Kingdom Of The Planet Of The Apes - Movie Review | NON SPOILER

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what's going on everybody it's a non-spoiler review for Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes starring freia Allen Owen Teague Kevin Durant William H Macy Peter Mon and the list goes on and on directed here by Wes ball so thanks for joining me here on the channel I appreciate it if your first time here subscribe what are you talking about I Haven watched the review yet you could stink yeah but it's free and you can unsubscribe if you don't like the review so do that let's let's do that test that'll go well for me anyway anyway so I want to do this non-spoiler this is for you guys to hear my opinion on the latest Apes movie now if you know if you don't know this movie is a continuation of the Andy Circus movies that came out I think the first one was like 2011 which was Rise of the Planet of the Apes a movie I absolutely loved I loved the whole trilogy and I thought it was a great Trilogy and I was like oh they're going to do more I'm interested to see how and they set it up Generations later is what they say and this is still they don't ignore Caesar they they Caesar has mentioned his teachings and maybe and that's what I liked about it it was kind of like um they used this because both sides of what what the apes are doing right now use Caesar's teachings the question is who uses it the right way who uses it the wrong way and it's really our the story is about um Noah so he's part of this Village that they they train these birds and the bird people or the bird Apes I should say and Noah is he's he's got a lot of spirit to him he's got a lot of heart he's got a lot of potential and he you know he's with his friends and he wants he just wants to be in favor with his with his pops and then goes down that's what I tell you goes down and of course there's a human involved in it what does the human bring to it and they start to build on the Lord even more so and they have to because that's the question you're going to do going into this thing you're going to say well wait you know they R set up this whole entire thing about how the Apes kind of rose to power now this is if this is Generations later how are they going to get me interested and I think they do a great job because you know well Caesar's not in this one he's been dead for however many years am I going to care about this character and the answer is yes you do because I'll tell you that Owen Teague who I like since bloodline plays Noah and he's so phenomenal I think he's a standout Peter Mak as Rocka is a standout um there's a lot Kevin Durant who I've always been a big fan of think he should have played or should play Darth Bane if they ever do that but who knows anyway um they are standouts now Freya Allen who I guess is in The Witcher I've never seen she's also very good this is my only criticism of the film it's not her performance I think she's very good she looks so modern she looks made up you know like she just stepped out of a photo shoot in most maybe a couple scratches on her face and dirt here and there but out of and they do show like these dirt dirty humans cuz remember humans are supposed to be like wild animals and there's a reason for why she's definitely different that's that's set up very well but there's a couple times that some of the humans look so clean I'm like takes me out of it a little bit it's my biggest nitpick of this entire thing this movie sets you up so well with lure so well with characters you're so invested from the start of it it's a very emotional Beginning by the way I'll tell you that without spoiling anything um I took a buddy and even uh he was like I was not prepared for that opening I say me either but it was a great start to it and then they set you up and really these are our new cast of characters enjoy now what I will see and I guarantee you that I'll see this and it's the same way that I saw things with Andor I guarantee you if you've come back and you've seen this movie there might be someone who's going I thought it was boring um there was a slow burn to this movie but I think it's a necessity I think it is a necessity to really get you what I just said to invest in that in these new characters and learn more about them and learn their traits and learn their motives and learn everything about this world and what it's like now and the setup to which I hope people go and see this movie because I really I was so locked in I want to see more of where this goes now and will we lead back to a remake of the original movie I don't know but people will say oh I I can see it already I thought it was I thought it was boring and I don't ever I was never never boor not once but I did say okay this is a kind of a slower burn here to really introduce us to who this particular character is with Noah and what he's learning but I think it all adds and that's what really good writing does it adds by the time that you get to that climax at the end it's earned the why you care it's like the formulaic Blockbusters to me I'm I'm bored with them of this like okay let's throw a couple jokes in here this there and then we'll just do big action piece big action piece and do another huge action piece at the end that's almost like just cotton candy and it's why I like Godzilla minus one so much because I cared about the characters and this is like 90% apes and maybe 10% humans maybe 85 but the human story is very important it's very important and you know as I said uh Freya Allen is a major part of it and she and I also want to be clear she does a very good job with the performance it's not her I just think that the makeup it just took me out of it a couple times I'm like she looks like she is in 2024 at a shoot to promote this movie she doesn't look like she's been running around dirty and cold at all she's why why she wearing makeup um but again small grip this is uh and Peter Mak to me who plays Rocka steals the show it is he is so he he the role that he plays and again I don't want to spoil it when you go and see it but he just plays Rocket but the role that he plays It's very effective immediately and is such a good balance to um proximus Caesar's crew who's again Kevin Durant plays and it is a a story of family it's a story of acceptance It's a story of um idealism it's it's all of these different things that are playing together and I think West ball does such a great job of picking up the ball where Matt Reeves and and crew left off uh and just running with it and saying they I'm honoring everything they did in the past and now here's my version of where we're going to go with this thing and that to me is where where they succeed tremendously tremendously because the there are people major franchises have tried even from one director to the next and just said well we don't like what they're doing so we're going to make our own version of it and we're going to kind of disregard what came before us and don't worry about it that's not what this movie does this movie does the exact opposite like everything that came before us and now you have to like Noah if you don't like Noah you're not going to be invested in this movie I was invested in Noah from the second he hits and the way that they set up him and his and his uh two friends it's very well done and what he's going through and he's it's earned everything that he does is earned and he's going to be the ape that we're going to be invested in if you go and see this movie so I'm going to give this a pretty big score I'm going to go 4.3 out of five um I I loved it I I really did I loved it I thought it was um a great a great uh chapter and really made me and I was I was bummed I was like yeah we're probably not going to see another one of these for like another three or four years which they'll put the effort into oh yeah CGI fantastic the apes look just as good as ever do you ever feel when you're watching it well that's CGI I didn't um the cinematography is beautiful the the world the way they set the world up look for certain things in the uh World itself and say oh that's that particular location I missed it I had to have my buddy tell me afterwards like no they went from that part of the world to that part of the world and if you pay attention to the landscape you'll see it and I didn't even pick that up so uh yeah I I I want to see this movie again I really dug it I really liked it but I am I will say this I'm a big fan of those three movies so I think this is my this is my prediction if you like those three movies think you're going to love this one if you didn't you're like a I've always kind of thought they were just okay but maybe this one will be the one that I like I don't know if you will because I think that it it it's like I said it's pretty true to everything that they set up in that world uh and the way that they did it and like lure and Legend and and everything everything it's just set up really really well but the question is how invested are you in that world so that's it man that's my review of kingdom of the Planet of the Apes I saw a comment that said you know one of the things I don't like about the Apes movies it doesn't really ever seem like the titles uh add up to it I don't know if I agree with that because Rise of the Planet of the Apes in the first one is I mean is essentially that's the start of it all Dawn is like the the start of where it starts to get really really gnarly for the humans and then War of the Planet of the Apes is like it's that final battle that Gary Olman stuff is like that's that's like the deciding victory in this one for short Kingdom yeah you'll you'll see it once you get introduced to proximus Caesar and see what he's trying to do so that's it man thanks for joining us here today on the channel as I said hit the Subscribe button get us to 200,000 subscribers by the end of the year we're trying because we do out of the theater reactions it's summer movie season now I'm going to see furiosa really soon I got other things that we're going to be doing here we do long form podcast movie news pop culture stuff we do a live show on on Mondays um we got a lot of different things going on here we do reactions so we'd love to have you part of it and we'd love to hear the conversation and we like to hear the thoughts so if you just stumbled across this you're like all right you know why not come join us it's free why not all right thanks for joining us again and we'll see you on the flip side bye
Channel: Kristian Harloff
Views: 17,114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kristian Harloff, the big thing, sith council, star wars reviews, marvel review, dc, mcu, obi wan, moon knight review, movie reviews, tv reviews, netflix, paramount, hbomax
Id: HVFfy1R3r1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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