Paris 1919

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[Applause] [Music] the Great War ended two months ago no peace treaty has been negotiated and a dozen small wars are still raging in Europe most of the world's leaders are coming to Paris to find a way out of this mess it is called the Paris Peace Conference its repercussions will be felt for the next 100 years Harold Nicolson is part of the British delegation like most of Paris Nicholson wants to see the politician for calling the God of justice [Music] [Applause] [Music] kings queens prime ministers and Aamir's are already in paris now the deity arrives is Woodrow Wilson president of the United States of America John Maynard Keynes British economist he won't go to the parade today he doesn't go with the crowd the Peace Conference Keynes things will be about money but then there are the widows don't forget who killed their husbands they say [Music] the people who killed their husbands the Germans are not in Paris today they'll be summoned later we're what I like this you can't do that on Z no money no convention it's if I said well you know I thought sure let's see not far from the parade map makers are reshaping the world two empires have disappeared a dozen new countries are being created the mustard for yer bodies are still being found in the mud of northern France the desire for a harsh peace treaty is overwhelming Woodrow Wilson says no there'll be no revenge I'll give you something better I'll give you a League of Nations and peace everlasting he has inspired the world as no leader in history [Music] [Applause] [Music] while in Paris Harold Nicolson will keep a diary January the 20th we are all dependent upon America not only for the war that has just ended but for the peace before us the Americans have on the war now they will win the peace [Music] making peace will not be any easier than making war the enemy's the same as Paris prepares for peace there's a celebration south of Berlin for German soldiers returning home [Applause] many Germans don't think they lost the war they signed an armistice and not an admission of defeat [Music] in northern France there's only death [Music] [Music] the war was so violent that half the French dead the bodies of 700,000 men are unidentifiable [Music] [Music] after the parade Paris turns cold [Music] 10,000 politicians diplomats arm sellers and spies arriving for the peace conference many have never seen snow the small delegations get unheated walk-ups the big ones entire hotels [Music] as the delegations total up their claims against Germany and her allies Paris comes alive once again man oh come on [Music] [Music] the day before the conference opens Wilson consults his most trusted aide Edward house about a league of nations the league would stop small conflicts before they became world wars then the president praised silently [Music] he will see no other visitors this day [Music] the peace talks will take place in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs the cajon say 200 delegates 37 countries the League of Nations will be hotly debated Germany will be punished for the first time in history a world conference will be open to moving picture cameras the politicians will be speaking to the world Lucido Madaba mr. Zedeck la like poof a mouse do a new puppy official motivate there are five countries of the head table they are known as the Supreme Council together they have lost about three million men in the war the smaller powers that fill the room have lost another two million Georges Clemenceau the Prime Minister of France is the chairman of the conference in deference to President Wilson plum also speaks in English I don't think there is any question that we are here to decide the issue of German guilt and ultimately of German reparations we want our countries made whole game history has taught Clemmie so everything he needs to know about war you make alliances then you fight other alliances the League of Nations is for dreamers Monsieur David Lloyd George vimini stole a golf with Anya Lloyd George has just won an election by promising he will get three hundred billion dollars from the Germans I too believe the issue of reparations must be dealt with soon it is not just to compensate the victims for losses terrible losses unimaginable losses it is what is right those who suffered in the French the British Italian the Belgians plenty of others they want compensation mr. Vittorio Orlando premier ministre Italy Italy flirted with joining Germany in the war then she got a better offer from the Allies were very much like to discuss which is of vital interests of Evernote reporter oh we need a bar to her bold the port Italy needs is for her worships unfortunately it belongs to Yugoslavia Italy is broke and near anarchy Monsieur now Bucky Makino you shuffled Japan she helped to win the war for the allies in the Pacific she wants territory that belongs to China it is estimated the conference will last three to four weeks during that time it will be effectively a world government at the center of it all one visionary politician who will save the world how long must be repeat history before we learn that revenge won't work I have every confidence the League of Nations will change that [Applause] [Music] Germany has not been touched with a war physically but she has lost 1,700,000 men suffered more than seven million casualties the Paris peace makers will deal with Germany when they're good and ready in the meantime the leaders have other business Australia with 300 million pounds sterling you definitely now we need New Guinea to balance our books the small powers line up to congratulate their patron saint a League of Nations might give them a better chance of survival in the meantime they would like to be rewarded for supporting the Allies eleutherios Venizelos prime minister of greece he's looking for land the Emir Faisal is looking for an Arab country to govern perhaps Iraq Amita Romita Jenny Sahara Kia a souvenir Haim fights Minh Zionists he wants a Jewish homeland in Palestine édouard house has warned wilson against coming to Europe these are countries that solve their problems with the gun he says Nicholson writes you could not avoid a feeling of all at the terrible responsibilities shouldered by the Statesman the fate of mankind was hanging by a thread [Music] everywhere he goes Wilson is followed by enormous crowds he is a devout presbyterian his father and grandfather were both preachers [Music] Wilson is never more alive than when he is close to the people [Music] all over Paris hundreds of experts are crafting different parts of the peace treaty John Maynard Keynes are set up the British reparations committee in an empty school for France this is what we have so far inhabitants driven from their homes two million seven hundred and thirty two thousand villages devastated 4,022 houses completely or partly destroyed five hundred and ninety four thousand six hundred and sixteen factories destroyed twenty thousand five hundred and thirty nine livestock carried off 1 million three hundred and sixty thousand the British numbers aren't in yet not so many farms but her shipping is decimated the real problem will come when each country tries to put a dollar figure and what a dead soldier is worth what he might have earned and he lived no accounting of any war in history has tried to do that there is still a partial food blockade around Germany from the Great War thousands of Germans are dying of starvation each week nothing will change until Germany is called to Paris we have an absolute right to punish those responsible for crimes for which no equivalent can be found in the Napoleonic war we must not make an enemy of Germany they are down but nations do not remain down forever Italia pursue 600,000 men in the world Nicosia Valera del Italian Bo buddies the favorite we have been premised territorial de Bologna poor work we to take comedy Gianna snow it's colossal city he won't stop us China has so many countries is counting on Wilson to protect its territorial integrity delegates no the conference is the last opportunity to acquire territory before borders are frozen the League of Nations will offer security that until now only could be found by military alliances once you prepare for war to get it so maybe for once we prepare for peace cartographers receive constant directives from the quedagh say mountain ranges will be divided train tracks diverted people moved from one rule to another this is your desire they please arrest on the Austral something servo hold on you I saw some cat dog smell human gets on me Oh mwah you don't go on because like open cuts remover right here usually for blasphemy laser shot for Chico Xavier photonics prom - [ __ ] - benefice ludecke polemical your mom got my metal the Russians will kill me mother - she don't work too near the good rhythm of me the phone so edited dismiss or let the security so long as mr. Tomaso does not train big [ __ ] armies for the purposes of aggression then of course we ourselves see the need of arming the Polynesians against their neighbors Wilson has said there will be no more colonies he has promised self-determination for all minorities the sheer audacity of the president's ideas is startling [Music] meet Winston Churchill Secretary of the Navy I've come to get myself an army he says he's convinced the fighting will start again Harold Nicolson has the Balkans an area known for starting Wars and breaking careers January 23rd they show no shame at all demanding most of hunger I take with me the papers about the secret Italian treaty his aim is to maintain in Paris the moral prestige February 4th top to General Spears he talks about disarmament by the league as the thing to do is to get it into their thick heads no more massacres Paris is a mecca for young idealists half the class of Harvard 1915 is there the other half died in the war one by one the small states are hustled to the cato say each will get a few minutes before the Supreme Council socata whoo monsieur le président himself Culpeper check Chesky not [ __ ] tality Slav honorable slow body and as a useless G the player allowed to V Fano mr. I do we tell whether STTR pessoa enough okay muna which demeanor who now say you I mean Luna chairman and then on to harder for the mother in any when I can be under whom Terra Firma there were yes Samia when being a fair Olympic until JA the small powers often come bearing gifts the Middle East has oil head Woodhouse says we don't need Arab oil we've got Texas we have always lived with the gun during the Klayton insurrection I escaped into the mountains I was one of the rebels in the hills I used to read the Sunday Times to learn English but my rifle was always across my knee as the newly-created states professor legions to the man of peace their agents prowl the Paris back streets looking for arms to buy the old way of doing things will not die overnight the big power is already armed to the teeth of other needs talk to people on the street here in Paris they say they don't really care that much about political questions boundaries flags cows and soft food that's what they say they just want peace get back to living they very sincere but at the end you know what they say but Germany must pay for otherwise what is to happen to France what has happened to us or about our dead husband's what about our stolen cows how we deliver German gold has answered all their problems that's what they think [Music] moving pictures are being shown with french actors playing the dreaded honey making piece in this atmosphere of simmering hate will be difficult [Music] Nicholson writes my attitude toward Germany was a compound of fear admiration sympathy and distrust I hated them for their practical ruthlessness I despised them for their political ineptitude but I felt no residue of vengefulness only an ardent desire that Germany and future might be rendered innocuous in northern France many world leaders take time up from diplomacy to walk the trenches Wilson refuses peace must not be made with emotion he says rarely does Wilson's stray far from the Cato say coached by Edward house the president is proving to be a quick study in the sometimes disagreeable art of compromise a month into the conference a young activist named Ho Chi Minh from the French colony of Indochina requests an audience before the Supreme Council ho Chi Minh never gets his audience his country will later become Vietnam Wilson calls Australian Prime Minister Billy Hughes a positive force of armand but the president ends up giving Hughes New Guinea it is sad to see people who have come all the way from Adrienne operas given only 10 minutes in that large hot room in front of five board people the lives of several thousand people are being changed of the stroke of a midnight pen Germany is meticulously preparing the case that she's not solely guilty of starting the war officers with a bad conscience are never less advised to go into hiding thousands do Kayne's meanwhile is proving to be as good as his contrarian reputation he's advocating Germany pay only for physical damage not the three hundred billion dollars his boss Lloyd George is demanding the widow's might have to fend for themselves Andre charger clémence Seoul's foreign minister writes Keynes's insular egotism cannot grasp what invasion means [Music] Wilson too is advocating moderation for German reparations this puts him squarely at odds with lloyd-george who has promised to pick the German poets dry [Music] Germany remains unstable right-wing thugs are promising to restore German pride Paris fails foreign minister countable Ric fund blocked-off ransom is chosen to head the delegation that will go to France the count is one of the few high officials who doesn't have blood on his hands from the Great War [Music] in Paris the Hun is being whittled down to size Germany loses 8 million citizens and 10% of her landmass but for Clemmie so that's not enough he wants a disputed area that belongs to Germany we need the serra mr. president know that France needs that coal perhaps it could be away you need the League of Nations I haven't totally Armenians are now in favor of the league and will vote for it no claim also is most dangerous when he's serving up compliments Wilson is equally dangerous when he believes the praise Wilson gives Clemenceau control of the SAR for 15 years although most people there are German one by one Wilson is violating his cherished principles the force of compulsion of Woodrow Wilson in those early months of 1919 was overwhelming it never occurred to us that if need arose he would hesitate to use it [Music] as Woodrow Wilson confounds his apostles Paris swirls with rumor that Weitzman the Jew is finding sympathy with the Allies that Faisal the Arab is getting the cold shoulder but the Japanese have something up their sleeves but in a very complicated world Harold Nicolson is showing himself to be as agile as Woodrow Wilson everything is being rushed at a feverish pace the saw reparations everything is boiling over at the same time Keynes has figured out a way to balance the French accounts for having Britain's National Gallery acquire paintings by MANET coholan dellacroix at bargain prices nothing is sacred in Paris the president often consults house about his frustrations with Europe houses response we're dealing with men not angels [Music] Wilson is using every bit of America's economic clout to get the league he doesn't like having to bargain it offends him but for the league you will do anything it is now five weeks into the conference in map rooms across Paris hundreds of thousands of people are being shifted from one nationality to another Germany has yet to be summoned a [Music] century for you is very long for us it's a blink of an eye we too have a history despite what the Europeans like to say history of the United States is a glorious history but it's rather short mr. president mm-hmm we have to try to escape our history we breeze it look we have two choices either we cancel Germany's debt entirely and let her rebuild and become a partner in the world community not a chance - or we open our markets to her goods - let her earn the money to pay us back look I never do that I worked at would you committed the peace conference is in danger of collapsing nobody can agree on reparations everybody wants land and there are echoes the lead will have a forest in Europe how fast can you lead get here fast enough I think do you really think so if the Germans leave after dinner they can reach Paris before breakfast besides I'm hearing different things about your Congress if the Russians come knocking Willig be able to stop them and quite sure the league will not be strong enough either for Germans or for Russians italia win certainly develop art not to exert the abdomen be Sonia do important territories roulade reality cope we have a monstrous problem everyone owes everyone else immense sums of money except America hundreds of billions of dollars Germany is a large sums the Allies presumably will figure out how much it's gonna be a lot I know that if Russia and German joined forces what would you league do with your Congress declare war on foreign soil let the American guys die under the League of Nations flag most certainly well America's not threatened I don't think so it's not real I'm hearing from Washington peace is a risk Franchesca risk it now France has everything in its hands if it will only risk it America will want its money back sooner or later America has already made a killing the war in trade she look forward to wait the world will stop celebrating soon and then accounts will have to be settled you'll get your league you mr. president I promise you that it's just that we need our own protection we are not like you but we all want what you want mr. Prime Minister I think we all want that we'll get your league will not disappoint you about your league mr. president then I suspect you'll be able to breathe a little more easily Edward house writes when I telephoned the president at seven o'clock that we had finished the league covenant he was astounded and delighted a toast is offered to the League of Nations and a President Wilson's courageous vision [Music] in Berlin it has announced that Johann gisberts and Volta Siemens will join Brock Taranto on the German delegation going to Paris like everyone else the Germans believe Woodrow Wilson will give them justice the following day Woodrow Wilson set sail for America he must still get Senate approval for the league he will return to Europe in a month [Music] Wilson has achieved an astonishing triumph in the face of considerable opposition in Europe and growing isolationism in America he has got his League of Nations passed by the conference [Applause] but it is clear to almost everyone that the league is in trouble in America and the peace conference itself is in trouble in Paris [Music] shortly after Wilson's departure georges clemenceau leaves his private residence [Music] [Music] [Applause] Keith so she wanted ooza for makin a choice or problem in small sizes every day word of the shooting spreads quickly throughout Paris one bullet lodges under clemenceau shoulder it is close to a spinal cord it is assumed the assassin is either a German agent or a Russian revolutionary Wilson hears of the shooting in New York [Music] [Applause] he is profoundly shaken [Music] news of the assassination attempt reaches Germany the same day there are no tears in Berlin as it turns out the assassin Emil cotta is a French anarchist I wanted to kill plumber so he says because he was preparing for another war the French Prime Minister with a bullet permanently lodged in his body is more linked to his soldiers than ever since the attempt on Clemson's life Paris bristles with detectives the French have learned that some anarchists are after Venizelos blood we adopt by detectives and motorcycles constantly and not much happening pending Wilson's return [Music] physically weak from nonstop negotiating Wilson is once more sailing into the unknown to add to his woes the president is also receiving disturbing telegrams about the activities of his confidant Edward house [Music] in Paris a major decision is now taken henceforth a Supreme Council - Japan will meet in private openness has not worked [Music] during Wars secrecy may be necessary Wars are by nature undemocratic whether peace benefits from secrecy is another question the big four are now more powerful than any men in history [Music] the war is never far away from the peacemakers hospitals are choked with wounded soldiers letters are drafted too anxious parents have received your son Albert James Medicine regret barring a miracle his left leg he bought dental 17-years German gas is permanently Sun controlled shaking due to hon gasps J Edwards lam 23 and catastrophic damage to a central Reese with ink lost total control of his John Jacobs 19 delirious little hope of Smithers Jones Harry Parkington the big four were all highly successful wartime leaders they are now discovering that making peace is sometimes more difficult than making war we were got to inform you that a 2:13 p.m. your son left this earth a short time later Wilson summons Edward house Wilson feels he's been negotiating behind his back the Europeans prefer house to Wilson he's willing to compromise Wilson tells House the president alone makes American policy [Music] housed effectively is out with Edward house gone President Wilson is more isolated than ever Berlin six German negotiators and 180 secretaries translators lawyers journalists barbers and cooks set off for Paris they bring with them documents allegedly proving Germany alone did not start the war the big four will monitor the trains progress in Wilson's study this is what the world has waited for the surrender of German colonies must be total and definitive the surrender of the German Navy total and definitive we are on their way from newspaper accounts Proctor France I was aware of on Paris's thinking so let it happen there simply will ensure this you can determine to deliver I don't mean beginning awesome kiting dolphines if it's odd yep in fixpoint there will be no half measures the surrender of a large portion of the German merchant fleet total and definitive destroyed sure I - the secret holds muslin infobox Roberta Borden the conan's lying a lot in Eternia we fell analytically I know it holistically from the short target so clear out really of the young top of underground wouldn't talk about it the exclusion of Germany from foreign markets total and will last for a considerable time no admission to the League of Nations not now well I don't know sometimes it's a future and I want to know what each of those German delegates did during the war these are not negotiable the remedy is not proportional to the evil they were the first to use poisonous gas it was the German that began the pumping and long-distance shelling of towns for no military object but solely for the purpose of reducing the morale of their opponents by striking at the women and children they drove thousands of men and women and children with brutal savagery into slavery in foreign lands they allowed barbarities to be practiced against their prisoners of war from which the most uncivilized people would have recoiled how much German gold how much German pride equals 1 million 300 thousands dead what actuary do we concert' do we talk to your mr. K's Walter Siemens the lawyer for the German delegation often writes to his wife during this time dear Esther I invoke funding visits new beaten this man is a liver donor Dan Aladdin's come not vanish assign a shoot under fr unforgiven buildin on prescriber when wasn't the ash left field also this is not here he's Jewish a banker he's bringing with him to other bankers Warburg & Wasserman Jews 500 thousand Jews fought in the German army Germany feels that expert Jewish bankers will ensure the best possible treaty he's a trained going to be stopped several times sir I'm told it's immobilized now yeah we're done [Music] four hundred and twenty thousand men died in Verdun nine villagers disappeared there's not a single tree standing [Music] rocked off ren tsao foreign minister he's the leader very tough dougies birds Postmaster General not much information on him dr. Walter Simon's German Foreign Office specializes in law he'll probably be doing the writing for the delegation the lies is he reasonable son is German the voyage through the Germans handiwork is half over you start Sahib is in fuzzy good you haven't kind of documented the divine would even saw through lots of clicks begin and I enjoyed it a golden feeling sets on shoulders the inversion beragon set a new start filmed off that's when the Anakin you have rewrites bizarre even if a billion bits are HD the Germans can also says are beaten but they're not crushed we must finish the job for those who died and for those who have yet to be born [Music] the undone fuel mouthfeel of the guy Lloyd George de France awesome and I can assure countries should keep the skin mutant of aliens I'd father give at least 300 bits on I'm certain young s Fellini in the end if Germany feels that she's been unjustly treated she will find the means of exacting retribution I think we have it that before history has to defense are the lessons Clemenceau has been waiting for this day since he witnessed Germany invade France forty five years ago later he would say 20 times during the war it was believed France was dead did they really think I was going to back down now French authorities fearing riots have directed the train to an isolated station to their side [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] they were sad locked germs they're drawn dejected faces and tired staring eyes like men who've been hammered at the stock exchange [Music] the German delegation is immediately transported to their side it will be housed in the hotel their reservoir [Music] the Germans established their headquarters in the hotel basement [Music] they are certain there are listening devices in the walls that their phones are being tapped they are right [Music] [Music] Wilson is receiving cables from the United States warning him the leaf is in trouble and now the hun is just down the road [Music] the Germans are playing music loudly to hide their conversations from allied ears Tannhauser is a favorite t-shirt that respond my business argument of maids enough in society P na manazashi [Music] which tanker eldest Sdn Bhd field - in abuddin guys [Music] the kaisers under house arrest in Holland the Germans would be humiliated if you were prosecuted as the Germans wait the conference is creating small states that might one day protect France just in case peace doesn't work fifteen weeks into the conference 100,000 troops a month are still coming home they bring with them stories of German atrocities [Music] in Wilson's study there is an uneasy standoff three of the leaders are old school politicians who seek security in midnight alliances the fourth has brought his Bible to a poker game [Music] [Music] French newspapers are now criticizing the man they once proclaimed a god he doesn't mind being called pro-german but mines are the funny little jokes the French papers make about him it turns out the editorials were ordered by the French government Wilson is threatening to leave Paris with the regard to press criticism especially to ridicule mr. lloyd-george and Monsieur Clemenceau were gloriously thick-skinned mr. Wilson retained his schoolgirl complexion as the negotiations dragged on hungry succumbs to communism much of the world is starving out of work and disillusioned with the conference their strikes in Europe strikes in North America all the pent-up anger from the war is boiling over Paris is scared the spring of 1919 is particularly cold in Paris the Allies have turned off the heat and the Germans hotel the hostage now may have to go into pencil as Mustafa having the powerful device in his loss begin publish games to the speed and everything fits on the glasses come down some other Shimon see once we have any ideas left before the Shrive naphthalene backbone at the ice tribal the sitting the interlocking opposition against switch banquet host and fun and functional merits and Biss indeed heightened when would you like to send for the Germans they want to know you've got a few details to clear up for his draft proposal of the treaty first why not let them enjoy the French countryside it's been a grueling trip not easy olessa percy Xalapa sommore trade war to Mordor Parisians by the hundreds keep a vigil in front of the German hotel it makes them forget their hungry Gaston Montoya tinactin food cook Varsham park for schoenbaum Egypt the easy good sear on went platinum shall be insufficient under Goethe International Affairs Pentagon Mattel called Amazon of cobalt hintergrund oil is a duplicate they're shutting district sales as voltina oonski - ever soon a madam clerk would come to ammonia [Music] after months of negotiation it has become clear each of the big four wants a very different kind of peace Britain wants to continue to rule the Seas Italy is out for loot France wants protection against the day when Germany might return America wants the world's conscience once her loans repaid [Music] preparations are still trying to find out what Germany is worth to anybody the German merchant marine might fetch six hundred million dollars auctioning off the German Navy won't be easy it won't get what it's worth foreign securities have a good an estimate there from a low of five hundred million dollars to 1.25 billion they're not in a hurry to open their books to their overseas accounts somebody better trust them well that will happen very soon we're thinking that an American us we're German on private property might raise as a pinch another half billion dollars no this is not what we expected some total 300 billion dollars maximum she needs most of that to stay alive what did he promise them two hundred videos no that was a politician's pipe dream they're not got the money not even close I'm sure you know the French are describing your numbers quite differently this is Paris everybody keeps their own Ledger's everybody's got maps Cannes is veering further and further from the enormous numbers the leaders have promised putting a price in a world war is proving difficult days purse the Germans here nothing [Music] Rock de France au tells Walter Siemens to write two responses to the treaty whose contents he can only guess at one response will be conciliatory one harsh after a week of enforced waiting the Germans are informed they will be presented with a draft treaty at 3 o'clock that afternoon in say Minuten Edmonds the automobile associate song IM tryin on palace hotel plane pave the freedoms building owners are findable on the severan of the iana order and revise for common degeneracy onin you but it's Zukunft distortion rehearsing [Music] the site of counter broke off runs out sends a shiver through the crowd let me niblet Lomonaco destiny who's a very clammy like babe a pianist anticipable at Dudley who's that they are [ __ ] like a Jennifer tomato Percy Boca surrender peacefully so quadri the terms of the treaty are harsher than the Germans ever imagined Germany will be paralyzed for generations blocked off ran so knows which speech to use by the heavenly you torsional sneaked within Oh foul on souvenir elegant bring God also on Mozgov is dusty give out the deutsche waffen debuff missed you canada booked the sucess yawns here and kindred what you have the light chakra he far longer held the CCOs supply a cheap abundant psilocin let's be seated Mustafa's on its reference about it the Zeon CiTR I'm shooting a cannon I try to speak at this very minor Mandir an illegal [Music] muga kobato Franzel tots Alan Jennifer Wilson is a special Navarre man Oliva foul Indies in vitro fertilization young Alvarez - demon - Kazam in focus da da they don't define de Maistre East in Safari de France hosts in Vietnam ident mal calc after forged crankshaft NASA's [Music] own demons of an understanding yet our society our capitalist - equality they are coated with a clevis not [Music] [Music] dropped off Rancho has caused a sensation nobody speaks to the victors the way he did the young diplomats worry about pushing Germany too far Andre charger replies you worry about provoking nationalist feelings in Germany Germany's defeat in the war beat you to it so what so Daddy fandom Sciences in Christ to Satan we are divided a finish the lines that increased untaught recent submissions onion stop you said he here the subtle sweet superstar their dreams were talk good from the islands I 300 all the discus you're an object here same as the salutes I'm very happen you won't be talking the Germans have three weeks to come up with a response they turn off their music they no longer care who's listening while Paris waits for the German response spring arrives [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] life is returning to normal [Music] [Applause] three months into the conference Harold Nicolson has maneuvered himself close to the inner sanctum Wilson takes a map spreads it on the carpet in an alcove room and kneels down we all squat in a circle around him the president throws Becky's great face well he exclaims I didn't come to discuss competence in my judgment the test is what the people themselves want I was conscious that there was in Wilson's pronouncements a tinge of revivalism a touch of Methodist arrogance and more than a touch of Presbyterian vanity [Music] with time running out there's a great push to get the world tidied up the map makers are instructed to squeeze Shia Sunni Kurds and Jews into a new state called Iraq in Berlin there are massive protests German Chancellor Philipp Scheidemann shuts down entertainment for a week to protest the draft treaty sure once vert know their smarts that are not far to be running up court he spotted and easily gone for Dodge and want a devotee on through our oppa the mission hunter alenushka ending up walk therefore Handelman family constant messages are being sent from the Germans to the big four requesting a moderation of the peace terms the big four have problems of their own America asks nothing by way of reparation damages the Chiefs she spent millions of dollars and thousands of lives any lives America lost a little less than all straight and very unhappy mr. president they have a lot of problems with the socialist and botulism and you are getting my fruit the treaty must be accepted or rejected the weight now stands in Rome there are fascist leaders named anuncio and Mussolini on the rise Orlando is failing to get anything in Paris they cry I ask you for a few days to know at least in what sauce you intend to cook me it lazy review de no I've told you before I will never accept bartering peoples like that Italia satisfied will remain absolutely firm and calm but an Italian discontented and disappoint that will mean danger for entire world you understand me you do yourself a disservice and your people Orlando and his Italian delegation leave Paris in a huff Belgium and Japan are threatening to go the Chinese are not happy Wilson is gambling he still has the American people like like allied listening devices reveal frequent long-distance calls from Berlin to Brock de France oh that's concede for Beckenham s four blood moons oh I think usually here have enough carbon and out get up amateurs yeah yeah like my nahuelito that isn't documented as Kalihi non-physician 9 Donna dr. Franz ow the least of these documented securely manically linked nose yeah I'm the eldest daughter of Isis estoy oh man smile neots ich mir dear fazool first vinda a nine-inch Dylan art dinner house the important thing is to persuade these Germans that they are people must be rubbed in their heads we have given this a few accounts in the order to prepare a report on the measures to be taken if the Chairman's refused to sign the treaty the measures to be taken include a resumption of fighting a full invasion of Berlin the supreme Allied commander marshal forces ready to go war is a real possibility there is not a single person among the younger people here who is not unhappy and disappointed at the terms the British Treasury man Keynes is very pessimistic about the German treaty he considers it not only immoral but incompetent the Germans can gain nothing by signing and lose nothing by refusing to sign films is so ended yet Sylvia wants to be kinder they and also Anglican did you build the destined is he here to eBay at st. Erhard see how nice to exist iam see how I know all fine land canes and forms Lord George the Germany won't be able to pay much more than 10 billion dollars Lloyd George has promised Britain 30 times that amount [Music] when the conference started there was snow on the ground Parisians were told there will be a treaty in four weeks the conference is now in its fifth month a just piece is as elusive as ever [Music] as the days pass fewer calls are being intercepted between Brock de France and Berlin it is fear if the Germans might look for friends elsewhere [Music] Harold Nicolson writes in the Battle of time pressure we said better a bad treaty today than a good treaty four months hence I was so confident we were doing it the best way I was tragically mistaken Italian parted of the esta Gilligan high decisions uncertainties went often still and evolved distinguished went outside yeah pan hot ones indirect defogger valent suicide and violence rate above all from the brought da France I was informed Berlin expects the war will start again if the treaty is not ratified there is tremendous pressure to accept it with the exception of one trip home Wilson has been out of America since before Christmas [Music] it was advised to stay in Washington not to personally negotiate with the Europeans in Germany people are at last coming to understand the hatred felt towards them the days that follow are amongst the most momentous in the history of the world [Music] there are new problems every day every hour [Applause] the one center of power in the world is Paris three leaders who barely get along [Music] while they argue the world won't stand still running out of time mr. president communism starvation workers revolutions all are overtaking Europe they will soon jump the Atlantic Republicans are having a field day in the capital sir they think they've got the votes to block the region [Music] and getting impatient in Texas the coal workers are striking in Johnstown the hearing room is about China the Chinese learn they're going to lose shantung a city of a million people to the Japanese they were counting on Wilson [Music] happiness they're not going to say we must show the Junkers who is boss there will be no compromise four months lloyd-george has pushed Wilson to deal harshly with Germany then unexpectedly he switches an act of considerable courage I'll be quite frank with you I fear a weak Germany almost as much as I fear a strong belligerent one if she's weak she's prey to any demigod who comes along and promises to restore German pride you know that could happen I've heard that before a weak Germany will also not be able to buy British goods you're right we want to chain with Germany I admit it but if you treat them as the enemy they will not disappoint Wilson says no the treaty must stand as is as he compromised so many of his ideals already that his pride won't let him compromise when it's really necessary mr. lloyd-george has discovered that he cannot in five days persuade the president era in what has taken five months to prove to him to be just and right it's harder to debug uzl the old presbyterian that depends live in the first place canes for his part remains steadfast he will not endorse lloyd george's demand for 300 billion dollars John Maynard Keynes resigns a madman sworn on java khofifah laden concertación in was eaten spot yet who ends as on de su cuenta de Afghan border he formed in hundreds about Nazi on mana Cowan kindda entire wine ZB Neiman's ish at valency furutaka row fill the kingdom see first in de Canas Reseda tune ploughin emitted Co divided its Jose in last man heart zinc white flowing fervent Roman want Kershaw sir [Music] excuse me gentlemen the Germans who right environment three hours ago of the Fonzo Simon's they've all resigned even the Chancellor Sharda man I'm not sad we just received a cable Orlando's government has fallen he's out in Italy black shirted fascists are beating up detractors in the streets [Applause] over the last five months the map makers have redrawn the borders of Europe the Middle East the Far East and Africa they have done their best it is time to rest [Music] Wilson has exhausted all his moral and physical strength getting the League of Nations Germany he believes will eventually become part of the League of Nations and redeem itself Wilson has always been a dreamer [Music] [Music] two days before the signing the Germans scuttled their internment fleet their pride won't let the Allies have their worships this act of treachery convinces any last-minute doubters that Germany cannot be trusted in the final days a new government takes power in Germany - reluctant German officials Mueller and Bell are found to sign the peace agreement rumors abound that they'll sign then shoot themselves or they'll shoot Wilson truth has never been easy to find in Paris shouldn't leave the Germans - alone reservist I think I know them better that he'd the huzza the Great War started 1797 days ago in a few hours it will be over the Treaty of Versailles will be signed [Music] Harold Nicolson will witness the signing Versailles is the final entry in his Paris diary when we reach Versailles the crowd thickens the avenue to the Chateau is lined with cavalry and steel blue helmets [Music] [Applause] [Music] the captured German Canon have tactfully been moved [Applause] [Music] Walter Siemens is in Germany with his wife as the treaty is being signed for a period of time he will be the Chancellor of Germany until men more extreme than he take over men who will repudiate the Treaty of Versailles [Applause] [Music] Kayne's is in London as the treaty is being signed that was a politician's pipe dream they've not got the money not even close his figure of ten billion dollars is almost exactly but Germany ends up paying [Music] the Chinese decide not to sign the treaty Wilson has alienated half a billion people [Music] Vittorio Orlando is also not at the signing we need a bar too horrible Orlando never gets his port Benito Mussolini promises to do better if she is weak he's a traitor any demigod who comes along and promises to restore German fry Britain doesn't get much in the way of German gold she never again owns the high seas Georges Clemenceau comes closest to getting what he wants from the treaty we want out Godfrey's made holy but the French had been promised protection from Germany for all time it is already clear the treaty won't deliver that claim also is rejected by the French people when he runs for president in the next election he dies alone a bitter man Woodrow Wilson returns to America and continues lobbying for the League of Nations his health is not good he pushed himself to the limit in Paris I will never accept bartering people's like that [Music] we enter the Hall of Mirrors in front like a guillotine is the table for the signatures the Republican Guards at the doorway flashed their swords into the scabbards with a loudly feds arteries and more so zc4 senior at I did a babe Clemenceau looks small and yellow a crunched homunculus [Music] suddenly from outside comes the crush of guns it announces to the world the treaty has been signed the Great War is finally a bullfight Clement saw emerges from the door below me he's joined by Wilson and Lloyd George the crowds upon the terrace burst through the cordon of troops top hats of the big four are lost in the sea of gesticulation [Applause] Germany never forgives the West for the Treaty of Versailles the winds of war are already blowing as Paris celebrates America ultimately rejects the League of Nations Woodrow Wilson dies two years later he never stopped believing in the League of Nations the peace negotiators of Paris were convinced that they would not commit the blunders our iniquities of the Congress of Vienna future generations will be equally convinced that they will be immune from the defects which assail the negotiators of Paris yet they in their turn will be exposed to similar microbes of infection [Music] to the eternal inadequacy of human intelligence [Music] the Treaty of Versailles was supposed to give meaning to the lives of the tens of millions of dead and wounded in the Great War it didn't do that it did teach that military conquest alone offers no lasting safety it would take another world war another 40 million dead for the world to start to learn how to make peace [Music] [Music] you [Music] you [Music]
Channel: NFB
Views: 378,235
Rating: 4.7929492 out of 5
Keywords: feature-length film, Margaret MacMillan, Paris 1919, peace talk, history, Paul Cowan, President Woodrow, President Wilson, peace treaty, re-enactments with archival images, diplomacy
Id: BjmpMY22lqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 4sec (5644 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2019
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