Kingfish, Cobia and Snappers - Offshore Fishing in Florida - 4K

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[Music] this morning we're here with Scott lump from outcasts core fishing charters and koi from soccer practice and we're headed offshore to have some fun [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh we might be like one and done here oh we got one or two baits you got a couple of them in there oh my god big over them no over baby [Music] everywhere yep yeah we need more than that sir we're out here trying to get bait you want to have a net loaded and ready you know when you're you see them flipping you they're either either throwing flips or we look at the bottom machine and the bottom machine will just black out and because your transducers wherever your transducer at some people have their transducer forward you have to be almost not be moving at all very slowly you throw the net and then you have a chance to get them if your boats moving too fast and you throw on what you see on the screen you're passing that so you have to be moving very slowly but if it's a gigantic mark like we've been having lately you'll what we call float the net sometimes you throw the net that it's got like almost twenty pounds of lead on it so throw it so many baits are in there then that goes down and then you see the net come back up it's crazy ready yeah not as big of a mark all these guys are coming back to invade I think get more good come on yeah one of the things I like to do we have so much of this bait is I try to change the water a little bit or one of the things if you don't change water at least go in there and get this foam there all as soon as you get them they're pooping in there okay so there's all that poop in the water you may even be able to see it in the water here little tiny particles there and all that's in there they're sucking that in they're breathing it in when they get that inside them they start it hurts them it's not good for them so I try to do it do a water change or at least get all this stuff scoop it all up I'll show you what it looks like right here it's pretty nasty all that stuff yeah I think these pink fish when they slam when they hit the bait they often miss so they snag themselves on that singer rig and what it is is that they get this you've got them hooked either foul hook or in the skin so if you put too much pressure on these little trouble hopes you're going to rip that skin out so we got a king fish on Scott's going on this ranch of heavy mono and all the stuff of boats I like stuff it's hooking bait I'll take that for you the other way I think this photo you ready here is a nice game bro thank you look at them 20 pounds bro George put a banana you see that scene that's 20 pounds all day long you're too big I first came to a fight about 20 pounds really nice fish on alive and hating or pogey you see that for a second I can probably I don't know which I guess is elegant talk to get it out and I got that thing gap good you're right again really but that's all the internal gap okay never that me nah bro you better cut his head off first world problems here Scott have gap is there so well that we physically can't get a gap out of the fish hey we don't want to lose them right like yeah I gotta just give it a good shake yeah find out which way it is the whole pizza dough I think it's going back the deficit acknowledges the real love it's like a Rubik's Cube oh yeah hair I know how grab that hook let me hold this okay here Cory can you help me here yes young now it's gonna go that way I think yeah yeah there we go we got a no baby crazy Hawks that have solid two minutes right there Oh tonight pictures though Oh Cory way it was I was like there's no way we're going to get that out without doing what I did we caught half a dozen king fish we have very limited time today so we're going to head inshore now and start pushing for snappers let me know let them do things we don't want to right by the boat if possible oh we ate it let me know they love it when a minute buh-buh-buh-buh-buh be there we got a Kobe all babies grow dumping he's dumped going to be Kobe their life is their deal oh yeah by far let me check the drag opal slow the structure down this got her deeper or something no you don't worry I do I came down there there's an i-20 20 pounds yeah come on boys cobia yeah help me open your mail ho ho baby we got him all right we got him in the Rs net here yeah and he's probably keeper but you want to make sure you know he looks like he's over 34 34 to the fork they just told me for life with their buddy oh oh oh he's right here you got snappers everywhere guys everywhere oh we piped me you got me yeah I'm gonna let me i'ma let him eat there we go that brought woo now you can't keep these faceted big words no he thought good though my snapper and he caught me but you won't look at it yes these are ravenous out here 202 them can't keep him though gotta let him go they're protected so we're going to take the hook out right now there we go now let him go let me finish we need automated we've got him hooked up man ready for mr. Tobias Oh if you drive over we go never gone sorry oh yeah you got a big one on a big switch let's bake completely free line that's what the fish that's what the bass you're doing I'm throwing in the water come on we're doing over here Kobe oh you lost them popped off popped off oh man that's what you get when you like one baby of course nothing but hook got challenged me to this lack of a trick that you know I'm do a right guy I need you're right next align fight a little guy I know that jumpy did hear anyone okay you want in secret video oh yeah I see you catch a big one fire fine bro I want to see you get to the boat in a minute on a big one okay well there he goes my leader make sure my leader is good so I don't lose him oh you went there big one bro fine big one heavy tackle ready three two one I'm sorry you guys saw me catch it and Destin red snapper they're absolutely pretty fish Cory you're up next wait that's coming up get the tongue is becoming someplace Cory popped out there I'll seal on this take real time I think ten seconds I mean only your bike Chuck got it it's on this John you know the five seconds dude whoo whoo oh yeah he's got him did you guys see him down there here we go I like a nice one pick in the mind wow there's a first red snapper ever man even with that beautiful fish pull so hard that Olympic belly what you got there Scott what do you got I got on there yeah I've got a demon shrimp also if you look sleeve it gets hit oh you're gonna hit it oh you got yeah Oh big one right there big one good good yeah it's on baby hey destroy David whoa oh man Oh burned their children up like that so eat anything that's not right there understand 51 dude that's a nice camera that's the bullet every day I crush oh wow you're insane you missed it holding it right here here here Oh doubled up you guys are almost pumping in using synchronized snappers mockingly big big big fish guys this is big one is really good I don't know we'll see whose is bigger Oh Oh big you're we come in sweet Josh's oh yeah they're both about the same size holding up your that camera guy that's over ten pounds right there all day long come on Corey get them dude album that looks bigger [ __ ] rock indie rock better do that snapper guys beautiful fish girls in the water go unharmed I can help you they thank this guy right here guys got lung check him out man he is the man you can't let him go like that bro what we got the camera soak the snapper are everywhere right now they're on top of the water I'm gonna put the drone in the air and see what it looks like [Music] [Applause] [Music] laughter today a good one to have to move it great for Saturday with that's the last fish of day right there big thanks to my man Scott long dude put it on the fish guys Kobe a triple tail anything you want and keep your novel this is your guy links in description check them out where does this pupil fish grill you can't keep these hope you guys enjoyed watching and we'll see you next time black CFH fishing is brought to you by Shimano brog dogs designed for you created for the outdoor and sudoc or nutrition [Music]
Channel: BlacktipH
Views: 3,041,880
Rating: 4.535387 out of 5
Keywords: Kingfish, Cobia, Snappers, Offshore, Fishing, Florida, Saltwater, Ocean, Meat Fish, Fish, Rod, Reel, Line, Saltwater Fishing, Snapper, Red Snapper, Ling, Mackerel, King Mackerel, Offshore Fishing, BlacktipH, 4K
Id: UR8iNcdiBDA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2017
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