Kissinger and Nixon (1995)

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[Music] in 1957 president Dwight D Eisenhower committed the first US troops to Vietnam 685 military advisers this number grew to 16,000 under John Kennedy and 589000 during the Johnson Administration Richard Nixon took office in January 1969 and named Henry a Kissinger as his National Security adviser even though their attempts at a negotiated piece had broken down the administration steadily reduced American troop levels until by 1972 less than 25,000 American soldiers remained in Vietnam as the summer of 1972 Drew to a close and the number of Americans killed in the Vietnam War passed the 57,000 mark it seemed that a war weary United States would never find a way to finally end the conflict and bring the last American soldiers home [Music] [Applause] with our military losses in the field I see no other cause we have never accepted a political solution not with the French not with the South yet now you not only suggested Conrad Lee even seem prepared to leave the so-called president teal in place in Saigon we've always insisted on his dismissal we will see the end of you comrade if we can persu the Americans to do to him what the Soviets and Chinese have done to us withdraw support in the forthcoming election Nixon is expected to gain a vast Victory it will embolden him to in his words get tough with us on the other hand if Henry Kissinger can deliver to his president a peace with honor it will be hard for even Nixon to refuse we force their hands by no longer insisting that President Chu be outin in return for the American promise to withdraw their troops from all regions of [Music] Vietnam but the Americans gone the days before our final liberation of the South will be numbered and if you fail we have fought too long to risk Public Disgrace the Americans fear it even more Kissinger nurtures as Public Image with great diligence believing it necessary to gain public support for his policies so we will avoid embassies ignore their state department and use back channels I will deal directly with Kinja he will deliver Nixon kja ex Leo For Your Eyes Only Poli buau authorizes resuming Paris peace talks on Strictly confidential basis I want this explained to me now my Jew boy Holdman where the hell's my Jew boy Bob he's here Mr President I put in a call to him soon as state send us that signal thank you Henry just what the hell is this well evidently the uh state department has been e dropping and a good thing too how else would I ever hear about what it is you're actually doing around here Mr President I would never keep anything from you your instructions were to try and bring the N back to the table surely the day to-day details of how I achieved the Poli Henry we can't have the receivers calling plays the quarterback doesn't know is this signal correct well you see this is the point Mr President we cannot truly say not at the moment yes it is accurate that our back Channel contacts in Paris indicate that the North Vietnamese are ready to sue for peace but I stress this is the back Channel I uh I thought it unvis to share this with the the state department until I had your opinion yes yes I can see that but you know how I hate it when State needles me about you running a secret foreign policy and cutting them out uh yes I I I do Mr President I I I do but can we help it if we have to conduct foreign affairs from this office could State have brought Hano to the table do way you have I think not sir no clearly our success comes from the planning you do right here at and my careful execution of those strategies I would never do anything of which you were not informed sir particularly this close to the election oh come come Henry you know damn well I'm unbeatable the people are with me well yes yes of course certainly the vast majority are but I would add the only obstacle between yourself and the sweep of all the 50 states in November would be toward showing some progress to ending the war progress I now believe is possible thank you Bob and your dinner Mr President Mr Roso is already arrived oh BB's helping me select the All-Star baseball dream team lineup the Associated Press asked me to draw up it's uh good stuff great honor people like that common touch in their president and R oh yes no doubt Mr President well I'll tell BB to take a load off I'll be right with him I can't go on like this Mr President either I am in charge of this operation or I am not I cannot conduct your policy with the state department and properly monitoring my contacts overseas they are bureaucrats serving their own ends I am your instrument and I tell you everything as soon as it becomes clear you know this to be true yes I suppose but yes this this has to be stopped you have shown us how to end this war and it is to that task that I have fully dedicated myself but for chance halfway if Roes and his pinstrip suited intellectuals question you have remov true true true maybe we need an audible just you and me well this this is uh this is a brilliant idea Mr President well done Henry keep it and keep me on top of things I know my tactics are sound the world will see that in due course without a doubt peace in Vietnam Bob in an election year toally to be wished sir that'll show Ben Bradley times Man of the Year cover not more than that this is the stuff of Nobel Prize committee a chend this keep it up Henry and you keep me posted tell Rogers I knew all about this matter Dr Kissinger has my full support well thank you Mr Pres [Music] okay I'm I don't trust him and El his suck up too much in love with the Tweed suited eers he needs watching Sir who not State he's on to them Pig after dinner over [Music] drinks classic dilemma my own doctoral dissertation examined mean's collaboration with Napoleon and asked what harder test of moral toughness exists he get me he now to cooperate without losing one's soul to assist without sacrificing one's identity count to 50 then join me yes sir somebody is spying on US state knows all about our back Channel message from the North Vietnamese everything I can't have this leaks everything leaks extincted New York Times will be reporting the exact hour we retired to the men's room to relief our platters I think they already do this is not a joke I can't bring the Vietnamese to the table and keep this madman overal office quiet if every ambitious Government Act reports my coming soon to him security we need greater security 32 33 34 oh oh alexand who would play political games dis close to an election an election the North Vietnamese are watching as closely as you and I perhaps our best chance for negotiated settlement obviously someone who knows every detail of what goes down around here the speech writers for example oh you can sappire could be but it take a wire T to be sure no I will put no such thing this is not aest it I know we don't uh sanction wi TPS anymore this is exactly right from here on out we require new rules of security in writing I need this directive memorialized in writing ah the inable Miss Armstrong please come in excellent time thank you we were discussing security please be SE come prepare filed out on this the North Vietnamese have finally accepted that they have lost war in the field the police Bureau in Hanway has thus realized that only a police iCal solution will save their cause after 50 years of struggle we have forced them to embrace this truth negotiations are at a very delicate and critical stage therefore in my judgment we must conduct our contacts in Greater secrecy I myself shall leave for Paris on Friday I will take minimum staff no is to know especially no it state I will h no that is sufficient well I will leave the details to you Miss Armstrong you're are obviously a competent woman Alex thank you very much delighted to see again sir my guest arrived Mr eston yes he seated at your favorite table evening Henry Scotty I died col mhm thank you so how goes the battle at the New York Times well Henry since the day I gave up reporting to become a columnist I prefer to think of myself as being above the [Music] battle that kind of a day in Nixon's Lighthouse every day of that kind but but I do get the job done and done well particularly difficult in an election year I guess what great a claim could a candidate make then I have finally ended the Buckle in Vietnam ended the war and honorably at that by November of the record deepest background all things are possible if they will but leave me alone to do the job without interference will they well one die one must watch results if the V ends but may assume they did now Al this is a very delicate matter very delicate not not a matter of politics not politics no this is is policy it's a very separate thing colson's here Charlie I was just explaining to Al here our dilemma over this new Vietnamese thing explain explain well look Al it's like this it's pretty obvious to all of us that an election Eve settlement of the war is going to look like a political Ploy G and you know how the Press will jump on us with that they hate me Al not intellectual enough for the I League snobs they think I'm a bush leaker our private poll show Al that This president's tough image is our greatest asset they admire his strength look at the support for his bombing and Mining policy you take that away with an early peace settlement and those bluecollar Democrats go back to voting their pocketbook and candidate George McGovern will be president McGovern and he'll be sitting in that chair where my ass is already very comfortable thank you very much not even Nixon can want the war to continue but perhaps not him but uh his puls this thinking ongoing war will help his reection campaign though once elected will still face a democratic Congress that's fall into cutting off funds for the war then I will have no negotiating position surely the Vietnamese know that yeah but they they face enormous blush in the field they can't hold out forever they fear that Nixon will be even less willing to compromise after his Landslide Victory they've on a FasTrack negotiation but I didn't tell you that now aled may be that Dr K only wants to settle before the election so he can get all the credit but after a landslide Victory the whole world will know that it was the chief's political strength at home that gave us an end to the war yeah political strength using diplomacy on those guys is crap we have finally reached a point where we have a diplomatic Edge mhm but I worried that my president isn't interested in a political solution once I win a tremendous mandate the anti-war crowd will be totally defeated touchdown our side then then we'll get these North Vietnamese to cry uncle and credit will rest where credits do whatever else I will end this war and before the election if at all possible which I believe it is even against Nixon's advisers well look it may haveen Scotty that they may have to operate alone from here on now the secrecy shall be fortified intensified be my deepest background of course you see how there's just too much secrecy over there the president thinks you should join Kissinger at the hip never let him out of your sight make sure that we know everything that's a foot everything a private intelligence officer not exactly what I was trained for we all serve the commander-in-chief as he sees fit right Al yes yes of course after all Al you are a resourceful man now Al we know that you're looking for more in life than being an assistant to the National Security adviser and you know that before long we're going to be looking for a new Army Vice Chief of Staff job that comes with four stars on the older but right now we need you where you are I know we can count on you General [Music] so General did you enjoy your cocktail hour last evening how'd you know about that you know Alexander some Washington consider a subordinate which has cocktails with his boss a superior a disloyal man performing disloyal Deeds hey you know me I know whose side I'm on which gives you an advantage over the rest of us I'm a team player for example when Coulson woke me this morning screaming about what was in today's Scotty Reston column I was sure not to speculate on who Scotty might have had dinner with last night you know that s they are currently looking for a new Army Vice Chief of Staff the support of the president's National Security advisor would not be un welcome would it no sir it certainly would not I believe the appointment calls with Four Star General two more than you uh currently sport it does good then we understand one another rest assur as you keep an eye on me I shall do the same to you [Music] so Mr advisor here we are indeed Mr special advisor and now let us try and bring peace to anglish region ours is not the only region in anguish over this war all the moreon to now bring it to an end now or in late November after your election I'm here to make [Music] peace no [Music] my task was clear although president you had previously aced to cease fire proposals which implied that North Vietnamese groups could remain in the South he had since April demanded that any true withdrawal be mutual to bring them around would take the skill of a Bismark so I see that your conversations in Paris with Le D were not without their interest but that's all they were conversations but the other side was of the utmost seriousness Mr President perhaps to you but I am the Constitutional leader of the Republic of South Vietnam any discussion of ending a war waged against us on our own territ that does not include me cannot by definition be serious does Paving today Mr President that's all of us doing once the road is paved traffic naturally follows the root is a f complete you will not do that to me or my people not my intention I simply seek a compromise compromise fine word but our view of what constitutes an acceptable compromise is firm no North Vietnamese on our soil no interim government no coalition government sufficient time for me to prepare the South Vietnamese people for any such plan reasonable points Mr President all reasonable points and there's one other no withdrawal of American troops from South Vietnam while the north keeps it soldiers on our soil yeah that issue as you know we have always implied that any troop reductions must be mutual we appreciate your efforts if you have time we will enjoy offering you our Hospitality at dinner well thank you but uh I must return and as quickly as possible I want to make your use known to My President I trust you would do [Music] it yes Uncle did it go well Kissinger he'd sell us down the river just to get a deal to the fourstar general generaly well of uh of course we will uh miss you here but I'm afraid even I don't rate a fourstar general as my Deputy no doubt you will also miss us well you know what the pentagon's like yeah very five-sided well come my soon to be ex Deputy time for your last appearance by my side before the President congratulations General and only 5 months after receiving your second star now that's affirmative action Bob break out the best Christen the stars and from your memo Henry we've got more than just Al's promotion to celebrate great read great stuff now you got them running in the right direction well the Boys At say two will never buy it Mr President well with uh respect sir two will buy whatever you sell it is after all you are money with which you place I won't be party to jamming any deal down to's throat he's our Ally fought by our side he'll have to sign off on any deal have to of of course Mr President but we are so close right now we may be but he has to be part of it the American people won't accept selling out an ally no they'd rather step up the bombing I so the respect the American people Tire of the war conflict fatigues is a political death warrant what American people the hippies the Jewish liberals tell me Henry why are all Jews leftist well Mr President uh they are Jews and and uh and and and they are Jews uh I I can only speak for myself and I believe that L do dog can be roll around and to Henry Henry the American people aren't interested in compromise Solutions after all these years they want to see the United States Prevail this is sudden death overtime they want to see us score the winner would you say so General certainly um Peace is the goal I the right price exactly exactly now all I ask is the opportunity to present an offer to L doctor it may not include all of je points immediately but I only want to make an offer the chances of late accepting it are minimal negligible in fact I would say there is no chance well if there's no chance unless unless it is the exact deal that we want yes of course if it is our deal nothing to lose there maybe show the world that we are trying okay Henry you put your deal to him but make it tough not something for those those Rockefeller liberals of yours but a cold war hawks deal understood understood Mr President well sir now that uh General he is here with us this might be an opportune time to discuss his replacement as my Deputy Henry I'm going to pay you the greatest honor I can I'm going to let you keep Al on your staff show the world that my National Security adviser rates a four star as his Deputy well of course I'm honored sir but I I don't think it's it'll be fine thank you Henry excuse me [Music] gave it a lot of thought Henry but the president feels that Al will be of enormous help to you in selling president you on any deal Al being a soldier and all and I shall of course who was instructed gentl if I may I think the president would like like to have one more drink in Al's honor but no need for that to detain you [Music] Henry well Henry's delighted yeah I bet he is now Al you know your job this this promotion is about loyalty you're there is my man stiffen Henry's backbone if necessary you be the one to let duck toe know we're ready to bomb him to Kingdom Come no soft deals just because I brought our troop level down from over half a million to less than 30,000 doesn't mean I'm weak hell no not me I understand completely sir for all we know Kissinger gladly sell out a loyal Ally to end this thing before the election take all the credit for himself well not this time I swear fire that you weren't so popular press Harvard people they think the sun shines out his ass met with President Nixon several foreign personalities struggled for pre-eminence in the same individual one is idealistic generous another vindictive Petty emotional there's a reflective stoical Nixon and an impetuous impulsive and erratic one penny for your thoughts The Gospel According to St Mark for what shall it profit a man if he gained the whole world yet suffered the loss of his Immortal soul but for General Stars Alexander even for of them just doing my job sir he Aid M War for your Paris meeting have you set distribution ah yes Paris October 8 good are you sure you are in need of my thoughts you seem to be in control of most of the details come on Henry we all know whose boss around here I expect you mean Mr Nixon no that's not what I mean I know what you mean and you know what I meant there is a time and a place for Shadow Boxing but for me it is never with my own staff what can I do I'm trapped between you and the president to be expected when you put yourself in the middle I do my best you know I believe in our work that I like you like did you refer to affection oh Alexander us is a calling in which fness is a luxury there's not the soul in Washington that doesn't know the president detests me I gave him data on for the Russians the opening to China a foreign policy for the ages The Shining Jewel in his presidency yet in place of affection I get jealousy why is it do you think that I have never been invited to a family then in the White House even someone with the laborious name of B roboso has that distinction whether you like me is irrelevant we both know that we are stuck with the situation general Egg if you would be so kind is to close the door on your way out I would appreciate it [Music] for American troops here in the Mong Delta the Vietnam War still rages and still takes lives despite the overall reduction of US troops the battle to keep this vital trade route open is essentially an American operation and today in a bloody action several US Navy personnel lost their lives all this despite persistent rumors that the secret peace talks between Henry Kissinger and North Vietnam's leuck toe are to be resumed Within closer to home been another I can't have this I want you the person bring the coms to the yes yes Mr President I did see it no sir I I have no idea but we we have enough Le for an army of plumers and of his the I will have I I will have he Le with the FBI in a full investigation yeah perhaps some uh closer scrutiny on some low level stuff is indicated here good idea Henry that that's a good plan now no you're doing fine yes it's all right yeah I'll see you then yeah Bob Charlie whoever leaked this peace talk stuff that one deserves a medal makes it clear that these Paris talks are Henry's baby if they fall apart let it hit the fan over his head maybe then I can get away with firing him but keep him in the dark if he starts looking to plug leaks you tell the FBI to play along drinks please sir Bing all around thank you no one will say that America folded its hand during my watch no sir we're going to finally Prevail I will not be the first American President to lose War so in somee therefore the poit bureau accepts the principle of an immediate ceasefire without waiting for outstanding political issues to First be resolved then you no longer require president you'll be removed from office as a precondition however the poit bureau does require the withdrawal of all foreign troops including those of North Vietnam Vietnamese soldiers on Vietnamese soil cannot be considered foreign we speak of Americans forces though we would accept there would be no further movement of troops from the north into the southern regions finally we call for an administration of national Concord to organize elections in all areas of the country organize elections or become a def facto government to replace the presid saan regime it would displace neither two nor the provisional revolutionary government we recognize it will make decisions only by consensus pres of War return immediately upon the initialing of this agreement well I would say these uh suggestions have some promise uh I think Aries Us in order for us to study them further would not be uncalled for until tomorrow at know the ENT we will prepare a draft of our understanding of what has been suggested yes congratulations it's unbelievable well unbelievable or not we appear to have done it to be not if we can hold him to what he said then we truly have done it a piece that will save the honor of the soldiers who served and died in Vietnam have a problem Mr Neon [Music] as good as it seems to us is as bad as it might look to Che you'll suspect the administration of national Concord is a way to displace him and his government especially if it's backed up by North Vietnamese troops on his territory and in Cambodia and La an opening offer we will counter you inv vinced in prepare a draft or the agreement be vague with this uh administration of uh National Concord business V down but that there will be no further infiltration from the north and that a profis that Hano must withdraw its troths from Camp body and La will that satisfy I'm sure it will sir as long as we do indeed water it down as you put it we can look to you in the eye when we present it well then get to it I have an engagement in town I found a draft ready for me at 8:00 a.m. tomorrow you two are young enough to work through the night especially for that may be the biggest moment in your entire lives but 8 a yes sir what about the president which one Jo ni I appear to be dealing for them both so maybe we should bring him up to speed especially Nixon he's expecting us to go slower we should warn him so you can rely on it should I draft a cable no you should not I'm the president's National Security adviser I am not yet ready to be displaced not at all what I had in mind good I show cable washing from a safe line at dersy leave this to me Alex sure of course [Music] PA X gizer please inform the president there has been some definite progress of not very detailed we'll keep you [Music] informed Pro President Nixon ex president Chu sources indicate Paris breakthrough please inform what commitments may be undertaken in our name Pro Kissinger X halderman president instructs that Ambassador bunker in saon should be updated Pro Banker X gizer tell president you the other side may make a ceasefire proposal during the next few days essential that two's troops move promptly and SE his maximum amount of critical [Music] territory Pro Kissinger xalan would appreciate status update Pro halderman X kinger negotiations to complex and sensitive to report their content in detail please tell the president we know exactly what we are doing and just as we have not let you down in the past we will not do so now yeah but the way you're putting it the administration of national Concord is only advisory exactly you heard the boss water it down so it's acceptable to T I've done exactly that and a complete withdrawal of Envy troops from lais and Cambodia the doctor himself said it was worth trying he also said this was a counter offer remember I don't think he wants us to give away the candy store Do you I don't know what he wants this is rabbish it's pure rubbish what is this supposed to be and pick up well it's what was discussed with duck toe and incorporating the changes you approved approved approved what the hell is this but sir you said we should counter offer I never suggested you become H's agent in this matter we are here to come to terms with Hanoi not saon not just to deal V I did not come to Paris to fail I came to end the war was a was a counter offer I think count off don't you understand I want to meet his position as closely as I can we have already wasted enough time on this matter the world is a busy place there are other issues that demand my attention you have till know to come up with a new draft F we can achieve I'm not satisfied with your new draft on the matter of reparations preparations puzzle we have done our best to bridge the gap indispensable after all you Aid the South fine then the US can provide Aid to both vietnams to heal the wounds of war and person of War return after your withdrawal before after before unless you also withdraw your troops from the south no with D we will stay in place no new imp placements PS return simultaneously yes from codian so do you the matters of our region do not concern you after your departure well politics do not end with your War Mr advisor your each will remain of great interest to us especially if you expect humanitarian a best Endeavors at quitting laws within one month as for Cambodia the won't listen to anything I say well if you expect me to sell it to present you you must sell it to them the thing that scares me is the part about reparations humanitarian Aid call it whatever the hell you like it's still Aid and that needs Congressional approval not even the president can promise money show me a congressman that would dare vote against a proposal to end a war that Richard Nixon endorses if he endorses it he will after November 7th soon as the election's behind him I will not be bound by our political objectives we must negotiate the settlement that will stand on its own we must show the well that we achieved in spite of the election not because of it that'll come as a hell of a surprise to the president which one t or Nixon I was thinking of Kissinger it is clear I trust that we intend to treat all areas we occupy as autonomous then you intend to resupply your troops in the south then we reserve the the right to resupply our allies in Saigon can you commit your allies I speak for the president of the United States I can assure you he has the complete Trust of our allies in Saigon I suppose all this must wait upon the upcoming event in your country the Tuesday November 7th election if we reach an agreement now I will come to Hanoi at an appropriate date and initial days are God if you need not wait upon your election I note that October 24th is also a Tuesday I would be uh I would be happy to I be delighted to join with you on that day if we finish our business [Music] here how do you think the chief will react to an October date Alexander I enjoyed the president's confidence I am sure I can count on his support sure of course I know that but he'll want Assurance is President 2's on board by Ambassador Bank in I got have him reported you that um qu my judgment this juncture is that they appear ready to accept the Cy in the near future unquote a bit of an understatement is it he will be told all he need to know in good time we must first take the product Under World there are others that must be sold for us before we worry about you hell of a deal peace we've always demanded promis the American people we'd get well those communist bastards stick by it keep their word as long as we and you keep ours well that ought to be a problem should it B I can't see why how about you Al well there are a few maybe just one or two ambiguities well Henry here can sell too explain it all away my Henry's excellent at that aren't you Henry well thank you very much Mr President uh just a little bit that's fine than thank you I am uh sure president you will understand in P the court well if he doesn't the hell with it you'll delay your initialing ceremony until after the election maybe I'll go myself well sir I uh I think the October date is the essential component the agreement after my Landslide on the 7th nobody will say no to me not two not brf not the whining press are the hippies no sir but I won't have two pressure you have to sell them Henry that comrades is the sum and essence of the Accord it allows everything that we wish our troops remain in place while the Americans leave the consequences for the final liberation of our country should therefore be obvious Kissinger has given his word that he will be here on October 24th the entire world should know this until CH and his gangsters have been informed I gave my word we would treat the matter with delicacy we will honor that but to ensure the October 24th date remains firm I suggest we prepare for the signing by reproducing the Accord in detail a total plan for midnight on October 24th should be circulated to the entire Armed Forces right down to the level of field officers conrat to keep it secret from the world is one thing not to share it with our soldiers who have fought for this days for so many years is quite an other well here's a first you're waiting for me so what on Earth is up not for publication I mean not even on the deepest background only a secret to a friend yes certainly of course I've done it dor it's over when October 24th I know you're a genius seriously before the election that's okay with Nixon more or less and president to you satisfied him as well but that that will take one more trip to saon to explain the details my only fear is that presentant D learns the det details before I can explain them in particular the continuing presence of northern troops in the South though that is entirely off the record this is the most momentous event since VJ Day why keep it a secret because I can trust no one not the president not while he's listening to Chuck Olson and his political people and president you is a man not to be trusted duplicity is a national trait of vietnames but come October 24th that will all be behind us I can explain it to president you so that he will understand it then we will be three for three this President and I the opening to China day t with the Soviets and now peace in Vietnam [Music] each time I think I have the measure of the man's capacity for betrayal I'm reminded that it may be Limitless it's quite clear he been negotiating for months behind my back without my approval no wonder the north CS us American puppets that's exactly how they see kener treating us call press conference tell the world this is no time for a young man's impatience nephew that's what Ken Jo wants then he becomes the angel of peace with us as his War loving obstacle no there are better ways to deal with this Uncle the 24th is only a week away then we must be slier than the fox himself [Applause] [Applause] sorry to have delayed you internal matters you know my nephew and Aid W yes yes I do a recent grad of the Oklahoma University I believe go Sooners so greetings from President Nixon we come on his behalf with what we believe to be very encouraging news late Dro has presented us with uh some suggestions for a ceas fire which in our judgment can form the sound basis for a final resolution of a painful war that has devastated this we're sufficiently well acquainted to dispense with long speeches is there anything in writing of dr's suggestions of course we have something this is in English yes I uh I know I must apologize for this uh we have not yet had time to prepare an adequate [Music] translation forgive the use of a tongue with which you unfamiliar but for us English is not a language of record of course [Music] [Music] interesting or more than that surely Mr President this is encouraging it's exciting interesting I see it refers to uh uh three indo-chinese states yes I assume that would mean Cambodia la house and Vietnam one state one Vietnam which one of us is indicated by this zon or no well so we we are aware of course of your concern in this regard so this this is merely a typographical error I should think I see a typographical error yet nowhere is the line that demarcates the South from the north referred to as an international border right right but I would I would say Sir that uh that these are details they will have to be addressed of course but as to the substance of the agreement Mr President we are anxious to proceed as quickly as possible no more so than I Dr Kissinger the war is being fought in my Homeland after all I need some time to study this I suggest we adjourn until say Saturday that would be the uh 21st is it I wasn't aware of any time constraints is there a problem Saturday is ideal Mr President well nothing but good news this Monday except the Redskins did get creamed Again by the Dolphins that's Schuler hell of a coach but what an effort by tisman now there's there's a leader that's that's my kind of player get me his telephone number I want to call him anyway he all seen the polls seems like come November 7th we'll have a brand new first and 10 with four years on the game clock now now item a kiss and jur report from sagon what do we make of it Mr President go ahead Westy well sir frankly I think the deal Dr kisser signed off on with Le duct toe I think it stinks really what does my secretary of state say to that stinks General West Morland why is that it doesn't call for a communist withdrawal is this what we fought and died for to leave them in place in southern territory They seized by aggression this gives them the base they need to swamp Saigon the minute the last helicopter picks the last American Soldier off the ground and they will wait just long enough for us to close a blind eye before they finish the job of wiping the Republic of Vietnam off the map is that a good enough answer it's an answer but if we want to end the war this provides a way frankly whatever its shortcomings I don't think this can be improved well there's their first Forest a Secretary of State on the same side as the National Security advisor that mean we should push to into acceptance frankly Mr President while Secretary Rogers may be right about this being the best deal we can get it does leave the Communists in place on the ground all over the South and this administration of national Concord smells an awful lot like an inter government does your boss know you feel this way General heg we're in daily contact the essential requirement is that two's acceptance be wholehearted I won't be accused of forcing him into a into a settlement this is not to be a shotgun marriage certainly not with an electoral landslide in the office that'll be time enough to deal with two after the election you let Henry know that today now about to suggest exer I can give you the Assurance of my president that this matter will be satisfactory concluded and with your Ascent to the last Minor Details President Nixon now considers this agreement complete United States Embassy advis for Dr Kissinger one moment please Kissinger yes Dr Kissinger regarding today today's meeting I'm afraid president T will be unable to meet with you about bases so sorry but he hurt his foot wari I am a special Envoy of the president of the United States of America you know I can't be treated like an arrant boy we never considered you an Aaron boy but if that's what you think there's nothing I can do about it we can receive you tomorrow I demand to see the president may I remind you what I just told you I'm sorry until tomorrow the man will not treat us this way I intend to go to Hano on Tuesday but ever is Devious people sir from Henry he wants to go ahead with the meeting in Hanoi like hell not till two it he won't well why should he he'll probably claim and some of your enemies will agree Mr President that the terms are a complete capitulation to hano's demands of 1969 and that for this deal we could have closed the books three years ago they'll say it'll lead to a blood bath sir what's Henry's big rush tell him to get to on board the program if he can't then get him back here and we'll talk after election day I do not object to peace but I have not got satisfactory answers from you and therefore will not not sign your agreement the we will go out on all you're perogative of course Pro Kissinger xh president suggests that in view of President 2's rejection perhaps our best course is to denounce entire agreement Pro ex gissinger I assume you recall your view that this was a good agreement and we concluded it 24th in 2 days game may be over there are many ways to play this game it's a matter of politics now not policy and I am not without skills at that sport I will not have this snch from me I am going to see this St I will bring peace despite all the deceitful play around me Pro X radio Hanoi we acknowledge receipt of your memo to the effect that Kissinger has delayed the meeting of October 24th however we intend to announce the content of his previous cable that President Nixon considers the agreement [Music] complete the uh Assurance uh Mr President was given uh before V of to rejection as for the north vietnames uh was to be expected Mr President that radio Hanoi would broadcast the news they considered the 24th as a firm dat well I never signed off on it going public not without two's agreement so I don't want anyone quoting me me as saying the agreement is now complete what do I do now about that poor bastard too perhaps disagreements possess between ourselves and you but uh as regards Han if we have reached consensus at consensus sad crap without two there's nothing well perhaps stay in that bir listen if this war is over we ought to be the ones to trumpet it from the rooftops it's two weeks to the election now an announcement for me will look like two bit politicking a a cheap shot after the the classiest campaign in history I didn't even mention McGovern's name once I won't play games with a war not now well this this is precisely my thing which is why I uh briefed Max Franco at supper this evening you did what think of it frankl's column in the early edition of The New York Times will be on the stands by the time the radio Hano announcement gets airpl is Frank W quoting you directly no don't be silly Chuck of course not a from highly placed American officials and when do we announce to the Press officially yeah knowing that this President would not wish to make political capital of theevening the law I intend to call a press conference tomorrow morning announce it as uh government business business as usual what you said too was unyielding total rejection you said oh yes but our priority should be ensuring that this President is seen by the world as keeping his promise the press conference put all the pressure AR you no need to wor I will leave some VOR I will ensure that there is an area terminal as it done Falls but Mr President I had uh I had best get about the preparations if you will Excuse me yes yes a momentous event Mr President [Music] congratulations I suppose now everybody's going to say that Kissinger one on the election ladies and gentlemen we have now heard from both vietnams and it is obvious that a war that has been raging for 10 years is drawing the conclusion we believe that peace is at hand are you saying that the word actually over this is at hand not necessarily in hand Hanoi is well aware that saon will have to be consulted and approved before any agreement can be called complete but radio Hanoi claims the agreement is complete Hanoi might wish that we could uh simply impose any solution on Saigon and that their participation is not required but and I I must stress this that Hano has treated Saigon with the utmost seriousness he's just about said the north has met two demands that's not true what the hell do we do now nothing not this close to the election and then what send heg to Saigon let him deal with you Soldier to Soldier general to general right then kinger goes back to Paris Diplomat to the Diplomat and when that doesn't work well then we go back to square one but we've got four more years to get it right why not let Henry have his moment in the sun just as well he's taking credit for all of this because if this whole thing falls apart the public and the Press will turn on him I'll fire the son of a [ __ ] and end the war myself the early votes we have in where the PO have closed in the Eastern Midwestern and Southern States indicate that if this trend continues this voting continues across the country like this President Nixon will be reelected in a landslide and it may may surpass the record popular vote for Lyon Johnson in 1964 and that year he got 61.1% of the vote that was in his race against goldw now we're going going to look at the Electoral board showing the total number of electoral votes so far projected they show nine states have been projected for President Nixon with a total of 115 electoral votes still well short of course of the 270 needed to win so far no States projected for Senate of recovery 42 remaining undecided the 51 includes the District of Columbia first not Dear Mr President to take a divided nation m in war losing its confidence cor by intellectuals without conviction and give it a new purpose overcome its hesitations theom ever larger in the history books it has been an inspiration to see your fortitude in adversity and your willingness to walk [Music] along tell me if Russia invaded the US would you accept an agreement where they got to stay and then say it was peace I'm a general you are a general would you as a general accept this agreement I have a list of modifications that are necessary before I accept Dr Kissinger's October draft over the centuries colonialists have butchered us deceived us but never have we been so cruy misled as this to virually rejects the terms we negotiated we were told the agreement was complete now this 69 objections this is better be good I was actually enjoying myself it's not good we have complete breakdown the gulf between Saigon and Hanoi is enormous damn penger I knew he'd drop us in it well he knows we can't keep the uh col the talks quiet much longer he wants you to go on television a presidential address to the nation explaining where we are me oh sure now he wants me to step in no wonder piece is at hand indeed Henry's the smartest man I ever met maybe the smartest man alive you got to believe a guy like that doesn't make mistakes all the more reason to grab hold of this thing ourselves we will but not by me going on television how the hell can I rally the people when there's nothing new to report no the people who have to hear me are the North Vietnamese you mean resume the bombing damn straight if bombing Hano Is What It Takes then fine people react to fear not love they don't teach that in Sunday school but it's true yes but we've never bombed civilian targets maybe that's the missing element to insist the north withdraw okay we can sell that you get me an opinion poll ask the question should we continue operations until the Communists have withdrawn and tighten Security check this into your staff see if any of them were a govern supporters and tell Kissinger to stop smiling in the pictures with duck toe we're going to finish this thing once and for all I don't want Vietnam ruining my second term the way it did my first I plan to leave off as a hero and that won't happen if we don't end this war besides peace ought to distract the Press stop him from all this this digging around that stupid Watergate business that's dying down already it's almost definit you be Time magazine's Man of the Year good good excellent get Kissinger and heg back here [Music] [Music] there's my boy Tyler how you miss question pleas his piece of handie hand that's a wonderful phrase I wonder who my dad are doctor how are your to can you get those SS together yes I already have yes I'm certainly reuniting both vietnams they're both screaming at me now we have agreement don't give a dam we don't give a dam next upam next [Music] upam he can't be more than 18 [Music] you heard me a full court press will bomb the bastards into submission that'll teach them to stuttle the agreement Mr President it uh isn't exactly hord that scuttled it you is the odman now so he's our Ally is he yes but it uh seems strange to uh bom the party who agrees with you in order to coers the one who doesn't what the hell is this Lee ducto is suddenly your best friend no of course not not the bastards thoughty filthy bastards they make the Russians look good all right then let's get down to business we bomb the north well we uh we have some fighter bumbers on uh carriers off I found they they they can't do the job when you use Force you don't get points for showing restraint you and I have always agreed on that Henry something changed in you no sir of course not then you agree we do whatever it takes to get the job done no half measures b52s Henry b52s but but but sir we have never bombed a population center with strategic bombers the new the new bomb sites should make sure that we hit only strategic targets you now this is your fault Henry that peace is at hand crap raised expectations too high now we escalate B52 twos with unrestricted Targets in the north no through that Henry Alexander I'm with you 100% sir two's the horse we rode in on and we're onor bound to stick by him doesn't matter what went down in October Mr President I say You Stand Tall resume the bombing put those B52 mothers in there and show them we mean business this is a uh very courageous position Mr President fun that uh demonstrates the wisdom of the American people in electing you I know when you explained this decision to them they would rally to your support why I don't intend to explain Sil that's your job Henry you're the resident where when it comes to telling the nation the latest from the front yeah but surely you're only one who can make a stirring and convincing case oh you'll do a marvelous job you you use my name all your life just be sure to tell the Nation about the president you've seen tonight unflappable cool and a crisis and [Music] firm I regret that uh despite the earlier understanding you uh have not reached an agreement that the president considers just and fair the president wants anoy to know that until they show some um flexibility they are still subject to our military options can you be more precise about what options you're examining well I think it is sufficient to say simply that the president uh is considering all the uh military options at his disposal he a cheap shot he's just trying to distance himself he can't he was here he went along with it he's on the team for now at least the further he runs from this the more credit I'll get when the Communists cave in it's Kissinger who's losing his place in history when people see this bombing in the war they'll know how right I am [Music] today Paula 6 described the American bombing of Hanoi as quote the object of daily grief and this from Germany says the attacks are so outrageous that quote even allies must call this a crime against humanity unquote God does what else from Joseph craft today's column Kissinger has been compromised and everybody in town knows it is he just a good German in a cover of respectability to whatever monstrous policy President Nixon is pleased to pursue see the people are with me no big demos not today no stins no Riot no indeed sir you know why I'll tell you because we ended the draft there never was an anti-war movement only an anti-draft panic I was right about that just as I'll be Pro right about that Third Rate burglary at the Watergate as if that kind of crap isn't part of politics the Democrats do wors of course uh I suppose the Jews and the Liberals are still all over me they'll always be doing that Mr President yes yes but still in love with Henry I bet I suppose he's managed to put enough distance between himself and the rest of us not entirely Mr President in fact just today Joseph Craft's column says Kissinger's been compromised and everybody in town knows it is he just a good German lending a cover of respectability I knew they'd catch on to Henry sooner or later this is a banner year for us Bob banner year in 73 will'll be even better stand by tape rolling Dr Kissinger could you put the current bombing campaign into perspective for us please it uh was uh decided to uh bring home to both parties that the continuation of the war has a prize that explains air strikes against the north but what if Saigon well on uh prior occasions we have sent uh General heg to Saigon we are prepared toh do so again not exactly comparable actions why or even how is the decision to bomb reached right I uh I I would say it was uh certainly the uh most lonely decision that the uh president has had to make lonely decision hell I won't tolerate insubordination you tell Henry to talk to no one period he's not to call me finally reach I will accept no calls from him sure this is exactly right but uh that that has all the information we can share with you right now yes of course we did the yacht thing last year and honestly this is the best Christmas we've ever had uh yes consuel telephone seora is for Dr kisser it's from a m Camp David forgive me the job knows no house I will take it inside but he certainly is an exciting house guest you're being ridiculous Coulson you're overreaching your Authority I'm not in the habit of taking instructions from Mere political operatives did I remind you I am the President special adviser for National Security Affairs who are you to tell me not to call him I will call the president whenever I deem fit and whomever else I see fit to call journalists included let's see who takes those calls James R in please and Kissinger Scotty Scotty how are you good good I'm I'm delighted today's Times reston's Callum Kissinger undoubtedly opposes the bombing he has a strong sense of tragedy about Vietnam and wants to get it behind us but for the moment he is avoiding a break with the president which is more than the president will do with him he's gone to too far this time I want the president to see this this doesn't get us Kissinger's head on a plate nothing will wait a minute there's more if there is an open split between the president and his principal foreign policy adviser Mr Kissinger will be free to resign and write the whole story of the Paris talks and why they broke down and this would probably be highly embarrassing to Mr Nixon the rumors of a Schism between President Nixon and Henry Kissinger have now passed from the rumor stage to the fact page in an article on the oped page of the New York Times James Reston makes it clear that White House this is not good not for the president not for me not for the country yes but how do you stop it I can't only let Dr to can do that he must come back to the bargaining table Dr Kissinger [Music] [Music] time for an old Lackey old perhaps but the lucky I'd rather it out not mine at least come on now Henry politicking was part of the job and all that is not behind you I suppose absolutely we never do that kind of thing at the Pentagon this is no doubt why you stop by this part of town keeping F Fang Sharp I'm not in the White House game anymore just a spectator sport to me nowadays I may well be not far behind you no way you're Nixon's man well them the others are determined to get me you mean halman in his Bunch not a chance will succeed how they fail if I end the they'll convince the president he no longer needs me and if the V drags on I persuade him he no longer can afford me see today's paper I'd guess the Inner Circle have more to worry about than undermining the president's National Security adviser I'd even say that he who brings home the peace will be on the rise not the way out [Music] the president [Music] please Dixon was filling his own nature once it started it could not end other ofice just you and me now Henry got to get the par behind us push on America needs us like never before understand completely Mr President we will not fail her but can you refocus The public's attention on what's really important get the Paris talks back on track yes but with only cosmetic changes to the October agreement Hano insists some keeping its troops in place and they W recognize their border with the South as an inter National boundary two won't buy it you right if he guarantee we'll send our troops back if hanai tries to occupy the sou are you crazy that's promising we'll go back to war in a year the liberal media would skin our asses only if they know about it saon would accept private assurances a secret agreement are you sure private undertaking signed by you and they will acts brilliant Sensational and that's all it'll take well uh yes that and a uh a promise to help rebuild the north oh no no Henry Henry even I can't sell reparations it's like admitting we were wrong not uh not reparations we can call them uh reconstruction loans loans credits well that's a congressional prerogative Henry I know that's so but uh you don't have to spell out all the details in the treaty my understanding is that late oo will accept the Secret side letter dated three or 4 days after the signing of the treaty so we' get a treaty first exactly of course Congress will have to deal with it but that will be after the fact that's right after the fact hell they could even an know it if they wanted to precisely and by then the war will have been behind us and we will be armed for whatever new fights Li ahead all it needs is your signature on the Secret side letters well done Henry this is exactly what we need you're the best Henry you always come through for me find anything wor reading [Music] Lord come in here come [Music] here well it looks like we finally have IDE deal young man if we have much to do get to Ambassador BN and S tell him that the Paris talks may be resumed no no no get me Secretary Rogers surely this is his job [Music] now informed the Americans we will accept their private assurances provided they're over President Nixon's name not kisses but it leaves us completely exposed the Communist can roll South the minute the last American troop ship out they could but they won't Kissinger is giving us secret undertakings be sure he's doing the same for Hanoi even though he must at least suspect that they'll wait only for what he himself called decent interval before marching on Saigon in the end it seems our allies are motivated not by ideology care only for the great game of power Politics the decision is made as the Paris talks [Music] conclude let us prepare for the storm that will follow [Music] [Music] and so the day the world has waited so long for the end of the war in Vietnam that began with the end of World War II has finally come the United States Professor I thought of History has run by impersonal forces but when you see it in practice you see the differences personalities make could I have ended this Dreadful vve without the force of Personality frankly I would doubt it it was my place on the world stage that provided The Leverage necessary to achieve our ends and after so many years 58,000 dead a virtual Civil War on our own streets it is over there is a decided hush in the room Secretary Rogers fixes his last signature as does the representative of President you with a wave the representatives of the South begin to file out of the room secretary and help it feel that you should be the one who signs Rogers deserves some trophy for his support of joy in this room besides giving him one day in the sun seems only fairet convin him All That Remains a celebration Helen Thomas of UPI online one she wants to know how you're celebrating the days events ah Helen dness you tell her that uh that I intend to spend the day making enough not for [Music] I would like to think that when the record is written one may remember that perhaps some lives were saved and perhaps some mothers can rest more at this but I leave that to history within 5 months Coulson and halderman were under investigation by the special Watergate prosecutor in May halderman resigned and was replaced as President Nixon's Chief of Staff by General Alexander heg in June despite Administration indications it would use military options to enforce the treaty Congress prohibited redeployment of American troops in Vietnam in September President Nixon accepted William Rogers resignation and appointed Henry Kissinger as America's 54th secretary of state within 18 months North Vietnam completed its conquest of the South by then American casualties amounted to over 58,000 killed over 300,000 wounded and 2500 missing in action Australian casualties were 3500 South Vietnamese losses were 800,000 dead and wounded casualties to the north were over 1 million Richard Nixon resigned from office on August 9th 1974 Henry Kissinger is today a respected Washington consultant [Music]
Channel: steagle9000
Views: 237,186
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vietnam War (Military Conflict), Henry Kissinger (Politician), Richard Nixon (US President), Ron Silver, Paris Peace talks, Walter Isaacson (Author), Beau Bridges (Film Actor), H. R. Haldeman (Politician), Charles Colson (Politician), 1970s (Event)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 19sec (5779 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 18 2014
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