King Rising, les deux mondes - Dolph Lundgren - Fantasy - Action - Film complet en français

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Elianna, the powerful protean witch, tries to save her life in this unknown forest. Nameless and merciless assassins. Soldiers of fortune, mercenaries, hitmen. History is full of bastards like this. You're done for. Elianna, the powerful protean witch tries to save her life in this unknown forest, defying time even to save my life. Who am I ? Good. My name is Granger. These gentlemen want my money. They won't have it. I still have some in reserve. Stop, that's enough! He is doing us a favor. Why did you target his parts? You're right ! I went too hard, sorry! Anything is possible in a real fight. I am retired. Pick it up. Look, aside from that kick in the balls, thanks for making time for the kids. They are making progress. I'm willing to continue as long as you fill the pot. You will pay double. All right ? Don't be shy. - It's for their uniform. - You know what ? One day we will take over. I doubt it a little, Captain. You are surely right. - Good evening ! - Good evening, Captain. Come on, kids. In a row. On the carpet. In position. GOOD. See you next week. Take care. - Take your shoes. - Bye. A year more. 365 days, guys. I don't know where the time has gone. If we could change places... To the team. See you next year. Where do you come from ? The passage is open. The prophecy. We have five seconds. No ! The prophecy stands above the rest. Is this a joke? The king's sorcerer. We must act without delay. We cannot stay outside the fortress at night. The king asks to see you. Open the doors! It can't be you, alive. It's true. I am no longer of this world. Remember who you are. Remember well. You have to go back there. It was my destiny. Die for you. It's your destiny to be here... You've had quite an adventure. The king ! Get up to welcome him. It's chilling. It's safe, the blade is hot. I mean, not very hygienic. It's blood, not droppings. The blood of a champion. From the man who was elected! Actually, it was your men who did this. My soldiers prevented you from being captured by the Dark One in this enchanted place. - The Dark One ? - The one who followed you in time. He had seconds to get through the fire. If the Dark One had hesitated, its energy would have cut him in two. Worse, he'd be stuck in your world. But he chose to cross with you and our beloved, Elianna. That his soul rests in peace. Go away, except the king's guard. GOOD. What are you called in your time? Granger. Granger. An unusual name to say the least. You would see how many shots it allowed me to fire. Shots? What does it mean ? Sleep with a woman? Watch your tongue in the presence of our king. It doesn't matter, Allard. We are all men beneath our cloths. Right, Granger? Yes. And you have a name, besides "the king"? - How insolent! - You're starting to break them! Silence ! The horizon is dark enough as it is. Don't take it out on us. Take your men, I want to speak with Granger alone. Understood, Sir. My noble and faithful guard. Quite a number. I will have to spend my days trying to decipher your strange way of speaking, Granger. And to answer your question, I used to be called Raven. -Raven? - Like the bird of prey, yes. And today you are the king. Maybe I'll tell you all this over a drink. Do you still have doubts about how you came to our times? A few, yes. We live in an age of witchcraft. Any man or object can be imbued with extraordinary abilities. Elianna struggled to open the doors between our worlds. She had faith and gave her life to find you and bring you back to our time. Our kingdom, our existence, is threatened from outside. You were brought here as the prophecy commanded. With all due respect to your beliefs and his sacrifice, I am not the one you are looking for. This self-sacrifice is specific to exceptional warriors. Our journey has only just begun, Granger. Escort our guest to his quarters and have his wound tended to. Good, Sir. Why was I brought here? At dawn we will talk about it. But rest up, because tomorrow our adventure will begin. Rest well. I do not share the king's devotion to prophecy, but I have sworn to honor the crown. That's the only reason you didn't end up on the gallows. It's good to know. When the time comes, before you realize it, I will not hesitate to plunge my blade into your skin. When the time comes, we'll see. In the meantime, be a good royal dog and show me my room. I started the day with a protein shake and here I am in a medieval tent. Even acid trips don't have this effect. Or maybe yes, I don't know. They don't know about drinking water. Who knows what we have there, a bacteriological broth or germs from dead sheep. To war... On guard! It's between you and me. Sorry, they must have got the wrong tent. This dagger is magnificent. It's an honor to share your bed. Well, there must be some mistake, I'm just a visitor. From the time beyond. Yes. - It is an honor. - What makes you say that ? It is written. So it must happen. You are the one who was elected. Listen, can you get dressed for a second? I'll count in my head. I don't really need you tonight. But it's an honor. I'm too tired to lie down with a woman. Would you prefer a man? - I can call... - No, no man. I just need to sleep. Then I will share your bed to keep you warm. Warm me up ? All right. - If that's all you want. - Tomorrow is another day. As it is written. Do you know anything about prophecy? If I had information and misinterpreted it, I would be put to death immediately. I guess it'll wait until... He's injured in the head and arm. He will sleep with me to be warm, not for pleasure. Nor does he need the services of a man. I'm tired and straight. Tell me, Doctor, will I be entitled to the whole thing, to all the medieval patches? You will agree that it is weird. A doctor of the royal court cannot give in to pride. Keep him in shape. I want you to know that even though I'm tired, this feels great. It is an honor. A fountain of blood will stain your future. You can't sleep anymore. Wake up. Danger surrounds you. How so ? - Fear won't change anything. - Standing ! You will die ! This injury will be fatal to me. For what ? Why did you do that ? The Blessed Mother decided so. I don't question his will. They will only find an empty shell. - Who are you ? - I'm not asking for your forgiveness. A simple beggar? The gods were merciful. The king will want to speak with you. Leave us. Sire, the Dark Ones are pursuing him. - It would be inconsiderate... - Leave us. Sir. You are alive. It's unexpected. I would have preferred a bottle of champagne. A peasant woman broke into the night to deceive you and kill you. The most talented soldier would have died there. Luck was on my side. Blasphemy! Your life is saved because the prophecy so decided. I've had enough of this prophecy and destiny. Take them and shove them up your ass. I have never been addressed like this. I find your insolence strangely pleasant, Granger. - Our best wine! - Yes ! We have a lot to say. You're not going to cancel the wine to make me dismember? How contemptuous of you, Granger. A wine made from our best grapes. Out of my sight ! This throne returned to me after a period of war. Even in your time, you know that after chaos comes stability. And after stability comes chaos. Yes, even among men of God, the warrior instinct takes over. Our former king was brave, he was a man of the people. His praises were sung, the kingdom lived in prosperity. He was loved by everyone. Until... Until the Dark Ones arrive. The king and his supporters fought valiantly, in vain. Divine will allowed us to push them back from our borders. Without wanting to be too critical, your fortress is very rustic. We retreated there in despair. The blood of the Dark Ones carries a scourge, our walls were gutted... - Who are these Dark Ones? - Their origins are unknown. They live in the mountains and follow the orders of their prophet. The Holy Mother. Yes. They follow his orders with godlike devotion. Who is she ? She is said to be a witch who practices black magic. His disciples shed their blood at his command. Others say she demands her followers to devour each other. - Cannibalism? - I do not know this word. It's eating human flesh. Yes. To take part in this would be a heretical practice. Eating human flesh is a necessity for these savages. That's what they all became. This all seems weird to me. And me ? How am I important to them? Why are they attacking your kingdom? Because we are in the middle of their lands. You are important because you are the one who was elected. How so ? Elected to do what? Elected to kill their Holy Mother. Maybe it's just exhaustion or getting tired of people trying to kill me... Tell me where to find this crazy woman. Yes. Chickens. Awesome. The king ! Standing. I know. You will feast like a king and fight like a god. May you remember the mantle you must wear. I appreciate the gesture, but I don't need it. - I just need my knife. - Lower your blade. - Are you deaf? Your blade. - Let me explain. I do not need anything. I move faster with this and I won't enter the enemy camp with a bag of chickens. Have you heard of salmonellosis? You don't have to carry weapons or supplies. - We agree. - Allard's men will do it. Our doctor will accompany you to dress your wounds. You will not be alone in your quest, Granger. That's what I feared. What rubbish! I am not armed! Let it go! - I have nothing against you. - Happy to hear it. You allow ? I can ? Thank you so much. I acted in haste, I'm going to take my leave. Let me be clear, I don't want you to come either. The king wants me to watch over your health. It will be so. It's not like you can sew an arm back together. In the afterlife, can you put an arm back together? - If conditions are suitable. - This information delights me. You must tell me more about the practices of that time. We'll talk about it at night when we're at camp. So you come even if you don't want to? The king has ordered it, so it will be. But you don't like it. No ! I hate the fate this kingdom has reserved for me. I'm going to take my leave. What finesse, old man. - I'm sorry, I didn't mean to... - Yes. If we were to perish... I won't die unfulfilled. Unfulfilled? I see... Our embrace was reckless. I was stupid. I let myself be guided by my own desires. Satisfied ? Please don't tell anyone about this. I must withdraw. Not a word. I won't say anything, no one will know. My mother would love you. Him and him alone. Do not disappoint me. Royal affairs. We're asking you. Of course. What was it, an hour? I guess you're not going to tell me why he wants to see me. It's not the king who asks to see you. - She's the clairvoyant. - The seer. Yes. But still ? The king wants you to listen to his words in silence. For what ? The better to leave the chicken-fingered wretch to her games. - No questions ? - You will hold your tongue. What if I speak? Then I will cut out your tongue. Allard, do you go out often? Do people like hanging out with you? Finally, women? Or are you more of a big sword, sandals and sweat type? And Turkish baths? No ? Come on, old man. I don't pass judgment. This is pure logic. Let's go. A fountain of blood will stain your future. A fountain ? My words bother you. You, who saw legions die, the warrior who succumbed to the deeds of his past. Talk about the future! By the divine wish of His Majesty, you must overcome two trials. Two out of three, yes. You have passed through the door of time for the first time. For the second, you must kill the Holy Mother. For the third, you have to find the catalyst. He alone will free you and guide you towards your destiny. Do not seek your salvation in these men, they are worms in the eyes of destiny, prey for the winged serpent of providence. Worms destined for sacrifice, the great rocks will see their end. You are alone, you are the chosen one. You are alone and danger lurks in your path. The light only stays for a moment and you will never be free. Free yourself from fear or you will fail. - That's enough. - Your fear weakens you. It is she who weakens your hold on this world. Jump into the void to become free. Silence, witch, be careful. Your fear will drag you to hell. The king ! Your king praises your bravery. You will be celebrated as heroes. If the cannibals don't eat us. She is worried. You have strange manners. Sir. May the gods watch over you, and bring you back victorious. - It'll be OK ? - Yes. Hide there. - You're not going to kill me? - You are He... That's what I was told. I die knowing that I was defeated by the chosen one. - My death is valiant. - Talk to me. Tell me what is happening. Only the Holy Mother can... - You're crazy! - Stop! In the name of the king, stop! We will no longer be able to infiltrate their camp. Because of you, idiot! I follow my king's orders. His word is law. Stop! We have injured people! I've worked with idiots like him before. This is going to end badly. He follows orders. No Dark Ones must survive. If we want to infiltrate this camp, we need information. Don't be under any illusions, we will eventually reach the sanctuary, but the path will be flooded with our blood. I'll remember it. It must be. This must be... - It's an impressive bandage. - It's not my first. Yes... In the afterlife, do you have the knowledge to save this man? Probably. Maybe. Who knows. This soldier is going to die. He is hurt. He must remain calm. - Well, listen... - I gave in to anger. I acted without thinking. As much for me. I am in the service of our king. Please forgive my actions. No problem. Look, there were eighteen men. Seventeen under our boots, one escaped. There are still eighteen of us, counting you, me and the doc. Doesn't that seem strange to you? That they are the same number? They followed us here. Or we have a spy. Yes. Why don't they send a legion to defeat us? If fifty Dark Ones fell on us, we'd be pretty sure we'd all be killed, whether intentionally or by accident. Their attack, even disorderly, was intended to be bloody. For some people. There was one who didn't want to kill me. He hesitated, as if he couldn't decide. The Blessed Mother wants me alive. What purpose ? You must kill her! It may be more complicated than you think. Maybe. You must avoid being spotted. We will head towards the heights. For sure. For sure. I haven't told anyone about your plans. I didn't say a single word. - There's going to be a storm. - The storm is not worrying. It's harder to move forward without the horses. Conversation is not your strong point. That's not my role. In your time, are the expectations of women the same? No. Finally Yes. No... It's complicated. I would like to know more about your medications. Yes. There are what we call antibiotics. - Anti... - Biotics. Antibiotics, like a potion? Somehow. It is usually injected or swallowed. How are they made? With cheese mold, I think. Cheese ? Yes, this green substance... Whoever discovered it noticed that it killed bacteria. - No... - I learned that in biology. I had fun at school, I guess it was... Let's just say we didn't learn much there... Cheese mold. Yeah. Mold. Sleep well, Doc. - Standing ! - Wake up ! - Quickly ! - Come ! Quickly ! Come on ! Come on ! Come on ! There ! Maybe they want to kill me. They changed strategy following our victory. Let's go down, it's our only chance. - They're too many. - We do not have time. They will fall on us first. You have to try it. This chance belongs to you. Take the woman and run away. - We will defend this ridge. - Out of the question. I'm not abandoning you! If you are truly the one chosen, you must not die. Save yourself ! - Fulfill the prophecy. - You are deaf ? I'm not abandoning you. I won't forget you, Granger from the afterlife. - I dare to believe that it is mutual. - I have to follow him. My faithful soldiers, it was an honor to command you. Make it to the other side after shedding their blood! You coward. Elianna... - You have nothing? - Just a few bruises. Let's go. They have left this world. Farewell, soldiers. Come. Allard saved our lives that morning. He surely saved the world as we know it. The poor beggar. When was this act committed? About two hours ago. Without guards, the witch was easy prey. What kind of man can be so cruel? What kind of creature can do that? Search the fortress, inspect the premises, bring the criminal to me before dark. Believe me, a black curtain has fallen on our kingdom. Bring her body and bury her. Yes, Sir. What parts of your body should I take care of? - Pardon ? - Injuries... I was lucky, and so were you. Perhaps the gods saw fit to pardon us. - Why are you covering your face? - The vial is broken. This liquid is poison. Water makes it harmless. Poison ? For the Holy Mother? Or you haven't said everything. If captured, I had to swallow it. Some kind of cyanide? - Instant death? - It kills whoever drinks it and those who come into contact with it. A farewell gift in case the king fails? Our king is an alchemist. Thanks to his powers many people have been saved. Are you sure you didn't send a poisoned gift into the water? Water changes its shape. It is harmless. - It's a type of plague. - Awesome ! Biological weapons therefore come from the Middle Ages. We must reach the Dark Mother's camp before dark. You're not going anywhere. My flesh is bruised but my bones are intact. You're not going anywhere. No need to lecture me. I'll accompany you to the camp. Not with this foot, and you know it. What injustice! I would have liked to help you... The place is quite isolated. You have the woods and fresh water. You will be safe. Do you have a weapon? Yes. If I'm not here in two days, return to the fortress. While you're here, eliminate everyone except me. Hold on. If you also have faith, this talisman should protect you. And if you don't believe in what I believe, it's still something beautiful to contemplate. Take care of yourself. Reconnaissance, a terrestrial prelude to a victorious ground fight. Go in, find the information, leave in one piece. The darkness. Stay covered. I'm a guard, not a cook. One day I'm going to end up poisoning myself. Too bloody. Sir... Speak. The searches turned up nothing. This bandit is evading our men for the moment. As it is supposed to do. You will learn that bandits often hide in broad daylight. Leave me, soldier. My thoughts are jumbled and require my full attention. Sir. I want to believe that you are capable of it, the chosen one. She's there. No guards, no weapons. Something is wrong. But it's there, I feel it. Do what needs to be done and forget it. I was waiting for you. I've waited my whole life hoping to see you again. Because we know each other? Sorry, I'm not a good physiognomist. Go away ! Many nights I dreamed of this moment. You're not the type to find peace in your dreams. My skill is not what it used to be. I fear this withered shell betrays my intention. I cherished the hope of bringing you back to our time myself. Was it you? The warning appeared to me in a dream. Visions of threat weighed on you. I ventured into your world to make sure you were safe before you could return to us. Alas, your weapon was formidable. Our former king freed our lands from a vile usurper hungry for domination. We fought for peace, but it was short. Raven... He was barely human. He infected the troops of the king, the cursed serpent, by releasing a plague which spread throughout the kingdom, decimating the people with abominable cruelty. The reins slipped from his hands the moment he created her... The alchemist... The former king, his family... all perished. They were heroic until their end. Raven has seized the throne. A coup d'état using biological weapons. The faithful fled to the mountains. We left with the clothes on our backs and disease in our blood. How many perished in the face of its ravages, I cannot say. We believe that Raven's secret, the cure, is within the fortress. What do I have to see in this? When the castle fell to Raven, your father entrusted me with the task of saving your life. My father ? You are the lost son of the former king. You are our king. We went to the afterlife, I hid you in a place that welcomes lost children. The orphanage... I left you there. Why send men to kill me? Why did you send them? I sent a man to bring you back to me. The others, the Dark Ones who accompanied him, were under his command. He distorted my words for his own benefit. It seems there is a traitor among us. Thane has renounced our cause for his murderous vengeance. Is this how you want to avenge our dead? By making peace with those who caused our downfall? Never. You can believe me, we will have our revenge. I have seen your end, I assure you it is near. You counterfeit the truth in order to disturb me. As I saw it, it will happen. It won't happen. Raven... massacred her family before her own eyes. Let's not throw stones at him. Sir. No Please. My God. God has abandoned our cradle. Fifteen days after the king's sorcerer brings you back, the time of the afterlife ceases to exist. A carrier returns to your world and brings the plague. Raven's poison, the cruel serpent slithers through your world mercilessly. Fifteen days and all will be lost in the time beyond. Sir. What do you have to say? The chosen one would be in the camp of the Dark Mother. So he follows the plan. He is alive. She has him and he is alive? Yes, the Dark Mother and the Chosen One are alive. How can this be? This is the darkest of witchcraft! He had to kill her in her bed! Prepare my mount and notify the royal guard. - Sir? - We will destroy this vile traitor. I will destroy you forever. I will soon leave this life. Can we return to the afterlife? I have medicine that can save you. I am too weak and fate wants me to die in my own time. You constantly talk about destiny but I don't believe in it. We create our destiny, we follow our own course. Yes, I don't see things any other way. Why do you talk about destiny deciding everything? I saw in my dreams the disappearance of your world, blackened bodies littering the streets. I don't know how the disease got to your time. From this uncertainty comes hope. In this ignorance hides the dragon who will slay the tyrant. I believe I can change my future. I believe you will change all of our futures. Why do they cover their faces? To honor those whom the plague has stolen from us. I'll take you back to the tent. You are unwell. No. I will die soon. And until the moment you return to the time beyond you are their king. Guide them with your heart. I hope your dreams calm you down. Save your world. I am Daniela, Sir. What are you going to do with her? We will prepare her for the honorable passage. Our world has become more dangerous with his passing. You will go to the Dark Forest and bring back the catalyst. - That's to say ? - I don't know what shape it is. How am I supposed to find it? It is said that The Chosen One will seek the catalyst. - It is written, so it will be so. - Yes I understand. Do you let yourself be carried away and hope you don't get screwed? - Fucked? - Yes... Exposed, vulnerable. - Your language... - I know. It's true that she is black. I thought it was a medieval expression. Heed my warning. No one ever came back alive. Dark forces are at work there. We talk about witchcraft, incredible creatures. With the death of the Blessed Mother, our links with creatures are severed. They roam freely. Your security cannot be guaranteed. This is enigmatic. We will accompany you to the edge. The Blessed Mother wanted it this way. Sir? You have no information to give me on the catalyst? I don't know its origins. The catalyst will bring peace but we don't know how. I have heard many stories about peace but your prophecy is extremely imprecise. We'll see what I can find. My lord. What news do you bring me? The Blessed Mother is dead. And the chosen one? They accompany him to the Black Forest. For what ? This is where the catalyst is. Then the prophecy is true. The gods intercede to accomplish it. I will rule the unified kingdom. Withdraw. Servant. Your loyalty will not be forgotten. Something to eat for the hours to come. THANKS. - So here we are. - Yes, we are at an impasse. Follow the signs, the catalyst will reveal its presence to you. Our people are watched there by the tyrant's spies. -Raven. - The snake himself. Pray if you come across him, beat him up until he's done for. Have I offended you, Sir? No, it's because you're like her. - Are you talking about the Holy Mother? - Yes. I realize now that you are his daughter. I am honored. When this is all over, when I have the catalyst and Raven is done for, who will take back the kingdom? Sir? Who will take the throne if I return to the afterlife? As a king without descendants, you designate your heir. It's our custom. Will your people return to the fortress? The catalyst will help us get through the fortifications. After that ? We've been on the outside for too long. We will find the antidote to our illness. If we can unite the people, I sincerely hope that we can achieve peace. The peace ? Yes, that's all that matters. You would make an excellent queen. I cannot accept this honor. You must. I ordered it. Listen, guys, I ordered it! Yes, Sir. Sir, perhaps you prefer a larger blade? I have the impression that size is important here. It's forbidden to touch a king, but I... Your mother told me to rule with my heart, but I'm far from being a poet. I offer you his own words. My God, I sound almost like you. Have a good trip, Sir. I'm sick of this medieval shit. Go into these woods and bring me The Chosen One. The woods are haunted, my lord. No one has escaped its clutches. My king... Would your insolence threaten the peace of the kingdom? - No, Sir! -Then enter these woods. Prove to these demons that you are my soldiers! Go in search of The Chosen One and bring me the catalyst! Sir! My best men! Follow me ! For the kingdom! For the king and his lands. Focus on the goal. Find the catalyst and get out of here before you end up devoured. Only a grizzly bear would do that. I would have preferred a grizzly bear. Slowly, little one. This way ! - Manhattan? - Course ! Happy to see you. How are you ? - A dragon is original. - You took the side of the Dark Ones. - It's strategic. - I don't understand you. We're in a bit of a hurry, so I'll summarize. - My king... - Yes. He probably brought the plague and orchestrated a coup d'état. I must find the catalyst, save this world and the afterlife because I am the son of the former king. It's impossible. Yes. It's hard to swallow, isn't it? And we are followed by a dragon! - By the way, the Holy Mother is dead. - What ? I don't know why you're here, but you better get out. We are the guardians of the kingdom. We do not shy away from a man or a beast. Well, good luck. To the king and our lands! The cursed forest ends there. I can't follow you, I haven't found the catalyst. We'll come back later. Death awaits us. - I have to go back. - You don't want to live? This is madness ! I will go around to avoid this creature. - Surround them! - We're screwed. Yes. We're screwed. I'll take four and you know it. To try to resist would be madness, Granger. It was you who brought the plague to our lands! - YOU ! - Hold your tongue, Doctor. I am still your king! You are the real villain of the story. GOOD. Granger from the time beyond, before night comes, your insides will swing at the gates of the fortress. Bring them. You are living your last moments in this world, bitch. The devil awaits your death. Blasphemy! Damn witch. This man is your rightful king! The son of the former king! Let my mother be my witness! You lie ! You are the evil agent of the Dark Mother. Take them down. I will end their lives. Bring them here. - I'll gut you myself. - No. Leave it! He is your rightful king. It looks bad. It was an honor to fight and sleep by your side. Shit ! He is coming. Run! Raven is heading towards the portal, it will draw her into your world. He is trying to destroy the walls. The dragon is the catalyst. The catalyst! Wait ! Let's go! Let's go! For the Holy Mother. He always keeps two vials with him. Two. Go ahead ! My actions are those of a madman or a conqueror. Course ! Only you can save your world. You have to get there. We will see each other again one day. I could have established peace in my time! The peace ! I am your king! You were never king. History is full of crazy people like you. We did it. Will I see you again? What were you saying? Maybe in my dreams tonight. Maybe another time. Maybe another time. Subtitles: Diane Bardinet
Views: 1,049,874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cinéma, Film Complet, HD, Dolph Lundgren, Lochlyn Munro, Natassia Malthe, film complet action, film complet fantasy, film complet américain, Dolph Lundgren film complet en francais, Dolph Lundgren film complet en francais 2021, Dolph Lundgren scene, Dolph Lundgren Action movies, film d'action, film d'action complet en francais, dolph lundgren, expandable 4, expandable 4 dolph lundgren, dolph lundgren film
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 16sec (5536 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 02 2023
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