Korean Internet Cafe Is a Once In a Lifetime Experience

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hello gentle people guess where I'm at today I've come to a Korean internet cafe in Korea an internet cafe or a pishang in Korean is way more than just a place where you can pay to use one of their gaming PCs in this country where esport is actually considered a sport it's a place where you hang out with your friends eat foods that are surprisingly delicious and even make new friends to play games with like I'm going to do in this video so today I've come to bundang Korea which isn't too far from to show you guys what a really good internet cafe looks like so what are we waiting for come with me so these internet cafes are so common in Korea that just looking around here there's one pishang another one over there another one in that building and yet another one over there we must really love playing video games or something right this one over here is the pishang that I'm going to today it's called level up pish bang that's a really intuitive Name by the way I must let you guys know that this video is sponsored by square X it's a Chrome extension for your online security that keeps you sa from the ill intended people on the internet that are dying to steal your personal information I'll explain how it works later in the video but once again a massive shout out to square X for sponsoring this video Le P they're advertising their food too wow that looks really good all right it's in the basement level this is pretty exciting the moment I walked in I could immediately tell that this is one of the nicest internet cafes that I've ever been to it was still pretty all in the day so there weren't that many people at this time so let's give you guys a quick tour here's a counter where a very hardworking part-timer is making food so typically when you come to a Korean PC bang this would be like a typical setup for you you get your little gaming chair hopefully it's comfortable your personal PC that is nicely partitioned off from other people they have a nice Snow White Logitech mouse mechanical keyboard and a pink wireless phone charger and a pink headset looks like they have a whole princess theme going here I'm a little sensitive to smell so when a pishang doesn't smell good which actually does happen in Korea too it really turns me off but this pishang is clean it actually doesn't smell like anything so a lot of Korean internet cafe they have couple seating so it's pretty much the same gaming PC setup except they have a lower partition sometimes they don't even have a partition between them and here you can see it side by side like a cute couple and play video games together doesn't that sound fun now they don't always have things like this but they have a team room here what it is is a a little private room they said this room's not on a reservation basis if you come with a group of three or more you can just ask them if you can use this space man this would be so fun with friends they even have a party room room here and the poy room here is massive let's take a look so it looks like there's 14 gaming PCs here and a little sitting area at the end with a TV and a bunch of board games they said to use this room you have to make a reservation for it if you're like a gamer and you want to have a birthday party with a bunch of friends my God that would be a blast without further delay let's start using the PC so the way it works is by purchasing a prepaid time so it says 1,001 for 40 minutes but if you buy more time in advance it gets a little cheaper so I would say it's just around a dollar per hour I don't know how you guys feel about it I think it's very affordable about 10 years ago when I was a little kid internet cafe used to cost the same amount of money actually it was a little more expensive back then so for 3 hours and 20 minutes that would be $3 in US you can use your credit card to pay for it which is awesome now when you do pay for it you get this little ticket over here the ticket has a little number that's your number in most internet cafes you can just claim any seat that's empty you don't have to talk to the worker so I know their gaming pieces are hidden under the desk you can actually see the fan over here once you sit down you just need to turn the PC on the power switch is over here I am impressed by how clean they are number 3017 3 0 1 7 and enter and now I'm in on their desktop you can find all the games that are pre-installed before I start playing I want to check their specs 13th generation I5 CPU and a 16 gig ram that is a pretty good PC and more than enough for almost all kinds of gaming and I want to see what kind of GPU they have the most crucial part for this oh wow they have an RTX 4060 it's not the top-of-the-line GPU but it's the newest generation GPU at this time time and that'll run a lot of Gams very smoothly so the specs here are very impressive must have been a pretty significant investment for the Mr owner to invest in like hundreds of high spe gaming PCs like that isn't it so convenient that they have this wireless charger over here by default they usually have this bar speaker you can adjust the volume here now there's always a headset and these as you can see are very clean judging by how new this place is it's probably brand new okay that's enough for a tour let me be a gamer boy and play some video games I'm going to play some League of Legends my username is donatu and I like to play as vagar because he's kind of like me he has like a lot of darkness in him but he's also the kind of character that can continue to grow powerful endlessly for as long as it works hard and does not give up I am getting a little thirsty maybe I'll maybe I'll get myself something to drink for now you got to do is do this mumun which means food order I'm going to order a Monster Energy let me use my credit card oh this wasn't intended but they gave me a monster energy for free guys it is career at the end of the day I got to take advantage of my pretty privilege since I've gotten a little busy with YouTube I haven't been playing a lot of video games recently but I can't deny that it's super fun especially when you win oh this is great I really showed it to them I must say though as somebody who grew up coming to pishang with a bunch of friends there's a sense of loneliness when I come to a pishang alone maybe I can make some new friends here let me try talking to someone today I'll prove to you guys that K drama is real now this is not a recommended Behavior but let me try to talk to another person that came alone okay everyone's here as a group except for this one person that I found I found the girl that's here by herself let me go try talking to her hopefully she doesn't find it creepy oh my God this feels like one of those trash pickup artist [Music] videos spe for for my viewers can you try to speak in English then oh yeah yeah yeah of course of course okay okay let's do that okay I know there's a whole genre of like Korean girls speaking in English and people like oh my God those girls are so cute really I hope so you hope so yeah I hope so she's having a hard time logging in oh talking about passwords have you ever gotten your account hacked in a p bank so many times when I was Elementary School student I spent so a lot of money for VAP story I didn't play that game like for a while but I wanted to play that again so I just log in again and all of my items were gone at the time I was just Elementary School student how did you get it hacked maybe I just clicked some weird homepage think it just pop up every like you know I feel like you should have used square X's disposable browser oh what is that I'm going to naturally introduce her to my sponsor so Square X is a Chrome extension Chrome extension and you can use it to use their disposable browser uh-huh which is kind of like a web browser within your web browser and everything that happens in that browser Tayes private so even if you clicked on a funny link like you did nothing would have happened to you if you using Square X oo that sounds really good your reaction is really great I feel like I need to pay you too all right thank you for your hard work let's play some games okay I never expected to monetize my new friend in a pishy bang but I did I'll be honest I couldn't play this game too well because I haven't played for a long time oh but I can see why a lot of people like to come here with a friend it's like the experience becomes even more [Laughter] fun Have you ever come to an internet cafe like with a boyfriend oh yes yeah yeah yes sadly yes so many times are you like into boys that are Gamers yeah yeah I really like it because I also really love to play game oh so like being a gamer is like a plus for you kind of but not too much like not addictive like you know I also play FIFA I want to play the game with like boyfriend like future boyfriend your future boyfriend yeah I hope so I feel like a lot of Korean guys like gamer girls too right yeah yeah yeah yeah I heard I think it would be an understatement to say that I had fun she was such an awesome person to play video games with also have you got your account before Oh have I gotten my account hacked before I have actually let me tell you the whole story it was back when I was a sixth grader yes back then there was this game called paramara oh yes yes that one is really popular yeah and uh I was willing into the game and so was my friend hangan I still remember his name wait are you guys still friends or no we're notore not anymore that so the way it happened was really simple he sent me this file and it was called speed hack.exe you know what those are right yeah I know I know it's like one of those programs that you use it makes your character move faster it's like it's like a cheating program but I also going to use that to level up faster yeah and he sent it to me I was like oh God San thank you and I launched it it did nothing and he's like oh that must have not worked for you yeah little did I know it was actually a key logger so whatever I was typing it was being shared with hangan oh my God so he got my password and and I didn't know so the next morning when I logged into my character I was BD naked but speaking of a suspicious file when you open a file like that you can use the Disposable file viewer in square x o which is this function where you can launch a program within their virtual system so it's like you can open the file but in someone else's PC kind of like asking someone else to open the package that might Conta bomb yeah it's exactly like that like if you have something like that you don't want to open it yourself you want your neighbor to open it right yeah so did you still friend with s after he stole all of your item from uh actually I had my turn for Revenge too oh so after one year yeah parara it wasn't popular anymore the new popular game was Ragnarok do you know the game yeah I know it oh it used to be so fun yeah but I was kind of a geeky kid and was pretty good with computer oh I had Ragnarok zeni generator like it was like money generator.exe oh yeah yeah yeah and an Excel file you can program the Excel file in a way that it opens another file and I named that XL file how to use so that's how I got his Ragnarok account oh and then you stole everything no I didn't steal everything I actually stole little by little for so for like three months he was like my item collecting B now if he had Square X install then he would have known that the Exel sheet was programmed to open another program and he would have never been my personal item collector that is awesome well thank you so much for helping me explain things mhm now we can get some food it's time to eat I'm hungry too you can just order anything you want really anything it kind of depends on which PC bang you go to but this one seemed to have a really impressive food menu so I just couldn't help but order a little too much how are they making it that's that's my question it's on me oh oh I never ever ordered like that this much in PC box this feeling is called freedom freedom yeah let's take a moment to see how they're making the food when I ordered there were three people working in the kitchen one of them being the owner and they were actually cooking the food like their Tatu was actually deep fried instead of getting microwaved and they were making all kinds of food with this Ramen making machine which I thought was really cool oh wow there's a whole Raman making machine here [Music] the kitchen environment was extremely clean so Props to the owner regardless of the culture all foods must be made in a hygienic environment you know by the way you don't have to pay for the food at the counter like I'm doing here they usually bring the car reader to your table within a few minutes after I ordered the food one of the workers brought the food to my [Music] seed wow well I hope this is enough for the two of us oh my God so good God yeah they cook so well I feel like the part-timers here like the people that work here they're really cute don't you think I think normally crey they really try to like cute girl yeah I noticed that too like every time I go to pishang it's usually like a young really cute girl working there because most of customers are like you know like boy and Guy come back for more yeah 100% 100 yeah yeah yeah it's possible I think yeah she probably has no idea that I'm one of those guys I want I want your review first mhm M this it tastes like a homemade really M tastes way better than the fast food way better than the fast food I guess you could argue that these are fast food as well but my God they're really great fast food oh my God it looks so good I'm glad you like it m then looks so good too yeah this food quality is so good wow oh it's so great I might be biased I think Korean pyang has the best food out of all fishy bang that is true that is true yeah some dumplings some rice cakes this is definitely different from restaurant food it's casual simple but delicious in Korea even if you're a billion you know what an instant noodle tastes like true true true that's about the only thing that I have in common with the billionaires and actually all of these foods are not that much pricey this is so good yeah yeah oh you're drinking the soup too of course of course this is so good one of my favorite food is Raman yeah yeah I usually it's Raman like sometime I eat ramen every day too there's just something really Pleasant about eating food at the pish bang mhm so can I TR it yeah of course M depending on the p b sometimes their food is like okay yeah okay just okay yeah sometimes their food is okay sometimes they're really good I feel like this place has really good yeah really good the best I've tried so far like I think it's the best I'm really happy with the food yeah all of these foods are really good like you can play game and eating food together with a cute Korean girl that plays video games too yeah random question do you like anime I saw you uh playing fortnite and your character was goo I love anime I'm we I just travel Japan because of Ka a lot of people told me that I look like one character in that show which character take a guess yeah you so after chatting over the food we went back to playing a little more games and since friends help each other and she's my friend now can I talk about Square X just a little more they're my sponsor oh yeah sure there's a function that you might like too oh okay using their smart integration for Gmail you know how when you read the email the sender can know whether you read it or not so if you have like an obsessed ex-boyfriend that's sending you emails and you're curious to see what they're saying you would be curious right yeah yeah yeah of course of course then you can just right click on it know exactly what they're saying and then choose to ignore them and while we're talking about emails they also have the Disposable email which is this instant email that you can make and you can receive email to it so that's how you can use it too oh what is there uh H that's a great question mhm I think that's all we need to talk about let's play some more games since we're here anyway valerin let's go I feel like I'm better than most friends though I got a Little Help from her for my own benefit but I also stuck around to have fun with her too oh there was a lot of games I think I have to go now but uh it was great meeting you we should play again we should play again next time yeah of course can I get your Discord oh my Discord yeah oh not my phone number but just Discord yeah okay okay I like how she draws the line apom me died in that moment but she's looking out for herself and I respect that after all some people think I am creepy all right I follow you now oh okay okay it was nice meeting you all right thank you so much have a great day yeah have a great day too thank you all right that was a lot of fun huge shout out to the owner of this beautiful internet cafe I hope the business does well oh it's raining outside now okay that was a lot of fun I played a ton of video games made a new friend and had a lot of food hope you guys enjoyed this video and again huge shout out to square X guys use the link in description and get your Square X don't get your personal information stolen like I did in fact I'm going to have to message my new friend to make sure she downloads it too if you guys got some time after downloading Square X please go ahead and watch my other videos too thanks [Music] guys
Channel: Jimmy Kim
Views: 1,358,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: deadlyjimmy, okamijimmy, jimmy kim, challenge, food challenge, big food, monster food, buffet comparison, valorant, esport, pcbang, internet cafe, net cafe, pc bang, korean internet cafe, gaming, video games, pc bang korea, places to go in korea, korea trip, pc bang in korea, seoul
Id: RO0fdMqKwxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 10sec (1210 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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