KNOWING GOD (by Prophet Gilbert Ossei)

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I I told them in the morning all the churches I preached in the puppet they don't consider my heart if I start behind us Amy I know so I know this if you know yourself you don't let certain things but are you so don't worry I only using the puppet if possible next time I bring my own puppet around others when I pack back I know you're moving from the boot and then I'll use it but I believe somebody's life will be blessed this afternoon how many of you are excited to hear God's Word say I am blessed I am blessed because I am a child of God we can give the Lord a shout of praise hallelujah is always an honor to be in this house I said it in the morning that this is a family that God has used to bless my life I speak to pass the steepest Oesterle for always own form there are some people you can trust them with your life and you can listen to them some people they don't enjoy your success they enjoy your bad news unfortunately unfortunately we are all part of the family so we take them like that with God work on people hallelujah tell somebody I love you by force even though sometimes you are difficult I still love you I have no choice I can't believe that the newly couple they can say to each other say it you just got married you come Amity the world is part of it sometimes the human being is interesting I think first get married is different the Bible says there's nothing new Under the Sun we are not the first to marry you'll be the last so please be seated in heavenly places and enjoy it to enjoy it the human be we easily get familiar and sometimes the things we did to lure you we stopped it and the things you did to attract me you stopped it so if we don't stop and we keep working at it nobody was born married nobody was born married we all come and learn to live with each other if brothers can disagree sisters can disagree how much you from samanya and me from a stop right me before I got married I used to watch India movie a lot so I the magic I'm showing the young movie I thought that some marriages you know then you're moving you see shaka you becoming give me give me give me and then a wife will be funny la TARTA Jimmy they'll run they'll be jumping on a bed playing with pillow oh I thought our son marriages oh stop my movie is not that one how many Hollywood actors and actresses have successful marriage yet they are showing you a very perfect marriage that if your husband gets angry you don't understand he's a human being human beings get angry then we work on ourself when I think that is helping me of late now it's very difficult for anybody to offend me it's very difficult I have understood Christ so if I am a Christian I have to walk like a child of God do you know there is nothing you would do as a child of God for God to disown you I read the Bible the Bible says I will never leave you or forsake you and I'm like God are you serious he said if I was not serious I will not document it whatever I mean I say whatever I say I mean so I have documented and so that you can refer to me and it has a god veto he said I am all-knowing I know your end from the beginning and I have said to you I will never I know friends made this they will leave you they will desert you in of difficulty people who you used to help when they come on the corner you can help them again now when you call them they will know pick a co but God is not like a man he said I am NOT a man that I should change my mind me that the son of man that I should repent meaning that the God we serve he does not whatever he decided to do before you were born he has not changed his mind in fact when you don't know God you move from church to church what made you change some people I even laugh at them they told you God told me this is my church and then somebody did something to you in their children's department and you have changed your mind you stop doing things you claim I didn't tell you Gaza you told us God said what has brought changes God does not change his mind that giftings the callings of God are without repentance there is nothing God gives that he takes back God is a giver not a taker so you must be careful that things you say about God the church has a wrong perception of God when people speak in the Bible we think it is God listen the whole Scriptures the Bible everything in the Bible is not boss sweat there are some things the visitors were sigh in the Bible when Satan said - if the God said you should not eat is that one God it's nobody so it's not everything in the Bible that is said that is God's Word so you have to understand what am i quoting we have a popular quotation and God giveth and God ticket God does not give and take God has never taken from anybody God is the giver you are the receiver the statement was said by job and job did not know job never knew God till they locked a part of his life I'm not saying it for my mind I'll prove it to you from the Bible job chapter 42 the last captor of you verse 5 when you finish you take me to the 1 verse 5 job 42 the verse number 5 job 42 542 5 what is he I have heard of thee by the hearing of the story he said I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear so job did not know God personally he knew God by ESA how many of us know God by what somebody told us there was something bad replaces the Lord is trying you I went to provide a second rescue before my teacher taught me he never beat me before teaching me God if he wants to teach you a lesson he will punish you before he teaches you what type of God that before he blesses me he has to punish me so some of you you are going through trials that bothered him bring your way stop blaming God you cost it yourself stop blaming God God is light in him there is no darkness if you don't cook for your husband and you come and pray in chat for hours he will beat you it is not the Lord trying you didn't marry a prayer warrior your husband married a wife I am confused I've seen there is a change they are doing 150 days online I said these are the people destroying homes 150 days all night who are you doing are you killing say that if Satan can be killed you will meet him here what are you looking for are you looking for miracle miracle you an embarrassment you don't be honest Agha Bible Jesus said if you evil men know how to give good to your children how much more you're which is in heaven God doesn't need your 40 days fasting before he blesses you he has blessed you with our spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus if you know who you are in Christ every demon Christ will come to you some of you have destroyed your marriages all in the name of God and God was not gay and married a wife I didn't wanna pray over you cook food look good smell nice when you speak I want to hear good sense we have destroyed homes all in the name of God and I'm telling you I'm saying there are so many things that have happened that God was not part of it my father sacked me at the age of 17 my father was a king I've lived alone from the age of 17 I'm not 40 watch this it is recently I realized it was not go as planned and as you leave my father's house everybody had told me it was God if I didn't go through what I went through question if somebody wants to employ you does he have to punish you before he employs you who goes to awaken to punish you before they employ you tell any math's did Leticia break your hand before he taught you know so why is it that we make all look as if before God will bless you he has to punish you before he bless you that is not a character of God Bible says once we were yet sinners Christ died for us I didn't do anything for him to lay down his life for me Romans chapter 8 verse 32 the Bible says if he did not regard give me the scripture Romans 8:32 somebody follow me a plenty scripture so you have to be quick and listen please don't come to church and look at my face right read the Bible so that it won't be like you you know you don't carry Bible so fast as I'd be lying to you something like give and it shall be given unto you good measure pressed down shaken together that scripture is not for money but because you don't read your Bible that's how you have been given our city there is a place for giving but Lord at this.look 634 listen Jesus was talking about forgiveness you're talking about forgiveness said if you give forgiveness it shall be given out your good press down shaken together pastors we use it to collect money misconceptions in the body of Christ why because the church does not read it write it away you go up well any please I'm not going to look tears but go home read about Luke chapter 6 from the statue you get it you see we cut out of contest so what he is not talking about we think he is talking about some of you that have the Bible when you read look Luke chapter 6 verse 30 you see the headline the love of forgiveness sometimes as they try to you have it right is there that's what it is so it is the contest what was Jesus talking about he was talking about love and the certainty that we don't have love we claim we are Christians we don't have love if you love me you look at me if you love to use speak evil of me what manner of love do we have in the body of Christ we don't represent God it is not about tongues you pray this way listen God does not depend on your tongues to bless you because he can't look at that one he says even your righteousness are like filthy rags on to him so to be on the same side God decided to give us imputed righteousness cause well yes ha ha your righteousness he can't depend on that one he can't depend on that one because we have so much hypocrites we pray more than everybody yet they say Ghana is corrupt are you part of them are you a gang and do you go to church some of you still are you these two planes from your office spam and yet you come a city and worship countries that don't have Christ as much as we have they are doing well and Africa is suffering yet Africans we pray more than anybody what we've been praying to or for or with Oh with God are we praying into because there's no honesty give me my scripture Romans 8 Romans 8:32 he said he that spared not lead us it not spare his son but delivered his son up to us all lots of people how sorry not with his son also gives also freely freely give us all things not some things all things you come by God God is not for sale you combine it with your first in your prayer or your money sometimes if the church makes it look as if Illinois is gonna hear you but Jesus said for the poor you will have with you always meaning that Christianity does not eradicate poverty that is why you pray more than everybody by a stupor because prayer doesn't make anybody rich if players make riches prayer warriors should be the richest what makes a marriage is diligence and hard work seek a man diligent in his work he shall be lazy and poverty is your friend I saw a scripture that change my mind the Bible says it is the Lord who raised on both their unjust and the righteous that's why Bill Gates is rich but he believes there is no God he's rich he says there's no God you know there is God by your suffering please don't use God for what he is not for God is not a money-making machine don't come to church to be rich come to church to get eternal life come to church to learn how to live like rice forgiveness and love that is what Jesus stands for Jesus is not a money-making man he will DeLaughter not I can make you rich so I'm saying that job did not know God in job chapter 42 verse 5 he said I'm head of D by the by the hearing of the ear by the hearing of the year yes see what did they tell you about God but now mine I'd see instead but now now so before all that he has been telling us it was assumption he was assuming God in a way he was not job chapter 1 verse 5 this is one of his assumptions are the early stages job 1:5 and it was so and it was so when the days of they're feasting wagger days of the 15 of his sons were passed but job sent and sanctified the resent and sanctified his sons and rose up early in the morning rose up early in the morning and offered paint job was offering bank offering what was he using the bed of river according to the number of them said according to the number of his children for job said he job said a lot maybe that my son's Hobson it may be all his life is a something it may be some people they can look at you and they condemn you they don't if you know you I can you describe a person by one day away or what you think what you have had assumption assumption we live in life by assumption do you have them proof that things you are broadcasting do you have a proof after somebody listen my mouth I am NOT a broadcaster of negativity the words I speak they are spiritually alive so I give only life to good news cause you know what did he say again scripture scripture please please read your Bible carry it may be that my sons have seen he said it may be that my son's have silt and cursed God in their hearts and they have cast god India heart does the job control job was given back offering so that God will forgive the sins of his irska imagine that and he thinks doing that who make him righteous before God what did God say about giving burnt offering and sacrifices for sin Hebrews chapter 10 sad Hebrews 10 can you start from this okay do five let me see okay so let's not from three let's all read together ready you know Hebrews 10 3 but in those sacrifices remembrance again may for since every year if you sacrifice big beds offering for forgiveness there's always do you remember you're seen this for for it is not possible for it is worth for it is not possible that the blood of boosts and all of course shall take away the sin so job what he's doing he's just wasting his time he says they don't get not know God God said it is not possible that the blood of bulls and goats shall take away sin so what job was doing is not something that was interested verse 5 wherefore wherefore when Jesus comes into the world he said what it is I say about God you see Jesus is the representative of the God we didn't know in the Old Testament the wrong perception of God Jesus came to correct it and he says well he comes into this world what will he say sacrifice he says sacrifices that are friends thou wouldest not but a body has now prepared for me 6 in bank of raised and sacrifice for sin thou has no pleasure in so what job was daily God was not interested he didn't know God because he has said is what he was living with God for so most of us we know God by what somebody's my mother said if you don't do this go to do this and God never said the things we think he said I'll be worried they're born God kills children so when somebody's you know said building is dead the first I will come and say it is the Lord that giveth my god is not a wicked person let me tell you a story I didn't tell them in the morning some of you the reason why you have not have been a baby is not witch or wizard it's common sense my name is prophet Gilbert ossetia mine son of Mohini I'm saying it emphatically again stop letting prophets deceive you my wife we married for four years no baby I never prayed for a baby when I got I married my wife she was a student and a family told me that they will allow me to marry on one condition as you have a baby till she finishes school so me too I didn't marry to look at her face I'm married to work at night so we started taking pills yes secure and she took it for two years one day I was like I had something let me use the way beautiful like and God is not God common sense told me do you know you are destroying your wife so I asked her to stop when we went to the hospital they said and ovaries are whatever whatever all manner of things we stopped and we believe in God is in the fifth year I was in the house one member of a church I used to attend who are they married for - obvious called me as a prophet I must take you and your wife to go see my doctor me prophet doctor do you know how many women in the world I have prophesied and their wives they have been pregnant no I deceive myself God was testing me because I have been prophesy and people's wives have been getting pregnant so God wants to put a tone in my flesh so that's yeah that's the stupidity I believed this guy worried me until I listened he said they were mindful too obvious then he went to see that okay the doctor doesn't give babies he did a scan and this can prove that every time at work midnight his blood pressure goes high his blood becomes hot so anytime he meets his wife the stems are bent so and for 12 years he also lies toward midnight matches dominate so the doctor gas gave him coconut told him to go a mile Coco not ordinary coconut to help his potassium so that he who cool down and the last month their wife got pregnant I went they tested they said my wife has ovarian cysts formal sense he give any gadget the ovarian cyst was cleared the less man my wife got pregnant this man Silas he's gone Silas is here I took Silas Silas had been my for taneous when it happened my wife how his wife and my wife went the same week that gap between his son and my son is one week after 10 years now he has to I took him he has to have one oh sorry evil the third one is on the way and for two obvious which profited improv for him which actually did we claim I am talking to you as a prophet some things are common sense I took do you know how many prophets I've taken there that we have Julia white have gotten pregnant and we are sharing testimony like testimony in church they are not being honest so the church members who know that going to the hospital is not a sin there's no way in the Bible that says when you drink medicine doesn't mean you don't have faith you can believe God but still take their medicine and pray when you talk to the hospital use medicine it doesn't mean you are bad sided it means you are wise I took another friend watch this when they did him a scan they realized that he so sick that his spam is affected the doctors had any child he would have given birth to two he correct who either be blind deaf or crippled so now if he didn't do the medical test and he went to give bed you say settled in it oh this is what God gave me God doesn't give anything bad sometimes go and check yourself maybe there is a sickness in your body there is something in your bloodline I met a young woman a young lady she's 21 years in London and her father is the pastor he said I hate my father how can you hate your father she sickle-cell he said my father lied to my mother that he is s and my father my mother knew she was s so she advanced you marry anybody who's s because if they give birth there is definitely a probability that one of them who have sickle cell this is not see this is not demons stop destroying people's lives by your wrong places and the galleries on the campaign because as long as you are yes science will tell you yes you can get a you get yes and then the third one ss a church is doing more harm than good out of ignorance and you know the Satan we are praying about everything jumping from one prophet to another drinking all sort of chemicals or in the name of anointing which team we have $10 kill it an oil Israeli oil God is not in things is in Christ everything we need is in Christ Jesus so if I have Jesus I have everything and listen to me church listen and listen good Jesus doesn't make anybody rich it is not this profession when John the Baptist was given Jesus this job description did you hear he said here is he who comes after me this is the Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world though i baptize with water he will baptize you with the spirit and with fire Jesus came to give us eternal life that is his job description number two he came to give us all conditioner forgiveness no matter who you are he says your sin will I remember no more I'll call busines no condition you don't need to roll on the floor before Jesus will forgive you it'd be when in our sin he forgave us mama cream Jesus came to give us all conditional love I've become controversial so let me go pretty my gift enough now have that eleventh gift of the Spirit of God Medeco controversy I was shocked recently I just had a wet clay do you know I love this excuse me is this Satan Toki said I am your Lord so really so I said you know John 3:16 for God so loved the world not love Christians God hates sin but he has medicine for sin that's some people we are criticizing if we show them love no man can change anybody me my father he tried to change me my father he tried oh he used came it didn't work he went to his belt hook it didn't work he used what the hose he didn't work ah if you see my see mark see they use shoe shoe the the heel of a shoe back to crack just to change me yet a 14 year old boy told me Jesus loves me and I got bullied in love changes love changes if you stop condemning people and show them the love of Christ you'll be amazed no human being can change anybody it is the word of God that has the ability to touch people don't use your strength don't use your strength you are over forcing and sometimes the more you use mechanical force people rebelled in fact my father beat me too I was used to the beating he told me not to go out we will play football so I love the so what I did is I went up guanaco I said daddy please give it to me so that I can go so I'll lie down you said that visibly Finnish doesn't think they are mister did how I changed it's a web of truth I then take my heart Jesus loves me the way I am no matter what he loves you he died for sinners he didn't die for righteous people that was all about who believed in his death will never perish but to have everlasting life God is not a wicked good his love cannot be compared when I'm sin I talk God was going to kiss him when I cam sinned out of ignorance he took lives to cover his nakedness God said have you forgotten the Sun will shine the leaves will dry up what I dream so God himself killed an animal and use the skin of the animal to cover him so that one day sunshine the skin gets under what has always been consistent with his love God is always a constant it is not this and that the first matter that ever happened in the Bible it was done by Cain Cain killed his brother when God was talking to him he did he became he's am I my brother's keeper I thought God is going to strike this guy Murata God put a mark on him and nobody should touch him God has always been forgiven his lot today he says that is his nature his nature is forgiveness so if you see you a child of God and you don't know how to forgive something is wrong with you they have begged you how many meetings do you want to have before you let go do you know why you cannot help me because when I look at what I have done and Jesus has forgiven me I have no rights to hold anybody in my heart people have not been caught on my site why would I have been when I seen his messy he said to the merciful you must be merciful so if God is not accounted my sins against me how do I come to yourself Jesus gave a parable he said that man was going let's say a thousand Ghana and somebody came to bring him out when he was going on he met somebody who owed him a hundred Ghana and he arrested a person and put a person in prison that's how I see it if God can forgive me my sins has forgiven me he doesn't remember he said as far as the earth is to the heavens that's how much as forgiving me says though your sins were as red as scarlet they are now as white as snow so God doesn't remember your sin so I don't have any right to remember your friends let me teach you anything God told me he said your business is not what people do to you your business is what you do to people he said God come again he said your responsibility for example my responsibility to greet you any time I see you if you don't respond is not my responsibility my responsibility is to did if you choose not to respond or you respond anyhow or you disrespect me actually make your action my business because I am not accountable to your action I am accountable to my action that's Christianity when the people wish where in certain distance stolen Jesus spotted spitting on him what it is is the Father forgive them for they don't know what you are doing that is Christianity what what Weston can be done to you than what was done to Jesus do you know how she spoke to me spoke this has this spot on him Mel Gibson went to take five million dollars or a million dollars to act Passion of Christ even him who use pompous to cover his team after taking mother $5,000,000 he used something to cover his here where your surgeon on the tree like Christ but my Jesus there was nothing covering he was naked what's him what can somebody do to you that you can't forgive and you have been bringing on top of it do you know God you think you know what you don't know God if you know God forgiveness will be the easiest thing you ever do when you strap you to let go you have not known God yet there are two things if you struggle to do you have no longer one to forgive them to give two things if you struggle to do check the God in you forgiveness and give him because God allowed he give God is a giver because that's the nature of love so if I struggle to forgive you some people they will forgive you based on how you apologize God does not depend on how you apologize in fact you don't even need to ask him for forgiveness he has already forgiving you before you did it he has done it on hold on when Jesus was dying were you alive simple question please when Jesus was dying on the cross of Calvary two thousand and something years ago where you are life you are not okay so if he died for our sins which of the sins did he die for because you were not born every of your sin was in the future so he died for every sin the one you have committed the one you are committed and even though while you are thinking of committing that is right watch this that is why when Jesus was asked okay we want to know how God forgives if Moses said and eye for an eye what do you say tell us the nature of God is that when it comes to God when it's between you and your brother your neighbor if the offend you 7 x 77 whatever you get keep it but when you finish married first corinthians after dating from this five is that love is kind love is patient love does not keep record of sin so even the seventh is away i tried to deny seventh is a big are multiplied to see how much you get that is DP for one day so when i know i can't offend you when I know I can't hold anything against you we will live in peace have this daughter there's this toffee at the center of the table she's been stealing the toffee to eat we wanna don't think they've toffee don't because we said don't she steals it so I thought of a new plan I said if you want to take just tell me you can take it any time but you really after you are finished thinking come and tell me she stopped taking when people know they are forgiven they would offend when people know they are forgiven they will see I know who I am in Christ and I live for God and I represent God my righteousness is not to God is to men I don't live to please God no I live because I'm an example to people because for God he has finished my destiny because we don't know who God is we also don't know who we are we don't even know why Christ died Christ died to redeem us from the scene of death one man's sin sin and death came to this world the same way by one month obedience righteousness rule so I live in authority I don't chase after things I believe I should not be jumping from church to church I said it in the morning if you come to this church and you jump to another church what are you looking for I don't think it's Christ I don't think it's Jesus because Jesus is everywhere except we are looking for things my believer doesn't chase after things because all things Colossians chapter 1 verse 3 coalition's 1-3 we give times to God and the father of our Lord Jesus Christ pray always for you for since we heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and the love which we have the love which they have to all the saints fight for the Hope which is laid up for you in heaven where of your head before in the word of the truth of the gospel 6 which is come unto you as it is in all the world and bringeth forth fruit as it do it and I together do deeds which is coloca English also in you since the day year ahead of it a new of the grace of God into it 7 and yay also length of a path for us our dear fellow servant who is for you a faithful minister of Christ 8 who also declared unto us your love in the spirit for this course we also since that day we headed do not cease to pray for you and desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding 10 that ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto unto all pleasing being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God you must increase in the knowledge of God if you a child of God you must know God because the more you know God the more you know yourself the more you know God you will know yourself because this I said as I was so are you but we should not just know anything but we should know the precise truth about the God we serve do you know God correctly or you know God by hearsay if I don't do this God will do that God is not in a give-and-take with us you come by God God is not for sale at no amount no amount when you know who you are in Christ you walk in Authority and fear no evil question if he gave us Jesus for free why does he want to give me marriage with a price it's much more important than Christ if he gave me Christ for free he said by him he will give me a free under D by Christ by Christ by Christ the Bible says for God has not given us the spirit of fear so please don't come to church to buy fear I come to church and they told me I'm about to die see our puffing everyday DRC of coffee where would I see a car everyday negative so you begin to wonder is God only see negative somebody told me something very says a prophet when they say their negative one it comes quick but the bad the good one it doesn't come as a sunny is this she knows do you know that it's not everybody that sees that is seen from God I am talking with authority I've been a prophet for 20-something almost 25 I'm not as mobile don't look at my size I'm talking been prophesying for at least 23 years at least trouble with the prophetic ministry - more than 26 countries if in China i prophesy to aqua i prophesy so I am Telling You emphatically man of God there is no way that God I said still some of the things we say we have seen and watch the prophecy and hey sister come I saw you embed with women God then he is describing the way they had the sex and control God tone God the Bible says God is fully he said for the Lord your God is holy holy is even double holy not one holy holy holy is the Lord there is no evil in God God has not called us to embarrass us June 2 2006 in the last days I will pour out my spirit about what he did is all Christians flesh Flay so anybody can see something I was watching x-factor America's Got Talent and I saw people who don't go to church I don't even know what they believe in calling people's name oh that's one Patrick right it was too much I've never seen a prophet do that one he said you drank tea this morning that he's using a can of orange juice and he turned it into the tea the woman they possibly the woman to instantly prophet has done that before so in that one to a prophet you should also start a change magicians are calling themselves God's children because they can cut scriptures they don't even understand the Word of God if you understand the Word of God you will let people put your faith in things instead of Christ because Christ is to believe that the man it's about Christ and nobody else I told them in the office I said it in the morning I have hung around a lot of politicians as a prophet for eight solid years I was with one big politician gonna clean in Nigeria 80s he gave me a lot of money I saw so many things for him and he was sick he gave me money he gave me money money I couldn't give him Jesus ideas is what with a prophet of God and all he saw was who was doing him my heart got broken when I was speaking to me Jeremy prophet me I don't believe in pray in Jesus ooh eight years of taking corrupt money why did he get the money from does he have a business is it not state money he took for me I repented of my evil repeated prophets duel and so they put it that in the olden days the the Kings have profits I will only list I will in the olden days that I came least a prophet please when we would we don't vote for somebody God spoke to we vote for somebody with a manifesto that can tell us what he and his party can do not whom the Lord is begin to this is not charged politics is not charged if you want to hear God's words we come to judge and professor hanging around politicians taking money when we finish we come and criticize them they are deities who are they stealing the money for every politician goes to church yet we say Galia politicians are corrupt so my question where are they been taking the money we celebrate them and we've been appeal to them they must support the vision where are they taking the money from to support the vision if they have their own businesses and they give praise the Lord nobody has a problem with that but if you are taking state money it doesn't make it right doesn't make it right it doesn't make it right I am talking as a prophet who has done it I have stopped I have repented and God has forgiven me whether you don't forgive me I am forgiven I am free we have to stop we have to stop and people sitting down waiting for your miracle you wait till you die you go and look for wake go that somebody a roofer a kid no waiting and work hard I had a booty kilos who some years ago I'd make a mistake and then pry the church member to him I'll see the house my friend called me prof why is it that you have too much money don't know what to do I say what is it he said I'm standing in front of your shop is opened to M iconic a seller I forgot he forgot to close it if somebody implies you in the awake if you are a government employee and you are Christian work diligently stop being on Facebook and watching YouTube videos you are not employed to use the company's Wi-Fi who download your songs if you want to preach you want to hear preaching from pasta Steve go and buy your own credit when you are in the house it doesn't matter what you are listening to what matters is the time and whose money what time do you go to wake this is nothing to do with spiritual the Bible says what the Spirit is spirit what is flesh is flesh don't combine the two some of you think one with one prophet come and pour oil at your shop people who come look be at the shop be a dash off you don't go there that's why the customers who because of you they are becoming they have stopped coming and stopped cheating people stop cheating people don't am i coming from of late people don't they would come yesterday this my son he was late for service today you know what I don't God when we're going to Germany he gave his car to a mechanic and mechanic to repair for him so we went to Germany you call him mechanic he's not picky when he let a pig is oh he saw you he's fast I wanted the car to go to foudre so he think when he say pasta you'd be happy please if your pasta was a car you went by his Olga if he does he have money to buy a car issue potassium or tatra he will die Jesus what did he die and pasta is you still sharp on this time we are taking he didn't bring yesterday today he brought it this morning because his pasta then you want him to bring his car day again and some tangible some tiny profits and pastas so when you ask a mechanic to give you a car where do you want you to get a come from why don't you detective or so sometimes that demand will be placed on you we make you am robbers and thieves well binary I wouldn't have gotten office profit this he loved to sew a seed if I haven't money for hospital radical me do you so as he what is wrong with the body of Christ I feel ashamed I'm a profitability so many convenience buying oil for natty some of them Jesus pastors sit on boards of companies and the companies are collapsing watch this is this sitting there as the spiritual authority or he's advising you don't need a spiritual authority on your board what you need is people with common sense to help your tea to ram if he doesn't have that one to add you don't get spiritual person or you're poor doesn't guarantee success don't don't mistreat you it's physical Jesus never prayed for anybody's business I have been searching the Bible if you finally teach me I'm a teacher I'm a student of the Bible I never saw Jesus blessing anybody's business in a small ant in there anybody if this has been anything he preached the good news he saved people from hell he forgives sin he hewed I think the things we should be doing we are not doing nothing what God has not called us that's what we are doing now church has tend to give back they will give you 5 steps to succeed if I want to stop it Alber to give pile and I come to church you hear the word of the Lord I'm sorry I did the sign of the Cross I did the sign please I'm tired I'm tired forgive me pastors are preaching things they are not qualified to preach is it your area well our area is we are low to talking about Christ we don't talk about Christ we are other teaching business people how to succeed the church is not for business the church is for salvation the word of the Lord is for salvation that's what we are here we have learned all the steps to prosper we are not prospering apart from that common Christian practices we don't practice them we are liars bunch of unwanted liners and bunch of anointed thieves take him where it doesn't belong to us we will be prey on top of it further you know you know I need this money oh Jesus please don't let them catch me oh Jesus which God are you praying to which with which God are you praying to it's like the disciples tell it isn't Jesus let's call fela like Elijah caught fire find out the answer Jesus gave them he said do you know the spirit Elijah used to caught on fire he's not the Spirit of God Elijah caught fire to consume children children and then I hear it disgusting the man of God is stranded all radio saying just like Elijah caught fire because we don't read the Bible Jesus called them that act of Elijah said that can't be the Spirit of God because you've got him to give life why will he be destroying life then he's opposing himself God does not contradict himself we must be careful what we call God if you love me say I love you don't say the spirit of the law sees the Spirit of the Lord does not propose it does not propose that they've listened that their job description of the Holy Spirit proposal was not part of it he would teach us in our truths he didn't say he will be telling us who to go and propose if you want to marry somebody work on yourself work on yourself you can pray 10,000 for go to Opie oh my god has no hope in March for proposal he open mark for his weight if you are going to preach you give you mouth to open to propose the girl you sit down did you see Jesus proposal to anybody if you want to marry do what is right women will look for you then you choose what you want know what you want but not what you don't want God whatever you give me why should your life be so boring like that what God will give you Oh we worry God as so many things we say God is God nothing to do with God one of God's purpose for your life is not to choose why for you see charata like proposed play take on in fact the people said God said to them the emojis are even collapse after so many people decide the last word to me if you wrote a book about it we were all following and the spirit said to me this is your wife yet their divorce has the spirit change his mind God didn't say anything tell us more camera Kosmic Alcala can you mock a new more a Coco Loco what he has said is in his way it is written simple I said I went to a wedding 16 bishops 16 Bishop bishopric wedding in Kumasi 16 16 bishops 16160 India regalia some of them holding po hold the horn they bred or the present is the miraculous Ted for three months players don't make marriage it's common sense understanding forgiveness sometimes somebody's advice would I be wait for your marriage because we are two different people simple as that my father never wanted my mother to marry - two - two - ech Oh school my father's serious problem with the other one my mother used to be a bank manager she had to resign because her husband once tell me I don't want my wife to be over in this economy god forbid martino when we grow she can be housewife not now she at least in my cell something you do some small business who to support you approved to somebody's wife in something is his housewife appalling are you serious if you become as well you'll be problem every two minutes you'll be calling him where are you where are you I've got you didn't pick you had unemployed that's your problem if you have a job you'll not be wearing a husband if you have job if you have something to do with your life you you will be too busy to worry yourself have you left a place are you coming when are you coming are you going who are you talking to only implied Association of Ghana No and if you don't have a hat to trust don't marry if you don't have a hard to forgive don't marry I was already somebody called please talk to my fiancée she said you baby again I said this is no prayer girl hey I said she should even pray about marriage again if you can't forgive don't money because it might that things that happen in marriage if your mother tells you that teaches forgiving you a father about if you know that is mama has caught that from you you what are you talking about there's no angel in this world everybody has their issue it's impasse and indifference so if you don't know how to forgive don't pray about marriage that's what some of you have dated more than 50 people you are not married it's not the devil you if anybody tells us which are married they don't know how can a Christian have spiritual knowledge this is a smile to you you might earn our attention impossible is no spirituality is kurata marriage ah some of you just sit down take plane start from Jim's brother James before you get to coming you will know that the problems you have had is the same problem it's nothing you is the same thing so it's a character issue inside you are impatient you don't get the full story and then you start acting is that you don't take no for an answer there's something you don't forgive you can't be in any form of relationship if any for it doesn't have to be romantic any form of relationship in life if you don't know forgiveness because no human being is perfect you can't find it doesn't exist guess that our shortcomings are different some of you can do it a quick temper person but you can't do it therefore the end is your so watch what you can do it don't look for there is no perfect you are you better they are looking for babbit please look for what you can manage look for what you can manage and shut up with it don't worry tell your friends my holidays ladies normally they will lie about their own and make you think a hell if you hear somebody so you know you are a happy times to you you have been in heaven over you think what does it like I don't know what I did to God give me this much be given a free on his behalf let me close know who you are know who Christ has made you walk in your authority you don't need any money to go to God I'm saying it again you don't need any special man to speak on your behalf with God jesus said I am the way I am the truth I am the life no man cometh to the Father except by me so if you have Jesus you have access to God so you don't need any special prophet who has a special anointed talking to God you don't need anointed what you need to talk to God is to know Jesus when you know Jesus and you love Jesus you have access to God everybody is a son of God crisis in you no evil shall befall you no bad news will happen to you you are hidden in Christ Jesus you are protected on all sides no weapon formed against you can prosper if things are going wrong and you do like rise up as a child of God Jesus said you speak to this mountain be thou removed and be cast into the sea and as I hear your voice he didn't speak to God about your problem he said speak to the problem about your God oh we do is that we tell God our problem and he's not listening because he has done he's finished it is finished Christ has done it already all you need is to know who you are in Christ and take your place I walk I fear no evil I don't even think of evil I knew who I am in Christ he says these signs shall follow them that believe in my name they will cast out Devils they will speak with new tongues the Lydia hands on the sick and the six I healed he said I would think I will drink personally to not harm me so not nothing bad will happen to me if I believe in Jesus so I don't need anybody with a green oil to make me protector I don't need to see a special prophet to put give me his mantle when he loses his first hour and the smelly layer gives it to me I'm sorry it's a sleepover and I've said it already we don't need Mantle's of the flesh we don't put our trust in things we put our trust think if we put our trust in things they will sell them for us rice is not for sale if the pasta first led to pray and give you the money to take to your mother in the villages okay I shouldn't become a rich one we do it because of distance not that you are here then I'm giving you mantle so you can sleep on the mantle special night Bible says we perish for we lack knowledge when you know the truth the truth sets you free rise up on your feet I got LM a scripture in the morning in first Corinthians chapter 8 about a church in Macedonia I personally now I don't believe in so easy to be rich because it's not biblical we give because we are blessed when you see how God has been merciful and kind they are out of the kindness of God you give you don't give to get you rather give because you have because God cannot be bought and then we give because it is our responsibility as children of God to take care of God's house and God's people Paul said if I bless you spiritually is it too much for you to bless me materially and you are not blessing me so that you'll be blessed I said it that Isaac being sacrificed by Abraham was not for money when they said bring your eyes exhale you are not Abraham Abraham was writing a picture of salvation you're sacrificing his son as a sign of God willing to sacrifice his son so I tell people but I rounded in division he didn't God told him to stop and then God said the Lord shall provide the lump that will be used for the sacrifice and that lump is Christ Jesus but why do we give us Christians after the first service I was watching a clip that broke my heart I saw see him at Independence Square and a lot of handicaps were being fed being given mattresses these are things that church to support a church that does evangelism and show the love of God Jesus said I wasn't naked and you did include me I was hungry and you didn't feed me so when a check is doing that not at the man of God is collecting the money and by building houses buying casts Jett and his people are suffering hungry people and he will stand up and coming in so to you probable after he escalated your money such impedance that we have very sad that don't will give your money to any prophet to chop and make noise support a web because support a church that goes to evangelism the church has stopped evangelizing because it is expensive but our money's after that to reach their own reach to save that dining hall we need to go out though Christ is depending on us stop sitting in Accra and enjoy an air conditioned pasta can well sleep in a hotel five thousand dollars a night with people's offering unbelievable somebody sweat you they enjoy well done good and faithful you defy my scripture is this aquel courageous of the world talks about miss Cydonia second Corinthians chapter 8 please pick your Bible let's read it together and I'm off I'm sorry for keeping your time can't believe I have another service to preach hmm second quarter after 8:00 from verse one can we all read together moreover brethren we make known to you the grace of God bestowed on the churches yet the churches of Macedonia how in a great trial of affliction in that great trial of affliction the abundance of their joy the abundance of their joy and their deep poverty abounded unto the riches of their liberality they made sure they gave liberal in poverty so you don't give towards God because you are rich when it is for a good cause you give even out of your poverty then Macedonia Church give more than any other Church and even though they were going through financial crisis they didn't give to get they give because they love God and what God had done for them money can buy you can equate the grace of God with money when you love God money loses value when Jesus entered the house of Zacchaeus and he preached the good news The Cure's rose up decided him preach about money or prosperity he preached the good news which is salvation the curse rose up and said son if by any means I have taken any money or roughly from anybody I'm multiplied by four and I pay back and then the rest of my resources that is left I share it to the poor then jesus said secures now has salvation come to your heart when the rich ruler came to his how must I be said he said go and sell your riches and give to the poor when you value morally model anything you don't know God Chris charity is not about money jesus said the Son of man has nowhere to lay his head and he went to show people Jesus was not rich he didn't intentionally become poor he didn't come and show us what is not God a mountain wealth by a man of God is not God which disciple had money riches didn't they sacrificed their life for the kingdom and that's what the kingdom of God is said only treasures for yourself on this earth where mice and little treasures in heaven God doesn't contradict himself we preach to deceive ourselves they see the man of God has to be reached so that it drops on you now Lionel I know Ryan and I forget it there's somebody for Gerrits lift up your head and say Jesus I thank you that you died for me I appreciate you're all conditioner love for my life I accept you as my Lord and personal Savior I believe in what you did on the cross of Calvary I celebrate you for the rest of my life thank you for dying for me in Jesus name come and give the Lord a shout of praise I want to do this where's the envelopes please I made the first service people do it it's not my force you won't get anything when you give you are just supporting Goswick poor in society that this church takes care of you want to support that this church the good work they are doing you want to be part of it I don't care whether you are giving one city 1 billion is between you and God whatever you want to give to support this church they didn't bring me and should I raise money so that they say no we are not sharing money here I have vowed I never take money from this mess never in fact I don't preach for money again I used to I've passed that level but the church hasn't leads the church takes care of people I have seen it with my eyes people they bring from villages who are sick they take them to do surgeries and be stiff sometimes for 5 years taking their discharge so whatever you give you are giving to us a good cause and this is what Christ has passed from us so if God is touching your heart you say you want to give whatever I don't want to know you just pick the envelope if you see you bring it if later you bring it it's up to you anybody who wants to give God bless you I would says they give out of their pocket it liberally it's not by force it's not - don't don't let any man of God force you to give Bible says God loves a cheerful Giver when it is your responsibility to take care of the poor and somebody's giving you the opportunity to do it I believe it to me that is only the church that you can is the only channel to take care of the poor know you can you see the church o prophets prophets I used to prophesy to people don't give people money on the roadside they are witches ah please I repent give them oh he'll be a crystal and a witch can't stop your blessings something is wrong with your Christianity help them they are there because of you God give you so now you can take our people any amount you want to give this between you and God there measure at which God has favored your life it's up to you if the money's here you put it in an envelope you come and drop it if it's not you bring it when you are ready that's Christianity we are not so power I'm not seeing angels descending and ascending so come and give you see anything let's give January are you have mature Christian mature Christian will give wealthy I say you won't get anything baby Chris said they have to tell you I see a home on this envelope as you touch the emblem the first five people do you know Italy the bond you move RJ what you know you know you know you say the Lord is telling me the five people who saw thousand dollars and they wonder if I've come as if you can't give 500 why you said I lost a thousand when they've gone reduce it we're at dick Deponia Depot oh sorry please I am NOT Facebook you can choose to like me or not like me if you click me cry doesn't work I speak the truth people are not happy with me but I love it I was thinking of it why did they kill Paul Peter James they kill them just for preaching the truth so I'll preach the truth will be a fulcrum occur god bless you God touches your heart sign I can't do it is you can I ever give without expecting anything can I be matured enough to say it is my responsibility if not God I don't have a job so as long as I have a job I am given to support this way my god I've asked for forgiveness in my chest hood over his Norma I've apologized for all the stupid preaching I'll preach to them now I have changed I'm born again again I rededicated my life to Jesus even the disciples of Jesus they didn't know Jesus not make you better lives in Ghana they work with him hunt when they didn't know him we are all learning while you what you don't know is okay but what you know and you still do the wrong thing and there's a problem I vowed not to I'm not a prophet for any politician I've stopped I've retired I was not called to see who is going to win or who is going to lose I was called to preach the good news and show people the love of God that's all a whole mile of God is hijacked by one person because of money typical desiccant if you know warlord on come on here boy kya yeah kya because of money god forbid baton to not happen again I am saved you
Views: 16,924
Rating: 4.7247705 out of 5
Keywords: Prophet Gilbert Ossei
Id: R0GoDwYz2hc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 12sec (5052 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2017
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