Kongsuni and Friends | Funny Little Sister | Full Episode |Toy Play | Videos For Kids

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can i please stay up late till dad gets home mom oh [Music] okay i'm off huh come here sweetie i have a little gift for learning to ride hmm what is it [Music] ta-da mom so pretty one for each of my girls which do you want a pink or a blue big girls choose first this one [Music] no mom let me pick first and i chose this [Music] kong sunni she wants it let chloe have the pink one it's not there how come she always gets everything she doesn't what about the blue one it would look way better on you there oh wow you know that color suits you perfectly oh here look huh oh hey you're right [Music] [Music] i already gave you the one i wanted you just want this one cause it's mine no chloe it's mine [Music] chloe just wants to be more like you why don't you let her borrow it for a little while but mom i know it's hard you've got to be patient she's younger than you there better ah sayo do you have a baby sister nope there's just me you're lucky it's way harder than it looks you always have to be thinking of what's best for them know what else they always want your stuff and they'll cry till they get it chloe's a pretty cool kid she could do a lot let me think oh yeah i guess you're right she makes funny noises once i heard her meow like a cat do you remember that was funny and one time she wore my daddy's glasses that was hilarious one day oh chloe like my best castle yet mom i didn't even get to show daddy yet hey oh dear i'm sorry this was my fault sweetie come on out let's have some yogurt we can come up with a castle rebuilding plan while we have a snack okay it's not so bad actually out with the old in with the dew right but i liked it just how it was it was pretty awesome huh i know help me after snack time huh mommy how come i can't find my favorite yogurt it's in the living room i put it on the table for you huh [Music] [Music] [Music] hey mr dinosaur come and play yeah one two three horns on his face heavy and strong it's triceratops doesn't even [Music] [Music] hey mr dinosaur come and play with us yeah legs are short but the neck is long just like giraffe brachiosaurus it can't even reach the sky like heights wow [Music] mommy i can't find my yogurt anywhere in here i took it out for you it's on the living room table [Music] hello one's for me mom said so huh oh dear that's no good i'll have to get you something else there is nothing else that's the only thing i wanted to have no affair oh sweetie you know she didn't do it on purpose it's almost bedtime how about some hot chocolate oh no thank you i only wanted yogurt [Music] oh you sound kind of sad why it's so glam chum home chloe always takes away what i want every time ah that's hard what you need is some music [Music] kong sunni is angry concerning is so sad come on girls pick yourself up don't let things break it down hey everybody put your hands up huh everybody put your hands huh nothing sometimes my little sister chloe makes me feel so mad if she was old enough to know i think she'd feel so bad she gets everything she wants but what about me sometimes i think it's so unfair but what can i do mommy says that i need to be the big sister kong sunny please help out your baby sister chloe that's what an older sister does when a younger sister needs them soon i'll understand how to get along better with her i will learn to be patient with glory [Music] looks like a big storm is coming yeah i'm just gonna take a bath mommy mommy are you there what was that sound oh hello [Music] mommy hi chloe don't worry it's just the wind outside [Music] say oh can you do something sale come with me to see chloe so i don't have to go alone in the dark [Music] stay back huh go on get out of here how am i scary i'm little and pink pink pink pink baby shoes white shoes all together dancing prima donnas ballerinas all together dancing you can call sam ballerino point those toes point those toes to the ground flex flex those feet flex those feet up up up everyone together [Music] [Music] together in one single line [Music] dancing so elegantly kong sunnis [Music] are ballerinas i am a ballerina together now jump together now jump flutter like a butterfly go on suny's ballet class dance like a butterfly in suny's [Music] [Applause] [Music] phew i don't think anyone saw me feeling hungry kong suny oh oh mom i was just um cleaning the fridge yes that's right cleaning all done hang on kung suni as a special treat you can help yourself to anything you can find in the fridge [Music] that tummy of yours if i told you there was ice cream on the moon you'd probably build a rocket and fly up into space if you could kong suny [Music] oh ah there you are anyway i'm going to the supermarket soon kong sunni so you'll just have to wait for your snack [Music] i hate waiting [Music] what are you doing here and why are you dressed as a muffin uh i'm not dressed as a muffin i uh am a muffin well half of a muffin but how well i've been working on some new magic you see magic that turns half of you into a muffin no magic that can make any food you can think of up here just by thinking of it the spell somewhat backfired when i first tried it ah can you try it on the fridge so i can get my snack i can try but as you can see there are no guarantees of success oh i'm willing to take the risk okay here goes uh-oh oh i think it worked try it out kong suni think of some food okay here it goes [Music] it worked it worked huh well try one more just to be sure [Music] wow it's actually working although why did you go for cheese hang on sayo there you go i don't uh strawberry cheesecake oh good one kung soon right well i think my work here is well and truly done i shall take my clearly amazing magical skills elsewhere where are you going wherever i'm needed silly owl right back to this fridge [Music] what's going on it was working a second ago oh well that magic wore off quickly i better go and tell sayo to hold off from saving the world huh oh [Music] wow being a superhero is hungry work i wonder if kong soon has some snacks for um a little help no problem wow thanks sam no problem you know that muffin does look rather delicious it sure does oh wait hang on no no no no no no no no no no no finally this day has come yo cog city what day is it today well the day is it's my birthday today my friends are coming over and i wonder what they might bring me for my birthday teddy bear bicycle pencil crayons what kind of presents do you think [Music] strawberry cake hurry hurry light the candle [Music] your favorite treats cause we love you [Music] make a wish and then blow one two three go lightly make a wish it may come [Music] and then true one two three [Music] [Laughter] [Music] hmm [Music] why am i so bad at magic [Music] did someone say magic [Music] oh thank goodness you're here i really need your help and for once it doesn't involve food i'm listening i'm supposed to be doing a magic show for sam and eve later and i've got one small problem what is it i can't do any magic uh i wouldn't say that's entirely true i can't even make a rabbit appear in a hat oh that's the most basic trick in the book [Music] so what do you say sayo can you help me out sure thing kong sunny okay here's the plan [Music] ladies and gentlemen please welcome to the stage for one night only the incredible the marvelous the stupendous the magical gong sunni [Music] hooray [Music] thank you thank you thank you okay for my first trick watch carefully as out of thin air appears wow that's amazing punk sunni [Music] great stuff sayo more more okay behold [Music] another flower ah hooray yay that's still pretty cool i guess and that's nothing compared to the next thing i'm going to make up here something way better than a flower another flower we'll have to take a brief interval i'll be right back [Music] [Applause] say oh we're losing the crowd can't you make something a bit more exciting up here what's more exciting than not one not two but three flowers please say oh anything just as long as it's not another flower oh come on use that magical imagination of yours [Music] okay prepare to be amazed lady and gentlemen as i make a pier out of thin air not a flower not two or three flowers but one [Music] spider [Music] say oh what have you done you told me to use my imagination oh yes i didn't tell you to unleash a man-eating spider on us though oh no what am i going to do oh phew oh thanks kung sunny well it wasn't exactly me guys say who's the one doing all the magic [Music] huh say oh where did you go oh but that must mean i did it all by myself i did it i did it i actually did the real magic trick bravo yay i only wish sailor had seen i wonder where he went [Music] three little bears live in a house together teddy bear mommy bear and baby bear daddy [Music] up down up down clap your hands baby bear was happy he went shaky shaky kong swinney bear was happy too she went wavy wavy get up everyone shake your body get up everyone shake your body [Music] three little bears live in [Music] baby bear is a total cutie pie up down up down clap your hands up down up down clap your hands so [Music] you
Channel: Kongsuni and Friends
Views: 71,015
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kongsuni, Korean animation, Korean cartoons, anime juju, baby doll, baby toys, cartoons for children, cartoons for kids, kids movies, kids toy play, kongsuni English, kongsuni Korean, kongsuni and friends, kongsuni animation, kongsuni dance, kongsuni full episodes, kongsuni korean, kongsuni song, kongsuni toy, nursery rhymes playlist, pororo, secret juju, toy play, toy play for kids, toy play videos, toys for kids, консуни, 영실업 시크릿쥬쥬 쥬쥬 youngtoys, 콩순이 만화영화, 한국 애니메이션
Id: 7tj0fTjj4Eo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 7sec (1447 seconds)
Published: Tue May 10 2022
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