King Solomon's Wisdom (Biblical Stories Explained)

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there are many figures in the Old Testament who are considered to be wise for one character from the Holy Scriptures that stands out when we think of wise men is none other than the wise King Solomon a man who is credited with unifying Israel under peace stabilizing the economy and building some truly magnificent structures but like all good things Solomon would eventually be lured away from the blessings his God had given him and would soon straight under the pressures of his own moral temptations for the purpose of this video though we'll be looking at Solomon's early days and in the infancy of his rule where he first gained his reputation as a wise King Solomon is described as always having been blessed and loved by God even as a baby given he is considered to have been a peace offering from God to King David after God killed David's firstborn child having conceived the child in an adulterous relationship despite having six older half-brothers King David was convinced by his wife Bathsheba and the Prophet Nathan who was said to erase Solomon while the king was away to make Solomon King evidently there were others who believed Solomon was special and as a king his potential would flourish and everyone would benefit by electing Solomon one might also say they denied the ambitious ad Niger another son of King David who taken the throne himself when Solomon did become King he was very quick to vanquish his opposition and assumed the role of King although he wasn't particularly sure himself the story of Solomon's judgment begins where God appears to Solomon after having been pleased in the way in which he ascended the throne he tells Solomon that he wishes to grant him anything that he desires and that all he has to do is ask we see how noble and some might say pure Solomon is for he doesn't ask for power riches women who any sort of a worldly gift but instead asks for wisdom and wisdom alone Sullivan was aware of his own limitations and while he was a king he knew he could not be a good ruler if he did not possess knowledge in a sense you might say that this is selfless as it appears that Solomon's only desire is to lead his people effectively unto his God as well as to keep them safe and see them possible pleased that Solomon did not ask for riches and glory and was only contented with the ruling of his subjects God wanted Solomon with his requests and fast made him more wise than any other man who had ever existed however because Solomon was so modest in his request and God sensed he was sincere and authentic he went ahead and granted him riches and glory as well from this we can gather that the story aims to teach us humility and that Solomon's God respects what he puts others all the greater good in front of their own desires the moral here is that in seeking to serve something hiring yourself live Awards can be greater than what you might have originally conceived a short time after having received his wisdom from God to women some described them as to prostitutes come before Solomon with a dilemma the women lived in the same house and both had given birth early recently however one of the babies had died it's understood that the mother of the dead baby switched her baby with the one that was alive when this mother woke up she realized that that dead baby in her possession was not hers she confronted the other woman but she denied all knowledge of this and denied the accusation made against her King Solomon was deemed that only man is Stute enough to determine who the real mother was it seems Solomon was Swift in his decision too though he did not simply pick without reason he called for a sword and told one of his servants to cut the baby in half so that both of the women would have a piece of the child the fake mother accepted this decision but the other woman cried out that despite being the baby's real mother she was willing to surrender custody of the baby to the other woman if the baby was allowed to live realizing that this woman loved the child so much that she was willing to give it up so that it might survive Salomon deduced that she had to have been near your mother when the people learned of how Sullivan had ingeniously solved the problem his reputation as the wise King began to spread the two women in question are never named but it's understood that the two are prostitutes or at the very least widows given the absence of their husbands in biblical accounts and the nature of patriarchal society the husband's were usually responsible for the solving of issues between women if such an incident was brought before the king it would be the husbands of these women who would represent them in court a Jewish interpretation explores the idea that the two women are related one being the mother in law and the other being the daughter in law both though had given birth after their respective husbands had died due to a custom the daughter-in-law who was the liar in this case would have to marry her brother-in-law as her brother-in-law was the living child she was required to marry him when he came of age by lying about the boy being her own child she would not be required to marry him but when Solomon suggested cutting the child in half this would absolve her of any responsibility to the child at all so she was all but willing to agree to the murder of the child another interpretation highlights the maternal instincts of a woman that they can be so strong 1my fabricate a drastic lie in order to maintain their child or in this case maintain the facade of having a child at all other ideas suggests that the two women were rivals and that the woman who had lost her child succumbed to the mindset that if she couldn't keep her baby that her rival shouldn't have kept her IVA from this standpoint we see them indicting us on what a bitter rivalry can lead us to that woman in this instance would sooner see the death of her innocent baby and see her vibe we'll have the upper hand the two women also remain unnamed not necessarily to downplay their importance as women but more so to enhance Solomon's character and make him and only him the focal point of this tale in this instance Solomon is the hero and is his wisdom which God gave him which brings about the restoration of order in this scenario another variation to exemplify King Solomon's wisdom is after his reputation reaches the ears of Queen Sheba Sheba seeking to test Solomon brings him two sets of flowers one of which is real any Albert is artificial she asks Solomon to determine which is the real sell flowers given her they met virtually the same unable to simply decide much like with the two women Solomon results to a logical solution whereby he has the windows of the Paris opened two bees flying and parade around the RealSelf flowers given that only the real flowers were capable of attracting the bees in the first place through this Solomon is easily able to determine which cell flowers were ill once more Solomon's wisdom is demonstrated and done so effortlessly that he does not exert himself at all to come to a conclusion it serves to show off just how wise he is and how great his God is given that his wisdom came from his God that he can solve conundrums that would stump the average man as always guys if you enjoyed today's video then feel free to give it a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe I'll be covering more on Solomon in later videos but in the meantime don't forget to leave your suggestions for more videos below I told the next time guys
Channel: The Legends of History
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Keywords: King Solomon, Who was king solomon?, What is king solomon known for?, What is the story of solomon?, What did king solomon accomplish?, What was king solomon's religion?, How did king solomon die?, Was king solomon a prophet?
Id: cxcci9LhWNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 45sec (465 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2019
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