Killing Evil Desires by Jerry Fite - September 19, 2021

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[Music] when god created man he made him upright and then we all sin and fall short of the glory of god one of the ways in which the devil and satan our adversary takes us down and causes us to be at least to be tempted with sin and we give in it's because we have strong desires and sometimes there are certain desires stronger than others but recall in genesis 3 when the woman saw what satan was offering her that tree of the knowledge of good and evil that fruit she saw that it was good for food we would not survive if we did not have the desire to eat we would not eat and then we would die god made us to live upon this earth and he created us without the sin connected with it but we already have those strong desires it's good for food there's a desire that it brings forth the delight to the eyes what we see and what we want to see very strong desires and we see things that we value things it was delight for her to see and it was one that can make her wives after all knowledge of good and evil and to make her wise not wise in the wisdom of god not delighting in god above things and there's some food that's worth more than others living by not bread alone but every word that proceeds out of the mouth of the lord our lord was tempted with that and he overcame those things because he puts those desires secondary to serving god but they are strong desires and they're in all of us with certain degrees and the bible speaks about the sexual desires and in younger people they are stronger than they will be with older people so primarily i'm directing my thoughts toward those who are going through that part of life where all of these desires are strong you're young and you're growing you're single you're not married yet so those desires could be very strong and realize i'm going to save my sexual desires for that man that boy that girl that woman in times of marriage we we we have that as our plan but until then satan is going to use those desires and pervert them he does it with food that's why you have gluttony in the bible condemned he does it with the sexual desires to be fulfilled in an unlawful way and therefore because they are strong and because they are deadly god uses certain terms that ought to grab our attention you don't play around with these desires you kill them you put them to death and we have to realize we're putting those to death in the sense of they're not going to be used in an unlawful way but we've got to put them to death these members that upon the earth turn me to colossians 3 5 put to death some of the old testa some of the old versions have mortified you know put it to death that's strong language but you're to put to death notice what he says here fornication illicit sexual immorality as is called sexual intercourse uncleanness a lot of times that could be connected with idols and orgies and during this time but unclean faults passion i got a passion for my lord we sing that and it is in a good way but he can take that passions and that zeal for bad things and it's in the context of passion an evil desire many times ends up with covetousness you can covet your neighbor's wife you can covet money i'll tell you covetous is idolatry because you put something or someone over god and he's jealous and he doesn't like that he condemns that which for these things for these things sake what things fornication and cleanness passion evil desire and covetousness whatever things they are persons they might be for which things say cometh the wrath of god upon the sons of disobedience if you do not listen and put into practice the words that we talk about from god's word and you disobey the plan that god has in killing evil desire could you say your obedient child of god or your sons of disobedience and god's wrath is upon you harsh judgment god's got passion too it's called his wrath and sometimes we think oh that's just desires that's we're all made that way it's no big deal it's a big deal with god and he says here's a strong desire you mortify it fornication you give in to that sexual relationship the passion that leads you there that's these particular lust and they work in the sons of disobedience but they're not going to work in you dear christian and i'm speaking to american christians tonight but maybe you want to be a christian and maybe that is something area you know you got to get that in control you've got and i'm saying you got to kill it to be using that in an unlawful way so how can we get the seriousness of dealing with this desire and getting it in check starting at a young age how can we do that we're going to we're going to put it in letters that we can remember because when we think about the desires of this call to sexual purity we're going to kill that we're going to start off with the w that means wise up because sometimes we enter into life and we follow after these desires and we're not using our brain in fact when we're young our brain is not fully developed to about 25 and then i wonder about that sometime but you're not fully developed you do crazy things when you're young and sometimes foolish things so let's put the w there we want to wise up and so let's look at first peter 1 and verse 14 where the apostle peter speaks about sons of obedience we're not sons of disobedience that's the wrath of god upon those who give into those strong desires in an unlawful way an unholy way so we read in verse 14 as children of obedience where to gird up the loins of our mind as children of obedience not fashioning ourselves according to your former lust in the time of ignorance when you do not know god and now you know him in your former lust in the time you're ignorance but like as he who called you is holy be yourselves also holy and all manner of living what i see what i say with my mouth and my tongue god has he wants that to be right and my the desires of the flesh sons and children of obedience we're not going to fashion ourselves mold our lives around that we're going to wise up and realize we have come to know god and how important is that in ii peter 1 verse 3 and verse 4 we see what wonderful things god has done for us to bring us to this place of salvation when he says in verse 3 seeing that by his divine power he hath granted unto us all things that pertain to life and godliness through the knowledge of him that called us in his own glory and virtue whereby he hath granted unto us his precious and exceeding great promises that through these you may become partakers of the divine nature having escaped from the corruption that is in the world by lust think about how corrupted lives should become because of desire because of lust i covet this that's becomes my god that's going to be the direction of my life and it takes us away from god and the whole purpose of glorifying him but we have the knowledge of god and his seating precious and great promises that he's promised us of heaven this life with these particular desires is very short-lived we're here to build up the population therefore we have these sexual desires we're here to sustain life while we're here so we can go out and work tomorrow so we eat and we're all equipped and but is this going to be all that you put into your existence is that this is all there is and i'm going to lift it like i want to that's the battle and it's a serious battle and it is time to kill those desires that are not according to god's knowledge and it's part of the sons of disobedience and they are very deceitful lust that corrupt us in ephesians 4 and verse 22 you did not so learn christ to keep living this life of ungodliness but he says in verse 22 he says you are to put away as concerning your former manner of life the old man that waxeth corrupt after the lust of deceit we imagine things we picture ourselves in pornographic material having a relationship with the picture how deceitful is that how foolish is that as if that particular image cares about you that magazine cares about you it's appealing to their strong desires of young men and women too and that uses that strong desire it's going to deceive you and i think we wire somebody else i'm not going to be made a fool of by god or by by satan i want to follow his plan it just says get wise these lusts are deceitful and our life is corrupted by that though strong desires that are satisfied through pornography that young men sometimes young women are involved with ruins their marriage a lot of times it happens in marriages and they are ended and sometimes it it just ruins our life all they care about are our pornography and spend thousands of dollars in order to satisfy those type of lust they're deceitful they're corrupting and you get a credit card of 75 000 and you have a broken marriage and all of those things is that worth it you have somebody that really cares for you or were they using you wise up proverbs 7 gives us god's wisdom you know god knows the end from the beginning you tell me in this audience anybody that does that oh we may think we do we know what's going to happen at the end no we don't but god knows the end from the beginning and what he does he tells young men especially in proverbs 7 to wise up he sees the wise man sees a young man he's already made the wrong step he's coming close to the house of a willful woman her husband's out of town and he says i be held among the simple ones i discerned among the youths a young man void of understanding don't you insult my intelligence a young man might say what do you mean simple i know what world's about really you're no match for this woman and he describes it as jews you have not lived through every part of life that you can experience all the things that can happen and therefore make some wise decisions god knows the end from the beginning and he says i saw a youth simple without understanding remember proverbs proverbs 1 and verse 4 is to give wisdom of understanding and to give the young man those simple ones the prudence to the simple the word prudence means that i'm going to give you a way to slip through life unscathed i know that's it's not a literal translation but it means naked oh give you prudence what naked because you slipped through some difficult things as if you just slipped through you just naked you just slipped through how did you get that well he wised up with god and the simple ones they get caught like this man does in proverbs 7. but he passes through a street near her corner that was probably not a wise thing to do but i can handle it you know i am in control of my desires really he went to her house the way to the house in the twilight of the evening of the day in the middle of the night in the darkness we can hide our sins we can hide those things and the twilight comes behold there met him a woman what was she dressed like tell me what was her attire i want to know specifically what she looked like well all i know she had the attire of a harlot that can be different things in different parts of the country but it is attracting the wrong type of glance from someone that is on the road to ruin the deceitful lust and here she is tired of a harlot and wiley of heart she is clamorous and willful her feet abide not in her house he comes near her house she coming out she's in the streets and the broad places she laughed and waited every corner and she caught him and kissed him and with an impotent face strong shameless impotent face she said unto him sacrifices and peace offerings are with me this day if i paid my vows see there's the religious enroll see we i need somebody with me to share this feast tonight because i paid my vows and here's a peace offering and we have to eat it tonight so you get a little religious component there says oh it won't harm you she just needs company but with that impotent face with that strong kiss notice what she says i came forth to meet thee diligently to seek thy face and i found you you mean i'm the one yeah you think you're the one and she appeals to his sense of brother if he's a jewish boy that's keeping the law there's the sacrifices i'm just going to help her we're supposed to share that meal together she paid her vows and she strongly suggests you're the one and i found you now he she appeals to his sense of sight and his sense of smell i spread my couch with carpets of tapestry with striped claws of yarn from egypt i perfume my bed with myrrh alloys and cinnamon i don't know what kind of perfume that was but it was pretty fragrant to him i think mer aloes and cinnamon there's your combination come let us take our fill of love until the morning let us sold us ourselves with loves there's that desire fornication the passion that's there fill our cells with loves until appeals to a sense of danger the man is not at home he's come he's gone on a long journey he's taking a bag of money with him he'll come full at the full moon no danger it's eloquent in the surroundings the perfume is intoxicating she wants me and we need to share the sacrifice together before god he doesn't realize the first bad move he made was getting out of his house going close to hers and then she had him the devil has him and with her much fair speech she causeth him to yield with the flattering of her lips she forceth him along it doesn't happen just one moment and he's gone things have built up and we need to know those steps we need to understand the reality of what's happening and that we can be wise young men when those events come and we can say what can i do to avoid that because he's gone he he has gone yielding with her speech and goeth after her straightway it wasn't straightway before all these things she just yields him along brings him along and he yields us to her and as an ox goeth to the slaughter you don't look so smart now or as one enfetters to the correction of the fool till arrow strikes through his liver as a bird hasteth to the snare and knoweth not it is for his life no i'll do it next weekend too and the next weekend i'll see the next month's magazine i had my desire i had it filled and it will be there again and again and it will become continuing to be perverted and what do you get out of that just a harden of your conscience if you have any type of religion about you how long will it be when he'll get over that given taken of the sacrifices but that's the route of a young man and how many times does that happen over and over and over again whether it be a young man in a summer job because she's he's taking care of cleaning pools and there's a woman at home all sorts of situations come where you can apply i don't need to be there at that moment that time i need to guard myself i know where it can lead i need to wise up with the knowledge of god and realize those are deceitful lusts the wrath of god is upon that i want to be a son of disobedience of obedience not disobedience where his wrath is so we need to wise up proverbs 7 helps us wise up young men young women secondly i need a to avoid i need to avoid evil stimuli that create those images that are deceitful those images that you lust after that they don't care about you other than making you lust but in second timothy 2 22 we see how we're to flee certain things we're going to be using our minds in the idea of pleasing a pleasing god and so here's what we're going to avoid and this is what we're going to follow if we become sons of obedience but flee youthful lusts it didn't say meander around them and try to put them in a circle and look at them every once in a while and use some marijuana no the youthful lusts are strong and it takes strong measures to deal with them flee it joseph he did flee fornication corinthians christians there were to do that you don't argue and rationalize when fornication is staring you when the evening comes and it's nighttime and no danger and all the things that come around to bring you to that point you flee youthful lust and you follow after righteousness faith love peace with all them that call upon the name of the lord of a pure heart i want to be with god's people i want to be stimulated by those who are godly in their thinking and i will avoid those things i will avoid evil stimuli pictures movies songs i have a choice you do too of what i see and what i listen to and i'm surely not going to make things easy for me myself to fall into those traps and romans the 13th chapter and verse 14. put on the lord jesus christ he's my lord i'm no longer going to be serving my old man i am the lord i put on the lord jesus christ and therefore and then make not provision for the flesh to fulfill the lust thereof now that's the bad side of flesh it didn't say make provisions for tomorrow's breakfast those will be good make provisions to satisfy the desires of your wife and your husband those things are good but here's the flesh the lust of the flesh the evil things don't make provisions for that don't hide your pornography under your bed or as one man that i remember in lubbock texas he had it in his locker at work he didn't have it at home but he had it in his locker at work he filled his heart with those things every day at work most the people there don't they say well that's no problem live like the world but he got a hold of him and it ruined his family but that's where he was stimulated in his fantasy world don't make provisions to fulfill the lust of the flesh years ago when the north pole was discovered and they went there first time they went there they they made provisions as they would go and there would be men that will be traveling the distance they would make provisions every so many miles they would have a little igloo there they'd have a little tent there with food because they're going to be there one day they'd drop it in they didn't just go off and go miles and miles and i don't know any food or not we're going to maybe kill a polar bear or something i don't know what we're going to do no they had provision because they wanted to to finish the goal of reaching the north pole exactly where that is and they made provisions along the way so they could sustain themselves and one of the things that we need to do in this war with the evil desires is to avoid the evil stimuli but sometimes we hiding them because we're hooked on those things and we will hide it from our wives without it from our husbands or fathers and mothers and yet we're still given into those things we've got to kill it and one way to do that is to flee remember job 31 1 i've made a covenant with my eyes that i will not look upon a virgin that's a good thing to put in your your mind you make a promise you make a covenant with your eyes i will control where my eyes go and sometimes that may i'm only going to look into that lady's eyes i mean and then then you're going to be you know you're gonna be creepy i guess with some people don't stare don't stare too long that's gonna be bad i'm not going but i'm not gonna look where might be easy to look and you have to train you i made a coveted my eyes that's what i'm going to do that's determination that's putting a plan into it to be to avoid the evil stimuli but sometimes we don't think about it just hit me i can't do anything about the way i am you know so i'm wired now we're in a war and we need to avoid that sexual stimuli and then we need to learn how just to resist it don't give to it resist it remember james four and verse seven and we can apply this to these evil desires in james four and verse seven be subject therefore unto god so just like i'm going to follow after things that are god's i'm gonna fill my life with what i follow after when i flee the evil desires i'm gonna be subject unto god and but i'm gonna resist the devil and here's a promise made by god's word and he will flee from you when you withstand him jesus what does satan do when you said it is written man shall not live by bread alone when you resisted his temptations that affected the lust of the flesh turn the stones to bread bless the eyes i'll give you all the glories of this kingdom and give those things and that pride of life jump off the building god's not gonna allow you to be put to death defy gravity if you're the son of god he didn't give in to any of those when he got through satan left him for a season you got to keep on resisting him if something out of left field or right field will hit you tomorrow but when you have a plan and when you have the part i'm going to resist what does jesus say in the sermon on the mount when he's trying to show that what you've heard it was said you've read in the old covenant that oh law that you're too not commit adultery and that's true i'm not going to commit that sin of adultery i may get as close to that as i can but i'm not going to commit that sin what about your heart what about your lust and jesus addresses that doesn't he you've heard it said thou shalt not commit adultery but i say unto you as he reaches from the inside that leads to adultery he's to take care of and cleanse that and make that pure i send you that everyone that looketh on a woman to lust after it's not recognizing women not recognizing their beauty not avoiding the eyes to behold those things but to look at to lust after her have committed adultery with her already in his heart and i think there's something for women to pay attention to the men are attracted by their eyes and sight you don't want to put that in front of people because you don't want to be having adultery with him do you you just want him to lust after you you don't want to go that far did you i know they don't even know you but they know what their dress can do and that's when you got to train your eyes i'm not going to look where they want me to look that's a battle and what happens when the lust of you are the one you committed adultery with her already in your heart so you haven't committed actual fornication by definition but it's adultery you have perverted what the desires are to be used for and he used it in a way he said you could go and the law of moses i didn't commit adultery but you're going to have to cleanse that heart you're going to cleanse those desires and he says it's better if your eye if your right eye causes thee to stumble pluck it out that's right after verse 28 what's he saying you're worth it your soul is worth it for it is prospered for thee that one of thy members should perish and not the whole body be cast into hell the wrath of god is upon us god keeps telling us this is very strong desires it will corrupt you on earth and it will send your soul to hell no fornicator no adulterer to inherit the kingdom of heaven how many times we have to read that if i said you know i thank you i think he means it and god does your soul is worth all of the work to train your eyes and young men you have to do that because styles change i remember as a young married man because i've been married since i've been a teenager that different styles there was a mini dress oh you don't remember that but it may come back god forbid but it may and then the churches and you had girls and what happens when you sit down with a mini dress on you try to cover all you want to but you serve the lord's table on the table and you go about it you got to train your eyes in the middle of 10 o'clock worship service in some places well they need to do better those girls yeah and and preacher preached to him i remember him preaching some pornographic sermons as far as i was concerned i was embarrassed but what changed was not people's heart with god's word is that the dresses went to the floor in just a few months not many but i don't know body i don't know what they're called i forget now what they were but it's like granny dresses you know everything he didn't show any leg then but they sure were modest at the large table table and that was a that was a good thing for young men but styles change but hearts need to change and that's what the bible does it changes our hearts within any circumstance because it'll come and he'll go and i think now we live in a time where where nakedness and boldness is there and the songs that we listen to that elevate such desires that people have as if that's common to man and i guess it is we have to fight it we have to kill it that's what god says to do i don't want to lose my soul for a glance that gives me lustful pleasure for a moment i'm a fool i need to wise up i need to avoid sexual stimuli that's going to be for evil desires and i need to resist i need to get down and just resist it you do that on diets don't you yeah but i don't succeed well you got to keep fighting you got to keep fighting but that resisting is what he's telling us to do here don't you look up on a woman to lust after her and when i think we put that in practice we'll we'll do fine then finally it's just that i'm going to serve the lord we're going to make up our mind who's going to be our god the real god or is the god that i serve my desires i need to serve the lord and i need to have a strong passion for that in romans 12 chapter and verse 11 the apostle paul writes to the romans and he says in diligence not lawful fervent in spirit serving the lord what are you rejoicing i rejoice in hope patient and tribulation continuing steadfastly in prayer sharing with others the necessities the saints given the hospitality i can even bless them to persecute me there's a whole change of life that you have as a christian and one of that is that i am not going to be lazy i'm going to be one who is fervent in spirit and i'm going to be serving the lord i'm going to be diligent quick to serve not slow and lax quick diligence is involved with quickness to do that and i'm going to be fervent in spirit i'm going to be boiling and not out of control not way up here and i'm going to be down here tomorrow no it's a it's just a constant zeal for serving the lord and we have to get ourselves to that point and i'll tell you what helps us get us the point is what jesus did for me and titus the second chapter in verse 14 he gave himself for us he went to the cross went through all of that pain he gave himself a risk for us that he might redeem us from all iniquity fornication uncleanness evil desires things that can send us to hell cause us to be sons of disobedience and the wrath of god's upon us he redeemed us from all iniquity and to purify set apart unto himself a people for his own possession zealous balling over for good works i'm not zealous i don't know what i'm doing it said i know what's good and beneficial and pure and i'm going to be involved in doing good works i'm going to devote my life to good works not evil desires and i may have a problem with these sexual desires i'm going to work on that i'm going to emphasize that i'm going to work on my weaknesses but i'm not going to avoid this and i'm not going to consider this well it's just natural and it's not a big thing i'll try to do my best no we're at war that's that's what god is teaching us here for you steadfast first corinthians 15 58 be steadfast unmovable always abounding in the work of the lord how can you abound and speak and not movable how can you move forward you're not movable it's because you have something that makes you strong and steadfast you're not going to move from these principles but you're going to keep on growing abounding in the work of the lord and your zeal will bring that about your zealousness i want to have more in my life of good works and service unto others not corrupt myself with evil desires and live into my secret world that maybe other people do not know about but god knows and if you need help i don't care what time of day and the resistance is strong and richness is not strong and it should be i'll tell you who's close by in psalm 84 and verse 11 jehovah god is a son and a shield the glorious son the protective shield he will give grace there's my protective shield and he will give glory that's my glorious son the glory of the son the protection of a shield jehovah will give you glory jehovah will give you what you need as a shield no good theme will he withhold from them that walk uprightly now that ought to be emphasis for you to walk uprightly tomorrow walk up rightly when you're being tempted by satan to look into pornography to see these shows to hear that type of music no you're gonna have to realize i'm not gonna i'm gonna avoid that type of thing i want to walk uprightly god but here's a strong passion that i have right now and god will not withhold any good thing he's a shield and when you overcome that there's glory as being one who puts god first and that's the issue i thought why would god well we're going to be judged by the words we speak well why did he put a you know a tongue in my mouth then we'll be judged by if we stare and look and lust after women would be cast into hell why'd he give me eyes what i listen to that comes into my heart why did he give me ears why did he give me feet where i could walk into places and get close to that woman's house that she didn't care about me but she said she does she's using me and i'm using her that's the life and then it's corrupting like an ox going to the slaughter what a fool what i have feet to do that with why do i have sexual desires god made us to populate the world not not not you to populate the whole world but we all have a contributing part in that because that's the way we function upon this earth i'll tell you what god wanted to see because the devil has perverted every one of those things he turns it to way it's going to corrupt ourselves and it turns us away from god and god says will you love me in this short time upon this earth will you honor me that i will be your god and you'll depend upon me in faith i'll help you but we're at war with these desires to use them my tongue my feet my ears my eyes my desires i'm going to use them to god's glory and not to the devil's will and my self-destruction that's the battle and remember the wrath of god is upon the sons of what disobedience we just flat don't care about serving god we don't we want we're not going to follow his wisdom that's why i said the beginning you've got some things to work with now that you can overcome pornography and all the things that are connected with having that type of function that you just can't live without that every day people get to that point you can break that there's not one good thing to gobble with hope from you if you want to walk uprightly and we've got to be reminded of that and realize that here god made us this way to glorify him not ourself not others not the devil to glorify him and when we follow his wisdom yes it is a battle just think about all the ways you can go to hell i go to hell for not do anything but what i say how i feel my desires you thought about god you're so restrictive no he wants them turned toward him in our in our imperfection but if we're going to start we're trying to uprightly he will help us he will forgive us when we stumble but we never give up and when i know that i'm here to kill evil desires i think i can remember i'm at war i need to wise up i need to avoid the sexual stimuli i need to resist i need to be strong just resist it and i'm going to serve the lord i'm going to make up my mind i'm putting him first and i think we'll win the battle but i want to close as we think about war and i want you to notice there is someone that realized they're at war with you and you need to know you're at war now turn your bibles with me to first peter 2 and verse 11. when peter says that he appeals to us as sojourners that's why i said we live this time on this earth for a short time god's saying all right here's the way i want you to live and it's only going to be for this time on earth short time we'll be have a different existence will not need marriage all those things are going to change beloved i beseech you as sojourners and pilgrims you don't belong to this world you're just passing through abstain from fleshly lust i'm going to avoid sexual stimuli i'm going to resist when the temptation comes i'm going to fill my life with serve for the lord i'm going to wise up i'm going to see that's just deceitful nothing real about it i'm not going to be made a fool of by god by by by the devil and he says you abstain from fleshly lust which war against the soul as a public policy in our in our nation why did they tear down the world trade center we're not at war with islam they're at war with you and when we find out they're at war with us you wise up and the fleshy lust war against your soul they're not something you play with it's not something you rationalize about that's something you keep around close by you kill it those are strong terms are we obeying the bible when we neglect how strong of terms he uses and that we're to mortify those things that's strong stuff kill it you don't leave that python there and just kind of keep it in a cage you kill it not that you go kill a python he has a right to live i'm not saying feed him okay give him a mouse whatever but something that dangerous kill it and this is those strong desires you may not think you're at war with those desires you think that's just the way it is and we'll just have to kind of live that's just the way i am but i tell you they are at war with you to destroy your soul and god made them strong to glorify him so what do you do why do you have fasting in the bible food god today you're more important than whataburger cheeseburger whatever float and i'm you know you're not going to have to keep from eating for 40 days or 40 nights but you set us out of time in the new testament you don't have to do that but why what they do in that new testament god you're more important than food and why do two married people by consent because see those are strong desires he may be out here on the on the corner with the corinthians and there was prostitutes on every corner in corinth and that's not exaggerating and because of that let each man have his own wife let each woman have her own husband render unto them their due that sexual desire is to be so to be satisfied but if i consent you separate for a time to devote yourself to prayer and some translations have fasting why do you do that because god today you're more important than sex you're more important than food and those are little disciplines in this war against desires that can be used in an unlawful way and when we take that realized i could i could do that i'll devote that day to my reading my bible instead of how many how long it takes me to eat lunch breakfast and all that and maybe just take a day it's a good thing for the battle against the lust of the flesh but he says put to death the evil desires and they war against your soul you better wise up those are the things that satan uses in your own being strong desires to destroy you they war against your soul you're in a war why don't we just remember it w wise up a avoid sexual stimuli or resist get down and flat resist it when the temptation comes and you just arm yourself the lord in serving him and you serve him with zeal you serve him with fervency you just be consistent day in and day out and when you feel like the temptations are strong you remember jehovah is there as a shield and he's there as a son to give you glory and to give you protection he will not withhold anything that's profitable for you why because i'm trying to live uprightly god bless you young people god bless you there's been many young men in my life that wanted to be held accountable and they would share with me everything that comes across their computer if that's what it takes we'll do it to realize i want to be accountable i don't want to be caught in the things on computer and i want you to know what i'm looking at help me and brother we'll do that whatever we can do to help you address that don't let it go by let's fight the battle let's win the war and not let the devil take us and that's for young people older ones as well tonight if you're not a child of god then you're serving yourself or you're serving your own way of life you're not serving god we need to put on the lord jesus christ we do so at baptism but that's a commitment but it's not a commitment that says i i've just got to put those all those things away you do you got to mortify that but what happens when you don't come with that seriousness you say well i'll just live with them then you're going to lose the war you lose the battle we start saying i've got to put those things that sin will not have dominion over me it's not that i'm going to get stronger and stronger stronger then maybe i'll be a christian are we a good christian then no we come realizing i've got to die to the old man because i'm putting on the new man that's been formed after the excellence the character of jesus and that would be a lifetime of living up to that we we never reach it but it keeps that goal and i want to encourage you that you fall off the wagon so to speak you you do things that you're trying to do start now i'm going to put that to death and when you do fail from time to time you have a lord whose blood is still available for cleansing as it was at the day of your baptism that if you will confess your sins he's faithful to forgive you of all iniquity if you repent of your sins and turn away from them then we will be forgiven and we can just keep on starting up but it's not going to be well i've just given in that's okay or i've given in and there's no hope don't get there fight the battle war and conquer the use of your desires to be used in an all-awful way if you're not a christian we encourage you to become one and let us help one another go to heaven come as we stand as we've seen
Channel: norrislong
Views: 106
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Jerry Fite
Id: MGBZ_heWidw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 5sec (3125 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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