Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days All Cutscenes (HD Remix Edition) Full Game Movie 1080p

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beautiful heartless mindlessly collecting hearts the rage of the keyblade releases those hearts they gather in darkness masterless sent free until they weave together to make kingdom hearts and when that time comes we can truly finally exist you and we feel it wouldn't true enough [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're early no you're just late today makes 255 what's that about it's been that many days since I first joined the organization man time flies so you got the number of memorize do you yeah have to hang on to something right it's not like I have memories from before the organization don't you remember I acted like a zombie right that first week you could barely form a sentence but come on you're still kind of a zombie oh thanks [Music] hey Roxas that you don't know why the Sun sets red you see light is made up of lots of colors and out of all those colors red is the one that travels the farthest like I asked know-it-all seriously where is she you [Music] the Destiny that is about to unfold actually started when we first met on the seventh day after I came here you good tidings friends today is a momentous day I am pleased to announce that a new comrade has been chosen to wear the coat number fourteen let us all welcome one of the keyblade's chosen you for the seven-day since my arrival the name Roxas and the number 13 were all I had who the people around me were what they wanted or what they were trying to do I had no idea teach him well Axl don't worry I'll be sure he makes the grade Roxas let's go hmm what's wrong you worried about the new kid what was that name again number 14 she'll ride I knew that she got it memorized Roxas yeah yeah how about my name then Axl and how about our boss's name huh sadness no way you're gonna forget his name right let's go [Music] the icing on the cake [Music] you remember what this ice-cream is called it's um sea salt ice cream I already told you before get it memorized it's salty but sweet Roxas you said the same exact thing the other day I did I don't remember so what does it been a week since you joined the organization I guess it has you guess it has come on you must remember that much well here you are finally out in the field working for the organization right for the organization you might even say that today is where it all really begins for you where it all begins as a member of the organization I'll be receiving missions every day but I'm still not exactly sure what I'm supposed to do [Music] [Music] the organization defeats the heartless in order to collect hearts and complete Kingdom Hearts but I don't know what that is or what it does I don't even know what a heart is you [Music] nobody's don't exist we in the organization were born without hearts so if we don't have hearts does that mean we don't exist [Music] the keyblade releases hearts so why am I the only one who can wield such a thing I'm learning all these things but there's so much more that I don't get [Music] back and forth to and from the same places every day sometimes we go to other places on real missions but we can't cross the walls that divide the world that's why we create our own paths in the darkness or so they say [Music] there are nice guys and not so nice guys in the organization but everyone's working together to complete Kingdom Hearts there's lots I don't know but I do know I have to keep fighting the darkness so I can be whole who are they probably just some kids who live here hmm so does everybody act that way what do you mean like running around chasing each other making all that noise well yeah if they have hearts I suppose that's what they do hearts come on let's get some ice cream why why well because because we're friends friends friends eat ice cream together in talk and laugh about the stupidest things like those kids we just saw come on let's go [Music] hey Roxas after your next mission let's meet up for ice cream again no fun just going back and forth between the castle and work right yeah right we're friends you [Music] you I'm gonna miss this ice cream thing we do huh gonna be away for a while starting tomorrow really I can fill you in since we're friends I'm gonna be at Castle oblivion Castle oblivion the organization's got a second castle in the world between worlds it's called Castle oblivion got it memorized I wish somebody told me these things well I got a head back and get ready nothing but fun fun fun [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Music] axel I have a message from Lord xemnas among the members assigned to castle oblivion there are traitors find them and dispose of them I trust that really came from Lord xemnas himself hey Axl if you're looking for Axl he's gone what do I do with this [Music] [Music] this place is so much nicer without the loudmouths loudmouths those bossy co-workers sent to Castle oblivion well I suppose it's too bad you and Papa didn't get to spend a little more quality time with papi I'm talking about Shion kiddo kiddo Roxas get to work you I've got someplace to be again today so go on ahead without me Roxas huh Shion Roxas is your name yeah you [Music] roxas Roxas best of luck today oh yeah let's go Wow she owned I didn't know you could use the Keyblade you know neither did I you earned the icing on the cake huh come on I'll show you this is such a great spot how'd you find it here you go sea salt ice cream come on try it it's sweet and salty it's good right axel and I we meet here for ice cream after work this flavor is Axl's favorite sounds like it's yours too yeah axel brought me here to eat ice cream on my first day with the organization and then after my first mission he got me ice cream again said it was icing on the cake like you just did for me yeah you guys must be really close well axel and I are friends friends do you think that I could be a friend when Axl gets back we'll all have ice cream together okay [Music] is it true then about castle oblivion that's none of your concern and axle gone he may have disappeared for good what hey what happens when heartless are destroyed the hearts remain and then those hearts gather together to form the great Kingdom Hearts then can you tell me what remains if a nobody is destroyed what's there to leave behind we're not even supposed to be in the first place and the members at Castle oblivion where they go nothing's left of them in which case I'll never see them again that's right you coming huh oh yeah what's happening you you I've been to see him he looks a lot like you who are you I'm what's left or maybe I'm all there ever was I meant your name my name is of no importance what about you do you remember your true name my true name is you have been with us for six days now the time has come you will he wake from this I am told Roxas will return provided the hero is stripped of all his memories then I suppose much hinges on Castle oblivion Shion has gained power over the Keyblade just as we intended she can feel Roxas as shoes for the time being you you I went to a new world today Roxas I couldn't believe how beautiful it was [Music] I hope that you can join me next time [Music] well I'll see you tomorrow access [Music] I knew that I'd find you snoozing down here [Music] [Music] roxas Shion what happened to me you were sleeping for a long time sigh except there was no telling when you might wake up but I'm glad you did I kind of feel like a zombie though I brought you this it's a seashell I've been picking one up on every mission hold it up to your ear you you [Music] you [Music] you [Music] hey Roxas it's been a while what's the matter he looked like you've seen a ghost axel I heard everyone at castle oblivion was annihilated not me I'm tough you had me worried worried we nobodies don't have the hearts to worry you know I'll go buy us some ice cream I gotta check in with the boss he's gonna let me have it you haven't reported back yet mmm-hmm No why'd you come here I guess I just needed a little time to sort out my feelings you know I thought you didn't have a heart hmm [Music] [Laughter] hey your ice Cream's melting EDA oh you know I started inviting she own up here while you were gone she'll I meet her promise the three of us could have ice cream when you got back [Music] she'll she's my friend too [Music] why didn't you report in what not even one little word of appreciation the only thing I've heard is that namine has gone missing there one minute gone the next I don't know how she got out did you search every room are you kidding you know as well as I do that searching through every room there is impossible and the chamber did you find it come on I would have told you that much I gotta hand it to you about marluxia being one of the traitors you knew exactly what was up from the start I merely rounded up and sent off the ones who were getting in the way whoa there was I one of those you want to do a race good to see you made it back safe I disposed of zexion by the way I move things along just the way you wanted at least for now [Music] you know you're more cheerful you really think so I was thinking the same about you yeah well I guess you must have rubbed off on me huh now it's thanks to you that we get to sit here again and laugh while having ice cream [Music] I wonder if she owns gonna show today [Music] you she'll boxes shield Roxas they have to take that thing out first she young are you okay Rock says easy are you hurt I'm fine thank you it's just you can tell us all about it but why don't we head back first [Music] there you go thank you [Music] eat up it's gonna melt yeah what's wrong I thought you'd wolf it down did something happen we're here for you if you want to get it off your chest right Roxas he's right that's what friends are for I can't I can't use the Keyblade anymore and without the Keyblade I can't do my job what exactly happened I don't know but if I don't defeat heartless with the Keyblade the hearts they release will just find their way into other heartless instead I SWAT them in one place and they just pop up in another my mission is to go out and collect hearts if I'm unable to use the Keyblade oh I'll be useless is there anything you can do axel I wish there was but it's just like she said without the Keyblade she can't collect hearts and once they find out they're gonna turn me into a dusk we can't do anything I already told you there's nothing we can hold on did you think of something roxas you can work double duty what do you mean she owned make sure your missions are with Roxas until you can use the Keyblade again that way he can collect the hearts and no one will know that you can't use the Keyblade that's it but that means you have to collect twice as many hearts yeah I can do it would you of course I would friends need to lean on each other every now and then I need that right Roxas your friend axel does that mean you and I are friends too [Music] well if you're friends with Roxas then yeah of course you're my friend [Music] thank you Roxas axel just eat your ice cream [Music] [Music] [Music] so best friends are different from plain friends right they're about the same best friends but I'd say best friends are a notch above just plain friends so how are they different I don't know I couldn't tell you because I don't have any best friends I see [Music] you [Music] the time has arrived and at long last we see before us the great collection of hearts hearts full of rage hate sadness and bliss shining down upon us is the crystallization of all the hearts kingdom hearts they're in the sky hangs the promise of a new wound my friends let us gain for their power to conquer the human heart and claim it as our own let us remember why we are here and what we hope to achieve hearts shall be gathered and be made our own hearts shall never again have power over us all this fighting I wonder what it's for come on you know what it's for we have to complete the great Kingdom Hearts you saw it too didn't you but what is Kingdom Hearts it's the gathering place of Hearts isn't it it's where all the hearts wind up after they're released by you when we gather enough we might finally get hearts of our own hearts shall be made our own is Kingdom Hearts really that important are you crazy I just don't see why having a heart is that important you know come on you're wondering about that now well I don't understand since I don't have a heart Roxas will understand once we have our own hearts that's why we fight to find out what it's about okay I guess you're right [Music] it looks like every nobody in the organization is good at different things that's right everybody's unique even nobody's without part just because we don't all have hearts doesn't mean that we're all exactly the same we each have memories of our pasts memories you remember your past yeah that's one of the things that makes each member of the organization special we remember who we were as humans but I don't mean either well maybe that right there is what makes you guys the most unique in the organization what were you like before you were a nobody huh me oh I don't know I think I've always been pretty much the same I wish I could remember stuff like that really it's just baggage you know but I I can't remember anything not even from when I was born and nobody all you did was stare into space oh thanks you know I don't either you two sure do have a lot in common I wonder what kind of guy I was before you [Music] thanks Roxas you can have this back do you remember anything I don't know but let me try again huh you did it Rock says it worked I can't wait to tell Axl this let's go yeah ah axle whoa where'd you come from how was your mission you know I sure wish the Heartless would hold still once in a while I fell right on my butt chasing him around I thought you said you were tough yeah whatever that's got nothing to do with it so how did you caper go tada Roxas axle thank you I didn't do anything you made it possible for the two of us to go on a mission together if it weren't for you she owned might never have remembered how to use the Keyblade so thanks axel how about a sea salt ice cream then huh buy me one and we'll call it even you got it I'll be right back I hope we can always be just like this forever me too what's that all about I just want these days to last forever hanging out the ice cream the sunsets well nothing lasts forever you know least of all for a bunch of nobodies like us but it's okay if things change and we can't meet up here as long as we keep each other in our thoughts none of us will ever have to be apart got it memorized wow that was so not you hey [Music] [Music] you [Music] ever heard a knocking what do you want tell me what she own has been doing well how should I know I'm not spying on her the two of you look pretty close so what now I've got a rat on my friends to you I think you should just go today you and Sheila will be going on the same mission well thank you sir for personally delivering that message to me we also need you to go back to Castle oblivion soon says Lord xemnas that castle hasn't given up all its secrets one even he doesn't know that two whereabouts even he doesn't know you mean a chamber right we turn that place inside out if it's there we're not gonna find it just by looking then let me give you another reason she own comes from the castle to which Namine and be traced the place where both nómine and she owned were born it's practically calling out for you whatever as far as the castle goes you're the one who really wants to go there by finding the room at xemnas is searching for you would find out everything about xemnas true agenda am i right the chamber of repose as well as the chamber of waking xemnas has an agenda that he hasn't told to anybody and we are bound to find some clues in the chamber of waking and once we obtain those clues we'll have the upper hand for our own objectives I knew the time would come when Bexon and zexion got in your way that's why I took the initiative and cleared the way to the top for you I can handle all the dirty work you go all the way to the top you will be going on a solo mission to castle oblivion expect the orders soon castle oblivion naminé and she um [Music] roxas is late today hope xigbar isn't giving him too hard of a time yeah right you know what Axl when I sit here and talk with you guys I get the strangest feeling that a long time ago I used to watch the sunset with somebody else it's the same when I watched the sea someplace by the sea where I hear the sound of the waves I get the feeling that I was talking with someone so you mean that you have memories of your past it's not quite like that [Music] well I don't know what do you think are these memories I wouldn't know either you have memories don't you yeah sorta oh it's not like they've ever really done me any good Roxas is like me either one of us remembers much I wonder if Hema and this much in common before we were nobodies [Music] I knew you'd be here Axl yeah slept like a log are the kids here on summer vacation already nah can't be it's much too early summer vacation what's that it's a dream come true that's what we're they get a whole month off a month off I wouldn't know what to do with that much time I can't even figure out how to fill a day you'd be surprised they'd give you plenty of homework and of course you have to play with your friends every day trust me it's over before you can blink [Music] I could deal with seven days maybe most kids spend the time just goofing off with their friends they save the homework till the end and then help each other finish it that sounds fun I guess hanging around with friends is fun I'd forgotten all that since becoming a nobody I guess so how did you spend your day hey guys how did I know you'd be here where did you go she owned I didn't go anywhere what about you two did you guys go somewhere without me Axl says he was asleep all day what what's that about you wasted a day off unlike you two lazybones I work hard so I'm tired okay unlike me and Roxas maybe you're just out of shape [Music] [Laughter] [Music] tomorrow it's back to work yeah I hope we get another vacation soon oh yeah I might not see you guys again for a while huh they're sending me out on recon for a few days where can't tell what's up with that it's a secret mission but I thought we were friends hey I'm not about to tell you all my dark secrets I've got it memorized dark secrets ah I'm kidding I just got to keep my mouth shut about it or else I will get on my case you know how we can get yeah try not to bungle everything while I'm gone huh now why would we do that well considering your track record I just can't count on you guys hey we can handle things just fine that's right just you watch [Laughter] [Music] what took you so long it's my vacation I can take all the time I want since when do I have to check in with you you're letting yourself get too attached to them yeah yeah whatever you say you know you've changed [Music] [Music] you you hey Roxas axle you're back yep I just got home so how you holding up yeah where she on she's not here yet hmm she's usually here by now this isn't like her [Music] how could he [Music] I'm not a sham [Music] you just give me another chance we can't afford to take any more chances on you you were a mistake we never should have made Sheil [Music] you huh where's she own haven't seen her today oh well axle hmm is there anything you couldn't bear to lose anything I couldn't bear to lose what's that about well I met someone today who had something like that this thing was so important to him he couldn't bear to lose it and Zeldin said that was his weakness why don't I have anything like that it's because you don't have a heart I guess but demux doesn't have a heart and I bet he'd get upset if he took his sitar away huh I think you have a point there so you don't need a heart to have something that you can't bear to lose there if that's true then I guess the closest thing that we nobodies have would be memories of our past it's the memories that create the things that we don't want to lose memories of the past [Music] I don't remember my past even though you might not remember the past I'm sure you have things you don't want to lose like what you've got memories since you joined us right I don't know I do don't I I couldn't bear to lose my memories of you or shioma so then you really do have something that you can't bear to lose right every one of us including us nobodies we all have something that we want to hang on to it's scary you can't be scared without a heart if my friends if you or Shion were to disappear it's scary to think of what it would be like without you guys scared is not an emotion that can exist inside us well I am scared right now for sure maybe it's just that you remember what it's like to be scared you know somewhere deep inside your memories [Music] [Music] I wonder where axel is guess we got the work done a little too fast huh Oh you're a face who are you really and why do you have a keyblade tell me first why you're dressed as one of us [Music] to make sure my best friend sleeps in peace I don't know who you're supposed to be but you can't fight fire with sparks this Keyblade is a sham worthless my Keyblade is not a sham what gives you the right to say that find a new crowd trust me those guys are bad news [Music] why you're the real sham fair enough you could say I am the biggest nobody of them all you feel something wrong sorry my mind's on other things Roxas do you ever think about why we're doing all of this what do you mean why so we can get hearts of our own right but what do we need hearts for I don't know but I think once we have hearts we probably won't have to think about why we're doing all this or if we need hearts I'm not sure I just wish I knew what I was doing here I started having the strangest dreams like nightmares I can never remember what they're about I just wake up scared [Music] Zig bar said you and me were pretty special exceptional he said special isn't that just another way of saying that I'm a mistake you're not a mistake [Music] well you and I may both be exceptional roxas but I don't think we're quite the same [Music] Sheil hey Roxas axle she own couldn't make it again today actually you just missed her you [Music] you [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] she off [Music] hey that was uncalled for I told you keep out of this and I'm telling you that I have to know what's the deal with shield if there's something going on just be straight with me for once William do you mean just like you are always honest with me well you got me there I guess she own has no right to be among our number what do you mean it's plain to see I have nothing more to say [Music] you [Music] you [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] whoa good morning Shion Oh morning you woke up so suddenly you just startled me sorry [Music] Oh [Music] did you bring me these seashells do you hear it yeah the sound of the waves how long was I asleep about 20 days had long yeah you were sleeping so much that me an axle were getting worried I'm sorry about that kind of weird that we can feel anything at all without having hearts to feel with hey Roxas don't you have work today huh oh I'm about to head out I'd like to tag along but don't you need some more rest I'll be fine come on take me with you all right sure you she owned it's my lucky charm be sure to bring it back to me leave Xian to me well that didn't take long did it break again she's not an it keep your mouth shut you have changed what happened at castle oblivion does the past mean nothing to you are you worried about her axle of course I am it just doesn't seem like you what do you mean I mean you don't like things to be complicated you know Roxas each day the three of us meet up there for ice cream now why do you think that is huh I mean if you think about it I don't need to go out of my way to meet you guys right I don't know you want me to tell you why it's because you guys are my best friends we are get it memorized all right we are best friends oh yeah guess we are thanks Axl you're sweet are you feeling better I just got a little dizzy that's all sorry to worry you guys don't scare us like that anymore just take it easy today I will thanks both of you [Music] you [Music] [Music] you you [Music] [Applause] you you you seem to be struggling and nobody is interfering I think uh nobody I keep trying to piece his memory back together but what if some of the pieces got lost there would be no way for me to finish if that happened and they found their way into someone else he'd never get them back oh I think he can do without a memory or two but what what if he needs those memories in order to wake up what if they're the key nominee you're a witch who has power over Sora's memories and those connected to him are you seeing something I cannot if his memories become her memories she will never survive it she you hey Axl hmm you've been to Castle oblivion right yeah what is it like what's it like just an organization research facility for research huh seems everyone gets sent there all the time especially you although they never send me a Roxas well they probably just don't need you there I'm I'm heading back [Music] [Music] maybe you're not completely well yet no it's nothing like that [Music] got it huh got one on our next day off let's all go to the beach huh the beach where did that idea come from we should go someplace different for a change you're talking about a vacation with friends exactly I'll join you if I can what are you talking about Geum it'll be a blast trust me yes all right let's go [Music] you you I sent axel to castle oblivion last night to help expedite the matter we spoke of i also instructed him to clear out our facilities there he should return soon and what of nomine still missing sir haha where are where could she be y'see bar it almost sounds as though you know [Music] continue somebody accessed our main computer without authorization and you expect us to believe you really don't know who it was as if little poppet is turning into a problem nonsense I see no problem whatsoever ah well no apparently you don't something you find amusing ah the things you hear from a guy with no heart no matter what unfolds our plans remain unchanged axel Roxas and she own will play the respective rules that Kingdom Hearts has given them but Sir Chiana leave it be how can you not see how perfect this is in truth this is more than perfect she owned is watching right into the arms of destiny but two destinies own time we need not take any more steps all we must do is watch with caution and patience [Music] [Music] Hertz [Music] this is the last you'll ever see of these walls she owned excellent what are you doing here I'm just here on orders that's all there's nothing for you to see here lies this is the place I come from I just know it what about your mission [Music] don't be selfish or else they'll turn me into a dusk they'll do worse than turn you into a dusk they'll just destroy you and is that because I'm useless that's not it [Music] she'll go home I'm remembering things I have memories of back when I was a human will stop remembering nothing good will come of it I have dreams every night and you're in those dreams Axl and they sure aren't memories how could I be a part of your past they're just dreams that's all you can't fool me we've met before Axl right here in this castle no we have not let's go home she'll don't keep Roxas waiting please Axl you've got to help me I need to know who I am stop stay out of their shield you you're early no you're just late today makes 255 what's that about it's been that many days since I first joined the organization man time flies so you got the number of memorize do you yeah have to hang on to something right it's not like I have memories from before the organization don't you remember I acted like a zombie right that first week you could barely form a sentence but come on he's still kind of a zombie oh thanks hey Roxas that you don't know why the Sun sets red you see light is made up of lots of colors and out of all those colors red is the one that travels the farthest like I asked no at all [Music] [Laughter] [Music] seriously where is she you [Music] what what then I wasn't who I am [Music] you [Music] you [Music] she uh [Music] yes surely you must have known that this was going to happen why would I know because in your memory you've been to a number of worlds before you came to this one and in course he knows world those friends meaning is your mansions you forgot Who am I what am I here for [Music] so we meet again you made me a promise I remember it was to look after Sora I'm sorry I'm not sure I've kept that promise very well can you tell me what's happening some of Sora's memories are missing how could that be Sora's memories are escaping through Sora's nobody into a third person and now they're starting to become a part of her isn't there a way to bring back just Sora's memories if they're so separate then I think I can take out fragments of it but if her memories and Sora's memory fragments are completely Reve together I would need to untangle them from each other and that would take more time which means it would take even longer before Sora can wake up again and des wouldn't tolerate that so what can you do if I just jump in and rearrange her memory then Sora might wake up only to find out that nobody remembers him anymore [Music] that's a risk I just can't take it's too late either way Sora's awakening has already been delayed so is nobody and the one that's absorbing his memory none of us imagined that they would fight so hard to become their own people unfortunately the only real solution is for them both to go away did you know her face was blank at first but now there is a face that is clearly visible I think that's proof that she has entered Sora's memories Sora's memories sores nobody's memories and her memories they're all a jumbled mess now and to put them back into one I'm afraid there's no other way all right [Music] [Music] is it that I'm not supposed to exist well what do you want to do she owned I want I want to be with you two [Music] then come back with us I can't not the way I am now but what would it take for me to be like you [Music] you [Music] hey it's been a while do you think so so I went to the beach today and there was this girl who looked kind of like she home but I couldn't get close enough to tell for sure I probably imagined it to be honest I'm not even sure today's mission really happened feels like I just woke up from a dream or something do you remember our promise when we said that the three of us would go to the beach on our next break maybe that's why maybe I saw Xian there because I wanted her to be there [Music] wanna go look for her huh beginning tomorrow let's use our spare time to find she'll mm-hmm sounds good let's do that you [Music] [Music] [Applause] you it's no use you sure you're not forgetting someplace I've been everywhere I know how to get to all right the only place I haven't been to is Castle oblivion it was just the other day that she Owen was asking you what the place was like and the day before she disappeared you said she was put on an important mission remember yeah but there's nothing there anymore well she own might be there apparently she own comes from Castle oblivion what and that's probably why she was asking about the place I had no idea me neither I only found out a little while ago castle oblivion Shion so this is Castle oblivion roxas my my head easy man let's retreat for now and I'm fine we have to find she own Oh what's happening Roxas so much brushing into my head let's get out of here for now no wait there's something like almost giving up already I thought you were stronger than that freak you are you all right what happened to me you collapsed just as you entered the castle doors don't you remember I only remember going inside just take it easy for now I'm fine let's go back to Castle oblivion don't push yourself man who's there she hunted [Music] she'll wait you out of the way hey Roxas wait [Music] I thought the impostor was sighted in castle oblivion she own no way that was she on the one who ran away first was she owned but why run you want to go back you shion where have you been excellent I've been looking all over for you you have sorry let's go home if you come back voluntarily Sykes will let all this drop he has to I don't care what he said to you I'll be there me and Axel will make sure I really can't why not come on wait well hello there Shion Axl no wait [Music] you're sure things are better this way I never expected you to question it if you could save one of them why would you choose the puppet or put it this way which would you rather suffer the loss of some make-believe friendship or a real one things are finally right again of course we're better off this way Zenoss is exasperated from all the fixing we've had to do we have to set things right there's simply too much on the line [Music] you I need to know about what Shion tell me what happened her she own is a valued member of the organization but she needs her rest so worry not [Music] surah surah who is Sora the connection connection he is what makes you and she own a part of each other's lives and the reason I placed she own among our number if you want her to stay that way I must insist you get your mind off these needless distractions I will have she on return to her duties tomorrow today you must focus on humors understand ah hey Roxas [Music] you [Music] are you certain we've taken suitable measures with Sheehan and Roxas I will admit she own has strayed from our original designs however we are also seeing an interesting side effect really the key she owned was affected by Roxas just as we had anticipated this was indeed what we had hoped to achieve but then through Roxas Sora himself began to shape it into her giving she own a sense of identity our plan seemed like a failure at this point but then it occurred to me she own is keeping Sora's memories trapped by claiming them as her own keeping her close to Roxas will ultimately prevent Sora from ever waking I see and order the imposter say that he stays away from Roxas he is merely an impurity that would make she owns existence incomplete then we shall return to our original plan you what am I supposed to do Riku you you Oh No what has happened Soros memory I'm afraid to start what does that mean unless something is done he'll never wake from his slumber the gloves must come off then but nobody's never should have existed as I'm sure you understand nómine yes you you you [Music] what is this [Music] [Music] are you really okay this is getting weird huh since when do you ever worry about me what do you mean weird usually I do all the worrying over you I don't think it's ever been the other way around before just feel strange that's all Roxas of course I worry about you I'm just glad you're back she owned even though it might have been rough on you his axle coming today who knows you didn't fight did you how kudi how could that jerk attack you like that that jerk do you mean axel but I wouldn't be sitting here with you if axel hadn't done that [Music] he's your best friend I know but so are you it's just not the same without all three of us [Music] axel huh you need something well um something's wrong with Roxas you don't know why do you he says the key blade wears him out when he goes to use it and then today I was fighting the same way Roxas does you would know more about Roxas than I do by now what do you mean well what do you think she owned I'm not sure not sure huh is that because you're a puppet you do know that you're a replica whose original purpose was to copy Roxas Powers so if you see Roxas powers getting weaker while your powers are getting stronger it could be that you're robbing Roxas of his powers more than you ought to be what can I then what should I do you gotta think for yourself cuz I know you're not just a puppet we're best friends you me and Roxas that is got it memorized sure can I ask you just one other thing what's that I saw a boy today who looks just like Roxas is he who I think he is Soraa as a pretty powerful effect honors all I'm saying yes it was not supposed to gain a mind of its own nor become the person we see but in the end it only proves that the puppet is the more worthy vessel the time has come --sykes are the devices ready in a matter of days good and what of Roxas both of them have connections to Sora but we only need one of them under our thumb whether she owned takes from Roxas the rest of what he has to give or whether he destroys her first and takes back what is his there is no change to our plans no matter how Sora's power will belong to us [Music] [Music] you the way things are I'm going to wreck everything what should I do Riku are you Riku Sora's friend Sora you know Sora yeah thank you you saved me but I don't know why you did I guess I just felt like it Riku please tell me more about Sora and that girl he's always with you mean kairi kairi that's right she's the one who looked so much like me to Sora she's someone very special it's just I remember things about the two of them but I'm nothing more than a puppet something that somebody created so why would I have their memories do you know where Sora is now that secret stays with me was that she own your memories they really belonged to Sora so you mean I'm like a part of him when his memories were scattered some of them found their way inside you know Sora has been put to sleep so that we can piece together his memory except you can't because part of it is inside of me that means you can't wake up yeah you got it but if you go with me to Sora right now we could give the memories inside you back to him so do you hate me for taking your friend away from you no I guess I'm just sad I'm sorry but I can't go with you it's my friends they need me and I need them to maybe you should take some time and think about it figure out who really needs you more and where you belong how will I know where I belong truly I'm not sure I can promise you I'll come up with the right answer well the answer you come up with can't just be right for you it has to be one that works best for everybody you and your friends and everyone else I'll try Thank You Rico I have to make the most of the time Rico's given me [Music] brain freeze it's been a while since we all hung out like this hasn't it well we've had our share of drama lately I just remembered did you know you should be checking your ice cream sticks really once you finish your ice cream see if this dick says winner not that I've ever seen one myself wait a second Oh what is it it's nothing so then what happens when you win I'll tell ya that's a good question what you don't know well it's gotta be something nifty if you're a winner right Wow the sun's beautiful [Music] you know we've seen a lot of sunsets but today's puts him all to shame if only things could stay like this forever [Music] say what if we all just took off what if we ran I bet we could always be together but we have nowhere to run yeah I guess you're right what's important isn't that we hang out with each other every day as long as we keep each other in our thoughts we'll never be apart right we've got it memorized Axl good I'll have these moments memorized for a long time forever me too forever Sahra it appears we've come to a standstill yes this has gone on long enough Rico I think you know what needs to be done right [Music] looks like you've meddled again sorry did you say something the organization doesn't need both of them just one will suffice stop pretending think about that [Music] hahaha what a blast from the past she'll stop of all the phases why do I look at her and see yours why is it that you always have to glare at me like that I'm sorry axel what are you doing please let me go I have to do this or else just look please Axl you have to take care of Roxas but you'd be pleased Thank You Axl explain yourself axel the old man needs to get his eyes checked she just got away I'll give him that can't toss the blame around and now we're left with the one we can't use did something happen where's she on she flew the coop flimsy locks here couldn't trouble himself to clip her wings what does he mean axel your friend sat there sucking his thumb while Shion walked right off I'm going back to my room what happened out there nothing really nothing jion's gone how can that be nothing it's just like xigbar said I just sat there sucking my thumb watching Shion run away I'm asking you why you did that and you know it she owned is like a mirror that reflects you you're not making any sense Shion is a puppet created to duplicate your powers are you nuts she owns a person not a puppet she's a mirror that reflects you and when I looked in the mirror it wasn't you I saw she owned is she owned you can't expect her to be me that's not what I mean it was only a matter of time before someone broke the mirror you mean they have to destroy her answer me Roxas if somebody doesn't then you won't be you anymore I'll always be me I'm still your best friend just like she owned is my best friend that's not it you're missing the whole point Roxas forget this Roxas I wish you'd understand Roxas [Music] Rico did you find the answer yes I certainly did I'm on the verge of losing everything I care about so please PLEASE Riku tell me what I should do now go to Twilight town you'll find a girl there named nominate nominate what she like you'll find out I don't think you'll have trouble finding her all right thanks Rico goodbye [Music] she own has disappeared yet again Doan know where she is headed it not she is a replica merely a puppet a puppet what does that mean exactly a puppet is a puppet talking about the replica program isn't it obvious the what Kerr perhaps you care to enlighten us about this pet project of wars the purpose was to take a piece of the Keyblade wielders memory and copy it thus making his powers our own this was one of several projects of ours being undertaken at castle oblivion [Music] however our efforts were severely derailed by vex ins untimely demise needless to say losing Vexin was not part of our plans we were also caught off guard when this particular replica we called Shion formed an identity of its own no one at castle oblivion ever reported any instance where a replica formed its own identity do you concur axel whatever the puppet may decide to do we can be certain it will no longer have an impact on our plans still it knows our secrets we need to shorten the leash perhaps even tighten it what exactly do you axle the onus is on you to capture and bring back she owned the escape was on your watch I will overlook any Nick's or scratches just ensure she still functions on arrival why would you allow a deserter back we should simply eradicate her it is not a deserter it is just a flawed specimen that has wandered out are we clear axel [Music] dismissed bring her back alive Jim nervous all this time I've been talking to a puppet so now we just sweep it up as if if only the whispers at the top carried to the bottom axle those orders were absolute still here Roxas proceed with your mission she's she's not a puppy a puppet couldn't be part of the organization just count the seats here we have and always will be 13 [Music] axel [Music] maybe it's best if she all never comes back to the organization do you really have to do what xemnas says if I don't they'll eradicate me next in that case can you at least try not to harm her that's up to her Roxas she own is dangerous dangerous have you got all your strength back not yet [Music] how long have you known about her could it be that you've known about her for a long time and not told me anything [Music] Rinku your majesty gosh have I been worried about you who where have you been all this time I've been searching for a way to conquer the darkness within me while we wait for Sora to awaken the way you looked you don't have to worry about me I'm getting the hang of keeping the darkness under control and Sora did something go wrong with fixing all his memories there's a reason the organization has been quiet since our battle at Castle oblivion and now I know it's not because of depletion and members had made them week taking Sora's memory apartment piece by piece was only the first step in what they were trying to do at Castle oblivion and I think they needed more time to fix his memory you know you and me were both looking into what the organization was up to but what I saw didn't look like much almost like they're trying to buy some time right Sora's memories are what they're after and they needed all this time until now to absorb every piece of it the process of putting his memory back together has gone nowhere they have what's most precious to Sora his memories of Kyrie well then you have to let me help maybe I could get the memories back I've got that covered your magic I mean Mickey instead I want to ask you for a favor what would that be I have to face one of the organization's members soon I might not survive the fight and if I do it might be because I gave in to the darkness that means you're the only one who will be there for Sora Donald and Goofy the only one who can guide them when they awaken Riku promise me Mickey when our friends wake up you have to be there to help them out I promise we too sheíll replica program she owned was a puppet made to replicate my powers the keyblade's powers when she owned left the organization axel didn't stop her like he wanted her to go Axel's probably known about Sheehan for some time now but has kept it from me shion and I are both special nobodies chioma's a replica puppet what about me a Maya puppet to Ximena said Sora was what connects her and me but who is Sora and Who am I supposed to be Axl if he's hiding things for me about Sheila what could he be hiding about me axel hey Roxas [Music] did you find she on yet you know it isn't gonna be that easy [Music] I suppose not have you known about she known this whole time no not the whole time since when then I can't exactly remember when didn't get it memorized huh axel Who am I really I'm special that she own I know that but the organization wanted me out of the picture am i right yeah they did I guess it's cuz she own copied my powers in the keyblade's powers and they didn't need me anymore and axle I guess you felt the same way you're wrong there you'll always be my best friend best friends are supposed to be honest with each other Who am I axel xemnas says me and she own are connected to each other through Sora I don't even know a Sora am i a puppet like she'll you're different from Shion then why'd finding out the truth doesn't always work out for the best what makes you so sure about that I have the right to know the truth how did I even get here why am I so special where did I learn how to use the Keyblade I hardly know who I am what is so wrong with wanting some answers Roxas I need to know max'll please Who am I you've just gotta trust me Roxas I don't I can't Roxas somebody knows where I came from if I can't get answers here I'll get them somewhere else that'll be the person I trust I tried but I have to find out about myself there's no reason for me to be here anymore [Music] your mind's made up why did the Keyblade choose me I have to know you can't turn on the organization you get on their bad side and they'll destroy you no one would miss me that's not true I would nice to meet you she um [Music] nominate are you able to see my face yes then what do you think I should do what do you want to do at first I just wanted to be with Roxas and Axel forever but then I started to realize that my memories well these aren't really even mine are they you're not Sora and you're not Roxas you're Kyrie I saw remembers her [Music] as I remember more of my past the more I feel the need to go back where I came from what should I do to go back so you're going back to Sora if you returned your memories to him then you will disappear in exchange for not having your own memory you're connecting through others memories so when you disappear no one will remember you there won't be any you to remember for all the powers I possess I can't keep even one piece of the memory called you connected I know I'm ready otherwise I wouldn't be here I also know that Roxas should be going back with me but I don't think he would understand not yet I know Roxas can't feel sorrow just yet nominate will you please watch over Roxas once I'm gone you won't be alone I asked someone else to there just isn't anything else I can do all right thank you well if you're ready let's go see Sora I [Music] mean II it's then the organization has found us they're almost here this blasted puppet led them right to our doorstep see what you get for trusting it I can handle this wait she owned why do I always get stuck with the icky jobs [Music] axel shil what are you gonna do I've decided that I have to go back to where I belong well to be honest I always felt that was best right from the very beginning but you know it still really bugs me something about this just stinks it's for the good of everyone but how do you know that everybody thinks they're right this is right they're gonna destroy you please don't hold back axle promise [Music] what's your problem think you can do whatever you want I'm sick of it go on you just keep running but I'll always be there to bring you back [Music] why you gotta cause me so much trouble where did I think I could go what a joke Shyam thank you roxas amount of time [Music] even if I'm not ready I have to make this choice you have poured so many memories into me given me so much that I feel like I'm about to overflow look at me Roxas who do you see if you see somebody else's face the boy's face then that means I'm almost ready this puppet will have to play her part praxis this is him Sora [Music] you're next Roxas I have to make you a part of me too don't you see this is why I was created [Applause] [Music] who are you again it's weird I feel like I'm forgetting something really important you'll be better off now Roxas [Music] right the one who did this to you know it was my choice to go away now better that and to do nothing and my xemnas have his way at Sora and now I am going back to be with him [Music] Roxas I need you to do me a favor all those hearts that have captured kingdom hearts set them free Kingdom the heart free them [Music] it's too late you need to undo my mistakes but you can't let some this have Kingdom Hearts you can't goodbye process see you again I'm glad I got to meet you and of course axle to you're both my best friends never forget that's the truth [Music] no she'll who else will have ice cream [Music] [Applause] [Music] Sheil how did this happen [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] who are you what does it matter I'm here for you why are you trying to stop me because I want back the rest of Sora's memories enough about sort you have some kind of plan I'll set kingdom hearts free then everything will be the way it was she'll come back and the three of us can be together mushiya it's a struggle just to remember the name either way I can't let you go doing anything crazy and I'm going to find Sora I want she on neck I want my life back if you try and make contact with Kingdom Hearts the last thing you'll get is your life back the organization will destroy you enough why why do you have the Keyblade [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] why don't you quit come on Sora I thought you were stronger than that huh get real look which one of us is winning [Music] so it's true you really are his nobody guest:is was right after all what are you talking about I am me nobody else we gooo please you have to stop him how many times do I have to beat you alright you've left me with no other choice what I have to release the power in my heart the dark power that I've been holding back even if it changes me forever I have accepted it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Dizz he could feel Sora though he told you how he felt did he ridiculous and nobody cannot feel anything if he had met Sora things might have been different roxas don't be sad I came from you and Sora I am you the same way that I am Sora you'll forget me but the memories themselves will never go away memories of you and me will always be together forever inside him you another dream about her maybe today will finally hit the beach you you [Music]
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 518,256
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kingdom hearts 365/2 days all cutscnees, kingdom hearts 365/2 days full movie, 365/2 days game movie, Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix (Video Game), kingdom hearts full game movie, kingdom hearts 365/2 days walktrhough, sora love story, mickey mouse kingdom hearts, disney kingdom hearts, Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days All Cutscenes (HD Remix Edition) Game Movie 1080p, gamers little playground, Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days All Cutscenes (HD Remix Edition) Full Game Movie 1080p
Id: mY6kflxFbek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 167min 56sec (10076 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 31 2015
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