King Charles II's Illegitimate Children

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foreign [Music] Charles II illegitimate children [Music] Charles II King of England Scotland and Ireland from 1660 to 1685 is one of the most notorious lotharios in history he loved the ladies and took both Noble women and commoner actresses to bed often multiple times a day and the ladies were certainly up for it in addition to enjoying the Charming sovereigns company they also enjoyed the gifts Estates and Noble titles he lavished upon them and their children last week we met Charles's 14 known Mistresses today we'll meet the results of all that sensual Behavior his 13 recognized illegitimate children the King was far from a deadbeat dad to his sons he granted Duke Dums and Earl Dums and for his daughters he arranged marriages to the wealthy guest Noble Bachelors the king personally populated a new generation of English peers but despite his Lusty libido Charles didn't have a single legitimate child to inherit the throne when he died and his unpopular brother became King James II many in the nation looked to his eldest illegitimate son as a possible alternative Monarch and Rebellion ensued let's meet King Charles II 13 illegitimate children Charles began his first love affairs while he was still Prince of Wales his father King Charles the first had gotten into a squabble with Parliament over who could legally tax the people and the result was the English Civil War his Majesty's Cavaliers and the parliamentarian Roundheads fought bloody battles for nine years to keep his wife and children safe the king sent them to live at the court of his wife's cousin King Louis XIV of France teenage Prince Charles traveled back and forth between Versailles and the court of his new brother-in-law William II Prince of orange in the Netherlands trying to drum up support for his father's War while the 18 year old Prince was in Rotterdam he sired the first of his many children James Scott he was born to 18 year old Welsh Noble lady Lucy Walter he was placed in the care of a wet nurse while his mother pursued his father around Europe by the time James was eight his parents had broken up and the prince wanted custody he had his son kidnapped and placed in the care of Baron William Crofts James used the surname Crofts from then on his mother died shortly after a venereal disease back in England King Charles the First lost the Civil War and his head Prince Charles was now considered King Charles II in Exile but in reality parliamentarian General Oliver Cromwell had taken over England he claimed the title Lord protector but he ruled very much like a king he was a Puritan and cracked down on the nation's morality closing theaters and brothels ordering everyone to remain sober and even canceling Christmas Cromwell died in 1658 and his son was ineffectual by 1660 the English decided to end the Republican experiment and they invited The Prodigal Prince back to reform the monarchy as King Charles II the new king brought his 13 year old eldest son with him created him Duke of Monmouth and appointed him a knight of the Garter days after his 14th birthday he was married to well healthiest Scottish heires and Scott who is only 12 and the Countess of the clue in her own right the king elevated them both to Duke and Duchess of baklou James took his wife's family name of Scott at 16 he served under his uncle James Duke of York in the anglo-dutch wars he proved to be a talented Soldier and Rose through the ranks with only a slight nudge from nepotism he led several successful campaigns and gained a reputation as one of Britain's Finest Soldiers the king commanded that all military orders be brought first to his son making him effective commander of the military James acquired more Park mansion and became Chancellor of Cambridge University he had six children with his wife and at least three others with Mistresses meanwhile Charles's wife Queen Catherine of Braganza had three miscarriages it seemed likely that she would never give the king a legitimate Heir and the people began to worry about the Ascension of the next in line to the throne Charles's younger brother James Duke of York he had publicly converted to Catholicism and the Protestant people were not interested many looked to James Duke of Monmouth as a possible alternative Monarch he had a lot going for him he was Protestant a celebrated war hero and had a house full of sons to inherit the throne after him while his uncle only had two daughters monmouth's popularity with the Common People ruffled so many Royal feathers that he was forced to go into Exile in the Netherlands he got tangled up in the Rye house plot which aimed to assassinate his father Monmouth claimed that his mother there had been secretly married to the king thus making him a legitimate Heir and said he had proof of the nuptials though he never produced it meanwhile the Duke of York spread rumors that Monmouth wasn't even the King's son at all but the product of his mother's affair with the son of the Earl of Lester when King Charles died in 1685 his brother did in herath throne and was deeply unpopular Monmouth declared himself the rightful King sailed three ships to England and raised an army to March against his uncle he met the Royal forces at the Battle of sejamore Monmouth ragtag Rebels were no match for the regular army his men who were not killed in battle were hanged or deported to the Caribbean Monmouth escaped the battle and went on the run but a reward for five thousand pounds was put on his head the king's men tracked him down two days later hiding in a ditch covered in brambles King James granted an audience to his nephew who begged for his life and even offered to convert to Catholicism but the king informed him coldly that he must prepare to die 36 year old James Duke of Monmouth was taken from the Tower of London to Tower Hill he refused to admit that his Rebellion had been sinful the Axeman badly botched his beheading he missed and struck the Duke in the back and head five to eight times James even Rose from the Block and staggered about before the horrified crowd the axemen had to use a knife to cut the final sinew and detach the head from the twitching body according to Legend it was realized that no portraits had been paint of the Duke so his head was stitched back on his corpse he was dressed in fine robes and his Visage was immortalized James was buried in the church of Saint Peter at vicula in the Tower of London near the remains of Anne Boleyn Catherine Howard and other victims of the tower during Renovations in 2012 his bones were exhumed and his DNA tested proving once and for all that he was the son of King Charles II many of his nine children married other prominent Nobles and became fixtures of the British peerage one of his descendants lady Alice Scott married King George V's son Prince Henry with whom she had Prince Richard Duke of Gloucester Queen Elizabeth II's first cousin Charlotte Fitzroy was Charles's second recognized illegitimate child she was named Charlotte the feminine version of Charles and given the surname Fitzroy Fitz meaning child of Roy meaning King this name has been used by illegitimate Royal children since the Anglo-Saxon era Charlotte was born in France while Charles was in Exile she was raised in England and Ireland by her mother and stepfather VI count Shannon she married a playwright and had a daughter stuarta after her first husband's death her father arranged her marriage to William paston later the Earl of Yarmouth with whom she had four more children Charlotte died at 34 and was buried in Westminster Abbey where her father would be laid to rest a year later Charles fitzcharles was the son of Catherine Pegg and was born in France he was sent to Spain to be educated and was known as Don Carlos when he was 18 his father created him Earl of Plymouth at 21 he wed lady Bridget Osborne daughter of the Duke of Leeds Lord High Treasurer they didn't have any children in 1680 the Sultan of Morocco laid Siege to Tangier the port city had been given to King Charles by the Portuguese as part of his wife Catherine of braganza's Dowry the younger Charles now a colonel in the Army was sent at the head of a royal regimen to defeat the sultan instead he contracted dysentery in Camp and died at the age of 23. the English were forced to surrender Tangier Charles's body was taken back to London and laid to rest in Westminster Abbey Catherine fitzcharles was the second of Catherine pegg's children with the King when the affair ended her mother returned to England and married a baronette little is known about Catherine fitzcharles but she is believed to have become a Benedictine nun at Dunkirk Abbey in France her religious name was Sister Ophelia and she lived to the impressive age of 101. Ann Palmer was the first of five children born to King Charles's greatest mistress Barbara Villiers according to Legend Anne was conceived on the night of Charles's coronation this cannot be true however as she was already two months old on the day of the grand celebration though she surely was conceived during the excitement of his restoration to the English Throne after 11 years in Exile both Barbara and King Charles claimed Anne was his though many at the court noted how much she resembled another of Barbara's rumored lovers the Earl of Chesterfield at 13 lady Anne was wed to Thomas Leonard a gentleman of the king's bed chamber on the same day her ten-year-old Sister Charlotte was betrothed to another of the king's favorites Charles provided large dowries for both of his daughters and created Anne's groom Earl of Sussex and Charlotte's Earl of Litchfield at 17 and had an affair with her father's mistress or tens Mancini the 32 year old Italian beauty enthralled the young Countess the lovers had a fencing match in Saint James Park wearing only their nightgowns and were ogled by the public after the incident Anne's husband sent her to a Convent in Paris where she pined for hortens lying in bed all day and kissing a miniature of her beloved Anne was sprung from the convent and seduced by her mother's lover Ralph Montague she was eventually returned to her husband and bore him four children Anne and her husband never got along he was an extra extravagant man and gambled away his fortune and estate the couple separated when she was 27. Ann was widowed at 54 and died at 60. Charles Fitzroy was Barbara Palmer's second child and the King's third son at Birth he was granted his legal father the Earl of castlemaine's subsidiary title Lord Limerick Barbara was a Catholic and she had her son christened in the faith but six days later the king had him re-christened in the Church of England at the age of eight Charles was betrothed to Mary wood the only child and soul heiress of a wealthy baronet but with the Proviso that the marriage be delayed until Mary was 16. however when her father died and she inherited his fortune Barbara Palmer abducted Mary and raised her with her own children at 13 Charles was created Duke of Southampton at 15 he wed Mary wood but within months she died of smallpox leaving her Fortune to Charles he waited another 17 years to marry again at 32 he wed and pultney and they had six children when his mother died in 1709 Charles as her eldest son inherited her Duke Dum of Cleveland he died at 68 and was buried in Westminster Abbey Henry Fitzroy was Barbara's third at nine he was married to five-year-old eres Isabella Bennett Countess of Arlington at the ceremony diarist John Evelyn described Henry as exceedingly handsome by far surpassing any of the king's other natural issue he was created Earl of Houston three years later his father added the higher title Duke of Grafton at 17 he was appointed a knight of the Garter and at 18 Colonel of the Grenadier guards he fought in the siege of Luxembourg Henry got into an argument with a fellow officer and killed the man in a duel this doesn't seem to have heard his career as he was soon appointed vice admiral of the narrow Seas after his father's death Henry attended his uncle James's coronation and was named Lord High Constable when James Duke of meth rebelled against King James Henry commanded Royal troops against his half-brother the Protestant English despised James who had converted to Catholicism but as his only surviving legitimate children Mary and Anne were both Protestant the people just had to wait until James died all that changed in 1688 when his second wife gave birth to a living son James Francis Edward who would supersede his sisters in the line of succession and become another Catholic King Parliament wrote secretly to the king's eldest daughter Princess Mary and her husband William of Orange offering them the throne Henry Fitzroy saw which way the wind was blowing he abandoned his uncle and supported his cousins in taking over the country King James fled to France and William Mary ruled as England's only joint monarchs it was called the Glorious Revolution because royal power changed hands without Bloodshed but before long James came back to reclaim his stolen crown he rallied Catholic troops in Ireland and Henry Fitzroy joined King William III's Army against him Henry was wounded at the storming of cork and died at the age of 27. some of his internal organs were removed and buried in Ireland so his corpse could be preserved for transport back to England land that Henry at Duke of Grafton had owned in the countryside outside of Dublin was later incorporated into the city a Country Lane called Grafton Street thus became one of the main thoroughfares of the booming Irish Metropolis Henry is an ancestor of of the prominent Spencer family including World War II prime minister Winston Churchill and Lady Diana Spencer her son Prince William is expected to become a king someday and when he does he will be the first direct descendant of King Charles II to sit on the throne Charlotte Fitzroy when she was two her mother Barbara bragged that her beauty would bring her excellent marriage prospects Charlotte was painted by Court artist sir Peter laylee along with her Indian page she was described as rivaling her mother in Beauty but far unlike her in every other respect unlike hot tempered Barbara Charlotte was a Sweet Child and was favored at court at 13 she wed sir Edward Lee the King created him Earl of Litchfield and granted a dowry of 18 000 pounds plus a pension of two thousand pounds a year in today's money that's about 2.9 Million up front and 320 000 pounds a year marriage between young children was common in those days the wealthy were Keen to secure good matches for their children as soon as possible but the couple did not have a sexual relationship until both were in their late teens Charlotte was a 18 when she became pregnant for the first time her father wrote to her I must tell you I am glad to hear you are with child and I hope to see you here before it be too long that I may have the satisfaction myself of telling you how much I love you and how truly I am your kind Father Charles Rex Charlotte went on to have 18 children and inject a good bit of her father's DNA into the British upper class she died at 53. a building was constructed right next to her house that would eventually be known as 10 Downing Street the home of the British prime minister to this day George Fitzroy Barbara's last child by the King was named Earl of Northumberland at nine and then elevated to Duke of Northumberland at 18. he was described as a most worthy man tall and black like his father the king at 17 he was sent on a secret mission to Venice Italy upon his return he was installed as a knight of the Garter he commanded troops at the siege of Luxembourg he was appointed a lord of his Majesty's bed chamber at 23 he wed Catherine Wheatley the daughter of a chicken farmer but the marriage was not happy and George tried to lock his wife up in a Convent he lived at Frogmore house at Windsor Castle which continues to be used by the British royal family today years after his father's death he served King William III and was appointed Constable of Windsor Castle and Lord would tenant of Surrey and of Berkshire under Queen Anne he became a lieutenant general in the Army and a member of the Queen's privy Council he was widowered at 59 and married Mary Dutton George died a year later at the age of 50. he had no children Charles Beau clerk was the first child born to actress now Gwen there are two legends about how now secured a peerage for her son the first is that when the king came to visit now she said come here you little bastard and say hello to your father when the king protested she replied your majesty has given me no other name by which to call him the other is that Nell held her son out a window and threatened to drop him unless he was granted a peerage the king cried out God saved the Earl of Burford when Charles was 14 he was granted an even grander title Duke of Saint Albans plus an allowance of a thousand pounds a year about a hundred and sixty thousand pounds today he was appointed Chief Ranger of infield Chase and master of Hawk at 17 Charles became a colonel in the Army he fought under Holy Roman Empire Emperor Leopold the first at the siege of Belgrade his mother died when he was 17 and he inherited her estate including Burford House near Windsor Castle at 24 he married Lady Diana devere a famous beauty and daughter and soul heiress of the Earl of Oxford they had 12 children together Charles fought for William III at the Battle of Leyden and was appointed a gentleman of the bed chamber and night of the Garter his liberal wig sentiments held him back during the rule of conservative Queen Anne but he was restored to favor under King George the first his wife Diana was appointed a lady of the bed chamber to Queen Caroline of onspach wife to George II Charles died in the spa town of bath two days after his 56th birthday and was buried in Westminster Abbey James was now Gwen's Second Son when his older brother was created Earl of Burford James was granted the subsidiary title Lord Beau clerk from which both boys derived their surname James was sent to Paris to attend school he died there at the age of six of an unknown illness Charles Linux was the youngest of the king's eight sons and the only child born to his second mitres on titra or official mistress Louise took her away the year he was born the king's cousin Charles Stewart died without an heir his Noble titles had been in the steward family for generations and Charles was pleased to have another son to pass them on to Baby Charles was granted the English titles Duke of Richmond Earl of March and Baron setterington and the Scottish titles Duke of Linux Earl of darnley and Baron of torbolton at nine he was appointed a night of the Garter at 20 he wed and broodnall granddaughter of the URL of Cardigan they had three children together at 21 Charles joined what was at the time a little-known fraternal organization called the Freemasons a few decades later the secret society would explode in membership and count numerous Royals and prominent people among its Brethren Charles was one at the earliest recorded Freemasons he was also on the Forefront of another Trend Cricket the English sport which is now popular worldwide was invented only a few decades before his time he sponsored the Sussex side in the first known great match putting up 500 guineas in prize money about 84 000 pounds today Charles had an illegitimate daughter named Renee by his mistress Renee later became a mistress to her own half Uncle Charles Beau clerk Charles Duke of Richmond and Linux died at the age of 50. both Richmond County New York AKA Staten Island and Richmond County Virginia in the United States were named in his honor like his half-brother Henry Fitzroy Charles is an ancestor of the Spencer family and thus Prince William he is also an ancestor of Camilla the queen consort Prince Andrew's ex-wife Sarah Ferguson and Game of Thrones actor kid Harrington Mary Tudor was Charles's 13th and last recognized illegitimate child and the daughter of actress Mal Davis she grew up in a house near St James Park and was surrounded by London's High Society artists and thespians no surprise then that she followed her mother's footsteps and took to the stage she often entertained her father as part of the many elaborate theatrical performances at court at nine she played cupid in support of her mother's starring role as Venus in Venus and Adonis the king signed a royal warrant granting Mary the surname Tudor in recognition of his own descent from Henry VIII's Sister Margaret Tudor she also received the Precedence of the daughter of a Duke so she was addressed as lady plus an annual allowance of 1500 pounds about 200 hundred and forty thousand pounds today at 21 she wed Edward Radcliffe Earl of derwentwater and they had four children the marriage was unhappy and merry much like her father was often Unfaithful during the reign of James II Edward converted to Catholicism he wanted Mary to do the same but that was the final straw and the couple separated Edward died suddenly and a week later Mary wed Henry Graham A Member of Parliament there were salacious rumors that the pair had been living together before Mary's first husband had died Henry lost his position over the Scandal and died himself two years later Mary then wed major James Rook she lived to the age of 53. want even more tea on History check out the history Tea Time Podcast available on Spotify Apple podcasts and Google podcasts if you enjoyed this video please like subscribe comment your thoughts and check out my other Royal history videos if you really want to help please consider supporting me on patreon a link is in the description thank you for watching
Channel: History Tea Time with Lindsay Holiday
Views: 194,628
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Keywords: history, documentary, royal family, royalty, british history, queen, european royalty, womens history, Royal history, Lindsay Holiday, Lindsay Holliday, History tea time, History tea time with Lindsay Holiday, king charles ii, charles ii of england, King Charles II mistresses, barbara palmer, nell gwynn, barbara villiers, royal mistress, royal mistresses, stuart dynasty, royal scandal, royal bastards, duke of monmouth, monmouth rebellion, kings illegitimate children
Id: 0gU5MiniK5s
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Length: 28min 37sec (1717 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2023
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