When Grass Wins: The Saga of My Non-Starting MTD

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hey guys so as you can see we're back again with this yard machines by MTD with the 3.8 horsepower to come to engine you remember the one from part one that did this yeah well fast forward a little bit I did try a new gasket and it still continued to leak so there is a new gasket on this carburetor but unfortunately it still continues to leak gasoline so I'm not quite sure what the problem is I went it went ahead and ordered a new carburetor I said enough is enough it was $19 on Amazon I figured it comes with the carburetor and a whole bunch of other stuff so let's pull this off and give it a whirl but at the same time I pulled this off my parts engine which as you can see there's now leaving a gaping hole I'm going to take advantage of it on the other engine that when I get this nice big gaping hole I'm going to suck all the oil out to make sure I even get all the sludge if there is any in the bottom and this way when we put fresh oil in it'll have all new brand new oil in there which should hopefully give that engine better longevity so I guess first things first let's take the Shroud off get that flywheel off and get this breather replaced well we're waiting two 516 at the front two 10 mm bolts at the back now the Shroud and recoil should just lift away I'll take the breather tube off should be able to remove it from the sick tie there we go let's get the starter Bowl off and the flywheel 3/4 there we go there's a 3/4 nut now inside the starter Bowl there's this washer which it's actually a convex washer so when you put it on it's slightly curved upwards so when you put it on as it flattens it creates extra pressure against the starter Bowl let me get my puller so we can get this off first let's rethread on this nut o That's crunchy why is it so crunchy look at these threads they're not in the best of shape I'm going to go over them with the with dye and see if I can straighten them up a bit because that that looks pretty nasty get my half inch dye I'm going to get some oil in there now right get socket on 3/4 oh it flipped on me that was nice just run it down till it stops there we go now I'm going to back it off slowly back up yeah that looks a lot better if you if you see on the right side that was the before here's the after I think that looks a lot better lot cleaner I'll try to get the nut on should go on a lot easier now let's try putting on the nut oh that is so much easier look how easy that one goes on now no crunching nothing I can actually run it pretty much all the way down by hand that's fantastic what a difference all right so I'm going to put this nut back on and we're going to get the puller on pullers in make sure everything's nice lined up and these down just a snug it and 3/4 socket at the top and now we'll tighten it down it should pop free and there we go pop free now you put the nut on to prevent the flywheel from flying up and hitting and uh possibly knocking everything down especially since you'll be torquing on that the wrench pretty good so it could come flying off and hit you in the face and everything uh the wrench anyway this will could end up flying on the floor and and since it is cast it could break off one of the fins or it could crack so I'm just going to put this off to the side take off the key so we don't lose it there's the key now we can remove this so you don't need any kind of special tools flathead screwdriver works just fine and we're just going to slowly carefully pry it up we don't want to drop the cup inside I mean we are going to have it open I mean we could fish it out but I don't really want to fish it out there we go and that's it it's out take a look inside there we go there's the inside of the engine so this will make it easy to clean out all this oil but one thing I'm looking and trying to see in the oil is any kind of gray which would be any kind of metal filings but I don't see any I mean I can sort of but it's it it's mostly just the reflection of the walls off the oil but yeah this this oil looks actually really good all right let's get the new one in so here's the old part and the new part you see how much is actually missing of the old one clearly it's not the first time it's broken off I don't recall cutting that much off of it so this obviously needed to re to be replaced already thankfully I had this one from an old Parts mower this one will go back on let's get the oil pumped [Music] out all right so the oil's out let's get this little piece in and start reassembling this engine and then we'll put some oil in put a little bit of fuel in a temporary fuel F tank and try this out yet again and hopefully it doesn't leak so I'm going to put a little bit of WD40 around the edge just to give it a little bit of lube should make it a little bit easier going in Maybe done okay let's get the flywheel back on make sure the key goes in yeah we're almost back to reassembling this right on [Music] wonder why it's getting stuck like that we'll address that when we change the carburetor so make sure we put the key in flywheel oops there we go I'm going to get the rubber mallet and give it a few Taps down there we go okay next is the starter cup in the washer make sure it's got the raay side up and finally the nut 3/4 inch okay okay so for this engine the torque specifications is 45 to 56 Newton M or between 400 and 500 INB you want to use about 35t lbs of torque so we get the torque wrench we're going to quickly set it to 35 foot- pounds so we spin it up to provided the grip decides that it doesn't want to ride all the way up and cover all the numbers we go to 30 one 2 3 4 five tighten her nut down then I'll get 3/4 on and we'll tighten this down I just need to brace it underneath to prevent the engine from turning over right so 35 foot PBS oh is it there there we go that's now torqued down let me remove the brace all right let's get the Shroud on we won't be needing this anymore put the engine shroud on 10 mil in the back two of them thread them in by hand should always thread them in by hand first to prevent the chance of cross threading because you can easily feel it binding By Hand by Machine it doesn't feel it 2516 in the front all right let's zip these down [Music] Mill right let's get this carburetor sorted so we just got to get the two Philips head bolts out of the intake so get those out there we go okay so we got 716 on this side we got a 3/8 but I'm just going to quickly spin it off same thing on this side take off the air hose come on carburetor cooperate come on little fella let's go there we go let's take off the whole arm now it's an ampt there we go take this off needl noose pliers get fuel line off there we go right take the air filter off now the air filter adapter two Phillips had bolts they're also quarter inch nice all right well there's the old one here's the new one so there's some very subtle differences I don't mean because of this because I mean the does turn so it's not it's not in a fixed position so yeah as you can see now it's a little bit closer to this one here so they're both the same but it's actually the emulsion tube so if you look at the emulsion tube inside yeah so this one here is blue and this one here is brass this one here has a removable emulsion tube this one does not but aside from that they're basically identical so yeah let's get this one installed put some fuel in the tank prime it up and see if she fires okay let's get the air filter adapter on there air filter adapter is on let's get the fuel line on now get the linkage come on get in your hole there you go hey Mr fuel tank no falling off the back of the mower there come on now we'll pull the carburetor down with you there's one gask gets falling down gas Tank's Falling Down is very very finicky unfortunately this is the only downside to the tumsa design come on come on little fella get on there you know you want there we go there it goes Perfect 10 mil on this back side let's make sure this is nice and lined up straight sorry about that bring spring up leave her over now we'll give them a shot down there one no that one doesn't want to do the same thing 716th wrench on the inside there we go all right now to get the intake back on but first let's get this arm back on that does not want to cooperate there we go back on silly thing last but not least this gasket threading it through the gasket to help hold it on all right second bolt threading that one in top one came out now and of course this arm just wants to keep coming out go there it goes perfect that was nice that went through quite well now the top one I can get it in if I'm not stunned but I am yep very stunned try a smaller driver back out and then in I'll torque it down with the big one maybe there perfect last but not least air tube Perfect Look at that everything is working as it should let's get fuel tank on now the air filter hey look at that a red subscribe button so if you guys made it this far in the video hit that subscribe button and also give it a thumbs up now on to more all right got it outside and yes I did put oil in it off camera let's get some fuel in the gas tank prime it up and try it out okay let's turn the fuel line on right fuel is on and flowing maybe flowing it's a on a little bit of a slope I'm just going to let it fill the bowl for a minute priming it spark plug wire is on all right here's H to start on first pull [Music] nope there we go fuel valve is leaking like usual I'm just going to get a little Rag and just wipe this up quickly so want to make sure the fuel's coming out the purge pipe no I'm not getting fuel coming out all right maybe I'll just try attaching the fuel line direct to the tank so I screw it it's easily removed right take this valve out which is obviously leaking air there hose direct to the tank and there there we go that way the fuel has nowhere else to go but to the carburetor so let's see okay I'm going to try it without the filter on I want you go yeah that's pulling should run all right maybe a little carb spray is in order all right let's try a little carb spray all right now let's try it out see if it'll run at least off carb spray all right I'm going to pull the plug try to put some curb spray directly in check the plug see if it's W no plug is dry so I'm going to squirt some carb spray directly in the cylinder see if this will get the pump going H this leaving to believe no spark right let's test for spark so see if this lights up might be tough in in the bright light out here this might be tough might turn them mower a bit let's try turning them mower so it faces the camera so it puts that in a bit of shade okay let's see if it'll light up I don't know if I saw it light up yeah I don't think I saw it light up not once H all right next thing is is let's check the flywheel Gap yeah that not 100% sure on that Gap had a quart socket so I can adjust it there we go get a business card in here then you let it go pulls itself over and tighten it [Music] down drop your bed of course okay that looks a lot better so let's try that again [Music] okay and there we go let's try this again okay so keep an eye on that and let's see if it lights up not is there spark she's bloody running that was the problem there was no spark after it's running it's beautiful look at that all right let's let her run for a bit all right let's give it a try now that it's nice and warm maybe it's not warm enough let's give it a couple Primes are you kidding [Music] me weird this is a weird one guys guys plenty of fuel still in the tank all right I got Vapors coming out let's give it a try There She Goes going to let it get nice and warm this time oh should be nice and warm let's see if she'll start now nope let me know guys what do you do you think what would what would cause this h H think I'm going to have to call it here guys I'm not quite sure exactly what's going on with this one wants to start doesn't want to start wants to start doesn't want to start huh let me know what you think in the comments give me an idea what could be going on with this little guy all right see you in the next one
Channel: Mikeanic
Views: 3,663
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lawnmower, small engine, repair, diy, tecumseh, lv148ea
Id: c2eqegMmExg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 8sec (2228 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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