KOTD - Rap Battle - Conceited vs Charlie Clips | #Blackout4
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Channel: King Of The Dot Entertainment
Views: 3,929,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: KOTD, King Of The Dot, Rap Battle, lush one, organik, gully tk, avocado, conceited, charlie clips, live rap battles, how to battle, competitions, hip hop, online rap battle, how to rap, rap music, music of rap, how to battle rap, rap competitions, hip hop rap battles, write a rap, free online rap battles, new rap battles, hip hop competition, gshock, ploom, redbull, url, smack white, blackout 4, bo4
Id: 6o6c9lTG5_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 42sec (1242 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 03 2014
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"You guys wanna take shots then captain morgan comes out. You guys wanna take shots, get cap and more guns come out. You wanna take shots, get capped and organs come out."
"But you wanna slow it down three times like smack important. Ill smack your gun and step on the barrell like im captain morgan." Cons slow it down was sick but so was clips rebuttal. Clips 3-0 but entertaining battle for sure.
The more I watch Conceited battles the less I can get into his style. He was the reason I ever even discovered battle rap but his constant slow it down and wordplay puns just come off as corny now. I guess he's just not my style anymore. I thought Clips beat him pretty badly.
Clips 2-1
Con didnt seem to have his swag, Clips had the crowd.
Winner is Smack, his broad was hot.
Real question is who is the girl standing next to smack. Smack 3-0.
I'm not sure how anyone is giving Clips the first round. He's my favorite battler and Con definitely took that one. Second round, holy Clips. Charlie's second was fire beginning to end. The third was kinda sloppy on both ends, but I'm gonna edge this one to Clips since the stuff he wrote was fire, and he held his own freestyling.
2-1 Clips.
2-1 Clips on first watch (PPV)
1st- Con
2- Clips
3- Clips
i remember this battle being a lotmore lopsided when i first watched it. But god damn, Cons 1st was fuckin tuff.
I had it 2-1 Clips on the PPV. I had it 2-1 Clips again on the rewatch. This time it feels a little harder to score.
I gave Clips the first. Con's round was tough, especially the Captain Morgan slow-it-down, but Charlie's rebuttal of that scheme was bonkers.
Clips got the second, clearly. The Smack/Organik line got all the response it deserved. (I had to rewind the beginning of the battle, like "What the fuck? Was that Smack?")
The third was underwhelming. Con's punches just didn't land-- IMO, his style was hot when he first started, but it hasn't really evolved, and now there are so many battlers who have taken the style further and raised fans' expectations of it (Chilla, JC, B Magic, Clips, to name a few). It was Clips' round to lose, and the slips almost cost him, but his bars hit harder, even with Con's clean delivery. I called the third round even on this watch.
Round-by-round, I have Clips winning 2-0. Using the Knamelis Version 3.14159 scoring system, I had Clips 30-27 (10-9, 10-8, 10-10 draw).
Clips killed Con.