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this is Danner he's here Senator Kon Sam Williams kpov news could we have a quick word before you give your final statement I not now Sam after the broadcast okay boys and girls let's let the man breathe please thank you we need it is time for the people of this country to take back the power from the corporate polluters and their corrupt friends in government we have been betrayed ladies and gentlemen betrayed by the people and trusted by us to guard and protect our laws betrayed by Men Who maintain their power by maintaining Secrets will stop at nothing including murder to keep these secrets from the people betrayed by men who are responsible for acts and crimes far more heinous than the destruction of our old growth forests now I'm not at Liberty to be more specific about the names positions of those I'm referring to however I will say this this if I'm elected my first official act as president will be to initiate a fullscale congressional investigation into these abuses of power in order to expose a conspiracy so vast that it threatens to destroy the very fabric of our democracy by working together we can once again restore the sacred trust between the government and the government thank you I think there notes about the research we yeah I just got off the phone with Bryant the senator finished his speech about 2 minutes ago when you see the ambulance arrive call your contact let him tell you when you can bail okay hi how you doing [Music] Donovan's on the atrium what are you talking about I can see him he's with Bryant Jesus I thought I thought Brian was supposed to keep him off there yeah he was what the hell's going on Neil that son of [ __ ] he set us up find some all find some all shots have been fired kan's down shots have been fired where from who did it Jason ha's down shots have been fired from the floor above me son of a [ __ ] Jason Jason someone set us up get the hell out of there told you to walk away [Applause] okay okay okay okay in the drop the get up drop the get up get out of here get out of [Music] here I know nothing about no Senator four Secret Service agents saw you in the window with a murder weapon how do you explain that they were hallucinating I don't know someone slept acid in their lates how would I know found this in your car at the hotel 6:30 a.m. Kon jogs 2 miles total of lapse time 12 minutes 43 seconds 8:30 a.m. Kon leaves home drives to a meeting at oa's restaurant 10:30 a.m. Kon Leaves Restaurant arrives at work at 10:45 a.m. this is your handwriting you have entries covering kon's movement for the last three months now unless I'm hallucinating you are a stalker I don't know what you're talking I didn't do that you like photography Jason Huh looks to me like you're a real shb huh what do we got here Kon coming out of his house going to work leaving work what's that nothing Mike FBI you really think this peuk jop's a terrorist I don't know what did he say to you he denies everything anything else besides telling me to perform a natural act on myself no Jesus Christ Jason bastards really worked you over Bryant play us all the way well he got his what would they want to take out one of their own deal Insurance probably didn't trust somebody so close to the inside come on their list Simmons had me the crosshairs you'll tell me our guys nailed them please somehow in the confusion we missed him my pany my paty Neil I'm lucky to be [ __ ] alive relax Jason we'll get him you're safe no one can hurt you in here you're not going to get me out of here not yet it's best we maintain your cover at all costs look we are closing in on Quinn Simmons as we speak I'll get you some legal representation in here then even the police can't lay a hand on you okay yeah Jesus it's me McGrath and where the hell were you you missed the meeting F you want me to trust you how the hell do I know you're not one of them you sound paranoid yeah you're goddamn right I'm paranoid relax [ __ ] they probably know my position already I'll call you back [Music] [Music] son of a [ __ ] [Music] he [Music] get it on man go bab come on come on Colin there should big chance get some fed not get busted for don't waste it going to waste you in here it comes off me man going off my timing this in a goddamn rubber okay B let's go lock corns baby feel lighter now come on on [ __ ] going to pimp slap your ass Carlos well you getting it now baby come on here it comes down go razor down goes razor woo all right that's great Jason I'm trying to groom you for the top and you're trying to get yourself killed I dropped to my left you drop your brain coming here places full of thugs what's wrong with to the bureau's training facility the place is full of feds and you're still one of them don't forget come on get your things we're going down to HQ HQ come on get your all sweaty get your hands off [Music] [Music] must have been a pro one with Mercy he was dead before he hit the floor who is he special agent Terrence McGraw Counter Intelligence unit out of Cho and special assignment for me you ever hear of the group no they're a right-wing extremist cell not your usual anti-government Fringe types they've got Deep Pockets and influence mcra was getting close to revealing their leadership when he was taken out the only member we've been able to get a visual on is this guy goes by the name of radeski MCG and pegged is the group spotter in charge of recruitment they can afford the best mostly Freelancers combination of xcia and DOD operatives and Hitmen so what they want same as any terrorist group power to what end we don't know what we do know is before mcra was killed he' had covered a plot to assassinate senator Joseph Kon that's the guy running for president the one who will be president if you believe the polls why Kon mcra couldn't provide any more details so what's your next move nothing I'm calling off the investigation come again that's right as of today the FBI is no longer investigating the group okay I don't get it you got a major conspiracy beef here not to mention a dead agent and what you want to back off officially yes unofficially there's a reason why McGrath's cover was blown he was betrayed by someone in the bureau what like like a mole I could be wrong I hope I am but if I'm not there's no one I can trust anymore except you I trust you because I knew your father we came up in the bureau together he was my friend I trust you because after he left us well you've been like a son to me Jason so any idea who sold us out sorry I'm late new miscalculated the time frame wouldn't I miss I was just briefing special agent Wells here on the group oh special agent Jason Wells ha Bryant special agent in charge of the Chicago Section Bryan's just been transferred DTI terrorist and Neil tells me a lot of good things about you he assures me you can be trusted well I haven't given him reason not to I guess there's no reason to believe these things run in the family now is there if you're talking about the corruption charge chares filed against my father they were never proven sir if no one objects right now I'd like to tell aent Wells what his assignment is good we're sending you undercover Wells deep undercover your mission will be classified no one Beyond this room will know about it including the director what is it you're going to be infiltrating the group but first we're going to kill you not literally we're staging it after a couple of months you'll resurface under an assumed identity one that can't be traced back to the bureau your new name will be Jason Black from Cleveland occupation Hitman we think we can arrange a meeting with this rheski character if you meet their criteria then we'll have someone on the inside the rest will be up to you think you can handle it did Hoover we ladies lingeray a simple yes or no will do yeah can now well that's all there is I'll see you at the funeral why do you let him get to you let you try it sometime Neil I can't take a leak without one of those jerks reminding me my old man was dirty so what are you going to do kill yourself like him the world is full of jerks Jason get used to it do you know what Hoover used to say to me the buau must always come first and last everything else friends family yourself come somewhere in between your father believed that too maybe more than anyone the question is do you can anyone tell me who Thomas Jefferson was Ashley Thomas Jefferson was a great man he wrote the Declaration of Independence that's right what else Michael my uncle says he was slave owner yes he was a slave owner Michael that's true but should that change our view of him does that make him a bad man man okay I want you to think about this and we're going to continue it tomorrow and keep in mind not everything is Black or White okay class is dismissed oh hey don't forget book parts to do tomorrow [Music] thanks what's wrong what are you doing what I should have done the first night I met you I'm going home alone chill wait I'm tired of waiting Quinn I'm tired of waiting for you to pop up after one of your Disappearing Acts I'm tired of deluding myself that what we had have is a real relationship I had to leave town yeah I know why business what business you can't tell me can you it's just like everything else in your life one big secret where you live your family your friends you know don't get me wrong there's nothing wrong with a little mystery I don't even have your phone number because for some reason you don't trust me so here's your lesson for today you get what you give I'd like to say it's been nice knowing you but you [Applause] [Music] understand [Music] for [Music] silence or get me Ro to es I just heard about mcra nice work silencer as always I want my last one what is that all you care about no exchange of pleasantries no house the wife and kids yours on reg that is a compassion I hear in your voices I'd hate to think I'm in business with a man dumb enough to make that choice I ow you one more I'll learn a win you haven't answered my question am I dealing with a professional or not yes now when when were we're ready to give it to you don't forget who's running the show Soldier maybe we want to wait for backup forget back up I'm bagging me a Colombian you sure he's in here what you can't smell it what chili powder Place reeks viao watch my back I'm coming with you no I said watch my back [Music] Jesus what [Music] else suspected at six counts of first to REM murder assault with a deadly weapon black is a well-known enforcer for various Cleveland crime syndicates should be considered arm extremely dangerous beautiful yeah congratulations weski you're a celebrity you like that do you he looks good on paper hey what do you want from you weski huh want me to whack the Poke would without re sure you I told you we have very stringent criteria you talk to Cleveland we talked to Cleveland right we talked to Cleveland tell you still give nightmares bunch of Sicilian [ __ ] they don't know whether to pray to the Virgin Mary a [ __ ] little green olives all I'm saying is before we make an investment we need to be sure our investment is sound how does this sound how's about I invest my fist up your stringent hole you creep you been put me on hold for 2 weeks while you checked me out you won't even meet with me you take your cloak and dag of [ __ ] you know maybe I don't want to work for you what do you think of that radeski huh modeski modeski yeah go to Blakes on Carol Street your contact will meet you there here you go nice shirt get bed b where'd you get it half off the local grease B Outlet you want to take this attitude outside huh relax radeski sent meeski yeah 10 minutes Crest Hotel [Applause] hello I'm a cop no get up I'm not a cop I swear wire I'm not wearing a hey who the who are you huh guy you don't know tell you to meet him in the dark room and you stroll in here like some Goomba torpedo what the hell was I supposed to do huh be smart I like the way something's going down walk away don't trust somebody just because he drops a name don't trust anybody next time that guy might not be as nice as me yeah you're regular Mis manners who are you I've been assigned to determine whether you're operationally competent so far I'd say you're not doing so hot start training tomorrow training call you with a time and a place okay now wait a second man you own one of these look ret said nothing about strap it to your ankle you may need it someday hey wait [ __ ] how much do you think he knows about their operation well it's hard to say at this point I don't know oh it's the key he gave me maybe you can get a print from it all right work this guy Jason get everything you can out of him look at your hopes up Neil this guy's a real tight ass he wouldn't give me his name yeah hold on yeah hold on okay shoot got him what wants me to meet him in his place hey oh I'll be in touch hello hello you know how to use it stick to guns pretty much stick to guns pretty much yeah suppose your target Zone sealed off by metal detectors fiberglass head it under your jacket sleeve like this and you're ready to make your move you hold it like that rear assault walk it behind total commitment penetration point is a super sternal notch it thrusts downward till you puncture the heart taret doesn't feel a thing Let Go Walk Away frontal assault if you don't walk directly at him you walk to the side if you're going to pass aome this time your penetration Point substral Notch thrust upward till you puncture the heart Target doesn't feel a thing you let go you walk away human body has over 600 vital points the right tool proper technique every single one will induce instant death learn them the hardest thing in the world is to kill a man up close but if you do your job right you walk away in one piece and your target never feels a thing why do you care so much if the target feels anything as long as he goes down just a little rule I have well if I do my job right the guy's warm food and I'm sipping p in coladas in the carban 2 days later I got the target I'm a mechanic not Mother Teresa hey I said no onions give me that [ __ ] you ever get shot tough guy no don't plan on it either yeah know but he does you see this 9 mm first thing you notice is a smell of burning flesh about 5 seconds later the pain kicks in like a hot poker the only thing worse getting stabbed in the abdomen stumbling around bleeding all over yourself trying to hold your guts in and all you can think about is how much you wish the ass wife would try to kill you knew what the hell he was doing and that my friend is the difference between being a professional and some grease ball Punk with peanut coladas on the brain what's that supposed to be means what it means you calling me a punk how would you know you ever seen me work I don't have to well you don't know [ __ ] I'm a pro just as much as you are call Cleveland [Music] [Music] yeah what's all this stuff it's de Plaza textbook example of triangulation of fire something you should know sit down okay Kill Zone Target Shooters A B C A and B each fire kill shots using fragical rounds 60° angle from up and behind what about seire is a meat shot what shot it's a bullet fired into the target's body but not to kill him cuz the rounds purposely underpowered and won fragment like the kill shots no but isn't that kind of stupid I mean you're leaving evidence for ballistics to trace that's the whole point when they examined Kennedy a par glan they found the meat shot on the stretcher later a ballistics test proved that it came from oswalt's maner Carano only Oswell never fired it it's an old trick you fire around from a Carano into a barrel of water you retrieve the bullet and you place it inside of a sabbot which allows you to fire that same Bullet From Any rifle you want the rifle they later tily harm you exactly that's how you make a py going to hand it to you man you really know your [ __ ] just where'd you learn that anyway company you said I was in the company come on Kennedy that's a company job right sounds like you got some inside info so what's your point there's no point I wish I could join ever since I was a kid I wanted to be a Secret Agent Man now well they only hire college boys and since I got a record if you can't join the CIA you might as well join the mob right let me ask you something do you ever wonder about the big picture you know what I mean who's calling the shots I we know who the killers are right huh but it was a contract actors I get a call telling me who the target is when they want a status changed it's all I know that's all I need to know it's better to be silent then dead they keep this guy in the dark same as me and for all we know Elvis could be running the bloody show well right now now we have no alternative what if they get to the senator before I can learn anything useful Neil Bryant's in charge of security Kon has round thee clock protection Bryant here it comes good news gentlemen we got a print from the key fob our database couldn't provide a match but fortunately I've got a friend in Langley who owes me a favor he ran it and sure enough our man has a 2011 file a 2011 file it means he was once operational his name is Quinn Simmons he got a start in the Army Rangers sniper program back in the late 70s he spent 5 years in Special Ops and got the call up from CIA they recruited him for the clandestine Services section this guy is a walking poster boy for the wet job set plenty of kills do his credit from Afghanistan to El Salvador with stopovers in the Congo and Indonesia so what's he doing with the group my guess is he went where the work was my contact says a lot of these guys were deactivated after the end of the Cold War basically he was disavowed CIA couldn't admit they even existed so they sealed their files and cut them loose no job no marketable skills apart from the Fine Art of assassination what are they going to do get a job as greeter at the local supermarket so how's it going on your end still pissing in the wind Jason it's going to pay off Jason yeah and I'll make sure I wear a [Music] raincoat I'm in the zone kid where are you in position you have 30 seconds to acire before I'm out Target acquired ready congratulations you just killed Barney the Florest we acquire your target you got 15 seconds what is this [ __ ] got got the hell are you where the hell are you where am I I'm in a cab calling the police on my cell phone I said I'm a pistol man I don't know what the hell you are but you're no damn mechanic anywhere you come from they hold a grudge against bystanders but I have rules I may not have many but the ones I do targets don't suffer and Innocents don't die okay so I screwed up it won't happen again Quinn I'm sorry [Music] okay I think I screwed up what called him by his name did he call you on it no I mean I don't think so I I saw you saw something in his house it happens he doesn't know a thing he's a professional he's the best of the best Neil the guy knows everything just a matter of time face it Neil you picked the wrong man for the assignment I picked you because you're the only man for the assignment the only one I could trust which makes you the right man okay hello silencer he's a cop who's a cop Jason black I want out hold on I'm not going down because you didn't do your homework you said he checked out well I lied so you knew he isn't a cop he's with the FBI's counterterrorist unit simonist infiltrator organization now that he's done that successfully he's going to try to gain information regarding our current operation information we're going to provide him with your help where you up toesy that's not your concern at the moment you just do what you're told now listen up more rain tomorrow mid the chance of thunderstorms in a high of only 49 with the winds out of the Northwest at 7 mph it's currently not bad I'm a quick study relax I talk to raski based on my recommendation they want to make you operation what you're in kid but you saw my long range I mean so we need some practice we work on it Here sign [Applause] it 10% now the rest upon completion point of no return PAL point in no return I think I'm buying so where we going downtown never been downtown suppose I got lost just act like you're going uptown the opposite direction you believe any evil like evil people I think there are evil choices not evil people what if a man always chooses evil wouldn't he be evil bad choices doesn't necessarily mean being evil bad choices just aren't the right choices what's this graduation date protocols for the assignment thought i' let you have the honor and the winner is Senator Joseph Kon kon's broadcasting a speech from the exceler hotel in 2 weeks some environmental Symposium sucking up to the tree huggers no doubt after the Symposium there's going to be a photo up on the atrium that's where they want us to make the hit it's what I'm going to do me by back on on this one they're going to know something's up then I guess you'll just have to go through with it serious Neil they don't want to be next to their hit list I mean these people are professionals that's why you have to play it stray do everything they want exactly how it's scripted but before the senator can make it to the atrium we'll just have to get him out of there he'll get ill sa food poisoning get them out of their ambulance huh they can't blame anyone if the target doesn't cooperate I'll have Brian arrange it with Kon and his staff Brian knil don't worry Jason I'll have men all over the place we'll nail these guys where are you going to be the director's ordered me to go to DC for a conference but I'll be in constant communication by phone all right I hope so I like it angles good not too much exposure let's see here we go sweep a little the back balcony okay 30° drw so uh you mared kid what I managed to dodge that bullet family what do you care H it was just me and my old man was he killed himself you think you know people but you don't you spend your whole life with them and then just one day out of the blue why' he do it I don't know a lot of people said that he made some bad business deals he said that what I'm about to do it's not going to make sense to any of you but I cannot live with the shame and dishonor that I brought upon myself and my family shame and dishonor what is that I mean we were tight really tight how could he not know that no matter how low he was going to sink that his family me was going to be right there with him how could he not know that forget it who cares forget it where did it happen in a motel room how oh God Quinn what are you doing here hey what's wrong hey what's the matter [Music] okay do you know what time it is what are you doing here I was in the neighborhood Jesus so so you ready for your big debut is that why you woke me up at 3 in the morning huh I'm ready now if you excuse me we got a big day tomorrow still not too late Cleveland yeah it is it's very late take the money and walk away what I said walk away tonight are you nuts this is my big shot man and you want me to walk away hey I can do my part trust me [Music] oh this is Danner he's here Senator Kon Sam Williams kpov news can we have a quick word before you give your final statement I not now Sam after the broadcast okay boys and girls let's let the man breathe please thank you we need it is time for the people of this country to take back the power from the corpor polluters and their corrupt friends in government we have been betrayed ladies and gentlemen betrayed by the people and trusted by us to guard and protect our laws betrayed by men who maintain their power by maintaining Secrets will stop at nothing including murder to keep these secrets from the people betrayed by men who are responsible for acts and crimes far more heinous than the destruction of our old growth forest now I'm not at Liberty to be more specific about the names and positions of those I'm referring to however I will say this if I'm elected my first official act as president will be to initiate a full-scale congressional investigation into these abuses of power in order to expose a conspiracy so vast that it threatens to destroy the very fabric of our democracy by working together we can once again restore the sacred trust between the government and the government thank you yeah yeah I think there not about the research we yeah I just got off the phone with Bryant the senator finished his speech about 2 minutes ago when you see the ambulance arrive call your contact let him tell you when you can bail okay hi how you doing [Music] Donan on the atrium what are you talking about I can see him he's with Bryant Jesus I thought I thought Brian was supposed to keep him off there yeah he was what the hell's going on Neil that son of a [ __ ] he set us up find some more find some more Donan shots have been fired kan's down shots have been fired where from who did it Jason Hat's down shots have been fired from the floor above me son of a [ __ ] Jason Jason someone set us up get the hell out of there told you to walk away [Applause] please drop it okay okay okay the drop the get up get up get get out of here get out of [Music] here I know nothing about no senator for secret service agent saw you in the window with a murder weapon how do you explain that they were hallucinating I don't know someone slipped acid in their lates how would I know found this in your car at a hotel say 6:30 a.m. Kon jogs 2 miles total of lapse time 12 minutes 43 seconds 8:30 a.m. Kon leaves home drive to a meeting at oa's restaurant 10:30 a.m. Kon Leaves Restaurant arrives at work at 10:45 a.m. this is your handwriting you have entries covering kon's movements for the last 3 months now unless I'm hallucinating you are a stalker I don't know what you're talking I didn't do that you like photography Jason Huh looks to me like you're a real shb huh what do we got here Kon coming out of his house going to work leaveing work what's that nothing Mike FBI do you really think this peuk jop's a terrorist I don't know what did he say to you Den everything anything else besides telling me to perform a natural act on myself no my Jesus Christ Jason bastards really worked you over Bryant play us all the way well he got his what would they want to take out one of their own Neal Insurance probably didn't trust somebody so close to the inside come on their list Simmons had me the crosshairs you'll tell me our guys nailed them please so somehow in the confusion we missed him my py my paty Neil I'm lucky to be [ __ ] alive relax Jason we'll get him you're safe no one can hurt you in here you're not going to get me out of here not yet it's best we maintain your cover at all costs look we are closing in on Quinn Simmons as we speak I'll get you some legal representation in here then even the police can't lay a hand on you okay says he's not stop talking till he gets a lawyer so I'm going to take care of that okay you guys just make sure he's still breathing when he arrives silencer we need to talk I'm busy Jason Wells is alive why I missed missed it happens not to you relax ah look at this I know you have plans for the future I think that's great a new life you're going to need the money that's in escrow money you earned money that you forfeit because of one loose hand easy come easy go look everything's pre-arranged a talented guy like you could be an in and out before anyone knows get someone else so let me make this simple for you you're in breach of contract now either you men that breach or you can forget about the future all right [ __ ] up and atam the lawyer's here not that it's going to do any good you got five minutes hey didn't Donovan Cen pal you're supposed to keep these guys off my back how you [Music] doing as your lawyer I'd advise you there up right now you've only got one friend in the world and that's me special agent sit down you know you know what about me how how do you know think I'm thinking think did Donovan send you did Donovan send you go deski all I had to do is dress the part dones how else would you Mar right in here I told you to walk away well I suppose that makes you a good guy doesn't it I'm a lot of things but that's not one of them yeah okay let me get this straight not only are you not going to kill me but you're going to help me escape too catch on fast why why does it matter let's do what I tell you wait wait wait hey wrong way [Applause] bit get after him [Applause] F [ __ ] [Music] w get an ambulance radeski FBI put out an AP on Jason black Escape prisoner I'm standing at Police Headquarters where a task force of local law enforcement and FBI agents are still trying to determine how suspected assassin Jason black made his daring escape from police custody all we know at this hour is as follows at approximately 11:30 this evening a man saying he was Black's attorney entered Police Headquarters and spoke Quinn you scared me Quinn what are you doing just trying to make the right choice do you know what Hoover used to say to me the bual must always come first and last everything else friends family yourself come somewhere in between your father believed that too maybe more than anyone the question question is to you how did you get mixed up in this I was hired to kill him here you're joking right look we can leave if you want look I don't care what happens to me but you know I I if they find him I just need two or three days get him out of the country you um you should have a doctor look at this I think it's going to get infected going live in 3 2 1 agent Donovan is there any evidence of a conspiracy to kill the Senator absolutely not all of our evidence and its overwhelming points to one thing and one thing only Jason black acted alone when he murdered senator Joseph Kon but isn't that assessment a little premature that's all that I have to say that was the head of the FBI's anti-terrorist unit Neil Donovan with a daring Escape of suspected assassin Jason black a Citywide search is now underway considered armed and dangerous if you see this man please report to your local police department this is Sam Williams reporting live from kpov news I need your secure line Donan hey Neil Jason you look good on TV where the hell are you well you know just hanging out are you all right I Neil you sound so concerned well why wouldn't I be every policeman in the city is ready to shoot you on site yeah your comments to the Press isn't helping any now is it my comments are meant to maintain your cover the only cover you want to maintain is the cover on my casket look listen to me Jason you have to turn yourself in before some trigger happy local gets to you first now look we can uh arrange to meet just you and me the FBI will guarantee your safety the bureau the bureau will dump me in this ocean of [ __ ] in the first place Neil I told you the assignment had risks forgot to mention anything about redesky now didn't you radeski what what are you talking about you told me that you and Brian were the only ones that knew about my assignment you forgot to mention that radeski knows about everything Jason I don't you're not making any sense who was in a better position to jerk me around than my boss huh my surrogate father am I making any sense now you're paranoid I trusted you trusted you who's that our problem and he just got a lot bigger there is no group is there they made it up just like they made me up right who the hell are they Donovan and radeski they needed a phony terrorist group for me to infiltrate why and what would they have to gain by killing United States Senator I don't know except it seems like a pretty extreme thing to do and all this happened to me because killing mcra wasn't enough why kill mcra well maybe he was one of them especially if he was one of them I don't know got to be missing something well if you'd been following kon's campaign you'd know he was going to blow the lid off something that's it mcra was kon's Source what was Kon going to expose and who was going to be incriminated who on kon's staff was he talking to but do a make there's nothing you can do about it tell me tell me anade holly Sharp Holly who are you I'm with the FBI I already talked to them oh you're him you're Jason black hold on a second hold on a second I was framed by the same people that kill the senator okay that's why I'm here I'm just as scared as you are it's just I I don't know who's who or what's what neither do I okay I don't know anymore that's why I'm here I need to know why mcra was killed I need to know what he told you and what you know okay huh come on we'll get in the car it's okay trust come on it's okay so tell me about this D5 it's an abbreviation for division 5 I've never heard of it well almost no one has see ho created the division in total secrecy to avoid any oversight only a special group of handpicked agents were asked to join to do what spy on suspected Communists at first but pretty soon it was anybody whoever had a grudge against and even politicians and presidents D5 opened up and file on them you see the surveillance unit was in charge of gathering blackmail material and if you didn't bend to Hoover's will he threatened exposure and if that didn't work he took more Extreme Measures like Dallas you're telling me Hoover off Kennedy well he didn't pull the trigger but he orchestrated the whole cover up Kennedy swore that if he was reelected to a second term he would force hoop to retire and break up the whole division well Dallas put an end to that just like Memphis put an end to Martin Luther King but Hoover died 30 years ago I mean why didn't D5 die with him because Neil Donovan wouldn't let it see he worshiped Hoover and when Hoover died Donovan made sure his Spirit lived Dawn he became head of D's assassination unit how'd you find out all about this kton got a call from an FBI agent now he wasn't D5 but he knew it existed and he wanted to put it out of business but he said the information he had he couldn't trust with anyone within the bureau so he came to us why well he figured the only way to stop D5 was a full Senate hearing now Senator Kon didn't believe him at first until our source showed him a collection of internal D5 documents that he gotten from somebody on the inside a D5 turn coat mcra the documents they changed kon's mind but he didn't want to launch an investigation until after the election then mcra was murdered the next day they raided our offices looking for the documents did they find them no because I'd hidden them somewhere okay what about your original Source can I talk to him ah you're too late they trumped up a phony bribery charge against him made it look like he committed suicide suicide yeah what was his name it was Robert Wells do you know him I need to see those documents a memo written by Hoover of Donovan issued November 26th 1963 dear Neil what's done is done now it is up to us to put a close on this unfortunate chapter in our country's history our friends all of them decent Americans and true Patriots depend on us we cannot let them down D5 will direct the investigation we must make sure that all evidence leads to one overwhelming conclusion Oswald acted alone can you believe this Kennedy's not even cold in his grave and this guy's already issuing a cover unbelievable my God why didn't you go to the media with this this is incredible not a chance I like living too much but you're not just talking about who killed Kon you're talking about Kennedy and King oh so we're going to do what nobody else has been able to do for the past 30 years you've got proof no what we have is a lot of paper and zero chance of survival even try to go public on this she's right Jason you're in over your head we all are I can have us in Argentina by the morning so that's your solution running surviving what do you think what do I think I think I can't find anything what son of a [ __ ] who Donovan I trusted Donovan Jason [Music] wait what would you do if you were in my position what do I do now H talk to me tell me what to do you look down on me like that like a failure done everything in my power to serve you honor you what you've built I've ordered men to kill for you I've killed for you for you for [Music] you D you get my facts so you found the documents well good for you Jason you've cracked the case you must be feeling pretty clever right now I don't know what I'm feeling I don't think there's a word for it to think that I believed in you for over the last G more than my own father I only did what I thought was right Jason Framing and murdering an innocent man is right no honoring a great man and his legacy that is right you're going to pay Neil at first I want something clear his name I see I guess there's nothing in the documents that proves he was friend is there that's why you're going to fix it okay meet me at the Old Homestead Factory hand over everything and in return I'll personally reopen his case I'll proove he was the innocent victim of overzealous inter interal Affairs investigation you must think I'm pretty stupid what do you think I am look all I want is what's mine in return you get peace of mind that comes from knowing your father's good name has been completely restored otherwise may his ghost haunt you forever ever you're going down Neil I don't think so hey hey you really care about him yeah God if anybody ever told me I was going to be involved with him professional oh come on what come on Queen you make it sound like you're an accountant or a doctor or something for God's sakes think about what you do I do I have just not that black or white chill I have a lot of money stashed away enough for two oh Quin what what do you expect me to do just uproot My Life Would you like Argentina H it would be great it's not that what is it I'm a teacher I teach fifth graders and and you're well it's just it's not exactly a match made in heaven don't you think a man can change yes but I can't talk to me he wants to meet me tomorrow morning front of the Old Homestead Factory you'll be out in the open yeah you know his play it's a setup I know I got my own play you got a play yeah I got to play I me copies of all the documents if you double crosses me holly turns him over he keeps his end of the deal clears my father's name I still turn him over I screw him just like he screwed me and my old man everybody wins except Donovan tomorrow morning International departures it's a smart play [Music] this [Music] wait for the signal when I touch my ear Lo kill him right [Music] do you have the documents in the trunk hold it just want you to know Neil it copies them you were egg on our deal I hand him over to the Press I gave you my my word that's what worries me it's all here there's just one thing that troubles me Jason after I clear your father's name what's to stop you from turning over the copies anyway guess you'll have to trust me easier said than [Music] done [Music] h [Music] come it's not your day is it why do you just get it over with you don't know how tempting it is NE just be sure you save a bullet you really want revenge well you just hit the jackpot what are you talking about me what was it like silencer forcing an innocent man to write his own suicide note you his professionalism outweighs his moral trepidation shut up k my father I'm just a killer Jason I'm not the contractor look at you two peas in a pond I should have destroyed these a long time ago would have saved us all a lot of trouble I wish you could have met him Jason do you know that for over 50 years Jay Edgar was the most powerful man in the country that six different presidents kissed his ring out of fear and the people oh God how they loved him because they knew him for what he was a great man and a great Patriot and that is how he'll be remembered he was a corrupt paranoid fascist but loved wearing women's clothing that's how he'll be remembered insubordinate little [Music] [ __ ] go ahead get it do it to me slip it in you can't do it can you you can't look a man in the eye and snuff him you're weak Jason just like your father more suited to a desk job in the field that's why I chose you for this Mission Because deep down you are your father's son I got away with framing him and I knew I could do the same to you you're nothing but a pair of PSIs you done yeah good cuz I'm almost out of tape you been neutralized [Music] [ __ ] where do you think he really ended up I think I have a pretty good idea well it showed up at Jill's house a couple of days ago there's no return address what is it find a
Channel: AN Ent
Views: 111,797
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Keywords: hollywood movie, full action movies, Jason Statham Best Action Movie, Jason Statham, Hollywood Action Movie 2024, Full English movie, jason statham best action movie, hollywood movies full action hd, action movies, action movie in english, hollywood movies in english full action hd, hollywood action movie 2024, new hollywood english movies
Id: CD7JqSJ4ets
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 26sec (5786 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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