FBI warns of terrorist threats targeting Pride events

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see him, you are being urged to call 911. An ominous warning from the FBI this week, just as communities across the country are gearing up for LGBTQ Pride Month, federal law enforcement agencies are warning that ISIS may be looking to target pride events. They're asking local law enforcement agencies to be on alert. Here's NBC Bay Area's Sérgio Quintana in San Francisco with what the warning is and is not saying. San Francisco's pride festivities are among the most attended such events in the country, and the organizers of this year's annual San Francisco Pride celebration say, even though there is no specific threat to this celebration, they are taking the warning seriously and coordinating with law enforcement agencies. In a statement today, the San Francisco Police Department didn't directly address the FBI advisory, but did say all SFPD officers will be vigilant for illegal or unsafe activity during pride. The FBI advisory does not mention any specific threats to any particular targets, but it does come after several arrests around the world of alleged ISIS operatives. Since March, law enforcement and intelligence agencies in at least eight cities have arrested high ranking members of the terrorist organization or so-called sympathizers, who were accused of planning attacks on the group's behalf. Among those arrested, 18 year old Alexander Mercurio in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, federal authorities believe he was planning a gruesome knife attack at a church. They claim he was motivated by the deadly and well-organized ISIS attack on a Russian concert hall in March, which killed more than 130 people. The FBI warning also comes eight years after the deadly pulse nightclub attack in Florida, which killed 49 people. ISIS claimed responsibility for that massacre. It's something Bay Area residents say they still vividly remember, but people we talked with say that attack and the FBI advisory won't stop them from celebrating. It's changed. Probably. It hasn't been the same since the pulse nightclub shooting, but it's like, you know what? There's not a lot of opportunity for us to be gay and just be happy. And that's what I'm going to do. Come hell or high water, I'm going to pride. Would that deter you from going to a pride celebration? No, no, I don't think it's that realistic. The advisory asks law enforcement to be aware of unusual people taking pictures of security equipment, or repeatedly trying to get past security measures at certain buildings or events. It does not, however, say there is any knowledge
Channel: NBC Bay Area
Views: 51,447
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Id: KHitS17AzWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 26sec (146 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2024
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