KOREANS REACT TO FILIPINO SNACKS ft. Jaewon Kim (김재원), Big Boss (김요한), Jessie (제씨) [ENG SUB]

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One, Two We will say hi first Oh, I feel awkward The three of us are so cute Kristel, What should we do? I will start first. Greetings first. Start! Hello everyone! We're with the main lead for "Love From Home", Jaewon Kim To introduce the snacks from the Philippines! and we're gonna film the reaction of Jaewon on the Filipino snacks Let's introduce ourselves first So, my name is Yohan and I'm Jessie and my name is Jaewon Yeah So, I've lived in the Philippines for 20 years, and I'm very used to these snacks from the Philippines. and Jessie also lived in the Philippines-- for more than 10 years. More than 10 years already Yes Yeah, so we're very familiar with all these snacks from the Philippines, and we will introduce these snacks to Jaewon. I've never... Jaewon has never been to the Philippines. Never been to the Philippines I've never been to... You've never seen these before? I'm just really, really excited to eat these Have you been to any other country before? Uhm... Japan Japan, and? Hungary Germany Oh, he's already been to the countries Germany, Hungary, and Japan I have visited the European countries Oh, so you've never been to the countries in Southeast Asia? Yeah, I've never been to any of those countries So you must have been wanting to travel to the Philippines Yeah Yeah I really want to Jaewon: I really want to visit the Philippines Jessie: Next year, hopefully So when Covid-19 ends, we can travel to the Philippines Then I could also go back to the Philippines! So without further ado, let's try to test these snacks from the Philippines Jessie, which one would you like to try first? I prefer Piattos Piattos Piattos! We bought this from the supermarket beside The Philippine Embassy So there is a Filipino supermarket, and then we bought all these things from the Pinoy supermarket. So let's first try Piattos! From Jack 'n Jill Guys, this is not sponsored. (내돈내산 – purchased using own money) We bought them with my money. So, let's try Piattos. Cheese? Yes, Cheese flavor Who would like to go first? Okay, go ahead. Delicious? It's delicious It takes like a Korean snack... Poka Chip Jessie, do you remember how much this was in the Philippines? Around 20 pesos? Yohan: We bought it-- Jessie: 20 pesos How much was it here? Like 100 pesos? Yeah, 100 pesos Ranging from 100 pesos 2천원? 2,000 Won? 2천원 2,000 Won But the original price is 800 Won? Expensive.. It's so expensive Why is it so expensive? 아니 원래 필리핀에선 되게 싸요 No, it’s actually cheap in the Philippines. It’s only expensive in Korea. Yes, I got shocked with the price a while ago when I bought them. They were too expensive. But they are delicious. Would you buy them if they were sold in Korean supermarkets? Yes, I think I’ll buy them often. Snack? Don’t you need to go on a diet? Yeah, I need to be on a diet. But, I think I’ll buy them. I love potato chips. Do you count calories when you eat? I am supposed to check… These are all translated into Korean Okay Then it’s gotta double. For me, it's expensive.. Okay, let's go to the 2nd snack If you like something cheesy, we have... Cheese Ring! (Curious) What is this character? You don’t know? I've never tried it in the Philippines. I've also never tried this in... ... in the Philippines So, let's open! Oh! The color is very red. It's orange (sneak) I don’t think I want to try it because its color is too orange. But there is a similar snack in Korea. Cheetos! Yea, Cheetos! I think a baby would like this It's a snack for kids Delicious. What’s the amount of calories? The calories are 160Kcals per serving. Oh, we have to check the number of calories because... If you are not conscious, you might eat it all. But we gotta check the calories. Snack’s calories range from 300Kcal to 400Kcal usually. But if it’s delicious, it has 0 Kcal. That’s right Then you will regret it the next day. Now, let's go with... Tempura! Actually, this is one of my favorites. Me, too. and it's perfect for beer Yeah Snack for beer? Do you like beer? Oh yeah, I like beer I think it will taste like: Jagalchi Jagalchi Or Alsaewoo Chip Why is this your favourite? It's perfect with beer Why? Why? I like them when I drink alone at home. Do you always drink alone? Yes, I always drink alone Why? For me.. To be honest, not my style. Oh, it's not your style-- but why? I like snacks with a strong taste. I like snacks with a strong and salty taste, I get what you mean when you said it goes along well with beer. You can't stop eating these kinds of snacks. It’s tasty. It contains the same amount of calories as one meal. Let's go to the next snack Ding Dong! Why Ding Dong? Looking at the packaging, they look like nuts. Right, right Nuts Do you like beans? Not that much I like it (speechless) A lot of peanuts It's good Let me try again. It's for... Why? Not my style (traumatized) It’s not my style. I think his style and my style are really opposite It is delicious, right? It’s delicious. We're both from the Philippines What do you not like about this? Hmm... It's too salty Salty Salty.. Am I right? Salty is "maalat" in Tagalog, right? Maalat Yes, it's maalat Salty = Maalat It's too salty (smile) Salty Tasty.. I can like drink this Check the calories. But what’s interesting is, there is no similar snack in Korea. It’s a new experience. But not my style. Oh, okay Chippy Are you familiar with Nanacorn? I used to eat a lot during my high school days. I think it's made of corn? Barbecue flavor Barbecue flavor It’s delicious. I like the taste. I like the first taste. It tastes like Nachos. Our tastes are similar. We have similar taste. This is 160Kcals. Is this is made in the Philippines? That’s right It says here that it's Made in the Philippines But I don’t think I like it. Because it’s salty? How do you like them? Delicious. I like them all. You like snacks too much. I think we need to buy him beers. Ah, we should have bought some beer. Okay, next Cheese? Cheddar Cheese Flavor Is this cheese? So, we have Sun Chip in Korea that's very similar to Nova. This looks exactly like Sun Chip. This is delicious. There’s no difference between Sun Chip. Cheese taste is stronger. Delicious. Next? Uhm... This… is the most exciting… Spicy Vinegar Flavor Do you like spicy food? I like spicy food. Do you like spicy food? I can’t eat spicy food well. Try this. Wow, but the smell is... My nose I am used to the smell. I like it. Is it a prank? No, it's not Does it taste like hot sauce? Doesn’t it taste like vinegar? This really tastes strong. (It’s coming) Spicy? It's not spicy but I don’t like the taste I can’t eat it either. I don’t think it’s my style I like it a lot. This is spicy flavor. I can’t eat this either. They got vinegar flavor. I can't descr... I don't like I like this one (nervous) Not my style I like this one! Is it too sour? Sour, spicy, Not my style Sour.. This is Chicharon, it's like pig skin. Oh, it's a Vegetarian Chicharon Style snack. Chicharon is made of pork skin. Pork skin? They sell the fried pork skin in the Philippines. Why do you even like it? Why do you like it? Why? It has every part I like: sour, spicy... It's so attractive To complement it, I dip it with vinegar Oooh, you dip it in vinegar?! This is sour already Dip it in vinegar Yeah It enhances the taste You should try it next time Oh, neeext time Afterlife? Next time You said you don’t like it and you keep eating! You've also never tasted this in the Philippines? I don't think so I tried Chicharon but this is like sour and spicy Okay, so let's start with Jessie. Tell us your Top 3 and the worst for you What is number 3 in your ranking? This one Tempura Tempura, yeah This is okay to pair with a beer in Korea. Number 2? Piattos I like the cheesy flavor. They like cheese It’s not too salty and not too strong Then the number 1 in my ranking would be: Number 1? Wow! (Clap clap clap) That's her number 1 My favorite Your favorite Yes Your worst pick? (sob) I personally don't like peanuts Okay, my top 3: Ding Dong, As expected He really likes it Why? I like peanuts! Yeah, I like nuts Masarap = Delicious Then, my number 2: Nova! Why? Tastes... healthy Healthy?! A junk food that is healthy? Multigrain Snacks and number 1: Tempura! Everything is about beer I think he likes his beer Yeah What is your worst pick? Worst I'm sorry It smells too strong for me and it's quite spicy Do they have something like this in Korea? No A snack this sour and spicy? This shouldn’t exist! Because it’s not my style! Okay, what's Jaewon's number 3 choice? The taste is very similar with Cheetos, so I chose it Number 2: This: Nova! I chose it because it tastes like Sun Chip Oh, because the taste is familiar Yes, a familiar taste Piattos! This is like a potato chip, and I love pringles. Oh yeah, it tastes like pringles. Pay me back 100 pesos and my worst pick is... My worst picks are these two Why Ding Dong? This is delicious! Ding Dong and this one... I have never tasted something like this, This taste shouldn’t exist! This is unbelievable! It's not my type Not my type But once you taste it, you will keep eating. I get it Once you get to used to the taste, you will look for it. I get what you mean Yeah Awhile ago I kept on eating right? Oh okay Hmm, I'm getting used to the taste He keeps on eating during the entire shoot How much did we spend on these snacks in Korea? 15,000 Won 15,000 Won? That's around 800 pesos? So, we spent 800 pesos on... Oh yeah, I can relate with what you said Is it much cheaper in the Philippines? Everything will only cost 150 pesos? 200 pesos? Like 1/3? Oh. I should go to the Philippines now What are the snacks the locals like the most? These I think that's why these are being sold in the Filipino supermarkets in Korea Thanks for watching our reaction video to Filipino snacks. I like... them. I like them, really. But you can enjoy a lot more food in the Philippines aside from the snacks. There is so much... Y: There's so much food you'll like in the Philippines J: Hundreds of food you'll like A lot of fruits, like Mango, Pineapple... and there is a lot of food you'll love when you travel to the Philippines. So when we can finally fly, I promise to bring you to the Philippines. You guys will have a chance to meet Jaewon in person Very Soon Very Soon I promise Okay Don't forget to: like, share, and subscribe to OCTV in our YouTube and Facebook Channels. Don't miss our episodes! I'm sure you'll love them So, thanks for watching, and see you guys... Thank you! Bye Bye! Hope to see you soon! Thank you! Bye bye!
Channel: One Click TV
Views: 708,523
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Id: zlFEa7Rgelc
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Length: 17min 48sec (1068 seconds)
Published: Fri May 21 2021
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