Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes (2024) - Movie Review (Was it a strong continuation?)

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first we had Godzilla X Kong the new Empire then monkey man and now Kingdom of the planet the Apes 2024 is officially the year of [Music] monkeys hey movie Buffs I'm Jack Benner and Welcome to our review of kingdom of the Planet of the Apes Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes is the newest film the long-going plan the Apes franchise as well as the fourth film in the plan the Apes reboot franchise set 300 years after the event of War for the plan the Apes it follows a young ape named Noah who embarks on a journey where he meets a human woman that leads him to question what he's been taught about the past and what's about to come for the future now before we get into my thoughts on Kingdom I would like to give you my thoughts on Rise Dawn and War first starting off in 2011 rides at a plan the Apes I remember when I first saw the ever it is I was thinking do we really need to plan the Apes prequel then I saw it in theaters this movie surprised me and I absolutely loved it and over 10 years later to which I can't believe it's been that long but it still holds up from the groundbreaking CGI with motion capture a compelling story terrific action I love the golden Gat sequence and most of all Andy Circus as Caesar is phenomenal and I think it's his best motion capture role since Gollum and I do love him as King Kong as well and that scene when Caesar first spoke no you could hear a pin drop just I will never forget when I first saw that scene in theaters back then and if there's one little question I want to ask how did Hugo when visual effects over Rives plany Apes at the 2012 Oscars now I absolutely love Hugo it had good effects but in terms of what visual effects were more groundbreaking and revolutionary rise and plan the Apes deserve that award every everything that w a digital who also did Avatar for what they accomplished here was just marvelous this was an excellent start to the trilogy and one of my favorite films of 2011 so I would give Rise of Planet the Apes an A and then in 2014 we got Dawn of the Planet of the Apes everything on not only how to make an incredible Blockbuster sequel but an incredible sequel in every way not just an improvement over rise but it's a deep and profound film that continues its story phenomenally the visuals are even more incredible and jaw-dropping I do think Interstellar is a visually stunning film but I think this deserved the Oscar for visual effects that year kobba is both a menacing villain but also a compelling villain to where you understand his motivations and any circus is still phenomenal one of my favorite films of 2014 and one of the best Blockbusters ever made A+ and now the best one in 2017 War for the Planet of the Apes now not only my favorite of the trilogy but this is my favorite plan the Apes movie by far an outstanding conclusion that beautifully gives closure to Caesar's story it is one of my favorite Michael G Kino scores one of his best since up the visual effects continue to reach Stellar New Heights and one of my most difficult dilemas choosing between that for the Oscar or Blade Runner 249 damn you options and again I keep saying Andy C might have given my favorite motion capture performance in any movie he is the king of motion capture and if I want to ask one little question how in the hell does Andy Circus not have an Oscar nomination yet already it's deep emotional tragic this is one of my top five favorite films of 2017 of the Blade Runner 2049 Dunkirk and Logan those are like my S tier films of 2017 along with Coco Baby driver get out a freaking plus now when I heard 20th century Studio was planning a new continuation of the plan the Apes franchise after Caesar's story concluded I was skeptical if a new story in plan the Apes was even necessary and even with a new director West ball who directed The Maze Runner movies was involved I was also a little skeptical after how much I loved what Matt reevs brought to the table with Dawn and War and when I saw concept art for this film my curiosity started to increase and wanted to see a trailer and when the first trailer came out my skepticism started to decrease with how promising it looked and I just thought okay this is giving me faith that this is in good hands and with that teaser trailer and the second trailer it was one of my most anticipated films of the Year even if I had a feeling it wouldn't top or come close to rise Dawn or War all I was hoping for with Kingdom to be a great Standalone Sequel and a worthy continuation and I actually saw Kingdom plan Abes had an early screening on Wednesday night thank you to my local AMC theaters for the early screening I went into it optimistic and here are my thoughts while I don't think it's as good as rise Dawn or War but I can confirm Kingdom PL Apes is a really good and worthy continuation of the plan the Apes franchise let's start with the pros right away from a visual and Technical standpoint this film is breathtaking and these films visually continue to reach amazing New Heights I'm just still in awe from the stunning attention to detail on the Apes with the fur their skin the movements featuring a terrific mix of motion captur CGI onset locations which West ball recently did confirm that this film was shot on said locations and getting the scope of everything is all glorious I commend every single VFX artist who worked on this movie for their hard work and dedic ation for these incredible effects what I love about each new installment since rise was how they continue to up their game and take it to the next level without becoming stale and there is not a single V effect shot that took me out in the movie everything looked amazing and there's even one effect during the climax of this movie that had my jaw drop and wondering how were they able to pull that off seriously and it will absolutely be a lock for an Oscar nomination for visual effects although I still think Dune 2 is going to win in that category and I think during award season Dune 2 is going to win visual effects categories in a clean sweep but this would be a very deserving nomination after being skeptical without Matt Reeves and I did want to get a first impression of how West ball would handle this franchise and now having seen it I think this franchise is in good hands under West Ball's direction for Action wise ball does an excellent job crafting intense and thrill action scenes that are very well shot without using shaky Cam and the cinematography in this movie is amazing there are so many great shots that I'm thinking of and I love the gritty abandoned look took what he did with the Maze Runner movies and applied it to her greatly but most of all with the story here what's particularly admirable about the story here is that it succeeded at what a good legacy sequel should do establishing what came before with Caesar's Legacy while focusing on telling a new and interesting interesting story and one of the more interesting Parts about this movie was Caesar's Legacy was seeing how the different sides would handle his teachings with how they use it for good and the other side would use it for evil and their wrongdoings and what's become one of my favorite part about the rebooted plan the AP movies is that they never feel spectacle over substance they give you characters that are interesting and sympathetic first before the action scenes begin they'll actually get you to care about them so that nothing feels Hollow or Surface level and actually given great depth to the story and another thing what makes this movie work the performances from the cast are terrific starting with our new main character Owen Teague as Noah now following up to Andy Circus as Caesar was certainly No Easy Task but Noah is a great protagonist to get behind here I was really invested from this character from the start with his journey and confliction and embarking on his quest for Redemption ow T greatly gives a lot to this role with the amount of heart he brought to it sympathy and excellently using his eyes and facial expressions to sell it and now having seen Kingdom I'm definitely on board with this character and want to see a story continue and Freya Allen is great as man I like seeing how she's different than most humans with her intelligence and survival skills and she was a character I was interested in and want to learn more about her and if there's one big scene stealer in The Supporting Cast it would definitely be Kevin Durant as proximus Caesar now having recently seen this actor in AB Abigail which fun vampire movie by the way note to S got to get my review out for that with this and Abigail he's having a great year so far I would say Kobo was a much stronger villain he's definitely my favorite plan the Apes villain but proximus Caesar definitely makes for a great villain just from the first time we've seen him with his menacing presence and Charisma while seeing where he's coming from with his ideologies for evolution he definitely made for a strong villain in terms of motivation presence and combat and I would also like to mention another secondary villain this gorilla who was such a badass and imposing villain and another one of my favorite new characters in this movie was Rocka this orangutan who knowah first starts meet and Rocka becomes this mentor about Caesar's Legacy and I thought he was such a great character with a mix of wisdom and welcome addition of humor and I don't want to spoil anything since this movie just came out but for the ending and what it teased it definitely had me intrigued for the future definitely want to see more this continuation the questions it asks sadly I do have some Cons with this movie I will get to those right now first probably my biggest issue with kingdom is the pacing issues this is the longest film in the plan the Apes franchise at 2 hours and 25 minutes and during the second act of this movie I really did feel that runtime now I do appreciate making every scene important now it may seem like Exposition scenes that kind of drag the run time they're really not they do serve importance but at the same time there were a few parts during the second act of this movie where it does drag a little bit where I feel like the pacing could could have been much tighter second as much as I love proximate Caesar in this movie I do wish we had more screen time with him cuz I found him to be such a great and interesting villain and I do wish his motivation could have been explored a bit more I felt like we could have learned a bit more about him I feel like there would be more potential for a prequel with this character which I would be very interested in seeing and lastly compared to rise Dawn and War I didn't find this film quite as emotionally impactful as those other films I felt like they were much stronger in terms of emotion and theme to Su of while I don't think it's on the same level as its predecessors and does suffer from Pacing issues Kingdom plan yapes is a worthwhile engaging and satisfying continuation visually astounding terrific performances intense action and engaging story I would definitely recommend this movie to you if you loved rise Dawn and Warford plany apes or if you're just a huge plany Apes fan definitely go out and see this movie however if you have not seen rise Dawn or Warfare to plany Apes I definitely recommend you watch those movies before you watch this one even though kingdom is more of a standalone sequel it does have a lot focusing on Caesar's Legacy so you should definitely watch those three movies beforehand to learn about Caesar's story and after this film if West ball is going to direct the next film with these characters I'm on board for what he has in store for the next one and now to gr it I'm going to give Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes four stars out of five a B+ both this and the Fall Guy start the summer strong two good movies so I'm definitely confident we're in for a good Summer movie season so definitely go out and see Kingdom plany Apes this weekend as well see it on the biggest screen as possible because a visually stunning movie like this deserves to be seen on the biggest screen so I'd like to hear from you guys what do you guys think of kingdom of the Planet Apes if you've seen it do you agree disagree with my review or if you haven't seen it are you interested in seeing the film or not let me know down below did you enjoy hearing my thoughts on this mie and want to see more views like this in the future if yes please hit that like And subscribe button if you're new here and don't forget that notification Bell for my next upload in the future my social media links are in the description down below I'm on Twitter Instagram and Tik Tok and if you want to see any of my written reviews I do have a letter box account so if You' like to follow me there and until the next video I'm Jack Benner and look forward to another move review 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Channel: Jack Benner’s Movie Reviews
Views: 143
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kingdom of the planet of the apes, planet of the apes films, planet of the apes franchise, planet of the apes reboot standalone sequel, kingdom of the planet of the apes review, kingdom of the planet of the apes 2024 review, kingdom of the planet of the apes movie review, kingdom of the planet of the apes 2024 movie review, caesar, noa, mae, proximus caesar
Id: enVUhQT_6kE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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