Kitchen Talk - Chinese Kitty

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[Music] thank you [Music] yes indeed we are back and you know what it is you know how we do it kitchen talk big kitchen talk heavy on the big you already know free Ricky Telly free Ricky we on Fox so now so we ad lit baby we lit you know shout out to hollomon rock shout out to Georgie my favorite tomboy Omni boy Maino lobby boy KOB and we got a very very very very special episode today you know um man we talking about Brooklyn my home we talking about rap [ __ ] we talking about nothing but you know the the the the aesthetic we talking about man Chinese hitting what's happening hey what's happening how you been I'm great you're great you look great great thank you let me thank you man I shot I mean that's that's the least I can do you know that's the least I could do though so so what's what's been going on thank you third time it was a fleet difference but um no the thing is I've been seeing on your grind for a long time right and I've been I've been watching you um you know you make certain transitions one of the things that I respect about you is that you know um using a nightlife at one point you know the whole bartending thing here is really big in New York right you know we talked about that years ago right remember that yes and you using a nightlife and one of the things I respected about that is the fact that he was able to transition that how was that I mean when I was in it I was like this cannot be the end of y'all it was just too much drama too much everything and even when I started like my career and started doing what I really wanted [Music] and like some girls is not cool with you trying to be better or you know trying to do anything else right right so I feel like it was just too much drama for me but I'm at a place now where that whole lifestyle is like completely out of my head right indeed indeed but the thing but see but the thing is not everybody is able to transition because you're not the only one I'm pretty sure that was rapping I'm pretty sure there was a lot of other other girls that had dreams and aspirations to do other things right you know the fact that um you have been able to make a name for yourself you know outside of that is is something to be saluted I came from right so what rap was always your dream yeah yeah always okay 2019 I started rapping at 21. so 21 22 so it's like I quit barking so I was like I can't do this anymore I want to follow my dreams I want to follow what I really know is going to take me to where I went like you know the thing about having dreams right and the thing about having a vision stuff like that is that it take courage to go ahead and and do something that you have no prior knowledge about it takes a certain level of security within yourself to go out and try something that you're not used to right so you're taking a step without even necessarily seeing the stairs so you gotta you gotta you gotta get yourself some credit for that you know one time for Chinese kids you understand for having the guts and it takes to step into a different world and then you know this is uh the music business is a this is predominantly a male um you know dominated world right and you know how is it for your journey being a a female artist in the game uh I definitely say it's probably like the hardest thing ever especially as a female rapper because and a female rapper that transition from the lifestyle that I had before I have so many odds against me like so it's like fighting through that like you said you do need to give yourself a pattern back because it's a lot especially like when you are a girl that like keeps up with yourself no let's say it you know the rapping to overlook and tally and Italians and they look at this and be like what's up what you trying to do what we gonna do you're gonna be like yo I got this song yeah what so you wanna go out to eat like it's like you don't see anything that would play for you I just hmm weird I mean I'm still kind of like I believe that for women it is extra hard for them because when you when you look a certain kind of way when you quote unquote a bad [ __ ] um don't please nobody from me for that um you know you know you know what I mean right but you know when when you're that um I believe that us man we we do we we tend to kind of Overlook the uh the challenge like what's up man what's up with her yeah I'll be honest whenever with shoes what I'm saying right what I'm saying what I'm saying is that I've yes I've done that let me tell you I'll be honest with you listen why would I be any different okay I got to be honest with you right okay so [Music] so what I'm saying is that I've been in many situations where there was a uh up and coming artist that was pretty sexy um and you and you're like oh okay wow you got music so what's happening you want to come to Studio yeah come to the studio yeah we do a song and then and if this is part of it it's part of the game right it may not be good but I'm being honest okay yeah right so so I've I've invited females to the studio I've even let let them get in the booth okay let me ask you this if you're not believe in them as an artist um someone I might know what happened sent you someone on my thought maybe not so much but I was just trying to get the opportunity to get closer to them because once I got to once now listen here I've been there before but it's also our responsibility to keep the navigation navigate now what I'm saying is this I'm not saying that I'm Stephen right that's why I'm really listening I'm like where's this going because perspective right it's like all right all right so here's the thing so I'm not saying every woman that I invited to the studio I'm I'm saying that the studio gave me an opportunity to holla right so now I got an opportunity to get close to her and let her smell my cologne right and and let her feel me and maybe hopefully whatever can happen later on so I mean next to you on like a regular like what but they know that you do music so they know that all right this is a way for me to get her next mm-hmm I'm gonna speak for myself yep I'm gonna speak for myself okay right I understand us this man but I'ma speak from for myself because you know I don't know exactly what's somebody else's process is you feel me somebody might have a different process like you just said dude saying yo uh what's up let me take you to dinner right you see but for me if I knew that somebody was rapping I would be like okay you rapping so yeah come to the studio I got to steal your own studio in SoHo come come come through right yeah don't don't worry about it yeah you don't worry about the time no do they do you feel like they know that what is why they're going to the studio they're going to work they're coming to work they want to work they're coming to work but you know that I don't know I don't I don't prohibit that it's not like they're like listening it ain't gonna be no work being done I'm saying come work come by so is it her fault because she's like I know you're trying to talk to me but I'ma still go to this video because I want to get some work done so what right right what did you say because I feel like you coming at me what I'm saying so is it her fault if she comes to the studio like I know he likes me and he's trying to talk to me but I can at least maybe get some work done like right so it's like I'm using this opportunity right it's like like I said nothing sometimes it's not like it always something happens but I have the opportunity to talk to a female that I might be attracted to it's very annoying though well it's very frustrating when you uh when you feel like you're trying to have a breakthrough you feel like you're coming to do business and then you got to deal with that on a consistent basis and a lot of the times females do go through that having to deal with that on a consistent basis because you trying to get work done in these these men producers rappers whoever have other agendas right listen listen I'm just giving you my testimony said it was right I didn't say it was wrong right I'm being honest right now if you want to judge me on that right I'm giving you what it is right this is pure facts and like I said be very careful because words get taken out of context no come to the studio you can go and you can go work okay yes indeed okay okay that's absolutely coming up in them you gotta watch that right there you see the rub up I'm not saying could hold accountability for I'm still going I know what it is I'm not rubbing up on nobody I don't know all right I'm not saying she don't want food yeah how hard is that for you how hard because it's like every part every every guy you get next to it's like oh my God let me just do a song without you being like what's up with you yeah we're fine yeah it's like I don't want to talk to you I came here now there are some are coming alive that just give me pure beautiful energy like I always feel like I got amazing energy from me now Frank Fabio um that's how hard it is for me to think about people um it's a couple that just like will Just Vibe with you like different people I but then there's a lot that just this this conversation doesn't only pertains to the music industry it's across the board it's been a political world this has just been been what it is you know this is just a dynamic between men and women and and it's just it is what it is right so and it's been going on since the beginning then I go into it that's just I don't know the world society too though like men are they they look at the physical that's what they like did that's how they designed like they they're looking at your physical appearance so that's the first thing they see so of course if they see a beautiful woman they're gonna want to get close to a beautiful woman make people respect you for your Artistry you you constantly running into this and and it's not just her it's not just something that's new it's been going on since before we was born so you know um all I can say to that is just um so I'm navigating and you just got to have the the uh intuition to kind of know who's who they're getting their feelings sometimes like it's a slippery slope because sometimes men get it in their feelings and sometimes women get nature feelings you think girls want to love on me you think I want to do it so if you want to conduct business silly I can honestly say that's that's the game I never played okay anything in Vlogs to be like well you ain't give me no do you feel like you get um support from the female rappers I do I feel like I feel like any room that I step in and there's like from the biggest to the smallest I feel like every girl Embraces each other even if girl you know we all go in the room and be like you know sometimes but it's like even when we all Embrace each other it's like we all kind of like feel each other's energy because we all know that we're all going through the same struggle we're all trying to like be that in the game and then you're like versus a hundred men in the center third so when we see each other I feel like when anything my rapper I come against I really don't have no problem like and that's the truth so it's been a lot of beef lately amongst female rappers you're not with any of that no no why no I'm just asking perspective [Music] what what I want to know what when I'm reading it I'm like so what's the core here like what was what's the real reason a lot of people say just being pen against each other though it's like the fans thank you I'm not young people fall into it because that that happened to me too I've had people like brow wear outfit and another girl wear the same outfit and they'll be like um who wore it better well she went to this nail person first and then the next day she went so technically you're copying so she's a hater and it's like people that you don't even [ __ ] know saying that [ __ ] so I could see if you're on that level people probably in your ear a millionth time yeah you had said that too like stay off social media like get your mind right something like that and I appreciated that you like expand on that time okay I didn't talk right and I I even knew that I don't know I guess I went viral or maybe it was the angle or something everybody was like oh her hips her ass too big or whatever whatever I don't know whatever it is what it is I don't care I love my body this [ __ ] didn't affect me but sometimes social media does so much it's like you don't even want to post no more like like this is how y'all feel let me let me get on and live my normal life and then I'll come back when it's like are y'all done with that okay have you ever been let me drop some music have you ever been that baldly bought something that somebody commented on or spoke on that that really hurts your feelings or bothered you yes yes I swear to no lie I've never been the person to judge anything no matter how I look I've never looked I've never been the girl that a girl come in the room I don't give a [ __ ] wish you I don't care if the [ __ ] even take a bath in two three days they're my friends would be like I'm listening I'm waiting on people I'll be like we all got [ __ ] that we didn't did or something that's awesome so it's like why are you joking I don't even like being around girls that be all day naughty so it's like when that's done to me I really take it away because it's like damn I'm not even that type of person so it's like for that to be done to me that's the nature of people though nature of the crowd is to try to find fault is to try to that's the thing with with the social media and the times that we live in it because it gave voiceless people that never had a voice before the opportunity to just throw stones at you whether they live in glass houses or not and most of them do right because most people that's that's sitting back trying to find fault in you oh you ran this oh you wore that before oh listen you look like this oh you said that before like day life's not right they they got they got so much going on in their life yeah yeah you know so you you gotta just keep that in the back of your mind like man you can't touch me what you say to me or what you talking about you typing no it's true but that's why I was like I wanted I wanted to take like a social media break because sometimes I think that's good though you're taking social media break yeah in general too much like too much all the stuff we see on our timeline like you just start to think things up and you start seeing ignorant stuff you'd be wanting to comment I don't got nothing like what you ain't got nothing to do with you like why are you saying something like like that's wrong or like it's like itself even tell what type of old lady she gonna be in her window now y'all get away from that when the boys when I get your age yeah but you know what it missed me you can't nothing about it yeah nothing about it but it's all right that's all right you told me he wasn't speaking to me all right but but I gotta commend you on on on the job well done um do you feel like people are starting to recognize you for your music because there's two things happening right you're you have a heavy social media uh presence right um and now is a time when girls are getting booked to do parties hostings just off their social media presence right and and they're becoming uh like celebrities based on whether they rap or not right right do you find that you you get booked more for that or the music maybe after like before when I first first started doing music they was definitely like come to the club you want to see a phase well this is your hosting right now it's more like can we get kitty to perform some songs like you know what I'm saying and sometimes I'll be like let me see the club if I even want to perform there you're going to say but I still do anyways because every opportunity you gotta take but um I feel like the problem is is I made a name for myself before music which was just like you said bartender so it's still people in the same naysayers that have anything to say about anything it's like when they see you like trying to do something good or something that you actually want and love to do they can't see you have it all so no you're not about to be a bad [ __ ] ain't know how to grind and you got you think you got talent and that [ __ ] irritates people and I feel like sometimes they rather pick on the fact like well weren't you like uh Instagram girl or bartender before like you're just doing this for cat versus let me go actually look at all the interviews you did let me go look at the music she's making let me go actually look at her in the studio this in the third it's like I'd rather see the bad than the good yeah rather rather try to nitpick and before they even actually listen to the music or take the time yeah right but I feel like right now like I think people are noticing like all right this girl is not really playing nothing else like this has been sticking to for a year then this is what she's doing no because it's been years now that you've been on your grind and and you've been um you haven't been letting up now looking at the rap game growing up being around it having aspirations to be in it is it what you thought it would be or it it's not what you thought it would be um growing up I didn't know that let's see yeah a lot of like Nathan a lot of people that probably don't want to see you win and uh I didn't think that was so much like me I didn't think it was such a male um nominated industry like you know you just as a little girl you just see you see Nicki Minaj in the mirror like that's all you thought about and then when you actually started doing it you're like yeah well I've been rapping in the mirror too so let me go into this but when you actually start realizing how many [ __ ] obstacles across bye listen when you love something it doesn't matter what's being thrown at you you just gonna stick to it because I haven't gave up yet did you you better that's the attitude you gotta have exactly you have to block everything else out right and know that no matter what you're doing it's always going to be set back oh it's going to be hurdles always going to be somebody that said man that [ __ ] ain't this you ain't that I don't believe to this you too bad always but it's your responsibility to prove all that wrong though because it's your responsibility to take what everything that you you you you made so far and make it bigger and your mother right yeah how old wow that's what's up yeah how was that though rapping um having a career um in him and being a mom and him seeing you in that light like oh go on he could go on YouTube he's old enough to start seeing things how's that what Ashton thinking his name is Ashton he thinks he's a rapper oh wow well in his eyes he's the rapper um I think it's because he sees me and then like every time I play my music he's like that's my favorite song we were just in the studio literally came from the studio to here and he was like what did your thing but um before because I started when he was like less than a year old so it was like how can I go to this video I got a funny baking sitter for a couple hours too much um I feel like I had to really adjust as that old now it's easier for me um before it was pretty hectic but he but he he loves it though he loves he loves it every day Mommy love this video I feel like I got work what the studio he hits his own oh my God anything you'll keep him away from like like a lot definitely crazy people you know and I feel like kids be influence like crazy even the shows that he watches he get influences he gets five he'll say some [ __ ] for me I didn't even know shows your new the other thing [ __ ] them out yeah I was watching the show and the guy was cheating on the girl oh cheating you know what cheating yeah that's when you're like involved with somebody oh wow somebody else he's thick wow what he's learning but yes there's a lot of things you got to keep children away from me by anything right right and social media yeah I keep my son on social you keep your son on social media I mean the oldest couldn't have social comedians so he was like I have an 18 year old and I have a seven-year-old oh seven year old no seven year old he's a singer so he makes up his own song so I understand yeah but he I'm telling that YouTube and everything like sometimes I have to get him over because certain things he'd be telling me the other day he told me that um he keeps losing his shoelace he doesn't know how to tie a shoe yet so we'd be struggling with that so I told him I was just like you lost your shoelace you lose it again and you're going on punishment he cried and then he he told me that um I mean and I don't know nothing about friendship wow that's what he told me he was like you're being mean to me what like I don't know nothing about friendship I would say the same thing I would say that that's pretty accurate really you know nothing about that [ __ ] because I tell you things in secret you get over here you tell everybody what I told you no okay yeah let's talk about that nothing about friendship so I can imagine I think I think boys are so cute though you think and especially like he has his own little rap name like that is I'm talking about you yesterday like that's so cute ashtrip yes oh wow okay he got it Mom like he has it we got it together so you you've done reality TV before um Love and Hip Hop Miami is that something that you would you would uh you would do again if somebody came and said yo we gotta uh show show idea I was so scarred before I used to say no [Music] someone would come come to me with like opportunity where it's able to like show my real life not know yeah you're gonna pull up to the scene you're gonna fight this girl over here guy no like no but if it was something more like if I was in here you're following me to the studio they follow me when I drop myself to school they follow me my relationship stuff like that then yeah how was that experience though you didn't you didn't like it at all because it was a little there was some drama going on I think everybody stepped their foot in the door with so many Asians always off so maybe if I continue to do it I would have probably had more respect for something but when I first did it it was nothing but did you did you feel like going on the show will help you with your music career I did you did right that's why I did it and do you feel like it helped um I feel like people more people knew who I was like people that lived in freaking Arkansas and stuff like that who didn't know who I was before everybody watched Love and Hip Hop every time um right I I don't I right that's correct because I don't believe that reality TV helps you music I believe that that's what they tell people it kind of like sell it to them like yeah you know you come on you know you know showcase your music and stuff like that but I don't think it it actually translates because I think the fans that watch TV watch TV that don't necessarily make them fans of your music yeah they may know who you are they may speak to you in the airport when they see you but that'll make them fans of your music yeah you know yeah so that's that's that's something that I think is is is very key because a lot of people go on reality show thinking that it's gonna it's gonna help pop the music off I definitely yeah everybody did I think I think I think that that was something that people felt like if I could become popular enough on on um on TV then and people would buy into my music and it's kind of like two different worlds you know and then you have people that be like being on TV doing movies there was a time when I was being said like well that's the graveyard if you if you're going that route it means that nobody want to listen to you you living in this make-believe world I'm going to the studio making songs you haven't fights in the studio you in a love triangle you're the whole love triangle oh my God okay and then the music we never hear well you have some people you one season but when I went I wasn't about no music that's a good question that's a good question I was about to about about a bag what was your actual like no I'll get you started okay at the time I was in a relationship and they had been wanting to wanting to get me on the show for years yes I'm sure that because I had a lot of run-ins with a couple people you know what I'm saying I was you know he was outside outside and I had never I never wanted to do it but then when I had a real relationship and then you know um she had a she had a hairstyle at the time so I was like yo you know what it'd be good if you go on the show so when we when they started talking to me because they would come come to me like every year so when they started coming to me about being on the show I said I got something for you and I went down there I took her down to the to the uh meetings and um I uh introduced so they liked her but my whole plan was I would come on just as a support I would I didn't want to be on there right I didn't want to commit to that and then Mona called me one day and said listen they're not going to do her without you so what you gonna do and I say look I can't come on unless I get this number it was outraged number outreaching them because yeah I can't come on if I don't get this right and then she came and said well yeah we got almost that so now I can't do it and then she came back and said will you do it and I said man I dropped my water just like that I guess we on TV yeah yeah but you know it it was cool but I was um I already understood that it was just business and it was just not so much about the music but it was just about you know it was just business for me you know that's that's what it was you know and I think that we could do many things as an artist I think that we we don't have to just be stuck being doing an artist or being an artist because Artistry is just many different things if you paint if you rap if you say if you dance if you act if you're creative you write screenplays or whatever it is I think you can you can do any and everything that you want to do we only gonna be here one time yeah yeah and everything that we want to do we might as well just try to just put the gas on it you understand run it up you got to just be free just watch how to tell you I know you're living tight you're living tight you got all these rules you don't want break no rules you live in tight okay you live inside you don't want to do this that's not bad either no no that is but I don't think about balance let me tight you got a little I don't live like you oh just because I don't look like you don't mean I'm not listening whoa whoa we gotta bleep that living like me is a bleep that is crazy I don't live that tight but I don't live that loose either though okay you tell you oh we can't go we can't do this because they do this we can't do this because we do it you got to live one time we won't live this push it to the Limit anyway judges having a grand old time in her life I am second grade the fact that you continuously never ever have my back everything but you guys why are you fighting on her she's doing great she's doing nothing did you see this that's fine the salts that she I defend you all the time we should be nice there from his tub he took a sip and said would y'all take a sip from my cup I said no which is logical right we don't right [Music] oh no no no no it's been around him yeah it's been a long time though I just saw you two weeks ago it's not a strip club it's a regular Club you was outside regular club and I was in there just chilling no no just like that who was sipping from you come that's not a strip club Kitty that's not fair oh you were [Music] this is a different vibe I was there just a Vibe I was cooling it but I was celebrating somebody's birthday and it was uh it was it was cool I was just just vibing you know I'm not always on time man I'm cooling sometimes I never seen you one time outside cooler hey um so how you feel about it you know they try to stay they try to they try to put me but you see how he started with me first they try to put my business out there your own business out there how do you think I found out you found out about what whenever you tell us okay cool but it's not about me it's about Chinese absolutely what made you get into bartending me yeah uh well I started out dancing yeah he is fine by the way oh it's perfectly fine I don't know why I keep touching it but I think I'm like 18 well like seven feet um and I completely hated it like crazy and um I actually had this Uncle which is crazy at the time he was like that's what you're doing you have no business doing this and I was like what else I'm supposed to do how you found out [Music] here I am I am a corner whatever the hell and he was like no no man that's not gonna work and I was like oh what else I'm supposed to do he was like I actually know somebody has started it and you need to come work at Starbucks and I'm like there's no way I'm working at Starbucks at the time I have no um boobies no I always had like natural cute butt but like I had no reason I'm like I'm not working there everybody is by the time you had to start Henderson that was like they're starting what was it like eight animals it was it started with uh six okay around them you wouldn't know I thought he was just like talking but I started off he actually told the person at the time and I started off on like the the regular night and then I don't know everybody from Brooklyn just started coming out I started getting a little bit notarizing I was like let me open my blue point so that's why you got your body done I did not get anything done I didn't get no life obviously after I had my phone so you could be one of them girls on the ground like my ass but um I always had like a crazy advice all I had was my boobs and um with me it wasn't even like I was pregnant do you feel like um artists can a well female artists can get far without getting their body done yes I mean now we have like yeah why would you say something like that it's a question because the pressure that women have sometimes no it is and I feel like even the girls that has me that without their bodies done you can see that it still affects them because they're going a lot online like I don't give a [ __ ] what y'all talking about I'm not doing this on the third so it's like with these people I swear like you literally if you're too much you're too much if you're too little you're too little if you're too perfect she's too perfect like if you got to do what you want so did too skinny right gorilla they talk [ __ ] I don't know what they be saying about I know she'd be like renting some grams to cardi B Nicki Minaj it was that something to say me they got something to say it's like right [ __ ] always gonna have something to say so perfect to y'all right so so is that um body shaming yeah of course so so when you got your body done with your body and um I find that a lot of women that don't have surgery they like uh really down on surgery yeah right so they say it's all real this is all real hitting under that fake [ __ ] and I say I don't like this [ __ ] he told me I need to get my body done and you don't like no no that's what he told me I never said that yeah we'll get better ratings [Laughter] [Music] look I never said that I've never forget because you was talking about getting something done and I said if that's what you want to do do it no okay I said Do You Remember I said if that's something that you want to do do it yeah I'm not opposed to do it okay I can't do that I said do it that's because you wanted to do it I didn't come I'm not appreciated right but I didn't walk up one day and say yo you should get your body done no no no no it was in conversation you was talking about getting your body done and I agree and you're like no definitely that's the move go go go go go go go yeah go get go under the knife get that fog yeah I definitely feel like if you had the thoughts and then you have people that's near there telling you not to girl doing because nine times out of ten that happened to me when I said I wanted to get my boobs and I was completely natural everybody was like hell for what then I went and did it I swear to God my best friend mom uh friend friend friend went to my same doctor the same thing with tomino went to my same doctor though why are you against it and I never told you to do that I'm not gonna stop spreading I'm I'm [ __ ] I'm not against it but I'm not pro it no Pro but I'm not against it are you I'm alive you're not against it or you're not pro it what it are you I am self-love and I love myself so so getting your body done is self-love it's a different expression it depends on what you're getting because it's like not getting your body it depends on that's right so it's not it it depends but it's your Zone I don't I don't have nothing against it sometimes I don't understand why certain people get it and then I understand why certain people get it so it all depends on what the situation is but I'm not like yo you got your body done ill like sometimes I'll be like damn my body look the [ __ ] good like you get what I'm saying but I'm I'm good where I'm at maybe they could use a couple of sessions what you have no I haven't some people just no because it's not a lifestyle for me okay because I went straight back into the box in the world and I already had a date I'm like four or five months right start from our hello good Center third and it's like I'm still dealing with all the girls that being boom boom boom boom boom so it looks like a major insecurity and I'm telling you I swear to God I used to really be the girls like this is my body this is the center and then it was like when I was after a baby around these girls not feeling myself making the same money not doing anything I'm like I came in I mean because it's a competitive world in in The Nightlife world and I think that that's weird kind of like um really took off because it was like you know what I'm gonna get my body done this one want to get everybody's done because the the hustle is to attract men that's going to spend money and and and men are looking at you they're looking at your Aesthetics they're looking at the visual of what's Happening you're selling a fantasy so it was like let me have my butt let me look like like I was drawn and it became what it became you love the fantasy let's stop coming this don't make it about me you just don't know I didn't say nothing about love and no fantasy be kind be kind but be accurate having your body done I can say this is a gift and a curse because some men automatically think because you got a fat ass that you ready to [ __ ] whoa give it up you on time man really I'ma buy you a bag and [ __ ] you like that's a lot I deal with that a lot just because I have people like that that I know but I feel like most of the time when you have a nice ass in this and the third most men think that you're just but let me ask you though isn't the body and the clothes to attract a certain level of attention for men I wouldn't do that I could like mine wasn't for me mine was because I was around a bunch of other girls who looked like this 73rd and here I am a little gut and I didn't like the way I looked so it it helps you uh self-esteem it is it helps your confidence um and I'm being serious now I've literally watched women who who didn't have any work done get work done and watch how confident they became watch how um how it helped their self-esteem like because you know um they would they they felt like man I don't have this so I don't have that and they wanted to enhance whatever it is that they had whether it was uh breasts or you know lipoops done well right so I've watched them become more confident as it pertains to them getting uh some surgery but at the but at the end of the day right when a woman gets dressed up and then goes out looking good I know she looking good for herself but don't don't she want men to am I a local don't you want men to be attractive yes they do yeah that's not true then look at everything yes yes everything everything this everything don't deserve no you you know what we mean by that like I've had friends who don't have their body done don't listen they look how they look and they'll do their hair that they pretty they get dressed up yep I felt that way too like if we could pull the same guys well I gotta get my body done people trying to people be trying to talk to you oh my God that's a question oh my God you know what like I'm going to get kicked off the show I can't even ask you questions I like your thought process on it like I you know you you your perspective help you can help not just me but like just help other people understand that it's not always I'm getting my body done to attract men or to get attention sometimes I might feel like you said you surrounded by people you just had a baby you know you you start going through those you know feelings of like that my body ain't what it used to be and then these girls I'm around like I'm constantly around these girls whose bodies are like boom boom boom and it's like I need my body to be boom boom boom because I miss it being boom boom boom so I can enhance it a little bit so some people get it done for that and you know I mean I understand and the misconception is once you get it done you still gotta keep it up like it still works yeah it still works yeah so so we spoke about how that kind of gets in the way right career-wise well at least with the music part of things um what'd you feel like was that like Peak where like it you started to see a difference it's like no I'm an artist like I don't really see me as well I think when I did with him maker like I really feel like people were like wow like it happens to be crazy then I started getting like all types of people out of nowhere like no trying to keep that's perfect I know this way I [ __ ] everybody worth like I'm just saying that's what the energy was for me so it was like oh [ __ ] and then when I did lip [ __ ] and I had Fabio and French on it it was like for me still I couldn't believe I even had this future especially coming from a girl from that world you know what I'm saying and it was like when I dropped that and that's fine with my label on the senator like that's when I really felt like okay my hard work is actually turning into what I pictured it what I was like I'm still rhyming will never stop near where I want to be but you know I do feel like the things that's happened for me like that chicken face definitely keeps me going definitely like myself more and you know you're not are you signed to French are you guys just clothes no no like he actually was with the state management team that I've had at the time Empire okay okay okay okay okay what the the game right what is it that what is it more that you want to accomplish right like you want to get more I want more pictures um okay um I want a single that will be playing in countries I've never even been you know like freaking Africa Zimbabwe things that place in that nobody's even touched like that big of a song I don't want a song that's just Global here in the states like I want something that is going to take me to the next level smash like a smash like it's gonna happen [Music] obtain just because you got to keep going keep pushing I know times you be feeling like man this [ __ ] is getting hard yeah yes you ever felt like giving up uh yeah um it's been times where I just feel like I put my all into something and I did not see the results that I expected but you know everything happens for a reason because at that time it might not have been the timing that I was supposed to feel or get that notoriety that I wanted um so in times I'd be like [ __ ] this [ __ ] like I don't even want to do it no more just having a third and then it'll be like something out of nowhere that'd be like oh such and such brief sound I told you that yo that song you did was so fire and then they get me right back where I need to be on a daily basis what mode is what what motivates you what motivates you to get up and and to continue to pursue uh I just feel like I got a woman like no matter what it is I cannot go back to not having [ __ ] being broke I literally came from not even having money to afford diapers bro because I stopped bartending I hadn't have a job I was like at the time he was a newborn I was grinding my baby father wasn't in my life so that's kind of what like made me say that this is my life and that's what motivates me every day because you made it here why the [ __ ] would you stop now can you even stop now like who you are like yeah it's not being anything you're just being yourself at this point exactly but um I got so much further that I want to go no it's gonna it's gonna feel like that because every every hurry you cross is another you want to go every every every step on the ladder it's another one it's a climb so when you ambitious you never complacent with where you at so you accomplish things you you want more you know you you conquer certain businesses you want you want more and I just don't think that their hunger ever dies but that's a good thing I think you just you keep that and I I got a lot of respect for you though because I I watched your grind I wash your grind what next though what's next uh I want a new project of course um with like a kind of new song um I'm about to drop a song that I previewed on my Instagram it's called blame mine the boy ain't mine no boy ain't mine boy eight months why am I I feel like the boy ain't mine that's too many everywhere where you going when you go on YouTube boy mine that's it simple but you get the gesture it's me talking about a situation that I had that kind of went viral um by Taco guys and a girl who thought that she was doing for me by [ __ ] weird at the time so yeah music coming from a real place but what was the situation you brought it up and it went viral already about it already I don't want to even keep bringing us to like but it's a reoccurring thing okay so I feel like I do want to I want to talk about this topic I said I'm putting in the music video people are gonna understand that like for me the industry that I'm in and being around a lot of other Instagram girls this social life that I hang around stuff like that I feel like girls are never complacent with what they like they are in that industry because like those girls always feel like well she got a Rolex when she got this and she got that who's doing it her [ __ ] well I'm that [ __ ] too so let me hey you know what I'm saying and I deal with that a lot like a lot and I feel like a competition thing it's a competition thing but it's with people I want what you want I want what you got and it's with people that you actually go supposed to be cool if you go they come to your shows or like y'all go to dinner or link up and get things that you would never expect and um I just feel like it's something I I do it a lot so it's hard to have friends nothing wrong with that you like I'm gonna stay in Dogfish and I'm like because when I do something grimy always happens you know what I'm saying so it's like I'm good on that you find yourself more defensive more guarded honestly no I just project good energy but I just know how to read the room I know how to read people I know how to keep people at a certain distance and just leave them in certain places yo you're the friend that I go to dinner with you don't know none of my business I don't know you're a man you don't know my man and that's it make me take cute pictures go up on Instagram and that's it and then I have friends that me even going to vote in the booth you're a rapper I'm a rapper let's make a song and I have my friends that I could tell all my movies and I know it's not going to go big on social media tomorrow like and they're not gonna go try to knock your man off yes very very important but um it's very nice you go because that's what the song about I had a girl who actually was playing with my well actually I hung out with Mom how'd you find out that's a hell of a kawinky thing oh wow I am I am right she definitely went to a little blush that's a good thing that's a good thing oh yeah get here sticking up now see he was playing with it too much yeah but that's dope that's dope she didn't want to hit she don't want to talk about none of that but it's all good now private not secret what's that Meme I'm keeping my little relationship private because the last one y'all [ __ ] put in the midst and the third yeah that's like that was a meme that sounds like a really good his name is just man I don't know his name pictures the people's son that's really say the people's son especially when you're in the public eye [Music] just oh so much because people being they business I I I'm one that agree too because people be in my business all the time is that stuff yes do you find it harder to trust nowadays you're artists now trust people in general the craziest thing because I'm telling you like this industry people are so shady doesn't want to be that girl or that [ __ ] so nobody's caring about blue nobody cares about oh I [ __ ] with her you know she was a real [ __ ] she held me down and please and these days it's like all right yeah well she did loan me the second third but I mean if opportunity came I'm taking it I don't care people step right on you just to get to where they need to get to and that's the where I remember these days is it is that a new thing or is that just just people in general since the beginning of the time I are they happy or they have to be some what trending people these days will do whatever to make that happen social media have you seen social media really make people that you knew from you know people that you may know on a personal level you see them acting out and you're like that ain't even you that's not the person that I know have you seen that before like it happens what happened but no I see that all the time all the time like that I know you're a real life ah you're not like that you're not even that kind of God oh girl right but it is an entitlement thing though people feel entitled people feel like they are celebrities everybody's just loving everybody's celebrity everybody got something going on everybody got fan base everybody got followers everybody got chains and everybody got a Rolex you know everybody's lit excuse me everybody's lit everybody we appreciate you for coming thank you guys I appreciate it thank you thank you so much thank you thank you not not but many blessings to you yes yourself thank you but before you leave though I don't know if you're hungry but we got some food because this is just how we rock this is this is just how we rock you understand like when you come to Kitchen talk we really got something something Stern in the kitchen so you know I don't know if you got time in your business schedule what does your tattoo mean this this is in Greek um this is a Bible passage First Corinthians 13 7. 7 uh says love beers all things believes all things like about things nice what I didn't hear I didn't hear what you said if I don't say it fast I'ma forget it I said the chapter in the Bible you read the Bible I my mom put me in it you know what's so crazy my mom put me cleaning uh Bible study what is it like what is it Bible Study Bible study no like uh the kid Bible class oh well hey girls went wrong wow look at this girl man what's this turkey meatloaf meatloaf um how special barbecue pasta Amigo sauce really Charles Monroe big shout out to pearls Monroe the one and only nobody's better this is Kitchen Salt we going up Chinese kitty fox Soul this is how we do this is what we do we break bread together and um we signing off let's get it love
Channel: MainoTV
Views: 25,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Maino, Chinese Kitty, Maino Presents Kitchen Talk, Kitchen Talk, Maino Podcast, Chinese Kitty on Love and Hip Hop, Girls with bbl, bbl butt, pretty females, Maino talks to Chinese kitty about cheating, Hip hop, LHHH ATL, VH1, Joe Budden Podcast, Drink Champs, The breakfast club, New Interviews, Way Up with Angela Yee, Best interviews in hip hop, Bad Girls Club, Girl fights, Female rappers, Maino Speaks about troy ave, chrisean rock, blueface
Id: 8JVEBK2n9lI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 4sec (3604 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 02 2023
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