King Fowley Interview, Megadeth is the biggest pinky panty wearing tampon boy band ever.

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the devils [Music] what's up Devils we've got Kenny here hello hello doubles AKA no [ __ ] Pantera chocolate riffs now death metal from the grave isn't that what that sticker was supposed to say on fearless and dead machines those Pantera beards and no [ __ ] no [ __ ] techno remixes no [ __ ] grunge [ __ ] influence but relapse tour at all because once or you know a couple times on my channel dude they brought up like fancy hair I'm just like dude that's not like I was like that's just like [ __ ] like mainstream music for like kids get into and I was like I guess what is and dude there were some people that are offended like what do you what do you mean [ __ ] like how do you rip off it's just a band of the time if you liked it you liked it it wasn't for me I you know going back to the even the glammy days or the early stuff that I had all those records growing up because I bought everything because I mean I liked them or didn't like them by the time I got around this game they were something special all know Cowboy challenge to break through record it took off they were huge huge for a few years it just was kind of the whole setting of that was awesome metal to me it seemed more like just this come a little closer please get the audio King he's got a little bit of a scraggly I got a scraggler oh no I definitely got a straggle after playing all these shows with the accused everybody starts talking like blame well housing I've actually never seen these accused because it's amazing so how is it is it all original guys it's now playing Blaine is the one doing the stuff down the line so when you guys from Seattle but uh Elaine's one of my main influences blame the Neil Williams and sheepdog Racers to get higher you know so to do this [ __ ] with him is [ __ ] incredible and they're being great and so are the overdose guys still yeah okay it's overdoses I read right yeah I love them this is what I want to do I don't want to go out with the Road Runner bands and all the [ __ ] hipster [ __ ] you know tours of the summer and all that [ __ ] it's not for me I like what we do here I like coming to see you guys and playing in these places like the you know no good Budweiser [ __ ] sides running the show a Marlboro man running around giving out [ __ ] this and that can we get back to metal please like I've always said and you're mine of all time of all time they're they're more they're more fun when they do their movies oh the movies are great they're they're they're they're so horrifically stupid that's that they're fighting musically you've never been for me I never found them heavy fast whatever it was when kill them all came out wasn't to me I heard Venom I heard no it just it came and went I put it on I was like okay the rest sound Boogie Woogie I was like you're coming terrible the singing stupid the lyrics the leads with the [ __ ] Wawa they just didn't do it for me what about did you hear the demos before the album yeah I've heard rehearsals and little Master it didn't bother me it was kind of like you know came to win the same would kill them all would have sat in the collection that's the world but later on all this stuff to me they became like a preppy metal band like we go to parties and we put on some weights and all the girls will be like oh let's give me a [ __ ] headache and you put on that Fade to Black song you know I call it tender metal why the lightning to me is tender metal you know what I'm saying it just it just wasn't for me it was Goofy to me it stayed goofy to me and and all I believe was like the people in Virginia people arrested was the place where all the like dirty eyes I could be like Metallica I'm crazy you know you're you know we're like no Venom [ __ ] hella weights and stuff we were listening to yeah so that's just how it came out with Metallica And what I said was gonna happen they just softened up and I mean I know so many people don't see this video at some point some of you guys that were listening to kill them all back today you probably never thought you'd see a country song what mama said or one of those you know yeah yeah it's just one of those things are bands but gayest man ever in metal I'm gonna go with mega death I can't stand Dave Mustaine I think he's a fruit and if he I hope somebody shows in this so he can go at it because I punch him in his [ __ ] face he's a mouthy son of a [ __ ] and he's a [ __ ] hypocrite and it's embarrassing to even be considered in the same kind of [ __ ] isn't he like a bubble porn again I didn't like it all it was like funky weird Jazzy I was like his voice is bad the wrists were bad people like oh this is an incredible guitar player not to Me Go guitar players Rick and Ryan for Gary Moore for Tony I know you're piggy that's an incredible guitarist to me in the world what we do you know so I didn't realize yeah you were telling me earlier I told her I didn't realize that you saw any of my videos people come to me they're like oh yeah they're over there telling you about you and Ronnie gonna fight me and Ronnie are buddies but I did say I typed it we both lost to Kim Goss he whoop both our asses a 12-pack what about that uh I don't remember who the hell what was that dying on a bus or something you were asking me as much all the guys I don't I don't wish anybody death as far as that goes but like I said they were fun for the their the week and a half of movie where there was just this ridiculous [ __ ] the other one some kind of monster they're walking around their flip-flops and we have to stop playing because James is kind of like you know have a hemorrhoid bath or whatever the [ __ ] it was that day but I don't wish anybody death I just think Metallica had their time people live on those memories a lot of kids that they ever grew up with and I'm 54 next month it was my era too but it just didn't do anything it wasn't that it outrageous it was like it was like the scaled down Sesame Street to me I mean it was way cooler mans to me I was more into void VOD war and pain or merciful Fates early [ __ ] for things of the time and for Speed metal I mean I was already doing Sodom and decided anymore even obsessed by cruelty or first Creator or the iron Angel demos and things like that or the NBC or you know even the crazy Bad Brains back then or the first two drones so the speed was different too they thought oh they're putting in this intelligent part of it too so I guess people ask me this all the time and you'd be like way harder for you to pick too because I don't even know the answer if it is like let's say newer like in the last five years is there any bands that you actually like oh that's not your buddies with that you actually like music like this is really good thing oh I mean unfortunately and unfortunately unfortunately at the same time most of the bands like I'm buddies but now I hear them yeah so he's like who would somebody like this personality set aside is there anybody let's say last five six seven years that's what I consider a new one I think they're fun for what they do for newer bearings I like the vicious blade from Pittsburgh they're friends so does that count or does that mean okay is there anyone that you're not friends with President I really like this I mean let's say yummy metal [Laughter] I do don't like I hear almost everything I hear is a copy yeah it's like no longer when I was growing up it was like oh man it was oh well these guys Griffin sounds sort of like this Iron Maiden or Jack Panzer sounds like this you know just started working away on the bands now it's so deep down the line that everyone here when you were first in it when you heard a family man with flash I mean it was like literally everything it had its own personalities and stuff and now it's just like I can see people I at least feel it in my head I feel a mirror like a minute away hang out with this [ __ ] interview and I'm like hey man let's start a man like old style then we hear it it's like old Sodom and then people were like well it just sounds like yeah that's just the thing for me I mean I never stopped playing music you know as long as you're in it for the [ __ ] passion and the real deal of Music unfortunately the music seems to come after the logo after the weird name for the band free video shot from your [ __ ] first down we never did any demos or even really been together long enough to have stuff to cease to win four different three demos that were released and four Demos in total which was seven eight nine right there that's 24 and then we had five more 29 songs before you even get a record so what is your opinions I actually love it what is your opinion on the first uh I love it do you like it yeah it was fun I mean we're [ __ ] kids we were all on PCB and [ __ ] drugs that was those times I mean I was 18 I'm 54. oh [ __ ] yeah I still love playing I still love hearing it we're gonna get back to playing a lot more of that stuff here soon let's do the stores over we're gonna go back to learning stuff like gut Ranch and planets especially that first demo like being in the [ __ ] uh 80s scene that like death metal was just me like first down I put down the first generation's death metal category and again enhance old character like it sounded differently I started to put in some of these older bands together I mean we started talking about 113 right now actually we're grilling thanks okay a terrible name but when you're 15 whatever the [ __ ] we were it was the greatest name in the world yeah but you know even like you know that's a price means I've learned that in his room that was eight and four so does that count I remember all these guys that are you know the original reporting on the phone's over here somewhere Don's rule of thumb is the ban doesn't exist that's how they get their first [ __ ] done he's like because then you have something archives anybody to say anything oh we played in our backyard yeah especially your first recording I mean I could tell you just leave my field holders Don's Corner the new whole thing where I saw it earlier but no but like you know in like 1984 we were starting to do [ __ ] like Terror inside the golf and had these songs very young so I grew up with those guys we stopped in front shocked from death and Mike toraro from possessions they were still coming out they were just getting the difference I've heard both things good things well the thing with me and check what happened when they put the album out he started to get a little bit rock Starry and stuff I went around him and he was kind of that way and we had a fallen out I think I spit out at one time that was stupid to me I don't know about that then he saw me again and he's calling me Queen Valley or whatever so we just went you know back and forth and then we actually went to see Park was his first U.S tour which was the best yeah yeah and everybody was there for carcass and purpose of life Chuck Chuck Wilson seem to let him played everybody was going Park and a scar pissed and he finally let him go and he goes well I got all your [ __ ] money anyway so I thought that was kind of lame but you know the guy was weird I've talked to Band-Aids off the Record some of the guys he Jan was telling me Oh he was impossible you still liked like the first two perfect circus remember I think seven I the first one was okay I like sebastics I think the first one's okay the second was when he really got it right they kind of got to work for sure absolutely I mean I went through my earaches so like all this stuff I mean I was as far as according to [ __ ] uh Mick Harris I was the first guy in America to have an able on Destiny Okay I had the rehearsals and stuff we traded Mexico well they kind of lost me when he went to the Morrison's over there for me oh yeah scum is good too I like scum for a different thing it's a little more pumpkin the second one's got more metal Edge to it you know unchalant shade all those bands of the day you know that's what I'm talking about we all went on BBC Sessions of intense debris and just you know the man's an end sore throat and sore throat and all the side projects in those shoes extra hot sauce with [ __ ] damn local the peace fell off she likes terrorizing I love Terrorizer I mean I love their demos I mean I used to write with Oscar all the time soon and blast from deceased and I'm and yeah word downtown was really good I really like that it's fast and Beaty was in his prime man yeah [Music] so we're doing this stuff and we've been through a lot of stuff seeing a lot of [ __ ] but you know I'm [ __ ] just tired of helping people just not trying maybe not inside music outside and cut corners and [ __ ] and with the internet and all this today's world moving as fast as it does it happens but you see and it's fun to watch people that talk about this stuff on the internet and stuff we get together new stuff there's a lot of Internet Warriors they're tough guys but the ISD at the [ __ ] in front of us we all talk we're all [ __ ] friends and you know it's it's all the [ __ ] positive way I mean that's really I'm not a bible thumper or anything like that but I just want to see [ __ ] people bring it together are we gonna lose the [ __ ] we're gonna lose it all we're gonna lose it don't get no [ __ ] places like like this here or right now no classical in Cleveland I don't know the game around for a second but I mean [ __ ] out here early we're all talking we're all friends out of state running around seeing each other so many times our guests our kids our wives our husbands our pros and cons what I was telling you when I saw that stuff with somebody that probably you see this I told him you can ask me any [ __ ] thing he wants or whatever I'm never going to tell no [ __ ] lies I'm not going to sit there and sit around with it all booty [ __ ] either I've been doing this a long [ __ ] Time For Better or For Worse here's the proof I wish everybody watching this only the [ __ ] mess take care enjoy the music so I guess yeah it's probably getting lost anything else you want to say like just enjoy the music Love Hells head bangers best record label in the world I'm not kissing ass because I will whoop his ass I love him he will take it he's tough guys there we go now we're back and it's always the females that went in here so that cut the goddamn camera
Channel: Justin Horval
Views: 23,525
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fpXXYdq9mO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 08 2022
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