Kitchen Gadget - The Rollie Eggmaster Vertical Grill

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[Music] this is the second of two videos I've done recently featuring kitchen appliances that designed to make breakfast easier or more interesting this one I'm going to be looking at the Rollie vertical grill in the other video I looked at the Hamilton Beach breakfast sandwich maker anyway on with the Rollie vertical grill review does this look appetizing well actually breakfast served courtesy of the Rowley let's go into in some more detail it comes in a box like this it's one of these sort of mail-order things so if you plan on giving it to someone as a gift bear that in mind it's not particularly attractive box here's what's inside the box though there's the Rolly vertical grill itself there's a kind of tamper type device that you might use like in a cannon for sort of shoving things down inside a barrel some wooden sticks they're skewers and a sort of cleaning tool there for pushing down inside it to clean it out once you've finished using it now there are a few different recipes in the manual mostly based around eggs but if you look at some of these here they try to sort of vary a little bit and there are some that don't involve any eggs at all but overall its kind of designed pretty much for cooking sort of breakfast type things I'm going to try and do some of these recipes in the video but let's look at the roller itself well it looks a little bit like a big travel mug but of course it's got those two lights on the bottom there that kind of give it away a little bit that it isn't one of those it's got a rubber bit in the middle for holding it as well though the top there you can see it's just got the one hole in it for putting all this stuff in through and of course it's got a u.s. plug I imported this one from the US it uses a hundred and twenty volts 210 watts and that means of course because I'm using it in the UK I'm gonna have to use my big step-down transformer you might not need one this big but it's the only one I've got but 210 watts is quite a lot actually so you will need a quite hefty one anyway we've got it powered up you can see the red light on there we're waiting for the green light to come on there to say it's ready to work and there we go it's lit up it does take longer than that of course it takes a minute or so right now the first thing you have to do with every recipe put some cooking spray in it some auntie dick stuff you know just to stop everything sticking inside it now in this first recipe all I'm going to do is cook two eggs so obviously what I have to do is break two eggs because you can't make eggs without breaking some eggs and put them inside the top of the roller there you can see that it's cooking away inside bubbling away now here is the weird bit it starts to pop up when it's finished cooking there's nothing inside it there's no sort of mechanism all it is is the things expanding and popping out of the top which of course tells you that it's ready to eat so I'm gonna tip this one out on this glass tray de little clip you saw at the start there little teaser video and I'll show you what you get now doesn't this look appetizing here we go breakfast ready mmm that looks great doesn't see it ends up a little bit like a rolled-up omelette I suppose I'm gonna cut into an arrow to show you how well it's cooked of course you can vary the time so you can get the yolk a little bit more runny than this but you're gonna have to cook it for a similar length of time so the things solid enough to pop out at the end of course and there you go that's how I've cooked mine so it's almost like a hard yolk in that one but yeah that's your breakfast anyway next thing let's try a different recipe this one again of course involving eggs we have to put the spray in there but what I'm going to do here a precooked sausage and an egg pretty simple recipe really this is designed sort of breakfast on the go have you ever wanted to have a savory breakfast lollies or popsicle as you'd say in America well this thing will make one of those for you just what you've always wanted and of course it starts popping up at the end here this one I've been a little bit weird it kind of sort of gave up and went back down again which was a little bit odd it was a bit like so that they had the Titanic you know and it sort of pops up and then goes back under again but I managed to rescue this from the Rolly and here it is now if you thought the last thing lots a little bit unappetizing for your breakfast not too sure what you'll think of this you might actually like you I don't know I don't think I push that sausage down in there far enough mmm but there you go so the eggs all sort of at the bottom and the sausages at the top but again that's your sort of breakfast on the go stick right let's up the ante a bit let's make something a little bit more elaborate this is a breakfast burrito with an egg some cheese and again a sausage chopped up and of course a tortilla now that's arty you have to you can't just use it at that size it's too big to fit in the device you've got to cut it to a certain size which is conveniently on the back of the manual so again I'll just sort of cut it to that template so that we know it fits inside the Rolly right now here we go the usual thing what we're doing is we're going to put all the ingredients in this bowl mix them up together and then we're going to put those inside our tortilla inside the machine and make our breakfast burrito that's the thing you don't really get in the UK by the way if you watching this in America nobody ever has a breakfast burrito over here I don't think anyone sells them and it's not really something with it we're familiar with but I'm gonna try making one anyway now of course the idea is you make this sort of around the outside there so you can put your stuff in the middle now the problem is I think I made this too chunky to be honest it didn't really fit in it very well it seems to go over the top I kind of put too much in as a result it started spilling out of the top a little bit as it was cooking and the whole thing emerged much too early kind of jumped out a lot soon and then it should do really which means that it wasn't cooked properly now there's no way in hell I'm gonna try it in this thing not suicidal you can see on the eggs so that coming out of the top there's obviously it's hardly cooked at so I had to pull it out with these tongs it's just supposed to pop out I think you can flip it over apparently put it back in the other way if you want to cook it a little bit more but obviously this one wouldn't do that as you can see here when I cut into it it's very raw inside I don't think I want to eat that unless I was trying to commit suicide so let's try something else now this one something completely different nothing to do with eggs I'm gonna cook a burger in it well kind of a burger like a a sausage shaped burger just plop it in there you can't have it the full length of the thing you've got to make it about half way up so that it's got a bit of room to expand be no room for the factor jump around it and then put a wooden skewer in it as well so you can get it out at the end of course because it might get stuck to the sides as you can see here cooking away takes about eight minutes this one after eight minutes here I am pulling it out you know what that actually doesn't look bad at all I mentioned in another video I don't know how of a sense tastes at the moment but looking at it that looks like a burger Kanna should do nicely charred on the outside they're cutting into it cooked all the way through no red bits that's good let's have a girl well it's got the right sort of texture seems quite juicy as well so don't mind if I do okay so that was a bit of a light-hearted look at the Rolly and I only bought this because it looked ridiculous in the demonstration video but after using one myself I realise that it can be a bit of fun you can experiment with your food and try and mix different things together inside it and in fact you could have even used one say in a student dorm room for cooking your breakfast or midnight snacks or whatever but bear in mind you're going to have to have access to water to clean it out although that's not really usually a concern for students anyway for the moment thanks for watching
Channel: Techmoan
Views: 1,369,076
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Techmoan, rollie, eggmaster, vertical, grill, breakfast, review, test, demo, kitchen, gadget, cooker, dormroom, electric, egg, master, 2013
Id: hRGZMg4GWtg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 27sec (447 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2013
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