King David's Palace in the City of David

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[Music] the palaces of kings are fascinating places their splendor and power evoke respect and wonder yet palaces of the ancient Kings were first and foremost symbolic buildings representing the sovereignty strength and power of the kingdom this is perhaps the reason why 3,000 years ago King David built himself a magnificent Palace here in his new capital Jerusalem a large and impressive building would symbolize the power of his kingdom and unite all the tribes together under one flag the kingdom of the house of David but in order to build a grand in luxurious Palace the highest quality materials were needed as well as skilled artisans the Bible tells us that David's a light Ihram king of Tyre provided him with everything he needed including materials and skilled workers and Hyrum king of Tyre sent messengers to David and cedar trees and carpenters and Mason's and they built David a house the cedar house that was constructed by David was likely the most impressive building in Jerusalem it's a pity that it was destroyed by the Babylonians and nothing remains of this beautiful structure or perhaps something does remain the story begins back in 2005 when archeologist dr. Eilat Mazar excavates at the summit of the City of David and uncovers the foundation of a building from the 10th century the era of David gradually the foundations of an immense building were uncovered in this very spot this wall for instance measured around 30 meters long and very close by she uncovered a stone capital which was undoubtedly part of a magnificent palace in depth analysis of the findings and various clues in the Bible as to the location of the palace let Mazar - one clear conclusion I have found King David's Palace in Jerusalem Mazhar rejoiced and the world was amazed it's true there is no consensus yet among scholars as to whether this is indeed the palace built by King David and we all have to wait patiently for the end result but in the meantime let us journey back in time what wouldn't we give to be a fly on the wall of the palace when David brought the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem the esteemed King wearing a simple cloth vest and without a crown dances and rejoices excitedly with the people before the Ark what an exciting moment but when the festivities end the situation becomes awkward the Ark sits in a simple temporary tent in front of David's magnificent Palace an arrangement that may have suited other Kings but is very jarring for David David turns to the Prophet Nathan and pleads with him see now I dwell in a house of cedar but the Ark of God dwelleth within curtains it was a defining moment a moment when a new idea was born to build a permanent building a temple however not all the memories of the palace were so noble there were many attempts to overthrow the kingdom the most serious being the revolt instigated by David's beloved son Absalom when the revolt broke out David was forced to abandon his palace flee across the Kidron Valley and ascend the Mount of Olives to escape into the desert barefoot and weeping another event happened here one day Nathan the prophet arrived upset to the palace gates he burst right into King David's chambers and scolded him fiercely wherefore has now despised the word of the Lord to do that which is evil in my sight Uriah the Hittite now has smitten with the sword and his wife thou has taken to be thy wife and him thou has slain with the sword of the children of Amon Nathan criticized David for his affair with Bathsheba the same prophet Nathan consider had he walked into the chambers of another King during that period here in the Middle East he would have met his death Nathan not only left standing on his own two feet and breathing but he left the King immersed in contemplation having accepted Nathan's criticism with humility it seems that in this palace even the king himself was not exempt from the fundamental principles of morality and justice but let's put aside the political revolutions and dramas for a moment imagine this beautiful palace late at night after an exhausting day of running the kingdom King David sits down to write his poems the walls of the palace filled with the gentle sounds of a harp and a word so widely identified with David hallelujah David finally succeeds in thwarting all the attempted uprisings against him and continues to rule his palace with an iron fist David Benny she died and was buried here in the City of David just a few metres from his palace yet the dynasty of the house of David produced 22 Kings that ruled for over 400 years it seems that David's palace was indeed unique on the one hand a symbol of sovereignty strength and power and on the other hand a place of deep faith values and spiritual creativity and of course music lots and lots of music [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Megalim Institute מכון מגלי"ם
Views: 112,365
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palace, King David, Jerusalem, Hiram, Eilat Mazar, King David Palace, city of david, kingdom, 3000 years, capital, workers, power, dynasty, jacky levy
Id: 3sRaY8zv3Xc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 39sec (399 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 12 2019
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