The Most Hated Male Groups From 2012 To 2022

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from being hated because of their music style or their fandom name some boy groups seriously had it rough if it wasn't the whole group then there was that one member who took the group down with him let's go down memory lane to see who were the most hated boy groups in the last decade 2012 it was a March of 2012 when jyj particularly today doing a Newton got themselves stuck in a huge controversy all K-pop fans know that sasangs are a huge problem and they can seriously be a danger to Idols but in 2012 it seemed like Tatum and Newton took it way too far on March 6 of 2012 it was reported that a few days prior an audiophile including teitung and yutun verbally and physically threatening their fans was uploaded on an online Forum in the audio file Tatum can be heard swearing at sasangs the audio then picked up the sounds of dejung actually hitting the fans as well as the female fans whimpering out of pain the file is said to be from 2009 around the time dolbang shinki was at the edge of falling apart it's suspected that the audio was recorded when the sasangs were following the two members who were on their way to go out for drinks at that time jyj's representative stated it's difficult to understand and grasp the details of the event because the members are out of the country when the Scandal happened jyj were in Chile and Peru for their tour although some netizens cited with dejunga Newton the vast majority of the comments heavily criticized them for their behavior stating that such behavior is never acceptable no matter the situation on March 8th jyj held a press conference where they spoke about the audio file yuchon shared that even though they received a lot of love from the public they had to deal with saw syncs ever since their debut in 2004. he continued it felt like a prison because someone would always follow me watch me and would try to share everything about me zunsu and dejun gave statements of similar nature expressing the huge discomfort saucing fans brought to them at the end of the conference Dayton apologized for their behavior stating that they will own up to the responsibility they have as public figures while what saw sings and jyj did was both wrong it's hard to say who the real victim in this case is 2013 2013 was the year BTS debuted and as we all know their debut story and their Beginnings in the industry were everything but easy as soon as BTS debuted the group wasn't well received by the public and they received hundreds of malicious comments that doubted their potential and talent they were shamed for coming from a small company and it took some time until the public and K-pop fans started to recognize their talents at the time of their debut BTS shared that one of their role models is the legendary Big Bang this became a Gateway for haters to send negativity to the group BTS had to deal with comments like just because your role model is Big Bang doesn't mean you become like them and they'll probably try to be like big bang and then disappear a year later two years at most back in the day K-pop fans generally didn't like anyone who didn't come from the big three but we all know the things BTS have achieved and that they prove their haters wrong 2014. in 2014 the whole nation turned their backs on Double S 501 and on hyundun in particular hyundoon is actually deemed as one of the most hated people in South Korea in 2014 and 2015 as well because of accusations that he caused physical harm to his girl friend the accusations came out in August of 2014 with his girlfriend releasing pictures of her injuries allegedly caused by hyunjun he also apparently injured her ribs to the point it took six weeks for them to heal his girlfriend at that time filed a criminal complaint but that was withdrawn after hyundun released an official apology and agreed to pay her a settlement of around 538 thousand dollars he was also fined around four thousand five hundred dollars for charges of assault and battery his girlfriend later came forward to announce that she was pregnant and revealed messages between her and hyung Joon who told her to terminate her pregnancy and even called her a pig hyunjun was suddenly hated by thousands of people and fans were leaving his fandom more and more each day it was later revealed that his ex-girlfriend made up the pregnancy completely and she was sued by hyunjun for fraud but it didn't take away the damage that had already been done 2015 in January of 2015 B1A4 got tangled up in a huge storm regarding pop culture and religion when the group had their concert in Malaysia the members were caught on a video hugging a group of Muslim fans during the show another girl was was kissed on the forehead by another member as well and the video went viral really quickly as all of the girls were wearing the kudong or headscarf what they did sent the group a huge wave of criticism the three girls were even threatened by the authorities and some critics claimed that the K-pop genre is a Christian conspiracy the girls were heavily criticized as well and it seemed like the critics and political parties were the ones who criticized the group the most one of the ministers even said I hope Malaysian girls returned to tall dark and handsome men and not pale skinny and pretty men those are not real men although the hate wasn't so severe there was definitely some unwanted attention b184 had to deal with at that time 2016 July of 2016 was not a good month for Got7 and their fans when the group attended Mark's father's pool party in Los Angeles where they were for tour Bam Bam was caught using an inappropriate racial slur on video the video Bam Bam saying the n-word spread like wildfire all over the Internet and while their fans came to the rescue and claimed that bam bam didn't know the history behind it the damage was already done many fans were angry at Bam Bam and demanded an Apollo while some declared that they would no longer support Bam Bam at all aware of the situation Bam Bam posted a video on his Instagram and wrote an apology in the comments the apology read I want to say I'm sorry for what I've done and I know this is all my mistake I don't want to stay quiet like this I'll do something when I get back to Korea I promise this is all my fault I'm sorry on top of that Yukon came under Fire for seemingly being under the influence while at the party while he was above the legal age in Korea he wasn't of age in the United States which caused some fans to criticize him for underage drinking 2017 both top and big bang found themselves in hot Waters because of top Scandal revolving around the consumption and possession of marijuana topu was accused of illegally smoking the substance four times in October of 2016 and he was accompanied by a female trainee as well during the police investigation top stated that he didn't know what he was smoking but then he ended up admitting to it in July of 2017 top was sentenced to a 10-month prison sentence he was suspended for two years as well and had a fee of around eleven thousand dollars at the time of the Scandal top was serving his mandatory military service as a conscripted police officer but was kicked out of the position after the Scandal broke out at that time the criticism and negativity was mainly focused on top but big bang as a group was a Target as well given their already controversial past 2018 stray kids were fresh in the industry but malicious netizens and haters had an absolute Field Day sending this group unnecessary and oftentimes spaceless hate comments and threats it's a well-known fact that straight kids do things their own way which is the reason why so many people adore them yet their Beginnings in the industry were rough one of the stays on Reddit compiled only some of the things stray kids had to deal with in 2017 and 2018 and there's a lot when stray kids released District 9 in 2018 some BTS fans decided that the music video was plagiarizing bts's no when the I am who era came straight had struggled with their sales and their spots in the music charts which became another reason to hate on them during IMU stray kids covered twice as fancy during a war board show and the haters went absolutely insane because of that at the beginning everything that stray kids did seemed like another reason to send them threats called them names shame them and belittle them when they release side effects the pot with the hate overflowed other K-pop fans called the song Noise music which unfortunately became a synonym for stray kids songs for a long time eventually they owned up to their unique and energetic sound but 2018 was definitely not a good year for them 2019 in 2019 T-bird were just two weeks after their debut when they already became embroiled in a controversy it happened on March 29th of 2019 and tibur debuted on March 14th the group received a lot of criticism for allegedly disrespecting mamamoo during a music show on an episode of Music Bank mamamoo placed first for their single GoGo baby and while the girls were accepting their trophy T-bird members moved to the back behind mamamoo and started lifting each other up while other members handed the girl some flowers mamamoo's fans found what teaper did really disrespectful and disruptive as well as they accused the group of stealing the spotlight from as a response the group did release a formal apology some mamamoo fans accepted it but others deemed it insincere and some even demanded tibur to disband 2020 20 barely started and Hong being from vix was already causing controversy not only for himself but for the whole group on February 29th hongbin decided to host a live stream but it would quickly go downhill in just four hours hongbin drank three bottles of Soju in a bottle of wine and by the end of it he was intoxicated to the point that he couldn't keep his mouth shut to begin with hongbin flipped his viewers off which shocked the viewers given Hong Bean's usually Charming personality he then started to talk really rudely about other groups such as shiny EXO red velvet and infinite while he was watching Chinese performance of everybody Hong being commented who mixes this kind of idol music with band music it sucks when he was listening to red velvet he criticized them for the song being too Idol like and for the color of their music being too strong when this chaos came to an end vix's Leo posted an alleged response to hongbin's behavior after fans expressed their concerns and disappointment Leo tweeted don't worry and have a good dream I'm sorry my Muses unfortunately hongbin was back two hours later at around 5am according to viewers he was seemingly less drunk and he tried to to explain himself someone came to his house around 6am and after home being came back from answering the door hongbin shared that it was actually Leo who came by and told him to quit the group before promptly leaving hongbin ended the live stream saying that he will leave the group if that's what his group members want in fact hongbin did leave the group later that year in August of 2020. 2021 while February of 2021 was full of various accusations one stood out among all of them because of how unexpected it was when 17's me and you was accused of some horrible things he supposedly did in high school no one really knew how to react while the majority of their fans decided to wait it out and left it to plead his entertainment to handle the issue the others wasted no times in turning their back on me and you in the group even going as far as calling mingu terrible names and demanding him to leave the group mingyu was then put on indefinite Hiatus while the company investigated the issue but it all came down to one Twitter account the person who spread the allegations was a Twitter user at tolka and after a couple of different translations of the original post were shared many people realized that what atcholka said was far from the truth even though the Twitter account apologized for their mistranslation the damage was already done in the end mingu's allegations were cleared and the situation was resolved but the fact that toka's mistranslation caused so many people to call mingu names and hate on him is something carrots can't easily forget 2022 when IST entertainment announced that they would be debuting a new group everyone was excited until they announced the group's name previously seven contestants were chosen through the show The Origin a b or what then it was announced that the seven boys would debut in a group called Abel which stands for at the beginning of originality unfortunately the group name was soon met with a lot of concerns with fans as some pointed out that the term could be misunderstood as a racial slur in Australia the name was changed a couple of days later and now the group is known as at Bow that'd be it for today let us know what you think and thank you for watching bye guys
Views: 126,431
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kookielit, kpop, kpop news, kpop latest news, latest kpop news, kpop idols, idols, kpop rumors, kpop industry, kpop 2022, k pop, k pop news, jaejoong, yoochun, jyj, bts, bts news, bigbang, ss501, b1a4, got7, bambam, top, stray kids, twice fancy, twice, stray kids side effects, mamamoo, music bank, vixx hongbin, vixx, shinee, exo, red velvet, shinee everybody, seventeen mingyu, seventeen, mingyu, kpop groups, most hated kpop groups, hated kpop groups, korean, korea, kpop male, men kpop
Id: RjPE4MkePWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 59sec (659 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 03 2022
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