Interceptor Force 2 - Film Complet en Français ( Scifi ) - HD

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American? No doubt. Now since when did the Americans start working for the Russians? The images on this draw won't serve you in the least. Go! Artillery placements, troop movements, these images won't aid the cause of American men. They are just currency. Currency traded at the cost of my people. First, your foot. Then, your knee. Blow torch to cauterize the wound. One. Two. - Three! - Okay, I'll give you the code! Give me the code. You need my thumbprint... before entering the code. I swear. Hurry! Come on, come on! Code error. Now, we'll all die. 20 seconds to auto-destruct. Everyone out now! Now! Auto-destruct aborted. Fire! Go! Go! Go! Go! Did I park it close enough? Did you get the drives? I got them. Outstanding. Let's go home. I've got a lone boogey coming in from above. Confirm the boogey He's coming in hard and fast. Let's see what he wants. What the hell? This thing's all over me. Get this thing off of me! I'm all over him. Fire it! Green deck Let's make sure it's neutralized. Stay sharp. Staying sharp- What the fuck? I'm losing control. Get out of there! I've lost control. Repeat, I've lost control. Rosnibich, come in! Rosnibich, come in! I'm under attack. Hello. Hello. You got a cigarette? Want a date? Already got one. Too bad. Well, hello there. You're my doctor? Yeah. I got your medication right here. Take one preferably without food. Repeat as necessary until pain subsides. Bavaro wants us right away. Congratulations on the op in Chechnya. Oh, thank you, sir. Now, tell me something useful. Chemical weapon plants. Hum, good. Well, we'll get these coordinates off to the military. Congratulations, gentlemen. That was an excellent recovery. Thank you. Thank you, sir. Oh, gentlemen, by the way Don't get too comfortable! We have another situation. An unidentified inbound came down over eastern Russia 7 hours ago. But we just left. Then maybe you should have just stayed. An unspecified displacement signature. One of their experimental jets? Well, if it is, its propulsion system isn't fossil fuel based. And so what you're saying is it isn't earth-based. What I'm saying is it's unspecified... for the time being. Thank you, gentlemen, you can go. But I'm keeping you both on active. But...that means no leaving the base. I know. Forget Vegas. Hey! Wait a second! No cheating. What are you doing here? I'm looking for someone. You have come with me. Ziggi! Demitri! Demitri! Corporal, where are you taking that weapon? Lambert, Bavaro wants you up front. Lambert. We have new intel on the Russian situation. In my office in 15? That's very good. The displacement signature is the same as the ones in Yellowknife. And El Descanso and the other sites. So what you're saying is they're back. What I'm saying is they match. Then one of these things wiped out your entire team last time? Yeah, we had to drop a tactical nuke. That must have been a public relations nightmare. Well, gentlemen, this time we don't have that option. That is a Russian military base 40 kilometers east of Grozny. Excuse me. Demitri Pavakori. According to his record, an excellent soldier. He used a Kanashnikov EM-7 rocket launcher to take the camp out. And no personality disorders no mental illnesses. Well, maybe Demitri was not really Demitri. I'm sure he's missing now. There has been no trace of him since the base attack. If it's a pattern of assimilations. We took these transcripts a few days ago from a couple of Russian MiG-29 fighters intercepting an unknown hostile target on a direct course for Grozny. Get out of there! I'm losing control. Rosnibich, come in! I'm under attack. There's more. The same displacement signatures Incredible turn ratio. So this thing is looking more and more like the same thing you dealt with four years ago in El Descanso. - It fits the pattern. - Well, that's just great! I want you to take an I Force team and go back to Russia. When do I pick my team? You don't. Well, if it's my mission then it's my team. Negative. I Forces have been government funded for two years now. You're no longer a private contractor. We pick the teams. Maybe we should continue this conversation outside. If you wanna say something, just say it in front of everybody. Webber's gone. You are no longer a gun for hire. You are employed by an organization that reports directly to the NSC, the CIA, the FBI and ultimately the president himself. You are required to execute your orders in exactly the manner in which they are given to you. Now I've got a lot of other people out there. Do you want this mission or not? When do we leave? I want you prepped and ready to leave by 1800. Wait a minute! Why so fast? Can't the Russians control things for a while? No. Come on, Jack! The Russians wouldn't accept out assistance unless it was something worse. Why was the base really attacked? We don't know. But it's not the base that's of prime importance. It's what's next to it. Here. Chernobyl era plant upgraded in '92. That is one hyper-fusion reactor. Which makes a lovely byproduct. Uranium 237. 237? The worst of the worst of the uranium byproduct class. A Chernobyl-level release from that baby would make Three Mile Island look like a leaky faucet. Yeah, this just keeps getting better. We have to get that thing out of there with no collateral damage. I see. This is your new team. McCallister you already know. Adriana Sikes. Expert in demolition. She's military trained. She's done many operations with the DEA both in and out of the United States. She's clearly not a lady to piss off. Bjorn Hatch. Former German special forces. He's a weapons and combat specialist. Not the most polished operative, but an invaluable asset on any mission. That is your team. Mr. Bavaro, I'm been working on replicated samples of this antibiotic material taken from Yellowknife. And when using a focused microwave beamer... Microwave? Remember? I designed the core filament, sent it over to the Weapons Division? Right. Well, I was hoping it would be possible to test them on... There's no time for that. Faulker, I want the I Force transport fueled and on the runway ASAP. Shut down the reactor! Shut them off! Seal the core! Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Hurry, hurry! Hurry! Hurry! The team is ready, sir. Good. You have ten minutes to get them down to the air strip. You're shipping out right now. I thought it was 1800. The nuclear plant at Grozny has been taken. There's no contact. No word of hostages or survivors. Hell, we don't even know if the reactor still online. What about the radiation levels? No word. Listen, that nuclear plant has six times as much uranium fuel as the one in Chernobyl. If it starts leaking, the whole world gets a taste. I know. Lambert, I need you to take along another team member. Who? Her. Who is she? Science Division. - No. - Yes. No. I want you to take a science officer along with you. Now you call me when you land. The weather satellite shows a major storm system heading in, so it's gonna be a rough ride over there. Anymore surprises, Jack? Not from you. 'Cuz you're gonna obey my orders over there, exactly as I give them to you. No exceptions. You understand? Hi! Dawn De Silvia. Look, I know I'm not trained in combat or missions, but I'll try to do my part. Just strap in. Little motion sickness? Look, I don't mean to be rude, but what the hell are you here for? I brought along some... some reading material for you to take a look at. Nuclear site emergency procedures and containment. - What the hell is this? - We just found out. Did you know about this? They figure the specimen might go for the plant, just not so fast. But the Russian government wants to keep it quiet. They have assigned us a Russian commander to work with us. What's the specimen doing with the power plant? It's our job to find out. My gig's ops. I'm not trained for radiation work. Me either. Okay, I'll make you a deal. When we get there, if the labels outside are too hot. We'll abort. Deal? I go if you don't. Deal. Deal. What about you, princess? Are you cool with this? Hey, be careful! Please. Put that down! It's hell of a welcome wagon. Aren't these chuckle heads supposed to be working with us? Yeah. Welcome to Russia, Mr. Lambert - Commander. - You've heard about us. Mr. McCallister. Commander, is there any radiation leaks outside the plant? Levels are normal, but it's better to be safe, yes? Any words on the workers? Nothing. All communication has been cut. No. I have specimen samples in those cases. No! They'll be fine. Yeah, we'll see. No, no, no. No, no. No, not! The seal's good. Let me handle this. It doesn't look so dangerous. You should see what happens if they get loose. The containers have microwave transmitters inside. It keeps the samples from growing. Follow me to the plant. Our report said that you were at the plant when your base was attacked. Yes. Why? - Just lucky for you. - Yes. We can get to the main reactor through access in the cooling tower. I'll take my men to the first sub-level and later radio for your team. Hey, general, you're kidding. This is not why we came here. You're invited guests of the Russian government. You are brought here because you may have some experience in dealing with this. Sounds like BS to me. We didn't come here to baby-sit. Are you prepared for what might be inside? My soldiers are prepared to handle anything they find inside. Now, Mr. Lambert, if you don't mind. Bavaro. Yeah, we're outside the plant. Well, I'll go ahead and assume that there's no radiation leak. Yeah, the plant is in one piece Radiation levels are normal. But Gorshkov won't let us go in. He's sending his men in first, Jack. - What? - Yup, he wants us to wait outside. Did he say why? I'm in Russia, Jack. Under the command of a Russian general. Did you advise him of the situation? Yes, I did. - Well, you hold your post. - And do what? At the moment, we have the specimen contained inside the plant. If it gets outside again, we have a much bigger problem. Lambert, do you understand? Let Gorshkov go in first. - Well? Do we dance? - We wait. Why did Bavaro send us here just to sit on the bench? What's going on? Remember, we're in Russia? It sure isn't the French Riviera. So you got a deck of cards? Who are you eyeballing, Boris? Sexy G.I. Remember this? Yeah. Electromagnetic disruptor. Used once in El Descanso. Which exploded the specimen, but didn't keep it from performing, right? You're right. That's why the Science Division developed this. Microwave rifle. It is much better than your EMG disruptor. I hope so. Oh, Hatch's favorite toy. Chain gun. Packed with 300 pieces of razor chain. Used for rock cutting. Razor chain. Continuing search Radio is on channel four. Once the specimen assimilates an organism, it then stores that information in cellular memory. You wanna give us the English version? It means that the specimen can look like anyone it has assimilated before, not just the last person. The tissue is silicone-based. It's very tough Very resistant to temperature and impact. It can also camouflage itself to hide in its surroundings, like a chameleon. The bottom line. How do we kill it? Well, use the microwave gun the best we can. Come up with another way to destroy the binding structure. Where is it coming from? It seems to be from the reactor room. What was that? I don't know, sir. Come on. Commander, should we call for the Americans? Not yet. Gorshkov, do you read me? Gorshkov! You are to stay out here. Until the commander gives us the orders for your team to enter. Your men are dying in there. We'll wait for orders. I told you your men are dying in there. I said we'll wait for orders. Well, what are you gonna do? Shoot me? No, I won't shoot you. Leave your weapons on the ground! I think you just bought yourself an old-fashioned sort of Russian ass-whopping. - Guys! - Remember me, baby? Lambert! Guys! Oh, my God! Your commander and his men are getting killed in there. We're going to go in and help them out. All right? Let's go! My equipment. I'm a scientist. You're a soldier now. Ready, Hatch? Big time. We're in. Commander, we need backup. Listen to me, we have to clean up our mess in here first. You understand? For three years, I have kept this operation hidden from the energy counsel, police and RSS. I have billion dollars in black market weapons. I want them all moved out. Commander, how? The entire facility is under attack by that creature. Then called in Lambert's team. Let them deal with it. Then they've killed it. We'll report that the reactor is leaking. That will keep everyone out of here for at least a week. That's when we move the war heads. - Commander, are you sure? - Listen to me. We have to get back to the top and get Lambert's team inside. If we're lucky, they'll kill it. And we'll be back in business. Yes, commander. Move. The reactor's intact. I got no signal. We're in the core. It's the lead walls. All right, I'll try the access area. Everybody stays here. You sure? I'll be right back. What do you mean you can't locate the commander? Well, we heard gunfire, we entered the plant. We haven't found him yet. What's the status outside the plant? Well, Gorshkov's men still got it locked down. Is there any further evidence of the specimen? No, no visual yet, but... it's definitely been in here. Casualties? Well, the specimen took the entire facility and most of Gorshkov's team. Okay, so now it's containment procedure and exterminate the specimen. - We still have to find it. - You will. Listen, one more thing I think Gorshkov is hiding something from us. Based on? The fact that he wants to keep us out. Well, maybe he's just being a good soldier and keeping the civilian teams out of harm's way. - I don't think so. - Investigate if you must. But remember, your priority is containment and extermination. Roger that. Somebody help us! Please help us! You don't work here. I think he still lives. Get up very slowly, please. Now turn and face me. Okay, so what are we gonna do about this? Give him a few minutes. He's probably fine. What's wrong? Afraid to fight a woman? The fun is just starting. Who are you? You have more spirit in your fight. I'm just visiting. Where are your friends? Where are your friends? I came a long way for this. For what? To destroy your world with the poisons you create. And one other thing. Revenge. But you won't live to find out. Is there more of you here? One of me is enough to destroy your kind. I've got some shocking news for you, lady. Sean, are you all right? He's headed back here. Something's chasing him. What? I said he's probably fine. How are we gonna know it's really him? - Who? - Lambert. Cut it out! Get behind. Get ready. Now! Go on in, Sikes. Check it out. Lady's first, McCallister. I'll go. Wait! Got more bodies here. They were Gorshkov's guys. We've been sweeping the entire facilitie. One contact for nothing. So we go topside and wait for that thing to move. The Russians are dead. Gorshkov's probably dead too. This is a real swell mission. You know, we're walking around some Russian nuke plant, probably designed by the same guy who brought us Chernobyl. - We're breathing in poison. - Give it a rest! How do I know princess here is reading the geiger counter right and we're not getting fried? - Check it yourself. - Hey! Looks to me like another El Descanso is about to go down. You were the sole survivor there, Lambert. How did you get so lucky? - Come on, Sikes. Relax! - I didn't pick you. Quiet! Don't shoot! If you don't want to get your head blown off... The creature, it killed my soldiers. We have to go. All right, we'll get you out of here. Come on, let's go! All right, this way? This way. To the elevator shaft. Lambert, come on, let's get out of here! I thought it was the other way. Gorshkov! Commander Gorshkov! You just shot a Russian commander. We're never gonna get out of this country alive! - Calm down! - What? Give it to me. The gun's down. Come on, let's go! How did you know that really wasn't Gorshkov back there? I'm paid to know. We're running out of ammo. Aim for the weapon! Sikes, give me your gun. No, Hatch! Hatch! Sean. You had to be a hero, huh? Yeah. Cover me! You're all right? Yeah. Come on! He's gone. I know. Who's next? It's getting away. You'd better come up with something to kill it fast, because we're out of chain guns. Lambert! - These are old S-7s. - S what? S-7 nuclear warheads. One megaton each. I mean, they were retired from the old Soviet military maybe 20 years ago. And most were destroyed or at least the nuclear material removed, but these warheads are armed. What would they be doing inside a nuclear power plant? My research on the plant shows an abnormal use of uranium-235 for the last three years so... Which is why Gorshkov was so concerned about us getting in here. And finding out about his little secret. Maybe he was using the uranium from the power plant to build nukes. What for? A lot of money. You know, it still doesn't explain what this creature's doing here. I mean, what about the one from El Descanso. Yeah, what about it? Well, did you ever find out why it was there? I mean, before you destroyed it. They nuked the town, remember? Wait a second. These warheads are wired to some kind of detonator. Are you telling me that this lunatic Gorshkov was not only building nukes but was gonna detonate them too? Not Gorshkov. What, you think this thing did this? You know what? We're not gonna wait to find out. I'm gonna cut the wires. No! The S-7 has a mercury switch beneath. You cut it, you detonate it. We can only defuse it from the detonator. All right, Sikes. You're staying here with McCallister. And you're coming with me. Repeat, move in. Let's go! I guess we know where the detonator is now. The water shields the uranium rods. With this type of reactor, the water's lethal. That's just great! The warheads will level an area six miles wide. And along with this reactor, the fall out will be 1000 times greater than Chernobyl. It's a worldwide problem. I mean, possibly 100 million dead in the next 12 months. No, I wouldn't do that. Someone's gonna have to go down there. Yeah. McCallister, do you read me? Yeah, where are you guys? We're at the core. Listen, I can't get a signal from here. So I want you to use your phone and relay a call for me. All right, what is it? Listen carefully! Excuse me, people! I've just been informed that our situation in Grozny could well end with the detonation of multiple nuclear devices. From the description, it seems like ten S-7 class ICBM warheads have been configured for simultaneous detonation inside the plant. Now, I need blast radius and fall out patterns now. What do they know about the detonator? Nothing, except that it's at the bottom of the reactor's cooling tank. Can they see a timing device? Nope, we don't know how much time is left. We can insert an engineering team. They could drain the cooling tank and shut down the reactor. We don't have that option. There's no time for a second team insertion. Whatever help or information that we get has to be made use of by the team that's already there. The clock is literally ticking, ladies and gentlemen. Every second counts. McCallister, I'm not gonna just sit here with ten megatons wired to blow. It's painless. You won't feel a thing. That's very funny. You've only got maybe one or two shots left. It's almost dead. Well, I'm gonna go to the reactor. I'm not gonna wait here for Armageddon. Well, you think you're gonna be any safer down there? The blast radius on one of these babies are at least five miles. I know that, McCallister, but maybe I can do something. So you're gonna leave me, alone. You're a big boy Just, you know, sit there and make phone calls to Lambert. Where is McCallister? He's back at the warheads. You left him alone? You know, just sitting in that place was giving me the creeps without those wired nukes. You guys don't look any better. And you think this place is any safer? Don't even think about it I am fine. Think about what? Lambert, do you read me? Yeah, go ahead. I found a live one here. One of Gorshkov's soldiers? No, a plant worker. The guy's alive, but... Lambert. McCallister, you're breaking up. Say it again. I want you to go back in there and get McCallister. You go. I'm not going to leave you alone with her. If you bring back McCallister, I'll be sure at least one of you is who you say you are. McCallister? McCallister. Okay, what have we got? The S-7. It's primitive. Early Russian design. It's gonna be a problem. This thing was built to fail safe detonation. Descriptions of the wiring make it nearly impossible for them to disarm at the warhead. I mean, it would take them hours of checking the lines and cutting the power on each one for them to even have a chance. We need to get to the detonator. The real problem is we don't know how much time is left. Sir. We have to think the way it thinks. Now, suppose you were the specimen, how much time would you put on the detonator? - Maybe two hours. - Too generous. An hour, if we're lucky. Now, all we need is to know when it was set. And if we can get someone to that detonator on time. Going into the cooling tank would be suicide. I know. Damn it, McCallister! Geez, Sikes Feeling froggy, are we? You should be careful where you point that thing. I heard you on the radio Did you find somebody? Yeah. Where did he go? You tell me. He was right here. I... I left him to find you. He was right here. I swear it. Well, where did that plant worker run off to, then? I don't know, but he was here. McCallister! - Go! - How's that plant worker doing? He's gone. What? I left him to go hook up with Sikes, came back and he was gone. I want you both back here now. You ready? Whenever you are. After you. I don't think so. You take the front. What? What happened to him? Look, the guy was right in front of me when I called it in. I left him alone for 30 seconds, came back, he was gone. No, McCallister. What really happened to that worker? Better yet, was there a worker? Oh, I see, so I'm the alien now. - Let's find out. - Screw yourself. You're not going with this, are you, Sean? Let me ask you a question. - Proof who you are. - Don't flip this on me! Well, should we put into a vote to see who's telling the truth? Thank you. Now this witch hunt is over can we continue the mission? Wait! What now, Sikes? I just don't believe your story. He wasted that worker. I don't know where the real McCallister is, but this isn't him. Don't move! Keep pointing that thing at me, Sikes. It'll be the last thing you do. I am right here. You're barking up the wrong tree. - Sean! - Both of you, back off. Back off! Sikes. Put it down! Everybody watch out! It's gonna come out of his body! Wait! You knew it was me, right? Sean! You knew, didn't you? It's not him. Mr. President. I recommend putting Air Force One into secure air space immediately. And call the G8 countries and inform them of the situation. Yes, sir. God help us all! Hey, Sikes. What are you doing? I thought I'd go for a little swim. Someone's gotta get the detonator. You don't have to do this. Someone has to. Sikes. Don't do it! Come on, Lambert. You knew one of us was gonna have to do this. It's our job. No. Sean. Get back! You know what I hate most about the human body? It breaks too easy. Oh, your weapon does not seem to be functioning. It's out of power. The last shot was wasted on your friend. I liked that one. Fearless. - Like someone I knew. - Who? He came here before me. Arrived at the place El Descanso. Four years ago? You were there, weren't you? You destroyed him. You took him from me! He was my mate! Your husband wiped out an entire town and my team. And on this planet... that tends to upset people. - You took my mate? - Yeah. Now I take yours. What? No, he's not. I mean, we're barely even friends. Go! Go! Where's the commander? We have to keep it away from the cooling tank. We are running out of ammo! - Seven minutes. - Can you disarm it? I think so. The problem is I don't know if I can hold my breathe that long. It's down really deep. Good luck! Thanks. Yes, sir, I understand. Switch to NORAD. Who are they? That's a joint Russian-American task force. They're carrying deep impact missiles. If we don't have an answer in five minutes, they're gonna launch. I need Lambert on the wire now. Yes, sir. All American and Russian pilots! I'm speaking to you personally today. Not only as the American president, but also as an arm forces veteran. As your commanders have told you, the situation in eastern Russia has turned critical and unfortunately, we have few options. Today, we are forced to accept the lesser of two evils. If the ten warheads inside the Grozny nuclear plant are detonated, it will cause a massive radiation cloud that will kill millions upon millions worldwide. No person, no nation, will be safe. By firing deep impact missiles at the base of the nuclear plant, we have a chance to localize this problem. We believe that the warheads can be destroyed prior to detonation. And that most of the nuclear fuel in the plant will be vaporized before it can be released into the atmosphere. It's not a perfect plan, nor is it without consequence. But the price of freedom is paid by the people who defend it in its hour of need. There are American and Russian personnel inside the plant and they have accepted their fate. Now I respectfully ask you to accept yours and preserve what life can be spared. Godspeed! The fate of the world rides with you. - The timer? - Less than two minutes. I still have three links to disconnect. Hey, Sikes! What? It's okay. I just don't wanna screw it up. Reporting zero barrier Lock and load. Less than one minute. You can do it. It's been fun. Firing! Recharged. Three seconds left. Pretty soon I'll be able to apologize to McCallister myself. This is Sean. The nukes are neutralized. Lambert! A joint Russian-U-S- task force launched a deep impact missile attack - two minutes ago. - What? You have to clear the facility immediately. How? We're at least half an hour from the top of the plant! People, we have four minutes to transmit override codes to all those missiles. There's over 50. Well, that means we have an awful lot of work to do. And not much time to do it. Come on! - Oh my God! It's locked. - We're trapped. Wait! Some of these containers had sulfuric acid. And the alien is silicone-based. So? So caustic compounds, they destroy the binding structure in silicone. We have to open the tanks. Can't trust your eyes now! Like you trusted your friend with the gun? You're nothing without your weapon. How many left? Five. Initiate auto-destruct on whatever is still hot. The last four are GPS locked. This is gonna take a minute. Lambert, get up. It's on the move. Sort of burns... doesn't it? Sorry, I can't join you for a swim. But maybe you should do it. Or go take a dip in the reactors pool like your friend Sikes. I'm still here. High and dry. You're such a clever man, aren't ya? I should end our little game, but I'm having too much fun. Is that all you got? You are a barrel of laughs. Speaking of barrels. You need to do better than that. Looks like you took a hit. Batter up. Got them. Transmit now. Done. Specimen destroyed. I repeat, specimen destroyed. Yes! Yes! Okay, man. Well, it doesn't get much closer than that. Yes, sir. One moment. It's the White House. Yes. Hello, Mr. President. Are you okay? It's just hard to lose a friend. Yes. Thank you, sir. Just one moment. Well, I'm sorry, Mr. President. We can't seem to locate him just at the moment, but I will pass on your personal congratulations on another mission accomplished. Thank you. I hate to interrupt, but we have a situation developing in Syria. I need you back in the control room immediately. Yes, sir.
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Keywords: Cinéma, Film Complet, HD, film action, film complet en francais, film de science-fiction, film de guerre chuck norris, film complet en français 2022, film complet vf, meilleur film fantastique, interceptor force 2, film alien, alien, film guerre aérienne, film russe, russie, russe, film guerre spatiale, spatial, ovni, film daction complet en français 2022, ciné prime, cinémas cinéma, cinéma cinémas, cinéma cinémas film complet en francais
Id: 2S0dLYb3z2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 48sec (5268 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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