Killing Arafat l Al Jazeera Investigations

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Such bullshit. Po-210 has a half-life of 138 days. Its decay product is Pb-206, which is 24.1% of ordinary lead, and that % varies a bit. There's nothing left to detect.

Po-210 is generated naturally by the radium (uranium) decay chain in an ongoing process. Only in trace amounts, but the amount remaining from a poisoning would be infinitesimally small.

That is, the test was done 8 yrs after he died. At that point, 21 half-lives are done with, only 1/2,342,179 of an initial dose would remain.

In fact, I looked through the paper awhile back- the 2012's tests numbers were so high that to project it back, the "initial dose" would have been impossibly high. Like it would be enough to kill everyone in the room. He'd be glowing.

They were either bad lab practices, or confusing naturally occurring Po-210- which was recent, mostly generated in the last few months- for a long-past poisoning.

Po-210 comes from the Radium (uranium) decay series. Uranium is naturally occurring in the soil everywhere, but particularly in the Palestinian soil, and it gets into the body in trace amounts through dust, food, and water, and will stay in human remains forever, as well as the soil the remains are buried in. The spontaneous decay is slow, it does not reduce appreciably within a human lifespan, but the decay does generate new Po-210 which decays with a 138 day halflife.

And the same is true of clothing. Uranium traces in dust generate Polonium-210 traces and will continue to do so for billions of years in storage.

They did try to do accounting for the radium found and project a "normal" amount of Po-210, decided there was an marginal excess which was speculated to be an infinitesimally small remainder of a poisoning, and multiplied that tiny excess by 2.3 million times to project a massive poisoning dose. It's NOT sound science.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 21 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Oznog99 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 11 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

here's my theory:

Arafat was old. He probably found out he had some terminal illness and decided to commit one final mission. He probably ingested polonium or exposed himself to it on purpose, knowing the mourning public would then channel that grief into anger at Israel. That way he could die a martyr for his cause. < It would be pretty stupid for Israel to assassinate him and face the backlash and terrorism that was sure to follow. I watched both documentaries, I really loved Al-Jazeera s

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/indieisin πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 13 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

Pretty interesting.

I liked the roundabout part.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 17 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] in October 2004 Yasser Arafat fell ill one month later he was dead no one could find the root cause I'm Clayton Swisher my initial investigation suggested the Palestinian leader was poisoned with radioactive material it triggered the exhumation of Arafat's body for testing and it sparked a French murder inquiry it's a very complicated case it has politics intelligence close to PLC's and a search for the facts we've faced fierce opposition and we've been placed under close surveillance but now we have the final results and our investigation answers a question that's haunted the Middle East for nearly a decade what killed Yasser Arafat what we've got now is definitely a smoking gun you revealed the crime of the century [Applause] [Music] when Yasser Arafat died in 2004 most Palestinians thought it was murdered the Lenny was buried so are the answers to their questions today the Palestinian leadership insists Yasser Arafat is killed even though we don't know exactly who where when he couldn't have shrunk and died without a substance that they could not identify ever since present Arafat died in my heart I knew he was killed but there was clear evidence that this was a case of assassination that Arafat was actually killed by by poison Nasser kid was Arafat's nephew and in 2004 was also the Palestinian Authority's foreign minister as Arafat Lay Dying in this room at the Persie military hospital in France both he and the Palestinian chief negotiator suspected foul play what they did about it in November 2004 has remained a secret until now one night I think was the fourth or the fifth two o'clock in the morning dr. nasir could win a very close friend of mine called me from Paris to my home Jericho and said sir please call the Americans and tell them to harass the Israelis to give us the antidote method I called their consul general and I told him please the man beyond our fat self is deteriorating we suspected he was poisoned so please if you can contact their aliens and get us the antidote we will appreciate this this is crystal but if the Palestinian leadership were privately seeking an antidote it's exactly the opposite of what they were telling the public at the time the doctors today ruled out completely poisoning so we can also rule out that cause as well although Arafat died of a brain hemorrhage no one could determine the root cause of the illness that led to his death in just 31 days hours after Arafat died French officials issued a death certificate his body was washed and presented to the Palestinian Authority who has courted it back to Ramallah despite saying now that they thought it was murder the Palestinian Authority met and chose not to do an autopsy if French did not really encourage an autopsy and you know easy to cut up the the corpse of your historical leader information that we now know to be false was also fed to the global media first of all I want to set the record straight about the subject of the autopsy all the newspapers were saying all over the world that she refused an autopsy did you ever at any moment in time consider ordering an autopsy of your late husband's body no never occurred to me in the beginning did the doctors ever ask you and and say to you so how maybe we should do this no I recommend nobody an autopsy no no but not one of the doctor not one of the doctors nobody nobody no one suggested no one didn't know because it was said that somebody suggested autopsy for me and I would never I don't think that the issue of autopsy came up and I would repeat here that it's not true that's a refused refused that while the Palestinian Authority failed to order not Topsy it went on to form their own commission of inquiry and after eight years it turned up nothing whether the investigation that were held did their job properly or not something that I'm sure that history will judge obviously things change drastically when jazeera declared much later much much later that it could have been colonial now polonium definitely was not in anybody's mind at the time eyebrow raising new claims about the death of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat al Jazeera reignited the controversy surrounding Arafat's death Litvinenko was the first now there are allegations that there may have been another high levels of polonium-210 includes the evidence we're gonna have to dig Arafat up to find that out for true and this could tip over politics in that part of the world nobody can predict what may or may not come of such action Ramallah the occupied West Bank July 2012 this is the tomb that houses Yasser Arafat's body it also holds the key to finding out if the Palestinian leader was poisoned with the radioactive element polonium 210 although polonium is one of the deadliest substances known to man it disappears quickly by 50% every 138 days so scientists need to exhume Arafat's corpse and quickly begin their specialized tests we have to do it quite fast because bunim is decaying so if we wait any possible pool will disappear [Music] based on their projections the scientists set a deadline at the end of 2012 to do the exhumation Doha cuts are July 3rd the story has just broken Arafat's Widow Suha is leading a campaign to get her husband's body exhumed time is not on their side and neither is her late husband's nephew Hockaday know my pedometer jasira carefully in Miranda man you polish a kill and maim and kill and about a Sioux City oh well and no fear can be at the polonium we must our Mayan Heather I'm Olivia I worship and lay upon what we had that the hill rather had a llama had anything despite the opposition Suha presses on you know nothing diploma I am the wife for me it's there's difference I respect his opinion but my opinion is I don't want any 1% doubt about this story I want to reveal this for the whole world and this is my will be my button Paris France July 6 three days since we broke the story the Palestinian Authority praises Al Jazeera's film Andrey commits itself to discovering the truth its leader Mahmoud Abbas arrives to hold his first official meeting with the new French president Francois Hollande he presented to him with a new facts of Al Jazeera documentary and carried him they have any things they haven't told us to please fall it to us July 10th Arafat's Widow Suha arrives in France she believes pursuing a criminal investigation in the country where her husband died and where she's also a citizen is the quickest way to the truth her lawyers explain the options I just met with one of the best criminal lawyers in Paris and we agreed that we have to go further with the file it's a criminal file now we have to establish that crime was committed to get this map it's a very complicated case it has politics intelligence conspiracies and lt arrests from all sides of the equation so it is not an easy case Doha Qatar July 22nd the Palestinian delegation attends an Arab League meeting Mahmoud Abbas's office has refused repeated requests for an interview President Abbas how does your English how are you as the Arab League could investigate Yasser Arafat's suspicious death the Palestinian Authority leader goes on to propose his own rival plan to establish the facts he will officially request to begin formation of an international commission the full of the matter we need to go to the Security Council the Palestinian Authority wants to persuade the United Nations to take the case our motions backed with the findings of the digital documentary as a very very strong valid chances of passing Paris July 31st sois Arafat and her lawyers disagree with the Palestinian Authority they believe the United Nations will work to slowly losing critical evidence in the meantime we cannot wait forever as the evidence and the strength of the poison will reduce immensely by each day by each hour Suha and her legal team decided to take matters into their own hands filing a criminal complaint directly to a French judge in August 28 the investigating magistrate gives an answer breaking news from Europe today french prosecutors opened an inquiry to find out whether he was murdered Yaya alibi let's put it that image for this thing yes and other felonies a murder investigation into whether Yasser Arafat was poisoned in Paris September 14th three judges are now in charge of a French legal case that could become a murder trial their first action is the summon sua Arafat to court the first question what do you know about the last meal of Yasser Arafat so I said I know nothing about the last meal of yes that offense because I was up there September 25th the Percy military hospital French detectives searched the building where Arafat died focusing on the labs that are tested what astonished me the most you remember when you came we've met in Paris and I gave you the official letter of Mercy Hospital they are incapable to give us any kind of blood or urine samples because they have been destroyed but they were not all destroyed and French police discover some during the search they got biological samples of his body and it's more than 100 biological sample despite the revelation the cells that remain are not enough for radiological tests exhumation remains their only option and for that they will have to go to Ramallah [Music] it's October 25th 2012 nearly four months have passed since our documentary aired where the Swiss scientist said that the exhumation of Yasser Arafat must take place as rapidly as possible that clearly hasn't happened yet the mausoleum and grave of Yasser Arafat just behind me still is untouched it's our first day here but already we're facing problems we have permission to film at Yasser Arafat's grave but while we are shooting presidential guards step in after some discussion they insist we move back the next day security forces tell us we cannot film at all we're told the French are going to come to present Arafat's grave today to start taking measurements and coming up with a plan to exhume his body but the Palestinian Authority and the French refused to allow our cameras access so we've set up this camera in a van 300 metres away with direct line-of-sight to observe and monitor who goes in and who goes out a president Arafat's mausoleum in the end the French forensic investigators never turn up November 5th we spot the Swiss forensic team crossing an Israeli checkpoint into the West Bank later that day we observed them visiting Arafat's tomb we try to film them but once again the secret police are not happy to see us what's he asking for who's this yes it now now tickets we're again told to leave the Swiss scientists returned at dusk and take measurements from the earth we tracked them down to this hotel but we cannot approach them with security guards present so we speak with them outside their rooms they are not allowed to to speak a few doors within moments the guards arrive November 10th it's the eve of the eighth anniversary of Arafat's death the foundation Nasser Kidd was set up in his name is hosting an event the guest list is a who's who of Arafat's former staff and advisors as well as leading politicians some are reluctant to discuss the exhumation the man leading the Palestinian investigation and coordinating the exhumation is toffee - owie most recently he has been telling the press that they may even block access to the body and will never know the truth and they say you don annasaheb afeared your matter before dolly she wrote inside before a packed auditorium Nasser kid will makes his strongest appeal yet to stop the exhumation that night the senior Palestinian leadership sit down to decide on what to do despite kid was pleased they finally agreed to exhume Arafat's body with all the consequences it may bring November 11th the Palestinian Authority marks eight years since Arafat's death Mahmoud Abbas will use the commemoration to announce the decision to exhume Nasser Kidd WA is scheduled to speak but first there's a heated exchange with toffee Joey and then with Saab Eric OTT and finally with President Abbas himself in the end kid would chooses not to give a speech at all President Abbas will do all the talking [Music] this is the first time we have heard anything about a Russian investigation the Palestinian Authority has invited forensic experts from Moscow it is perhaps because they are skeptical of the French who claimed to have destroyed but later found Yasser Arafat's samples and they see the Swiss scientists as linked to al jazeera [Music] Mohammad d'Armes is a journalist who's covered the Palestinian Authority for decades he explains their hostility I admit with seniors who believed that aljazeera did it intentionally to to create an Arab Spring here in Palestine they had these fears that al Jazeera is trying to play in our yard but in spite of any perceived political games the Palestinians are still agreed on the exhumation except for Nasser killer it is much better than what effectively to trying to do an extra step if it is needed and it's not by examiner but are you bore satisfied with the approach that President Abbas out laid today where they'll be French Swiss and Russian investigators coming I'm not in favor of exhuming the body in principal November 12 with the decision made the Palestinian Authority starts preparing the ground ensuring their work is hidden from public view November 13th we realize we're being followed they are talking about to a microphones coordinating with other cars if they are trying to be discreet is not really working but they may just be trying to intimidate us we staged bogus journeys around Ramallah during the first a silver vehicle pursues our cameraman on the second were tailed by a black car the giveaways when we get to the roundabout or keep around ones and it happens again with a different vehicle one more time one more time one more time yep there we go now that's not obvious we're going in a circle and they're still going in a circle knowing we're being tailed and fearing the agents may go further we conceal a camera in a bag in our room while we are out it is triggered by a man in a hotel uniform he has tools and appears to adjust something near our equipment minutes later two others come in and actually make the bed but then another person arrives and searches our bag we recognize him he's the driver of the black car later on our cameraman confronts him today the Palestinian Authority is going to great lengths to investigate the journalists behind the story rather than the story itself but why we identify a fifth person who entered our room and find him later outside the hotel that is exactly the guy stop how's it going guys know what why are you following us who are you go go here you find me go to your room the Palestinian Authority is anxious there is little time left to discover what killed Yasser Arafat are you following me and the Palestinian Authority knows the truth could have profound implications for its future as well as that in the middle mΓΆvenpick Hotel Ramallah November 19th Palestinian security forces have tailed our cars and searched our rooms when we confront them they insist they're with the hotel when the manager confirms they are not his employees we know they are spying on us and at a time when the deadline is fast approaching to get Yasser Arafat's body exhumed and tested into your rooms following your card the Palestinian Authority is growing nervous with the media any Palestinian would tell you that the Israelis killed our fans but when you ask him further questions of course he would think that some Palestinian around Arafat was the tool Arafat spent his final years under siege in his compound he died while in a jail enforced by the Israelis he dived while every substance that he imbibed came through the Israelis he died why even his water came through the Israelis his medicines came through the Israelis he was not free of the Israelis when he died but it was Arafat's inner circle who had final control over access food and medicine they were his last line of defense so the Palestinian Authority's anxiety could stem from the possibility that one of his closest aides may have also conspired to kill him if the poison is a much more like a conventional poison that had to be put in his food after it has arrived then it could have possibly been a collaborator the fear of finding an enemy within may also explain why they avoided an autopsy back in 2004 one of the excuses given at the time was that it would have been prohibited under Islam that was false shaked a seer Tamimi was Arafat's trusted cleric and was the last minute touches body before it's burial she met each other you can have a partnership Anakin Forrester shadow is a servant I thought and Adam - we just follow his heart come here our investigation has revealed that Palestinian leaders made a deliberate decision not to conduct an autopsy they believe they were sacrificing the truth for a greater cause what would have the implications have been had an autopsy been done had they had found poisoned president Arafat's body if if this had happened I would think that it would have meant the end of the the peace process as it stood at that time because because the Palestinian people would have would have seen with their own eyes a huge betrayal and a big crime committed against them the crime of killing their own so they waved goodbye to Arafat as well as the opportunity to obtain material evidence that their leader was murdered we all cried our hearts for the death of our leader obviously there was a tragedy to us but the question really then was how to continue how to move on and that is really the question that needed to be tackled at the time what did they go beyond avoiding the truth to actively covering it up but I think this is really a bizarre and sinister assumption we felt that going it out into an autopsy would really make it very difficult for the people and very difficult for the memory of our effort and would turn what is a martyrdom case into a police criminal case and really people were not really ready at least in our mind for turning this into a criminal police case nine years later whether they wanted it or not it has become a criminal case Lausanne November 23rd it was the work of these Swiss scientists that opened the door to a French murder investigation having visited Ramallah once already they're now preparing to head back for the exhumation it will prove once and for all whether or not the Palestinian leader was poisoned with polonium 210 to be honest we we are not going to Ramallah being totally confident in finding pollen it's actually the opposite we waited for a long time the perineum if it is present is decaying fast the Swiss set a deadline of the end of 2012 for the exhumation it's now late November and although it looks like they're going to get the samples in time it's going to be close time is also running out for the separate murder investigation that was initiated by French prosecutors Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport November 25th the French have refused to disclose any details of their investigation but we tracked down their team of judges and forensic experts as they begin the journey to Ramallah along with the Swiss and Russian teams the French will receive tissue from Arafat's body for analysis Ramallah November 26 it's the eve of the exhumation and three teams are on the ground there are the Swiss scientists whose initial analysis of Arafat's belongings for Al Jazeera suggested polonium poisoning there are the French judges in forensic experts who were assigned to the case when France later opened a murder investigation and there is a Russian team personally invited by President Abbas at the very last moment each team is required to follow the strict terms of their host inferentially allahu and yes and well and Yaqoob are you done well and yes the elephant's painting the Palestinian Authority insists that only one man is allowed to touch the body or take samples they designate a university pathologist dr. Saba Alleluia he first met Arafat as a medical student and the PLO helped finance his studies can a young one saw what appeared in an engineer while Jaime hunted up kafir not be fat cover Obama from the additional for this thing dr. Alleluia makes one final inspection at the mausoleum later the Swiss French and Russian forensic teams join him at around midnight workmen start digging and at 5:00 a.m. they opened the tomb muchacho cha Haeju Alma who fought when especially picanha two men robbed a yen hyatt e-mart oveja and AMA Domestos Asad Abu Ammar at our Lockett Ricardo Yamato jimena endemic Anto Taliban while Takei to be hidden morale Allah who inhabited the Khalid Al Arabiya were compelled to Jerry no patentee her engineer Jerrod char - Melissa - alpha welcome Brianna we are nearly so far condemned men feel and how many women feel are welcome to be here when it's raw autonomy and yet to be so for continual call the roms and world it will share with Philistine well in the island back Mele haqiqat right November 27th Daybreak's along with the news that the exhumation has gone according to plan the body of former Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat are not expected the doctor has distributed 60 samples the Swiss French and Russian teams leave with 20 each they also have DNA to confirm the corpses Arafat's so 147 days have passed since the broadcast of our film what killed Arafat this was scientist said to miss Arafat the conclusion that if she wanted to know the final proof the best way was to exhume the body and take samples they've done that just now and it'll be several more months so we know the results at a press conference the same day it's a feat to rally vows that if the results are positive the Palestinian Authority will take their case to the International Criminal Court never be as Olivia who wore a yarmulke junetta Dodi Washington April 29 2013 the chances that Arafat's case will ever see The Hague greatly diminish Arab leaders have come to support negotiations with Israel and as a condition to get started the Palestinian Authority agrees to suspend any attempts to join the International Criminal Court Malta June 15th 2013 almost seven months have passed since the samples were taken scientists are still carrying out their complex tests - some Yasser Arafat was a leader and a hero to others an enemy and a terrorist but he was also a husband and a father his daughter Zhou it was just 8 when he died she's now 17 and the memories are still vivid I woke up one morning and that's so my family member is sitting in the in the living room in black or crying and at that time I knew that my mom wanted to see my dad and then they told me that welcome come since then my uncle gave me the phone and it was my mom and she didn't have to say anything I just burst into tears and I said to my mom did he really die and she said yes I cried then what's wrong I went to come for the funeral there was my mom and millions of people join us when I saw the coroner arriving and the music behind it the medicine national anthem I started crying guy burst into tears Sawa grew up in four different countries never knowing what had killed her father I was only eight so I didn't really understand what was going on that story slowly I began to ask what happened to my father why why did he die who killed him if he if somebody killed him what happened why as well as the uncertainty she had to endure the taunts he was a terrorist it was corrupt he wasn't in a good leader he was homosexual he had AIDS all these things pretty soon my mom and I are going to get the results after nights just because I don't know what's going to happen if if they're good if the result will be negative or positive but at the same time I feel very excited because I will know I will finally know what's happened to him what's happened to my dad Yerevan a new development brings me to the Armenian capital we were expecting results from Switzerland months ago but the news from Luzon is that they will be delayed for more testing and verification in the meantime a man from the former Soviet Union contacts me online he says he can access leaked findings from the Russian scientists study of Arafat's remains the Palestinian Authority brought Russia in to conduct a third examination on top of the French and Swiss studies but the Kremlin has refused any access to their scientists so the leak could be significant after months of communication I decide to meet the source he asked and we agreed to hide his identity we spend hours checking that neither of us is being followed unsure of the risks of releasing classified material he shows us 15 pages said to be the summary findings from the Russian lab after we convinced him to speak to us on camera they were not only restricted in how they presented the report they were also given an incomplete selection of samples the document shows they measured only four of a total of 20 it's not clear what happened to the other 16 samples in the four that were tested the readings of polonium-210 and Arafat's bones are unusually low even less than what scientists would expect from background levels nonetheless the scientists write that the results are inconclusive what is the - RS Ebola whooping postponed wasting the money Yodas thought since ye I wish you knew I didn't miss Redman's of that movie the Restless cool five double G's I bet you bula do it we would be the we would Geneva Switzerland November 4th it's the eve of the results and the Swiss are finally ready to present the exhumation report it's been a long wait with a lot of delays which we're told is owing for the complexity of their tests this is Arafat's attorney will meet with the Palestinian Authority and the Swiss tomorrow afternoon but the Palestinian Authority has insisted al Jazeera be frozen out you cannot film or attend thanks for coming out to Geneva professor Dave Barclay is also here he's a leading forensic scientist with decades of experience in the British crime investigation services and he's followed the case closely since the beginning of our investigation I used the opportunity to show him the Russian report for his reaction to the 15 pages that reach an inconclusive conclusion the choice of bone fragments that they're chosen to use is very odd and the levels they've got appear to be 10 or 20 times less than you'd expect just from anybody else in the world so I think the results are meaningless November 5th in Geneva the Arafat family lawyer Saud Jabbar sets off he will collect the final report along with the Palestinian Authority after a presentation from the Swiss scientists in Paris Arafat's Widow and daughter sue honza wa-wait and wonder what the findings will be for them this day is the climax of a two-year fight for the facts and nearly a decade of not knowing hours later and Saad Jabbar has received the report he meets up with Professor Barkley and the two men begin the journey to Paris to deliver the findings for four hours they pour over the details of the report preparing to explain its significance as the Paris evening draws in it's a tense wait for su Hans ah WA they hope this study will offer more answers to their questions by late evening Saad Jabbar and professor Berkeley make it to Paris ready to break the news my principal task is to look at take a forensic overview of cases I've been through that in great detail and I hope I can now explain to you its conclusions if you remember back in last year we found the presence of polonium-210 in various body fluids from things taken at the time the results were very high and in my view not only were they very high but the pattern of those results in there was a urine stain if you remember in a blood stain and so on could not be manipulated in any way you couldn't have fiddled it had you kept the samples in your possession for 5 or 6 years nothing you could have done would have manufactured those results this year we've been working on samples from the excavation itself and there are very high levels also in his bone and fluid that came down as his body was lying and those patterns too are not only very high but they are characteristic of him having a dose of polonium just before he died so those levels are about 36 times what you'd expect in a normal person all the samples from yes arafat are way above those from other people and one other thing points to this being an assassination you can calculate what the level should be in those stains and in his bones assuming he had been given a fatal dose way back in 2004 when you do that calculation you get a figure which might be the cause of his death and the figures we get from him when we actually observe them are smack in the middle of what they should be if he was given a fatal dose so nothing we've got suggests that this is other than an administration of polonium which has caused the death of Yasser Arafat can you hold your hand out and just that the amount of polonium in that Inc would be enough to kill you so it is so easy to get polonium into somebody in drink maybe a tenth of one grain of sugar would be enough how strong is this Evans in legal terms and it's unusually strong because everything was perfect from the exclamation all the way to the lab the labs themselves are the very best in the world so I don't have any doubt that we had a smoking gun back a year ago now I'm absolutely certain this is beyond any doubt in my opinion that it was polonium that caused the death of Yasser Arafat and we had a smoking gun we've just got to find out as you suggested who was holding that gun I think you revealed the crime of the century fill the crime of the century you'll be nice to solve it - yes [Music] I think that person author she has to go till the end to know the truth about it and I think they have stopped any kind of negotiations with Israel until they know what's going on who did it why did why I don't know who did it but I mean they have to take a very firm measures to begin a very very serious investigation for this for this crime for soo Hans hour their faith now has to rest here at the gates of the French justice system the murder inquiry in Paris remains the best hope for finding out who killed Yasser Arafat now that the results are known this is a French case and it is for the French judiciary to take their own decision any judge will conclude that there is a case to consider that Arafat was assassinated and they have to start the process of like to find out once the French investigation is done there is the option of the International Criminal Court but that remains a distant prospect today we know what killed Yasser Arafat the question now for Suha and zawa for the French investigators and for the world is who killed him [Music] you
Channel: Al Jazeera English
Views: 1,474,710
Rating: 4.5763416 out of 5
Keywords: exclusive, Yasser Arafat, palestine, poison, Israel, Al Jazeera English, al Jazeera, jazeera, palestinians, poisoning, switzerland, Russia, polonium, Killing Arafat, What killed Arafat?, al jazeera english, al jazeera, israel, gaza arafat, fatah, anniversary of Arafat's death, Investigations, Al Jazeera Investigations, aljazeera, aljazeera english, Gaza, arafat murder
Id: qr2DULWPzAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 22sec (2842 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 10 2013
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