Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (2024) - Movie Review (Was it a great prequel to Fury Road?)

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now when I went to the movie theater to see furiosa and buy my ticket I actually saw someone wearing a Garfield suit because the Garfield movie just came out this weekend I haven't seen the new Garfield movie yet I do plan on seeing it but I just thought that was pretty funny and cool to see someone dressed up as Garfield wow [Music] hey movie Buffs I'm Jack Benner and welcome to my review of furiosa a Mad Max Saga furiosa a Mad Max Saga is now the fifth film in the Mad Max franchise and this is a prequel to Mad Max Fury Road from 2015 George Miller who has directed every single Mad Max movie is back behind the camera for this and this film stars Anya Taylor Joy and Chris Hemsworth set before the events of Fury Road it follows the origins of furiosa when this film is played by Anya Taylor Joy focusing on when she was taken as a child by the evil warlord dementus played by Chris Hemsworth she fights to survive as a slave of aor Joe until she gets revenge on dementus in the year 2015 George Miller has returned to the Mad Max franchise in full force with the release of Mad Max Fury Road it was an interesting challenge for George Miller to return to the Mad Max franchise with a new continuation ever since the Mel Gibson Trilogy from 1979 to 1985 and when Fury wrot came out it received amense critical Acclaim claiming it to be one of the best action movies ever made and the best Mad Max movie since the road warrior I remember when I first saw this movie in theaters in 2015 and when the credits rolled I immediately told my dad it was one of the best action movies I have ever seen and now almost 10 years later oh my God I can't believe it's almost 10 years old I feel so old Fury Road stands as not only a Monumental achievement in action film making but film making in general from The Marvelous and jaw-dropping action spectacle that George Miller crafts here a technical achievement with breathtaking cinematography probably some of the best action cinematography I have ever seen great film editing and one of my favorite aspects about Fury Road is that it mostly relied on practical assets and effects over 80% of this movie was done practically and CGI was used sparingly and it was a great blend of incredible practical effects and great CGI work and it's got fantastic performances Tom Hardy did an excellent job filling in Mel Gibson shoes and Charlie tharen was outstanding as furiosa one of the best and badass action female heroes in any movie and I also love Nicholas Holt as hux oh what a day what a lovely day and I love the character Arc he goes through and humanizing a war boy and I was over the moon when this film was nominated for for 10 Oscars winning six of them the most awards at the 2016 Oscars which is awesome and it was the second most nominated film that year behind the Revenant even if it sadly didn't win pitcher or director I'm just glad this film got the recognition by the academy and the six Oscars it won production design costume design makeup and hair styling sound editing sound mixing and film editing although I am disappointed that it didn't win visual effects that was my pick to win although I thought the work in xmo was great that was a surprising winner but I would have loved for this to win visual effects 2 and it was also my pick to win best pitchure the revenue was close to winning and that would have been a great best pitcher winner but I do think Spotlight is a great and engaging drama so that's a good best pitch winner in my book and this is my favorite film of 2015 and an absolute action Masterpiece and the best action movie of the 2010 decades runner up being Skyfall and mission of possible Fallout now when it was announced there was going to be a prequel center around furiosa I was engrossed by the idea of a prequel because I felt like there was a lot to explore with her character and backstory plus the factors of George Miller returning direct and great actors such as Anya Taylor Joy and Chris Hemsworth starring in it I'm excited and when the trailer came out it definitely got me excited about this prequel keeping that same chaotic action from Fury Road intact and it definitely indicated this prequel was going to be in good hands I heard great things from both the can film festival where it premiered recently and and early screenings positive reviews just got me even more excited even if I knew it wouldn't come close to the greatness of Fury Road because Fury Road is the creme de La Creme all I was hoping for was for furiosa to be a great and satisfying prequel now and I've seen furiosa Thursday night and excited to give you my review I can confirm that furiosa is awesome is it as good or does it come close to Fury Road I don't think so no but was it a worthy exciting and engaging and satisfying prequel yes it is let's start with the pros first thing I want to praise the two main performances from both Ana Taylor Joy and Chris Hemsworth are fantastic here first I want to start with Ana Taylor joy as fosa ever since I took notice of her back when I saw split in 2017 I did not see the witch at that time so that was my introduction to her and since she gave a great performance in that film I knew her future as an actress was very bright boy was I right over the years she's been on fire with the Queen's Gambit which I heard great things about and other great movies such as last night in SoHo the Northman the menu I love seeing her proved to be one of the most talented and versatile actresses working today and I was really looking forward to seeing how she would make this version of furiosa her own and now seeing the movie she did a terrific job she made it her own with the physicality tragedy intelligence with her survival tactics and badassery that Charlie sarin brought to the character and she also excels with many scenes using her eyes and minimal dialogue convincingly to embody the younger furiosa and seeing her evolve to who she'll become was great to see and it was also a great opportunity to see Anya Taylor joy as an action star and she killed it here I also want to give credit to Aila Brown who is a child furiosa during the first half of this movie you don't see Anya Taylor Joy till later surprisingly and she carries that same strength that Anya Taylor Joy brought that I mentioned with her eyes and facial expressions but the one who completely steals the show here is Chris Hemsworth as dementus oh wow it was an absolute treat to see Chris Hemsworth gleefully sink his teeth into a maniacal villain role Hemsworth injects a commanding presence with such Charisma tension and maliciousness in every scene making for an unforgettable antagonist performance and I was just so excited to see him pop up again and curious to see what he was going to do next and not only that there's a monologue scene he has at the end of the movie that fleshes his character out that gave me goosebumps that was one of my favorite scenes of the film and this might be my favorite performance Chris Hemsworth has ever given I've always loved him as Thor but I feel like he's kind of underrated in roles outside of Thor I love in movies such as Rush great and underrated racing movie from 13 and to see this role to see more of his talents as an actor he knocked it out of the park and almost a decade later George Miller has definitely not lost his touch returning to the Wasteland George Miller crafts phenomenal action set pieces that are visceral and jaw-dropping beautifully shot action scenes with great use of wide shots capturing the same fanatic chaotic and Relentless energy as Fury Road and the cinematography here is amazing there are many great shots that have excellent use of colors and have great shot composition and thankfully there is no shaky cam during the action scenes you can see what's going on the editing flows and the one main highlight action scene I want to mention is this one action scene with the war rig and there are parachutes the longer that action scenes goes on my jaw dropped that was just amazed at how phenomenally executed that action scene was and that is becoming one of my favorite action scenes of the year so far and the technical aspects in this movie are terrific the sets costumes makeup are all fantastic and I'm still happy this film relies on practical effects and locations as much as I really enjoyed the trailers of this movie one thing I was concerned about I love the practicality in Fury Road and there were some shots in the furiosa trailers that got me worried it was going to be too CG heavy but luckily that didn't bother me when I saw the film and I could definitely tell okay there were still a lot of practical effects used and it definitely still looked like it was was shot on location which was awesome to see so I'm still happy that visual effects approach from Fury Road is still applied here but most of all what I appreciated about this movie was Miller does an excellent job at expanding the lore and World building seeing more of the World building the different places they go to more of these characters making it feel more immersive and fascinating really getting to see an expansion of this post-apocalyptic setting was very interesting to see while also giving a tragic backstory for furios to be invested in the first out of this movie I was hooked I was like okay I can definitely see why furiosa is the way she is just with her eyes and what she's been through in the past there were a few scenes in this movie that were just quite devastating to watch whereas Fury Road was more of a 2hour exhilarating Chase movie furiosa is more of a gripping Revenge film where you understand furiosa from the Geto why she wants revenge on dementus it all comes together as an engaging thrilling action Revenge film sadly I do have a few flaws with this movie I will get to the cons right now first while I wasn't bothered by the CGI as I thought I was going to be I'll admit there were a few CGI shots that were a bit noticeable and I felt like could have been improved better or polished and second issue this is now the longest film in the Mad Max franchise at 2 hours and 28 minutes and I feel like the pacing is a little inconsistent at times it starts being really fast-paced and exciting but then a few times where the pacing can slow down a little and you do start to feel that length and maybe a few times I feel like the pacing could have been trimmed to sum up it doesn't quite reach the same Heights as Fury Road and does have some pacing issues furiosa a Mad Max Saga excels as a gripping engaging and exhilarating action Revenge film that's also a worthy prequel to Fury Road Miller returns to craft phenomenal action set pieces effortlessly Anya Taylor Joy and Chris Hemsworth are fantastic here and it's a riveting story that not only provides an extra layer depth to furiosa but also expands the lore and World building I would definitely recommend this movie to you if your fans at the Mad Max franchise or if you loved Fury Road like I did definitely go see this movie and if you're excited about this prequel you love furiosa and Fury Road definitely go see this movie along if you've been interested by the idea of a prequel about this character definitely go see it I do want to let you know don't go into this movie expecting another Mad Max Fury Road go in expecting a riveting action and a worthy prequel if you have never seen madmax Fury Road I would advise you to watch that movie beforehand because furiosa actually does tie into Mad Max furo I was like okay I can see how these movies are connected and also do watch Mad Max furo because it's absolutely incredible in every way definitely go see furiosa this weekend I'm excited to hear your thoughts and definitely see it on the biggest screen possible a movie like this deserves to be seen on the biggest screen in any way and now to grade it I'm going to give furiosa a Mad Max Saga four and a half stars out of five and a minus I'm satisfied that this prequel did not disappoint me at all both exciting and worthwhile and it's crazy to think that George Miller is almost 80 years old and makes exhilarating action movies like these that's amazing and I hope he continues to make many more Mad Max movies as he wants I would love to see Tom Hardy return for another Mad Max movie whether a continuation after Fury Road or maybe another prequel that sounds interesting I'm definitely down for more Mad Max movies in the future and this would so far be my third favorite film of 2024 so far three this two Civil War and number one is still doomed part two and so far my favorite film I have seen this summer and mayia started off with a few good movies and this was the first one that was like Yep this is a great one and hopefully there will be many more great movies this summer and now for any Oscar predictions now since Fury Road received 10 Oscar nominations including best pitcher winning six what are furiosa's chances upon seeing the movie I don't see a getting into the pitcher or director for George Miller because I think D part two is definitely locked for pitcher and director at this point and it's probably going to dominate to technical categories and I've heard a few people say could Chris Hemsworth get in for best supporting actor since Charlie sarin did get an Oscar nomination for madmax rear Road she should have I don't really see the same happening for Chris Hemsworth as much as he was incredible in this movie movie I don't know if he'll make it in and maybe it might be a competitive year where he might be overlooked I think it's likely to get in at the technical categories but I don't know maybe one win but not as much as Fury Road one I think it can get in for production design costumes makeup could possibly win there sound and maybe it might get in for visual effects we'll see how competitive that category gets with other films getting in for visual effects but I think this could have a chance to get in or it might not get a nomination so those are my oscar predictions for furiosa and we'll see how this film performs throughout award season so I would like to hear from you guys what do you guys think of furiosa a Mad Max Saga if you've seen it do you agree disagree with my review or if you haven't seen it are you interested in seeing the film or not let me know down below did you enjoy hearing my thoughts on this movie and want to see more reviews like this in the future if yes please hit that like And subscribe button if you're new here and don't forget that notification Bell for my next upload in the future it really means a lot all my social media links are in the description down below you can find me on Twitter Instagram and Tik Tok and if you want to see any more of my written reviews I do have a letter box account so if You' like to follow me on there as well and until the next video I'm Jack Benner and look forward to another move review [Music]
Channel: Jack Benner’s Movie Reviews
Views: 622
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: furiosa a mad max saga, furiosa, mad max prequel, mad max fury road, furious movie review, furiosa 2024 review, furiosa 2024 movie review, George miller, anya Taylor joy, Chris hemsworth
Id: bT6jzjQVHVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2024
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