John Cena Surprises Young Fan With Cerebral Palsy | Garden of Dreams

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it's a little easier as you walk right so on how would you describe him strong world courageous doesn't back down just a strong boy a positive positive energy that comes out of them he's just amazing [Music] going into my third trimester I ended up fainting so he was born prematurely at 28 weeks at 2 pounds and 16 ounces seeing a 2 pound baby was you know it's it's it's you see a baby six seven pounds normal weight I'm sorry because I have cerebral palsy you know there's different levels and uh his was minor physical so we know mentally he was fine and thank goodness everything was fine there we knew we had a long road ahead through developmental doctors and intervention and you know we just got him all the therapy he needed to get him to where he is now so what are his limitations now now it's it's a you know balance and strengthening you know getting around which is completely independent but you know he's always looking to improve he had a surgery um a couple years back and with the surgery he improved even more eight days post-op surgery good job that's awesome look at that you don't use the word cerebral palsy with him because you don't want him to think there's anything stopping him from doing right anything is that right yes we don't give him an excuse to just take a step back in life we just want him to push and pursue and achieve everything everybody else does so tell me about his love of sports and particularly his love of wrestling who loves roughhousing yeah you know watches wrestling and he wants to imitate you know all these athletes in great shape so he's in the other room so we're whispering but I know John Cena is one of his idols and I just was wondering what he loved so much about him his physical appearance that he's a world champion and he aspires to be as strong and as big and as tough as John Cena yeah you know sometimes he'll go from the miracle he'll flex you know stuff that and he'll come in sign he'll show me his six-pack or whatever he had no what do you think the surprise will mean to him oh my god I think he'll be blown away I mean just to see a person like John Cena I think he'll be not on the screen but in front of them yeah person would be just shocked I really like wrestling and I especially love that John Cena because I love that sometimes she gets hit really hard he goes on the floor but he always gets back up and keeps on trying it's not a warrior yeah he really is and I love his thumbs-up everything's a thumbs-up good to know everything's a thumbs-up hopefully we'll get one in yeah maybe you'll get a No well John Cena has this new movie bumblebee coming out and I happen to be hosting a special screening for it before it comes out really next Wednesday would you like to come with me with your family and see it yeah would that for your cool surprise yeah won't be cool could we do that together I think you deserve it how does this surprise rate is it one thumbs up or two thumbs up - two thumbs up I got the official - thumbs up yep [Music] hi welcome to the movie screen are we ready to watch bumblebee alright on the other side of that door the movie is ending in five minutes and they're watching bumblebee and they have no idea that you're we have a moderately large sized surprise and in the form of a 16-time WTF oh go right on up let's do this what did we think of the movie was it great do we give it two thumbs up what was your favorite part [Laughter] [Music] you're all set on three ready one two three I told you that one surprise but this was your real surprise yeah I'm really excited yeah well I'm enjoying this I have to ask because I've done my homework why me because I like how you always push yourself to keep on moving forward are you overcome such unbelievable you need to know and that like you're the hero that you're the strong you understand yes and that means your future is unbelievably bright if you just keep keep the mindset that you have oh wait yes from Phil in Brooklyn New York look what are you doing in between steps 26th uh 100's to square that yeah yeah you guys be my guest oh my god you're going to add this if it's only if it's okay with you well that's fine okay because I'd like to think that this is this made me feel real good and I would like to do it in your honor on December 26th so I can borrow it for one night only what's that [Music] you [Music]
Channel: MSG Networks
Views: 258,964
Rating: 4.9382038 out of 5
Keywords: John Cena, John Cena WWE, john cena bumblebee, john cena make a wish, garden of dreams foundation, jill martin, john cena charity, john cena theme song, john cena returns, john cene wrestling
Id: 8umvz326piQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 10sec (370 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 27 2018
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