Kizer Sheepdog XL

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so i did it again made another impulse buy uh because i was so impressed with this guy this sheepdog wasn't sure how i was gonna like it um just heard a lot of good things about it so i got this from blade hq it's the blade hq edition it's got the uh micarta handles um the steel is bd1n so ctsb d1n you know decent blade steel in the price range 80 bucks whatever it was uh flipper style ball bearing pivots um nice tight lock up good handle pocket clip not so crazy about the chrome look might put a wire brush on that just to kind of get it dull or see if there's replacements for it but either way the knife itself works great fills the hand fairly well it's a little small and then um on a whim i went and got the big one it saw a good deal on the on the xl so let's see how stupid big this is let's see manual i don't know what there is to a manual we'll just say other than here's the knife don't cut yourself little uh microfiber cloth thanks for choosing kaiser care warranty information okay great if you look at that oh boy look at this freaking beast holy [ __ ] that's a big knife all right we'll see how this is going to work for edc if it works uh yeah because this thing's actually really useful that point was we were doing pipe cardboard slices and piercing and stuff the other day in that video um it actually pierces you know you don't push it in like that you push it like that that's actually a fairly acute point um and the way that it tapers down here um with that long flat grind it actually pierces pretty well you just kind of change the angle slightly i mean with that slight belly to the blade it's an amazing slicer that is a thin razor sharp blade i was doing a little fruit prep the other day i mean normally i'd use a kitchen knife but i just want to see cut up sausages and doing things like that with this it was just so effortless everything it went to slice through that's a nice heavy belly you could really get in there and do some pushing on so let's see how it compares to the xl well weight wise that is a hefty chunk of metal man let's grab our little scale here and see what the differences are see what we got all right four and a half ounces not bad pretty light for its size you'd look at that all that steel and you'd go even with the steel liners underneath um you'd think oh it's gonna be a hefty knife and it really isn't this one looks like a hefty knife and it is so we had four and a half ounces what do we got here nine and a quarter basically double and just a tiny bit more so we got double the weight let's see how it looks sideways uh this is the one with the carbon fiber that is beautiful really nice polished stainless liners god that thing is built like a friggin tank holy crap that is a hefty blade but who does that feel good in the hand man that's a knife that fits my hand this one has a great ergonomics but it's still kind of small but it's it's good but this is wider uh hold on here's an excuse to use my ebay set of calipers where are they hold on a second let's grab the calipers here and see what kind of measurements we get bought this thing mostly for like motorcycle stuff but all i've been using it for is on knives let's turn it on zero it out all right so if we look at the width on the stock blade we are looking at 0.12 inches on this beast it actually probably isn't even that much more so was .12 0.12 yeah i mean we're 1.128 so only a tiny bit more only a tiny bit wider now it is a hell of a lot longer well i say hell it's it's it's like maybe almost an inch so if we were to measure let's see let's loosen that we were to measure from the tip of that to the handle what are we at 3.3 or something like that and if we were to do the same here from there to around the tip yeah i mean we're at four inches of course i could have just looked that up and told you this is really just an excuse to play with this thing every once in a while but i would say width-wise it's a fairly it's a fairly substantial increase let's get the measurement on that so the stock width is uh 0.4 we'll just run up to 0.45 inch this is going to be more than that that is 0.5 if we rounded up 0.58 inches so yeah definitely wider it's it's wider this way it's wider that way there's going to be no flex in that i mean nothing not that this had much but it's thinner so i can get a little bit of flex if i get the angle right a little bit a little bit this let me put it in the vise that thing ain't moving that is thick steel stainless steelized liners they are skeletonized in there but that's still a lot of metal um edge man hair popping sharp and again that is such a high edge you know you look at this and you're like oh it's not going to be as good of a slicer because it's wide but when you're really when you look at how how thin it is down here and how tapered that is i mean that's a high high flat grind that's at least an inch from that edge to that bevel um you got your swedge here swedge here really ergonomic lock is easily accessible um i'm barely flicking it once you get it moving all that momentum wants to go this also is on ball bearing pivots this is 154 cm steel so it's a step up from that that's you know i wouldn't saw it's like super premium but i mean it's it's it's good blade steel and it's only was this 99 bucks on amazon so it's only like 10 15 bucks more than that one so but you definitely get a lot more metal um i opted they had some g10 ones i don't think there's a micarta version of the large xl yet so i got the carbon fiber scales um whether it's true carbon fiber i don't know what the hell that is but anyway it feels like carbon fiber looks kind of like carbon fiber but it's got some texture so it's not like highly carb like polished carbon fiber where the resin is on top of you know there's a layer of clear coat on top of it so it's really slick and looks good like on motorcycle fenders or you know car parts or things but you don't want that you want something that has some texture here and you can hear that my fingers are definitely getting some some grip on there but it opens really nice what's nice about this is when you when you unlock it that bar comes down so there's really no way for that that to kind of slam down on your finger if you weren't paying attention you loosen it that thumb kind of comes down here and then the rest you pretty much let gravity do so that heavy blade closes pretty easily but it opens nice i'm not even flicking them i'm not flicking it this way i'm just using the flipper but it opens pretty good you flick your hand even better but really easy to deploy same pocket clip doesn't even look like they change the size looks like it's the same size um i like that it's got a wider pivot i don't know what you would call that but that pivot ring um anodized if it's anodized steel or aluminum but uh nice strong pivot i mean that's everything about this is just super sized i'll see what it's like to carry this i could i could get it i'm a big guy i could carry this and that is certainly a a big usable knife i mean you could use it as a camp knife you could even chop small branches or something or hack at something if you were camping or doing something in the woods still enough to pierce really strong tip you could filet a fish you could cut rope all day you could cut through um decent sized branches slicing or hacking or whittling your way through that's got enough heft you know this one has a blade that looks like it's that but it's too light to really get any any kind of momentum or anything going um it just it's just not that type of weight this has got some weight behind it you know it's not a hatch yet but in a pinch you could do some hacking if you had like try to strip like a i don't know a larger branch to make a pole of some sort you had like all the small branches coming off the side that were like that big you wanted to hack them off you could do that easily with this you could definitely do some damage with that so really i like again that it's got that bit of a curve still has a good stabbing point but man that is a stout strong blade there is no wiggle i mean there's no flex there is nothing in that that is a serious beast of a knife it's going to be too big for some people trying to carry that in your in your pocket you've got over half a pound of knife um not too bad i would say although if i'm carrying on my right hand side and i've normally got a glock 29 uh 10 millimeter i'm carrying which is just over two pounds that may be putting a little bit more weight on that side of my body um on my pants to add that to the mix but i could see myself at times carrying that just for the hell of it but certainly a cool knife to have if you're out camping or something and you wanted something you could kind of clip in your pocket use for small emergencies type of uh things in the woods and also use it for food prep and cutting up food and chop and stuff i mean dude that's that's kind of like a do everything knife the one thing it's not good at is it's not discreet so you're probably not going to have this in the office and go to open your mail with that might raise some eyebrows but that is just a big honking knife and so for size comparison you know things like the uh the kershaw blur even that blade looks tall it's really not that big of a knife this way i mean you can get your hand on the the regular size one but it's in the same size um in kind of overall weight ranges knives like like that like the blur and stuff like that what other knives do i have that would compare to that for just sheer size well victorinox ranger grip 79 i think that is you know it's getting up there um certainly nowhere near as heavy um although for a swiss army knife it's yeah i guess it's not that heavy um but you know that's got a whole bunch of other multi-tools on its stuff has a locking blade um got a liner lock that you activate by pushing that button which is kind of cool so one-handed opening although it doesn't open quickly but you can't really because it's still got a strong detent just like a normal swiss army knife but you push that button in and that moves the bar out of the way the only folding knife i've got really that's that big is the original steel will apostate this is i don't know 200 around 200ish dollars it's the model 113 with the tonto um titanium nitride or some kind of coating on the s35vn blade off titanium frame lock on this side with titanium pocket clip g10 on that side um doesn't have a liner on that side because it's a giant slab of uh g10 plus all this titanium that thing is solid as a rock um but not that heavy considering the size of it but that's getting you know that's kind of up and now this is taller this way but as far as like just length and how it kind of fits in your hand those are really the only knives i've got that are comparable i would not say that this is an edc knife by anyone's normal stretch of the imagination unless you just want to carry a huge ass knife that's really going to be kind of beyond what most people would carry you know you probably would be better suited to this guy which is the one i think i'm probably going to carry more often than anything all my otfs and all the knives i've got i think the knives you'll see in my pocket the most common if i had to pick the top three it would be a blur if i'm going somewhere where i know it's gonna get muddy and maybe scraped up and chipped up and and or if i might get lost or something i'm gonna take the 79 dollar knife um i want a knife that's not much more expensive than that but maybe i don't know maybe just a little bit heavier duty and kind of looks cool um but also doesn't break the bank you know i'm gonna take that or i'm gonna take my spyderco para military 2 which is probably the all-around best edc knife on the market for a mid-sized knife but there are times if i'm out doing something riding atvs or out in the woods all day you know take a bigger blade with me or something like that in case i had to cut some rope or trying to tow the atv out and i got a big ass toe strap or something and who knows i tie in a knot and once i pull the other quad out the knot gets so tight and it's wet and muddy i can't undo it and i gotta actually hack through and cut a giant ass you know super thick toe strap you know maybe having the bigger heavier duty knife would be a little more beneficial or i gotta chop a branch out of the way or something i can see me going for that i got this more as a novelty i just wanted to see how big it was if it was really that big i might carry it once in a while as a goof but it's a big ass blade man it's just it's almost it's almost cartoonish but at the same time what's weird about it is that it feels good in the hand like you you feel that and you're like yeah it's big but i could use that knife it's definitely wide this way that's the downside to the cleaver blade is that you know you look at this and it folds in the handle so it's very smelt same thing here as long as big and long and heavy duty of a knife as that is it's not that big in the pocket you know it's bigger than that but it's not it's it's a good size bigger but it's not uncarriable this boy is going to be probably the only thing in your pocket you're not going to have your car keys and your wallet or your cell phone in that pocket you're going to dedicate a pocket to this knife but that is the kaiser sheet dog got the sheepdog knives logo on it c01c xl 154 cm blade four inch blade carbon fiber handle stainless steel everything else that is a mother of a knife and man does that feel good but a knife that big is easy i mean it's hard to make little knives fit your hand without looking goofy you know these are certainly usable that's got great ergos this has decent ergos but this is like grabbing like a big ass kitchen knife or an axe handle or you know something that you bought that's ergonomic and it's it's a it's proportional to my hand that swell right there i mean your hand locks in if you were to stab into something there's no way your hand's gonna go up and around and over the blade i mean that is locked in pretty cool though right just stupid big it's just really you keep laughing at this thing but it really is just a stupid big knife but man that's got it's not even broken in it's just got beautiful sweet action but that's the sheepdog xl that's the regular sheep dog which for most people is gonna be more practical some people with the sheepdog mini i've seen pictures i figure if this is just barely filling my hand and just barely like that's a good size i think the mini i'd be kind of holding it like this and pinching it i don't think it'll work for me maybe work for people with smaller hands but not not xl or 2x size hands i mean as big as that knife is my hand still covers it i got fairly good size mitts but uh yeah check them out i mean for for 100 or less i think the minis are like 69 or 79 bucks and that's 89 and that's yeah maybe it was 79 89 and 99 so the difference is the side the handle configurations and then you can get 154 cm on that anyway check them out they're really interesting
Channel: SquireSCA
Views: 34
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Kizer, Knives, 154cm, sheepdog, xl, flipper, blade, carbon fiber
Id: nJDvF17efGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 03 2020
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