Kingdom Death: Monster - Shut Up & Sit Down Review

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Comparing it to a long prog rock song is pretty much spot on. It isn't for everyone, but those who enjoy it will get a lot of mileage from it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 28 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/savagec πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 16 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

I thought that was pretty fair. Most of the critiques/issues he brought up I could agree with (scattered rulings, and wandering gameplay direction). I guess my biggest counter to most is that A lot of other RPG systems share the same problems.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/The_Rox πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 16 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

+1 I literal lol'd several times.

(Especially the bit about gear being "inevitably" made of "things that you bashed off of the last thing you killed combined with strange items you sifted out of a lake of bile". "Tits n' Death" was also pretty good, with the "nudity and horribleness" and the "weird cousin" and his "soft porn collection".)

Also, did anyone else have like, an OCD panic reaction every time he was randomly strewing (un-sleeved!) cards and miniatures about the table and mixing everything up into a pile?

I can't remember the last time I felt that level of deep existential horror.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/toconnell πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 16 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

I made a long post about this in the board games sub which i cant copy paste here on my phone but to summarise..

I think this game is naturally going to be somewhat diversive. Though what i dont appreciate is Paul focussing so heavily on aspects that bothered him like tits and that hunt deck (which in both cases, he was sort of wrong/stretching the truth in. Like others have stated there are plenty of male genitals and overall gruesomeness which is just the games style). The fact that seemingly more focus on the review was dedicated to that rather than more on the gameplay mechanocs and whether it was fun (which considering he played a bunch shows that it was fun to him) just all feels a bit dishonest and pandering to the crowd of people who are on the fence, because of money, because of perceived sexism, because of time constraints apparently?

I just feel like the 15,000 of us who are into this thing.. Know that we want the game, we know what it is and we like it for what it is.. Death, mayhem, rpg elements, great board game mechanics, coop, replayability, and god tier minis.

I don't know I'm a little drunk right now but i'd love to hear some more discussion about this. As it stands im a little peeved by the way he presented the review and what he focussed on, but i sort of understand as the review probably wasnt meant for the 15,000 of us who like the game haha

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Snake5872 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 16 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

I watched the review twice - once before reading how others felt with their response and then again after reading through comments. I feel this was a fair review because I feel he's honest in his response. Many may not agree with it, but others obviously do. Even at the end, he himself says he couldn't recommend it, but he could understand if you focused on what he perceived as high points and elected to jump in. I would even say that he may even feel that it's not quite a "finished game," which it isn't.

Frankly I have a suspicion that there will be those who think the original was the best and all else a dilution, while others will love every variant. I'm just thinking of my awareness of my history. :D

This is an honest review because it is conflicted. This indicates to me that, while it may not be a great game, it is a great work of art because it doesn't quite fit into a clear box. This reminds me of how sometimes I love Pulp Fiction. Other times, I spend time taking it down, only to come round again and just love it. The main point is that the game challenges his critical response and he appears forthright in saying he doesn't quite have a handle on how to describe it. OTOH, just because it is a landmark doesn't mean you should necessarily buy it. Even the creator himself has thought of it as a super niche product and they're both right.

On the tits: I myself am buying now because I have become aware I don't have to have the ridiculous pin ups. I realize some may point out there's a good amount of dick in the game, but let's be honest, these dicks aren't exactly what I've heard described as "beautiful dicks" or "nice cocks" but the sort of dicks that haunt nightmares and Japanese octopus porn, which is, to a point, fine. I quite like Zak Smith's art.

But so far, and I am limited in my experience, I have not seen a repulsive female body or even an average woman. Every woman is stacked like a brick shit house. So far I've seen banging bodies all the way from top to bottom and this irritates women, fairly, because there are many types of bodies and I've had fun with all types of bodies - big tits, small tits, saggy tits, statuesque tits, and it might be be worth recognizing that vision in the minis. Given that he has the latitude to do whatever he wants, it would be nice to see some variation.

And for better or worse, this game does use sex to sell itself, quite openly, and that can feel a bit sleazy to some, because while it may not be the Steve Hicks' bit about a beautiful vagina with a cigarette advertising "Coca-Cola," it has it's moments. I realize there's plenty of male nudity, but male models get paid less for a reason and Playgirl never got nearly as much interest as Playboy, so let's not kid ourselves that somehow the scales are balanced for equality. Hot dude minis simply won't draw as much interest from women as hot chicks will from men, end of story. OTOH, I think gay men will love the hell out of these male promo dancers, so perhaps that is progress? I liked Magic Mike a lot, but the truth is that the audiences usually have way more men than I noticed is all I'm saying - and so I've been told by women and gay men that frequent them. :D

On the other hand, I think that hot bodies could be easy to explain in game - their life is short, so maybe a banging body is small compensation for the likelihood of not living a pleasant life...

And beyond Zak Smith, I love some H.R. Giger artwork, so I would ask, before everyone gets a bit pissy with me, that people take this notion into account, but I should like to see some more abstract exploration of body horror. Yes, we've all seen dicks. But sometimes body horror can be far more troubling when it is distorted and less overt. Yes, we have a shark with a giant penis, but I would say that it detracts from the overall impact because I see it and think, well, that's a great big old cock. It's not particularly interesting but is shocking to a less cosmopolitan sensibility and I could call it fair play to think it a bit boring when a more subtle approach might be more unsettling. There's no direct cock on H.R. Giger's alien, but it's way more disturbing than most everything in Kingdom Death.... And no, I haven't reviewed his stuff lately because so much to see, so much to do, but I think being bored with the cocks and the tits is fair and it could, perhaps, deny the development of obvious gifts and talents into more edifying directions...

In fact, I think Poots should hire Zak Smith, actually. He's awesome.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/bukharajones πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 17 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

So is there a reason for having multiple random event cards?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ThisMatt πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 16 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

Overall I thought it was a decent review. I know I was a bit nervous watching it because of the concern he would rip it to shreds without looking deeply at the game. But that didn't happen at all ;)

He seemed to respect that this game does make a lot of people happy. I loved the analogy to some of the longer rock songs that go "all out".

I was disappointed though he didn't talk about the armor kits. I think because he got this game from someone else, he wasn't as connected to the process of building your own characters. Especially when you start making custom ones. That is what hooked me on mini's.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/placeboeffect27 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 16 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

I also wish he would have presented a more clearer idea of the rules. I realize its really challenging to do. But talk about how your weapon's accuracy impacts if you hit, and then strength impacts if you wound, and show an example from the wound deck. And also talked more about how the AI deck works and how even a level 1 lion can be pretty different from one to the next.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/placeboeffect27 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 16 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

How much gratuitous nudity is in the core rule book?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/XenoGalaxias πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 16 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies
okay so it's 349 in the morning and I'm playing through the first setup kingdom death playing through the first scenario and pretty much that the first thing I've done is punch a lion's dick off here's a kingdom death review Oh God first a disclaimer we don't usually review it's quite cold we don't usually review kickstart games on chauffeur's it down because that would be like closing the barn door after the horses bolted bolted and bolted across the border and bolted to its foreign horse wife and apply for horse asylum and had a horse children and fathered a horse legacy that lasted for horse generations until it was discovered ten centuries later by horse archaeologists it's pointless the thing is because kick-starts is all about prepaying and fulfillment we'd be reviewing games that either you already own or you now can't buy a lot of the time the people who get hold of us and say can you do this Kickstarter thing often the people who just already own ear anyway so we just be making videos to satisfy but I don't it doesn't matter the thing is right we have an excuse for why we're doing this kingdom debt is now back on Kickstarter so it is actually a game that you can buy the window is still open to make pledges and it's good because we sort of wanted an excuse to talk about it it's notorious we had to feature it in some way sooner or later so now hooray that's that's our excuse to cover that special thanks to Nick stitch come and Kieran all woven I think I'm saying those names right for letting us borrow copies because yeah otherwise we do how would we get one we wouldn't that they're not anyway without those guys would not actually be able to bring you this very special winter report and this video would not exist thank you guys it's really cool this bad idea doing this out here by huh Kingdom death is a grand campaign of horror Phantasy set in a strange and immensely unpleasant world where the only things that I'm trying to kill you are just trying to upset you you control a ragged band of survivors as they try and make their way through this win and a so unpleasant landscape between fighting bizarre creatures they're scavenging shinbones and strange salves and sopping skins to put ever whatever terrible cheap equipment they can to try and face the next challenge over and over again but you're not just developing more gear for them you're so developing their culture and with a little bit of luck after probably several campaign attempts and a fair application of skill and some good die rolls you may well get to the end of this epic epic campaign and have some understanding of what the hell is going on in this world fighting monsters which I'm currently doing a terrible terrible job of here is the most complex and elaborate part of the game with all sorts of decks of cards to describe equipment and tactics and behaviors not least because the monsters themselves have a kind of an AI deck they're not played by other players you draw cards to constantly determine constantly determine how they react to you how they react to what you've just done even even when you strike them they respond loft and reflexively when they're injured on the other side the game the campaign side of things while not as complicated is huge it's epic it's probably the largest campaign in any board game we've ever tried it's think of something that's really big like think of that no no no something bigger than that double that now think of like a whole shelf of those it's that large we're not going to jumping into that campaign abyss just yet though let's first talk about good old combat which is going to make up about 70% of your kingdom death experience anyway now up to four players will control four hunters from your settlement and right we recommend probably not always having four players because the body count in this game is so either inevitably somebody is going to die and then they're going to be left stood waiting for whatever HealthEast you're fighting to get killed like they're waiting for some freaky boss you put your team together and you kick them out with the equipment that's inevitably things that you've bashed off the last thing that you kill combined with strange items that you've sifted out of a lake of bile and you move an attack and you attack and move around this thing taking turns to negotiate how you are doing this working in the most efficient ways to take this horrible creature down or occasionally you may not actually attack at all you might use your forego your attack to use some strange piece of equipment instead like playing a harp made of sinew or biting the head off some curious beetle to give yourself a combat bonus you are on by the way you are on a fast train to weird town the whole time that you play Kingdom death if you've played miniatures based games like Imperial assault or descent then you'll feel a familiarity here as you sit down with your your colleagues your friends team members and you discuss how we going to use our powers how are you going to combine forces how we're going to solve this horrible problem of battle but games like in peerless all in descent you know they are very precisely crafted boards layout with walls furniture terrain features in Kingdom death your terrain is this black open golf course of almost nothing that's occasionally freckled by one or two features but mostly the terrain that you're navigating is this or or this or this or or this or this and it's deadly terrain indeed because every time you fight a new thing in Kingdom death you have no idea what it does you have no preparation or even or even how it does it and there is nothing to stop your latest newest most deadliest opponent from goring your star survivor and during her organs across-the-board like so many socks on a teenager's bedroom floor the hell even is this creature what is it do what what's this well gradually as you fight these guys you will draw cards that show every time you hit them what their reflexes are what their responses are where when they move you will draw you a I cut you a car you a I cards from the deck that will display at least some clue as to their nature that their general behavior and as time passes as you face these you learn you build up a picture of their behaviors like some demented aggressive naturalist you're watching and you are learning whatever humanity is left behind the stony eyes of your survivors its engaged in constantly adapting absorbing all this new information and learning how to fight better how the survive better inevitably next time you're tempted to hunt a larger more powerful version one that will bring greater rewards but will also include a few new cards in its AI deck there's always room for more surprises look I don't want to spoil what happens in Kingdom death or did very little of it anyway because what is pub the game is is discovery it's horrible discovery all the time but I'll give you some real examples for example you're going to fight white lions a couple of times earlier everybody does and at some point in your first or second fight you might discover but it can send you and your friends flying and you maybe you didn't know that before maybe that that never happened before it's great you know now you you've sort of forewarned fur for next time and then you find the screaming antelope completely new totally different thing why is it screaming don't know best left unsolved anyway you get in there you start hitting the thing and it just swallows one of your survivors up using the huge belly in its mouth and you draw a card and has very specific rules for for happens when you're swallowed says you are masticated you are masticated and there's no way there's there's no ballgame in the world that prepares you for being masticated as Kingdom birth in a nutshell and there's a rule for that by the way there is a rule for just about everything that happens in Kingdom death a rule in the book or some sort of new car from the box or a token that you applied you stick down somewhere many of them are very very simple about stamp modifiers they're new conditions they're slight alterations to behavior or they're a piece of equipment that does something that's that's never been done before but I'm going to come back to all those in a moment there's a lot of them what you're probably still wondering at this point is how do I prepare to get masticated and the answer is that you don't you don't prepare for any of these things that suddenly happen that you never saw before Kingdom Death is unfair I mean look look at this look look at a back look at that manual that's that's not fair this is a game built of unfairness but that's okay because Kingdom this the knowledge in there that behind every die roll around every every corner or page turning is some new horrible way to be completely defeated that makes it excellently tense but though I've gone into some fights terribly underprepared not knowing that some strange creature can can crush or traumatize or death and my poor survivors I've gone into others completely over prepared through a combination of cautious tactics and really good equipment and having all the right knowledge I've taken down beasts without really very much trouble at all and you would think that's good but it's not because it's actually been a really inefficient use of what the game calls Lantern years another Lantern year goes by and then I'm one step are the events I should talk about how those events are always coming settlements culture events development the the other side of the coin this is where my people live in Kingdom death right now and there's wonderful cardboard Kingdom I'll be honest with you it's crap they are eking out an existence that the scraping what they can out of the ground around them this isn't the best settlement over the put together so what I'm going to show you though because it's the most sort of spoiler free it's not going to give away too many surprises currently got an organ-grinder who's sort of turning brains and hearts into mush and paste and Lucky Charms for people to wear one of which I found I was actually abuse us a bone Smith who's making crappy bone weapons which break when you use them leather work mix with their armor I've even got a cat Aryan cat REM Couture which makes things exclusively out of dead cats so there's an industry for that in Kingdom death also got a cultured enough ping here which is based around a rudimentary language and some weird sort of freaky painting ideas that they used to express themselves every turn people come back to this settlement they collect their resources together from what they've hunted and maybe they have a chance to research find some new innovation could be a new principle or a new invention that makes them more cultured more capable and they also draw random events new random events happen all the time that could be light in the sky strange noises in the distance or what I've just seen here which is much worse than both of those things how do you prepare for these same way you prepare for everything every horrible event in Kingdom death which is you sort of don't they just happen to you draw cards and frequently roll some dice and in some charts and there's there's a lot of randomness unless you really wanted to inventory all of Kingdom death before you started playing which in itself is going to be a weekend's work perhaps you you're facing the randomness flying by the seat of your pants look at some of these folks pants pretty much all the way after the to their name anyway and everything that happens pretty much everything that happens isn't nice so maybe you have a really you have a really good year and everybody gets home alive you celebrate and maybe have a baby that's wonderful maybe you have a really bad year and nobody makes it home and then you have to cobble together what equipment you can what spare resources to try and make a new kit for inexperienced survivors to go out and try and fight with which is debilitating maybe this here is a special nemesis year where you have a nemesis encounter you see Kingdom that has a sort of advent calendar of horrible events that are going to happen at certain times and you can guarantee whenever you open one of those doors it's going to vomit some sort of unpleasantness right into your face and eyes have a bad time all the time that's its philosophy even hunting a monster which is the process whereby you try to get to a monster before you fight it unless it's one of the monsters that just comes to find you that that also happens even this process is fraught with danger has you drawing more cards with more events on and frequently frequently rolling on a chart of a hundred different possibilities it could be anything from the sudden arrival of a horrible bone storm to just one of your survivors getting blown up it's impossible to get attached you you cannot get attached to any of these poor sorry souls that you're shepherding through this existence it will emotionally destroy you but even beyond that don't even worry about that forget about the human scale of the tragedy here the real danger is the failure of your campaign unlike every other campaign baseball game that we've ever looked at on sharp and sit down Kingdom death is a toy box the absolutely can and will repeatedly pry some or all of its toys out of your hands any way possible daily every session every 10 minutes the campaign isn't just not just about maybe 60 80 a hundred hours of play through a campaign it's also about failure and having to return to the start over and over again a really important thing that you have to consider before you put down hundreds of dollars to play this game is not just the cost the material cost that it's the cost of your time and all the other things that you don't play all the energy that you lose as you once again reset you start all over again because you've got to a point either way you have to completely lost or you ain't coming back because you see some of those losses coming especially after like two or three campaigns the cost is is the games that you're not going to play because once again you are going back and you're repeatedly fighting that open first session tracking white line all over again tearing the same fistfuls of fur out of its same body but you know what if this is a game that demands that sort of devotion and dedication it at least finds constantly find ways finds ways to reward it how I open this video the DES fight with a lion where I punched its testicles off that really happened I was actually filming a solo fight sadly didn't get to share that story with anybody until now you've seen it you're the first no one else watching just you the game just produces moments like that all of the time in a way that a game that is constantly burping up random events can't help but do it cannot help but create all kinds of bizarre combinations situations that funny and unexpected and stories that you really want to share with other people all of the time it's always doing this I have I've seen my favorite character permanently deafened by a complete accident he's now insane by the way and he also recently decided that he would eat a bunch of spiders the fell out of the sky why is that I don't know he just did I have seen what should be a pretty standard regular hunt turn fatal thanks to a horrible horrible tiny miscalculation you end up with a list of dead survivors which is like a list of dead rock drummers where you know once you had someone who had all their their hopes and their dreams and all the equipment and stats you'd invested in them just turned into a tiny green globule by the role of a dye aware of a green stain just wiped out immediately as I'm sure you've also probably noticed by now Kingdom death has a particular aesthetic and it fits into a sub-genre that's probably best described as tits and death life is so hard so harsh that nobody has time to just put some clothes on or find a decent bra as they deal with the many problems that are thrown at them ah existence is so awful I just I'm eternally naked at the same time amongst all this nudity and horribleness there's often some weirdly comic art in the manual and just strangely funny things happening I mean I didn't consciously try to punch the testicles off of one of the things I was fighting that was what the game told me was happening I didn't make that choice and you end up with this weird marriage of the the occasionally odd but not that funny really a lot of the time and the grimly grimly horrible and it's like everything's turned up to 11 and you're not really sure what notes are supposed to be standing out there are inevitably people who are going to say what's wrong with being sexy and the answer that obviously is nothing I mean Quinn's is evidence enough of that but Kingdom death is not sexy it's sleazy it's opportunistic it takes every opportunity it can to attach another back-breaking pair of breasts to a woman or show someone else's clothing falling off to the point where it just becomes really trite after a while it's not even reaching for the low-hanging fruit so much is just greedily groping at it or there were at anything that I can grow back and this extends to the miniatures as well which add sometimes wonderfully revolting in their design and other times just sort of ridiculously revealing it feels like you know you have that weird cousin who's like your survival of the fittest man and you know you got to do what you can an itch is harsh and powerful it feels like something that he would have under his bed with some of his soft porn magazine but those miniatures though I should talk about that because that leads into its total mystic okay it's not only a reflection of the excessive theme of the game but the excess of the game itself and I mean the prestige value Kingdom death now is like two hundred and fifty dollars on Kickstarter plus shipping for the expansion that you can get and then about five hundred dollars for all the extras as well if you want to get all the extras on top of the expanded add new 1.5 Edition that's a lot of money it's one of the most expensive board games that you can get and there's a reason for that I mean those miniatures are really good quality there are also hundreds of cards within the game it's true your hundreds of tokens and if you play the campaign just just once you probably have days weeks worth of play in there and you can't play the campaign ones you know you'll try and go through multiple times you try different things there's there's a lot of value in there you're paying a lot of money because oh boy fair's fair you get a lot of stuff but should you buy it I have been doing a lot of paperwork so remember how I said earlier on there were all the stat changes all the modifiers constantly happening so in every game that we've played that that is constantly going on every game that we played we have inevitably missed at least one rule we've forgotten about one stat modifier or one specific thing that a specific piece of equipment can do or one monster behavior or one one modification to what usually happens and it's fine we've mostly kept going there's not really been any any serious speed bumps but we've done this every session I am now I think failure fame with Kingdom death and by the way I have been playing this constantly since I got it I feel like I can just about read water but I am still repeatedly going back and forth the manual and the box to check certain conditions certain behaviors certain specific things that may have only encountered once before a long time ago and forgot about it's a lot of back and forth and let me show you a thing here is here is the standard deck of hunt events that you lay out as part of a hunt track when you're on the creature this is what the card say all the cards are the same Piccard say role on the random events table why would you have an entire deck of cards that all produce the same result as like having a one-sided die and why'd it why even not just it forego them completely and just have printed on the board go to the random events or just have the rule in the book there's a lot of there are things in here that don't make any sense why do I write some things down but then keep some information in my head using cards and then some of the other information using tokens remember how five years ago we looked at the I'm going nuts here I'm sorry we looked at the campaign in descent and we have wonderful little boxes where you put all your cards and your tokens and your information about the character in the box it was all kept in one place is quite neat and efficient okay that's a less complex game but think also about Dungeons & Dragons where inevitably you gather lots of information on your character sheet you scribble down how its spell works what a bit of equipment does you modify your stats all in one place and maybe you know down page references so you can look up a specific rule everything in Kingdom death is everywhere all the time and it doesn't need to be it's not so much like straddling two stools in its leather skull in blazoned Rock pants as just repeatedly falling over between them it's like prog rock excess that has like prog rock excess kind of let itself go a bit and you know what this bureaucracy needs some corruption before you're fighting a new unknown boss you might want to look up some of it some some of its cards before having to see what it does or you might want to check is wound ecstasy out responds to you when you hit it because you may no longer be willing to basically have a whole campaign bomb because of a couple more unlucky die rolls or card draws before you cross another river of poop you might end up actually looking at the results table for a few moments and discussing with your friends about whether this is really something you want to do but how far do you go with that where do you sit on this spectrum where at one end you are stumbling around like lost lambs or anything can happen to you and at the other end you looking at the possible consequences of everything like soulless robots the thing is the other thing is the start of the campaign is not that great not that exciting once you've seen a bunch of things in Kingdom death and I had to go back and play through them again it's nowhere near as interesting doing that two three four times I can't deny that Kingdom death innovates as much as it intimidates it I'm trying to put things away I can't remember where everything goes it is a grand vision as it is grotesque a vision and speaking of grotesques you know you have those gargoyles on churches some people are terrified of them and think that they look incredibly creepy and then other people look at those and find them oddly beautiful and even reassuring that's how people are going to feel about Kingdom death there are going to be people so divided people who want to climb into this box and live in and will feel snug and comfortable in in the huge complicated world it creates and there are going to be other people to bounce of it so hard that they have to go to a hospital because they have concussion this is this right here is the period in time where board-gaming entered the program or the psychedelic rock era and like so much music at that particular genre and time it is excessive it is extraordinary it is embellished for the sake of embellishment this is overblown it is Oh produced it is over designed and like so much rock excess this isn't tight its warbling and wandering it's a grand vision that's forgot to ground itself kingdom death is not the the wonderful melodies of Bohemian Rhapsody or the the energy of stairway to heaven it's something else it's like one of your uncle's estranged gatefold LPS you know the ones with the space vistas and the fairies Armand all the fairies were naked and we all had one name and you try to listen to those who can really get into them there was some good ideas in there and it was 25 minutes long basking in death it wasn't just it just wasn't quite your thing was it wasn't quite good enough it wasn't or was it was it actually for you were you that person was it exactly your thing was a crazy and mad and overblown enough that you really yes you did want to climb into the box and and live inside it and never leave there is a fine line between genius and insanity a fine line between stupid and clever and Kingdom deaths box is big enough that it straddles that line it straddles time zones I mean look at this thing how much more black could a box be and the answer is none none more black kingdom death is iron butterfly's in-a-gadda-da-vida do you know that song it's 17 minutes long it's repetitive its stolid and it has everything in just for the hell of having everything in so we can't recommend Kingdom death in the same way that we can't actually stop you from buying it from throwing your money at it if you really want it's and death and rock and roll on this sort of scale you do an Englishman on the internet telling you it's sloppy and inefficient and it's frequently sexist that's not going to put you off you're going to hear things that you want to hear you're going to hear how it's full of so much how it actually is really pretty good value for money how it relies on random events to generate drama but so much drama how it does have really excellent miniatures how it will punish you in a way that perhaps you're really really excited about I don't know KYNA death is not great but it's frequently good and it does produce so many moments of shock and Wonder and excitement and delight so there you go that's our complex and sort of messy conclusion I've had fun with clinging and death and I'm going to go back and just play a little bit more there's a few things I still yet haven't seen there's a couple of things I want to try and I like that play through a scenario or just sort of cheat and look at some cards maybe doesn't matter I'm going to have some good memories some really interesting things happen but oh my god never before in the history of board games did punching the balls of a lion produce so much paperwork [Music] [Music]
Channel: Shut Up & Sit Down
Views: 537,845
Rating: 4.8001084 out of 5
Keywords: Shut Up and Sit Down, SUSD, SU&SD, Shut Up Show, Shut Up, Sit Down, Board Games, Board Gaming, Family Games, Boardgame, Board Game, Gaming, Tabletop, Fun Games, Quintin Smith, Paul Dean, Matt Lees, Kingdom Death, Kingdom Death: Monster, Kickstarter, Miniatures games, balls
Id: O3VzOayLcYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 58sec (1798 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 16 2016
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