Killing the Artist | Murder, She Wrote

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[Music] [Applause] oh [Music] ah [Music] toxin brother's got a package here hey kid how much time we got left 22 minutes that's all right we'll make it oh man how'd they get in here would you get rid of them sure [Music] i'm sorry mr hatter that's right jessica fox where is he well ma'am it's mr hatter hi pardon my bad madness but if i miss my deadline i'm out a couple of thousand bucks on late fees well i'm afraid that is your problem mr hatter uh mrs fletcher i didn't try i checked with the syndicate a messenger showed up with the artwork they threw it into the hopper who looks even they can't figure out how it got into print it the d martini strip he's telling the truth what about the strip where you accuse roger melton of a stock swindle oh my god what's going on here what is going on is that thanks to you we are being sued for millions of dollars why mr hacker mrs fletcher i'm as angry about this as you are but i swear i had nothing to do with this but how can you say that i mean there is jessica's heart that is my real strip that i had nothing to do with honestly but this makes absolutely no sense i mean why would somebody want to counterfeit you or a comic strip oh no maybe it's a nutcase or maybe somebody just wants to get me in trouble coffee oh no mr hatter i i realize that because i am considered a public figure i can't prevent you from creating a cartoon character that looks like me but when the words coming out of her mouth are libeling people look mrs fletcher i'm your biggest fan when i came up with the idea for this barnyard murder mystery thing i thought who better to solve it than jessica fox i mean fletcher look see the uh main suspects are a chicken a horse and a couple of cows this is lorraine she suffers from mps multiple personality syndrome a cow oh yes she has seven distinct personalities but she's not the killer look obviously someone's messing with my people damn it now i never meant to complicate your life and i promise i'm gonna take care of this i'm gonna get to the bottom of it i'll call my lawyer and get you off the hook just as soon as i get out from under my deadline problems stan 14 minutes it's okay we're gonna make it look um i i'll write you out of this trip hey i'm only a week ahead before you know it jessica fox will be history i'll be uh bitten by rex rattlesnake or maybe devoured by leroy lyon maybe one of the other characters i'll get around with him i'll get back to you these characters these animals they're kind of like his friends he takes it very seriously i won't print the hatterville strip that will prove your guilt if i get 250 000 by the weekend time and place will follow well i can't say that i'm surprised lieutenant and i certainly don't blame you for being upset over this but what i don't understand is why you are showing it to me i mean this is a matter for the police you want to know why i will tell you why because a i'm innocent but i can't prove it because my alibi my former partner is dead b i don't have 250 let alone 250 000. and c you must think i'm some kind of a major idiot capit cove gazette that's right mr fletcher i checked that's from last tuesday's newspaper the only thing i can figure out is why you would try to blackmail me look lieutenant i can almost understand your paranoia but last tuesday i was in italy and i haven't been in cabot cold for three weeks i mean it's bad enough that i was accused of libel and now blackmail what i want to know is how much more of this is going to happen honest to god mrs fletcher i don't have any more of a fix on this than you do look mr hatter i mean at this point i'm sure you understand that it is very difficult for me to believe anything that you say but i'm telling you this it's a wonderfully clever scheme you know dragging me into it and diverting suspicion away from yourself and the cabinet called newspaper i mean that was a really very clever touch and it turns out that there's a news stand at grand central station that carries it one week late mrs fletcher i can prove the cartoon that appeared in this morning's paper is a forgery can you now look at the character's eyes you notice there are little highlights in their eyes yes now these are on the upper right-hand side well my neuro is on the left i can show you thousands of my drawings always on the left you could have done it intentionally but i didn't it's the truth look at the way the hand is drawn stan's thumbs always have a little inward curve right about there and that's not my lettering mrs fletcher besides why would i jeopardize my career another couple of years hatterville will be his biggest peanuts for calvin and hobbes and then i'm home free well stanley i can't say i am exactly surprised that somebody who draws cutesy little animals that spout political philosophy would be twisted enough to pull a stunt like this but someone like you mrs fletcher tell me have you ever looked a man eating shark in the eyes i presume your comic strip refers to my investment in the compuchamp corporation i told you i didn't draw that which you are implying mrs fletcher to be a major swindle on my the kind of crime that were i proven guilty could send me to prison for a very long time mr melton miss kindle i've had my people looking into your publishing operation i find them faced with a truly difficult choice whether to take over your company and pillage it or to simply buy up your many many debts and demand payment i can assure you my decision will be based solely upon which option will cause you the most pain now as to the amount of money i intend to sue you for i kind of like the roundness of the 40 million you mentioned your cartoon in dollars of course i'm just telling the both of you that whatever i suffer because of you two i will make you pay for may i suggest you discuss your differences on your own time look stop both of you i am not that cartoon character if it weren't for mr hatter's ill-advised decision to feature a fox that looks like me i wouldn't be here at all mrs fletcher mr melton would you please sit down ever since i got back to new york today i have been threatened and shouted at now i think it is time to try to find out who's really responsible for whatever it is that is going on now suppose we assume for a moment that mr hatter is telling the truth thank you the word was assumed well then the question is why why your comic strip why not another cartoon well like i said someone's trying to make my life miserable all right can you think of anyone that you know who might want to cause you this kind of trouble that could be a long list well actually any of my ex-wives the politicians i've skewered the celebrities then there's always that fading star day whiting genius behind biff banyan [Music] [Music] do foreign
Channel: Murder, She Wrote
Views: 10,011
Rating: 4.8909092 out of 5
Keywords: Murder She Wrote, Crime Series, Angela Lansbury, Full Episodes, Murder She Wrote Full Episodes, Jessica Fletcher, Jessica Fox, Artist, Murder, New York, Boston, NBC, Universal, Detective, Mystery, Comic strip
Id: _6vNemNyZkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 51sec (591 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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