KPOP Idols Who Belong To Korean CULTS #KPOPMystery

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colts in korea are unfortunately very common to the point where tourists are given tips on how to not annoyingly be lured into cults by strangers on the street yes the issue is that serious i mean even netflix covered the topics of colts and the drama hellbound but other than clueless tourists and members who aren't known to the public there are also idols and actors who belong to some of the many cults in south korea so what is the link between them in the entertainment industry and who are the idols who have been exposed to be part of them let's dive into it south korea has a history of cult organizations and charismatic religious leaders some of whom who have amassed enormous amounts of wealth and influence out of the many cults in the country there are at least six of them who previously attracted controversy or had issues with the law one of them is shintonji who received global attention last year when it was the center of what was at the time the biggest covet outbreak in korea more than 5 000 cases of cobit infection were linked to the church and at one point it was calculated to represent 60 of the cases in the country in a country where the population is nearly universally known for following the rules by social distancing and mask wearing there was an outrage that the church was disregarding these rules but with this news also came the reports of certain idols and actors who were rumored to be a part of it the names mentioned were gummy namguti ivy dongwuk and wait for it tonga herself among others of course everyone would deny being involved with the cult edom looks agency said that it would take legal actions against all rumor mongers gummi's agency also threatened to take legal actions against malicious commenters who spread false rumors tonka herself stated i think there's a misconception that i'm a shintonji member my staff and i don't have any connection or affiliation with it not only that but shintonji also used bts's names to attract people to their cult despite bts not being affiliated with them in any way a method that was revealed to the public by netizens was their bts method where the members would name drop bts in an attempt to get newcomers to attend their bible studies their promotional flyer also was produced to use bts as an acronym for bible teaching shin chandi insane i know but who were the idols that really belonged to some of the cults or were almost recruited to join them by now pretty much everyone is aware the controversy surrounding pogpogum and his church arguably called the jesus center church hog pogom has stirred the anger of fans in both korea and internationally for promoting a prayer assembly organized by the jesus center church the reason why he received so much backlash was not because he chose to follow a certain religion but rather because he was promoting a group that was widely known to be a cult because of that pukpo come stood his ground to defend his beliefs he justified that he is just an average christian and that the church where he goes to is neither a cult nor a different religion and nothing unusual is going on he added i am not part of a cult or a new world order if i was i would have left already what is so bad about the jesus centered church though firstly it's worth noting that the jesus center church is widely considered to be occult by both the people and the churches in korea but the largest concern and by far the biggest red flag is the supposed healing miracles that the jesus centered church claims to deliver these supposedly miraculous events include the curing of cancer curing a crippled woman unable to move her neck and lower back and the curing of a child's leg the promotion of false remedies and healing is extremely dangerous as it often leads those who are ill to refuse genuine medical treatment in favor of faith healing this is the reason why pokemon found himself as part of the cult in the first place pastor e tosak gave pogam his name and is credited by pog as having healed him miraculously at a young age his father spoke up about fearing pulgum was as a baby describing him as resembling a corpse where doctors were supposedly negative about his recovery his pastor insisted his father discharge him from the hospital and engage in prayer according to his father polka made a miraculous recovery of course no one can tell anyone what to believe but it seems a little bit disturbing super junior's you learn something new every day and a member of a top boy group being publicly associated with a cole is one of them i guess raised a devout catholic by his parents unhealth joined the central church of people and has been nurturing his faith now comes the really icky part the church was ejected from the christian council of korea in april 1999 over a heretical claim allegedly made by ijerok in july 1998 when he stated that he was sinless and exempted from that's exactly what the church is known for it's extreme beliefs that pastor e terok is god's shepherd and bestowed with special authority and healing powers which has cured diseases this already gave me deja vu from the previous entry but you know what else this sinless pastor is known for in 2018 iterok was jailed for eight female followers of his mega church he of course denied all charges when talking about the church unhealth said that while watching many people being healed by the prayer of ijerok his heart was deeply touched by the work of the living god even though he was very little at the time unhealth also confessed that whenever he attended worship services at the church and met with the pastor even briefly he felt refreshed and reinvigorated in his exact words i'm so grateful for my family and relatives who support me with prayer i am also grateful for the senior pastor who always gives me kind words of advice i couldn't find anything on whether he made a statement about the pastor's arrest or the accusations against him but it's highly doubtful that he would speak on it jyp trust jyp to be involved in shady business of any kind even more surprising it was dispatch who exposed him as being part of a cult get comfortable because this is going to be a long one jyp was accused by dispatch as being part of the salvation sect a cult group that was linked with the seywal fairy tragedy some of the other idols who are suspected to be a part of the cult are big bangs taehyung and his wife scs's eugene and her husband but none of them were confirmed members according to the investigation jyp held a meeting on march 21 2018 that was allegedly for the salvation cult jyp allegedly set up the meeting to help recruit people for the cult dispatch staff personally attended the meeting to gather evidence and voice recordings from the event they really use their investigation powers in this case jyp's meeting took place over seven days with extremely influential people in attendance along with salvation sect leader bianchi tun once the meeting concluded jyp headed over to the restaurant to have dinner with those who attended but who was the salvation sect and how could a cult be involved in the seywal ferry incident the salvation sect has been accused of being a cult that's heavily involved in pyramid schemes they have been investigated by the korean police on numerous occasions media reports also claim that members are hired more easily at companies connected to the cult donations from members are used by the head leader as collateral to receive loans the salvation sect has their hands in numerous businesses including ones that cause the stay well fairy tragedy with their neglect and mismanagement the salvation sect has been linked to the sewell ferry through leader yup yung gun and other salvation sect members who ran the operating company of the seiwal ferry and where does jyp come into all of this in 2014 when the seywal fairy sank jyp claimed to have no connection to the salvation sect he claimed that his wife was connected to a company related to the fairy but that was all jyp's wife is yup yong ho's daughter who is the brother of yubyongun jyp's wife allegedly helped organize and manage the colt's meetings jyp's preachings also connect him directly to the salvation sect's core principles and ideologies yup yung gun in june 2014 however jyp was revealed to have close association with the saviorists as he was seen preaching about the bible being a prophecy on march 20th 2018. dispatch pointed out that the language he used was similar to that used by the salvation sect and that the rhetoric jyp used during these meetings mirror the beliefs of the salvation sect such as their view of jewish people in the past jyp has repeatedly claimed to be an atheist when he appeared on the variety show healing camp jyp claimed to have no interest in joining any religious groups this was in april 2012. jyp didn't stand during these accusations and took to instagram to respond denying involvement with the salvation sect he said a salvation sect meeting i paid money to rent a space and teach a bible study myself and you're calling it a salvation sect meeting 100 people gathered to hear my lecture and out of those a few people from the salvation sect came and sat down because they said they wanted to hear my lecture and you're saying it's a salvation sect meeting how do you plan on taking responsibility for the damage you have done to me in our company and report something like this without checking the truth jyp also posted his faith testimony and asked people to read over it carefully he said that if there were any legal or ethical problems in it their coverage was appropriate but if there wasn't dispatch would be taking legal responsibility for all the supposed damage they had caused i'm not sure how anything in the testimonial is supposed to convince people of anything honestly on may 5th the salvation sec stated that jyp entertainment had no connection to the organization stating we're continuing to receive questions about pakin yong so we're organizing the position of the christian gospel baptist church jyp does not belong to our denomination and is not active in the church the meeting in question wasn't our denominations issue and we also found out about it through the news dispatch didn't back down though as they responded with another article that doubled down on their claims and also cited sources who told them he was a member dispatch stated that for two months it met with several people who were current and former members as well as insiders and outsiders of the sect all of whom testified without hesitation that jyp is a member of the salvation sect they said that they received testimony from someone in the entertainment industry who claimed that jyp suggested a separate bible study to this jyp responded with yet another instagram post that said if you infringe on someone's privacy and wrongfully record them to release it to the world then you need adequate grounds to claim that it will damage society so i don't understand how they wrote this article without going through the process of confirming with the person i sincerely hope that these kinds of journalistic practices will change with this incident the connection between jyp and the salvation sect is definitely bothersome and even if he's not a salvation sect member some of the things that he was captured saying on video definitely creeped me out stray kids hyundin as common as it is for tourists to be lured into cults kpop idols are no exception in fact stray kids hyunjin's favorite fun fact to tell about himself is that he was almost tricked into joining a cult by a strange man and no it wasn't jyp hyunjin talked about the time when he was almost lured into a cult on v live's two kids room he recollected the time when someone tapped on his shoulder he initially thought it was someone who might be interested in casting him and he had plans of rejecting them since he was already a jyp trainee however the person stopped him and said that he saw a bad aura from hyunjin's face and asked him to follow along after that hyunjin said he followed the person and took a bus ride for about 30 minutes before entering a white building he was told to change into a special outfit and when he entered a room he saw people kneeling on the floor in front of a statue however when they saw hyunjin they stood up and said congratulations to him after which the person led him to another room and told him to devote the money he had on him to god hyunjin gave them 5001 and left the building surprisingly he wasn't the only stray kids member to have nearly been recruited into a cult stray kids i n ayan also revealed that he also had an encounter with a cult member when ayan was in gangnam for his holiday he was approached by a stranger this stranger was intriguing to him as he somehow guessed all of ian's personality traits correctly building a bit of a connection with ayan this stranger asked if ayan wanted to pray with him so ayan decided to put his trust in this person and followed the stranger into a house okay have any of these boys watched horror movies cause this is the first thing you shouldn't do when ian entered the house with the stranger he found there were people inside as well but what he saw next was something quite unsettling it was a piece of paper that had ayan's name written on it but what was more uncomfortable was what the stranger told ian to do he told ayan to burn the paper if he wanted all his wishes to come true hearing this ayan felt this was too weird and decided to leave but he was grabbed by the stranger i unangrily told the man that he had to leave which left the stranger flustered however the stranger asked if ian would at least burn the paper before leaving which he did because he felt like he had no other choice and then left looking back ian agrees that it was good the situation didn't escalate into something worse share your thoughts in the comments hope you enjoyed today's video bye
Views: 280,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kpop, k-pop, kpop news, kpop opinions, kookielit, kpop industry, kpop idols, korean cults, kpop cults, dark side of kpop, south korean cults, south korean cult, shincheonji, shincheonji cult, shincheonji church, park bogum, park bogum cult member, super junior’s eunhyuk, eunhyuk, eunhyuk the central church of people, jyp, jyp salvation sect, stray kids’ hyunjin, stray kids hyunjin, stray kids hyunjin two kids room, kpop idols cult members, cult members kpop idols, stray kids
Id: 5GQaInJH7ys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 19 2021
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