Kol Nidrei : Erev Yom Kippur

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[Music] so [Music] past 18 months the world in general and bet david in particular has experienced challenges that both were both unexpected and unprecedented in our time but in spite of the upheavals we have successfully continued to conduct all our services and now as we come to the most holy of days i welcome everyone on behalf of bet david santon bet menorah pretoria and bait david in durban to our sanctuary times and links for all yom kippur services and meetings including a children's service an sa upga study session a yoga service a tree of life ceremony have been emailed to congregants and we hope you will join us for all of these different services the times of the following service will be announced at the conclusion of each service during the day and will be published on the live chat i wish everyone well over the fast yantif tov and welcome to bait david you know we are all fasting as we are able and the fast is actually an opportunity to really focus on something else it's lovely to eat i'm as fond of food i think as as any of us but it's really also wonderful to take some time out and to be with your body when your body has a little need because that can remind us of other bigger needs that we have needs to connect to shift things from where they are now to a place where we would like them to be and also our need to connect to the divine so i will invite you on this of all the most holiest days of the year to use that little rumble in your stomach when you get it to bring yourself back to this holy place to the place of creation where everything is possible because in order to make the world happen god who encompassed everything that there was had to make some space and so in order to make our years fruitful and beautiful and full of wonderful things we too create a little space in our bodies in our bellies but most importantly in our souls as we come together and create holiness i wish you a meaningful fast and an easy one and i look forward to seeing many of you throughout the day we begin with an opportunity to wear our tally tote it's the only evening where they are worn and caitlyn is going to read us a poem that will bring us to the blessing oh our mother the earth oh my father the sky your children are we and with tied backs we bring you the gifts you love then we fast a garment of brightness may the walk be the white light of morning may the wave be the red light of evening may the fringes be the falling rain may the border be the standing rainbow thus we for us a garment of brightness that we may walk fittingly where birds sing that we may walk fittingly where grass is green oh our mother earth oh our father the sky we turn now to page two and we make the blessing together for our teletot so we wrap ourselves in the beautiful white garment of our hopes and of our connections i remember how the woman would make candles from yom kippur many years ago when i was a small girl sarah who filled her days with good works for the sick the poor and the bereaved appeared early in the morning on the eve of yom kippur bearing a stack of yiddish prayer books for women for women known as the tahinis the supplications she bought as well an enormous ball of wick thread and a large piece of wax the woman prepared for their work candle making by praying in yiddish from the tahinis weeping intensely and until the candle was finished my mother ate nothing so that her spirit would be softer and she would be more inclined to weave sarah placed the ball of wick thread inside her apron pocket she and my mother stood facing one another about three feet apart while they passed the thread back and forth my mother in a voice filled with tears spoke the names of family members who had died recalling allowed their acts of kindness a threat was added for each person she remembered until the week was good and thick then living members of the family were remembered for life the dead and the living joined together in the yom kippur candle [Music] source of blessing eternal our god you fill the universe with majestic might teaching us holiness through through the sacred obligations giving us the mitzvah of bringing light on yom kippur [Music] [Music] source of blessing eternal our god you fill the universe with majestic might giving us love upholding the life within us and bringing us to this time amen [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] opening the ark opening ourselves the jewish people's festival of the soul and call me drake its sacred portal a night of deep emotions as the psalmist wrote to rejoice with trembling we rejoice at the sound of colin drake rhythmic words of release from vowels both promises to god we fail to keep we tremble at the melody music of spiritual amazement it fills us with awe as we stand before god and torah rejoice that we stand together strengthened by community in this hour of shared weakness and humility we tremble for tonight we confess our flaws admit our imperfections and acknowledge a power far beyond our understanding we rejoice that we commit ourselves to great endeavors because we feel so deeply and think so nobody we tremble we find that our ideals are far greater than our ability and promises surpass our might we rejoice in freedom that is called nidrei's true gift the freedom to begin a new year without fear of failure to aspire to god's image in the world we tremble because we are mortal we rejoice in our gratitude for life we rejoice with trembling and interconnected ray to face our humanity and as we enter connie dre we remember the gifts of all who have gone before us and we light our memorial candle which will burn through the holiday to remind us of all the souls who are standing with us at this moment and with us throughout the day [Music] we continue with a song for light hey [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we turn now to the beginning of the comidre i hold in my arms our family taurus girl we were all in chill together we would be standing with the scrolls held by revered members of our community we begin by asking all assembled to allow everyone to join with us regardless of their status of having missed the mark that they may be included in our holy community tonight [Music] is [Music] a [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] they're gonna [Music] [Music] no [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] m oh boy [Music] [Music] go [Music] [Music] on stream [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] my [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] needed [Music] foreign [Music] my [Music] i [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] street [Music] me [Music] me [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] give us the strength to keep our promises the sacred vows of partners in marriage the promise of love and care between parents and children the promise of duty between citizens and country the earths of doctors the sacred trust of creatures give us the strength to keep our promises to our friends and colleagues to those who live with us and depend on us to those who work for us and those for whom we work to those who pray with us and those for whom we pray to those we love and those we serve give us the courage to keep our promises to ourselves to one another and to future generations [Music] foreign [Music] me forgive this people because of your great mercies and as you were able to reach out to them in love as they exited egypt keep us in your thoughts today is [Applause] [Music] supplications to god in the melody that makes the hot week and your praise of god in one that will make it sing thus you'll be filled with love and joy for the one who sees the heart shine praises upon god all nations let all the world approach with worship for your love has won us over the lord exists for all time praise god barack [Music] run obama [Music] rules [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] day and night are yours creative spirit of the universe the muted colors of twilight the radiance of dawn yours are the spreading wings of light the deepening shadows of darkness and ever-changing drama in the human heart too the struggle between darkness and light unfold from sunlit heights of generosity the human heart sinks to the gloomy depths of selfishness although we fall you give us the strength to rise again you call on those who hurt through word or deed to break free from wrongdoing and return to you all who hear your call to goodness are embraced and all who reject emptiness and evil find acceptance from you we come into your presence this night of call need nidre aware that our shortcomings and weaknesses are many yet encouraged by your promise of forgiveness we choose freely the path of repentance restoring wholeness to our lives and holiness to the world aravim uh [Music] [Music] i [Music] return to the blessing for love on page 26 aha [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] turn to page 30. is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] foreign you know just as we are enjoying to make our evening of passover seder interesting and different so that our children will ask questions so this evening is also made interesting and different so that we begin to ask those questions of ourselves how can i connect we wear our tele tote with our tzitzit on the corners to remind us of the 613 ways that it's possible to be in holy community to have honest weights to make sure that we offer a little bit of the extra of what we have been given to wear clothing that is in line with modesty to be together in community all of these things are part of our values and so tonight today we wear white to remind ourselves of our own ability to purify ourselves we stand with our feet together like the angels to remind ourselves of the fact that we too have every bit of power to praise and we wrap ourselves in this protective coating with its stripes to remember the heavens and how we can bring that holiness into our community and that is really what this next blessing is about that moment when the people saw that they were free they were free to connect they were free to build they were free to give in love and our next prayer really brings us back to that moment at the sea but now we stand truly prepared to welcome the divine into our community [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] girl [Music] shalom [Music] [Music] [Music] a piece of wild things when despair for the world grows in me and i wake in the night at the least sound in fear of what my life and my children's lives may be i go and lie down where the wood drake rests in his beauty on the water and the great hair and feeds i come into the piece of wild things who do not tax their lives with forethought of grief i come into the presence of still water and i feel above me the day-blind stars waking with their light for a time i rest in the grace of the world and am free is [Music] [Music] me [Music] days [Music] [Music] we move ourselves now into the which ushers in our opportunity for our own personal prayers [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] i [Music] let my mouth praise [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a foreign [Music] [Music] r [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] give your believers a basis for faith you know how to create a heart of stone that you can lift you know how to create a heart that will know how to get out of pits that cost itself that was sold you know how to warm with your hand a heart frozen from too much you know the hand suddenly came here [Music] [Music] [Music] a short rush on holiness or kedusa in hebrew what is holiness i believe it is a theological concept with a social agenda why the torah in bamir teachers hashem is only therefore we must be holy and just there a social agenda is placed on me and on us here is an interesting fact to all better videos where next we can enter our beautiful show i urge you to examine the plots or even our letterhead as a community we make a beautiful declaration into the heavenlies what am i talking about yeah cough cheek cough what does it mean it says we are kahila kodesh a holy community in judaism we embrace monotheism we daily declare and that means that there is one moral truth since there is one moral authority the divine a hasidic teacher of our or teaching of our era goes more important than believing in the divine is to believe that the divine believes in us this is fundamental if we seek to remove the scourge of wickedness from our world with divine intervention we can resist fighting evil with evil hate with hate rage with rage any mathematician will tell you that two wrongs cannot equal one right all our actions should be acting for the sake of heaven and the unseen forces of eternity we cannot forget that we were placed on this earth for a simple purpose to act humbly and to perform deeds of kindness humility stands at the center of our private lives but it is also the foundation of public leadership it is not self-deprecating but empowering just like our leader and teacher of torah moshe it is easy to sequester religion to the sanctuary but judaism is meant to be lived in the streets in the offices in our schools in the privacy of our homes and in our courtrooms judge ruth bader ginsburg of blessed memory had a reminder of on a wall a reminder that moral methods must be used to get a just end furthermore our business ethics and the cultivation of a compassionate marketplace all mundane aspects of human life a crucial components to living a holy life and being kahilat kodesh yasikaya [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] like smoke above the altar may a memory of us ascend and come before you as israel once came to you with offerings from the flock so we bring to you the offerings of our mouth not lip service but heartfelt pray so the prophet taught return o israel to adonai your god for you have fallen because of your sin take words with you and return to adonai accept the words we set before you awkward and imperfect as they are our hesitant questions are corrosive doubts except to our silences our thoughts that rise in the stillness our faith that coheres for a fragile instant then dissipates like smoke above the altar over [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] our god and god of our forebears pardon our failings on this day of atonement raise our misdeeds see beyond our defines for isaiah said in your name it is i i alone who wipe away your defined acts this is my essence i shall pay no heed to your errors and the prophet said as the cloud fades away as miss dissolves into the air so your wrongs and mistakes shall be gone i will wipe them away come back to me that i may redeem you as you said to moses for on this day on this day atonement shall be made for you to purify you from all your wrongs and pure you shall be in the presence of adrenaline the promise of your forgiveness adonai all merciful and gracious on this night of cornidre we are filled with confidence and faith as we awaken to the promise of your forgiveness like a generous father you accept our weakness like a kind and caring mother you see beyond our faults for your desire to pardon the penitent is true and enduring and yet how can we come close to you near enough to know your living fountain of love you are near when we banish hatred from our hearts you are near when we cast out cruelty and spite you are the source of life mother and father of all that lives but we cannot call you our parent unless we first treat all people as our brothers and sisters asking forgiveness from those we have hurt bringing healing to the places where we have done harm god we thank you for sounds of your grace and love we thank you for courage and inspiration in the work of tikkun midot the task of shaping our lives for the better you have shown us that repentance requires not ceremony but return to the path of duty sincerity and truth not offerings at the altar but a mending of ways not strength beyond human powers but a belief in the ability to change we do not trust in miracles to rid the world of madness and evil but in a supreme wisdom that guides our lives and deeds towards goodness may our prayers be pleasing in your sight may our actions be acceptable before you may our journey of atonement be a source of joy and gladness whatever is foreseen in joy must be lived out from day to day vision will open in the dark but our ten thousand days of work harvest will fool the barn for that the hand must hate the face must sweat and yet no leaf or grain is filled but by work of ours the field is tilt and left to grace we may reap great work is done whilst we're asleep when we work well a sabbath mood rests on our day and finds it good walking in the morning time smiles in my hand the store lost all day long [Music] [Music] [Music] m [Music] [Applause] [Music] help us to serve you truly with purity of heart is we have no god of forgiveness and pardon us foreign is [Music] foreign [Music] we continue whoops sorry um in silent prayer for a few minutes and i invite you to of course open up whatever wishes are in your heart but to remember in this prayer that we are yeshua we are the the tribes of yeshua but the word yeshua contains the rujiyoshar the the precious and so as we open our hearts and we bear our souls and we think of the times we've missed our marks remember that we are precious to the divine all of us all of those who partake in your covenant be written for a good and sweet life a god who is ours god of all generations to you we are grateful forever rock and protector of our lives your saving power endures from age to age we thank you and tell the tale of your praise your power in our lives your caring for our souls the constant miracle of your kindness morning noon and night we call you goodness for you will come your compassion never ends we call you mercy for your love has no limit we call you hope now and for all time [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] sorry [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] we now turn our hearts and our souls and our voices to the important task of listing all of those things that we might have done some of us may have done but that bring us together as a community in confession we ask that our lips be kept gates of holiness and we acknowledge that sometimes we have failed in that process and so with our preparation we rise to recite the insomnia and as you know it's traditional to beat your breasts with each word we will begin with an introduction and then move into the recitation of the possibilities of moving away from divine connection in the hopes that by listing them we will be able to bring ourselves back into divine connection [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] day [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Music] [Music] i [Music] what can we say to you whose existence is beyond time and space what words of ours can reach you around beyond the clouds beyond heaven mystery every revelation surely we continue with the long confession which begins on page 86. okay [Music] um [Music] [Music] m [Music] i'd like to offer you an alternative interpretation of the confessions which are usually recited at this point in the service the overarching message is it's time to repurpose remember when moses descended the mountain with the tablets containing the ten commandments that he just received from hashem and saw the people worshiping a golden calf they had built in his absence he was so shocked that he smashed the tablets eventually hashem summoned moses back up the mountain and gave him a second set of tablets which he delivered in touch to the israelites moses must have experienced an uncomfortable degree of distress when he saw what was going on so what is moral distress all about here's an example this is a concept originally developed within the nursing profession moral distress occurs when a person knows the right thing to do but institutional constraints make it nearly impossible to pursue the right course of action moses distress was vocational meaning that he thought he knew how to lead people and what to teach them and how to help people better their lives but this no longer seemed to be the case or even possible indeed according to the midrash by the way the meaning of midrash very simply put is a clarification of biblical terms into contemporary terms when moses saw the people dancing around the golden craft he asked himself how can i give these commandments because he knew that they would immediately be in violation of the commandment not to worship idols now imagine the broken shards of the tablets and think of them as metaphors for our spiritual lives representing our broken promises and our human frailty moses needed to break and replace not only the literal stones of the tablets but also his own sense of purpose as a leader the torah teaches us that moses ascended the mountain a second time and in order to reconstruct a sense of purpose moses needed to be able and willing to start again and to conduct himself differently so that the israelites would listen and understand and not resort to their wayward ways and the same goes for all of us we all need to imagine different ways of relating to hashem and to one another on yom kippur we are reminded to be flexible to heal ourselves and to transform and accept new ways the broken tablets can be thought of as a personal metaphor for our personal deeds broken and shattered but on this day of forgiveness that which is broken and shattered can be made whole again it is up to each and every one of us to recognize how moses had to undergo a change in his approach to leadership and know that we too must carry forth the same message and make the necessary changes so stop before you shout at someone rethink your words and assess the outcome you really want to achieve that is repurpose number one stop before you act rashly and think of a calmer way to act where both parties will feel they have made their point that is repurpose number two the blind acceptance of domestic violence and teach others how women should be treated as mothers of our children that is repurpose number three all these harsh actions reflect our way of doing things and going forward and have no place in how we wish to conduct ourselves especially when speaking to our family and friends think carefully about the very first thing you are going to say to your partner or children after services think say something sweet say something nice tell them how you love them be like a modern day moses and change just as moses did thousands of years ago thank you so much george you know it really is such a blessing that we have the opportunity to do tuba to return every year and to rethink what it is that we should be doing with our mouths with our hands and with our hearts and so this piece of our prayer we ask that those desires the desire for sweetness the desire for connection the desire to come to a complicated conversation as you say and have it come out successfully for both parties are lifted up upon our prayers today and our next song really is about doing exactly that that we create like a space shuttle to carry our words directly to the divine [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] he [Music] okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] [Music] with me [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] r [Music] r [Applause] [Music] the rabbis inserted pew team's special songs that helped to bring our mind in frame and that is one of them to make our yom kippur service even holier and more special and the prayer that comes immediately after that we do say every day but i think it has a greater poignancy today we say listen to our voices and take with with compassion and with desire our prayers to bring us back make our days new as they were in times of old and we move to our reading god of forgiveness we come before you in need of compassion at sinai you spoke words that guide our lives to this day but our ancestors lost faith in you lost hope in their redeemer with one voice they had promised we will do and obey and yet stiff necked they broke their word adoring an idol of gold how wondrous your compassion in the face of their rebellion your forgiveness in that moment of human weakness and doubt we too have broken promises to you we too worship the work of our own hands we too make of gold a god and we too forsake your word at sinai you revealed 13 attributes of mercy these aspects of your nature your very essence we now recall adonai adonai said the emmett compassionate gracious endlessly patient loving and true showing mercy to the thousandth generation forgiving evil defiance and wrongdoing granting pardon [Music] [Music] m foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] is oh [Music] lord [Music] is [Music] our god and god of our fathers god of our mothers do not abandon us leaving us in shame do not dissolve the covenant you made with us rather draw us near to your teaching show us your ways and how and teach us how to live let us be open to your love ready to revere your very being cut away the hardness of our hearts so that we may turn to you with all our hearts devotion truly repentant for the sake of your great name pardon our failures forgive our moral weakness as in the holy words of your psalms adonai as before your name forgive my sin no matter how great [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh foreign another beautiful cute about our relationship with the creator you know tomorrow in the afternoon we will be reading jonah we actually have kind of a creative version of the story of jonah to share together and there are really many things we learned from jonah but i would like to focus on three of them tonight the first is that you don't always like what you have to do the second is that sometimes even if you don't enjoy it your work can create communal salvation and the third one is we must cherish moments of pleasure so let's remind ourselves a little bit of the story jonah is a prophet we have some reference to him perhaps elsewhere in our scriptures and it is possible that he is the prophet who went to the king of israel and asked for a change and nothing happened and in spite of that nothing happening there was reward for the king and for his people this is why the rabbis think that jonah is perhaps not so eager to follow god's command this time when god comes to him and says there's this huge city of nineveh in assyria not even jews and they have been particularly bad to one another go to them tell them to repent and i will save the city well jonah not liking what he has to do possibly because he feels he might end up in the same situation and possibly because these are the people who are going to take over the northern kingdoms of israel and possibly because he doesn't feel like he will succeed runs away he gets on a boat and he heads in the opposite direction towards tarshish near the straits of gibraltar instead of inland and up towards assyria and as you know there's a huge storm and people discover that he is the cause of it he asks them to throw them throw him overboard and gets swallowed by a very large fish which takes him according to the rabbis on a tour of the world and brings him back just to the place where he will be able to go as close as possible to nineveh from his docking point he goes to nineveh he proclaims that there needs to be a change the people put on ashes on their foreheads and they put on sackcloth around their clothing and the king leads them and they repent and the city is saved jonah goes out sits on a hill and looks at this huge city full of people and is distressed because he knew it would happen because they shouldn't be saved because he feels his task has not been what he wanted it to be and the divine causes a plant to grow over him to shield him from the sun and in the shade of that plant he is happy he falls asleep and the next the evening that there's now a worm that comes and eats the plant the next morning he wakes up and he says my plant my plant it's gone and the divine comes to him and says here you are mourning for a plant and don't you see that i would feel much the same way about this multitude of my own creations so let's go back to our three points you don't always like what you have to do it's great to cultivate a heart that accepts what comes to you and works to serve with joy that is part of what we do as human beings but there are always going to be times where we don't like what we have to do be that cleaning our teenager's room which is not one of my problems um or taking on a new project at work that really isn't our expertise we have to stretch or we have to be nice to people who we don't know very well and we aren't sure how they're going to accept us in this task whatever it is we don't always like it but our job and this is what jonah teaches us is to take stock of our limitations and our resources and put all that we can into whatever we are doing in the fish jonah prays he realizes his life is precious and he then goes and without question reaches nineveh he has turned right to the word to focus his attention on the effort and not on the outcome he also doesn't fool himself as should we not when the effort isn't really there he understands that the ship is sinking earlier because he has not even tried to sway the ninevites so he had to replace the question is this what i wanted to do with how can i make my best effort this doesn't mean that we have to let go of our own feelings of dissatisfaction or discomfort it just means that we must do our best to be in the moment the most perfect of ourself that we can and inspect when we are asked to do something that we don't wish to do to rise above that and to make our best effort to bring our resources to bear upon the situation and sometimes when we do that our work can create communal salvation sometimes we don't even know that that is what is going to happen or we don't want it to happen like jonah didn't you know you think about alexander fleming who came back from vacation and looked at his petri dishes and noticed just happened to notice that one of them was unusual and it had colonies of this mold that was killing off all of his bacterial cultures and from that complete unknowingness he applied himself in a way he hadn't expected to his work and now we have penicillin which i know is not always the best of antibiotics but we have many antibiotics because he was able to see that whatever it was that was in front of him could give him a key and looking back he created a great deal of communal change in this discovery so we have the fact that sometimes our task is not the one we want but sometimes even if it's not the one we want it does incredible good now here is how you are able to link these two things you must cherish moments of pleasure and we're going to turn back to jonah here he sits overlooking the city under his plant this new plant that came just for him and he is so delighted in that plant it helps him to move past his distress at the call at the task perhaps that living inside a fish for three days probably not a pleasant experience and then having to walk through the desert to get to nineveh and jonah teaches us even though he is very distressed about the plant afterwards the plant dying that holding on to those moments of joy in the midst of the hardship is part of how we are able to do our best to connect to the new friends we make to the things that we're thinking about that maybe are not part of what we're trying to do to the beauty of our surroundings to the new friends that give us advice to our old friends with whom we might not connect but who are helping us to move along this path to do our best and to create whatever it is that is salvific and so if we like jonah take a moment in the hard times to remember the plant and to be blessed in finding moments of beauty we will have greater strength to complete those tasks that are not the most pleasant so in the teenagers room you will find a smile thanks dad for helping me to organize things it feels so good to have clean sheets in the new work you may find a greater appreciation of your own skills all of these lead to the possibility that your work will make the world a better place and so i invite us on this yom kippur as we think about the times when we haven't been giving our best effort or we have aimed to do something that maybe we couldn't quite do and been disappointed or we've gone zipping past all the beauties of the world the small flowers the small children the achievements of our colleagues and our friends to remember jonah and in archuva to return ourselves to those people who do their best who contribute to the well-being of the world and who notice all the small and beautiful things as we go by them return to avinu malcanu the recognition of the whole of these things together the divine amongst us the opportunity to shift our world and the hope that upon the works of our ancestors and of those who have stepped before us into chuba we're gathered to be accepted in our prayers and in our dreams for this year [Music] hear our voice we have strayed and sinned before you avinu makin ubitapen have compassion on us and on our families halt the onslaught of sickness oh please the onslaught of sickness and violence and hunger avenue um halt the reign of those who cause pain and terror throughout the world avinu malcheinu could venue write us in the book of life renew us for a year of goodness fill our hands with your blessings avinu malcanu harain karen mishika may our eyes behold the dawn of redemption avenue do not turn us away from you in emptiness on please welcome our prayer receive our prayer with desire with love embrace our prayers avinu malcainu assay imanu le manchime do this as befits your holy name act for your sake if not for ours we have no we have no ruler but you avenue open up the gates of heaven to our prayers avenue leno hear our prayer again treat us with the tenderest of compassion [Music] [Applause] [Music] i [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] she [Music] remember that as george says moses has a second chance the people of israel have a second chance in fact they have many chances and so as we recognize the glory of the divine we also remember that it is up to us to create newness to create possibility and that is what takes us from avinu malcanu asking that our prayers be accepted to alain uleshabaya it is upon us to worship to connect to make this world into the holy place that it was intended to be oh [Music] it [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Applause] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] heart [Music] may we gain wisdom in our lives overflowing like a river with understanding loved each of us for the peace we bring to others may our deeds exceed our speech and may we never lift up our hand but to conquer fear doubt and despair rise up like the sun oh god over all humanity cause light to go forth over all the lands between the seas and light up the universe with the joy of wholeness of freedom and of peace [Music] [Music] this is the praise for the living praise for the gift of life praise for loved ones and friends for listening hearts laughter and forgiveness praise their searching and striving for perseverance and vision minds are aspired to know and understand praise their courage and faith for souls that brought light to dark corners for hands were gentle and strong praise for those who walked before us in valleys of darkest shadow who endured their grief and brought forth new life yakuda via kadash prays for the one who is always with us the source of growth the promise of goodness pray for the gift of life and memory praise for the blessing of hope we continue with our yard site the remembrance of those who have moved into the next world and you know this is a time when it's very thin between those who have passed and us a time when there is less space between our daily lives and our holy luminous souls and so asking for blessings upon those who have gone before us and who we love is especially important so we remember on this day the lives of minnie broome aunt of helen kaplan dot rose mother of angela frankel len gerber husband of lolly gerber and from bate menorah pretoria we remember gideon dreyer the father of wilner joss and we send special condolences to shai and roxy on the recent passing of their grandmother wendy bevlo the mourner's kaddish is one of our ways of praising the divine and bringing ourselves to that connection with those who have gone before us please join us the day of atonement it is a day of repentance a day of fasting and a day of prayer i thank you for choosing to spend this time with us call nidre which is the first of the five services that make up yom kippur was this evening and i hope it was meaningful to you our services continue tomorrow starting at 9 30 a.m throughout the day the links to the services and the service names will all be in the chat in a few minutes these are also published in the ad khan may you be sealed in the book of life [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] um [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] today [Music] thank you so much to the choir for their extremely beautiful bringing of our tradition to our ears thank you to all who participated the creative was lovely the readings were beautiful means so much for us to be together even though we are still screening together i also want to just remind you that if you have a small child and you would like to come at nine o'clock before services there's a zoom link to join me and then as i leave to be part of the adult services there will be the screening of an award-winning film by mira amiras on creation and choices that we make in our lives so even adults are welcome to come and join us for children's services we ask today that the divine move from the throne of judgments to the throne of mercy and that we are all seen as sheep that provide something special to the flock whether we are the leaders or we are the ones who make sure that all the lambs are brought into the fold from behind we ask our god and god of our ancestors the eternal god who has been asked this question by generations and generations if we can come once again in favor we pray that your presence in our lives this year renews our spirits takes us on the wings of eagles and carries us into the future with the ability to do our best to create salvation for others and to enjoy the details along the way may it be a good year for all of us may it be a year of change and transformation and healing and health and openness of the world may it be a sweet here may you should you be fasting find inspiration and perhaps even solace in your tradition and may we all come together in the morning feeling refreshed and eager to once again reach out across these rooms and across generations so that we may all pray in the fullness of our heart that there be sealing in the book of life for a wonderful new year may be signed and sealed for sweetness and for joy [Music] you
Channel: Congregation Bet David
Views: 1,303
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 141min 30sec (8490 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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