Call Northside 777 | English Full Movie | Drama Film-Noir

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and the record is kept by the newspaper men who have made Chicago's papers great no period in Chicago's history was more violent than the years of Prohibition the rise and fall of the bootlegging Empires Was Written in Blood and bullets in 1932 there were 365 murders committed in Chicago one for each day of the year eight policemen were shot down in the line of duty one of the most ruthless of these murders occurred on December 9th 1932 on South Ashland Avenue in a place operated by a woman named Wanda scutnik Wanda scutnik store in the Polish District was the front for a Speak Easy you got change for 20 that's all right pay me next [Music] time Wanda you're looking at a guy that's coming down with a cold sit down oh thanks hi for a cold this is good thanks Wanda [Applause] [Music] oh Bush the police R get the police quick hello hello Central get me the police yeah quick please this cornered frightened Bootlegger gave information that pointed suspicion towards a man named Tomic zesa Tomic zesa couldn't be found but two weeks later a tip from another source revealed that zesa had spent the night of the murder with his friend Frank week the police closed in on the home of Helen and Frank we check Helen and Frank were taken into custody for questioning Frank week admitted that Tomic zesa had spent the night of the murder at his home but insisted he knew nothing about the crime why did Toc want to sleep at your house well he was having trouble with his old man and he was afraid to go home when did your last report to your probation officer last Friday you're sure it wasn't Thursday no I I know it was Friday because that was the day my wife told me she was was going to have a baby you went to the probation officer on Thursday not Friday there's your report card you're confused son try to be a little more accurate where were you at 3:30 on December 9th I was I was with my wife I remember because I was helping a shell warut for a cake she was making you were wrong about the day you saw the probation officer maybe you're wrong about being at home shelling walnuts for your wife on December 9th I I know I made a mistake about the probation officer but I know I'm right about the other thing this statement was signed by your wife an hour ago my husband was home with me on the 9th of December I remember this because he was helping me pit dates for a cake you sure it was walnuts I don't know I'm sure she must be mistaken his wife Helen was released but because of Frank's confused testimony on insignificant points and his minor police record he was held as a suspect eventually after hiding out for 6 weeks Tomic zesa protesting his innocence surrendered to the police you know we're looking for you you know we'd picked up your good friends Helen and Frank week and why didn't you give yourself up if you were innocent as you claimed I I was scared sometimes I used to hang around around W this place when I heard they were picking up everybody she knew well I figured nobody would miss me so I just beat it I know now I made a mistake but I came in on my own hook didn't I when you went to week's house that night what reason did you give for wanting to sleep there I I didn't give any reason I I used to spend the night there once in a while you didn't give them any reason no I just asked them to let me stay there and they did and you're sure you gave them no reason no after identification by an eyewitness Frank week and tomak zesa were indicted for the murder of Officer Bundy and swiftly brought to trial I will ask you Mrs scutnik if you see in this courtroom the two men that murdered policeman John Bundy yes sir him and him had you ever seen either of these men prior to the time of the shooting oh sure Tomic used to come around my place all the time the other fell I never saw before and the first time you saw Frank week was on the day of the murder yes sir and the next time you saw him was the day you picked him out of the police lineup yes sir thank you your honor the people rest both men received a sentence of 999 years to be served in Stateville Penitentiary this happened in November 1933 Frank and tomok went to prison the case was forgotten for 11 years forgotten until October 10th 1944 when a small advertisement appeared in the classified section of the Chicago Times Bo yes sir get me the file on John W Bundy cop Gilden 32 all right and get McNeil yes check fish what do you make of it but I want to know why it's worth 5,000 bucks to someone to find out who killed a cup 11 years ago 1932 was open season for cops over on the North side they were shooting them in pears like a brace of ducks this is all I could find on that cop killed in 1932 that funy guy Mr Kelly oh you see what I mean he didn't rate much it wouldn't hurt to check it might get your name in the paper this a sucker bait every grifter and mooch in town will be after that five grand they'll frame their brothers to get it and maybe this is a frame there's a lot of angles this thing you see what I mean just takes you longer to catch on that's all just thinking about it I'm looking for Tilly week what you want I called Northside 777 they said I'd find her here I'm you run this ad yes that's for me you know something no no no no I'm a reporter from the Chicago times we like to know why you're so interested in finding the Killer his cop Frank vitc is my son I his mother my son's in prison for killing him he didn't do it my friends they tell me if I offer big money maybe somebody will tell who killed the policeman now you mean your son's in prison for killing the cops that right yes but he don't do it my Frank's a good boy he don't do this thing I about this $5,000 where'd you get it is that important oh yeah yeah very important where he got it where you got it might have a lot to do with a case he might have it hidden away someplace maybe you got it from some mob it's trying to Spring him no no I work I scrub floors 11 years I never miss a day's work I earned it every penny 11 years that's a long time yes you just say it my boy he lived it believe me mister you don't know my Frank but me I his mother you mean you got some new evidence something that wasn't brought up at the trial no no that's why I try to buy new evidence no no you're just you're just wasting your money you cheated out of it no not me look look lady he's in for 99 years now if you want to make good use of the money send them lots of cigarettes and Candy try and keep them happy you're very kind but I not use my money for candy or cigarettes if you're not able to help I get my Frank out someday somehow I dream of this day $5,000 a lot for a dream yes 11 years I dream and I work first I try $3,000 nothing now I try $5,000 course nothing happened then I work 11 more years I get $10,000 but my boy someday he get out I got to hand it to you as way check you got a lot of Courage you help me I'm afraid I couldn't do that I'm only a reporter I just write the story now good luck to you 85 great job ma thanks Char ma they this story on the scrub woman pretty good how'd you like to follow it up by going out to State and interviewing her son oh now wait a minute I didn't write the story to glorify the son he's a cop killer you got any proof he's a cop killer well they didn't give him 99 years for playing Hookey he had a record he was on probation when he shot the cop yeah I know I read the record too he's Public Enemy Number One he and a couple of other kids broke into a grocery store he got two bucks and a record but in this case an eyewitness identified him as one of the killers the Supreme Court reviewed the trial the conviction was upheld well so what it wouldn't hurt anything to hear what the guy has to say would it well what if you go out there well look ma let's put it this way maybe I'm interested for personal reasons maybe I'm interested cuz my mother did the same thing she scrubbed floors in her hands and knees for more than 11 years send me through school okay I'll go out to the pandore and say how about expenses here's a voucher take to the cashier Kelly I happen to know that your mother had a small annuity she never scrubbed a floor on her life you never got past the fifth grade but I figure if you pull such a corny gag as this you must want me to go pretty bad so I'm going up I want you to know that you didn't get away with it Jim yeah you're early tonight what happened I got to get up 8:30 in the morning go out to Stateville and see that scrub woman's boy got something to eat for me mhm it's all ready hey hi hi hey got a new one huh isn't it a beauty 500 pieces yeah I can't see how a smart girl like you can spend so much time on these things a I noticed you worked on the last one you know that was a marvelous yarn you wrote about that polish woman had a lot of feeling what a magnificent thing that old lady did yeah everybody's touched especially Kelly I was too makes you feel warm well I hit it pretty hard but don't start believing it I read the files on the case that kid killed the cop he got what was coming to him I need a branch of a tree right in there see around oh that's Sky that's Sky I I wasn't thinking about the boy I was thinking about his mother I had hammer out of Saab store and everybody's blubbering all over me you know what it is it catches your imagination nobody knows whether she's right or not but she's worked so hard she's had such faith that well I want it to be right honey I love you wouldn't you scrub floors for me if I shot old Kelly in the head oh I don't know you don't you don't Jim oh here's one here's one looks like it Jim look I'm going out to see him tomorrow well you you women are suckers for sentimentality aren't you I guess that's how I got you all I had to do was dangle an orange blossom in front of it oh it took a little more than that Mr [Music] mcneel what kind of a guy is he Warden I like him Frank this is mcne the Chicago Times he wants to interview you now you don't have to consent to this interview or answer any questions if you don't want to but I do want to sure I want to okay that's fine he's yours sit down Frank the times has taken an interest in your case I came out to ask you some questions yes sir I'd like more of your story your side of it I need an angle something to hit the public with you understand yes sir now you knew about the ad your mother ran on the papers the $5,000 reward yeah did you know she was scrubbing floors to earn that money yes I did all she lives for is to get me out I guess that's all I got to live for too well that's a very good angle to play up your faith in your mother her faith in you you know if you're guilty you're just letting her slave her life away for nothing she knows I'm not guilty uhhuh I read the news Clips transcript of the trial they don't quite wash you the way I said but you only read what convicted me well the true facts didn't come out even judge Molton said I was innocent the judge that gave you 99 years well the jury said we were guilty he had to but in his Chambers he said he knew we were innocent when was that after he sentenced to oh after well maybe we better duck that what else my lawyer was a drunk he wouldn't even let me take the stand he was afraid I'd get the chair huh go on when they question you hour after hour you you're bound to get mixed up on a lot of little things the way I did that's another good angle railroaded huh and they took me from one police station to another every few hours taking me around the horn they call it so my lawyer couldn't get me out and this one the scutnik the first two times she saw me she said I wasn't the man and all of a sudden she said I was finger woman all right we'll play that up too I was home with my wife the night the policeman was killed does your wife visit you regularly my wife yeah we're divorced well we better duck that angle too you duck so many things you don't believe me do you listen I talked to your mother she's a very fine old woman she believes you I need proof I got no proof yeah yeah I know all right now what we'll do with this thing is this we'll play up this mother angle and the finger woman and maybe a little police and political corruption too I didn't say that what difference does that make it's a good angle probably true anyway you see you don't want a wishy-washy story this thing's got to have sock Mass Appeal it's the only way we'll be able to help you get sympathy public support you leave it to me okay War thank man that's all Frank are there any Gilly men out here not if you hear them tell it sure make a hard pitch don't they 99 years is a long time maybe he'd been better off he got the chair Mr mcneel is busy but I'll tell him you like the story you're welcome yes the times is going to continue with the we TI case you're welcome yeah yes H well thank you very much for calling that's right lady I guess the time is going to follow up the case yeah but say what are you going to use for the followup what follow well the thing is snowballing I want more of it well you want to give me a raise or do I just get the 5,000 from week's mother look ma my job's to print the News That's fit to print did it ever occur to you that we might be selling this dead cop short maybe he had a mother that scrubbed floors too and another thing you remember what we Che said about that judge that promised him a new trial well the judge died 3 weeks after the case was closed he's been dead for 11 years that we che's a pretty smart cookie you know he gives me a lead and knows I can't check up on it well why don't you take a different lead look ma you know we're getting on the average of more than 20 phone calls per hour from our readers and every time that phone rings you see those great big juicy headlines I know Chicago Times clears innocent man well why not well why not it's it's impossible Kelly you can't do a thing like this listen ma if you don't like the story if you think he's guilty end it write a finish piece and kill it I'll take that deal I'll interview his wife she believed in him so much she divorced him I ought to kill it for [Music] good [Music] I'm looking for Helen riska yes I'm McNeil of the times I'm doing a series on the we check case oh yes I read them please come in this way please oh excuse me just a minute I got your address from your former mother-in-law tyy week I haven't seen her since a divorce I guess she doesn't feel very kindly towards me will you sit down please do you think there's a chance that Frank will get free do you want him to sure I want him to would you be waiting for him no no I wouldn't I married again oh uhhuh but I be glad for Frank because he's a fine man and because he's innocent he was at home with me when the policeman was killed yeah yeah I know you were baking a cake uh you loved him then I mean I did very much but the Lonely Nights were too much for you you couldn't go on that way is that it no that's what Tilly might think I loved him I would have stuck to him but Frank wanted me to get the divorce did he pick out your new husband for you too it's a truth did you contribute to the reward money or did Tilly earn all that by herself oh I couldn't help I haven't anything my husband Mr Risa takes care of me and my boy Frank's boy I can't ask more than that he is a good man and he loves me and he loves the boy you're lucky yeah you seem to got out of it all right Mr mcneel I told you the truth about the divorce Frank wanted it well it's going to be very hard to make people believe it Frank's wife says he's innocent and shows her faith by divorcing him you know but that's just the way it was I want up to see him that day wanting to make him keep up hope wanting to cheer him up you look depressed the way you do when you're terribly worried how have you been fine how have you been fine how's Ma fine and the boy how's the boy oh he is fine always fine everything's fine we have nothing to say anymore oh Frank darling please I know I know so many things you don't say you don't want to talk about the outside because I'm in here here you don't want to remind me but I remind myself I think of lots of things Ellen tell me H how's the boy doing in school he's doing very well Frank but what about the other boys kids can hurt him bad they're only kids Frank yeah they do not know what they're saying I know son of a jail bird cop killer son oh it's nothing Frank I was thinking about moving to a new neighborhood anyway he'll go to a new school oh it's no good a new school is no good Helen a new name that would be good Frank I'm I'm just like dead Helen in 30 years maybe I can get a parole if I'm lucky 30 years Helen you've you've got to divorce me Helen you can't mean that Frank yes love's not for us anymore Helen it's finished now we must think of the boy only the boy my boy must live for me but I couldn't do it Frank I just couldn't and for over a year I wouldn't do it Mr mcneel but Frank kept begging me and begging me then I met Mr riska he loved me and he was fond of little Frank he understood everything about us well what about the boy does he know yes he knows but now everyone calls his father Uncle Frank we've made a point of that M look M BR no he lost the other one this is Mr mcneel of the newspaper and that's my husband Mr rishka rishka and that's my boy Frank how are you say I'd like to get a couple of shots of you and the boy if it's all right that's all right come over here Frank there there hey Mr R you mind if I ask you a couple questions certainly not were you in Chicago in December 1932 yes why did you know Helen then what do you mean asking such a question any objections to answering no no objections he's got to ask everything dear I know that I didn't meet Helen until after she was divorced this can be proved by our friends I see I see you understand I have to ask a lot of questions sorry what's he asking all the questions for anyway what's the big idea what's about your Uncle Frank he's not my uncle he's my father well thank you folks goodbye darling wake up what's the matter huh hungry want a nice sandwich oh no no no no you've been nashing your teeth and making an awful noise I've never known you to be like this Jim I don't know maybe it's something I ate I ate the same things well maybe it's something I wrote then know for you look nice will you marry me I did oh yeah yeah that's right thanks you're welcome just remember I'm here come on over here maybe we can work this out together what's the matter won't the pieces fit together some of them but they make the wrong picture pieces never make the wrong picture maybe you're looking at them from the wrong angle sometimes it's mighty hard to figure why don't you let go you want him to be innocent you want him to be free admit it oh maybe you're right maybe I do want him to be free but that doesn't make me believe he's innocent if you want to believe that's enough believe it will you marry me oh that's right you did will you fix me that sandwich then hey hey hey [Music] yeah hey Kelly have you seen this item on the warehouse fire might be a fire bug arson ring you think there's anything to it there might be I'll follow it up is that an assignment sure oh M um I know there's nothing more to the we check case it's all washed up but before you tackle this Warehouse yawn the warden called me this morning week wants to see you again for what I don't know maybe he wants to confess well I was just up there don't I get time off for good behavior week's been up there for 11 years m that cop's been buried longer than that H way check Mr mcneel I sent for you to tell you that I don't want you to write anymore about me or my family I've read what you've written I've seen the pictures of my mother my wife and my boy we poured our hearts out to you one ashamed well you wanted help didn't you that's the only way you can get people interested in the case nobody's going to read a little two line ad like your mother ran on the paper a half a million people have been following this story how somebody might know the killers and get in touch with us I don't want that kind of help I'll stay here a thousand years but you must not write anymore about my wife and my mother and my boy my mother is doing this for me not to sell your papers oh now wait a minute my wife divorced me so my boy has a new name now you put his picture in the paper you spoiled everything for him I don't know I thought I was doing a good job this is writing without heart without truth before I thought maybe some crook lawyer would try to get the $5,000 from my mother but this I never figured yes I say it I'll stay here I'll stay here A Thousand Years is but never write anymore about my family leave them alone leave alone my wife and my boy what do you make of that I guess he figured you pitched him some pretty low curves it was a story I wrote what I saw you know up here every man claims to be innocent but the prisoners are the harshest judges of themselves and they believe we have only two men who don't belong here Tomy zesa and Frank week all right Warden say I I wonder if you let me try something else I like to talk to Tomic zesa okay I'd like to talk to zesa yes sir Tomic this is Mcneil of the times he'd like to talk to you yes Warden would would it be stretching the rules too much if I talked to him alone no no go right ahead I again are you familiar with the work the time is doing for we yes sir now look Tomic we want to clear up this Bundy case one way or the other we don't think Frank was in it with you if you confess and name the man that was really with you that night the times will do everything in its power to get you a parole for turning States evidence the chances are you'll be out of this place in a few years what what have you got to lose you're in for a life now come on tell us the truth sure I could say I did it then maybe have a chance of getting out like you say but if I confessed who would I name as my partner Joe does I couldn't make it stick for one minute that's the trouble with being innocent you don't know what really happened I didn't do it me and Frank had nothing to do with it okay Tomic well you must run a nice jail this guy doesn't want to get out either I'm going to get this out of my system if I never write another line Warden do do you think we could talk to me again yeah yeah I imagine he would I'll take you over the hospital he works there Frank Mr mcneel would like to talk to you again if it's all right with you look Frank I've decided to go on with this case I'll slant the story your way I also want you to know that I'm still not convinced you're Innocent but I'm willing to date get the facts but remember this if I ever catch your Li I'll blast you so hard you won't even get a parole when you're 33 years or is it a deal I have nothing to be afraid of it's a deal okay Frank I want you to give me some information this uh this judge you told me about you know the one that died were there any Witnesses when he told you he'd try and get you a new trial yeah there was a bayth uhhuh what was his name I don't know well I'll find out what was the name of your lawyer his name was Underwood Underwood where does he practice he's dispart now that's great a dispart lawyer and a dead judge all right what else there's Wanda scutnik it was she alone who put me where I am she identified me but the other two witnesses gruska and the mailman said no then there was a police captain he was the one who got SC to say I was the man he stood right alongside of her when she picked me out she was afraid of him what was his name I never found out he wasn't at the trial well where can I find the scutnik day I don't know that's nice material it's all I got but it's the truth would you be willing to take a lie detector test Mr mcneel for 11 years I've been waiting for a chance to get at that bucks you know what you're up against if it turns out bad you're cooked if it turns out good it's only Leonard keeler's professional opinion doesn't count legally I'll take the test okay I'll fix it up for you listen kid take it for me keep away from Keeler and that lie detector I'm not afraid of it that's what I said why I had the cops the States Attorney even my own lawyer believing in me I was a cinch then they talk me into going up against that box what happened what do you mean what happened I'm doing life ain't I well the only thing the machine is for is to record the emotional reactions of an individual uh we place a blood pressure cuff about the upper arm of the subject and then through the impulses to the tamber system record the variations in blood pressure and pulse on this stylus and the numrat was fasten about the subject's chest and we record the changes in the respiration and the electrodes fast on the palm and the back of the hand to record the changes in electrical conductivity of the skin it's a very sensitive criteria for emotional reaction emotionality Mr Ker's all ready for you Frank sit down Frank just take it easy relax I'll do the best I can Mr ke what are you doing here I was driving out to deada to see my brother thought I'd sto by I've never seen a li test before DEC is out the other way yeah well I I took the detour the long way around yeah yeah these are a pair of electrodes I clip them the Palm on the back of your hand to pick up the electrical changes in the nervous system I'm going to try an experimental test now I want you to take one of these cards look at it remember the card that you chose and then place it back in the group I'm going to ask you one card at a time and I want you to say no to each car that I ask including the The Chosen car you understand yes sir now just face forward don't watch the machine and sit as quietly as you can hey what's he doing that for oh he's forcing him to lie so to show on the graph gives good basis for judging week's reactions did you choose the seven of clubs no did you take the three of Spades no did you take the Queen of Hearts no you take the Ace of Hearts no you take the five of diamonds no did you take the six of clubes no you took the five diamonds Frank did you yes sir now I have a prepared list of questions I'll ask you I want you to answer all of these questions now by yes or no and if you have anything to explain do that after I ask you all the questions just turn around and face forward sit as quietly as you can all the way through the test I don't forget just yes or no all the way through is your name Frank week yes did you have breakfast this morning morning yes do you know Tomic Alaska yes you are 6 ft tall aren't you 5' n just a minute just yes or no all the way through I'm sorry sir and sit Qui yes sir I'll have to begin again now just ask ask you some of these questions here I'm sorry is your name Frank week yes were you and Wanda's gut next door on December 9th no were you home at the time of the robbery yes that's all I'm going to ask you just sit quietly now for a few moments and I'll take it out yes sir we're all through the [Music] FR bye and I'll probably see you later see lat what's the bird well there's the record what's that what's that jump there well he reacted in all three curves uh very specifically he lied to that question is that where he asked him if he killed Bundy no are you married well but he he didn't lie he he isn't married he's divorced yes but he's he's a Catholic and he still thinks he's married and he feels within himself that he's married and so he reacted in deception but do you think he lied about anything else well we run so many records today four or five of them I'd like to take a little time to go over them and compare one record with another and the reactions and well I'll call you later on this afternoon and let you know [Applause] hi McNeil what can I do for you say Larson I'd like to check on the date of arrest of a follow name of Frank week you mean the cop killer I'm just trying to do a job I'm afraid I can't help you McNeil our arest books for 1932 are in the warehouse they're not available what do you want me to do go to the commissioner you know where you can go as far as I'm concerned here it is booked for murder December 23rd that make you happy one of the things I was looking for he was booked on the 23rd now if I can just find out whether he was arrested before then what difference would that make well if he was arrested before the 23rd it had proved that this gutnik Dame could have seen him a couple of times before she identified him captain noris of the New City Precinct handled a scut identification he never operated that way Captain Norris huh say let me see the arrest books for December 1932 will you I can't help you on that all I'm trying to do is to find out whether this fellow week is a cop killer or not you know back during prohibition the police department got pretty tough when a cop got killed now you're talking like the guy in the street always thinks we're running around with rubber hoses beating up innocent people look you seem to think the cops framed week you're the one that's doing the framing you're framing the best police department in the country Bundy was a good cop and a good man why don't you write about his wife and son and about the other 357 cops killed in the last 20 years oh back in 1932 they did a lot of things maybe they did but they weren't always wrong how do you know were you on the division at the time no all I can say is it's awful hard for a man like me to be fair to a cop killer and supposing he isn't a cop killer maybe I ought to help you but I just can't you've helped me plenty don't worry Captain Norris huh had charge of the scutnik identification huh well it looks like he's sort of mixed up in this himself maybe I better go over and talk to him you better take a shovel with you you'll have to dig him up he died in 38 all right Fame c yeah hi hi M off your beat ain't you yeah yeah sort of I need some help ah lay off for me m the word's gone out to keep away from you I've done you a lot of favors Matt is there any place I can find some records of people that come in here and look at the police showups material Witnesses somebody might have been subpoena to come in here and identify we Che if we kept that kind of stuff the books would fill Soldiers Field well would there be any photographs anything like that we don't take no pictures in station houses press boys might get a shot of the Witnesses on the steps but never inside now look ma if I'm seen talking to you I'm going to be back walking my old beat I want not be a good guy don't be here when I get back okay now use your phone yeah use that line don't touch those uh this is mcneel give me Kelly say check through our files and see if any of our boys took pictures of the we check arrest 1932 get someone to check the tribute the rest of the papers and listen Kelly a photographer takes maybe 10 shots prints one of them I want to see the other nine now listen the Harold examiner they were still in business then weren they and this is just their kind of picture I'll check on that myself hey uh I just thought of something see you later your city Precinct this McNeil over at headquarters you got the book on the weat check arrest 1932 yeah but we've been told to pull it out of the files I'll drop over and see it okay we right over right see I'm McNeil I just phoned you from headquarters you got that book on the we check arrest come [Music] man [Music] for [Music] what' you find we was arrested in the morning of the 22nd he wasn't booked until the afternoon of the 23rd Norris took his time didn't he what' you say your name was mcneel what division I'm McNeil of the Chicago Times this is confidential information this is public information and I'm entitled to use it we've got our orders you got a beef if you talk to the State's Attorney's office that's a good idea I think I will in the meantime I wouldn't let anything happen to that book if I were you [Music] hey man hey this is hitting him pretty hard isn't it I haven't even started on him yet I think this whole thing stinks C you speaking Yeah Yeah right away that's the boss he wants us both let's go let's go go right in Mr Kelly Mr Palama is waiting Mr Kelly Mr mcneel I believe you know the commissioner Mr Faxon from the State's Attorney's office and this is Robert Winston representing the governor of course you know Mr Burns Mr Kelly these gentlemen object to our handling of the week story Mr Kelly we feel at the Times through you and Mr mcneel is slinging mud on one of the finest police departments in the United States and specifically we object to your efforts to arouse sympathy for a man who killed the police officer we' just like to point out gentlemen that Frank week was convicted by a jury his case was reviewed by the Supreme Court and the conviction was upheld all these legal authorities believed in Frank week's guilt well a long time ago a lot of people believed the world was flat at this late date do you wish to impune the Integrity of the jury and the court if they were wrong yes back in 1932 a steady stream of convictions made good publicity remember Frank week was found guilty and he belongs where he is were you on the State's Attorney's Office in 1932 well yes I was but I didn't have anything to do with the we check case I have no act to grind Mr McNeil but I believe you're unnecessarily discrediting this regime furthermore your stories may be holding out false hope of a pardon to both Frank week and his mother I'm not so sure it's false we are look up until now what we've printed was based on interview and investigation we've invented nothing and we don't intend to well a great deal of emotion and color can be lent to simple facts the governor feels this entire matter is undermining Law and Order but we check is innocent it'll be criminal for us to stop now well you must remember Mr mcneel that another political party was in power at that time we're not to blame but the public tires us with your brush you can't destroy the confidence we buil up in this regime just to sell newspapers it may have started like that but it isn't that way anymore now look gentlemen believe me this man is not guilty I don't know if he's guilty or not but we don't want this police force persecuted anymore or what's a difference just a minute just a minute gentlemen the governor wants this thing cleared up we're not asking you to forget the man if he's innocent but we don't want this dragged on and on just to promote circulation now we have a proposition to offer you to settle this thing once and for all I can suggest to the governor that he set up a hearing with the pardon board if we check is exonerated he'll get a pardon but if if you can't clear him you're to drop this matter once and for all is that a deal what do you say mate it's a deal if Mr Palmer says so okay it's a deal I'll ask the governor to head up a special hearing next week are you ready to accept that yes I am there's just one thing Mr mcneel if you go before a pardon board and they turn him down it'll go on week's record then when he's eligible for parole that record may hurt his chances now mind you there's no regulation there's no law but the very fact that he was investigated by the pardon board and turned down may have a prejudicial effect upon his application what you're doing is gambling with week's parole now that's a chance we'll have to take well gentlemen let settle then we're agreed thank you very much gentlemen we'll live up to our end of the bargain goodbye goodbye sir goodbye goodbye well you two seem to be satisfied but Mr Burns doesn't seem to be I'm not as your attorney I think you've made a bad deal while I have read the transcript of this case and am familiar with some of the things Mr mcneel found I am not at all certain that we have sufficient evidence to obtain a pardon but you haven't seen all of the evidence yet Mr Burns what for instance well in the first place I've talked to the Bay of the Court he cooperated Frank's statement that the judge promised him a new trial what basis did the judge have for making that I don't know if he made it he made it all right here's an affidavit from the bay that's not proof it's inconclusive all right all right forget about that I have a lie detector test and keeler's sworn statement that the fell is innocent inadmissible grusa and Decker the other two witnesses in the crime maintain that week is not the man and they also testified that that Wanda scottney couldn't possibly have recognize anybody but if you found her what did she say grusa and Decker contradicted but this inconclusive evidence now what new admissible evidence have you well there's a whole lot of new stuff the State's Attorneys Office tried to keep me out of the record books that's the reason I had that fell Faxon up here and another thing why is this Wanda scutnik Dame keeping undercover a couple of mobsters might have killed that cop and threatened her for not playing ball or maybe she's trying to keep in good with the law I don't know she she ran a Speak Easy now look here mcneel I'm an attorney I know what it is to go up before the pardon board they go on facts facts okay I'll give you something better than facts I'll give you a picture take a look at that now Wanda scutnik testified that she didn't see Wei from the time of the murder until the time she identified him on the 23rd of December now Frank maintains that she did see him several times on the 22nd of December when the cops were taking him around from Station to Station all right that that bears out Frank story right there there's a picture of Frank and Wanda going into one of the stations where'd you get this Ma I got it out of the files of the old heral examiner kind of figured they'd go for a picture like that when was this taken well obviously on the 22nd oh now look here mcneel you can't just say that obviously it was taken then you have to prove it well I have the photograph when you go before the pardon board the burden of proof is with you but the picture after all it could very well have been taken after she identified him mcneel you've done a wonderful job in assembling all this evidence but the law of the state of Illinois requires only one eyewitness for an identification and conviction so far that witness has not altered her statement and that fact still stands Mr Palmer in view of this I'm afraid I must recommend that you permit me to get in touch with those gentlemen who were just here and ask for more time or until I've had an opportunity to go over the case then your advice is to call the whole thing off that's right oh now Mr Palmer I realize that Mr Burns knows more about the law than I do but I want to tell you some things about this case you don't know I went into this thing believing nothing I was skeptical I figured we Che is using his mother to Spring him but I've changed my mind this man is innocent Mr Palmer I know that without any doubt now it's true I haven't found Wanda scutnik but I want a chance to find her I want a chance to get this guy out of jail now if you call off this hearing I'll never get that chance again the bargain stands thank you sir just a minute McNeil let me give you one last piece of advice even if you do find this Wanda scutnik I don't believe she'll ever change her testimony there's only one thing for you to do discredit her prove she's a liar otherwise you're wasting your time yeah that's great great speech Mack now you've really got to find Wanda scutnik now listen Kelly I haven't been wasting my time I know a lot about Wanda scutnik I she used to run a Speak Easy all right she's probably still on the liquor business she's polish and she used to run around with with a guy that works in the Stockyards so don't let your enthusiasm get you into trouble back of the stockyard is a tough neighborhood wait a don't scare me Kelly you speak Polish no I can't speak Polish but if I have to learn to speak Polish to find her I'm starting right [Music] [Music] now [Music] what do you have say did you ever seen that woman before her name's Wanda scutnik your cover no no no no her uncle died left her a little money I hear she's remarried having a hard time finding her money yeah I don't know I'll see if the boys in the back room know about [Music] it yeah [Music] mcneel divided the district Back of the Yards into blocks and sections and for days and nights systematically comb every Beer Parlor and [Music] saloon that's for [Music] me come on sh spee fore [Music] fore give me a [Music] barbit [Music] what do you have Mr [Music] ride so did you ever see that woman around here no I don't think I have her name's scutnik Wanda scutnik a lot of women come in here but I don't know them by [Music] name [Music] your name McNeil yeah why I've been wondering when you hit this neighborhood I've been reading your stories in the paper about Wanda scutnik yeah you know her used to used to be good friends you know where I could find her now I might where what's in it for me what do you want I owe him a buck 75 okay where is she I ought to have one to talk on yeah yeah yeah hey couple of drinks here huh what happens to Wanda if you find her well not a thing I'm just going to ask her some questions there ain't no warrant out after nothing like that no no like that leave the bottle here too will [Music] you she had not have thrown them bricks at me you know Hora Street yeah yeah sure you go down there 7:25 725 what's her name now Cisco Wanda Cisco bit but don't tell her I said so she's got a bad temper I don't want her thrown no more bricks at me won't tell her a word there you are [Music] thanks [Music] I [Music] all com in who are you I'm from the time get out of here so you're Wanda scutnik yeah I've been wondering when you'd show up now look lady I I'm not going to give you any trouble I'd just like to ask you a few questions you want to to cry in my beer all I want to know is this is there any possibility that you might have been mistaken when you identified week no well if you're so positive we can prove it will you take a lie test a lie test you think I'm crazy look will you give me a sworn statement I did my swearing in court how many times did you see Frank before you identified him never you didn't see him before the police show up no only when he killed the cop look I said all I got to say that's all there is see what do you mean that's all there is there's a lot more than that this kid's been up in the pen for 11 years now look I've got to go before the pardon board day after tomorrow now Frank's got a good chance to get off if you help I got no reason to help we Che and I got no reason to help you neither you're the one that wrote them lies about me I've been thinking of suing you for liable that's the reason I wrote him I called you a liar and a bootlegger and a finger woman I insul you every way I could think of and I'm going to keep on doing it see go ahead and sewers for liable I'd just like to get you up on a witness stand under o and you still wouldn't get nothing out of me why are you bother put that down you want to go to jail now you get out of here now listen maybe there something you didn't think of there's a $5,000 reward you know $5,000 and what's more you don't have to do anything about it just tell me enough to clear things up get we check out and you get the 5,000 so what do I got to do just tell the truth who got you to identify him who are you afraid of nobody nothing nobody I ain't afraid of nobody and ain't got nothing to say Wonder it's $5,000 shut up now you you get out of here you ain't going to get nowhere I identified him I told the truth it's him I ain't never going to change my mind it's him now get out of here [Music] bis is well Mr Burns has given us a clear picture of the situation if Wanda scutnik can defy the pardon board if the board has no authority to subpoena her for power to make her talk then we're helpless what do we do now the thing for us to do now is for me to appear before the pardon board at Springfield this afternoon present our apologies and ask that the case be withdrawn will that appear on Frank's record will it spoil his chances when he becomes eligible for a parole no his name simply will not come before the board all right that's it then I'm sorry Mr Palmer I want to apologize to you too Mr Burns I thought if I found this woman I could make her talk but I missed her I'm sorry okay Ma Kelly write a finished story on this Wanda scutnik and end the whole thing get the paper off the hook then I can get a train for Springfield in about half hour good big day for the weeks write a finny story get the paper off the hook how do you end it well first you better go out and see che's mother I couldn't do that I just couldn't do that Kelly what you wanted to do read it in the paper on Mr mcneel come in I got to excuse myself I was not expecting company must regard me as comp I was baking a pie for Frank please sit down I get you some coffee I I really can't stay Telly I I just came out to talk to you about something about the pardon board yes oh I pray for this day I want to tell you about it come over and sit down and now now it has come it is here Telly I must tell you this yeah we're going to call off the hearings we don't have a chance in the world of getting Frank's pardon no chance no but you work so hard you do everything everything I could you got lawyers he tell pardon board we have the best but don't you see Telly if we go before the pardon board now it'll just be hurting Frank's chances for a parole later on we can't get a thing out of one on to scutnik and without her we have nothing I saw her at the trial she will never tell Like a Rock she will never tell but she knows yes she's afraid she will not talk never and without her we have no evidence evidence they got no evidence when they sent my Frank to prison for 99 years I got no evidence when I scrub flowers every night go without supper walk to work so I save a nickel for Frank evidence what is this evidence I can't tell you how sorry I am Tilly you tried to help you're a good man but if this thing happen then we fight some more we fight more and more yes no Telly we're calling off the hearing the times is dropping the case no but if you go I got no friend left I'm sorry no friends left no friends no more big fool me sure I got a friend [Music] [Music] where to now the Chicago Times brother Fell's writing those stories ain't you seen the [Music] paper we [Music] hey change that will you get me down to Police Headquarters fast you can right away mcne the Chicago Times first door on your left Mr mcneel say uh did you make the enlargement of the photograph of this Forge check here yes why I got a picture here I just wondered could you blow that section of the picture up right there sure would all the details come out on it well that depends you got the negative no that's all I got right there well then I'd have to make a dupe how long that that take well a couple of hours what do you think could could you get started on it right away yes but you're mcneel at the Times aren't you been working on that weat check case that's right I'm McNeil at first I thought this guy was guilty but now I don't know me take a look at it hey got to use your phone sure right over there I want to put in a person to person call to Mr Martin J Burns he's up at the state capital in Springfield Illinois that's right yeah sorry gentlemen the paron board is in special session the case of Frank week gentlemen I feel somewhat at a loss because I came here to ask that the petition of Frank week be withdrawn however about an hour ago I received a telephone call from James mcneel of the Chicago Times who informs me that he has uncovered the evidence we've been seeking it is conclusive evidence that supports the petition of Frank week you may present the evidence Mr Burns unfortunately gentlemen my telephone conversation with Mr mcneel was necessarily brief he's flying down to Springfield he should be here at any moment what evidence does he have I'm afraid I don't know Mr chair Mr Faxon I object the State's Attorney's office has the right to demand Orthodox conduct of this hearing if you have conclusive evidence present it otherwise we ask that the petition be denied here and now Mr Faxon we certainly intend to follow orthodox procedure in this Board of Pardons Kelly Kelly sending it over the AP wire you got anything at all don't have a thing we we just have to stall them let me talk to them all right Mr chairman gentlemen I'd like to ask your permission to have Mr mcneel of the Chicago Times address the board granted hi Mr chairman gentleman I'd like to apologize for being late but it was just impossible for me to get here sooner I uh I don't know how much Mr Burns has told you strictly from a reporter's point of view understand I've assembled what I feel is a very solid case and of what does this case consist well it consists of such debatable items as a detector test now I realize that you're unable to accept that you want evidence but sometimes the weight of evidence just because it's in the record is heavy enough to crush the truth we'll discuss the shortcomings of our Judicial System some other time Mr mcneel yes sir I'm sorry I I realize that at the present time you want facts we have an notorized affidavit from the bayth of Judge Molt's court that the judge judge felt that week did not receive a fair trial we have those documents before us Mr mcneel they could hardly be called conclusive yes sir but as you probably know from those documents grusa and Decker contradicted Wanda scutniks testimony and those affidavit bear them out the board is aware of that too Mr mcneel but Wanda scutnik has not altered her testimony has she Wanda scutnik lied from beginning to end she lied about everything you know it's a very funny thing about the Statue of Justice up there she has a sword in her hand it's a double edge sword Cuts both ways it keeps cutting the ground out from under everything in favor of Frank week but the other side of it that that isn't so sharp it doesn't cut the ground out from under Wanda scutnik and she's the only one responsible for we che's conviction now I have a police record here that proves that we Che was a arrested on the 22nd of December I have another one here that proves he wasn't booked until the 23rd of December one day later okay Wanda scutnik testified that she didn't see him from the time of the murder until the time she identified him in the police lineup here's a photograph of Frank week and Wanda scutnik together going into a police station I'll take a look at that gentleman that's new and that's the basis of my conclusive evidence the two photo stats of the police records merely indicate that some time elaps between week's arrest and the time he was b as a reporter you know very well that this is a common Occurrence at police stations yes sir but what about that photograph it must be perfectly obvious to you Mr mcneel that we have no way of knowing when this picture was taken was it on the 22nd or the 23rd or was it during or after the trial yes sir I know now gentlemen that's what delayed me now if I do prove that that photograph was taken on the 22nd of December one day before Wanda scutnik identified Frank week on the police lineup how about that what then in that event Mr mcneel we might be obliged to render a favorable decision but can you prove it yes sir I think I can I just need a little time time do you mean to say Mr M that you still have no corroborating evidence no I'm not sure the police laboratory down in Chicago is enlarging this section of the photograph now the enlarging process yes I know but how long will this take as soon as the enlargement is developed they're going to send it over the wire photo system from the Chicago Times to the Illinois State Journal which is just a few blocks down here now all I ask gentlemen is that you go down there and see that thing with me I object the methods of publicity previously used in behalf of the plaintiff indicate that this may rightly be regarded as an attempt to make journalistic capital of this hearing I am authorized by the State's Attorney's office to State categorically that in the opinion of our office the facts set forth in week's behalf do not indicate that he was a victim of a miscarriage of Justice we are here to protect the interests of the people of this state not to sell newspapers Mr chairman gentlemen the governor ordered this hearing for the purpose of arriving at the truth if you fail to consider every item of evidence no matter how improperly presented you have defeated the very purpose of this hearing what is your decision Mr chairman gentlemen we'll go are you clear to Springfield yes sir the wire is open we hold it open we have the picture in a minute which one's MC yeah right here there a couple prints that came in a while ago from Kelly the Chicago Times this one's blown up 100 times this one 140 he said You' understand okay thanks very much excuse me [Music] ask them if they're ready Springfield are you ready for this picture we're ready okay here's the final lineup okay all righty Mr mcneel but gentlemen let me explain to you what's happening here as you remember this is the picture I showed you before you know and this is the area we're working on right here the news boo all right now this print is that area enlarged 100 times and this print is that same area enlarged 140 times now the picture coming in now is this area right in here blown up as big as possible well what do you expect to find in the enlargement the date on the newspaper held in the news boy's hand is that possible frankly I don't know sh it depends on a whole lot of things the condition of the dupe negative the density of the print the I've been doing a little praying too [Music] that's it Mr mcnail Excuse me please how long will this take oh it's a positive print shouldn't take long you can come along with me if you want let way remember this is the area I showed you there it's beginning to come through now what's the date what's the date December there it is December 22nd 22nd of December there it is goodbye boy good luck Frank thank you new suit in 10 bucks almost a dollar a year oh I look Frank it's a big thing when a sovereign state admits an error remember this there aren't many governments in the world that would do it that's my daddy daddy Ellen Frank Frank this is yeah I know I want to thank you for everything you've done for Helen and the boy and I want you to know you can have the boy with you whenever you want them and for as long as you like thanks it's a good World outside yes it's a good World outside and Frank week is free free because of a mother's Faith the courage of a newspaper and one reporter's refusal to accept [Music] defeat
Channel: DDF: Movie Collection
Views: 327,378
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Keywords: FullFreeMovies, DramaMovie, Film-NoirMovie, FreeYouTubeMovies, Call Northside 777, Drama, Film-Noir, Henry Hathaway, James Stewart, Richard Conte, Lee J. Cobb
Id: xYn0dJckf6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 20sec (6560 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 04 2023
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