Monster Dolphin in the Florida Keys, Catch N Cook - 4K

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we're here today at Palmers Resort in the Florida Keys we're gonna be fishing offshore on this Everglades boat hitting some wrecks looking for some giant fish [Music] fish on oh oh yes dolphin on baby nice one we spit it there's more than that there's more than there yeah real confident we'll go fish on these little trouble books but this was on for a good bit there there's definitely some dolphin around the birds are working here just bait on the surface for on top of a nice wreck right now unfortunately we lost that fish but we'll get another one should I watch that dolphin eat it man I've watched him pipe is so sick all lit up so sick so sick if I could catch mahi up just artificial haul day that's all I would do maybe so so much fun I can't cast the both I say mine mine mine mine my pitch pitch burger [ __ ] my got a big mind big mahi back there pitch back there pitch pitcher it's a big ball dude pitch it [ __ ] wait back there no get your picture put there open up the giant ball it's a journey important 60 pounder dude watch out watch out you've another big pain it's a knee - dude dude it's a big ball gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme something give me a bigger than the biggest paid in there dude all right slowly let's slow to let splits bumping here just go very slow and slow pull him around here so first import import import film for today he ate it big ball big pulled off take pull dolphin oh my gosh oh my gosh dude died ginormous China harvest eat up eat up no let him eat no let me there we go baby big bulls open baby oh baby oh baby oh my gosh dude yes gonna jump he's gonna jump jump whoa somebody get that gaff ready someone get the gaff ready totally dude it's a 40 pound often the big dolphin new biggest alt in my life yeah ahi tacos for day let's let's keep the boats yeah hold on hold on one you get that gas soon you want to give you forget the longest arms dude because when he gets close boys and freak out that's a giant you there you go oh my gosh it never had so much fun in my life guys go down use bomb here he comes coming he's coming okay he's done he's done done oh my gosh that's what your height it's a jaw high in Breaux fish of a lifetime for me over here cherry come over here Jared Jared captain's catch me candy those fruits off folks at the hole and pull up hold on hold on come back here more there we go Cheers here we go you mind you mind no one taking you from me yeah baby big mahi oh yeah this one's over 30 pounds for sure oh man side fishing with a live mullet look at that guy's look at that mahi I was so sick so guys no joke that fish follows mine my meadow breaks the boat I saw my car freaking out I got a live mullet I pitched it out he lit up just like I'm talking on it like a crew suger can't even talk I'm so excited like I said eat seeking missile just smoked I let him eat it for like 10 seconds set the hook boom each dude I was an epic fight he jump so many times fish of a lifetime guys giant mahi if you have a call one you guys gotta get a try that is such a fun fish to catch thanks dude she's a burden I just heard a bird chirp when I throw this lure all I'm looking for is something blue just following it that's a dolphin they're fluorescent blue in the water it's so insane during the fight he went down we were on top of a reef right now and there's a lot of sharks here and when he was down there I was tripping out I thought oh no it's gonna happen my worst fear a big sharks go up and destroy him but I managed to get him back up on the surface and it's such a relief when that fish McGeorge stuck that fish and that went in the boat wow that's the best feeling in the world man because it's so easy to lose a big fish like that yes it's like when you're fighting all the time you're like oh my gosh how could this fish get lost right now you got to stay focused you got to maneuver the boat it's a team effort and fishes in the box we're gonna have some ahi tacos later I can't wait Jared wants a snapper fish so bad he's like we can't even film bro he just wants to tackle me and get that egg in the water you ready dude are you ready to catch a snapper bro I'm so ready I'm ready kitchen muddy yeah I'm gonna let him go though yeah we don't know we need me we're in the keys man we got to eat right we got to eat but we got a 40-pound off and we got to eat my posture crack back you don't need a serious reception come on guys take a seat tell you snapping fish right here oh yeah snapper fishing it's relaxing it's fun yeah my shirts on that's great oh oh my gosh dude this guy's smoked what oh my gosh on the way up dude want to put my leg back in for this one holy bro Wow - that's nice man that yeah oh my gosh she's got a guy watch sometimes yes that could be a big mud indeed there we go oh yeah yellowtail back-to-back six in a row dude Wow little big name bro what's not - the captain baby here we go finally got a mic not legal name but its main race now the last snap of the day for me guys we got a head in now someone let this guy go we're gonna get cleaned up here and go clean that mahi need oh my gosh he's good yeah guys thanks for joining this all right back to what I was telling you guys so I'm gonna release this mangrove snapper areas right there upside down yeah not gonna happen anyways so let's go clean that mahi catch and cook great big mahi guys there he is oh yeah here we go he's nice and firm ice first thing you do with mahi is you just do a gentle cut you just want to get that just wanna break the skin grab the skin [Music] we got the skin off the next step obviously just take this fillet off now so you just want to work her along the bone feel the bone with your knife feel that bone [Music] there we go our first fillet dot so I could take ten pound filet right there oh it's nice clean pull a job look at that guy's help meet mist pretty good we got our meat here we've got about 20 pounds of mahi meat so now I'm gonna take this meat go into our room here at Palmers resort and start cooking the goal for this catching cook just to make fish tacos this is the bull bring these chunks in there and have big chunks all right let's put some telling dressing in there all right let's put some where's that rock salt at good I mean I almost won just picture oh look at that raw garlic in there this is I'm excited man I'm like guys I'm not joking we haven't eaten anything all day so this butters healthy around here all right here we go all right sit the the end-result recipes over here the first batch here we go man fried fish oh my gosh yeah do that all right sour creams in there humph your fish in there here we go expire shredded lettuce oh yeah and to top it all off jeez alright I've never made fish tacos before so first time for everything here we go here we go here we go Oh mmm so hungry toga Lennie's fried my there we go but freaking good that's good we had a lot of fun in the Florida Keys cut that huge mahi is my new personal best so that's huge big shout out guys to everglades boats they provided an awesome boat it had a lot of fun on it great boat make sure you check them out and huge show that yacht works here dealerships they got all these boats everybody's included right here check them out as well in the Florida Keys link is in the description and also a huge shout out to Palmers resort for letting us stay there their link is also in the description hope you guys enjoyed this video and we'll see you next time black tip h fishing is brought to you by rob tongs designed for you created for the outdoors and sudoc or nutrition [Music] [Music]
Channel: BlacktipH
Views: 2,262,612
Rating: 4.7570887 out of 5
Keywords: Monster, Dolphin, Fish, Fishing, Catch, Cook, Mahi, Dorado, Ocean, Saltwater, Florida, Keys, Mahi Mahi, Dolphin Fish, Big Pine, Catch N Cook, Florida Keys, Saltwater Fishing, Rod, Reel, Line, BlacktipH, 4K
Id: t5TCkJdPfJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 27sec (807 seconds)
Published: Tue May 29 2018
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