KL Rahul In Conversation With Sadhguru | Cauvery Calling

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/bansilal07 📅︎︎ Jul 30 2019 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/frenchtoastmafiav2 📅︎︎ Jul 30 2019 🗫︎ replies

I think this talk was quite dull

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AnantNaad 📅︎︎ Jul 30 2019 🗫︎ replies
let's say the villages around run out of water you think they just got to sit there and die all studies clearly point out towards a serious water strife but the important action that is needed right now is this that we need to raise 72 draw saplings in the next four years we are very happy to announce that the Karnataka Premier League kpl will be partnering with rally for rivers Kaveri calling and will make this movement as their social cause partner during this kpl season and now to introduce today's speakers killed Rahul one of the most favourite cricketers from this city [Applause] he began his Test debut or did his Test debut in 2014 in Australia he's a wicket keeper come batsman as you know and currently plays for kings xi punjab in the IPL league and he has many firsts to his credit he became the first Indian to score a century on one day international debut Rahul has also set the record for the fastest Indian batsman or fastest batsman to have scored centuries in all three formats in just 20 innings and sadguru is one of the leading batsmen of the country now batting strongly for the environmental causes perhaps the only light that we have before I invite the speakers onto the stage so today the conversation between Sadhguru and Rahul will last for about an hour after which you will have an opportunity to pose your questions for the next 30 minutes thank you and with that I invite that grow and Rahul on to the stage name is Karen and because just because she said I'm some kind of a batsman don't ball a googly today I'm not I don't played cricket ages so the balls didn't miss any me you catch the huge honour to be here on stage with you you all know what the youth inspiration you are and the things are doing for for the environment that this is inspiring all the presenter I just telling your colleagues that a radio book and I've been trying to at least I'm trying to do little things and just the huge inspiration and and focus back to what we're here today for so happy that you started this campaign to know health river Kaveri and I just want to ask you how big a responsibility is it to revive a river and how do you plan on doing this interactively definitely I'm not planning single-handedly the reason why we are doing many things and including this is without a large-scale people's involvement is not gonna happen this is not a single-ended job this is not just my work or your work or somebody else who is here this is a generational work as a generation of people we have taken the largest bite out of this planet never before another generation has consumed as much as we have so I'm just thinking before I fall dead let's fix it to whatever extent we can so that future generations don't look back and see we were the most irresponsible generation ever in a way beer morph unfortunately because the way I saw kaveri 50 years ago or let's put it this way the way the previous generations gave cavity to us and how it is today if we hand it over like this this means we are a disastrous generation so I want to see that we are not a disastrous generation we will fix it to whatever extent we can nobody should say we have not done what we should have done because in our lives if we do not do what we cannot do there is no problem but if we do not do what we can do we are a disaster so I don't want to be - that that disaster I want to ensure none of these people the people of this generation are not a disaster that we will do everything we can do and how do you what do you think is responsible for all of this that is happening and what is your advice to youngsters like girls or I I don't know I was in UK for two months and I think didn't know that there was a water problem and I came home three four days ago and my sister told me that she told me don't use the shower use the bucket of water you know so many of us are unaware of situations and can you throw some light on how this has happened and what we can do so there is no one agency or one force or one person to blame it is just that fundamentally it's ignorance the most basic ignorant about rivers is people think river is a source of water or a well is a source of water or a pond or a lake is a source of water in a tropical country it is not a source of water it is only a destination for what there is only one source of water for us which is the monsoon rain that's the only place from where water is coming so the the rain that comes down which normally happens to us in this country somewhere between 45 to 60 days maximum in a year rain pours down on us a huge volume of water comes down when this comes down our ability to hold it in the soil will determine how many days in a year will the rivers flow if we hold it then it flows 365 days if we do not hold it it will run away within the next 50 or 100 days and that's why it's going right right now so what allows us to hold the water the only and only thing is vegetation there is no rocket science to this this has been my main mission across the world including United Nations our government central government all the states we convince them you cannot hold water in a dam check dam barrage all these things these are all okay for usage but you cannot really enhance water like this the only way you can hold it is by vegetation when I say vegetation or let's say forests the possibility of increasing the forest cover is impossible in India we are 1.3 billion people it's estimated by 2030 we will be 1.5 billion people so there is too much pressure on the land there is no way to increase the forest cover the only other way is to go for agroforestry that we use forests as a livelihood for ourselves we grow for us for wealth we grow forests for economic reasons when I say we grow forests for economic reasons right now in the world the timber market in the world is over 300 billion dollars are we sending any timber to any part of the world no but we are importing nearly 70 thousand crores worth of timber and we are importing about 1.2 lakh crores worth of timber products so nearly 2 lakh crores worth of foreign exchange is going out even the timber we are getting is largely not certified that means somewhere somebody is cutting for us this one thing we must understand wherever they cut it it's going to hurt us doesn't matter where they cut it in South America South America or Africa wherever they cut it in some way it is hurting us it may not hurt us tomorrow morning but it will hurt us after a few years so one thing is it is a great economic plan for our farmers because our farm situation is such in Karnataka 71 percent of the farmers are in distressed loans in Tamil Nadu 82 percent of the farmers are in distressed loans what a distressed loan means is the person who has taken the loan has simply no means to pay back so he is distressed it is like if you're earning 10 rupees you took 2 rupees loan and we see that you can pay back you earning 10 rupees but you have taken a hundred rupee loan we know that there is no way for you to pay back and interest is multiplying so the only thing he can do is default or run away or sell the land or hang from a tree this is a tragic condition in the country where in the last 15 years over 300,000 farmers have committed so we said 300 the four wars that India has had three with Pakistan and one with China 300,000 people did not die and both the sites put together our soldiers and the enemy soldiers put together 300,000 did not happen but that's the number of foreigners who have died in the last 10 to 15 years time so this could escalate big time or total breakdown of social and economic situations can happen because 65 to 70% of the population in this particular trade quadriga culture and there is no scale to agriculture because land holdings are so small so we have converted nearly nearly 70,000 farmers in Tamil Nadu every year we are adding a few hundred farmers converting into a grey agroforestry we could go like this but it would just take maybe another two to three generations before we achieve what we want to achieve so right now cavity culling is an effort where I want to crush the time in 12 years time we can do this if the necessary economic incentives come from the government to one part till we achieve fifty percent success if there is economic incentive after that even that will not be necessary because people will see how beneficial it is on an average in Karnataka they're earning forty four thousand per hectare per year in Tamilnadu they're around earning around forty six to forty eight thousand but within the first five years the first five-year average is 3.2 lakhs per hectare this is what the agroforestry people are earning in the first ten years is 4.6 lakhs per hectare in 15 years time it is 13 lakhs per hectare this is how they're earning if once every farmer sees that this is the kind of benefit he has even a part of his land if he goes in for agroforestry he will not need any kind of bank loans when we come to bank loan we must understand well you're a young man you have not seen these things when we were young in 1969 when government of India nationalized all the banks you come from Mangalore or yes so a lot of banks started from Mangalore Canada Bank Syndicate Bank what is that the one with Jia Bank all these all these things were nationalized what nationalization is a nice word what it is is we just took all your wealth without any compensation you understand you're running a bank that means you had a few thousand crores but we just took it the nation such a cruel act we did because we wanted to ensure that the rural populations have access to banking and it made a huge difference it's been a revolution in the country but now what is happening is the solution that we have for farmers distressed loans ease whenever the election is coming every state is going about saying no need to pay back the loan see it's very simple if I give you 100 rupees and somebody comes and says you don't have to pay me back all right I lost my hundred rupees next time even if you say I'm dying I will not give you ten rupees yes or no hello is this not the way society will work if if it is assure that you're not going to pay me back even if you say it is the most dire emergency I am NOT going to give you a rupee anyway this is what is happening once again once again we are pushing the farmer back into the moneylenders hand where the interest rate is 60 to 70 percent per annum this is a clear death knell for the farmer if he falls back into the hands of the moneylenders once again from proper banking this whole revolution of nationalization of banks and making rural economies to be flush with banking money is being destroyed right now but if agroforestry comes in with a little bit of support from the government the farmer need not go to the bank he will have enough money and this is not a new idea or if those of you old enough your oldest Ziva you're old you've been around all the time since I was born people know that in southern India in any agricultural land always there were minimum 25 to 50 trees always at least on the boundary actually in Karnataka I have seen people used to name the trees after their daughter their son and whatever because when this tree grows up this was generally planted when the child is born and this is named after the girl when this girl grows up and she needs to marry she's 1820 years of age now this tree is ripe if I cut this tree her marriage is taken care of those days I know eight to ten thousand rupees they get out of a tree marriage is taken care of son wants to go to the university his thing is taken care of so this was the economy of the rural places I know this very well because at that time I was on the farm you know I was actually in agriculture about 40 years ago massive usage of chemical fertilizers started I have seen this agents from fertilizer industries coming and campaigning you have to remove the trees because the trees are sucking out all the fertilizer it will not go to your crops the trees are taking away because of their aggressive root system so crores of trees across Karnataka was felled today if you fly from Bangalore to Delhi every five minutes you look down it's a brown desert that you see except Western God's rest is just one Brown desert from here to Delhi all the way yes or no what is our plan for this country because you can only retain monsoon water see we are trying to do things as European countries or North America does we must understand they have glacial water they have snow water coming from snow snow sits for two if two feet next two months it slowly melts and make sure it percolates our water is not like that it comes in a downpour if you don't have vegetation it'll just run away not just run away it'll take this topsoil and run away that's what is happening right now so Kaveri is not even touching the ocean for six and a half to seven months in Tamil Nadu so Tamil Nadu people are thinking Karnataka people are drinking up too much water yes they think Kannada people are drinking too much water they want to fight with you they have to come upstream and see here also there is no water so I was just talking to the tunnel form as I said yes this fight is you Sadhguru you must tell them to release water I said all this fight is fine I'll just wait for another 20 years there will be no fight because there will be no cavalry in Tamil Nadu yes that's where is going on an average where the cavalry goes dry what point it goes dry on an average it's withdrawing three to eight kilometers per year that means right now it's about 400 plus kilometers in Tamil Nadu the Kaveri is running probably in another 40 years at 50 years it will not even enter Tamil Nadu that's how serious it is loans and things I just want to ask what can a common man do to help farmers or if I'm not a bank but if I want to go with a set of friends and help the farmers worldwide so right now to assist the farmer to shift to agroforestry there are a few things to happen one thing is the saplings large scale development of saplings we are looking at in 12 years to plant 242 crore trees that is 2.4 to billion trees if you want to do something so massive it needs a very organized effort and it needs a certain agility which normally I'm not trying to criticize anybody but normally the state governments don't have such an agile machinery to act so in Tamilnadu we have about 32 nurseries spread across Tamil Nadu so we planted over 35 million trees in the last 18 years all on our own steam that is no government help no nothing just as a movement people's moment now this needs to scale up big time so we're we have clear-cut plans how to multiply this today there's tissue culture we have all the technologies everything you know we assimilated all these things properly now to act we are looking at taking in all the aspects it costs about 42 rupees per sapling in the first phase of four years we need to plant 72 crow trees if you can campaign a little bit on your bat if you can have Kaveri calling 42 rupees every run you score you tell your friends to plant one tree whatever I'm saying whichever way you think is appropriate like this everybody must do what they can as a sports person you do what you can ask whoever I'm saying even if you're a beggar on the street you still can plant one tree a year at least isn't it 42 rupees even a bigger can do it so it is not a question of resource it is a question of how concerned we are so this is only one part of it we raised the saplings it takes 18 to 24 months to get the saplings to planting stage so we want to start now the it's been just launched yesterday we will move in September we're doing the rally riding about fourteen to fifteen hundred kilometers and having about eight hundred and sixty-five events have been planned along the way we little crazy about these things how so this is one part the next part is to put enough pressure on the government we have spoken to the gel sector Minister most probably he may come and flag off the event the Environment Minister important thing is to release the trees releasing the trees means in this country if you grow a tree on your own land and you cut it tomorrow you can get arrested okay so we got 18 species of trees released that if you cut them there is no problem but still high-value trees are not released I am saying I will put this to the central government the loss should become like this right now there are loss these are British made loss you know the English they made this loss that if you own the land you own only the top eight feet of soil beneath that it belongs to the continent most people do not know this the water in your well actually belongs to the government today Tamil Nadu is exercising this right they are saying if you want to hit a boar well you need ground and permission you cannot dig a well in your land as you feel you have to take a license otherwise they will not let you take the groundwater because it belongs to the government I am pushing for a law anything that's in my land should belong to me if I hit water oil gold diamond whatever the hell is there in my land should belong to me it should belong to the former so if I'm doing badly it belongs to me if I do well it belongs to you what kind of law is this so only if you hit some civilizational aspects let's say I'm digging and I found Manju daro in my land then you can come and take it any wealth must belong to me you can tax it but you can't take it isn't it you should not be able to take it but right now that's how it is so we pushing for loss like this above all all trees whatever I grow as I cut my paddy of sugarcane or whatever else similarly whatever else I grow I must be able to cut it right now we've been talking to various governments and these funny things are happening I was talking to one of the Chief Minister's and I said this kind of loss must go so I don't think there's a law like that I said please ask you forest Minister secretary so he called the forest secretary and you put it on the what the speaker phone and he asked like this is there a law like this no no there is no logins cutting the tree then he says no law I said is it true I can't cut it lien ticket right oh yes yes you cannot transport it what am I supposed to do have my own cremation in my land I cut a tree and I cannot transport it was it what is it it's for my cremation or what I'm storing up I am saying a tree is a wealth the wealth should belong to the farmer this is very important so as a part of this we are pushing for a timber board as there is a coffee board Tibor other things we want people to understand the timber need not necessarily be a forest produce it can be an agricultural produce that's what we want to change the picture we know with Kaveri depleting it is going to cause a lot of problems for Karnataka and Tamil Nadu for sure but why would a different state want to want to help do you think people do I'm sure people do things like that suppose you face it what why why do we have to but we must understand this that this is not just kuvira's problem krishna has depleted over seventy seven percent Godavari has depleted over forty two percent Narmada has depleted over sixty percent Ganga has depleted over thirty seven percent or so so it is not one state's problem or two state's problem it is all over the place only thing is if we successfully demonstrate that you can turn the river around a major river we are doing a small level River in Maharashtra we are very confident we will do that it's a fifty fifty four kilometer stretch of vagary river in Yavatmal yay with Mal has been considered unfortunately as the suicide capital of this country so this is a small space we have taken that up is the first project already state government is involved very proactive state government and 4 and 15 crore budget has been put on it this will be so in another four to five years we will ensure even now these 9600 families who are in this region we've put volunteers there everybody has a helpline but if there is any distress they can call so we'll definitely stop suicide within the six months to one year we're already on the ground but we will turn the river river around in about six to eight years time for garden because it's small river Kaveri is a substantially large demonstration if we do this one thing then you can do this for every river in the country so why start in Kaveri you have to start somewhere you have to start somewhere because we always start from Kanyakumari we're starting from Kaveri from South and in many ways we are attempting Kaveri because this is a population which is most conducive for something like this another reason is this is a river which is flowing through just two States most of the rivers are flowing through four or five states getting those four five states together is much more complex affair rather than these two and these two states right now there is a background of water distress I foresaw this distress almost eight years ago that this is going to be happening and because there is such a distress both in Chennai and Bangalore is getting there rapidly I think it'll be a successful process here than anywhere else because you still can't talk to other cities you must understand this water distress is not today you've seen if you've seen old movies you will see the womenfolk are carrying a pot or a bindi game you know and walking and of course the hero will go romancing sang songs around her everything it's alright for the actress because she's carrying an empty pot but in the village the woman is carrying 15 kilograms on her head and working no song will come out of her all right so you cannot even open her mouth because she's carrying such a huge weight so we thought this is romantic no every day she spends half her life just carrying water so in Tamil Nadu it is very popular in the culture they'll say if something really nasty is happening in a anywhere they said this is like coli Sunday that is they go and fight near the tap the woman so two women are fighting they say this is like polish and a it's become culture so when women were fighting women folk have been fighting at the taps for a long time that it's become a cultural thing why were they fighting is entertainment they were not fighting for fun every day they have to go and stand near the tap there's a long queue but the damn tap is wet only for half an hour one hour if it gets over you have to fight and jump the queue somehow so when women were fighting abuses were flowing endlessly now men have entered the scene because the situation has become more dire once men enter deaths are happening they're killing each other naturally women were doing verbal fights now physical fights have happening you heard one death happened in Tamil Nadu many fights physical fights have happened in you pee a pregnant woman was killed just four days ago because men are entering the fight now now killings will happen it's not far away when this can happen large-scale because you must see if we fail to rejuvenate this soil and this water the civil strife that is waiting on our hands is big it doesn't matter cricket is IPL has grown big spiritual processes happening businesses are happening IT revolution is happening in Bangalore City well in tomorrow our scientists are putting a moon probe all this is fantastic but once water becomes a serious issue the civil strife is going to pull all these damn things down it'll put the country back 50 years within a matter of months or two because the amount of civil strife that will happen just imagine this let's say the villages around run out of water you think they just going to sit there and die they will come on the streets of Bangalore City isn't they will knock on your door beg you for water of course you won't give because you have limited because you are having shower no shower just bucket you won't give water then they will bro break down your door yes they will let's not underestimate this this is not to paint a doomsday picture because the depletion that is happening at the rate at which is happening all studies clearly point out towards a serious water strife what a strife will naturally transform itself into your civil strife so whatever each one of us thinking are our achievements in this country everything will be become nothing when there is civil strife so my mind is stuff keep your legs join hands with wonderful thank you very much how do you think keep yellow cricket or players from Karnataka will help in this as I said the most important thing is awareness and support for the plantations we are pushing with the garments to give subsidies for the plantations to happen which is very easily doable because no extra or new budget is needed the existing schemes that are there little reallocation there is enough money already there for that but if we depend on the government to raise this crores of saplings that we need it's not going to happen we want to use people farmers as an economic activity that this will become an enterprise for many farmers that we will train to do this that they will not only raises happenings they will be knowledgeable in a few producing videos how to do agroforestry there is a whole science to it how to do it so we will educate large number of farmers who will start small enterprises of their own in their own land like five acres 10 acres they can raise thousands of saplings and this will become an economic process for them so the most important thing that cricket can do is because there are only two things which have huge reach in the country is cricket and cinema probably cinema has too many languages so it is limited to States cricket is national totally across all boundaries and just anywhere it will work so cricketers have a tremendous responsibility and role to play how you want to do it I don't want to prescribe to you but the important action that is needed right now is this that we need to raise 72 crore saplings in the next four years four years this plantation must happen means in two years we must raise in four years the plantations must be over then only the twelve year plan that we have will go by that see at this stage in my life twelve year plan is not a good plan but I've taken this don't make it twenty years please make it twelve years so that the last part of my life I can golf around a little bit then go for round also a little bit let's talk about that sir I know you love lighting by acceptance also video you would like to play it with a goal and you're talking to me backstage you said how much you like wicket but you don't get too much time to watch it but I think you should you should go in the middle and hit of your balls on the Cape I love you it's like gold well the balls covering it that's what see that's what see I never took a lesson in golf nor have I ever been to your driving range but I have a handicap of nine so people said guru how is this how do you do this so I say see when I was young I played hockey cricket football this that there for 22 people there was only one ball all the guys were trying to grab the ball here I have my own ball and there it was a fast-moving ball here the damn thing is sitting I can hear it but I played a little gold too but it's hard I don't mind the ball like reacting to the ball is easier than then doing something to ball that is they say yeah sitting ball hitting becomes difficult because you're juggling too many balls in your head I am juggling nothing so I hit the damn ball this from a sports point of view I'd also want to ask about mindset and you know be constantly traveling we're constantly playing and mental fatigue physical fatigue emotionally we're away from family and friends and there's a lot of things that go on in the mind like we said a lot of balls juggling but it does happen what foot what could we do to maybe keep ourselves a little bit more calm and I know ever you why are you so unambitious why are you saying little bit more , I start with now let's look at it this way you keep your hand here if you wish does it stay here or does it jump all over the place then you will get bolder your hand must stay right there where you want it isn't it your hand we talked about the hand your hand you're able to keep it right here if you want it'll go here if you want to or you go here if you want to go here suppose your hand became like this it's jumping all over the place suppose my hand jumps all over the place they would think I have some kind of an ailment isn't it hmm and jumping may be that mr. Parkinson was visiting us or something so we have to look at this unfortunately in these societies we think mind jumping all over the place is normal it's not normal that's not the way human mind is made there are some fundamental aspects which there's no time or space to explore those things here but we must understand this match this body and this mind must take instructions from you isn't it now your your body and your mind if it doesn't take instructions from you this body and this mind it's more a nuisance than help yes it is more of a nuisance than help right now people are trying to manage the nuisance as you said if it becomes little less nuisance I'm happy know it need not be a nuisance see the reason why you physically train is so that your body doesn't come in the way isn't it the idea of training is not to put your body out there that when I am performing activity my body is not in my way it's not my tripping point my body is behind me supporting me not knocking me down that's the idea of physical training similarly there should have been substantial mental training but training means people are having a psychologist that is when you're ill hello trying to change attitudes it's not about attitudes it's about understanding the mecca's mechanism of how this mental structure functions as physiology functions the psychological framework functions inner with a certain parameters if you do not understand that and handle it then it is only by chance on a certain day you are in the zone rest of the time it's a risk chasing that mindset where you know some days like you said some days automatically you will end up in that mind space in a good mind space so and after that you know that is where you want to be so rest the time you're chasing it see a game is subject to various realities it's not all you there's also somebody who's throwing the ball in tricky ways all right it's not all you you're only 50% the other 50% is there all over the place so that 50% must happen you cannot do hundred percent even if you are as brilliant as you can be you could be gone first Bob that's the nature of the game all right if that nature of the game is removed then there's no game if every time you can hit it then there's no game you cannot hit it that is the game isn't it so leaving that part this 50% which is your hundred percent that must happen every day even if you change your underwear I'm saying whatever that lucky charm that you have for somebody it may be some kind of a pendant somebody it's a mantra somebody else it's an underwear it doesn't matter what the hell it is but you're trying to hang on to something to create some kind of a mental sense of confidence there are two ways to work either you can work with confidence or you can work with clarity see right now if I ask you to walk from here to there or anybody if I ask them to walk from here to there they will welcome for now no problem why it's clear the lights are on suppose we switch off the lights and make this hall pitch dark if I ask them to walk now lack they will struggle why now they need confidence to take the next step why because there is no clarity so people think confidence is a substitute for clarity it is not what you need is absolute clarity not confidence with confidence sometimes it may work by chance it's like let's say you want to cross the highway where traffic is moving at a certain speed to build confidence people have various slogans somebody says Jerry Ron somebody says Allah walk where somebody says something else you shout one of these things and run across the highway maybe you will make it hello maybe by sheer chance you made it or because of the compassion of some driver you make it but if you try every day we know where to pick you up for sure isn't it so similarly when a bowler Bowls a ball you close your eyes and hit it maybe it'll go for a sixer but if you try every time we know what right this happened an American lady came to Bangalore this is now those auto rickshaws have gone down at that time auto rickshaw was the fastest thing going on the Bangalore roads it felt fast because it made a lot of noise it was doing only 40 45 km/h but because of the way they drove on three weeks it felt like it's a Formula One or something so this lady came and this guy is just driving to impress the this foreign lady was come to the city is trying to impress her with his skills of driving and he is going through everything and so two buses are coming it was boom in between and she just screams and yells and all this happened then after she got down she asked him a particular moment when those two buses came how did you make it it was hardly any space he said I had closed my eyes so she came and told me those terrible three-wheelers so if you close your eyes sometimes it just works so this is what confidence means I'm sure in every game people are trying to train people you must be confident you must be confident no you should not be confident because confident means you are not in touch with realities clarity is what is needed because just before the ok so we were you know like I was talking to a group of journalists and this is at that time when Pakistan was playing in India for the one-day internationals which were going on how to beat Pakistan please tell us I said if you want to beat Pakistan you don't call Indian cricket team call Indian army where do you want to beat Pakistan you just have to hit the ball look you just have to hit the ball I was training this you know Indian hockey team and at one time and later after 3-4 years I'm walking in Chennai Airport capias Gil was heading that thing and all this that old players who came to us the senior player they were all out whole bunch of young players almost six of seven of them were all tribal boys from Delhi to others all 18 to 22 age group these boys are for the first time going out of the country for Championships trophy to Germany they're all wide-eyed they've never traveled outside and you know it's the first time and they're not from cities they're tribal boys so somebody is giving them pep talk in Hindi I can't repeat all the words he's saying that this collegiate up something something your parents your parents honor is in your hands 1 billion people's hopes are in your hands this is giving pep talk these boys are 1 billion people's stuff sitting on their head then I was passing by kph Gil saw me and said the Satguru can you say something to the boys for the first time they going out of the country so I said say you know how to play hockey I said yes I said I don't think you know how to play hockey you don't know how to play hockey that's why you're looking like this you're looking like this because you obviously don't know how to play often no we know how to play hockey suddenly their pride I said if you play know how to play hockey first thing is forget the 1 billion people forget your ma Bob business there's only one thing the damn ball should be in the opposite goal that's all you know you need lust for this you just need lust to put the ball in the goal that's all you do you don't count how many goals I put that's not your business there are professional people hired to keep the score why are you keeping the score your business is a ball at a time isn't it but everybody is calculating they're looking at the score when I am coming 200 how many really fantastic batsmen unnecessarily have gotten out in 90s in India so many of them is a legend because you are doing the score keepers work you do your job your job is to hit the ball according to its merit what does it matter what's the scope whether it's 1 or 100 what is your business no no you must strategize all that there is somebody else the player has to just do what he has to do at that moment right isn't it see the desire to win is one thing everybody wants to win in their life not just in a game everybody wants to win everybody has a desire to be successful but the desire is only giving you the direction which way you want to go desire will not make you successful it's only the competence which makes you successful isn't it and competence is clearly clouded when your evident competence needs clarity you just see things the way they are and do what you have to do at that moment not try to win the match you cannot win the match you can only hit the ball isn't it somebody will tell you whether you have one or not professional happiness makes me the happiest being happy with family that's a different kind of happiness but then I score or when we win a game that I feel like I've lost it somewhere I don't know which makes me more happy with obviously winning a game gives me that high so when you step off the field when you're with a family your friends not playing cricket no nobody watching that that feels a little lesser than that hi why why would I why would the mind do that see whether it's happiness or misery pain or pleasure agony or ecstasy whatever the human experience is caused from within isn't it it's manufactured by you or no yes so right now what happens within you needs a push from outside that is we must put hundred on the board even if if it ends at ninety nine you will be very miserable isn't it you must put hundred on the board the crowd should roar and we must be declared the winners this is an impossible condition for your happiness isn't it that's not going to happen every day but nobody will happen every day isn't it nobody it is going to happen every day even if you're a Superman it won't happen every day so happiness is a condition within you it's like this see it's a question of pleasantness why I'm saying pleasantness because they're substantial there is substantial evidence medical and scientific evidence to show only in Pleasant states of experience your body and your mind will function at its best there's enough evidence about that so if you want to play cricket well or anything well you must be able to harness this body and this brain that's only way isn't it if you harness this body's process and the mental process in the right sense that action will happen in the best possible way for any human being whatever the nature of activity now Pleasant states of experience means this if body is Pleasant we call this health just needed hello you want you want to be Pleasant in your body or no if it becomes very pleasant we call it pleasure if your mind is Pleasant we call this peace if it becomes very pleasant we call it joy if your emotions are Pleasant we call this love if it becomes very pleasant we call it compassion if your very life energies are pleasant we call this bliss if it becomes very pleasant we call it ecstasy if your surroundings are Pleasant we call this success right now what you're doing is you are going for the last one success to create the last pleasantness around us let's say in this hall we want a pleasant atmosphere we need the cooperation of all these people otherwise it won't happen isn't it but I want to be pleasant in my body mind emotion and energy is 100% my business isn't it this one thing if you do that your body mind emotion and energies are always pleasant now outside pleasantness it's a question of skill it's a question of times in which we exist I'm saying suppose you were here in Bangalore City let's say 500 years ago you would be playing cricket maybe you would break in Croke coconuts or something I don't know yes or no so what we are doing right now is just a consequence of time isn't it because of the times in which we exist we are doing certain things that's not the important thing the important thing is my body my mind my emotion my energies are at highest level of pleasantness if it's like this if I am ecstatic will I hit the ball well what do you think it's 100% because your body and your mind will not come in your way there are other things of course outside situations are they maybe it's a ball that nobody can hit sometimes that's a different matter but you are not the issue this one thing everybody must do in their life in your life you are not the issue there are thousand other issues to handle but this should not be the issue once this is not the issue you will effortlessly handle other issues this doesn't mean everything will work your way but what best you can do will happen in your life as I said earlier what we cannot do it did not happen that doesn't matter what we can do did not happen this is a disaster isn't it can you elaborate a bit on now how this 42 rupees will be used in the project and the detail break up we can give this involves this kind of activity one thing is our volunteers are on the ground um let me explain what is the wallet here when we did the rally for rivers the entire Asia Foundation is a volunteer force but apart from that when we went for rally for rivers I gave a call to the youth of this nation that for three years if you can focus your life on India's rivers we can make a huge difference so they said but Sadhguru we don't know anything about River we don't know what is environment how to fix it what I said you don't worry about that we run a four month long training programs for this I said there's only one qualification you need that is you must suspend one thought in your head that is what about me this one thought you suspend for three years I will see we will make you do not Eve IRA hundreds of them came for many of them resigned well-paying jobs a few of them halfway through their PhDs there dropped their studies and they're with us now for Kaveri calling we are going to call many many more in the eternal region they are there meeting every family they just on the ground meeting every family in the region to make sure they know what they need to do to come out of their present situation this is what has not happened in this country the last mile nobody is willing to walk somebody makes the policy up there somebody alerts the finance somebody itself half of it somewhere all kinds of things happen but nobody is going to that last man and telling him what he needs to do what is it that he needs to do unless he does the right thing unless he does that the right thing there is no solution which is just academic we are just talking about it solution will happen only when it touches the last man fortunately today we have various kinds of mediums through which we can communicate we don't have to necessarily physically meet five million farmers in this region we can communicate in many different ways we will be using every possible means to do that so all this costs money but that is not the major thing the major thing is we need to lease large tracts of lands and you need soil in most of the places where they give you land the soil is not suitable so you will have to transport soil so you need transportation and all infrastructure to do that all this we are doing on a certain scale in Tamil Nadu already but this scale needs a huge push so these 42 rupees how it is managed is we have a board of people a responsible board in this there is a Supreme Court judge there is the World Wildlife Fund chairperson there is a chairperson of your your star woman entrepreneur in your city Kiran Majumdar is on it we have two former chairpersons of ISR whoa that is the Indian Space Research Organisation we have the topmost water expert in the country we have a person who started the pharma producers organization movement he's considered the father of FP woes so there is a responsible board this entire cavalry calling fund is going to be managed by an internationally reputed auditing firm under the edges of this board this Kaveri calling account is not managed by Asia Foundation or me or anybody concerned with me this is managed by this group of people and we are also bringing in few more people from Karnataka and Tamil Nadu to be a part of this management so it is being managed in a responsible way the way it should be and accounts will be put on for public viewing because an international accounting firm is going to manage this so nobody need to fear what will happen to the money if that is a concern they need not fear this is the best way to do it and how exactly this 42 rupees will get divided we must understand this on the ground realities in different kinds of lands in different kinds of terrains in different kinds of social situations this money will vary in some place we may be able to manufacture I mean to be able to produce a sapling for 25 rupees in some place it may be hundred rupees so on this on an average we have calculated 42 rupees so this variation will happen it's not like exactly everything will cost see for example this involves about 15 different kinds of species of trees the agroforestry basic module the larger module involves about 80 different species of trees there are some species of trees that we can make it for five rupees there are places where our volunteers are doing where every weekend thousands of them will come together and produce this at their own cost this one may happen for five rupees there is another kind of timber tree which will take probably 200 rupees so calculating all this we have arrived at this 42 rupee number so it should not be looked at okay this is only this much packet why did it cost 40 rupees that's not the way on an average but the important thing is it is well managed by the most responsible people that you can find in the country my name is Dennis my question is its relating to an article published in today's newspaper it's about reforestation in elephants so in 1960 five percent of elephants was covered with forest in 1987 due to commercial deforestation it was reduced to twenty-one percent so after that which government took an initiative and by 2010 it was increased to twenty six percent which is a average growth so fill difference has now introduced a program in which it makes makes it mandatory for each elementary high school and college student to plant ten trees before graduating so the sites were to plant our flag the advice to them by government so as the robber pointed out in today's conversation what a common man can do and the framework which you replied as to 2:42 crow trees has to be planted in next four years so it's I consider it's a matter of choice like we can do it or we may not do it so why not given the unconscious scale in which humanity is living today and the immediate need for retracing their environmental chaos is it compulsion as in a law the best way how so why not make planting priests or saving here every compulsion maybe by a law as in Philippines thank you they are Filipinos we're Indians you're under estimating us it's very different and above all you must understand this sea there is no forest land very little forest land is left to do plantations for example in Kaveri Basin only 20% is forest land out of this 8 percent has good forests we don't even have to touch it another 4 or 5 percent is mildly daniel did forest some replantation could happen there another 3 4 percent is totally denoted forest which must be replanted this is not the challenge this can be easily done because this land is dedicated for forest it belongs to the Forest Department or the state government it can be easily planted that's not the challenge at all I know everywhere on the what's happen other things somebody comes up with the drone we can shoot this we can sure you don't need any of those things with the kind of population we have we can organize that the forest lands are replanted that's not a big deal but over 80% of the land is agriculture this is the thing we need to understand because all the time these activists and others are going on trying to hit some industry because heating industry is a kind of a you know it's a fashionable thing in the country when you want to hit somebody hit some industry and say they're doing this they're doing that though all of us are consuming those products you must understand industry in India occupies less than 1% of the land agriculture in India occupies 84% of the land people do not know the difference between polluting the river and depletion of rivers for example in in Bangalore City you had over 1000 Lakes about 70 years ago today you have 80 lakes left out of this 80 only 17 lakes have freshwater the remaining lakes have sewage water so you still have a lake only because of sewage people think the water is polluted no there is only sewage water if sewage what I stopped there will be no lake well I want you to understand this where is your bus stand you know the bus station the Schubert's nagar bus station huh the remember the lake all right those of you come from Mysore where is your water exhibition Lake where is your playground Lake so we think we're doing great right you need to understand all the lake in the city have been turned into bus stands playgrounds all kinds of things these were all active full water lakes just 3040 years ago so in India compulsory plantation okay you can make it compulsory where do I go and plant so internal Naru we started this scheme today I think I how many green schools does somebody know any of the volunteers please a few thousand I don't know how many exactly a few thousand schools we have given the certificate this is a green school how somebody a school becomes a green school is that if they plant 10,000 trees from the school they become a green school where to the plant is 10,000 trees so they raise 10,000 saplings and distribute to the local farmers and ensure it is planted it is all planted in different lengths but 10,000 trees have gone if the school takes care of this this becomes a green school and we started another scheme see children like pets if you get a dog or a cat in India in villages and small towns though a dog's life maybe 12 14 15 years most the get run over by the time they're six or seven years of age so you were loud pet get crushed on the street you feel terrible everybody goes through a 12-year heartbreak with dogs and cats so I brought this idea you have a tree as a pet it'll grow bigger than you it'll live beyond you you can enjoy it all your life and you will be doing a great service to the land and the people and the animals and every other life you must understand this one tree one tropical tree in this country if you plant a tree in twelve years time whatever it's reasonable size of growth if it has in twelve years time it is able to see Christa somewhere between thirty eight thousand two forty four forty five thousand liters of water so when we talk about this two hundred and forty two crore trees what it means is it can sequester anywhere between nine to twelve trillion liters of water to give you a perspective right now Kaveri River that is flowing the total volume of water in the Kaveri River is twenty one point two trillion liters if in 12 years you plan this number and wait for another six seven years time you will have Kaveri flowing for long but we must understand we must have that much commitment most of the policies and activities we are doing is from election to election there is no long term commitment to anything but I'm sure most of you have children if not for my country at least for your children please do something so it's not about making it compulsory so you're assuming that you will not do anything we are given to not doing anything why that's not the case I must tell you this when I started for rally for rivers all our people very apprehensive Satguru nationwide will they respond if they don't respond what I said you don't worry about that they said Tamil Nadu Karnataka they will respond once you go not you can't speak Hindi how will they respond who will respond like this kind of fierce I said you don't bother about those things 162 million people responded never before for any moment in 30 days time 162 million people responded so as I went what I saw was it was phenomenal to see this because in every village men women children waiting i I must tell you this it really every day when I saw certain people tears came to me because I'm driving around you know I drove nine thousand three hundred kilometers in 30 days and I have no spare driver I Drive all the way and I did one hundred and forty two events in these 30 days 180 for television and news interviews literally every minute I was driving I was also talking and doing interviews to radios televisions and everything all this and our volunteers were on the ground and maximizing that like I'm somewhere in Madhya Pradesh in some remote place it's already around 1:30 in the night so it's late and we've still not gotten to the destination so I'm really banging it I'm in the car that was also a big controversy with lots of people why are you not driving a Maruti all right so I am really banging it like I am doing like 130 140 and it's raining is raining quite heavily then I just flash by and I see this blue patch you know right now it's become curvy recalling it used to be just rally for rivers I see a few blue patches I just whizzed past then I have 20 cars behind me they are all coming a little behind and then I stop and try to back up through this whole convoy has to back up then I back up there then I you know I've already gone literally another 300 400 meters and cup and there then old lady must be over 65 kind of lady a village person I'm a 12 year old girl and 1 7 8 year old boy all three of them holding rally for rivers and waiting at 1:30 in the night what do you do with these people I'm saying that's a commitment people have if you do it the right way and people will respond and all of you educated people who live in Bangalore whatever I am saying today you take this commitment you will at least make it hundred times over amplified the entire nation responded that way only because that many people were behind the moment the garments acted with such agility I gave the rally for reverse document which is a 760 page recommendations for how to manage reverse when I gave this to the Prime Minister at 6:20 in the evening I put it in his hand next day morning by 11:30 we get a call from the prime minister's office that he has formed a special committee and they want the soft copy I thought this is fantastic and within about 12 to 15 days it was in the hands of nithya yoga where I went and addressed all the ministries who are there as to how to put this together they put this through the scientific process tests and economic tests once it passed in about two-and-a-half months time less than two and a half months time rally for reverse recommendation in toto without one word changing it went as a reficul recommendation to all the 29 states four states four states are proactive and they're doing good work another four or five states we have embo use we are working with them rest of them early that includes you little flippy mod we need a crisis we need a crisis to act well right now Chennai has run out of water Tamilnadu people will act now I know will Karnataka wait for Bangalore to go dry and then act or are we sensible enough to act now this is all the question is so make it compulsory for the children why we are the ones who destroyed this land isn't it hello we as a generation have destroyed this land why are you thinking children should plan they will be most willing if you just tell them okay we will do that every school every college all these things we will do but you are talking about making it compulsory is it not a shame that it has to be compulsory that we should take care of our children's well future it should be compulsory you must care for your children how bad is that I don't want to do that I don't want it to be compulsory if you want to destroy this land if you want to take away the future of the people of this land I want her to understand people have money and means they're all transporting their children to other countries but there are millions and millions of people here who cannot do that a billion people who cannot do that and as I said earlier before the civil strife breaks out in a big way when it will be out of control you can either a plan first thing when in India and civil strife happens they'll cut the trees and throw it on the highway at that time you can't talk to them plant a tree do this do that nonsense right now it's still in control this is the time to do it there is a solution [Applause] these are the trees that we have planted unicity obviously this responsibility aspect of it but how can do you have any special ideas about like where can we help in the sampling part of it like there are two ways to do this now one thing is you just contribute 42 rupees per sapling I'm not saying only 42 what how many trees do you want to do that many that's one way to do it but you don't have the money but you have the time all right this is always the case those who have the money don't have the time those who have the time don't have the money so you don't have the money can't you raise 125 supplies in your home and after one year you hand it over to us we we will we will hold schemes and plans for all these things how every citizen can participate how every adult child man woman everybody can participate these things will be unleashed we will put it on the social media how to do it where to do it everything but in your home even if you're living in an apartment home 25 samplings you could raise isn't it you will have the joy of seeing them growing in your balcony possible or no even if you have a two-bedroom house you can still do it yes or no so you either give the money or where we will do it in large-scale nurseries which is more efficient way of doing because gathering this from every home is going to be a serious challenge because transporting saplings long distances is going to cost us so much we will be having nurseries all along the Kaveri Basin which is 83 thousand square kilometers I want you to understand the scale you understand its eighty-three thousand square kilometres of land because this is a serious problem that in people's understanding why we took up a gallery where is it because the tributary see people if you say rivers you say tell ask anybody what are the rivers in India they will say Ganga Narmada godavari krishna Kaveri you must understand Kaveri has 120 major tributaries and thousands of small tributaries if the tributaries don't flow Kaveri will not flow Kabir is only a destination it's not a source so the basin includes all these 120 tributaries if you don't enrich them people think we are going to plant just on the side of Kaveri river bank that's not how it is that is a simplistic campaign we did with rally for rivers just to make people understand one kilometer on either side that is not the plan you must understand this this idea this idea that catchment means people think it's somewhere in madakari or that coorg area that one Valley is catchment no in tropical land every square inch of land is catchment you need to catch the water that comes down and hold it in the land put it into the land because it is not just the divide is the aquifer as if the aquifers are not full they will suck away all the river water water is not just about River right now we are using Kaveri as an emotional pitch but the real thing is the soil should become enriched to hold water and it is everywhere that wherever you dig there must be water then only Kaveri will flow the way she will not flow land will check it out so we will come out with all those things but I want you to understand all those things become more see suppose you raise twenty or fifty saplings in your house for us to take it and plant it somewhere because you will raise one species now that one species needs a mix of another 1215 species because otherwise agroforestry will not work for the farmer in four years there is a crop in seven years there is a crop in ten years is a crop like this for this we need various levels of species and there are other grasses and bushes which also add to this if you grow in your house we am NOT discouraging you you must do that we want that people's participation but practically that is not the best way to do it must be located where we want otherwise transporting one sapling from this place to that place in the city we have to come and gather it from you that's what it cost us a lot of money well we can do it in a voluntary basis that all of you bring it to one place but that preservation you let's say we gather it in some school ground we have to water those saplings if we cannot water there it starts drying up then the media will start making scandal out of it see these people got the saplings and they couldn't water it I'm saying the many complexities I want you to understand I am made like this when I sit down and look at something I think of every damn problem there is every damn problem there is I don't tell all those problems to everybody around me because they will fear it will not happen for every problem there is a solution it is just that we need to do in that precise manner all right ask him for every bald as he hit the same shot hello no for every ball there is a precise shot last shot was a great shot this short the ball was different if you try the same shot you back home isn't it the same goes for every aspect of life this strategic approach to ecological issues in the country has just never happened you understand till now this is a time to do it if Rahul and his team really pitches for it I think half a billion saplings will happen because at least there are half a billion people we will do it if they just say it hey what are you doing here one is gonna be playing golf next I am playing tomorrow a talk to you okay my second question regarding Kavita calling is what would how would you influence a fractured government that Karnataka is blessed with to come forward and do something like even having subsidies for example what happened in August I don't know I need to go there because there's something very important that happened what happened in Kogan August had collected 350 crows and the genus is fine ten percent reach the people so we have a fractured government where we don't have the confidence the government will do something so if you have a moment like a very : how do you propose that you would be able to influence this fractured government to do something people's involvement will be there because we collected 190 grows out of 350 crows that cable to the chief ministers fun but I think in the people so about fractured political situations say we must understand this we have to work with the realities in which we live and not someone who asked for an ideal situation I've always worked with the realities that exists right now now let's tell you this we are a volunteer organization about 4,600 full time volunteers and over nine to know 11 million part-time volunteers that means that simply means a whole variety of concoction of people every day somebody will come up to me and she said bro I can't work with this person she is impossible I can't do it I just slowly they've all gotten this now I tell them see in this world this is the kind of people they are they're like this kind this kind this kind this kind this is out there in this world if you think your work is significant what you're doing is significant you have to work with these kind of people none of them are okay none of them are perfect people everybody has their own nonsense you have to work with these people but if you think you want to work with perfect people you must go to heaven and today so you drop this angst in the existing reality how to make them something work each success isn't it you've had a ideal situation I would have done this that that that is not success that is just wishful thinking isn't it hello in the given situation we made something happen this is success now if there was that kind of situation I would have done this this is just wishful thinking isn't it so let's not waste time on that one way or the other in the next couple of weeks it will sort itself out right now this thing for incentives for the farmers I think in Tamil Nadu it's moving in the right direction simply because the crisis is staring in the face so they understand action is inevitable there's no moral choice so they're moving there faster going not as fast as I want but it's going there before September I think we will achieve that the incentives for the farmers because the budget requirement is not challenging in Karnataka we have presented this data to the government but as you said it's fracture when there is a fracture there is pain when there is pain people don't do anything that is a reality but the thing will happen there is time so we have a counter plan for this if the incentive counts we will go about campaigning in every village in the Kaveri basin I want you to understand this covers over 100 talax so this is many many many villages and over 5 million farmers but we will campaign in such a way every one of them will get the message that there is an incentive and of course gunmen mentioned earlier also will announce that there is an incentive our business is to go and explain how to harness the incentive that's given because in this country most of the incentives that the government has given various schemes where thousands of crores are sitting people do not know how to harness it because there is a huge problem of you have to fill 112 applique forms and not everybody has the endurance to last for the century of farms they just get beaten half way down ok so we will see how to facilitate this but suppose they do not announce the incentive then we are using the rally as a way to put pressure on the government so both ways you must be with me you understand if the incentive comes it is about doing activity the incentive doesn't come it's about putting pressure on the government both ways it must work only then it's going to happen because this is the realities of the nation we better learn to work in that you know you're servicing Lady gaga we must hold a microphone like this yeah yes many people will support this for planting the trees but how can how can we assure that these trees which we plant will not get cut and no they will be cut agroforestry means they will be cut I want you to understand this why will I plant trees in my land that I cannot cut why will I do it this is why nobody's planting if only I can cut it and use it and it's an economic process for me I will cut and I will plant and I will cut and I will plant this culture will continue if you don't allow me to cut why will I plant because first of all you must understand there is no free terrain for you to plant millions of trees there is no such place in the country if you want a farmer who has small patches of land to plant a tree he must have the right to cut this is a law that we're trying to change right now there are laws that if you cut a tree in your own land they'll arrest you we wanted to go absolutely we have released 18 species but we want to release everything that I can grow what I want and cut it when I want and I do whatever I want with what I cut it's nobody's business only then farmers will grow trees not otherwise so only city people are thinking that farmers should plant trees in their land and not cut it so that you can go and enjoy it it doesn't work like that it's his land it's his livelihood it must be cut that's what I am saying see suppose your eyes are little foggy you go and get glasses and certainly for your prescription glasses certainly everything is clear you did not improve the world you only improve your eyesight isn't it hello suddenly the world looks better the world you did not improve in any sense so you must understand confidence is about action this is not about action this is about the way I am my eyes are clear what I will do with it I'm a plant trees I'm a hit a cricket ball I'm a hit a golf ball or I'm a driver I am I do whatever nonsense I want all right the important thing is my eyes are clear so I'm only enhancing my faculty I am not thinking of what to do what to do is my choice it is individual choice everybody can do what they want to do but your faculties must not become cloudy one reason why because this question came in terms of cricket and this is very true with every aspect of life also is your education systems have confused you that memory is intelligence you remember some rubbish that you have read and write it your first rank I never understood why I should write what I know I never wrote anything in my test papers always consistently I got 6 zeros throughout my education because I didn't understand why I have to warm it to whatever I think I have read so we have misunderstood memory as intelligence all these people are going to have a deep shock in the next few years because artificial intelligence is coming my phone has hundred times more memory than you that's why it's a smart phone you call somebody smart only because it's smarter than you isn't it hello you will say somebody is smart why he's smarter than you that's why you're calling somebody a smart if he was not smarter than you you won't say he's smart isn't it so you will say is dumb so phone has become smarter than you simply because your idea of Education is just to remember a few things by reading 10 books somebody becomes a scholar by reading 100 books somebody becomes a doctor by just reading one book somebody becomes a representative of God unfortunately this is a best qualification you can get by reading one book you become God's representative on the planet fantastic isn't it so all those people who are living by memory are going to feel utterly stupid in the next 5-10 years it's time you do some inner engineering to be relevant in this world otherwise you'll become irrelevant they're inviting me to all kinds of artificial intelligence conferences in the world and they're asking me to speak about this and that I said why are you inviting me to artificial intelligence I am NOT artificial intelligence I said no no Sadhguru the problem is what will we do professors and scholars and others they're worried what will we do well you will have nothing much to do you will be of no significance it's just like this see let's say 500 years ago if you had really big muscles like that we would make you king of Bangalore because you're so muscular today maybe we'll put your the gate of this hotel as a security man that's the best job you can get so I'm safe bounce so man's muscle lost relevance because why machines came isn't it the power of the machine neutralized man's muscle this is the reason why so many women are sitting here today not because of liberalisation that's happened simply technology machines came and neutralized the power of man's muscle and suddenly women also can come and sit here yes that's a reality now people who have in surf muscle now this focus has shifted to memory those who have a certain amount of memory they're strutting around even when I was in school I always wondered these people who just read a book a few years ahead of me why are they strutting around like they're superior human beings all this nonsense will go with artificial intelligence you need to have something worthwhile within you not memory if you say something from your memory I will pull out my little gadget it knows everything that you know today nobody is consulting their grandparents and parents for anything they are asking Alexa tell me this yes should know so you need to understand this that clarity will come to you only when you're not contaminated by memory when you know how to keep your memory aside and simply look at things this needs little training your education systems have messed you up making you misunderstand memory as intelligence intelligence is a different dimension memory is a different dimension these two things if you hold it separately you will be crystal clear every moment of your life I hope the Karnataka Premier League I've never watched Karnataka Premier League matches maybe I'll get to watch something when is that whoa so you want me to start the rally two days early we want to be in cool one second I think it's possible what is it it's it's 20-20-20 let's is it muddled it an evening I think I'm there then first September [Applause] where is the which is the ground your plane that's not there's no grass in it I plead now is it oh we all played on rough ground and half my knee skin have left there okay anyway we the what do you call it KP KP a Premier League so we wish you all the best I heard that it's on till 20 2009 right that's what the same so let this happen I think finals I'll be there for September I'm on the way anyway so it's important that the cricketing world stands up for this and this is not one day's work as I said this cavalry is a 12-year project I feel in a matter of five to six years if we pushed it to a certain volume the rest of the country and the rest of the reverse and river basins will pick it up by themselves it's bound to happen we will make certain policy changes at the centre level but the problem is River is a concurrent subject that is between the center and state center can only recommend it's a state that needs to act so the political scenario in the country is such now most of the states are ruled by one party I think this is the best time to make it happen because if we convince the center it can happen on all these states quite effortlessly so we are that way I think politically we're in a good space for national moment but we need to show Karnataka and Tamil Nadu has this responsibility of showing a massive level of success then only it will take off everywhere else Namaskar I just wanted to ask you one thing what have you what are your views on the mcquila2 project which is planned by the Karnataka government and it is said that it the Karnataka government is claiming that it will end the Bangalore water woes but it is where mainly opposed by the Tamil Nadu state government and it's also said that this project will wipe out 52 square kilometres of forest area I just wanted to know how this Kaveri calling initiative will address this see everywhere in the world people have understood what is the science of hydrology and whatever they did hundred years ago they are all changing it in United States or what 900 major dams have been decommissioned because they see this is the most disastrous thing you can do in India's geography almost there's simply no room for building more dams unless you want to completely destroy everything you must understand an average temperature of over 32 to 35 degrees when it is there if you hold water in a large lake the evaporation in about 90 days is appropriate approximately 65% so you want to evaporate all the land all the water that is flowing through this this is all knee-jerk kind of thing so you're only talking further about how to exploit more instead of seeing how to revitalize we are still thinking how to exploit more because most governments unfortunately think election to election there is no long term thought but we must understand ecological situations have to be thought fifty to hundred years at least at least fifty two hundred years you can't think three to four years this is three to four year thought right now we are in power the problem is just this see if you if a a particular government or all of you if you plant millions of trees your nameplate will not grow on the tree that's a problem with the tree but if you build a dam you can carve it on the stone and put it there many dams in Karnataka have gone dry all right already but your nameplate is there this foolish man built this dam I want you to understand there was a time there was a time when when the English suddenly left us in 1947 there is no infrastructure in the country something had to be done to survive that time we did desperate things build all kinds of dance whatever it's okay what we have done we don't have to do post-mortem of that but that time is over now there is a hole deeper understanding of everything how it works now you're still talking about what it what we did 50 years ago and say I will do the same thing because you have no sense of what's happening now in the world and this is a tropical country holding water is not the solution we need to generate water in the groundwater we must understand India is the only country which is exploiting over 80% of groundwater I'll tell you my experience in Bangalore this is almost 40 years ago when I was doing conjoined I was running a construction business and we got some contract in majestic area we were supposed to put concrete columns we just dug five six feet it's full of what you won't believe this every bit we put 10 HP diesel engine mortars but we could not empty the water we could not put concrete into that that's how it was today I don't know maybe you have to go 500 feet at least huh in this city area thousand feet so you know what you have done [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Sadhguru
Views: 1,538,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sadhguru 2019, sad guru, Sadguru, satguru, sathguru, jaggi, vasudev, jakki, isha, yoga, spirituality, wisdom, mysticism, seeking
Id: idfviG-rN2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 27sec (6147 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 28 2019
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