Kirkland and Five Below Largest Dumpster Diving Haul Ever ! Score

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I'm scared to let these words out hey everybody we're outside I want to take dollar tree then it looks so disgusting nothing I'm gonna go down we're gonna ride down to the thigh below there's nothing but there's a half full of water say we found something thoughtfully we found that this one in a while either since we've been back that way our clothes now at the watch as they may come out a bit more trash you know below do they sell shoes at far below so there's another one in there there's another bag long score look at this chips chips all in it I need a box up under this box oh I dropped my baby roof hey you watch it right you take this I'm gonna move some of these boxes god there's so much stuff grab it grab this yeah but there's so much and these are always so much stuff in this to stop oh my god look at this show the oh please shut that down can you please here's another bad box here's some more boxes too you got that one Oh No I'm gonna need another box probably you want to take that one do you think I should get in here look at donate a lot of this hear me in a be fine once put it back in the freezer refrigerator oh well look at this cookies and hold on set him down set them down I think I see some good every one of them I don't think okay we just go to them later I guess I don't tourists I threw some of these back just cut open ain't hold on okay that's it grab my goobers grab my goobers see you like this look oh you have some of the market oh my god it's nasty hold on help me real quick I'll see what's good for Vinnie somebody's exploded I wouldn't slamming these are best keep family shirt yeah keep it grab that one we're talking going though cider in the back in the back of the truck open this up see ya all the candy needs to come in there like free yeah I'm still got this on I'll go check her once but I need I just put drumming someone and say so much shake gherkins and then head it on home and a cooking stove so much Cayenne Goethe here that really is a shame so while today that extra mirrors you see my grabber real quick we try before to cut our own mirrors but we can't cuz just tired believe that mirror I put the jars back in it we got doors at them are no good there's a round mirror on an iron base but it's cracked all things we just don't have no way to cut a little mirror and all that okay y'all let's see at home a while to take everything make sure to stay with us there boxes here when I go through the chips first right yeah I wonder if I should have put my camera back on one here so long doing it hold on a minute be right back okay yeah we're back here we go you see they dang slid on and they done this today says it's time I wish I had knew somebody with like a pig or song there was a pack thought I'm saying they think this one's not good it was not it's not like they were here in the box are here and they will do and maybe they thought person I look in the boys apparently I know we did find song at one time we found some earlier they yeah this ain't this thing to blame from him 500 this there's Chuck man that come in with your persons on them I wasn't jalapeno hot wing hot wing one little spot jalapeno cheddar you put this aside - the cycle will go out more at least for like a couple bags some that we're gonna eat ya nothing there were just chips I wasn't in trash or know that we had me that drink oh god my own father the jalapeno story to this got the room for these he went through that was like a variable part you see what he done he went through the top it's been in the tops oh yeah I bet you stab them at the top some say he's a couple that was so well that one's fairly it's such a shame oh no some of these we did go do with the dumpster I think we're good oh man my monkey well not a busted or each other I was hoping maybe he didn't go through I think we could take a piece of tape and put it over the Lay's yummy ways we it's like they swish these careful with these cookies all the cookies are good actually to you I hope y'all are seeing a good enough year look somebody won't say you so nasty I'm gonna put some tape on these ladies some of those lucky Benjamin oh please I can see a lot of Doritos with no hole you can see it on this demo right there what that's tight oh babe what I'm uh put a call piece of tape on the baby some women have to be like tiny tiny holes you see it in the hole and I think do you want to save any of these neither not really so I don't have too many actually I don't say you don't know them but learning no wait please many hours yes I can Mississippi I know some people with some hog farms and stuff that they would you know we found a bunch of duct tape so we can take and put it over the law cut and put them in the baby that Miriam was to undo that like he's looking up at me like what am i good who likes this one good white cheddar really got supper cooking so you thought box supposed to obtain if you have to to get other way what this stuff let's do that let's see what we can set these in here sorry I'll give me just a minute so you don't get there like 100 years you want a smart popcorn sit this up here now the way inside is big yeah these are probably be trying to show ok me go cigarettes the chill much is good have some flavor to us honey you know this rots on that's all hold on take a break yeah yeah buddy I know you could catch it the hell is money didn't have because they're eating it that's all good once I got a part I hate I wish we let it you don't say it cause we're still melty I hate touching his left father I smell so fresh we're fighting a strawberry smoothie feel oh my look at that oh wait oh well we got so much it wouldn't give on these boxes empty to say you can put them suffer it some melted your how'd you put in front of me let me get that cuz you're just singing though anyway nobody's hearing or not that we got some fizzy Cola was you heard of fizzy Cola solid chocolate chocolate we actually we still have some leaves I think in the box holy man in box we got some bad notes tell my baby you know we found out of three movie theatres iving movie theaters here and we and Julie gonna go one night right now they have on the Goonies play a video well we won't be able to put a lot of it you know we can show the driving and a lot of stuff but we can't fight them the movies Dumbo like a hair bow at the cherries oh happy cherries we got some swedish fish it was mainly if any of these are ripped it was by accident because mainly the more zagnut zagnut remember old on beetlejuice where he says come on get some candy to the fly and he grabbed the fly at the pond hazelnut look at that what does that look like it's like a don't make it like a Spectre now you're busy call us at all Pecola some lady member something that we want that is cool is it like a sucker or what a wonder only 90 calories it's a lollipop hard candy like the happy world of hair bow look at these their toll Jurassic Park me dinosaur inside - yeah they wouldn't but you know you gonna have them kids love them leg pain I don't know why it's to squeeze it Zak minute I can't wait to try this I know it was agna zagnut zagnut take five my son was so excited when he seen that there's two boxes case of these cuz he never tried please oh man look at that that's my favorite candy robos they try to they didn't do it you see it don't be careful with it no we lived here before it was the worst I had like my own good why is it the white ones they could they don't make no sense you know it's a racist they say crackers I sprinkle with it look you know he's gonna be I hope these are good you know what yeah you can have one knock at 1 it's weird they only did certain things you know really bad almost like the Reese's pcs anything yeah yeah my blood pressures for really I only want to say what it is because this scary hive one reason house we're in Mississippi for so long in certainly and there there's not a lot of places the jaw door exercise and stuff and we were eating it so unhealthy there but it still I'm not exercise I'll still have a chance I'm should be say a more eggs you make sure some of these eggs are shown in the picture you know what yeah maybe the popsicle there must be like a hard all the Reese's I'm finish zagnut I'll still be here I'm sure to Reese's get the hazel spray is hazel let me introduce lucky grafton lucky got one what should I go to this Pizza Zoey okay guess what we got Julie's favorite we got Ding Dongs all the time and then we got the goobers the homes we would have no kids oh god I'm sorry houses for you candy not candy but them no that was not I think they did send me neo gonna do I got them all them are those bad yeah all them are slit at the top sprayed my goobers out this camera is heavy on my knee watch your drink now look now some of these that were like barely yeah I didn't it's still not there not correct these are good oh yeah they have the mint ones and the strawberry ones we found bags I'm like it was a CVS calm pack of these they could really throw that one away then Oh I mean I think well they might have crossed a ball - I wanna live and I think that's right I fall away they're making so we got the paydays there's a baby here you find so many candy bars right here it's right here like that homeless people wouldn't care what it is either because I mean you have a lot of house cuz there's a lot of homeless people in floor know we've been passed a whole bunch on say they're set up in certain places yeah triple chocolate layered I had that one Wien had that one before this chocolate cookie bar and chocolate cream hmm I used to love the fast braze that's it's just amazing the stuff I was telling Julie though so we probably ever find candy bars and then look what you did you found a whole bunch of candy bars really can be a hoarder and when it comes to stuff if I let them food I know but I usually try to get him to donate and only keep were you so much we do donate but you hoard but you always want to keep a little more than you yeah a lot more than you need there's so little things for your phone okay what's not that you eat more than can you eat more candy than anybody here hold this and let me get for this one trash I'm gonna go to the other side now we still got 40 left y'all that box right there y'all somebody said they liked us doing on the table more and I wouldn't try to start doing stuff on the table unless this stuff this you know nasty a lot of stuff was already in boxes and stuff so what and you've seen the dumpster you had boxes in it so I wouldn't like it was dirty nasty got stinky diapers or you know I'm saying okay Ian's enemy I'll try to put him right here lettuce is I cannot believe this is a lot there was so many butterfingers nothing they're wearing their salt because yeah I was trying not to squeal on them they're good when they get back hard and honestly when this stuff gets like hard I'm gonna put it in a box to donate we're actually gonna donate Mitch Albom probably much mostly every bit of it when we go on a donation because we're not gonna be keeping single are they good right there you turn right here sorry I mean Avery butterfingers Fifth Avenue all right you says this one wasn't cut right here right you know they split I bet you Kayla would eat these have to send them to her yeah not to send them to her our daughter Kayla she loves hot stuff well Elizabeth those too but completely some that's got a hold him Carol slip just lean back on that box and we'll just do the trash can they slit them they pulled it pulled this off here yeah okay just yeah this is Joe's new shirt certain needs to be washed this is stuff these are the cases unless they didn't actually even cut these or anything you have cases cases but these display them here friendship swing that's a little favorite did they put all the spring snacks is there free snacks in there this war Justyna proof that it's it's the winner flavor English coffee Danika starting I mean you know like a bag Carmel what's funny there they put a clean bag in here and put all these in here somebody really wanted to they could tape is that what is that it's just a regular KitKat once he got a weird thing that's weird you know it says milk chocolate crispy wafers us all I probably what I'm saying it somebody's really only be baked potato they just they don't bust these I think look at the day so we bag it look at all these are all right I gotta go and check on the food again sorry it's good pretty awesome deeper jonno drink sweet tea but you know Rick and Marty headphones with a mic y'all that's so awesome I'm feeling that one of our children we want them getting these yeah I started watching Rick a morning it's kind of this if they didn't tear them oh yeah here just put it right here on the side or here so that way I wouldn't believe wheezing for the dog thing yeah they liked laying on them and stuff oh I like that one there you okay yeah look at that oh I like that so soft who put down a pillowcase no I know what is that I think that goes to a cat thing in it yeah yeah well you know I used to have one though she didn't play with it has like a ball or something inside of it usually she never played with it she didn't like it like that oh no I can't remember known as loon is weird she plays with the weirdest things I have to show y'all what she plays with after we get through doing this yeah yeah hold the hold onto it so that we try from the ball it's got more than one ball as cuts like three not that banana looks nasty it's so oh no I don't want to feel it's nice to it it's kind of soothed until they swish you know like one of stress balls in your has busted I should say even cuz we were in flowers uh yeah Lizbeth hasn't good she keeps it in her room yeah we have a micro USB board why to check all these out we have a aroma diffuser and this in there you these are never broken I just I don't know if people maybe a steak something else for five dollars and they bring it back that's what I never understood yeah but you know what we get rid of them really easy at the garage he'll look at there's two USB for so yeah mmm-hmm power to plug that one yeah we might have to do a battery charge thing because it's 27% oh it's a remote control llama does have a remote control with hope is in the bag that is so cool home this goes out of there.that yeah that's one of them screen protectors is it in there it looks like it's perfect I don't know what it is in there put that at home attack that's so cool you say the loser Oh another one there I actually got a one in the garage the garage though sometimes what's that stuff called that little vinyl it makes some are real we got a second second see yeah what to put it together Hart Moses oh the necklace yeah uh-huh photo shutter Oklahoma showed it show it real quick is pretty it's Jim and I you're not a Gemini oh you're gonna untangle it sequence we have a drink we have one of these third light for the vent or you can clamp them on stuff right here you want to loosen you can clamp it and put your phone we have some what does that mean oh it's scented bath confetti yeah it says citrus and sage scented bath confetti we have celebrate is 608 the string lights yes LED flashes in there moment can't pick you up right now they got it why are you sneezing so much got that got away hold on I can't pick you up was that even when she had to do therapy I did my shoulder surgery look at that yeah it's a fanny pack those got dolls one further thing when you probably put your own don't read all treants or adultery it's dog treats or I'd like your yep it bag school you probably put that on the dollar gets ooh you asked earlier there's fabulous Hill shoes and they do we found she you mean what is that buttons I don't know not made very well that's what it is it's just they're not made very well we do but it's got a hole looks like I don't know but it's nicer don't want yeah there's no way no there's still issues ain't donate on the donation bin okay yeah you want to plug that up we have a OS an extension for a hole or anything USB extension yeah yeah that was in there too you say it's a little pouch sticks on mm-hmm what did that one go to I'm sure unless we got something nailless that's trash for the trash bag that's cool here put it back in there and it's that that remote yeah see somebody was playing with that farm stuff let's say you might just take them either bag yeah but at least the ball one I mean the yeah we I'll get a rag or something that's what happened when I'm busted Oh let's go like stuff in it I hope and that's know it's out I'm good no this just stay excellent girls and they didn't even care and they didn't cut it this time it's a little kids you sure yes Italy is a crop top yeah no I think this little kids this was actually probably their board that's their stuff Freya's tester stickers home we can put this with that bubble machine without that's the one they used you fry and revisit shells that's there's just not jumped out and probably more you keep the bullet port no I mean we could use it but I don't need it because I've already got several own there's a LCD wine we have a calendar light bulb and it's in there rain y'all here the last couple of days I write in fir actually a whole week all week long it's been running off alone there's the face and there's the light bulbs together it's in there you see yeah it's like the - for GPS oh whatever this was cool what I want to say right here Liz you see this right there oh yeah it isn't about dodging this one's not busted is its knees pop it's wet oh I'll stay in here the banks later okay yeah put in the box beside you can clean it anything and easy cleaned we'll put it over there in the box there's them all thermal stickers probably remain we can wipe all this off y'all let it dry to the mark yeah right right on another stress ball just fit everything will wipe it off what you see is only got some bluetooth headphones that ones I put every year at least yep oh that is so we missing one though rough-and-tough doll booties once the other ones in there it's Olaf noses you you could paint paint that orange I got orange paint from wake up Sam that yeah sign if it's if it's not something I can just put up your spawn I just don't want to put anything up here that's got a lot of that I see that one is busted in there who say it hush whatever happened and then me busted that's a pretty cool well that fit your arse yeah anyway off to a point five yes I want these out bars yeah you tore it for no reason what is that here you sit in this try this bag for this though that is everything right here takes - the the chips that are actually on the pool table what you have to get so this was Owen y'all seen did they see the that was from this is from kirklands the glasses are not in the home here at which I have some more these they wrote on these actually so much they get I'll get my knee mason jars yeah or either yeah but I can always get my new mason jars his phone but you can put candles in there yeah our taillight ones meet the battery operated taillight ones so yeah we'll get cleaners the box of chips over there hey you put the bunch of chips over here just put it on this chair so this was actually like a really big mega score yeah everything okay not to me though I mean it's like yeah then inside that there's a lot of stuff had to get thrown away but we did save quite a bit that's gonna be donated so that's the one good thing so we'll be glad to take all of it and donate it this week so that's everything hope y'all enjoyed the video give us a thumbs up subscribe why like the video make comments we do read it we do read the comments and we try to comment back or either hard on thanks for watching bye
Channel: FamilyMann
Views: 121,343
Rating: 4.7910156 out of 5
Keywords: Dumpster Diving, Dumpster food, Five Below, Frugal, Freakin frugal, Saved, Free food, Candy, Chips, Stevensteph, Curbside junkies, M&m, Snickers, Butterfinger, Corporate, Store, Waste, Donate, Find, Hunt, Hungry, Cheap, Coupon, Saving money, How to, Mega haul, Food haul, Free candy, Awesome, Help, Picker, Picking, Kirkland, Score, Landfill, Yeah, Stevensteph resale killers, Food waste
Id: Ugk8u0QRnRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 6sec (4206 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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