When Free Isn’t Easy: Repairing a Weed Eater That Won’t Start!

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hey guys today we've got this feather light xt200 by weed eater it's a curve shaft string trimmer doesn't start couple other problems also one of the fuel lines is missing I believe that's the purge line and these hoses they're rock hard as for the fuel tank [Music] it's pretty nasty inside fuel lines raw C and yeah there's no um there's no filter on the end okay so first things first let's get the air cleaner off and start taking apart the housing you [Applause] there we go carburetor is removed let's just cut this fuel line as Terell says it's hard as a carp look at that and cut it and it just pinches it that's terrible wow unreal get the throttle cable out's that in there what did they shove in there like some kind of an adapter what what what is that huh interesting well hard plastic straw as you can see there's no fuel filter on the end of this and this was not the return line This is the feed line stuck in there pretty good just taking it out because I want to clean the choke and everything there's corrosion and stuff on it so I want to clean it up spray some anti-corrosion film on it make it look a bit better same with the back it's got a fair amount of corrosion as well so I want to clean all that up make it look a little bit more presentable here we have the carburetor I'm assuming that all the problems with this stems from this little guy here the original owner that I picked this up from he is just offering it for free he didn't really have much to say about it just said free string line trimmer weat eater and first come first serve I'll take the ad down he did not have much else to offer I didn't ask any questions the price was right and from the ad all I could see was it a little dirty and that it was missing a fuel line so I'm assuming that the gaskets inside are pretty petrified as well so let's take it apart and take a look and see what's going on in side afterwards I'd like to come back and spray this out with some carb cleaner because the fuel that was left in there wasn't much but it's all gelled up on the bottom and it smells like paint thinner okay let's start take off the primer bulb although the primer bulb seems to be okay I can feel it blowing out and it seems to be sucking I can feel a bit of suction but let's take it apart take a look at the gaskets anyway you can get all this in the ultrasonic cleaner here we go see still flexible if it's hard actually still seems pretty flexible these flaps here this one here and this one here they should be flapped and they are not protruding at all so this I think is actually pretty good let's just separate the primer bulb off take this gasket and diaphragm off looks like there's a little bit of varnish on the edge so we'll put this into the ultrasonic cleaner and see how well it cleans up that but the passages all actually seem pretty clear to my eye but we'll clean it out with the ultrasonic and then and we'll try spraying some carb cleaner through it make sure all all the passages are completely clear take off back Che this diaphragm not like that sound yeah this one jez really hard I'll move my microphone close by rock hard so I'm going to order a new diaphragm kit we can replace this and hopefully get this one running absolutely raw card howy howdy how are you child just got home funny story about him actually he just celebrated his 16th birthday hey look at that a red subscribe button so if you guys made it this far in the video hit that subscribe button and also give it a thumbs up now on to more funny story about him actually he just celebrated his 16th birthday so in celebration he got himself a little bit of cash and used it to buy an 80cc two-stroke engine which we attached to his bicycle to turn it into a little moped and we got it running yesterday and unfortunately of course the chain slipped off and caught on the spokes and took apart the rear wheel that one won't be going until we get um another wheel or we get a little bit of a larger frame because it was supposed to be for 24 we kind of fit it to an 18 it worked until it didn't long story I I'll get into it another time anyway let's check the needle and seat look at this this screen in here it's very clogged up so there's not going to be much passing through here going take apart the needle be careful there is a spring under here I'm doing this in a bucket because if I drop anything it goes in the bucket but if you lose any of these parts basically forget it it's it's gone cuz these are all very very tiny so you want to keep them in some form of a contained area and here's a spring when these Springs destroying and disappear you never find them they're gone forever ask me no I know I've lost a lot of Springs like this the needle actually looks really good it's not swollen so it should be doing the job just fine of letting fuel through too bad that screen most likely is the problem of not letting fuel through along with that rockard diaphragm maybe I'll be able to put this in in a bath to rejuvenate it that would be nice if I could do that see if we can separate this gasket without destroying it that would be nice there we go coming off just fine oh no of course little bit stuck on although honestly what's stuck on doesn't look like it'll affect it at all so we'll clean that up a little bit well besides the obvious besides the obvious I don't see much other reason why this carburetor should shouldn't run once we get everything all cleaned up and put back together let me get this into the ultrasonic see if I can rejuvenate this diaphragm and hopefully we can get this thing started and if not then I'll have to put an order in for a carburetor kit I'll most likely put an order in for a carburetor kit anyway maybe even a replacement carburetor so I'm just going to put this in the ultrasonic and we'll be right back okay so 10 minutes in the ultrasonic should be enough for at least one cycle then we'll come back and we'll check it out see if it needs another 10 minutes all [Music] right billion economy unsain all right let's take a look these I doubt will need to go through for another cycle so I'll blast these off with a to dry them off this should all brush off but that's not what we're interested in well there's still a little bit of debris in there but it's not too bad but overall actually looks pretty good leftover gasket comes off easy now think I'll give it another 10 minutes in the in the bath that should be pretty good let's check that diaphragm oh much better much much better it's way softer look how much softer this is before it had no flex at all to it so I'm going to give it another 10 minutes in the bath and that should that should rejuvenate it quite nicely varnish is coming off so whatever doesn't come off after the next 10 minute bath I'll just brush off with a with a a small plastic brush and I should take it right out these plates are cleaning up not too bad unfortunately this is some pretty bad rust on here so it's a little pitted but overall the corrosion is not too bad on this I mean it could be worse I mean it looks like this this machine was slightly cared for somewhat wasn't left outside to the elements so there is hope for it and I mean it is a unit from 2007 I believe was the year of manufacturer on it I have to check the I have to check the sticker on it this right here the sticker on it right there this isn't coming out too bad either I'll probably use my one of my brass brushes on this clean it up or even a wire wheel and clean it up but I'll give this another 10 minutes in the bath and we'll see you then related buiness generated at billion economy unsain let's get this carburetor reinstalled and rebuilt so I hit these with the wire wheel and I think they came out fantastic I don't know if you remember before I'll make a split screen of a before and after but I think they came out really good all right let's get this carburetor put together so put the pin in the lever [Music] the spring in oops that's okay try that again maybe we'll just use two hands to do this instead of trying to do it all [Music] one-handed spr as I said if they spring out that's it they're gone you saw that little tiny Sprout that little tiny movement and it went flying [Music] come on come on spring ah my hands didn't want to [Music] [Music] cooperate there we go make sure this pin wants to cooperate [Music] this is [Music] unfair come on needle get in your home why don't you want to go in your home here we go that's [Music] seated magnetic tips they can be a blessing and a [Music] curse this is going to be great for the bloopers reel oh my God I just I can't get it in now oh and there goes the arm that's okay the arm can fall down there I'm just more worried about this spring it does not want to [Music] cooperate oh come [Music] on hey Springs in I don't want to knock over the spring [Music] wow did you see [Music] that I couldn't have done that if I tried that was fantastic and I caught it on camera it's actually the first two stroke carb I've worked on [Music] personally and honestly what a pain in the Earths [Music] [Music] [Music] oh well unfortunately when I cut it is because the spring that I was working with well it did exactly what I didn't want it to do it spred and it just it went sailing off and unfortunately I have to order a carb kit for this so I can get the another spring and it'll come with a gasket and whatnot so it's not lost I mean the Spring's lost but all this isn't lost because this I can always reuse in another carburetor at a later time as well as the metering diaphragm so this isn't a big deal well it is sort of a big deal but not a big deal because I can reorder the spring and every and a whole kit to get everything all put back together well it wasn't too bad up until that point but I mean it might be a day or two before it comes in and then we can get this carburetor reassembled but in the interim we can always go back over there while I'm waiting on the diaphragm kit and we can always see if that will run okay so I've got my two stroke mix just going to pull some up into my syringe all here we go for them into the intake there we go should be enough to start it okay let's give it a pull oh okay it wants to go going to put a little bit more in the cylinder all right let's see almost and there we go she runs Beauty all right I'm going to get a carb kit for it that's awesome good to see okay so got a carburetor kit and unfortunately while we were building the bike for my for my kid this screwdriver has a magnetic tip and he grabbed the screwdriver out of this bin and unfortun fortunately one of these little screws was stuck to it the problem is it was a screw that sat on top of the plunger for the needle since that screw is lost unfortunately this carburetor has become parts so ordered a new one let's get this one installed here's the kit that came as you can see it came with the standard Chinese spark plug carburetor two different types of fuel filters fuel line air filters primer bulbs a new throttle linkage and new gaskets those gaskets will come in very handy see if it came with anything else not quite sure what this is for I always do like the mandatory Chinese spark plug this does give me a little bit of a laugh interesting story regarding these Chinese spark plugs the engine that my son got his came with one which was a replacement for a cj8 good thing I had the champion cj8 needless to say the plug that was shipped with it it had basically no Gap not too dissimilar from this one which has basically no Gap as well only it was actually touching the electrode we couldn't figure out why it just wouldn't run but as soon as we put in that cj8 bang she fired up and then that's unfortunately when the chain slipped and caught the rear spoke of the tire and basically destroyed the rear Rim but as I said we got a new frame and the bike's running mint yeah not the biggest fan of these Chinese spark plugs so before we begin reassembly these parts they were cleaned up nice under the wire wheel right so we'll begin reassembly this plate slips in the slot in the back then the choke lever there's a slot right here that the choke lever fits right into and it'll sit just like this I get the first bolt in this is the one without the hardware attached to it now the one with the metal gasket and ring and that's how the choke will work before we put the carburetor onto the air filter we got to make sure we put the gasket on in the right orientation you see a small dimple there's a small passageway you have to make sure that this passageway is clear or the engine won't run so as you can see in the gasket there's a small hole we make sure it lines up and if you look on the engine you'll notice right here there's another small hole which lines up right here so then we have this gasket which goes on the opposite side of the carburetor line up the hole now we can put it on the air filter housing oops lost the other gasket put that one back on now you can put it onto the engine now this is just threading into plastic oh there we go now I'll tighten this down by hand so you just need to Snug it up next make sure that the choke still works it's not too tight it seems to be working just fine now we put the air baffle then an air filter this is one of the new ones I will oil it h doesn't fit all that well doesn't fit as well as the original let me check let me compare it to the original no I would say it's not too dissimilar it fits about the same the original is a little bit more snug but it fits about the same so we'll just change this up for a new one now the cover get back on there there we go and as before you're screwing into plastic so don't go too tight because you can easily strip out the plastic so next let's take off this back cover both to clean it then to take off the muffler so I can take a look at the piston on the exhaust side I did see it on the intake side and it look really clean but let's check it out on the exhaust so again 3 mil and there's five of them 2 3 4 and one on top now this back cover should come off there we go now let get this fuel tank off for cleaning again two more 3 mil oops it's safe it didn't break it hit me in the foot I was about to say that the gas tank has these little collar in now with the back cover off we can even take a look at the condition of this engine so let's take a look well the connecting lot rod looks really good old fuel in the bottom although that could be the fuel when we started it so let's see how nice it turns over yeah feels really nice don't see any kind of [Music] rubbing not a bad little unit all right so it looks like I'm going to have to take the rest of it apart that's the front c as well which means I likely also have to take the handle apart that's fantastic because it's too many screws I'm switching to my impact these are all again 3 mil [Music] now the other side two more [Music] set the engine's free actually holding on to the back of the engine right now and there we go okay going to slide the engine out and then on the switch we're going to disconnect the wires if I can get them off hope hopefully now you see the wires I'm disconnecting they're just off the switch but they're on there good there's one second one looks like the second one I'm not going to have a choice but to replace a spade connector on it the end was actually bent up and tucked in under here when I tried to move it out so that I could could get it past this so I could get this off unfortunately it just snapped right off so I'll just have to crimp on a new Spade connector for this not a big deal but there we go the engine's out now we can inspect the exhaust Port all right so let's take a look at this exhaust just got to get this spring off oh this is so treat why can't they use bolts they have to use these silly Springs there we go that side's off and now that side's off all right so let's check the spark AR rester screen it's pretty clear oh the moment of truth let's check the piston on the exhaust side I like what I'm seeing on the Piston it's clear all right let me just let me see if I you can see it on camera here I don't see any scoring on the Piston at all it looks fantastic actually it actually looks really good I don't see scoring on the opposite side of the wall in fact this looks perfect let's get this engine back together and running all right let's get this Muffler back [Music] on you there's got to be there's got to be an easier way of doing this this is crazy who thought of this design they should be well I'm not advocating violence but I'm telling you sometimes engineers make me nuts there we go that's better back on let's get the motor back installed but first actually let's clean up a little bit of this it's kind of gross [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I think the that's the best I'm going to get it without taking it apart and cleaning it piece by piece so let's get this Engine Back installed now that the engine's out of the way let's change this recoil rope it's it's unfortunately it's a little frayed up plus we can give this a little bit of a cleaning so Pull the Rope all the way out I actually found a brake shoe from a flywheel fits right in here absolutely perfect and there we go it breaks that's need to get a/ quarter inch take that off now we can take the Rope out so trying to make it easier to pull it all the way through I'm actually going to melt the two ropes together that way it forms a single rope so we can pull it straight through now you don't want to pull too hard because it still can break they're not one rope it's just to make it easier to pull it through there we go all the way through now we can pull it through to measure the same amount there you go then we mark it we pull it back through to the blue Mark cut that off make sure we burn it so it's doesn't Fray take it Loop it around and then back over the screw we pull through the excess to tighten it up let me place the screw back there so I'm just going to loosen this a little just so I can massage the Rope around just to tighten it up now that's nice and snug we'll tighten this down and then the part we burned just pull it apart take the old rope out take the new one TI not pull it through then we can release the brake and let it retract and there you go recoil rope changed didn't even have to remove the recoil and let's give this thing a little bit of a cleaning [Music] I put the other half through the ultrasonic cleaner and then blasted it off with the air gun it came out great I did the same with the gas tank now inside that cleaned out actually pretty good I blasted it out with the air gun but there is still a little bit of crud left in there at the bottom I think you can just make it out on camera unfortunately I can't get it to focus on anything but the nozzle but there is still a little bit of crud in there whether that's going to pose a problem or not I'm not 100% sure I'm going to lead lean along the sides of maybe so what I'm going to do is I'm going to spray some straight gas in there shake it around and see if I can dislodge it and rinse it out sprayed some WD40 into it and then use the nozzle to rub the bottom look at that that's nasty quite likely the filter would have caught that but why why add a point of failure to the system yeah you can see the cruds off the bottom now all floating in solution so I'm just going to dump it into my used gasoline bin looking much better now I need to get that tab off all right let's get this engine mounted let's get the switch reinstalled there we go now the engine get these cables on sorry if I'm blocking your view it's not intentional I just I don't have much Choice unfortunately what I did was I've got a donor engine and I cut the kill wire and it's got an angled clip or an angled it's got an angled Spade connector and so I just cut it soldered it and heat shrinked it on there bend that up all right now to get the M engine put in there we go there's two different types of screws and there's these ones these are the fine thread these ones are when you're going into the engine itself and we'll be putting in four of those to hold the engine to the cover then there's these screws which have a coarse thread and these are for when you're screwing into the plastic fine thread here 3 mm I'm going to Snug it down just to hold the engine in place so I can let it go from the back there perfect opposite corner at the top bottom corner now opposite side top [Applause] corner you don't want to go too strong because you're screwing into aluminum and you can easily strip out the threads next let's get the handle reinstalled okay so this comes out the bottom of the handle Loops under a passageway underneath which is very finicky to get it on there connect throttle cable to the carburetor since it's loose must have slid up a little there's that side not so finicky when it's in the right spot take out this take out the spider eggs although sure these are long [Music] vacated four coar thread screws now we're screwing into plastic you just have to Snug them [Applause] there we go now let's get the back cover on now if you lost any of those grommets if they had fallen out now you put them back in and again we're just screwing into plastic now the second one fuel tanks now remounted we'll get the back cover installed now the last coar thread screw which goes into the top right here and finally four fine thread screws go right here [Applause] now we have left is to Route the fre lines so first as you see we have two tubes this one at the back furthest away from the primer bulb that tube is going to actually draw fuel from the fuel tank this tube closest to the primer bulb that's actually The Purge line which returns fuel back to the fuel tank so let's start with the far one in the back which is the feed line all right so we cut some of the tubing cut it on an angle that's so we can get into the fuel tank ho easier feed it in there we go the other line is unfortunately a little bit too small to use and this one's just too much of a pain to go through the other way this hole now cut that off put this on the feed line right as well since it's here that's the one we were planning on doing pull that out there we go now make sure that you leave enough that you're going to make it all the way to the back this way make sure that the fuel filter is always sitting in the fuel now we put the fuel filter on maybe it wants to cooperate although you want it to be snug you don't want it coming off and then this push it all the way into the tank now this Line's too small so now the hose that we cut off I'm going to put through the other hole the same idea cut it on an angle and make sure it's on nice fine point so I can grip it when I put it through there we go got it through I'm going to pull it a little bit extra on this cut off the angled part place that on and this being a return line doesn't have to be anything special so I'll just cut it right inside the tank there we go all right let's add a little bit of fuel and see how all this works there we go that should be more than enough fuel This is 40 to1 mix two stroke let's see is it working there we go everything seems to be working perfect drawing fuel up and pushing fuel down perfect it's working exactly as it's supposed to all right Next Step let's get it outside and try it out right we're outside it's morning let's give this thing a try rer bulb still working fine choke is on switches on right let's try it oh she popped right away right half choke let's open it up okay she's running I don't even see any real need to adjust a carburetor it's running fantastic all right let's give it a try I'll just shut it off and make sure that button works perfect let's give it a try Okay choke is off let's try it beautiful there's a stump here so I can't get it with the long one more what's up about that day guys nice simple repair we got the whole casing apart replace the fuel lines cleaned it all up Chang the carburetor replace the air filter cleaned out the gas tank new fuel and runs Perfect all right guys see you in the next one oh
Channel: Mikeanic
Views: 655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diy, weed eater, trimmer, engine repair, stringline, smallengine, mikeanic
Id: Kwv3SSits7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 34sec (3574 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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