King Crab and Shrimp Boil with my Red Gravy (VooDoo Beer *Fruit Force*)!

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foreign [Music] [Music] guys so let's go ahead and get into today's ingredients that we'll be using for the shrimp and crab broil so I got some Cajun adult sausage I believe that's how you see it I got some of this I'll show you and I'm going to the stage of the video how that looks and then some gold potatoes okay I know a lot of people use um from at least for when I've seen some red potatoes but um didn't have any so I set up for those and we got some corn okay it's a nice corn on the cob I did get a little bit of crawfish as well okay to go with all that crab and shrimp and also one of these some uh I think these are base scallops it's very small they're like little baby ones compared to like your big big ones so we got some of those and then we got some king crab legs baby some good stuff right here hopefully we'll get some nice good pieces of meat then we got some parsley we got some lemons and then the Ming concoction for this whole seasoning I'm sorry the seasoning we'll be using is Old Bay okay man I got some onions some already peeled garlic cloves we got some shrimp okay okay all right so let's go ahead and get going cheers so we're gonna fill up our pot and we're going to want to fill it up I will say about halfway because you gotta remember all that stuff we're gonna put in the level of water in here is going to rise and we want to overfill it or get to that point where it's going to overfill and stuff to put in so I almost say about halfway hopefully right of the mark so now we got our water where we want it and then we're gonna turn on this heat go foreign want to get that water nice and boiling and then water seasoning and the next step now while this is going on we're going to go ahead and rinse off the stuff we got okay okay guys so what we're gonna do is cut some onion how much all right okay so now we're gonna dice these Cajun sausages up now what I'm gonna do now I'm not gonna come straight I'm gonna cut them an angle really good inside these have a really nice spice to them it's an awesome Flavor now we got our labels now we're gonna mint some garlic for the gravy and again these are already filled life a lot easier if you're trying to get something fast foreign guys here's everything that's gonna go in the pot rinsed cut trim mints Etc got some good beer right there we're almost at the point and everything's gonna go in we're starting to see Bubbles and all that all right guys so I got a lot of Suds here and I think I'm ready to throw in the season okay so got some Old Bay whole thing on this one [Applause] do half of this then we got some Creole I forgot to mention them stuff in here this will make you sneeze okay some of that in there then [Applause] some garlic powder and then I'm gonna add some actual garlic cloves and then let all that break down real quick a nice stir okay as you can see it's at a good simmer okay and it smells very very good very very good oh we're gonna add some onions hot then squeeze our lemons throw them in there too there is seeds in there it's up to you if you want to strain them out potatoes in there this right here is going to be our indicator when to throw the seafood and once we get to a certain point we will go ahead and uh smoke them and see where they're at okay here we go there's the Cajun sausage go ahead and have a nice cheers before we stir ah all right now we just let that good problem 10 or 12 minutes and then we'll see where the potatoes are at all right guys so now we're gonna make our red gravy uh while the other stuff Cooks okay um you're gonna need a lot of butter all right and it's all your preference depends on how many people you're serving or how much ever you want okay so we're gonna throw that in there excuse me we're gonna Rent All render all this down okay that's that and then render it down the fresh parsley that we cut up earlier we're going to add that minced garlic too that we have cut up before okay I'll explain to you why I do all this now we're going to take a nice stir takes all this up and what we want because again the Butter's still breaking down what we want is to get a simmer because all the ingredients are in here especially the garlic it starts to break down as it simmers and I just unlocks so much flavor again I know people just throw their garlic in there and they bam but when you cook the garlic with whatever you're doing and let it simmer like I said it unlocks so much flavor so I do recommend that and this is part of my red craving process okay so once we get that simmered more getting some more ingredients to this okay okay so this is simmering nice we're gonna Stir It Up a little bit okay that you already see the sauce is starting to curl a lot of times when you see things either like you're boiling or you're frying it things tend to start lifting or I'm sorry going to the top see like oh they're sitting at the top a lot of things that you're cooking like I said either frying or boiling is an indication that it's either done or almost done potatoes are still at the bottom and you can just I mean from me staring at you can tell need some more time okay as you can see start it's all simmering okay let's lock it unlocking all those flavors in there especially the garlic all right so now we're gonna add in our other ingredients okay so moral Bay okay more more Creole seasoning even though there's garlic cloves in there again garlic powder one thing I love to use is Louisiana hot sauce baby you cannot go wrong with this stuff okay as much as you want and you're gonna see this gravy just diversify right here baby watch so they get that nice red color to it that's why the name is red gravy okay stir it nice and slow we'll get everything mixed up as much as you can and I already know that Cree that Creo season is working because I'm already ready to sneeze so all right so let that get to simmer that gravy is done foreign spewer here I'm gonna use this to taste I'm sorry to test it see the doneness so it's nice and soft so now to add the rest of the greens we're gonna go with the king crab those bad boys in there some nice gloss I'm hoping to get some real good sweet to go with that raspberry okay and we got a crawfish and those bad boys remember everything's all rinsed here goes with our small scallops I probably should have added these in there before with the other uh first first batch of ingredients that's all right these don't take that long to cook either and they'll still absorb a lot of that flavor of course we got our shrimp these are already filled these veins you poop pretty much all clean okay now we're gonna go ahead and stir this up all right it makes this nice and slow baby let all that flavor just seep into everything in there okay let's see we're at now what I'm gonna do first let's get a potato we're gonna do the same exact method oh yeah straight onto baby perfect exactly we wanted you see sauce has got some nice brownie to it too got the scallops shrimp king crab crawfish corn I hope you guys are enjoying today's video thank you guys for showing um love and appreciate all the views and uh please like share subscribe I'll wait on this on any content man hey you ready to eat some uh some broil huh say hi mama say hi [Music] you go [Music] [Music] thank you
Channel: Furious Eats
Views: 20,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Videos, Boil, Seafood, King Crab, Shrimp, Potatoes, Golden Potatoes, Andouille Sausage, Cajun, YouTube Channel, YouTuber, YouTube, Craw Fish, Louisiana, GoPro, VooDoo, Beer, Fruit Force, YouTube Content, Entrepreneur, Scallops, Old Bay, Tony Chachere's, Spicy, Garlic, Butter
Id: 4Urs3Q2rldU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 42sec (942 seconds)
Published: Fri May 12 2023
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