklyn tweet for jaden eyes I went fine yesterday and they had bright I know I'm on sale I forgot mine I don't know if this kid said well yeah yeah yeah that was nice I liked that 50% offer oh my god that's where I got my neck sweaters quantity been so great having you I'm gonna I end every interview with many questions unless there's something I forgot there's something I forgot to talk about no no good okay ready okay net or crochet knit I knew that Weaver's been I haven't noticed one before something because I used to do in kindergarten cashmere I pack up knowing either bulkier fingering fingering color are neutrals I hate books and I do cocaine yeah you do sweater or suck favorite placing it in public doesn't yawns count yes yeah favorite project of all time probably like these two I'm having and you look great together yeah just go ladies go just - yeah and what's on your needles now I had usually 2004 checked about here yes it's a it's a sign of my summer what kind of apps books I'm hoping to get my Christmas they're so cute and they need use I use a stick yarn with minor because I'm like never ever ever knit socks without liner they don't usually put Nilan in rustic yummy and I kept any other stuff yes finish to finish now I was gonna ask you one other question when someone's picking out their two colors for a mitten do you have any advice on how to get the right contrast I mean I just don't trust a veteran if in doubt anymore like I know there's like the black and white photos right when you look at the yarn through it feels the way you make it like more and as you can tell you also bought them don't do it I just find that trick to work sometimes sometimes not I just want to say if in doubt I you can trust I might be because I come from the region traditionally we have a color palette of like black white red blue so everything will have a high contrast isn't generally you just one missionary but sometimes like your aunt Rose's kid like is correct yeah so that's what you want actually the luck and white photo fake isn't gonna help you right you like these probably one short black-and-white photo and her but it still works I'm still beautiful you kind of just need your trusted for eyes peg yeah cool well thank you so much for being here I started me these are going a stop on your your New York City favorite or [Music]
Channel: kristyglassknits
Views: 11,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fiber arts, knitting with kristy glass, kristyglassknits, beginning knitting, knitting lessons, knitting, purling, yarn, knitting 101, how to knit, how to purl, learn to knit
Id: Mbvoiyd5h_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 54sec (1554 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2018
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