Day in the Life of a Japanese Street Fighter 6 Game Planner

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this is a day in the life of a Japanese game planner for Street Fighter 6. [Music] [Music] Alexa this is 29 years old living in the heart of Osaka Japan and he's just waking up for work damn heavy metal to start off the morning he lives alone in this one DK apartment meaning one dining room and kitchen which is quite typical in Japan as the average living space for a single person household is 29.3 square meters at 315 square feet you iron your hair I see foreign [Music] is originally from Toyama prefecture which is between Tokyo and Osaka up north and attended a grad school in Tokyo but ultimately moved to Osaka to pursue his dream [Music] so unlike most typical Japanese Southern men who have to endure crowded trains for their commute so Yoshi lives within walking distance to his office which is rare for living in the city good morning everyone I'm back with another day in the life this one has been a couple years in the making maybe even more personally I have a lot of childhood memories for it so I'm super excited to get this day started luckily suyoshi should be coming around the corner now good morning did you sleep well last night okay so on his way to work he picks up his morning breakfast at the local Japanese convenience store which normally offers a wide assortment of sandwiches and onigiri rice balls and this is where he works Capcom one of the top video game companies in all of Japan founded in 1979 Capcom has been a Pioneer in the gaming industry for over 40 years now with about 2 900 employees all working together to develop iconic multi-million selling title franchises like Resident Evil Monster Hunter and one of my childhood games Street Fighter so Yoshi himself has been working on the latest version Street Fighter 6 for the last 5 years as a game planner [Music] as soon as he arrives he checked his emails and also reviews game sites as part of his job [Music] so why do you read about game news well that makes sense it's Yoshi what are you gonna do now now he meets with a UI designer I guess the reviewing if the changes he requested earlier to the cutscenes were implemented correctly a key part of his role as a game planner is to meet with the various designers and developers to ensure that the game is implemented as conceptualized and completed on schedule and now they need to finalize the characters Icon by adjusting the view angle hair Shadows Etc it's such a detailed process to Hope they've finalized it nice the designer is sharing omiyage AKA souvenir snacks in Japanese companies it's customary for employees who take holiday to show a sign of appreciation for their co-workers who covered their workload while they were away now back he has some desk work oh Fireballs you use two controllers that's dope also as previously mentioned in Japanese game development the job title game designer is rare while game planet is more common most likely because a designer is thought of as a person who focuses more on visual aesthetic while that planner is involved in the entire creation process which I'm gonna show you today so Yoshi were any of your own personal ideas added to the game online games [Music] battle Hub is one of the newest features developed for Street Fighter 6 where players can meet up chat fight head to head and even play classic Capcom titles in a game center-esque World how'd you come up with the idea whoa can I see the proposal yeah that one wow that's brilliant his idea made it into the game so it looks like COC is going to be doing his thing for just a little bit so let's do what we do and check out what's going on in the streets [Music] let's go check out some of these desks wow their desks are filled with character Goods oh that's Goki who first appeared in Street Fighter 2 turbo and this person sure loves M bison [Music] yo you've got a lot of mini cars ain't that life my dude so I hear that there is a Sound Studio some around here where they do the recording let's see if you can find that and here it is it says Foley stage oh and for sure those aren't the workers shoes oh is that guy fencing excuse me what are you doing [Music] ah I see he's recording the sound effects for Dawson's stretchy punch hey so are there any surprising materials you use no way mind blown okay so I want to know how do you make Chun Li's sound effects oh yeah that sounds more like Chun Li apparently their Foley Studio makes use of all the various tools materials and gadgets stocked here to produce creative and unique sound effects found in their game after the recording the Foley artist adjusts the sound to match the game like adding a slight Echo can you guys hear the difference hey do you mind if I look around a bites thanks just look at all this stuff this is pretty crazy you can see that even the floor here they have different materials so that they can make sounds maybe even this guy right here probably can make sounds they have all like the garden supplies right here knickknacks and everything over there they even have a dinosaur here where do you think they've used this sound oh I think I just popped maybe we'll put this down [Music] now it's a Yoshi needs to meet with the bataruhan AKA battle team um so another one of his responsibilities in the game is a live commentary during the fights and in order for him to fully write his script he needs to re-clarify some of the characters skills in detail and what better way to gather the insights than from the battle Specialists this special ops-like team is responsible for character skills attributes battle concept fight balancing as well as debugging they literally know every fight detail in the game from start to KO hi so what's your job really like [Music] something oh sweet so overall what's the strongest move in the game perfect Perry so do you have a favorite character foreign tournament with just themselves so can you tell me about any fun facts about the games [Music] [Music] let's go talk to someone now oh it looks like there's someone over there hi can I bother you so what do you do no way the director all right this is insane so what makes Street Fighter 6 different apparently they added two new features called World Tour which is a story mode and battle Hub which Yoshi is responsible for so can you tell me any secrets hidden in the game oh can you tell me one of them oh man by the way how long have you been with the company [Music] [Music] so what was challenging for you personally when making this game so did you ever work with the people who made Street Fighter 2. oh hey do you think you can create my own Street Fighter character holy Zangief I feel like I need to do some push-ups right now maybe that could be my three-point celebration but maybe not that one and I can fight too lady thank you so much [Music] okay let's see what's through here huh Espresso Yourself looks like they have their own Starbucks coffee center so you choose your drinks here and then it looks like you can pay right here it's pretty convenient awesome they even have Baskin Robbins here here they got snacks on the honor System he paid 100 150 Yen you can just put it in a little deposit slot right here and you take your snack [Music] time today the Yoshi is going to eat with his co-workers at capcom's exclusive employee only cafeteria he says that he often goes out for lunch but enjoys coming here to enjoy the cafeteria's unique menu items [Music] to be honest what's the most challenging part of your job I see do you have a favorite character what do you do is oh what did you study in school to be able to work here I see so what do you like most about the company I'm sure they say that the employees in the company all have different educational backgrounds with different skill sets but one thing that all of them have in common is their passion for the game it's something embedded in the company culture which they truly value what's happening now [Music] does the Yoshi not only script a live commentary but he's responsible for how it sounds in game so he needs to meet with a sound designer to ensure that each phase matches the overall game concept and design some of the commentary has already been recorded which they're reviewing now [Music] he says that having the ability to make decisions on part of the game that users will actually experience and enjoy inspires and motivates them to keep creating each and every day nice now they check the sound in the actual fight to see if the commentary matches the character's moves and captions my man you got a lot of USB drives there so tell me what's the best part of your job awesome [Music] wait what's going on whatever Here Comes The Challenger Street Fighter's Real Deal music composer [Music] apparently these random matches happen often here at Capcom but make no mistake when a challenge request is made there's no other option but to accept Yoshi says as a true gamer he loves what he does not only does he get to play Street Fighter 6 at work but loves the franchise so much that he even plays the older versions at home and even when he has to work overtime he enjoys a challenge because it means he gets to build a better game yeah so who won [Music] where are you going now [Music] apparently how he spent his time after work it really depends on the day he either goes out with his friends for a drink or spends time on his Hobbies like playing the guitar video games or riding his CBR 400r but today he's going shopping at his company shinsai Bashi store oh I guess he decided to get that view cushion I'm sure his friend's gonna love it [Music] going back homie stopped by the supermarket to pick up a Bento for dinner [Music] [Applause] finally home [Music] what did you buy um that's a steal in fact it's rather common for Japanese supermarkets to offer discounted Foods in the evening to minimize food waste so many cost savvy Shoppers love to take advantage of these bargains after a long day siyoshi enjoys being able to Simply relax at home enjoy his favorite show with a nice cold high ball [Music] oh he's busting out the guitar [Music] okay so it looks like tsyoshi is going to be drinking is too high through a straw and playing his guitar probably until 10 o'clock where he's gonna take a bath come back probably play some games and go to sleep probably around 12 or 1 o'clock tonight but that's pretty much a day in the life of a Japanese game planner if you guys like this video like always help you and hit that like button if you guys want to help support the channel check out the Tokyo merch and if you guys want to see more videos like this or anything related to Japan hit that subscribe button in the Bell button I'll catch you guys in the next one
Channel: Paolo fromTOKYO
Views: 1,267,525
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Paolo, Japan, street fighter 6, street fighter, fighting games, life in japan, a day in the life, working in japan, day in the life, japan life, living in japan, day in the life japan, japan culture, working hours in japan, game development, japan game developer, street fighter 6 japan, sf6, japan working culture, life in japan documentary, japan game programmer, japanese culture, japan business culture, osaka, capcom, day in the life capcom, capcom developers, game dev
Id: M6hf4Ll_WkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 20sec (1100 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2023
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