Kill Him Silently: Mossad vs Khaled Meshaal: Part 2 | Al Jazeera World

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[Music] you top I had them Nana limo Howard ultimate starter had had toast editor host should not enjoy any immunity and whatever the Taoists we will chase them until we will capture them this is the way of fighting tell a mass to enhance mood why are you mustard daily could literally at the another hold market I did a commercial on on September 25th 1997 Israel Secret Service tried to kill Khaled Mashal political leader of the Hamas movement this is the story of what happened it proved to be one of the greatest Fiasco's in the history of special operations and it was to prove a pivotal moment in the rise of Hamas the evening of September 25th 1997 Hal admission the chief of the Hamas political bureau was lying in a coma in a hospital in the Jordanian capital a man earlier that day to Mossad agents had sprayed a deadly poison into his ear they had been caught minutes later doctors struggled to understand what was wrong with Misha and why his brains respiratory center was shutting down meanwhile a diplomatic struggle was about to begin involving Jordan's King Ness and u.s. President Bill Clinton and Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to find out more about these behind-the-scenes discussions al-jazeera met with retired Major General Ali Shockley back in 1997 he had been the manager of King essence office he played a key role in managing the crisis that ensued following Israel's brazen daylight attack on the Hamas leader in a man um jarate magazine Pluto soil disciplined wobbler will be Mohammed who can oversee clinton allen hadith yes MA well I at economy she we should do this trouble NEMA had a tougher Logan haha she invited over I see Clinton haha and Netanyahu polyethylene son Charles must hate english' this man is impossible with John Cena Butler away Clinton been a super bad bacteria on om or Harlow the matter had Alan son typically to salams at the Muto I King Hussein at this stage was threatening that if Michelle died the peace process died with him and when they finally got King is saying on the phone with President Clinton by all accounts from those who were listening in to the phone call the king was so angry that his the force of his argument was enough to almost lift the paint off the walls this was a remarkable point in American Israeli relations because not only would the President refused to talk to the Prime Minister of Israel but nobody not a single member of Clinton's White House team was prepared to argue Netanyahu's case the Prime Minister of Israel was on his own in this and in the end the Israelis had no choice but to comply with what it was an order from Clinton there was a late night cabinet meeting on the Saturday night in Jerusalem and the decision was taken they had no choice as one person who was at the meeting told me we'd put the guy in the grave and suddenly we were required to pull him back from the grave but with nowhere to go it was decided that they would meet King Hussein's deadline and shortly before midnight on the Saturday night a light aircraft flew over the Jordan Valley to deliver the items demanded by King Hussein the mastermind behind the operation to assassinate Holland Michelle had been Danny at home then chief of Mossad Israel's Secret Service learning of the capture of the two Mossad agents he had sent to kill Michelle yet owned immediately traveled to ham man to meet King Essen his aim to contain the situation at the meeting were Jordans intelligence chief as well as the head of the Kings office Alisha cream the King was reportedly furious with the atone he held Israel's prime Newman Netanyahu personally responsible for the attack on Jordanian territory and for jeopardizing the peace treaty between Jordan and Israel King Hassan declared that if Michelle died it would be the end of the peace treaty you have to understand the difference between responsibility and and blame I responsible I was not in a man when it happened but I am responsible because I am the commander of the Mossad and I send them so all the responsibility lies on my shoulders when learning the lessons from the operation the main failure was not in the planning the main failure was in the execution I found myself as I wrote in my book at the same day place twice at the beginning I prayed that Herod Marshall will die but when it was failed I pray that you recover because I knew that if he will recover it will be also the beginning of the rehabilitation of the relations between Israel and the Jordan Jordan and Israel were now in a full-blown diplomatic crisis that threatened stability in the Middle East the Israeli ambassador to Jordan was summoned to the Royal Palace the malapa soil mesophyll Israeli rotate Iran what am i Blair who look upon the battle organy an artisan fee were not o muhammad whoop men her community Tobin will achieve Canada Yanni Vasily llama creamy we can grazie tante Lima Peru ho Mahabharatha lesser Alabama what the hell a now Jeannine with tensions high Kinnison ordered his security forces to surround the Israeli embassy in her man where other members of the Mossad assassination team were believed to be hiding Tim hasar Tsavo foreign badminton Mevlana montebello Dania - I'm ahadith foreign generated nama but her Jimmy a lizard Owen had a little arc and Asafa let Sofia Sofia iconography new who were heavily in Safari Pandora and the Mahabharata - South Nashville a loosely ecstatic setting up the hamsa Leah a FEMA Haddad Geneva total war artists Aurelio La Juicy rose room area chopped off the loan Ida Geneva Tammy sefirot I met the feasts of Arad with the challah moocher mean I'm open Muhammad of the earth what an orderly Geneva lata me remember that when I was in Jordan I came especially to the embassy in order to talk to him to them so I saw them immediately after the failure but of course I didn't talk to them lengthly what I had to do then is just to encourage them because they will highly dispelled all of them all those four that I met in the embassy they felt that they failed they were in a very deep despair and I had to you know to encourage them and to tell them don't worry everything everything will be okay it was still unknown how many members of the Mossad team were India Israeli embassy but the priority for Jordan was to find out about the poison used by the tomb against the Hamas leader King Nelson laid down jordan's demands israel must hand over the antidote that would lead to the revival and full recovery of Halima shyly Israel must give Jordan full information about the nature of the poison used in the attack Israel must hand over the device used to spray the poison into Michelle's ear calamy Sofia Alabama Oh Harlan apostle ma Netanyahu Parliament at area one Almaty some bacteria voluma fish mascara a man Madison our fellow wobble aho Netanyahu Lisa feel unhappy and mad to Ottawa Surabaya Pawnee state asset when an F Serena for Tuchman severe they had each other Salam cuddly taro honey none of zahana King Hussein understood that he was in a very good position with at least two Mossad agents in his prison and possibly more trapped at the UM at the Israeli embassy but he also well understood that in order to make Israel comply with his term King Hussein set midnight on Saturday night as the deadline by which Israel had to hand over these items otherwise the Israelis ran the risk of an assault and military assault on the on the embassy they also ran the risk of King Hussein announcing to the world that as far as he was concerned the Middle East peace process was dead during the night of September 25th 1997 mashaallah remained in a coma the Mossad plan had been for the assassination to be carried out silently leaving no trace it involved a slow-acting but lethal poison that had been sprayed into Michelle's left ear the poison would cause the brains respiratory center to gradually shut down there would be no apparent evidence of any weapon mission would be expected to die within 48 hours with no clear reason for his death magma tamina clue let Medina Anakin die mentality Salman from Anna's elta Arif Chehalis area debacle admission fee federal money barrel in Havana status after lane jimenez lle No Khaled Mashal Amba mood oh okay Nana normally listen Aisha a dream it was a Lula malumat Kaffee Sahay no lackin can phenomenal it affectin been madeira Mahabharat moosa boomers ook hull yanny an author on maluma - new canal the selfie mode or hell admission by Elton is not suitable Nami topic Adele Moldavian attack on kill cetera the fazil the kike annaleigh LaRon Keanu am beaten maja legit Khaled Mashal ubusuna no Adele Hackett are bad Salman genuine Yanni be Bill Mussolini or Tony lacking lalume attorney to fascinate satella local admission doctors at the asain Medical City Hospital where Misha lay in a coma were struggling for a diagnosis yusuf kuzuzade personal physician and manager of the royal medical services which ran the hospital he and his team were doing their best in a race against time to save Michelle's life rocked a CD a container a Madeira had a met to be muscle a can if he had to laugh had it Adam telephone well he showed table am and taketh well if a trot merrily at work of an official when I'm out of to be an animal cocoon oh dear haha Anwar mineral add we elated turbot maracas a therapist you the doctors suspected Michelle may have been sedated the symptoms he displayed were similar to those of someone who had undergone anesthesia for surgery they called in dr. Samir Baba one of the top and east the tests at the same Medical City and facet of A&E know be screamin a war on Iraq has hello in the cabin who has a no honey vinegar is il Illinois de anima had met demo header Allah he trainee in while modèle Mohammed actor Alomar casita novice limo Jew Sigma tell me Lucia late ye-hoo film are highly favored Holly wasallam Madre Nina who had Authority devil Amado you can even give Nava Safinaz career and even acero till Phil botulinum fille du Bois politeness hakuna Menachem Oh Paula - Baku morenillo stimulation Hafiz eat balut nervous hi Lara Manhattan can attend a hospital in Montebello when Arab al Habibi Yanni became me experimental national Mahathir McCain and the IFRIC run Westy on effets module taro allah Hockney expiry min ma de madera no Enma the doctors concluded a large amount of an opiate like drug had been administered to Michonne their tests showed it was a drug with a similar effect to morphine such a drug administered in a high dose would have the effect of disabling the body's respiratory system whadda ya know Tom have no beep Erica an EGD no Enma littlepetal Hakan imperical ultrasound - Laura doddle med empirical Duma has Valencian paella large trial Majid an Illumina Luxan an arcane Ibarra an alert behalf is El maracas L TANF or Fatima who al antidote a multi-channel modality has a ghoulish way Alchemist Aaron arcane van Valen witnesses horn episode on an Akuma vahana Bella Hara and monkey near a ho Halina overnight a new da moon Awad Nashua Colorado Halina a second a VDI ability first polymeric topology has attained offices su-9 well topic an old dr. Pamela n-no had well hello London Murphy health any network jeez more each Hallows Manito anti-wrinkle Keeley unparalleled it commits a tort obal talisman Dewey dr. semi-auto ha yes aha Laurette with radio Tom and Tom would be Barada nada que aquí en el Incendia telephoto madam tack ribbon OT la la familia del Hajj le Monken hermano a lot more finale but Latifah's are attend polka dot del morphine woven apology has muscled OTL adolescent with a jihad character to be a Sahara Mia hi Roger the doctors administered a drug usually used for counteracting opiate overdose this timely medical diagnosis helped save Michele's life but as the doctors were treating Michele the political conflict was still playing out Israel had complied with Jordan's demands within a few hours the antidote reached the hospital in a man it was immediately examined by the hospital lab and it was not what it first appeared ja doctora more Africa elytra mobile AMA well gatim yam puree a tatami Libre Elmo da da de Talib nominal haqiqa can mokuba driven in with a he'll have Metro at a motel fee the Mahalalel motto of him fear and alarm can who a napkin will allege mudada leotard dr. semi were sight are are a double attire one cut elmerita at Calallen harkaman been a desolate come to Bahama Bagley Missoula fee haggle Muslim 51 hi Kelly no she has Elysee doorman monitor awfully O'Malley and Mossad Tom Dokdo no holla I'm GCM to fossil Allah not let be bilhuber Howell was ill alum Hillel in Harlan on e oh Lola animal had alumina Fiji has or no Tom Dokdo lack in a CAD limited Merriman Masada with a quija and no Heather G has done lot Oh Billy Billy Emily tell it Fidel Oh Lord Oh Nina Damita hot dose and she has on Enochian woman soft cotton McManus Raeleen and toughest ill med the list or military has Elise torment château de la yaani by daniel alamo by daniel my refill army [Music] on Saturday September 27 1997 Khalid Michele woke from a coma at first it appeared he had returned from the dead [Music] the media knew nothing of the secret negotiations between Jordan and Israel and King essence demand for the antidote Michels colleagues had also been in the dark about the reasons for his recovery young service to a Metallica massager but a la habra lead instead of a national mentor of 'no lam nourishing well a leisurely dinner table enameled work let me adopt a melody Jarrah had Esther to the de havilland female bats Amina and Annika to react on a dad around Israel al-hattal Callum sorry Nana lemon tree cricket salmon egg elect Messiah LM LM noble lad wish across my lemonade art in eustacia well I mean rocku manu DNA analyst reliable adultery Aachen had a man tamma tanaka Luffy Visalia Layla and honest I thought Roger John Harvey - howdy forever and enemy not mean misol-ha miss Layla in Osama algebra illa ma table solitude una had in any hotel originated I am ma'am were Rita loss only and they were startled why were enough Adela Calvin and I let out the door will also come to select Roma alone let attacker and hopeful tennis academy effort and even Salewa Tiffany's selected feature of the horrible Juna the Sultan muhuali own concept Dino come to the lintel any verse he affected Layla live too far away okay namu Jared no vocabulary felice masseur and you know do her yourself you [Music] you the assassination attempt against Hamas political leader Hallowed Michelle dominated the headlines in the local media the Jordanian government imposed tight restrictions on any visits to Michelle at the hospital it was impossible to contact him nevertheless one enterprising journalist managed to take a picture of mission shortly after he awoke from a coma news of the deal over the antidote soon emerged with Michelle recovering the story now developed on another front Israel was keen to recover the two agents who had been caught after they had sprayed Michelle with the deadly narcotic it also needed to extricate the rest of the hit squad from the Israeli embassy in Hammond then surrounded by Jordanian security forces jordan demanded a prisoner exchange as a condition for the release and safe passage of the Israeli agents it demanded Israel relisha Hamada scene the founder of Hamas [Music] Jordan also demanded Israel release a further 50 Palestinian and Jordanian prisoners it was holding yes Ian had been an outspoken supporter of armed resistance against Israel in 1989 Israel had sentenced him to life imprisonment Israel was going to have to pay a high price for its bungled assassination attempt I think that the it was clear that Israel should do whatever it can to released and as fast as possible these two Mossad agents this was clear and and I think that Benjamin Netanyahu was acting calculate ly moderately and wisely you know people say about Netanyahu and I'm not an attorney often people say about Netanyahu that he doesn't know how to work under pressure that someone it can easily make him nervous etc I can say that he should not have authorized the killing in a man because of the relations between Israel and Jordan but when the screw-up happened he was leading the rescue attempt the rescue effort in a very wise way so it was clear that a price should be paid whether the price must have been up with you seen this is you know this is a counterfactual history question that I cannot answer I can say that the release of Ahmed Yassin have caused great damage to Israeli national security and led to the killing of many Israelis [Music] the man chosen by Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to finalize the exchange of prisoners was then Israeli infrastructure minister Ariel Sharon Sharon can was erebuni Tatia a Swami zulan another merav I can massage Sharon Anjali Abba who led a Tyr with the minimun where as mohammed atta boy he sure was a la la la le Lu Horatio mobile on hi Kelly general is really a foot cool ISM affable leash Allah yeah do mo not have edema paper miss welcome adorable Dima my Fifi precision and coma had Martha kept Jerry mentally Murphy fella here abbulu Maharaja Mian hotle Morton in so calm before our video of a say at well Amin Mubarak okay no pirate ello captain Cole cousin well Tim Tabata Willie asthma hypothetical work v DM acetyl helicopter lands sir Owen had finally agreed to Jordan's demands and approved the prisoner exchange deal the negotiations were kept a closely guarded secret a few days after the secret deal Kinnison attended a gathering at the meeting he publicly hinted to his people that things were being taken care of the King was on the verge of a diplomatic victory though he maintained a so long term table I had that nanner limo Howard a demon instead of had had why would it allow mobile a stop initech Heat and I knew hacker they said he you mean and Bookman Larry Amin the not ever held our Anatomy on Neruda Kinnison had obtained a successful conclusion to the crisis from Jordans point of view just months earlier he had to apologize after a Jordanian border guard had shot dead seven Israeli schoolgirls well gee had a mess back then he'll under a lot of pressure from Israel following the assassination attempt against Michelle the tables were now turned hope you had easy Levi's sophiana me Muhammed it then can let work my rigid manager ah he'll be there but they know the miss very high atmospheric assalamo a lock at the head absolutely [Music] on September 30 1997 five days after the attack on Khalid mission King Laius and welcome town Ned the Hamas founder shit a medicine he had been flown out of Israel on a private Jordanian jet and then helicopter to the same Medical City the same hospital where mission was being treated [Music] yeah it'll be a SWOT fired holy capita the first Sam happen how the inertia comedy scene by ma la yaani had booty I behaved incision he fell Kiana Sohyun good today honey ham loony the hepta surfer I will watch he had a warfare hustle that he went to actually see emojis idea to be a good hider and a Harlequin the solver soft and surfer while Leo wall Maura era el para allá moody a little captor topped Allah McKenzie and as a hat when he interested to beer were I to Yanni kuji-shi comedy scene behaving Allah whatever Allah Karim Allah who Kenya sayin ordered his medical team to treat you see he was then due to be flown to Gaza the seein had been worried his release would really permanent exile from Palestinian land that was not to be the case Sakina matahari dandy sriracha - job well II was all laugh she manages him avatar attorney woman an alcohol area in the yes taco well the habitable Kareem even a man ah Hawaii soffit overshot too miserable to Seoul Shahana Jason Lobo Tejada la voix forehead McQueen under illa ala Sorrento inshallah controller G wahoo have you gotten Masha Tamara Putin you can random Asia and y'all did you while yaseen was in hospital numerous Arab leaders and dignitaries visited a man to pay their respects one such figure was then Palestinian president Yasser Arafat yeah scenes release was the first step in the prisoner exchange deal the next was to be the lifting of the security cordon around the Israeli embassy in ham man after a week of medical treatment in a man it was then time for you seen to return to Gaza he had been born in a village near the city of Ashkelon during the British Mandate of Palestine but he and his family were forced to flee to Gaza in 1948 as a result of what Palestinians call the NECA or catastrophe religion Allah SWT done on our melodies women for me jump shoot alarms muster job you can't hang up silver the trophy laksa you Yassin gave a press conference before leaving for Gaza he was asked many questions but there were still few details about the deal which had secured his release however helicopters were seen taken off from the headquarters of Jordanian intelligence just opposite to the SN Medical City many of the journalists paid little attention to the helicopters they were more preoccupied with the essenes press conference but the exchange deal was being played out as Yasin spoke the two Mossad agents were being released just as Yasin was on his way home and I will will Medina to be a gambit Allah sushi Telecom terrain ambit ero bhatia al madina el khalili Ali himavan Alma Jabara one beautiful la fête in chiba hey Ellen can see le copter nutter mention Akkad Ahmed Yassin irregularity has a relative a will will more idle whatever Sofia meetha meetha cheela Willa copter Athenian mission Vanina married honey or danila lapis lazuli and no hair or Dhoni a meteor for Allah Magna Mahabharat la fête antipodal hockey ballast Atossa many mobile be bad l-mursaleen Lake Turkana terrible akhirin wa headman home button which Lahiya diable Smalley Hoopfest irani Maldives a Bahama liudmila can an altitude on a bar F and no helicopter odds ratio no haven for sorrow for a banal Mahavira he'll head beyond eno-kun Toto kisara a millennial Mossad Eliana Maha kitchi yaya Salib Bhutto Hartnett a key to Liholiho beyond it here la huge moderate medicinal or tombola copter LaBella resi Murtaugh Vita be clocks are hell out slim Allah israelian Allah Helene and all and no Lilly copter Allah had concealed how have enough self être I wanna a tabula fragile me why should i when i local Luna was enough to add - Salam well a canoe that I'm delighted hockey laulima bad my optical intensity mocha demon chef Eocene Oba Shambo Hamid nozzle and Jimenez Algeria what Kenya idle calamity huge diamond can water column she feeis inna llaha mo Anna - ejecta - al too low she share scene shooter Iraq nickel an anti-bacterial a la vella deck lacking taman can at luck Sarah am Elena Mossad Lika MOBA Amelie to the hell admission dialer back code you will will ya analysts grab can o Alawis show alibis from Edna zealot Hadassah Sawa Biden was early so an him another alien Takeda - lowly recouped era to literally Shui Feehan am Elena Mossad director Alan Berta ban kenja weapon and on men on high alumina sorry Norman mukada Oh Mahalo a la mode oh man what a nice raw alchemy and Oda and with all the time yeah how am i doing Blanton is looking Shifa Majesty the founder of Hamas was on his way back to Gaza had admission the movements political leader had earlier been discharged from the same hospital having made a full recovery Israel had recovered the Mossad agents captured after their bungled attempt to kill mission Israel had sought to conduct a silent and undetected assassination the end result could not have been more different from the initial time the operation proved a fiasco and ended up boosting the prominence and popularity of two of its most implacable enemies there were many lessons to be learned from what happened in Jordan in 1997 in many levels of operations and planning of operations planning of escape routes etc etc as far as I know they were learn and implemented on other operations done by K SIA the special operation division of Mossad well it's very clear that the one who gained there were two people who gained a lot from the assassination one of them is Sher Singh who regain his freedom the second one is holid marshal who became a hero and I think Khalid Marshall would not have been a being able to overpower Musa a bomber Zook in becoming the leader of hamas if it was not for Mossad he owes parts of his career to the failed assassination attempt Leszek and had he Mahalalel had hit Haditha maha facility teracle Holika Oh Ellen Hallie Adamas Hashem Zhu Zhu mu a Maserati Gonzales lady Lara domina lucid interval a Qian and the official Mossad had an official at the rear went a towel Mahalo a rod her netanyahu with any atone reason who said she'd ethical rot Emily had hardly a sahiba summit official way her little kasi with Danny and then who said Lisa's flora when 30-bed mesito Bhutto whadya of sheltered in Mahalo Allah Raja Lenoir hidden Stata and you've said Ali him head in Mahara roman-era million few morality Low Energy had module assume alleges me another John had he'll have a laser cut Lee belly start to hire from the later ila in a man not a general differential medicine Romano rather than just a vimini attacted Lacan bill Corral mr. Jericho about the delica Aleph Raja and she comedy a Sinkin LMFAO ha had a fever saddle heart Hammond had a hill Amelia Kenneth a man and I have a municipal israelian ladies official Amory FSBO intimate blocks are our ship Ahmed Yassin who can help you ingest well ingest can Erika Thomas when Odin Cavelli Knesset RL Malik Rahim Hussein any time and hockey cotton banker with a care with the hair she had a module on sitar Anuj a year hair deal happy Elezra alia name is lahat bill order even and Emma UNITA teaming mode Iranian Lee hurdle hadith a whole and Helen hadith carrot in McKesson and Letty hutter ha rocket Hamas min who can be rigid then we had an otaku comic acid can be a legitimate Anna Hazare who what often is really no bubble masala fun would be I know how to lure your Sarala a dirty Jerry mouse laughing whoo midget another plan Nia say timid love survival matter him and miss Alma Sarah less elaborate tile Munna Thakur venema board con una vez es um me well I talked to Daniel Attila an acronym like a delay kaffir well a cannula and Ozma ha Minelli better Hattie and Nirmala who said human lady in NFL America wha ha certain and heard Hill and yet had that hologram so you know Sara Hatton relative Azusa uni waka della Casa de rozier carriage it Canada Delino Allah Dalek warmest ADA is Sofia l cannot even lko Seohyun in la huaca de la torta del kyun Fiamma little too early yes I think that positive outcome of this operation even though it failed was that Hamas understood and the heads of Hamas understood that we will chase them no matter where they are there should not be any safe haven for any terrorist and there should not be any immunity to any terrorist so the tourists should understand that they will be chased even if they are behind the black mountains or behind the blue seas there should not be no toast should enjoy the feeling the tea is in a place where those people the chasing will not be able to reach him every terrorist should understand that there is no safe haven on the earth to the hosts and that they will never enjoy immunity they will be chased until they will be eliminated the Hamas movement was not the only winner from Israel's bungled assassination attempt against Hal admission King Hassan of Jordan also emerged from the crisis having reconfirmed his credentials as a shrewd operator a player in the Middle East who can manage relations with both Israel and Hamas there were several heroes in different levels King Hussein obviously he was fighting a desperate battle to save himself and to do that he had to extract a deal that was going to satisfy so many different constituencies he had to satisfy the Palestinian half of his own population he had to satisfy father he had to satisfy Hamas he had to satisfy a good portion of the Arab world that suspected him because of his relations with Israel and with Washington and similarly with the Islamic community in the world so he was playing to multiple constituencies and it was a it was a very clever tap-dancing act on his part following the bungled assassination operation Israel's media criticized both the government and the Secret Service for a double humiliation of failing on the plan to kill the Hamas leader without detection and of being forced to release the founder of Hamas from its jail in 1999 Netanyahu lost his bid for re-election and temporarily retired from politics in 2009 he became prime minister for a second time for his part Mossad chief and mastermind of the attack Daniel at home resigned from his post you have to understand that it is not it is not something personal that I failed and now I will do my utmost in order to succeed no I did it on the name of the State of Israel I did it in order to save lives of Israelis against those terrorists and unfortunately in a war there are successes there are lost there are also failures you Holle admission meanwhile has gone from strength to strength and in December 2012 he made an emotional visit to Gaza to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Hamas movement [Music]
Channel: Al Jazeera English
Views: 482,285
Rating: 4.5085759 out of 5
Keywords: Moddas, Al Jazeera World, palestine, danny yatom, Khaled Meshaal, Kill him silently, Israel, Hamas, Meshaal assassination, aljazeera, assassination attempt, leader hamas, what is hamas, kill him silently part 2, al jazeera, hamas, hamas 2016, son of hamas, hamas vs israel, hamasyan tigran, hamasaku, hamas 2017, hamas news, killing him silently, al jazeera english, khaled meshaal assassination, Kill Him Silently: Mossad vs Khaled Meshaal, Mossad vs Khaled Meshaal, hamas leader
Id: nz-2H_InvAA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 30sec (2850 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 30 2013
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