Kohler Command 14hp Teardown

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hey guys welcome back in this video I'm going to be tearing down this uh colar command single cylinder engine um if you can seen my last video I took apart the or took off the sump cover and figured out what was wrong with the governor I don't know how well it's going to show up here but the gears are stripped that's why that wasn't working but the bigger problem I think was there was a random bolt flying around down there too so kind of need to figure out where that came from and see if it did any other damage in the engine um now this engine did over rev quite a bit when the governor went out so I also need to check for damage due to that as well so I'm going to start digging into this and uh see what I can find here I'm going to start by pulling off the voltage regulator and then this top cover so looks like this is a 8 mm [Music] might rebuild this at some point but I think it's mainly going to be used for parts it's kind of a low horsepower engine I don't know if it'll be really worth it to completely rebuild it right now really tiny screws they use on this not a huge fan of that they uh seem to break off pretty often turn this to you guys can actually see it here we go ah here's a another problem looks like someone uh lost that screw and put in a different one at some point you know now that I'm thinking about it that's probably where this screw came from this was inside the oil pan so maybe when they took it out it could have fallen into the dipstick tube somehow um not too sure to be honest maybe they had to pull the dipstick tube out to put the new seal in and this just happened to drop in there I don't know all I know is this was down in the oil pan where it was not supposed to be so yeah but I bet that's where that bolt came from originally they figured oh well we'll just run a Philips head screw in there at least the threads are right they didn't cross thread it we'll give them that okay more 8 mm here let's see is that it looks like that's it oh Noe there's one in the front I missed I don't know if you guys can see that on [Music] [Applause] camera hopefully the lighting is okay for you guys I know it's kind of dark in my garage but it's all I got to work with for now all right top covers off I'll put that off to the side here uh nothing out of the ordinary here it's actually pretty clean in there I don't see any grass or uh Mouse Nest all right now this fan cover just pops off there little tabs in here that that clip into these little holes now the flywheel nut uh that looks like a maybe 12 or 13 m mm let's try 13 yes 13 okay nice and easy flywheel key looks like it's there at least I hope it is me grab a pry bar okay where can I pry on let me move some stuff off my table here I want that to go flying off o it's probably not there about there I'm going thread this back in o doesn't want to go in that does not feel quite right huh wonder why it's doing that now oh these threads are kind of kind of messed up on the end of this bolt wonder if someone uh started to cross thread it at some point that's not what I want to see see if I can get it back in gently n it doesn't feel right huh let's take a look with the light in here oh yeah those threads are not in great shape but feels like the Bolt's going in straight so I'm going to go ahead and tighten it a little bit oh there it goes just needed to get past that boogered part of of the threads I'll run a tap through that when I'm done so I got this a little bit loose so I can hit it with the hammer my pry bar here oops kind of hard hitting with my left hand whoops sorry about that does not want to come up I'm going to work on that for a few minutes and I'll come back when I get that off all right I think I got it knocked loose hope those threads are still good there we go I might have to take the coil off first to sneak it past yeah I'm going to do that so I don't accidentally break it or something another thing I don't like it seems like on every Small Engine they use like the smallest screws in the world to hold on the coils I do not like that they always feel like they're going to snap off or something [Music] pretty Rusty coil but it worked just fine and it's a it's genuine part too so that's a [Music] keeper man this one's being pretty stubborn here come on can you guys see this maybe now I'm going to spray some WD40 in there probably should have 10 minutes ago don't want to go overboard here and make a huge mess all right something's not right here comes up and then gets stuck wonder if there's something wrong with the magnets on the flywheel maybe they came off and got [Music] jammed I have never seen one come off like this let's kind of cry up in this a little bit all right I'm going to work on that for a minute I'll be right back all right so I got the flywheel off you see how it's missing a magnet right here looks like it snapped off well here it is it was kind of getting stuck on that so wouldn't have to epoxy that back on there at some point that's too bad that could have came off when the engine was over revving too just wasn't designed to to spin that fast and it ended up uh yeah magnet magnet must have just sheered off I guess I have no idea though I have seen that on a few of these engines so it could just be a common problem they have I I really I don't know um let's see next I will [Music] do um let's take the Stater off these are always good to keep especially this one this is a high output stator another 8 mm bolt from my experience everything on this engine is metric so that's kind of nice let's see here so these wires have to GL through there so looks like they got to come out of this connector somehow if don't see what I mean they go through here up through this hole and then they go to the stator but this connector is obviously not going to fit through that hole so what I'm going to do is I'm going to stick a screwdriver in here and pop these wires out and hopefully I can feed it through that way so I thought I'd show you how that comes out so stick a screwdriver down [Music] there let keep pushing wiggling and it should pop the wire loose unless it's melted in there probably like this one okay let's try the other [Music] [Music] one of course it always goes smoothly off camera but as soon as I turn that back on oh there you go s screwdriver in push come on there we go and then when it comes di to it I should be able just to pop that back in don't I forget that little clip let's pull that through taada just like that doesn't look uh melted or looked like it was uh got super hot at some point so I did test test it while it was running for a short time and it was it was charging just fine so I don't have any worries about that uh next take off the starter looks like two uh maybe 10 mm bolts yes okay sorry about the background [Music] noise huh it's got some kind of spacer behind it [Music] interesting oh there's the other one don't want to lose that starter looks good teeth aren't chipped or broken all right next I will take off this metal fuel line that goes from the pump to the carburetor so first I'm going to pull those clamps off these are kind of a pain just going to I'll leave the bottom one on I think and no I'll take it off okay now that's off see if I can rotate this fuel line gently okay good going to pull up on this while rotating and there pops right off and the other side uh actually I'm going to leave that on there for now you'll kind of see why later okay so now I'm going to tilt this it's getting a little bit easier to move now carburetor is not really on here anymore as you can see I just threw the airbox on to keep dust out of the [Music] engine okay and then a bunch of bunch more 8 mm bolts for these um engine shroud lots and lots of [Music] these oh boy I'm going to take these studs out good trick to do that double nut it put one nut on backwards first and then put the second nut on the right way then you will grab a 10 mm [Music] wrench you'll hold that back nut and tighten the outer one and then reverse it taada pulls the whole stud out for you I'm going take this back off and do the same on the other side o now when you reinstall these studs take note that oh on this particular engine the shorter thread part goes into the engine the longer one goes out so just take a mental note of that you don't want to mix those up and strip out your threads in the block or something I guess it would be the head [Music] but cool now that's off okay I got the fuel line oh I did miss a 8 mm bolt holding down a clamp on top that was already loose there yeah I'll show you that was the clamp right there now if you're going to be storing this you might want to plug these holes off so you don't get a bunch of junk in them and definitely before you hook it back up to your carburetor you're going to want to uh flush it out with something maybe carb clean and some air get all the little dust and crap out of it this one's got a little bit of rust so that might be need to be replaced the whole the whole line but um I'm sure I can clean it out okay side cover carburetor insulator this is plastic okay that's almost off oops moving the camera here more little bolts this one comes off nice and clean this one too oh this one's a little bit oil on it but that's to be expected I'm going to leave the oil uh dip stick tube on till last so I don't get a bunch of crap falling in and probably the fuel pump too that those are just 10 two 10 mm bolts all right looks like in the valve cover we have a broken bolt head here so I might be able to get that with vice grips after I get the whole cover off um shoot okay I was hoping that to have to deal with broken stuff today but oh well I am going to take a quick break right here I'll be back in a minute all right I am [Music] [Music] back now these uh covers are siliconed on so they might kind of tough to remove so I'm going to gently hit this with the hammer oh this one's really stuck don't want to hit it on on this nipple here it'll probably just snap it right off there we go H not bad at all super clean I was expecting worse you saw my last video there's quite a bit of Gunk Down Below in the in the engine so um thought it look worse up in here but so that one bolt that I had mentioned at the beginning of the video that I thought um or that I did that I found in the sump I thought uh it might have came from here but obviously as you can see that's not the case so huh yeah that Bolt must have come from the oil dipstick tube kind of disappointing that someone just left it like that this is what I meant I can grab that uh that stud with a pair of ice grips um yeah let's see if I actually I'm not going to record myself doing that that's kind of boring you probably don't need to see all that anyway so I'm going take the lifters off okay now I guess technically you're supposed to keep these in the same orientation in the same slot they came out of um I don't think it makes that big of a difference on a lawn mower engine but you do what you feel like you should do but I'm going to grab a plastic bag and put some of these parts in it so they don't get all dirty H so I just remembered that probably wasn't the right way to do it you probably want to rotate the engine till all the pressure is off of the the spring before you you take that off so you don't have a uh kind of like an explosion like I just did but that's all right no harm no foul yeah definitely don't do what I just did I just want to check the threads and they're still good but there's a possibility when you do that that it could just yank the threads out so just be careful uh head bolts those look like probably 12 or 13 definitely a 12 no that is a 13 I had the wrong socket on yep 13 that one I'm going to need an extension [Music] for oh and I just broke the spark plug does not like that EXT exension oh well that spark plug's getting replaced anyway might want to take that out too this video is not going very good man maybe you guys will find it entertaining at least I hope bolts kind of oil now this headed bolt down here it's got a spacer and a washer on it so just take note of that for when you put it back together and I think we should be good a lot of carbon buildup kind of expected that but valves are in good shape I think I'll probably end up doing a valve job on it at some point let's take a look piston looks good that's a good sign let's take a look at the cylinder walls um let me see if I get the camera in there so you guys can see what I see not bad there is some cross-hatching but it's kind of glazed over in a couple spots yeah really not in the best shape but definitely usable I guess I don't see any huge marks anywhere but ideally I'd hone that out and put new rings on I don't remember I don't think the engine smoked or anything so it um brings might be okay but I definitely at least holding the cylinder out and put new rings in if I can get them still last time I rebuilt one of these the Rings were no longer available and I had to get them aftermarket and they were uh very expensive I think they were almost a hundred bucks just for the Rings no no piston or anything so that was kind of kind of disappointing but it is what it is they these companies got to make money I suppose all right I'm going to take off this Governor linkage mess I took a couple pictures of that beforehand so I don't so I can keep track of uh how it goes back together I'll put that off to the side put that in a little plastic bag okay not a whole lot left to [Music] this as you can obviously tell I I put the sump cover back on just so it wasn't making a huge mess in my garage um got this lifting hook with a ground wire attached probably could have left that on there but it's all right I'm just going to move some stuff out of my way here all right I think that's it for the exterior of the engine anyway okay take all this off again maybe with a stronger impact that might help now you can do is you can also take this oil pump cover off and pull that out first if you want but I'm just going to leave it on there when you take when you put this cover back on you have to uh take this off and the gears or the pump out and then put it on after you get the cover on so it lines everything back up nice man all this could have been avoided if they just didn't use a plastic doer gear but sure there's some science behind it to why they did that maybe it was just to save money who knows okay pop this off again still stuck on there as you can see here there is a spot for me to tap that there we go I forget a B I did still stuck there we go yeah see it definitely helps when you take all the bolts out there another tip put this back under here you might want to tilt the engine back like prop it up with a like a 2x4 or in this case I'm using a hammer that way all the oil goes into the engine not all over your table [Music] come on there we go okay I got most of the oil out last time but yeah look at that nasty is that's all got to be cleaned out see this is where the oil gets sucked up into and it's got to screen and it's pretty plugged up not good I'm going to get some paper tis wipe that out real quick now while wiping off the engine I found this little itty bitty washer now I believe that either goes to the governor itself or the governor shaft that goes through the block right about uh right about here so so on your engine you're going to have a shaft that comes through here and right here on the outside there'll be a um a cotter pin you can pull out then you can pull the whole shaft out I think it's on one of these two sides I can't remember and then there's going to be a gear oops there's going to be a gear right here plastic gear that I showed you at the beginning of the video you can pull that off too and I think this little washer I just found either goes on this Shaft or the shaft that goes to the side of the block so I to look at a parts diagram and figure that out you definitely don't want to lose that and then so here we got the balance shaft just kind of Wiggle that out look at that beefy all all steel no plastic that's what you want to see then the cam shaft um that should just pop right out and then careful the lifters are gonna fall down [Music] probably yep there the lifters are cam shaft looks good has a little bit of uh discoloration here a little rust I think water had got in there at some point it appears yeah cam shaft's got some wear to it I don't really like that too much see how it's discolored it probably be okay but I'd like to put a different one in if I got I think I have a better one use a decompression mechanism now Briggs and Stratton they can take a note from this see it's all metal there's no plastic now if you're familiar with the Briggs and Stratton inch engines you know that sorry for the cut there my other phone ran out of storage so I had to switch over to a different one for filming um I'm going to take off these two 10 mm bolts next oh man that is on there pretty tight man there we go that one's [Music] loose [Music] man those are really tight be careful if you slip you cut your hand on [Music] something okay got those out spin them out by hand [Music] [Music] one [Music] volt [Music] really long bolt okay second bolt now pay attention to which way this come this cap comes off you don't want to flip it around you want to keep it the same orientation that it is looks good no problems with that now rotate this push the whole connecting rod piston [Music] up then push it up out of the barard go back a little bit [Music] here pay attention which way this uh connecting rod comes out [Music] too man this not want to come out there we go all right so there's that I'm going to quickly put this back [Music] together put the bolts in so that doesn't get mixed up here but yeah piston skirt got some scuff marks on it but not bad at all I've reused much worse and had no problems piston rings I don't see anything obvious with them what I find on these engines what wears out the most is the oil control ring it's a lot thinner than the compression rings and I also noticed that uh the boore will start to wear like will oval out and then at that at that point it's junk you can't really really fix that unless you you know board over and but um the problem with that is it's kind of hard to find oversized pistons for these these engines are pretty old at this point and there's not many o Parts you can get and if you can get them they're usually insanely overpriced but that looks pretty [Music] good I don't see anything wrong with that [Music] oh rocking it back and forth look for play here that's just side to side connecting rod that's normal but no that seems uh pretty good I'm happy with that doesn't uh Rock back and [Music] forth good all right see I already forgot which way that goes in but I'm have to look back in the video and find that out so so either goes like this or like this you don't want to put it in backwards that's a big no no the lifters pull up to the bottom you might want to um take notes which which socket those go in I've heard that they they wear differently but once again I don't think it matters too much on a lawn mower engine but as they always say whatever works for you I suppose push this [Music] out now keep these in a separate separate bag um these are hydraulic lifters are full of oil over time they will leak out make mess everywhere keep mind that then here we got the crankshaft that should pop right out oh yeah lots of oil on that see how it's got all that rust on the end both ends you want to clean that up really good so that way when you put everything back together you won't have any issues I'm going to put this in my parts washer so it doesn't make a make a mess [Music] all right that's basically about it with this engine um if you wanted to go any further what you could do is obviously take off the fuel pump and the dipstick dipstick tube by this point just pulls right out fuel pump 10 I don't know if you can see that 10 mm bolt here here and here and then this plate also comes off but I don't see any point in removing that that's just a 8 mm bolt there at that point you're really down to a bare block ready to be machined or whatever you want to have done to it but um yeah that's going to be it for this video um I really don't think I'm going to do anything else with this engine after this point it's just going to go up in my my parts room for when I have to rebuild one I mean these engines are everywhere it doesn't really make sense to to rebuild such a low horsepower engine these come in uh many different sizes so it'd be better suited as a it be better off to get a 16 horse or something like that but who knows one of these days I might uh might find the use for it but for now I got a good head got a good cam shaft uh the block should be all right uh fuel pump charging system you know pretty much everything else is is good on this sorry about the noise got landscapers [Music] outside sorry about that anyway let's take a look at the Boar I don't know how well you guys can see it on camera but there are there is some Rust rust stains on it and a pretty good scrape right there that just kind of got me worried rest of it looks all right though I'll have to hone it out and see what it looks like but I'm pretty sure that block will be will be good to reuse I'm going to clean this up before it uh leaks oil everywhere and um yeah that's going to be about it for this video just got to clean everything up and put box it up and put it up in the attic um let me know if you guys like these type of videos I can do more I get plenty of engines that are no good and I can tear them down um this interests you you know leave a like or a comment and I'll be sure to make more in the future but um I thank you guys for watching and uh I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Harrison's Garage
Views: 772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UQb3VrPLvLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 34sec (2554 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2024
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