KJ's Wish to Meet John Cena Comes True

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what do you call that move? Drop Kick pit. So what if I like showed up with a guy like this? And I started fighting your guys like that? What would that happen? Out of this seven year old Kenneth Harmon of Orlando, Florida call him KJ loves his WWE action figures. His place showcases a new vitality. Thanks to a special day last fall. October 2, it's a second birthday cuz that's the day they you know, he got a kidney KJ his actual birthday in 2007 came early after his mother underwent routine screening in her seventh month of pregnancy. The ultrasound revealed his kidneys were filled with cysts. And it was followed by traumatizing words from the technician. She actually said I should have had an abortion she actually told me in the in the room Tasha, how did that make you feel? I was already scared. For the fact that you know something was wrong with my baby. At birth cages left kidney did not function. His right kidney worked at just 40% By age six KJ needed to start dialysis. I had an aunt who died while she was on dialysis. So that was my first thought. Cages only hope was a transplant. He was on a list for more than a year. Why didn't you need to have a new kidney? We're working. Then, an urgent late night message from KJS doctors, family members frantically trying to get in touch with Tasha who wasn't answering her phone. What I hear is a knock at the door for in the morning. It's my sister, and she's like, hurry up. Hurry up. We need to get to Tampa right now. Katie has a kidney. The surgery was a success. kJ now takes medications so that his body won't reject his new kidney and must avoid contact sports. For his wish. kJ would like to meet his favorite WWE wrestler, and one of Make-A-Wish his top wish granters John Cena won't be the first thing you'd say that. I would say you look cool. What do you think you'd say to you? I said he would say you look cool too. On this date, KJ thinks his mom is taking him to the movies. But once inside the theater, there's just one other spectator. A member of the WWE authority. Triple H I knew a man. Yeah, how you doing? How's it going? Triple H introduces today's special teacher with a message just for KJ May I have your attention please? I have a very special announcement for a very special person. JJ this United States Champion John Cena and we got the same wish. Because you want to hang out with me and I want to hang out with you. So here's what we're gonna do. You are going to be my special guest on Monday Night Raw sound like a good deal. Sounds great to me. And I'll see you there. Those are your front row tickets to Monday Night Raw to hang out. John Cena. A few days later, KJ steps out of a limo in Washington DC and heads into the Verizon Center where he's met by Stephanie McMahon. kJ makes the introduction. Stephanie Stephanie mom. Hi mom. One posted a sticky then look who's sneaking up behind him. I see you. Nobody can see me. Saw me? Yes. So you come in stealth because you can't see me. I thought it would work. It didn't work. Yeah. Unbelievable superpowers. John Cena comes bearing lots of gifts. kJ wonders why John has two United States championship belts and I want you to be able to have your own Championship after he crushes him and a WWE video game to use your own self, but you didn't listen. They had backstage with opportunities to meet some WWE personality no booking their body. But this doesn't happen often but this is only happening because joy you know that if we could have a moment of your time might be a little too big for you. This is KJ All right, all right. We got to say hi to him. Totally, totally the biggest and coolest dude on the planet. What's your name? TJ. Hey Jay. I'm a big show. You know the good thing about him fingers big. I can never pick my nose my finger won't put your finger up Hold on, hold on don't go yet don't go yet. Wait, John brings KJ along for the rehearsal of his introduction. Hold on. You got to stand right here. Buddy over there looking at me over there. And then what happens? We do this and you ready? So this is the rig. What do you think man? Later that night in front of 8600 people KJ has great seats, but he has no idea of front and center he'll be we have a special guest in the house. That is easily the smartest seven year old I've ever met. Ladies and gentlemen, this is KJ and the crowds cheers or the climax to a wish KJ will always remember
Channel: Make-A-Wish CNFL
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Keywords: wish granting charities, make-a-wish, make a wish foundation, wish granted, charity, non profit organizations, non profit, make a wish, john cena, john cena wwe, john cena wish granting, make-a-wish foundation, john cena make a wish, wish kid, wish granting, make a wish story, espn, makeawish, make a wish cnfl, make a wish central and northern florida, make-a-wish granted, make a wish granted, wish granter, espn sports center make a wish, sportscenter
Id: OAnqhl2k3gw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 59sec (419 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2017
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